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How to meet a girl in a club: original ideas, tips and tricks for a successful dating. How to meet the hottest girl in a nightclub Hooked up a girl in a club

Dating & Pickup

How to meet a girl in a club

Getting to know a girl in a club is one of the most interesting and exciting tests that can fall on a guy's head. And the trick is that girls initially come to the club to have a good time and meet interesting people, hence we have a huge number of pretty girls and a lot of competition among men.

However, absolutely any guy can grab a nice girl who will not only brighten up his evening at the club, but also agree to continue a closer relationship later. To do this, you just need to know the basic principles of dating and avoid dynamo, bred.

Acquaintance in a club - basic theory

So, when a girl is going to a club, she expects to spend a pleasant time there, have fun and meet interesting people. It is for this reason that the girl tries to show herself in all her glory and achieve admiration from others. And on this principle the main rule of dating a girl in a club is based: “A guy should look so that the girl feels that it is he who makes her popular and successful.”

However, it should be obvious to you that if you try to pick out a girl who is very popular with men, and she herself is dragged from such attention, then this option will be a failure for you. Therefore, immediately sweep away all the girls who fit into this category.

Further, you should understand that a large number of busy girls also come to the club, who just dance and relax from their serious relationships in it. Most often they can be identified by a large number of drinks and a condescending look at girls of the first category. It is better to exclude such girls, although if their boyfriend has not been up to par lately, you can get to know them too, but this is at your own peril and risk.

Separately, there is a category of girls who "eat and drink" at someone else's expense. Most often, they look quite impressive, their movements are slow, and they prefer to be near older men, although there are also plenty of hunters for young guys. Naturally, it is better not to approach such girls, because apart from losing money, you will not achieve anything. However, if you have agility and cunning, and the girl sees this, then she will be interested in you, because they love guys of their type.

The best option for dating is a modest girl who does not show herself actively on the dance floor and is in a slight shock from everything around her. Most often, such girls are brought in for company by friends of other categories, and they do not understand what they should do. This is the perfect victim.

  • Firstly, she will be grateful to you that among all the spectacular and pompous girls you paid attention to her. She also wants to feel popular and successful.
  • Secondly, she will want to rub her nose to her friends, because it was she who was approached by such a chic guy. Oh, this female competition and envy!
  • Thirdly, it is these girls who most often leave you a real phone, and subsequently have sex with you.

It is important to know about dating in the club. If you're trying to get a girl in a club to have sex with you on the first night, then you can do it. But the quality of such a girl and the safety of sex with her will raise many questions. Therefore, if you understand that a girl is ready to have sex with you on the very first night of your acquaintance - Change the Girl!

How to pick up girls

Obviously, there will be plenty of guys in the club besides you, both with money and with good looks, so you shouldn't focus on these two indicators. Your task is simply to look “normal and calm”. Those. if it is customary for guys your age to go to the club in shirts and trousers, then put on a shirt and trousers: no more, no less. In some places you even have to blend in with the crowd.

You shouldn't count on booze either. Firstly, now such girls have gone that they themselves will sing any man, and secondly, a drunk girl will not be able to adequately accept your communication. And this is a guarantee that the very next day after your message or call, she will throw you into ignore. And that means you wasted your time, energy and money.

Therefore, you should rely solely on your confidence and ability to inspire girls that you are exactly the man they have been looking for and waiting for so long. And this is achieved by the following rules:

1) On the dance floor you behave calmly, solidly and neatly. No sudden movements of arms and legs. You can take a lot of space around you to show your confidence, but you should not do it too pompously and furiously, as it sometimes happens.

2) You must not keep your hands in your pockets and drink excessively at the bar or in your place. Girls prefer neat and restrained guys, and not those who pour themselves into a horse dose of alcohol, or, on the contrary, are squeezed in a corner.

3) Your behavior should be calm, but you should radiate joy and positive. Girls like it when guys act joyfully. This is a great opportunity to give yourself a plus.

How to get a girl's attention in a club

The best way to get a girl's attention and "feel the scene" is with a look, a smile, and a slight shake of the head. You kind of look at the girl and let her know that you are interested in her, and then you wait for her answer.

