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Areas of application of industrial diamonds. In what areas is the diamond used? Diamond is used to make drills

Among the many precious stones, there is one that has unique properties and a history of origin that distinguish it from all others. Diamond is the most expensive gem in the world. But its value is not limited to its use in jewelry. What a diamond looks like, what its history and use are, will be discussed below. The development of science and modern technologies has revealed many wonderful properties of this stone, previously unfamiliar to people.


There is no gem in the world with a simpler composition than a diamond. A stone that costs a lot of money and a simple piece of coal are almost one hundred percent composed of the same element - carbon. However, the birth of a diamond is not an easy process.

The most generally accepted theory of its origin is magmatic. According to it, a diamond is formed from carbon atoms at a depth of more than 200 km from the earth's surface under the influence of an enormous pressure of 50,000 atmospheres. Small placers of crystals are brought to the surface by magma flows, where they remain in the so-called kimberlite pipes. In the photo below - an object called "Mir", the largest diamond-bearing pipe in Yakutia as of 1950.

There are also so-called secondary deposits on the banks of rivers in destroyed rocks.

In addition, there are diamonds brought to Earth from outer space by meteorites. Some scientists suggest that meteorites could directly cause the birth of gems as a result of hitting the Earth's surface with great speed.

A person who does not know what a diamond looks like is likely to pass by a nondescript small pebble with a matte or rough surface. It is in this form that it is found in rocks.

Structure and properties

As mentioned above, diamond is mostly pure carbon. The specific structure of the atoms of this element determines the amazing properties of the gem.

The crystal lattice has the shape of a cube, at each vertex of which there is a carbon atom. In addition, there are four additional atoms in the center, which is the reason for the high density of the mineral.

Diamond is a precious stone, which at the same time is also the hardest. According to the conditional Mohs scale, it has the maximum value among all the minerals selected for comparison.

The gem has the property of luminescence when charged particles enter it. Thus, the stone serves as an indicator that can be used to determine the presence of radioactive substances. This produces flashes of light and electrical impulses.

Diamond is completely immune to the effects of the strongest acids. However, it can be oxidized in alkaline solutions of soda or saltpeter.

Diamond is a gem that can be set on fire with a normal magnifying glass. Ignition temperature - from 700 degrees.


Diamond mining is a very costly and time-consuming undertaking. Until the 19th century, precious stones were mined mainly in secondary deposits formed as a result of the destruction of rocks, where diamonds were hidden. River sand was raked in with shovels and sieved in special sieves.

Larger reserves are still stored in primary rocks, in the so-called kimberlite pipes.

They reach the deposits in two stages. Explosives go deep into the ground for 600 m, and then they lay mines to reach the goal.

The mined ore is transported to factories, where it is washed and crushed. It is required to sift and select about a hundred tons of rock to find 1 carat gemstones. Then there is a rejection using water and X-rays, and the rough diamonds are sent to the cutters.

Place of Birth

A person who read the fascinating adventure novel "The Diamond Thieves" as a child already knows that in the 19th century diamonds were mined in South Africa. South Africa is still one of the top five countries in the production of these gems.

However, diamond mining areas are scattered all over the world. One of the major deposits is Fukauma. Thanks to this, Angola ranks fifth in the world in this indicator.

However, the leader among all countries in terms of the number of diamond mines is Botswana. Industrial development began here in the middle of the last century.

The northern states do not lag behind the African countries. Canada annually produces diamonds worth one and a half billion dollars. The country's main deposit is Ekati.

Every inhabitant of Russia has heard about the famous Yakut diamonds. In addition, large deposits are located in the Arkhangelsk and Perm regions. In total, the Russian Federation develops diamond products worth $2 billion every year.

Once upon a time there were many deposits in Australia. However, most of them are exhausted. But very rare pink stones are mined in the Argyle mine.

technical diamond

Not every gem is suitable for jewelry use. Stones with defects, impurities, inclusions are considered technical.

They also differ in smaller sizes, irregular shape, which does not allow turning a nugget into a sparkling diamond.


Diamond is a stone that cannot be worked with any other material. The hardest metal will not even be able to leave a scratch on a precious stone. Only discs covered with diamond dust can cut a noble mineral and turn it into a diamond.

The hardness of the mineral is a quality indispensable for construction work. Diamond drills, cutting discs, abrasive grinding wheels allow you to process concrete and the hardest natural stones without damaging their structure.

