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Garnet stone how to define natural. synthetic stones. Grossular may be

Garnet stone has been known to people for a long time. Mystical and healing properties were attributed to this precious stone, and, of course, it was widely used in jewelry. It is one of the twenty most expensive stones in the world and is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful minerals.

The history of the origin of the stone

The garnet stone received its modern name in 1270. It was then that the famous alchemist Albert Magnus, describing this rare red mineral, gave it the name - "garnet". This word is related to the term "granules" and literally translated from Latin means "granular".

Indeed, natural garnet occurs in nature in the form of small rounded granules. Moreover, the size of the raw mineral does not exceed the grains of the tropical fruit of the same name.

In ancient times, each nation gave this gem its own name:

  1. "Chervets" or "lal" - in Rus'.
  2. "Bijazi" - in the Arab East (in Russia, this word was gradually transformed into "bechet" and quickly took root among the people).
  3. The ancient Greeks called this gem "anthrax" - a burning coal.
  4. And the ancient Roman name, also translated as "coal" - "carbuncle" - was used until the 19th century.

Description of the pomegranate

Pomegranate is one of the most worthy rivals. They are similar both in appearance and in their physical properties (although ruby ​​is a harder mineral). Outwardly, the garnet looks like a transparent or translucent stone with a glassy shiny, very smooth surface.

Pomegranate patronizes travelers, warriors, lovers, women who are expecting a child, and people in difficult life situations.

Colors and varieties

Most often, when talking about garnet, we mean the classic dark red or, in extreme cases, pink color of this mineral. However, these are far from the only varieties. The color of the garnet stone can vary from scarlet to yellow, green and even transparent.


Red pomegranate, the most common. Its name comes from the Greek word "pyropos" - similar to fire. Magnesium and aluminum salts give a peculiar shade to the stone.


A mineral with a high content of potassium and magnesium. Depending on their concentration, the color can vary from deep red to brown, purple and pink. It is to this variety that the “Bohemian”, or “Czech”, garnet belongs - a very expensive, almost transparent gem of a light pink hue.

In Rus', brought from the Arab East, they called the "Syrian pomegranate."


Allumocalcium silicate, the color of which is given by iron ore salts. The very name of this stone comes from the Latin name of the gooseberry, which speaks better than any words about the appearance of the grossular: small rounded stones shine with all shades of green and yellow.

Grossular can be:

  • light grassy;
  • orange-yellow;
  • dark brown;
  • transparent;
  • and even the extremely rare color of the sea wave (it bears the name hydrogrossular in mineralogy);


An extremely rare emerald green garnet found in only a few deposits in the world. It was first discovered in the Urals, in the Saranovsky mine, in 1832 and named after the Russian academician and Minister of Education, Sergei Uvarov. This stone is often called the "Ural emerald".

This mineral got its name in honor of its discoverer - José d'Andrada. In nature, this type of pomegranate has different shades - from yellow and greenish-marsh, to brown and even red. The most popular varieties of andradite are:


Incredibly rare black garnet, characterized by an opaque, matte structure. In fact, this color is a deaf dark red, but due to the lack of brilliance, the stone absorbs almost the entire spectrum of sunlight, which makes it look like a coal-dark.


Another type of black garnet, rich in iron salts, due to which the edges of the stone cast a bright sheen with a metallic tint.


The rarest transparent gem, distinguished by a light green color. Its name means, literally, "like a diamond", although outwardly it resembles, rather,. This mineral is often found in the decoration of Russian palaces of the 18th-19th centuries.


For the first time, this stone began to be mined in the town of Spessarty, in Germany - it was from here that the official name of this garnet variety came from. The main colors are yellow, brown, and pink, although there are also examples of a red tint.


Or in other words, "essonite", "cinnamon stone" - garnet of all shades of brown. Most often in nature there are yellow, honey, orange, and purple hues. Cinnamon-colored hessonites are occasionally found. It is one of the least hard types of pomegranate. Actually, the word "hesson" itself means in Latin "weak", "smaller".