  • If she was embarrassed or smiled at you in response - this is "Yes."
  • If she made a stone face - it's "No".

So you can choose a girl who will be glad for your attention, which means that we work with her.

When you approach her, you will first need to say a couple of banal words “Hello, how are you”, and then immediately move on to a fun conversation: “I saw you and was just shocked. I said to myself: "Alexander, you must meet such a nice girl, and here I am."

What to talk about with a girl in a club

By the reaction of the girl to the acquaintance and her appearance, you can easily determine: she wants to talk or it's time to pull her to the dance.

Conversations are usually conducted on the account of:

  • The reasons why she came to the club;
  • Who came to the club with her;
  • Where does she live, what does she do?

After these answers, start acting as if you have known her for a long time, and now you need to have fun, not talk. After all, the girl will be glad that you kept her company.

What to do at the end of the evening in the club

After you chat with the girl and find a common language with her, you will need to take her phone, or whatsAPP, or something else like that. Do not even try to persuade the girl to go to her or to you this evening. Let for her you remain a decent guy who liked her, and you had a good time together. This will help you to reach her in the future, and even then seduce and bring the matter to a victorious end.

The club differs from other places, such as the street, cafes and shops, with a special atmosphere. People come to it to get new emotions, which means they are tuned in to new acquaintances. It remains only to use it correctly.

Many guys have already failed more than once in this "arena" of dance and entertainment. This is all due to ignorance of how to behave properly. Experienced seducers filled themselves with a bunch of bumps before deducing the rules of dating in clubs.


Seduction in the club does not begin with the first words, but from the moment when you just go there. Girls are very closely watching all the incoming and immediately give an assessment of their sexual attractiveness.

There will be enough guys in the club who can compete with you in your appearance. Therefore, you should not rely only on him (as in any other type of dating). It is enough to remember the rule: your clothes should be clean and moderately fashionable.

To attract attention, it will be good if you have one bright piece of clothing on. For example, an unusual shirt

Smile when you enter the club. A smile is an indicator of your confidence and relaxation. Entering the club with a serious face, you show that you are loaded with something and initially not sure of your success in finding a girl for the next night.

Since you came to the club to relax and seduce, after a short time you can drink A little alcohol. The main thing - do not overdo it, otherwise you will no longer be up to the girls.

How to attract attention

Be active, show that you feel good (even if you came to the club alone). You can smile and/or wink at the girl you like. When you drink alcohol, raise your glass up as if you are clinking glasses with her. In those moments when music is playing loudly, and you do not have the opportunity to approach it right now, such non-verbal signs of attention will be very useful.

Your posture should represent confidence. Example: one hand should hold a glass of alcohol, and the thumb of the other hand should be in your pocket (so that the hand is near the pocket, but not inside).

What to talk about

Do not talk to a girl on banal topics. People come here to relax and have fun. The atmosphere of the club does not give you the right to ask the girl where she studies. Banal questions are what will immediately kill your attractiveness (especially on the territory of the club).

It is better to start a conversation "on the situation". Make a small conclusion about her, based on your feelings from her appearance or behavior. Tell a couple of stories from your life or the life of friends about an interesting pastime in the club.

Remember also that loud music is not only a hindrance to conversation. This is a good reason to start touching a girl. Those. say something in her ear, while slightly hugging her waist. And in this case, you will have the full moral right to immediately go to this level of touch.

Those. you approach her, put your arms around her waist and whisper your first phrase in her ear. The main thing is to do it confidently.

Unshakable Truths

Don't you dare look at the dance floor alone (exception: when you are talking with a girl about some kind of dance and, as it were, at the same time watching people dancing). Looking at him, you create the impression of a loser, and your attractiveness decreases with terrible force.

You can attract attention with dance only if you you really know how to do it. Otherwise, you will only spoil the impression about yourself and in vain rely on your not very strong side. Train yourself in the ability to dance. A girl can ask you to dance, and then this skill will come in handy.

Don't focus on just one girl. The ideal communication in case of seduction in the club will be a dosed interest. This means that you chat with a girl for a while, and then go to your friends or another girl. In this case, do not pick up the phone immediately. Those. this is such a small “closer-further” within the framework of one nightly communication. During the time that you are not around, she will have time to miss you. And the next time you go to her, she will want to communicate with you.