A rapid leap in the development of electronics has further increased the demand for diamonds.

Their unique optical properties make them indispensable in the manufacture of high-precision devices and microcircuits.

Stones are widely used in medicine. To cause as little damage to human tissues as possible, the thickness of the scalpel should be minimal. In addition, the use of medical lasers, where diamond crystals are used, has broad prospects.

The gem's inertness and resistance to acids make it an excellent material for making containers used in chemical experiments.

Repeating nature

The rapid development of technology and industry requires more and more diamonds. Also, the demand for diamonds used in the manufacture of jewelry never falls. However, natural deposits of gems are depleted every year. The only way out is the production of synthetic stones.

There are two main ways in which you can get an artificial diamond. The first repeats the conditions under which a stone is formed in nature. In special chambers capable of withstanding extreme parameters, high temperatures and pressures of 50,000 atmospheres are recreated. In this case, graphite reacts with the metal that serves as a catalyst and is deposited on a fine diamond crystal, which is the basis for the future synthetic stone. The growing process takes up to 10 days in the laboratory.

The second well-known method is the precipitation method.

In a hermetically sealed chamber, air is completely pumped out and hydrogen and methane vapors are heated by microwave radiation. Carbon is released from methane and deposited on the base. This method is indispensable in the manufacture of equipment and tools with several layers.

However, artificial diamond is not so easy to obtain, all these methods are quite expensive.

Different kinds

There are many varieties of this precious mineral. When a person imagines what a diamond looks like, a colorless stone immediately comes to mind. However, nature painted the noble gem in a variety of colors.

The most common diamonds have yellowish tints. The more pronounced the color, the more expensive the stone.

Boron particles can give the diamond a blue tint. Such gems are very rare and cost fabulous money.

Often stones are colored artificially.

Green minerals are associated primarily with emeralds. However, under the influence of radiation, diamonds are also painted in this color.

By exposing a common yellow gem to high heat and pressure, a blue stone can be obtained. Such diamonds are highly valued and sell quickly at auctions.

The most expensive and rare are red stones. In nature, they are found in only one deposit in Australia.

diamond and diamond

One of the main advantages of precious stones in jewelry is the play of light, brilliance. Rough diamonds are quite plain at first glance. To turn a rough, nondescript pebble into a luxurious diamond, you need to give it into the hands of a cutter.

It is after processing that all the beauty of the gem is revealed. There are several ways to cut. It all depends on the shape of the original sample.

For round stones, a brilliant cut is used. The stepped method is typical for rectangular samples. The method, when the faces converge from the base to the top, is called a rose. In any case, the goal of the cutter is to process the diamond in such a way that the light entering the diamond does not go out and plays with all the colors of the rainbow on its faces.

How not to run into a fake

The high cost of gemstones attracts scammers of all sorts. Collectors are concerned about the question of how to distinguish a diamond from a skillfully made fake. Using simple methods, the authenticity of a gem can be determined at home.

A diamond strongly scatters light. If a bright beam of light directed through a stone retains its intensity, then it is a fake. Also, natural stone glows in ultraviolet radiation.

Diamond is practically indelible. You should carefully consider its edges through a magnifying glass. If they are erased, smoothed, then the authenticity of the stone is doubtful. Of course, there should be no scratches, cracks.

A clear fake is easy to identify by simply running a felt-tip pen or marker along the edge of the gemstone. On the original, the line is even, with clearly defined boundaries. Blurry edges, broken lines - all these are signs of a fake.

Diamond has high thermal conductivity properties. If you breathe on it, then there will be no traces of fogging on it.

The authenticity of the gem can be determined by lowering it into an acidic solution. A real stone will endure this test without any consequences.


Connoisseurs do not need to be told what a diamond looks like - first uncut, and then cut. The mystical play of light in the facets of a diamond fascinates, it is impossible to look away from the stone. In the past, this phenomenon caused a whole series of signs and superstitions.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the gem was able to save its owner from poisons. It is also a talisman that protects the owner from the effects of black magic.

For business to be successful, a combination of diamond and gold is required. A ring with a stone on the middle finger brings good luck in the game. Men who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex are simply required to wear an amulet with a diamond on their little finger.

Diamond is a precious stone in the full sense of the word. If the cost of other gems can fluctuate depending on the vagaries of fashion, then the demand for diamonds is consistently high. And the unique physical properties of the mineral make it indispensable for modern technologies.