Some minerologists distinguish it into a separate group, but in fact it is a hybrid of almandine and pyrope. The high content of iron also determines the colors found in this mineral: red and pink in any shade.


This is the general name for all minerals of this group, which are distinguished by a transparent color.

Chemical composition and physical properties

Garnets are silicates with a high content of magnesium, calcium and iron. Depending on the chemical composition, their individual types are classified as both precious and semi-precious, ornamental stones. The general formula of all these minerals looks like this: Mg + Fe + Mn + + Ca + 3Al23.

At the same time, each subspecies of pomegranate has its own chemical composition. It is from the concentration of certain elements that the shades of garnet, density and brilliance depend.

Despite how many varieties a stone has, its properties for all "grades" remain approximately the same.

Pomegranate molecules have a cubic lattice and form either rhombododecahedrons (closed compounds of 12 faces) or tetragoptrioctahedrons (24 faces).

Scientists divide all grenades into two main subspecies:

  1. Pyralspites dominated by iron, magnesium and manganese; form a 12-sided crystal lattice; this is the structure of pyrope, spessarine, and almadine.
  2. Ugrandites, high in calcium (as in grossulars and andradites). The molecules of these gems form into tetragoptrioctahedrons.

The hardness of these gemstones ranges on the Mohs scale from 6.5 (like hessonite) to 7.5 (like almandine). Garnet can be easily polished with a diamond, but if you run it over glass, it leaves a shallow scratch.

At the same time, it is quite brittle and breaks easily with a strong impact. So processing it is not such a simple matter.

The density of this mineral is low: on average from 3700 to 3930 kg per cubic meter.

The surface of the pomegranate is smooth to the touch, glassy. But the edges of the break, on the contrary, are uneven and rough.

In nature, this gem is found in medium-sized druze. These stones are not large. The largest garnet, a fire pyrope the size of a pigeon's egg, was discovered in Germany and weighed 633 carats.

Place of Birth

Garnets are mined all over the world. Their deposits are found on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. Pomegranates are found in Russia, USA, Germany, Mexico, Australia, Zambia, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka and some other countries.

In Russia, the largest deposits are in Yakutia (very rare fiery red pyropes are mined there), on the Kola Peninsula, Chukotka and the Urals. It is the Ural mines that supply jewelers with a significant part of green uvarovites.

In the USA, on the border of the states of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona, one of the most amazing types of this gem is mined: "Ant" or "Arizona" garnet.

These tiny, no more than one and a half carats, stones are brought to the surface by ants during the construction of their "palaces". Surprisingly, with all efforts, it was not possible to detect these bright red granules by the mine method.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

Despite the fact that the magical properties of this stone are universal in many ways, astrologers advise people to check whether their patron constellation is combined with the magical properties of the "fiery" stone before buying jewelry with garnet.

For those who decide to purchase a garnet stone, the zodiac sign is very important:

  1. : pyropes and other varieties of red pomegranates are categorically contraindicated for people born during this period. But hessonite, grossular and uvarovite will give its owner success in matters of the heart, help to remain faithful in separation and strengthen a sense of trust in their "soulmate".
  2. For Pisces this stone is an excellent remedy that helps to normalize blood pressure and avoid infections. True, they are also not allowed to carry red grenades.
  3. Aries: pomegranate is useful to them as a means to cope with irascibility, to avoid quarrels. It also helps in the fight against various phobias.
  4. Taurus do not buy pomegranate jewelry.
  5. Gemini you need to be careful with this stone: it not only gives self-confidence, but also gives rise to passions that are not easy for the ardent nature of Gemini to fight.
  6. Cancer. For them, grenades are contraindicated, only green varieties can be exceptions.
  7. For Lviv pomegranate products are useless, although not dangerous.
  8. Virgins this gem will help you find harmony, find your way in life.
  9. Scales: they sometimes need a pomegranate as a way to calm their nerves, to humble their impulses.
  10. Scorpions this gem will help moderate your ambitions, achieve peace of mind, help you reach agreement in friendship. At the same time, pomegranate will help this sign develop their leadership skills.
  11. archers they will feel a surge of strength from this gem - both mental and physical.
  12. Capricorns: pomegranate will help them gain self-confidence, give strength and insight to make the right decision.

