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How to develop a strong character. How to pump masculinity How to develop masculine qualities in yourself

Few of the men think about what qualities and criteria a real man should have by nature and temperament. Although in modern society concepts and boundaries have long been erased, as a result of which many women have become stronger and more successful than men. Therefore, seminars, trainings are increasingly being held, books and methods are being created on how to become a man and cultivate the best features of a male character.

All representatives of the stronger sex can call themselves a man, but not everyone will be perceived as such by the opposite sex. Women tend to evaluate men by success, nobility, determination, assertiveness and self-confidence. And psychologists call a complete list of qualities and characteristics that will make a true man out of any representative of the stronger sex.

Being a real man does not mean having a set of male chromosomes or genital organs; in the true sense, a man must be complete and filled with all the necessary qualities. Either women or psychologists who are qualified to understand the essence and characters of people will be able to appreciate the degree of masculinity.

Psychologists note that nature created men as males, endowing them with instincts and natural desires, but a person must educate men in himself as he grows, matures and improves himself. Being a man means being a strong and purposeful warrior who can conquer any peaks on the way to personal growth. This is due to fierce intraspecific competition for living space, but in a modern interpretation.

In modern society, a real man must be a warrior in a different sense, namely, have a strong spirit, self-confidence, the ability to defend his interests and position intellectually, be physically developed for normal performance and the ability to defend himself in emergency situations. Particular attention should be paid to the emotional aspect - a man is supposed to be balanced and collected.

What does it mean: a man in a relationship?

For many women, the assessment of masculine qualities and characteristics is a predetermining factor in choosing a life partner, external data come to the background. Someone needs a brutal and physically strong, someone wants an intellectually developed partner, others evaluate a man by success. And only psychologists can draw up a general picture of how to become an ideal man in relationships with the opposite sex.

Expert opinion

Victor Brenz

Psychologist and self-development expert

Initially, it is worth figuring out what a true man should not be in a relationship with a woman, namely spineless, henpecked and a rag. A man should not tolerate a bad attitude, hush up problems, take revenge or stare at every skirt.

Famous psychologists name several points by which a true man is determined in a relationship with a woman:

  1. Emotionality- a man should be psychologically and mentally mature, serious and restrained. A man differs from a woman precisely in that he does not give in to emotions, hormonal surges and impulsivity.
  2. Egocentrism- men tend to change a woman for themselves, without changing at the same time. Psychologists say that a man should dominate in a relationship, taking a lot of responsibility for himself. But at the same time, you should not break a woman completely, just as you yourself should not break under her pressure.
  3. Mommy or the meaning of life- You should not allow a woman to control absolutely any process in a man's life. In the eyes of a girl, you need to be a guiding and leading partner, and most importantly, do not confuse the role of your beloved woman and mother. Even in the choice of washing powder, a man often has to take part.
  4. Candy-bouquet period- you should not bribe and win over a woman with gifts, it all depends on the relationship and communication between partners.
  5. intimate life- many believe that a man became a real man after he began to have sex. In fact, sex is an art that needs to be learned. If one of the partners in conversations with friends sends, this is the main indicator that the sexual energy is not fully realized. Sex should be regular, liberated, and any desires should be spoken out.

If you decide how to develop masculine qualities in yourself in order to become a real man in relationships with the opposite sex, you can not only create a strong and loving family, but also maintain the correct behavior model for each of its members for life.

How to develop masculine qualities in yourself?

To become a physically and mentally strong man, you need to work on yourself throughout your life, improving in several areas at once. It is quite possible to grow from a boy into a man if you develop several fundamental qualities in yourself:

  • purposefulness- every man should correctly formulate goals, and then plan actions for their implementation, and most importantly, not deviate from his intentions and priorities.
  • Intelligence- to be smart means to be successful and self-sufficient in the future, since it is intellectual abilities that predetermine the activity and quality of life of a man.
  • Physical form- to be worthy of the title of a real man, it is equally important to maintain your muscle and body strength. Inflated muscles are just a screen to attract attention, it is important for a man to be strong, courageous, able to stand up for himself and his other half, regardless of the relief of the body.
  • Responsibility- to be responsible means to impose obligations on yourself and fulfill them at all costs, even if it is difficult or not important.
  • self control- in life there are situations when life and family, work activities or other areas slip out of your hands, and some goals cannot be realized. A true man never explodes, does not give odds to circumstances and emotions, analyzing with a cold mind and wisdom.