The hardest mineral on earth is diamond. The name of the stone comes from the word "invincible", "invincible". So in translation into Russian from Greek the word "adamas" will sound. With the help of diamond, you can cut and grind various minerals with high hardness.

Diamond as a gem

Diamond is considered a very rare stone and its value on the world market is higher than the price of gold. A cut diamond is called a diamond. The magical brilliance and unique transparency of the stone attracted people at all times. Diamond is considered a symbol of power and wealth, and therefore quite often it was the main decoration of crowns and thrones. However, only a fifth of all mined diamonds are spent on jewelry, the rest is intended for technical production.

Diamond tools

Even representatives of Ancient Egypt knew how to make tools of special strength from diamond. They were intended for carving patterns on granite slabs. Currently, about five thousand types of tools with diamonds are produced in Russia. Details of mechanisms and machines processed with diamond tools acquire a high-quality surface, and therefore their service life is significantly increased. For example, when diamond wheels were used instead of abrasive wheels for grinding the rubbing parts of a car engine, the mileage of the car increased significantly. Diamond wheels are also used for sharpening tools made of hard alloys, such as: drills, cutters, milling cutters. The strength of tools during such processing increases tenfold or more, since after it the surface does not contain defects that contribute to the destruction of tools.

The following fact testifies to the unique strength of diamond. With a glass cutter with a diamond crystal of 200 mg (one carat), it is possible to draw a scratch on the glass, the length of which will be 400 thousand kilometers, which is equal to the distance from the moon to the earth. Diamond bits are used when drilling deep wells in hard, difficult rocks. A drill with a diamond cutting edge drills concrete eight times faster and lasts longer than a carbide drill. Diamond tools are indispensable in working with stone and glass. If you want to order diamond discs or circles, you can use the offer on

Diamond dies are widely used in the manufacture of thin, up to one hundredth of a millimeter in diameter, tungsten wire, which is used in electric lamps. The die is a solid plate with a hole through which the metal is pulled and a wire is obtained. And tungsten is a fairly strong metal. A laser beam is used to drill a hole in a diamond. Such drawing dies contribute to the production of wire with accurately precisely corresponding target dimensions. The production of diamond dies in Russia was promoted by the famous director K.S. Stanislavsky.

Most industrial diamonds are used in the form of pastes and fine powders. They polish sapphire and ruby ​​bearings in watches, channels of carbide and diamond dies, they are used in cutting diamonds, processing the surfaces of stamps, etc. Diamonds are necessary for the production of measuring instruments and medical instruments. Even in the manufacture of an ordinary nail file, one cannot do without a diamond, since only this stone is capable of sawing silicon and germanium crystals into the thinnest plates. Based on all of the above, it can be said without hesitation that diamond is an indispensable technological material.

Diamond is a natural mineral, one of the most famous and expensive. There are many speculations and legends around him, especially with regard to its value and the detection of fakes. A separate topic for study is the relationship between diamond and graphite. Many people know that these minerals are similar, but not everyone knows exactly what. And the question of how they differ, too, not everyone can answer. What do we know about the structure of a diamond? Or about the criteria for judging gems?

Diamond is one of three minerals that are a crystalline modification of carbon. The other two are graphite and lonsdaleite, the second can be found in meteorites or created artificially. And if these stones are hexagonal modifications, then the type of the diamond crystal lattice is a cube. In this system, carbon atoms are arranged in this way: one at each vertex and in the center of the face, and four inside the cube. Thus, it turns out that the atoms are arranged in the form of tetrahedra, and each atom is in the center of one of them. The particles are interconnected by the strongest bond - covalent, due to which the diamond has a high hardness.

Chemical properties

Roughly speaking, diamond is pure carbon, therefore, diamond crystals must be absolutely transparent and allow all visible light to pass through. But there is nothing perfect in the world, which means that this mineral also has impurities. It is believed that the maximum content of impurities in gem diamonds should not exceed 5%. The composition of a diamond can include both solid and liquid and gaseous substances, the most common of which are:

  • nitrogen;
  • aluminum;
  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

Also, the composition may include quartz, garnets, olivine, other minerals, iron oxides, water and other substances. Often these elements are found in the composition of the mineral in the form of mechanical mineral inclusions, but some of them can replace carbon in the diamond structure - this phenomenon is called isomorphism. In this case, inclusions can significantly affect its color, and nitrogen inclusions give it luminescent properties.