Be relaxed! Don't stress for no reason. If you have some kind of internal tension (fears, communication barriers), then remove them with another small portion of alcohol. You can go to the restroom for 5 minutes, wash and freshen up.

Remember that the club is a place actions. And "supporting the walls" you will not succeed. Acting according to the above rules, your acquaintance can develop into a very pleasant continuation at your home.

What images come to your mind when you hear "nightclub"? Something vulgar, unacceptable, cheap alcohol, expensive entry and wasted time?
By the way, I did not introduce myself, my name is Vadim. For 10 years now I have been answering people's questions: how to meet a girl in a nightclub?

Myth 1. "A normal girl won't go to a club." There are only fools and prostitutes.

Well, at first glance, you're right. If, upon entering the club, you look around, it becomes obvious: the girls came here for a specific purpose. I'm talking about acquaintance, not what you thought. To do this, they use all the AI ​​Catchers - all the best that nature has awarded them and what they bought at the last sale. Vulgar clothing, makeup-inducing, loud laughter, a lipstick-stained cigarette in one hand and a glass in the other. Here is an approximate portrait of a girl in a nightclub. Strongly gives cheapness. But! The question arises - why? And the answer is quite simple. How else to get your attention if you're so indecisive? This whole masquerade is for you, yes, just for you. Do you think the girls themselves like it? She changed her comfortable slippers for heels, and preferred loud music to a quiet evening with a book for the sole purpose of giving you a reason to approach her at last.

Every girl has been to a nightclub at least once in her life. But that doesn't say anything about her. One of my students met in a club with a tipsy girl in a defiant red dress. Relations began. As it turned out, the girl is modest, from a decent family, and at the club she celebrated her birthday with friends.

Moral: do not rush to hang labels.

Myth 2. "Well, what club without alcohol." And so that the evening does not go boring, you definitely need to get drunk.

Well, who told you that? Before you go to a nightclub, ask yourself: “Why am I going there? Break away, or get to know?". If the answer is to party, and you can't do that without alcohol, then congratulations, you're in trouble. Let's be honest: as one of my students says: "If you cannot cheer yourself up, without alcohol and other means, then you cannot do this under their influence." And if so, why? Alcohol will partially relax you, "relieve responsibility", but will not give you confidence. It will only cloud your perception.

Consider the other side, for example, the so-called club pickups. They go to nightclubs with one goal - to make a "plus one", that is, to pick up another new girl. We must pay tribute to these guys, if I were the state, I would give them Viagra for free, because who else but they make 80% of unsatisfied Moscow girls happy, even if only for one night. The bottom line is that a pickup truck is an expensive business, it requires investments, ranging from appearance to condoms and antiseptics. So, club pick-up artists, with all the pros and cons, do not drink alcohol! Well, or they do it in very small quantities to maintain a conversation with a girl.

Another friend of mine, by the way, is just a club seducer who survived the financial crisis, for about two years he went to nightclubs with money, which was enough only for a taxi home. And oddly enough, he often took away beautiful girls in this very taxi. As you understand, he did it in a sober state and this is the key point.

Myth 3. You need to be able to dance.

This is, in my opinion, the most common myth about nightclubs. Let me start by saying that I can't dance. At all. I had a couple of moments when I felt at my peak and it seemed to me that I was the star of the dance floor, Michael Jackson, but now about something else.

I once met in a nightclub with two girls. The first is quiet, the other, on the contrary, is an inexhaustible flow of energy. Since I came alone and there were two girls, I called and invited a friend to share the evening with us. However, he was supposed to drive up only an hour later. So I was torn between a still pool and fiery lava. I remind you that I can't dance. And the energizer girl dances in full and attracts attention, and I liked her more. Pop music was playing, the rhythm was perceptible, and then, looking into her eyes, I simply began to repeat her movements. Imagine that you are a mirror. And just show her her own movements, as if in reflection. In psychology, there is even a special term: “mirroring”. On a subconscious level, it is almost impossible not to fall in love with your reflection. After dancing, she repeated to me several times that I was a great dancer, although I know that this is far from being the case. This is the only seduction that I remember with dancing in nightclubs.