Do you consider yourself a real man?


According to the representatives of the stronger sex themselves, it is also important to be a proud man, but psychologists note that not in all situations and circumstances. Pride should border on integrity and nobility, but in relationships with loved ones it has no place.

How not to be a rag in the eyes of a woman?

Many women themselves turn to specialists with the question of how to make a man be a man. Undoubtedly, a lot depends on the woman herself, including the position of the man in the family. Due to emancipation, feminism and other trends that affect the role of women in society and relationships with the opposite sex, many ladies tend to pull the blanket over themselves. That is, many men's tasks women themselves prefer to solve alone.

For reference! The model of behavior in family relationships largely depends on the family in which the man grew up from childhood. Psychologists note the urgent question of how to become a man without a father, cultivating masculine qualities on his own. Unfortunately, according to statistics, most men from defective families have the wrong relationship model, as a result of which the wife turns into a second mother.

If in childhood the mother brought up in the boy a saint and an obedient child who fulfills all the requirements, in adulthood such a man will be manipulated by a woman, even unconsciously. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the basic principles of a real man in a relationship, namely:

  • woman is not an object of pleasing or worship, but the center of masculinity;
  • a woman's love is a motivator for self-improvement and growth, and a reason to hide in a shell;
  • restraint - a man should be a source of strength and balance even in moments of crisis, and not a boy trying to prove his case with foam at the mouth.

A woman for a true man is a source of strength, vitality and a motivator for new actions and goals. At the same time, you should not indulge all the whims and requirements, but make it clear that the responsibility for most decisions will lie with the man. This will allow you to be in the eyes of a woman a wise, respectful and dominant link in the family, and not a rag and a pleasing boy.

No one is born in this world as a formed person, everything depends on external and internal factors that constantly affect the life, character, consciousness and events around a man. Not every boy was lucky enough to get a proper upbringing in a full-fledged family, so you need to grow up a real warrior and the mighty of this world on your own.

The first thing to overcome is laziness, for this you can attend trainings, seminars, study the biography of famous male figures. The second occupation, no less important for every man, is a sport that disciplines and improves physical fitness. The third aspect on the path to growth and development is intelligence, which is best pumped by reading. At the same time, it is important to choose the right literature, and not to read dime novels and detective stories.


Every real man should know his own worth, for this it is important to constantly improve physically and intellectually. To do this, you can learn new skills, travel, attend seminars and trainings, read literature. In addition, it is important to be strong and strong, since the physical condition determines the performance and endurance of a man. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of a man as the head of the family in order to build the correct model of interpersonal relations with a woman.

It's no secret that every woman dreams of meeting a real man in her life who will provide her with protection, support and a reliable rear. But if you look, this is such an ephemeral concept in the female sense! Just ask the fair sex, what meaning do they put in the concept of “real man”? There can be a huge number of answers: smart, strong, successful, economic, etc.

“So that you don’t drink, don’t smoke, and always give flowers,” was sung in a famous song. However, in life you can find many examples when a smart person behaves in an unworthy way, building his life with the help of flattery, intrigue and slander, and the strong one achieves everything with his fists. But everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance. There is. And, despite the fact that there is nothing absolute in the world, this concept still exists. So, how to become a real man?

Qualities of a strong

What are the qualities of a strong man?

  • He must be strong not only physically, but also spiritually. In such a man there is an inner core. He is firm and stubborn in the fight against any life problems.
  • Regardless of age, the representative of the stronger sex must have an adult understanding of life, that is, be psychologically mature and be able to make important decisions.
  • A real man is characterized by such qualities as nobility and courage. They are manifested in his ability to protect, to be true to his ideals, and such a man builds his relationship with a woman solely on trust and does not care about how to become a man. After all, that is what he is.
  • The ability to take responsibility for one's words, actions and deeds is an equally important feature of a man.
  • Strong in spirit, he sets goals for himself and achieves them, stubbornly paving the way to them.
  • A true representative of this sex must be honest, first of all, before himself and his conscience.
  • A man does not give up at the first setbacks, but resolutely copes with them. He learns and matures spiritually not on victories, but on his defeats and mistakes.

To become a man, you do not need to be special, adapt to other people's requirements and follow social stereotypes. It's enough just to be yourself. And to move forward and constantly improve. When working on yourself, you should pay special attention to thoughts, actions and appearance.