Physical Properties

The structure of a diamond determines its physical properties, they are evaluated according to four criteria:

  • hardness;
  • density;
  • dispersion and refraction of light;
  • crystal cell.

The hardness of minerals is assessed by its rating according to this system is 10, this is the maximum indicator. Corundum is next on the list, its index is 9, but its hardness is 150 times less, which means that diamond is absolutely superior in this indicator.

However, the hardness of a mineral does not at all mean its strength. Diamond is quite brittle and breaks easily if hit with a hammer.

The specific gravity of diamond (density) is determined in the range from 3.42 to 3.55 g/cm 3 . It is defined as the ratio of the weight of a mineral to the weight of water of the same volume.

In addition to hardness, it also has high refractive indices (2.417-2.421) and dispersion (0.0574). This combination of properties allows the diamond to be the most precious and ideal jewelry stone.

Other physical properties of the mineral are also important, such as thermal conductivity (900-2300 W / m K), also the highest of all substances. We can also note the ability of the mineral not to dissolve in acids and alkalis, the properties of a dielectric, the low friction coefficient for metal in air and the high melting point of 3700-4000 ° C at a pressure of 11 GPa.

Similarities and differences between diamond and graphite

Carbon is one of the most common elements on Earth, it is found in many substances, especially in living organisms. Graphite, like diamond, is made up of carbon, but the structures of diamond and graphite are very different. Diamond can turn into graphite under the influence of high temperatures without access to oxygen, but under normal conditions it is able to remain unchanged indefinitely, this is called metastability, moreover, the type of diamond crystal lattice is a cube. But graphite is a layered mineral, its structure looks like a series of layers located in different planes. These layers are made up of hexagons that form a honeycomb-like system. Strong bonds are formed only between these hexagons, but between the layers they are extremely weak, this causes the layering of the mineral. In addition to its low hardness, graphite absorbs light and has a metallic luster, which is also very different from diamond.

These minerals are the most striking example of allotropy - a phenomenon in which substances have different physical properties, although they consist of the same chemical element.

Origin of diamond

There is no unambiguous opinion about how diamonds are formed in nature; there are magmatic, mantle, meteorite and other theories. However, the most common is magmatic. It is believed that diamonds are formed at a depth of about 200 km under a pressure of 50,000 atmospheres, and then brought to the surface along with magma during the formation of kimberlite pipes. The age of diamonds varies from 100 million to 2.5 billion years. It has also been scientifically proven that diamonds can be formed when a meteorite hits the earth's surface, and also be found in the meteorite rock itself. However, crystals of this origin are extremely small and rarely suitable for processing.

Diamond deposits

The first deposits in which diamonds were discovered and mined were located in India, but by the end of the 19th century they were severely depleted. However, it was there that the most famous, large and expensive samples were mined. And in the 17th and 19th centuries, mineral deposits were discovered in Brazil and South Africa. History is replete with legends and facts about the diamond rush, which are associated specifically with South African mines. The last discovered diamond deposits are in Canada, their development began only in the last decade of the 20th century.

Of particular interest are the mines of Namibia, although diamond mining there is a difficult and dangerous business. Deposits of crystals are concentrated under a layer of soil, which, although it complicates the work, speaks of the high quality of minerals. Diamonds that have traveled several hundred kilometers to the surface with constant friction against other rocks are high-grade, lower-quality crystals simply could not withstand such a journey, and therefore 95% of the stones mined are of gem quality. There are also well-known and rich in minerals in Russia, Botswana, Angola, Guinea, Liberia, Tanzania and other countries.

Diamond processing

Diamond processing requires a great deal of experience, knowledge and skills. Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly study the stone in order to subsequently preserve its weight as much as possible and get rid of inclusions. The most common type of diamond cut is round, it allows the stone to sparkle with all colors and reflect light as favorably as possible. But such work is also the most difficult: a round diamond has 57 planes, and when cutting it, it is important to observe the most precise proportions. Also popular types of cut are: oval, teardrop, heart, marquise, emerald and others. There are several stages of mineral processing:

  • markup;
  • splitting;
  • sawing;
  • rounding;
  • cut.

Until now, it is believed that after processing, the diamond loses about half of its weight.