From this we conclude that dancing in nightclubs is possible, but not necessary.

Myth 4. To get into the club, you must be "in the party".

We are talking mainly about Moscow's hyped clubs, where there is a strict face control at the entrance, and, indeed, not everyone is allowed in. Everything is simple here: if you can’t get into this club, go to another. Next time you should think carefully about your appearance. How to pass face control, I will write later, in a separate article.

Myth 5. It's smoky in there.

This has ceased to be a problem, since in the capital's establishments they have not smoked for a long time. But there are places where you can still smoke, such as open-air nightclubs (open-air), verandas or parties on yachts. Yes, I agree that if you do not smoke, you are disgusted to be in a smoky room and it is unpleasant to communicate with a smoking person. But accept the fact that in Russia 40% of the population smokes. In a word: what to be, that cannot be avoided.

One of my students met his future wife thanks to that very “light”. She has since quit smoking. By the way, take note: it is much easier to meet a girl you like on the street when she comes out for a smoke. Still, it can be difficult to shout over the music in the club. And here there is a topic for dating itself. The banal “can’t find a lighter?” fit perfectly.

Myth 6. They trample and push. Can't do without serious bodily injuries?

Here, too, everything is simple. You can't cook scrambled eggs without breaking eggs. There are always a lot of people in popular nightclubs and that's where the cutest girls go. True, all hunters aspire to the same place. No matter how large a nightclub is, if it is promoted, of course, crowds of people cannot be avoided. And again, I urge everyone to turn this situation for good. These moments allow you to touch girls without too much shyness.

I witnessed another fateful acquaintance, which later grew into something much more. It all started with the fact that an unfamiliar girl on the dance floor accidentally stepped on my friend's foot. He turned her towards him and said: “If you were a guy, I would hit you ...” And it all ended with a wedding.

Myth 7. "Without expensive clothes anywhere."

Everyone knows the feeling “I must look bad.” Yes, yes, I know you think that if you are not wearing couture, you are doomed to failure in advance. The evil uncle at the entrance, having estimated the cost of your outfit at a glance, will push you aside with his mighty shoulder. You will not be able to be on a par with others, because in nightclubs "everyone is so fashionable." You will not be able to properly relax and make the right impression. Of course, a lot depends on the club itself, which can be classified as pretentious and the presence of guests in stylish clothes can be considered a necessary terms of dress code. But there are also nightclubs that are less picky about the form of clothing. The main thing is that everything looks neat and stylish. Plus a reserve of self-confidence, it definitely compensates for a slight omission in the high cost of clothes. But this rule doesn't just apply to nightclubs, does it? And about the girls a separate conversation. You know, if you look people in the eye, they don't see what you're wearing.

Myth 8. "Yes, there are only drug addicts."

First - I hope you are not a grandmother who sits on a bench at the entrance and divides all people into two well-known categories. The second, alas, is partly true. There are drug addicts in nightclubs, but you should not be afraid of them, they themselves are afraid of being exposed, afraid of revealing themselves to those who are unreliable for them. Basically, they will not offer their rubbish to those who are not looking for it themselves. The good news is that I have witnessed several raids by the drug enforcement authorities. The conclusion is: who seeks, he will find, everyone else can relax and enjoy the evening.

Myth 9. "Who's booking the table?" Spoiler: nobody.

And again, a myth associated with some traditions that have survived to this day since the 90s. It's, you know, when a group of strong guys in black leather jackets, takes the table, spreads their 5-kilogram mobiles, purses and keys to 600x Mercedes. They are drugged with beer and other alcohol, in their own way, they pretend to pester women, some guys even manage to invite a couple to their table. What follows is an uncomplicated continuation. This type of recreation in those days was characterized in the morning as "well rested."

The bad news is that a stereotype is deeply rooted in our minds - in order to “have a good rest”, you need to spend money well.

The good news is we're not in the 90s. I have a rich experience of dating in various places, ranging from the first nightclub in Moscow, Arlekino, to the most modern types, Gypsy and Ikon, where I did not buy a table or even a cocktail. And in the end, he left with first-class beauties.