Who suits the names?

It is extremely important to determine in advance, when buying a garnet stone, who suits and who does not, such an ornament. The element of garnets is fire (especially for pyropes and almandines), as well as earth and water. This stone also has patron planets: the Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and the Sun.

Pomegranate is an excellent life talisman for people with names:

  • Alexandra (only for women - for Alexander men, this mineral will be useless);
  • Alla;
  • Anton;
  • Valeria;
  • Basil
  • Galina;
  • Ludmila;
  • Maria;
  • Nikita;
  • and Tamara;

magical properties

Few stones have as many mystical secrets as the "garnet" stone - magical properties have been attributed to it since ancient times, and even now many psychics use this mineral in their practices.

Pomegranate has long been considered a symbol of a strong spirit, a pure heart and high spiritual qualities. Therefore, gemologists advise people with a weak character to carry garnet with them, so that this mineral will help them develop a strong inner core in themselves.

Since ancient times, this mineral has personified love and other heartfelt feelings.

According to the medieval “language of stones”, the gift of a pomegranate product meant passionate (perhaps even unrequited) love. It was considered undesirable to wear pomegranate jewelry in the presence of children or adolescents, since this gem is able to awaken passions in a person.

At the same time, he was revered as a symbol of marital fidelity. It was believed that pomegranate gives success in love and helps to keep feelings apart. It was often given to newlyweds for a wedding, and for families whose marriage is threatened with destruction, this stone is very useful.

The benefits of green varieties are especially great. Their energy helps to strengthen family ties, and for a woman, in addition, serves as an assistant in "women's worries."

The magic of these stones is also associated with the gift of clairvoyance. It is believed that if a pomegranate is dreamed of at night, then soon this person will have to resolve a serious problem or make a difficult choice.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of pomegranate have been known to healers since ancient times.

In lithotherapy, this mineral is used for many diseases:

  • inflammation;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergies;
  • metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases;
  • and many other problems.

Legend has it that a pomegranate set in gold can even relieve migraines (which modern medicine still cannot cope with).

A garnet stone is extremely useful for a woman “in position”: it is believed that it makes the course of pregnancy more calm and guarantees easy childbirth. In ancient times, jewelry was often made from this gem especially for pregnant women.

Talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, people have used amulets from this gem. For example, any traveler tried to take a garnet ring or pendant on the road.

Pomegranate is considered an amulet that can both keep and win the love of another person. Scandinavian legend says that Ogren, the zwerg, fell in love with Freya, the goddess of love, forged a beautiful necklace in order to achieve her favor.

For men, another property attributed to the pomegranate is especially important. It symbolizes masculinity, fortitude, courage.

Many warriors wore jewelry made from this mineral, as it was considered a strong amulet that protected from wounds and death in battle. They were encrusted with weapons, armor, helmets. And during the period of the Crusades, almost every knight had a ring with a garnet, designed to keep it in battle.

Pomegranate products have a very strong energy, because of this, you should not wear it continuously, you should take it off from time to time and let it “rest”.


Garnet is a stone, jewelry from which has always been very popular. In the Middle Ages, beads, earrings or a pendant made of this mineral were sure to be in the jewelry box of any woman from the noble class.

Usually this gem is set in gold. However, it also looks good with silver, especially often this combination is used for low-quality garnets. Indeed, according to jewelry traditions, it is not customary to insert a semi-precious stone into gold jewelry.

Other uses of the stone

Garnets were often present in the ceremonial attire of courtiers, in the attire of noble people, and even in the decoration of palaces. For example, the Faceted Chamber in the Kremlin is entirely encrusted with this particular mineral. The famous Faberge jeweler was very fond of this mineral: many of his caskets and precious toys were made using garnet fragments.