Criteria for evaluating diamonds

When mining diamonds, only 60% of the minerals are suitable for processing, they are called jewelry. Naturally, the cost of rough stones is much lower than the price of diamonds (more than twice). The valuation of diamonds is carried out according to the 4C system:

  1. Carat (weight in carats) - 1 carat is equal to 0.2 g.
  2. Color (color) - pure white diamonds are almost never found, most minerals have a certain shade. Its value largely depends on the color of the diamond, most of the stones found in nature have a yellow or brown tint, pink, blue and green stones can be found less often. The most rare, beautiful, and therefore expensive are minerals of saturated colors, they are called fantasy. The rarest of them are green, purple and black.
  3. Clarity (purity) is also an important indicator that determines the presence of defects in the stone and significantly affects its value.
  4. Cut (cut) - the appearance of a diamond depends on the cut. Refraction and reflection of light, a kind of "brilliant" radiance make this stone so valuable, and the wrong shape or ratio of proportions during processing can completely ruin it.

Manufacture of artificial diamonds

Now technology makes it possible to "grow" diamonds that are practically indistinguishable from natural ones. There are several synthesis methods:

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Speaking about methods for determining the authenticity of diamonds, it is worth distinguishing between the verification of the authenticity of diamonds and rough diamonds. An inexperienced person can confuse a diamond with quartz, crystal, other transparent minerals, and even glass. However, the exceptional physical and chemical properties of a diamond make it easy to spot a fake.

First of all, it is worth remembering the hardness. This stone is able to scratch any surface, but only another diamond can leave marks on it. Also, perspiration does not remain on a natural crystal if you breathe on it. On a wet stone, there will be a mark like a pencil if you run aluminum over it. You can check it with an x-ray: a natural stone under radiation has a rich green color. Or look through it at the text: it will be impossible to make out it through a natural diamond. Separately, it is worth noting that the naturalness of the stone can be checked for the refraction of light: by bringing the original to the light source, you can see only a luminous dot in the center.

In this article:

If we talk about precious stones, then the most versatile of them and at the same time the most expensive are diamonds. This is confirmed by what is made of diamonds today, since stones are used not only in the jewelry industry, but also in industry. Minerals are even classified by use: into industrial and precious specimens. At the same time, industrial diamonds can be both natural and synthetic.

Diamond quality

Diamond has good physical and chemical properties. The mineral has a unique crystal lattice structure, which is the most compact in nature. It is this factor that ensures the maximum hardness of the substance. And the stone is fragile, which allows it to be turned into diamond dust.

Rings with diamonds

The density of the stone is within the following indicators: 3.4-3.5 g / cm3. But the thermal conductivity of diamond is high, which is not typical for other precious stones. Important characteristics are low compression ratio and high modulus of elasticity.

The mineral has a high melting point - 4000 degrees Celsius, and if the process is carried out without access to oxygen, the stone will melt at a temperature of 2000 degrees and turn into graphite. After this, the changes that occur to the diamond are anomalous and defy classification. Therefore, there can be no doubt about the unique properties of this stone.

In jewelry, a stone is turned into a diamond. The process of processing a diamond is a painstaking task that requires precision, it takes place in several stages:

  • sawing the copy into pieces;
  • shaping the stone
  • diamond cut.

Every detail in the production is important, because the result depends on the professionalism of the master. You can spoil a diamond, or, on the contrary, you can give it an ideal shape, hide flaws and defects with the help of cutting by a specialist. Processing is carried out at special factories and large firms that buy raw materials. Jewelry still holds the leading position in terms of diamond consumption.

Before proceeding to the third stage of cutting, you need to think over and draw a diagram of the finished stone with all sizes. The cost of the stone depends on the accuracy of the cut and the size of the girdle, crown and pavilion. The finished diamond goes through the evaluation stage according to four parameters:

  • the purity of the stone, the presence or absence of defects;
  • faceting - varieties of form, as well as the economy of the process (waste minimization);
  • weight - a parameter that is measured in carats;
  • color - from a bluish to yellowish shade.

In the future, the stone is sold or set into a product. The cost of the stone increases with each subsequent stage of processing, and as a result, the price of a diamond increases by at least three times. A diamond will adorn any precious metal and any kind of product: earrings, pendants, bracelets, rings. The size and characteristics should be selected based on the cost of the product. And also do not forget to check all certificates and other documents confirming the authenticity of the stone.

Industrial use

The industrial use of diamonds is also widespread due to their properties. In such cases, natural stones are used that are mined in nature and have flaws that do not allow cutting. They also use minerals obtained in laboratories - the so-called synthetic diamonds. At the same time, the cost of diamonds is much cheaper due to the low cost of raw materials.