Positive thoughts are half the battle

As you know, thoughts have the peculiarity of attracting the corresponding life events. And if you constantly think negatively, then like will attract like. We often see people radiating so much positivity that it seems that everything in life is given to them simply and easily. In fact, this is far from the case. They just learned to fight back their problems with the power of optimism. To learn from their experience and learn how to become a man, you should change your thinking to positive. As a rule, an optimist is a person who is confident in himself and in his abilities. He tries to look at the world in a positive way and in every possible way suppress all negative emotions in himself. Be optimistic - and soon the whole world will bow to you!

Work on yourself

In the process of becoming a real man, first of all, it is important to work on yourself. Therefore it follows:

  • Learn to control your emotions, not to show people your grievances and disappointments.
  • Try to take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life.
  • Learn to make decisions on your own, firmly aware of your choice.

You should not be afraid of life's difficulties - take them as a chance to discover something new for yourself. In any, even difficult situation, look for positive moments. And don't forget that negative thoughts lead to actions that often make things worse for you. And do not puzzle over that man, but simply become him.

Words or deeds?

The famous actress Tatyana Arntgolts said: “An act is the main thing that a man can do for a woman. Appreciating this act is the main thing that a woman can do for a man. I think you will agree that words for the beautiful half are of less importance than actions. Unfortunately, there are many strong men in the world who do not want and do not do the simplest, banal things that please ladies. Therefore, choosing between those who can sing sweetly and beautifully, and those who are ready to act for her sake, a woman most often focuses her attention on the second.

A man does not have to do crazy things to prove to a woman her importance to his heart. It is enough to follow a few simple rules.

  • Learn to take care of a woman. Show your concern for her, say pleasant compliments, do not be rude.
  • Always be a leader, an initiator of ideas, be able to captivate others with you.
  • Remember that gossip and intrigue are inherent in female psychology, so refrain from discussing and evaluating other people.
  • Improve, develop the will, move up the career ladder.
  • a man? Everything is not so difficult! In any life situation, remain calm and balanced, forming the image of a courageous person. Do not shout, do not fuss and do not panic - leave a similar line of conduct to a woman.

We have dealt with thoughts and actions. It's time to talk about appearance, because, as folk wisdom says, people are greeted by their clothes.

A little prettier than a monkey

Paradoxical as it may seem, but the appearance of men is in last place for most women. Apparently, this is due to the tendency of frequent betrayals by too beautiful representatives of the stronger sex. Remember the proverb: "A man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey." This means that a real man does not have to look like a macho from the cover of a glossy magazine. The main thing in it is character, mind, determination and will. However, this does not mean that you should give up on your appearance. No matter how positive qualities a real man possesses, his untidy appearance, rumpled suit and dirty shoes are unlikely to win over a woman.

  1. Always dress neatly. Try not to wear dirty, unironed, torn clothes.
  2. Keep your shoes clean.
  3. Create your own unique clothing style.
  4. Watch your figure. If necessary, go in for sports.


A real man is not someone who can drink a dozen cocktails and not get drunk, who is popular with women. Not the one who loves football, and not even the one who earns millions. A true representative of the strong half of humanity can be kind, honest and courageous at the same time. This is a person who knows how to protect not only himself, but also his family from misfortunes. This is the one who can make his chosen one the happiest, regardless of what qualities he possesses. In order to become one, it is not necessary to explore the bowels of the Internet and study a pile of books on the topic "How to become a man." It is enough to work on yourself every day and develop the necessary qualities in yourself.

The idea of ​​the duality of the world has long been voiced by philosophers, and its crowning achievement was the assumption that the male and female principles in a person are intertwined. Their harmonious development opens the way to personal and professional success, otherwise contradictions will not allow moving forward.

What is feminine?

This aspect of the personality is connected with the way the world is perceived, so what is the feminine in a woman can be understood by referring to the Eastern tradition. In it, Yin correlates with night, water, passivity and focus on the inner. Its manifestations are:

  • desire to protect and care;
  • the presence of intuition;
  • modesty, the ability to adapt and smooth out conflict situations;
  • love for monotonous and predictable actions;
  • interest in riddles and secrets;
  • suggestibility, the ability to obey.

symbol of the feminine

The representatives of the weaker sex have long been revered for their ability to give life, so references to the sacred feminine can be found both in texts and in works of art. One of the most ancient signs is Yoni - a symbolic image of the vulva. Later, a more chaste sign of the feminine began to be used - the mirror of Venus, which looks like a circle with a cross under it.