These gemstones are widely used in various industries. So, garnet is an excellent ferromagnet, due to which it is used in electronics. It is also added to some building mixtures. From this mineral (as well as from ruby), parts of optical systems and lasers can be made.


Garnet, despite its beauty, is not a very expensive stone.

For garnet stones, the price depends on the quality and size and, of course, on the rarity of the color:

  1. Amaldin can be bought for 1900 rubles per 1 carat.
  2. Rhodolite - 1700 rubles.
  3. The cost of pyrope starts from 1170 rubles.
  4. One of the most expensive garnets is spessartine. For example, a copy weighing 4.7 carats is estimated at 35 thousand rubles.

But the price of a “garnet” stone of technical quality starts from a few dollars per carat - for example, Nigerian pebbles for industry can be bought at 150-600 rubles per carat.

On many jewelry and handmade sites, summary tables are presented, where the price (in rubles and dollars) for different types of garnet is indicated. So, earrings with a garnet stone in a gold frame can be bought starting from 7,000 rubles.


Garnets are capricious minerals. You need to store them in a dark, cool enough (but not cold!) Place. Each stone must be laid separately or wrapped in a piece of cloth. For jewelry made from these gems, separate boxes are required.

Garnet jewelry can be cleaned with a soft brush. To do this, you need to fill the stones with water for a while, and then gently wash them with soapy water.

There are several ways to identify a real pomegranate:

  1. Take the stone to a jewelry store and ask for expert advice.
  2. You can distinguish a pomegranate from a fake by rubbing it with a woolen cloth. Natural stone will quickly become electrified - you can check this by carrying it past fluffs or your own hair.
  3. Garnet has slight magnetic properties. You can check this with small metal shavings.
  4. Another way to check authenticity is to swipe across the glass. Natural stone should leave a thin scratch on the glass.

artificial pomegranate

Natural garnet is not such a rare mineral. However, modern scientists are making many attempts to "grow" these stones in artificial conditions. This is how synthetic silicate was created -. He was raised in the USSR in 1968 for the needs of nuclear energy.

This gem is distinguished by a variety of colors that natural garnets cannot boast of: for example, cubic zirconia of an incredible lavender hue is known - and in fact blue color is impossible for these minerals in nature.

  1. Red garnets - pyrope - are mentioned in Kuprin's story "garnet bracelet", where this decoration symbolizes unrequited, but sincere and pure love.
  2. According to legend, a fiery grenade was installed on the nose of Noah's Ark, illuminating the way for the escaped people.


Garnet - precious or semi-precious stone? This question is often heard by sellers of jewelry stores from potential buyers. This mineral actually resembles the grains of a pomegranate, from which it gets its name. Its old Russian name is “lal”. This is what our ancestors called the pomegranate in ancient legends and epics. Although rubies and spinels, that is, any transparent red stones, were often called lalas.

Pomegranate cannot but delight and attract the eye. Dark red transparent crystals of garnet draw attention to any jewelry made from it. Is the garnet gemstone really?

To find the answer to this question, it is worth understanding what stones are, how they are classified, which of them can be considered precious.

Classification of stones

Garnets are mainly used for making jewelry. Jewelers divide all natural minerals into three main categories:

  • precious;
  • semi-precious;
  • ornamental.

This division is conditional, since there is no generally accepted classification fixed by law. However, there is federal law No.; 1 of March 26, 1998, which clearly states which stones can be considered precious. These are natural diamonds, natural pearls, alexandrites, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.

It is believed that a precious stone, in addition to the beautiful appearance that processing and cutting give it, should be rare. All of the above stones are expensive, so they can become a means for saving and investing money. The weight unit of this type of natural minerals is carat (0.2 g)

As you can understand, garnet does not belong to. Ornamental minerals are also used in jewelry production. They are used for the manufacture of decorative and interior items. Dishes, ashtrays, candlesticks and larger items (architectural decorations of facades and columns, furniture elements, etc.) are made from ornamental stones by cutting. Ornamental stones include chalcedony, carnelian, malachite, agate, onyx and jasper.