Myth 10. It is necessary to drive up by car, and be sure to put it in front of the entrance. To be noticed.

I agree that the seduction machine is an indisputable plus. But by itself, its presence does not bode well for you. A friend of mine has a father who is a high-ranking official; he drives with a driver in a car with government numbers. This guy, unfortunately, does not know how to make acquaintances at all and believes that he does not need it, since without the slightest effort he is already surrounded by girls. It's really true, he is surrounded by pretty girls, but they are with him only when he has money. Once he took a car from his father and tried to get acquainted. He stopped at the sidewalk next to the girl, lowered the window from his back seat and offered to meet, naturally he was refused. I advised him to get out of the car, but it didn’t help much either. In the end, he quit car dating, returned to the old strategy and is still dating his freeloaders.

Moral: in dealing with girls, the main thing is not whether you have a car or not, but how comfortable you feel without it.

Myth 11. "I need company to go to the club."

As they say, “together is more fun”, but remember that if you are in the company of friends, then the girl has a choice. But if you are alone, then you will get everything, and you will have to choose.

I agree that it is morally easier to be with someone. But, even if you are alone, the girl will take it with a bang, provided that you yourself are comfortable. Perhaps I will reveal a secret, but many girls also go to nightclubs one by one. Guess what for? I can remember a lot of examples when I took girls away, being alone in the club. But the brightest was recently, when I was in St. Petersburg.

I came to this rainy city on business, sorted it out pretty quickly, and I had a Friday evening ahead of me, which I didn’t plan to spend on sleep. I went to the nearest nightclub, but since I got there too early, the club was almost completely empty. I went outside with a cigarette and spoke to a guy who smoked in the same place. He turned out to be a typical clerk, tired of spending Friday evenings inloneliness. I promised to help him. He, in turn, took me to the most famous club in St. Petersburg. To the boundless happiness of my new acquaintance that evening, I introduced him to all the pretty girls of the club and he quickly left with one of them in an unknown direction.

By the way, then he came to me to study in Moscow, but that's another story. And I was left alone again. Of course, not completely alone, all the girls of the club already knew me conditionally and I, not at a loss, chose the one I liked the most and went with her to a nightly study of non-standard St. Petersburg places for sex. The conclusion is that you are your own boss and your own boss. Even if you are alone, nothing prevents you from finding company.

Myth 12. Too loud music, in nightclubs it is impossible to talk.

To begin with, if this is true, then why do people even go to nightclubs? Where did all these stories about club pickups, club hangouts, sex in the toilets of nightclubs, finally come from? Music in nightclubs is, of course, loud, but not stronger than your desire to communicate. And the disadvantage codenamed “too noisy” is again used by skillful seducers for good, for example, to reduce the distance, because the louder it is around, the closer you lean towards the girl. Or she to you. Any deficiency will be corrected. There would be a desire.

Myth 13. “You have to pay at the entrance.”

Again, not really. Most Moscow clubs do not have paid entrance for a long time. But there are places where you need to buy an entrance ticket or at face control you will be offered to buy a deposit card. Again, if you find yourself in a nightclub where admission is paid, be sure that the audience in this place is normal, that some gopnik who came not to rest, but to provoke a fight, will not ruin your vacation. Even more often in places with paid entrance for guys, admission is free for girls. And again you are in the black. You find yourself in a certain raspberry forest, where the main thing is not to get lost. I take my students to places with free admission, since there are more and more such places every year.

Myth 14. Dear booze.

And how did you want? A nightclub is, whatever one may say, a commercial organization, not a wholesale hypermarket. People go to nightclubs to have a good rest, relieve stress and have a good time with friends. The management of the club is betting on this: people drink there, and drink a lot. But you do not have to drink, you have already read about this above. And if you really want to, the bar has an assortment of inexpensive alcohol, the main thing is to carefully look in the menu.

Myth 15. "There will be a fight."

And again: the 90s are in the past. No one will let you fight in a nightclub if you don't want to be blacklisted. The modern way to prove one's case is a verbal duel. And besides, why do you need all this controversy tonight? Well, if you really ran into a conflict, try to hush it up. You came to have a good time, believe me, this does not mean spending it in the emergency room or the police station. It is better to spend it in the company of beautiful girls.