Artificial diamonds in industry

It is beneficial to use a mineral, since tools that have a diamond coating do a better job - there are no microcracks on the materials. The mineral copes with such tasks as sawing concrete, crushing rubble, cutting granite and marble. That is, even solid substances lend themselves to it, since the mineral is the hardest substance on Earth.

And diamonds in one form or another are used:

  • In turning metal, since the hardness of the diamond will allow the process to be carried out neatly and without flaws.
  • When coating tools: glass cutters, saws, drills, milling cutters. This is necessary in order to increase the durability of devices and ensure the accuracy of their work.
  • In medicine, in particular, the manufacture of surgical instruments (scalpels, clamps, scissors), since such instruments accurately perform all incisions and incisions and at the same time remain sharp for a long time.
  • In telecommunications, the mineral is used to make cables, since it retains and allows the signal to be transmitted over long distances, despite temperature and voltage fluctuations. Diamond dies help achieve the perfect cut.
  • Use in space shipbuilding, optics and laser technologies.
  • During the construction of tunnels, as well as where there is an explosive atmosphere.
  • As detectors of nuclear radiation.
  • In the work of oil companies, as well as in the extraction of other minerals, where drills, drills and other equipment are used.

The use of diamond occurs in different forms, but diamond chips are most often used. This is a cheap substance, but it is available only to manufacturers. In the industry, such forms are popular as.

We are glad to welcome you once again, our dear readers! Diamonds have always been different from other minerals. And not only by the fact that beautiful and cut diamonds are obtained from them, but also by their widest and most diverse applications in industry, dentistry, laser medicine and other industries. The properties of diamond allow you to do all this.

We will cover them in this short, informative and, we are sure, interesting article. It should be noted that some of the properties of this stone can be used at home, thereby finding a way out of unusual and non-standard life situations.

Let's start studying such an interesting topic. We wish you a pleasant reading, our dear friends!

Physical properties of diamond

Let's start with the most famous, namely the physical properties, since it was they who allowed this stone to gain such popularity. Consider the following "professional" qualities:

Mineral hardness

Almost everyone knows that a mineral like diamond is the hardest known stone in the world. What is the reason for this? The specific crystal lattice of the mineral. The bonds between carbon atoms are very strong.

To assess the relative values ​​of the hardness of minerals, there is the Mohs scale, which is known and accepted throughout the world. Relativity (we will explain as easily as possible) was taken as the basis of the following: the scratching of one mineral relative to other reference ones. For example, a diamond piece can "scratch" all the minerals, but almost nothing. That's the whole principle that helps to significantly simplify life.

Diamond shards lead there by a solid margin, with a score of 10. For example, the closest thing to the hardest mineral on Earth is corundum. It was also evaluated on this scale and has a score of 9. That is, its value is 150 times less!

Only on the basis of these numbers can one imagine the significant advantage of the hardest known mineral. One of the clearest examples is cutting glass with a diamond-tipped glass cutter. One has only to draw a straight line with a non-shaking hand, slightly press on the other end of the glass - and you're done. With the help of other elements and minerals, this is difficult to achieve.

It should also be noted the use of diamond hardness when digging and digging mines, underground recesses, new metro lines and underwater channels using a special installation, the tips of which are made of diamonds and allow cutting through even the most complex iron-granite rock.

Although this unit is expensive, it pays off compared to payments to workers who would do the same amount. Especially in terms of time characteristics, the installation wins significantly. If you haven't yet imagined how it might look and work, then you can read the writer Jules Verne or watch the 2005 film Expedition to the Underworld.

Density, refractive index and dispersion characteristic of the stone

  • The unique construction of the crystal lattice explains its high density, which also finds application in various fields. Hardness and density are closely related to each other. The higher one parameter, the higher, as a rule, the second.
  • The refractive index and dispersion are most pronounced in diamonds - faceted diamonds. It is in them that you can see the amazing magic and play of light, indescribable brilliance, which will delight connoisseurs.

The diamond is so unique that the rays of light passing through it pass almost perfectly according to optical laws, and the high refractive index provides "internal brightness" and even greater light play of the stone. For greater clarity and understanding, the picture below will explain to you much better what is described in words:

The characteristic, of course, also found its application in the most famous business for diamonds - jewelry, where the most amazing and best diamond and diamond specimens are collected from the bowels of our planet Earth.