Ornamental varieties of pomegranate, as a rule, are little or completely opaque, but have beautiful natural shades and a unique pattern. They are inferior in hardness not only to precious, but also to semi-precious stones.

Based on the fact that garnet cannot be called an ornamental stone, it can be attributed to an intermediate group, that is, to semi-precious jewelry and ornamental stones. In addition to garnet, chrysolites, turquoise, topazes, amethysts, beryls, amber, rock crystal, etc. are considered semi-precious.

These are, as a rule, transparent, well-cut stones. But among more than 30 types of garnets, there are also stones that do not have a transparent structure.

Semi-precious and ornamental stones, including garnet, are measured in grams. The hardness is 6.5-7.5 units according to the Mohs scale used by jewelers.

Varieties of pomegranate

Natural forms of pomegranate amaze with their diversity. You rarely see a stone that occurs in nature not only in the form of the usual rhombuses, triangles or trapezoids. There are crystals of a very complex structure with 38, 48 and even 72 faces. The most popular types of garnet among jewelers are scarlet pyrope and almandine, which is distinguished by a bright red, as if radiant color.

Moreover, pyropes were most valued in the old days. They were mined mainly in the Czech Republic and were for the nobility an indicator of exquisite taste and well-being. Now pyropes are very rare and cannot cost less than $200 per carat. The market is filled with synthetically created stones.

Nowadays, thanks to a large number of explored deposits, the championship has gone to almandines. These are fairly large stones. And their price is quite affordable.

Quite rare, and therefore expensive and most valuable, are demantoids and tsavorites. Only a specialist can distinguish the radiance of their facets from the brilliance of emeralds. But they are small in size. The largest stones weigh only 0.4 g (2 carats). Demantoids can have unique shades: pistachio, olive, pale green.

It is these stones, which have high rates of purity and transparency, while not being precious, however, can be measured in carats and cost quite a lot.

The most expensive and rare type of garnet is mejorite, a transparent stone with a radiant purple hue.

This king of garnets can originate either from the impact of a meteorite, or from pressure at a depth of at least 400 m. Medzhorites are very rare. They were last discovered in France in 2004, cut and sold for $2,400 per carat. And the most expensive faceted mejorite has a weight of almost 4 carats. Its cost is estimated at more than $8 million. How can this variety of garnet be called a semi-precious stone?

However, if a person can master Mars or at least the Moon, mejorite will cease to be an expensive curiosity, since the conditions there contribute to the formation of this type of minerals (mejorite, in particular).

Among the most used by jewelers and stone carvers are:

  • pink rhodolites;
  • greenish urovitis;
  • orange-brown hessonites;
  • light green grossoires;
  • black melanitis;
  • multi-colored spessartines, which can be yellowish or pink-red.

How to distinguish a real stone from a fake?

The answer to the question of whether a garnet is precious or just a semi-precious stone does not affect the number of fakes that flood the market today. Pomegranate is forged and grown artificially. How, when buying, to protect yourself from acquiring a fake?

The specialist will be able to do this according to a number of indicators:

  • the appearance of the crystal;
  • shine;
  • transparency indicators;
  • hardness;
  • density;
  • the nature of the fracture;
  • lack of cleavage;
  • specific gravity;
  • refractive index.

It is much more difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish a fake from a real stone. You can use the method known since ancient times. Grenades have been observed to have high pyroelectric performance. That is, if you rub the stone well (before heating), then it will begin to attract small debris: fluff and feathers of birds, straws, dust.

Stone features:

  1. Natural garnet can scratch glass.
  2. It does not have a uniform structure and may have microdefects, uneven coloring and transparency.
  3. Too large stones are most likely synthetically grown, and not natural natural garnets.

One of the most beautiful natural stones is garnet. The "seeds" of a pomegranate are distinguished by some especially lively aura and energy. They are really unusually similar to pomegranate (fruit) seeds. By the way, the name of the stone from the Latin “granatus” is translated as “like grains”. That is how it was first called by the well-known medieval alchemist Albert Magnus.