Do you want to feel at home in the nightlife of the city and invariably leave the party with the most beautiful girl?

Come to the Master Class and learn more about how to meet girls not only in nightclubs, but anywhere and in any situation.

Article edited for

Dating and pickup in nightclubs are qualitatively different from dating on the street, in a cafe, at school or at work, because girls and guys initially come to clubs for new experiences and emotions. That is why the club can be called an ideal place to practice communication skills with the opposite sex. We will tell the male part of readers how to meet a girl in a nightclub.

Task 1. Present yourself correctly from the very beginning

It is necessary to attract the attention of the fair sex not at the moment of the beginning of communication, but immediately after the appearance in the club. The female sex is distinguished by attentiveness inaccessible to men, and many girls constantly follow every incoming person, instantly appreciating his attractiveness.

No one can compete with the other guys in the club in everything, but you should follow the “minimum program” - clothes must be absolutely clean and more or less fashionable. It is enough to wear one conspicuous thing - for example, an unusual bright shirt.

When entering an institution, it is better to smile, even if there is no special reason for this.

A smile is subconsciously perceived as a symbol of confidence and carelessness.

Task 2. Be able to feel and control the conversation

It should be understood that if any sounds are drowned out by the music, at this moment it is better not to yell into the girl’s ear or move away from the dance floor to a secluded corner, after which she will be able to focus on what you are saying to her. When the conversation does start, it is not recommended to ask the interlocutor who she works or where she studies - people do not visit clubs at all in order to get bored with routine things there. The conversation must be approached creatively: no banal topics!

You can not underestimate the power of the look - sometimes they can express more than verbally. Pickup masters managed to write entire treatises on non-verbal, i.e. the ability to convey information by the timbre and intonation of the voice, facial expressions, gaze, gestures and body position.

Task 3. Read body language and facial expressions, use empathy

The guy should watch the expression on the girl's face, behind her eyes. This allows you to correctly determine her attitude towards him, her emotional level and, therefore, to understand whether he can hug or kiss her, or if this should be postponed. If discomfort is read on the girl’s face, she may not have had time to get used to the situation.

What is empathy? Empathy - this is how one word can characterize this psychological term.

A specific example: a guy feels that the girl he likes is being careful with him, a little afraid. This tension can be relieved by saying something relaxing and with a bit of humor, for example: “Don’t bother you, in clubs I always get too arrogant.” Such phrases will let her know that he is adequate and does not intend to cause her any harm.

Task 4. Do not give up on mixed companies of boys and girls

In most cases, the club is visited not alone or even in pairs, but by more or less large companies. You can not immediately reject such potential acquaintances just because these people came together. After getting to know the whole company, a guy can make a lot of male friends and next time go on an adventure with them. Moreover, it is they who will certainly offer to meet the rest of the ladies. And in order not to put yourself in an awkward position by “rolling up” to a strange girl, it is enough to observe the relations within the company a little.

Task 5. Learn permissiveness, not be afraid to be arrogant

Even if in reality all these affirmations are far from true, an insecure or inexperienced guy should fix the following settings in his mind:

  1. This is his club, and he is the boss here.
  2. There is no need to deny yourself anything.
  3. The whole party is based on it.
  4. If he likes a girl, he will get her.
  5. Everyone present is extremely happy to see him and eager to get to know him.

To learn how to become more confident in yourself, you can learn from the following video:

Task 6. Be principled

Having received an undeserved turn from the gate by an arrogant or rude girl, the best tactic is to defiantly approach the other. And since the desire to be in the center of attention (especially male) is inherent in almost all ladies, the girl who “rejected” the guy afterward will surely regret her behavior, or even feel a pang of jealousy.

Challenge 7: Don’t Worry About Rejections and Dropouts

If communication with the girl you like did not start, and she refuses to dance, you should not immediately look for a problem in yourself. There are dozens of reasons for such a rejection that are not dependent on the guy:

  1. She is tired of constant "tackling" and does not get acquainted with anyone.
  2. She came with a guy.
  3. Nearby are her friends, which fetters and embarrasses her.
  4. The guy and the girl are now “on different wavelengths” and in a different emotional state, which is why they cannot understand each other correctly.
  5. She corny can not hear him because of the roar of music.