Masculinity in a woman - psychology

Modern science agrees with the ancient philosophers about the presence of masculine and feminine principles in personality at the same time. If these parties are in conflict, then gradually these contradictions will lead to a crisis. The masculine principle in a woman is manifested by initiative, the desire for dominance, activity and the predominance of logic over emotions. These qualities sometimes have to be specially developed for professional success, but if you overdo it, you can get serious personal problems. The denial of already existing "male" qualities will also have a negative impact.

How to return the feminine?

The peculiarities of upbringing and the need to compete with men make the question of how to develop the feminine in oneself relevant. It is not necessary to become an initiativeless slob, you just need to observe yourself and notice the moments in which the male energy manifests itself too brightly, creating an imbalance. After that, it remains only to find a way to balance them, the following options will help in the search.

  1. Appearance. It is difficult to feel like a fragile young lady in an inexpressive suit, especially a trouser one. Even with a dress code, you can find a way to look feminine, and in your free time, dresses and skirts should become faithful companions.
  2. Rest. The feminine principle is the work of Yin energy, which is restored at night, so you need to devote enough time to sleep. In addition, you need to allocate time when no one will distract from focusing on yourself. You can fill this time with beauty procedures, hobbies - any activity that gives peace of mind will do.
  3. Physical exercise. A good option would be Pilates, yoga or running. The type of activity chosen must exclude competition, otherwise Yang energy will be used, which will only aggravate the situation.
  4. Positive emotions. Anger and conflict contradict female nature, so they need to be balanced with pleasant impressions.
  5. meditation. They will help you calm down, concentrate on important things, removing disturbing garbage from your thoughts.

Feminine Mantra

In the Eastern tradition, there is a mantra - the rhythmic recitation of prayers. They are different: some will help balance the masculine and feminine, others will attract money and success, others will have a healing effect. The mantra of the absolute feminine is aimed at restoring balance and energy. Her text is "Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha". You need to pronounce it, adhering to the following rules.

  1. The prayer is repeated 9 times in a row.
  2. Words are pronounced in a singsong voice, there are no jerky and abrupt transitions.
  3. The duration of meditation is not limited.
  4. Preferably practice at dawn.
  5. Mantras are read while sitting in any comfortable position.
  6. Before starting meditation, you need to relax and clear your thoughts of anxieties.
  7. The first words are spoken in a whisper, gradually increasing the volume.

What is masculinity?

In the East, Yang (masculine) is associated with day, fire, activity and orientation to external events. It manifests itself in:

  • dominance, the desire to control;
  • clarity, order, striving for large-scale projects;
  • logic and creativity;
  • narcissism;
  • activity and extraversion.

Symbol of the masculine

The earliest designations are reduced to the symbolic image of the phallus, for example, lingam. Better known is another sign used in alchemy and astrology to designate Mars. It looks like a circle with an arrow going up and sideways. In the first case, the sign of the masculine principle meant the ability to create, generative power, and in the second, military qualities are more reflected. Another ancient symbol shows that the masculine and feminine are inseparable and are designed to complement each other. There is a white dot in the black drop, and a black dot in the white one, which indicates the dual nature of the personality.

Femininity in a man - psychology

No matter how brutal a man may seem, there are still some feminine features in him. This is a normal state, because without them it would be difficult for an active conqueror to interact with other people. With too strong development of these qualities, a suppressed masculine principle is observed, which leads to the following characteristic features in behavior.

  1. Lack of initiative.
  2. Desire to obey, weakness of character.
  3. Excessive emotionality, cowardice, fear of responsibility.

The origins of these traits are in education. If a boy is raised by a single woman or he appeared in a family with a courageous mother and a weak father, then there is a high probability of entering adulthood with a complete lack of independent existence. It is possible to solve this problem, but a strong desire to work on oneself is required, which is often not enough for the representatives of the stronger sex with an oppressed masculine principle.

How to develop masculinity?

Both philosophical teachings and psychology believe that a developed masculine principle is a necessary condition for success, especially when it comes to the representative of the stronger sex. If this aspect was suppressed during growing up and continues to be oppressed, you need to start working on improving it if you want to change the existing situation. It will help to work with a specialist and self-study, of which the following can be distinguished.