Garnet is a precious stone. Its cost can reach up to $ 10,000 per carat, depending on the size, shade and transparency of the stone.

An extravagant, very "tasty" stone with a juicy, rich palette and amazing vitreous luster. Pomegranate has a rather diverse color: in nature, red and dark red garnets are more common, less often orange, purple, green, purple, black.

Whatever the shade of garnet, this stone is almost always recognizable - it is so special. Pomegranate seeds have complex, fantastically beautiful shades. Charming shades of pomegranate are determined by the composition of this mineral. The stone got its exquisite red hue due to the high content of iron.

Pomegranate is a stone of mature and experienced

Garnet is considered the stone of lovers. To express your recognition and love, you can give any jewelry with garnet - earrings, rings, bracelets, beads, etc.
Garnet is one of those rare stones that can and should be given. In the old days, it was believed that the magical properties of a pomegranate are greatly enhanced when it is inherited or given by a very close person. But stolen grenades, according to ancient legends, bring misfortune.

Garnet rings symbolize friendship, love and gratitude. Too young beauties are advised to be careful with this stone - garnet can cause strong passion and strong love feelings. We can say that this is a stone of mature and experienced women. Pomegranate is most suitable for passionate, ambitious ladies, strong in spirit and character. The mineral cheers up, amuses the heart, gives cheerfulness and optimism. In ancient times, he was considered a healer of the heart and brain.

This beautiful mineral has many varieties that are known to the world under their separate names. Garnets of a bright red hue, according to the modern classification, are called pyrope.

Common gem varieties of garnets include:

  1. almandine (magenta, violet),
  2. demantoid (green, golden green),
  3. grossular (yellowish-greenish),
  4. uvarovite (emerald green),
  5. spessartine (orange),
  6. andradite (black, green, brown-red).

It is interesting to examine the pomegranate under different lighting conditions - the color of the stone changes like that of a "chameleon". The most juicy and bright colors open to the eye in sunlight. Under artificial lighting, the same stone will glow with a different shade. No less interesting, but different! Green garnet (demantoid), for example, in the evening under the light of lamps can be confused with yellow garnet (grossular).

In Russia, pomegranate has long been called "vinisa". The Russian scientist Vladimir Dal, in his Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, described the pomegranate as follows: “Venisa is a fossil from among honest stones, translucent, of the darkest red color.” Pomegranate of bright red color in the old days in Rus' was called "carbuncle", which means "coal", as well as "wormy yahont" ("red yahont"). Green varieties of pomegranate are often called "olivines" by the people.

People learned about the pomegranate more than 3000 years ago. In Antiquity and the Middle Ages, garnets were used quite often, while other stones of a similar red hue were often called garnets until they got their own names. In ancient sources, a great many legends and descriptions of the pomegranate have been preserved. Red pomegranate (pyrope) is described in the Bible as "a living fire that illuminates the path of Noah in the darkness of the Flood."

In the Ancient East and later - in the Middle Ages, the garnet stone was a symbol of constancy, devotion and fidelity. Products with such a stone were given to each other as a sign of respect and a very high location. It was believed that the owner of the stone gains power over people.

The ancient Mongols considered red garnet pyrope sacred. In the Mongolian epic, the pomegranate is described as "a drop of dragon's blood." And in some sacred books of the ancient Mongols, the pomegranate appears as "the frozen fire of volcanoes, glowing in the dark." It was believed that the owner of this mineral gains power over people and material well-being.

Ancient Eastern sorcerers considered the main magical property of pomegranate to kindle passion and love. According to Eastern beliefs, when passion took over a person, making him obsessed with love, the grenades on his hands lit up with passionate fire, gained incredible brilliance and seemed to “fill with blood.

In ancient Persia, the pomegranate was revered as the "king's stone". On the surface of the largest samples of the mineral, images of powerful Persian rulers, as well as images of gods, were carved. Such works of art are called "gems". These works of stunning beauty can be seen today in the best museums of the world - living evidence of the high skill of ancient engravers.