Task 8. Approach, hug and take to the dance floor

Such tactics help to step over the long and tedious initial stage of acquaintance with all his banal "What's your name?" and “Did you come here alone?” Dancing together makes two strangers feel like they've been friends for years.

It is in the dance after accidental or intentional touching that an attraction to each other can develop. Do not be afraid of scandal - in clubs, the vast majority of girls like to get closer without further ado.

Acquaintance succeeded. What's next?

Some guys are lost after the acquaintance in the next club has been successfully completed, and they don’t know how to spend an evening with a girl. Here are some ready-made "recipes" and tips for spending time together:

  1. Take me to the dance floor. In addition to being the most obvious option, this is also a way to impress a girl with your dancing skills (if the guy has taken several club dancing lessons in advance).
  2. Walk around the club. The main thing is that the navigator should be a man so that the girl does not feel the responsibility for entertainment transferred to her.
  3. Visit a karaoke room with her.
  4. Immediately after you managed to meet a girl in a club, it is better to isolate her from her friends with whom she came, so that they do not interfere with rapprochement. After - on the contrary, introduce yourself and chat.
  5. Introduce the lady to your friends. To strengthen the connection with her, the guy may even declare to his acquaintances that this is his girlfriend. It is unlikely that she will begin to object out loud.

Alternative to club dating

For extremely shy people who are still not ready for dating in crowded clubs, we advise you to try your hand at dating sites. This method has a number of impressive advantages:

  1. All information at a glance. You can quickly find exactly the one that you like both as a person and outwardly, without spending days, weeks and months fishing for information from dozens of girls.
  2. Relative anonymity and "invisibility". At any time, you can cut off a boring conversation or acquaintance.
  3. More sincerity. As Cicero used to say, epistula non erubescit - the letter does not blush. Those. On the Internet, people, as a rule, can write about themselves faster and more honestly about what only close friends know about “in real life”.
  4. The most suitable contingent. EVERYONE wants to get acquainted on specialized sites, which cannot be said even about such free places as nightclubs.

Absolutely any young man can approach and get acquainted with a girl in the club, since the very atmosphere of the institution contributes to this. To increase your chances of success, a guy should:

  • present yourself beautifully;
  • choose the right moment and place for the conversation;
  • observe the non-verbal signals of the interlocutor;
  • not be afraid to meet big companies;
  • not one iota to doubt their abilities;
  • have a sense of pride and not indulge arrogant girls;
  • do not worry about "rejections";
  • try the tactics of "hugged and taken to the dance floor."

A nightclub is a great place where you can get a pleasant, easy relationship for the evening, and representatives of both sexes are unanimous in this judgment.
We will tell modern guys how to meet a girl at a disco. Naturally, going on such a hunt in search of a victim, it is necessary to remember a few unwritten truths. Firstly, if the young lady visited a nightclub, remember that she is also set up for active recreation and, of course, will look around in search of a companion for the evening.

Usually, dating in clubs does not end with long-term relationships and the phrase “Their life together was long and happy,” but the expression “You can stay with me ... until the morning” is quite appropriate. So, mademoiselle, who visited the club, is looking for adventures, and in order to facilitate the search and lower the bar somewhat, she periodically consumes the ordered cocktails, and their strength depends on the contingent present.

The heat of the party

As a result, at least half of the guys will like her, the main thing is not to miss your star chance and not wait until she reaches the condition, otherwise you risk getting yourself a headache. This is the whole mistake of the guys, they wait until the girl and her friends get drunk, and only after that they come up to get acquainted. In fact, it is better not to be greedy, so the situation will be under your vigilant control. So now you know the purpose of Madame's visit to the club.

Even if the charmer is married, this does not mean at all that she will react negatively to a new acquaintance or reject your offer to dance, drink ... sleep. Remember, a happy married person will spend their holidays with their lover, and not rush like crazy to entertainment venues in search of happiness. The grand theory that she just wanted to dance is as deceptive as the weather in early spring. If a young lady really loves dance art, she can sign up for a circle, get a huge mirror and spin in front of him at home, and so she demands attention. We found out the reason for the girl's stay in the club, now we will consider your actions before the trip.