  1. Search for problems. First you need to make a list of situations in which the masculine is suppressed, and the feminine comes to the fore. Then you need to imagine a way to fix these moments. After that, it remains only to proceed with the implementation of the resulting action plan. It is important to regularly train the desired qualities so that their manifestation becomes a habit.
  2. Physical activity. Putting your body in order will fill you with the necessary energy for accomplishments. A sense of strength will help you use masculine traits and will not let you back down in the face of difficulties.
  3. Meditations. A good auxiliary way to achieve harmony and concentration on your goal.

Mantra of the masculine

There are several options for such prayers for the stronger sex, but if there is a denial of the masculine, then a universal mantra would be a good option: "Isim Dzisim Opusim Phvat". It is desirable to pronounce it 108 times, if the time for such a number of repetitions, then they can be reduced to any number that is a multiple of 9. The rest of the reading rules coincide with the recommendations for reading the female mantra.

Harmonization of the feminine and masculine

Two aspects are present in the personality at the same time, but this does not mean the uniform development of both. The harmony of the feminine and masculine principles implies their acceptance, but leaving the leading role of the part corresponding to the sex. The following practices will help you find balance.

  1. Sun and moon. These luminaries are responsible for the energy of Yang and Yin, so meditation with their participation will help restore the balance between the two principles. To perform it, you need to sit or lie down in a comfortable position with your hands palms up. First you need to imagine the Sun in your right palm, feel its energy, feel how the golden stream overflows the body and envelops the aura. Then attention switches to the left palm, in which the Moon is located. With her silvery energy, you need to do the same, and then return to the Sun. Gradually, it will be possible to keep both energies in sight and interact with them.
  2. Two beginnings. In this meditation, you will have to invite the inner woman and the man in turn to the conversation. To do this, you need to relax, fill your body with energy and wait for one of the principles to appear before your inner gaze, it can look like a person or take the form of an animal. After a conversation with both, it is necessary to see both beginnings at once in order to consider the relationship between them, the connections and problems. After that, it is recommended to surround the images with energy, thank for the conversation and complete the meditation.

What makes a boy a man?

Today, this concept is very vague. But there are masculine qualities for all time. Which will never lose their relevance.

And without which it is impossible to raise a man in yourself.

So let's talk about how to become a real man and a leader in life for yourself and others.

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inner strength

If you look at world leaders, you are unlikely to find many physically strong people among them. But on the other hand, in many you will see a strong character and will, a powerful inner core and reinforced concrete self-confidence. All this is called inner strength. My entire channel is about its development. Watch and develop.

External force

Today there is no need to hunt for meat and big biceps are not needed. But still, a self-respecting man should at least show the results for the TRP gold badge. So pump your body.

woman nearby

A successful union with a woman is perhaps the key factor in turning a man into a real man. So write what kind of woman you want to see next to you in all details, think about where such girls can be and go in search.

A man is created by deeds and deeds

Not words. One action is worth more than 1000 words. Words don't make you a man. No matter how much you say them. Start setting goals, achieve them, increase the number of victories. This is the best way to become a real man.

Ideals, principles and positive habits

All this is called a creed. Every man should have it. Because it helps to understand what you are doing and what you are not doing. This is a set of rules that helps you make quick decisions. So sit down and write your creed. A few examples you now see on the screen.


A man who goes with the flow of life is not a man. A real man himself controls life and chooses what, why, where and why. It all starts with setting goals - What do you want to get and achieve in life? If you don't have goals yet, watch this video.

business of life

Take any successful person and you will understand that he has a life's work. Someone strives to become an Olympic champion, someone is working on a scientific discovery. So get busy finding your life's work with this playlist.

Ability to manage your internal state

Hot temper is forgivable for a woman. For a man, frequent outbursts of himself are, first of all, fatal to himself. After all, they loosen the psyche and make a person more and more impulsive. So analyze the past day before going to bed, identify weaknesses and prescribe the behavior that you would like to see. This will help you fix it.

Ability to solve problems

Find solutions and achieve results. To do this, read more smart books, communicate more often with successful people, come up with different solutions to the problem, upgrade the necessary skills.

Ability to take care of yourself physically

It's not a determining factor. But other things being equal, it adds masculinity. So sign up for the martial arts section.

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The life of every man is a heroic journey, which he begins as a little boy and can end up as a mature man who is aware of his integrity and worth. On this path, every man must go through 5 main stages in the development of the psyche.

Stage 1. Getting rid of the mother complex

I think that there is not a single son who, becoming a man, would not break off relations with his mother for some time. Left with her, the son will never get rid of the mother complex. The son needs to listen to his own voice and let it be louder than the voice of the mother. Often the mother does everything to keep him. For example, it inspires the idea of ​​devotion to oneself, but if this idea takes possession of the son completely, everything will end up with the masculine principle being seriously affected.