The unique characteristic of the stone is thermal conductivity

  • The thermal conductivity of diamond is the highest among known solids and is on the order of 0.9-2.3 kW/(m*K). As a result, diamond is an excellent semiconductor, as the best-known silicon semiconductor elements generally operate at temperatures around 100 degrees Celsius.

Semiconductor technology based on diamond elements allows operation at much higher temperatures, but given the high cost, this is often an unjustified luxury. There is also an expedient replacement for them - synthetic diamond semiconductor elements that have the same high thermal conductivity as natural stones, but cost much less.

Other significant properties

  • In addition to the above properties, a diamond has a lot of other, no less significant and useful criteria. One of these properties is that diamond is a dielectric. This mineral does not conduct electricity.

This property is especially important in electronics, semiconductor, medical and laser technology. This feature allows you to simultaneously not conduct electricity (thus not cause a short circuit and breakdown in the system) and transmit a large flow of powerful energy (for example, laser systems) without losing either their qualities, their characteristics, or their weight. Another unique feature of the diamond.

  • It is also worth noting an important quality for industry - a low coefficient of friction for metal in the presence of air.

This is due to the formation of a thin film when exposed to heat. This film plays the role of a special material lubricating two surfaces. Have you noticed special diamond blades designed for a tool that can cut concrete slabs and bases, thick-walled metal and at the same time serve for a long time in construction stores? Here, please, you have a visual application of this property, which greatly simplifies life.

  • High melting point (about 3700-4000 degrees Celsius at an ambient pressure of 11 GPascals). Under normal conditions, the diamond begins to burn only somewhere at 820-860 degrees Celsius.

Such a peculiar and amazing property also finds its application, for example, in those spare parts or elements of equipment that are constantly exposed to such temperatures and where their use is justified in comparison with the price and payback period.

If we combine all the above properties of diamonds, we can conclude that regarding the physical properties of diamonds, the value of the stone is enormous, both in the field of jewelry and in various fields of industry, electronics, and optics.

The magical properties of diamond

Since the most ancient times, it was believed that such a unique stone should simply have supernatural powers. Suffice it to recall the magic skulls made of crystal and diamonds of the ancient and suddenly disappeared Mayan people, the era of the pharaohs, where all the kings and queens were simply “studded” with diamonds and expensive jewelry from them.

Diamond has always been considered the stone of strong people. This stone, according to many beliefs, gives strength, courage, valor and courage. No wonder it is called the "stone of kings." It is also believed that this is a strong amulet that allows the owner to avoid negative influences from third parties.

It should be noted that in ancient times, the magical properties of a diamond could neutralize any drink from poison. It was enough just to lower the stone there and wait a few minutes. (We do not recommend checking this).

Also, the magical properties of a diamond are known in the love sphere of Cupid. In the same Ancient Egypt, it was believed that if you hold a stone on your fingertips or take diamond powder, then such a rite promises boundless and reciprocal love until the last day.

A diamond is a stone that directly reflects the biofield of a person's owner. If it is good, then the stone will contribute to the emergence and preservation of money, luck, love, strength and other positive manifestations. Also, the stone will protect against envious people and bad actions directed against the owner.

In the case of bad karma, it is usually the other way around. But there may also be a possibility that the diamond will “pull out” bad energy and allow a person to be “reborn”.

For the best effect, wear the diamond stone so that it touches the skin. For example, on the neck as a pendant or on the left hand as a bracelet.

Also, there are three more things to consider:

  • as a rule, a diamond is given to a person, and not bought for oneself. This shows recognition and honor to a person, which is taken for granted by a diamond;
  • the more people in contact with the stone, the better, since it can affect not only the person himself, but also his work, personal life, family atmosphere.
  • pay special attention to the color before buying. Red refers to the passionate and harsh elements of fire, blue - watery calm, white - neutral.

In the end, you can talk a little about the influence of the stone and the signs of the zodiac. Since the stone is strong, only strong and powerful signs, for example, signs of the fire element, can own it.

But people born under the sign of fish should try to stay away from him, as he can even cause a negative impact. You should also pay attention to the same color shade of the diamond or diamond.

Healing magic of the diamond

The large energy potential of the stone is able to charge the cells of the human body with positive energy and help it cope with various kinds of negative diseases.

Diamond has a special effect on the mental and psychological state of the brain, as well as on the regulation of normal biorhythms and the well-functioning work of the cardiovascular system.

Team LyubiKamni

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