Get well prepared for the clubs

Remember, you need to gather carefully and be sure to carry out all hygiene procedures. It is unlikely that a three-day stubble will make you look like Dr. House or Johnny Depp, but you are guaranteed a striking resemblance to local alcoholics. In addition, during passionate kisses - you will not scratch her face. Before going out, it’s better to perfume yourself, while you should use an expensive and persistent cologne that will not fade along the way and will not evoke associations with the “Russian Forest” with its smell. It is better to wear comfortable clothes.

By the way, pretty and self-aware young ladies first of all focus on shoes. Even if you wear super stylish and expensive jeans, it is unlikely that your flip flops will make a lasting impression on her, if they are from Gucci himself. Shoes will be the most suitable, leave sneakers for the gym. If you do not agree with this statement, close your eyes for a minute and imagine a dancing girl in front of you, it is unlikely that she is spinning in sandals or flip flops. She wears high-heeled shoes that accentuate her slender legs.

So, you bought, perfumed, dressed decently and arrived at the club. Naturally, having crossed the threshold of this delightful place, your words immediately scatter when you look at the dancing young ladies - something subtly resembles a flower shop. The main thing is to choose the right flower. If you do not know how to meet a girl in a club, then some recommendations will help you.

Initially, you need to make a circle of honor, show yourself and look at others, evaluate your chances in comparison with the guys present. If you see a crowd of beefy handsome men, do not despair, usually they cannot add up their price and wait for the girls to approach them themselves, and this may not happen at all. No need to stand at the wall with hungry eyes because you have not had love for a long time.

Remember, such a person is easy to identify. You don’t need to stare at the young lady you like for hours, it’s enough to glide over her with a fleeting glance, while it’s best to figure out the figure, it’s unlikely that you will look at her face in bed, but extra pounds, especially if you are not a fan of those, can become a tangible obstacle.
Your look should be somewhat indifferent in order to interest her, but not contemptuously, otherwise female revenge will follow immediately. If the young lady aroused genuine interest, wait a couple of minutes and start the assault. Let's briefly consider two options.

1. The girl answered your greeting and agreed to dance. After that, offer her a cocktail. If she has not refused, you can continue to actively court. Dancing, hugging and showing the others with their actions that she is already “busy”. Then try to get her drunk a little, so you will dull the young lady's vigilance. Order short cocktails so that she does not bring you to white heat with her slowness. Don't wait for the club to close, a few dances, some socializing, a brief introduction about yourself and an offer to take a walk under the starry sky. In a relaxing silence and a romantic atmosphere, it is easier to persuade her to go to you. If the girl announced, we congratulate you, otherwise, you can take the phone number and continue dating the next day.

2. A girl with a cute expression turned you down. Don't come up. In this case, nothing else shines for you: you are not her type, she has already noticed someone, etc. There can be many reasons, like other girls. Therefore, try again in a couple of minutes, so you will not have time to be upset by her refusal, to attract the attention of others with your obvious loneliness, or to get drunk. The main thing is not to get acquainted with anyone from her company. A complete fiasco awaits you, because the female essence is “If he preferred my girlfriend, then I’m a fallback option,” and girls don’t like secondary roles. You need a little charm, alcohol and self-confidence.

In order for your acquaintance to be fruitful, and for you to continue the wonderfully started evening together on your sofa, it is best not to mention ex-girlfriends, your grievances and achievements during the conversation.

It is not necessary to boringly talk about your fast-paced career, it is enough to mention that you masterfully drive your own car and are about to take a short trip. Having your own bolivar works flawlessly on the weaker sex, especially if the girl has already gotten used to guys with cars.

And one last note about dating! Avoid acquaintances with young ladies who sit at the bar, stare around and slowly absorb cheap wine or mineral water. These are ordinary "pick-up artists" in female form. Only if the male eat ends with a bed, then the female one causes significant damage to your wallet without proper compensation. After spending the night together, try to limit yourself to a brief handshake and a kiss on the cheek - morning coffee or even worse breakfast - can be the beginning of a relationship.

Video for guys:

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