The future man must avoid this and leave his mother, even if at some point such an act seems like a betrayal. The mother must endure this pain. However, later the son may return to establish a completely different level of relationship with his mother. But this will happen only after the son independently gains independence and learns to establish emotional relationships with peers. .

Often the mother complex is strongly supported by the mother., who does not understand what it means to be just a woman, a person, because she never felt like that - only a mother. For her, the removal of the role means psychological death, so she clings to her son with all her might as the only meaning of life. In such a situation, getting rid of the mother complex becomes a fundamental task for the son, without solving which his full development as a man is impossible.

Stage 2. Mastering your aggression

This is the time of the transformation of a teenager into a man. Aggression, the power of instinct, a huge male energy awakening in the soul of a boy should strengthen his ego. In the future, this energy will be required on the entire path of becoming, so it is so important to learn how to use it correctly. If a man is not particularly reflective, he will scatter this energy all his life, showing a teenage desire to compete in everything he does.

Another option for mishandling aggression is suppressing it. This often happens under the influence of maternal attitudes about the inadmissibility of a man's manifestation of aggression.

For a boy to become a man, he must be able to master his own aggression. He cannot become a man without understanding what it means to be aggressive, but it must be aggression, controlled in accordance with his conscious attitude. If he finds himself under the control of his own rage and desire for violence, it can destroy him. Therefore, every boy on his way to a mature man must learn to control his aggression, desire for violence and be able to integrate this formidable masculine part into a holistic, self-aware personality.

A bold look at one's own aggressive part, not clouded by other people's attitudes, allows one to recognize its negative, potentially destructive part. The young man's ego is faced with the need to become strong enough to master his own rage and consciously use the energy contained in it to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving goals.

The first fight a boy has to endure is an internal fight with his own shadow, in which concentrated suppressed aggression and potential power. At the same time, very few boys manage to win only in an internal duel. To strengthen the masculine principle, it is often necessary to have and overcome external obstacles that mobilize the will and affirm identity.

Stage 3. Finding your own image of masculinity

The masculinity that a boy shows at the beginning of his journey passes to him from his father. Wanting to be like a man, the son tries to act like his father, but it turns out to be a pathetic imitation. At this stage, the formation of one's own conscious attitude to masculinity, which differs from the father's, takes place. Only in this case will the boy be able to appropriate to himself the masculinity that will constantly accompany him and serve as a support throughout his life. Successful passage of this stage may require another father, for example, a spiritual or godfather.

The essence of this stage is to receive a blessing on one's own life from the father, liberation from the influence of the father or brother. As he grows older, the young man should leave the family, entering into a struggle for his freedom with each member of his own family or with someone else, if this someone replaces his father or brother in such a duel.

If a man has a sudden conflict at work, it often indicates that there is still an emotionally charged relationship with his father or brother, despite the fact that adolescence is far behind him.

Stage 4. Connecting with the inner woman

Few men are sufficiently aware of the inner feminine component of their soul, even less in contact with her. Jung called this sensual part of the male soul "anima". A man's desire for inner development helps him recognize his anima, but in addition, a man should learn not to succumb to his mood and emotional state and not to indulge his own whims.

The main step at this stage is to learn how to make contact with the anima, to see in her an inner female companion, a female comrade who will go hand in hand with a man and warm life. A man has only two options: either he rejects his femininity, and this rejection turns against him in the form of bouts of bad mood or temptations inaccessible to him, or he accepts it and establishes a relationship with the female life principle, and this fills his life with warmth and strength. If a man is in harmony with his inner woman, he has no problems in communicating with women.

Stage 5 Awareness of the meaning of life

The stage at which a man already has the necessary resources and strength to answer the main question of his life. This is the moment of realizing that a man is unique and alone in his search. An energetic man stops active activity in the outside world and withdraws into himself for a while. This is the time to reach the maturity of the male psyche.

A man is ready to accept his loneliness, to which he is doomed by a journey in search of an answer about the meaning of life. He is able to leave the obsessive conviction that this meaning lies only in his personal happiness.

In preparation, the book of the Jungian analyst Robert Alex Johnson "He: the deepest aspects of male psychology" (Robert A. Johnson "He: Understanding Masculine Psychology") was used. published

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