Georgian legend about pomegranate

One of the versions of the origin of the pomegranate on Earth is told by a beautiful Georgian legend. The Georgian king was looking for a groom for his only beloved daughter. To test the applicant, he came up with a kind of test. The future groom had to find three ripe pomegranate fruits. But it was no ordinary pomegranate. The fruit grew on a single pomegranate tree in a wonderful garden located in a distant, lifeless desert. The tree was magical. And the beautiful garden was guarded by evil spirits, by which it was impossible to pass unnoticed.

One young man turned out to be so bold, dexterous and courageous that he passed all the tests and got the magic pomegranate fruits. Returning home, he found the king dying. Bad weather and famine broke out in the country. The groom realized that the magic fruits could somehow help, and opened each pomegranate in turn. When he broke the first magical fruit, the Georgian king jumped to his feet and fully recovered. When the young man opened the second fruit, gardens blossomed in the country, and a huge harvest ripened, which saved the people from hunger. And when he opened the third pomegranate, precious stones fell out of it, exactly like the seeds of a ripe pomegranate fruit. The stones scattered all over the world, and since then, love and prosperity have come to everyone who has found this stone.

In Europe, the pomegranate gained wide popularity in the 17th and 19th centuries. In that era, the tastes and passions of European fashionistas were embodied in luxurious jewelry by famous Czech jewelers. And since large deposits of garnet were discovered in Bohemia (Czech Republic), this delightful gem immediately ascended the pedestal of high European fashion. Czech pyropes (red pomegranates) of amazing purity and beauty have become famous all over the world! After that, pomegranates fell in love in all parts of the world. To this day, the pomegranate is an obligatory decoration of the Czech national costume.

The huge popularity of pomegranates came in the era of romanticism. In the 18th century, the famous "garnet jewelry technique" of cutting precious stones in the form of grains was born. Compositions with garnets were often created from various shades and varieties of garnet - from almandines, demantoids, uvarovites, etc. Together, garnet placers of different tones look simply divine! Often such products were decorated with pearls of various shades. Europeans liked pomegranate so much that sets of pomegranate earrings, rings, necklaces, brooches quickly appeared in fashion.

Famous pomegranate masterpieces

Ulrika von Levetzow, the muse of the famous Goethe, wore luxurious jewelry made from Bohemian garnets. One set, consisting of almost five hundred juicy red stones, can still be seen today in the Trebenice Museum in Bohemia.

Among the large garnets, Arthur Church's garnet is widely known, which is stored today in the British Museum (6.21 metric carats). Another luxurious example of a large garnet can be admired in the London Geological Museum (12 metric carats).

Pomegranate is considered a symbol of a wise, pure and kind heart. This stone loves people who are noble, demanding of themselves, and dislikes selfish and power-hungry people. The mineral will not harm weak-willed people, but it will not provide any support either. Its vibrations will not affect the energy of such people. The hue of garnet is more than other stones similar to blood. And in the old days, as you know, friendship and love were often sealed with blood in the literal sense of the word - they made small incisions on the palms and tightly clasped their hands, symbolically "connecting" each other's blood. This ritual gave feelings and relationships the highest status - sacred. That is why the “bloody” shade of garnet determined the attitude towards the mineral as a sacred stone.

Garnet jewelry must be worn very carefully - the mineral gives rise to strong, passionate desires, which can lead to a loss of self-control. At the same time, the pomegranate gives its owner strength and power, contributes to the multiplication of material values. The active mineral nourishes with powerful energy, has a noticeable tonic effect. Therefore, wearing a pomegranate is very useful, but observing the measure and listening to your feelings.

If you like to travel, pomegranate will be the best talisman for you on a trip. In the old days, it was believed that the stone is able to protect the traveler from all misfortunes and troubles on the way! Also, in terms of its energy, the mineral is suitable for reformers, people who are spiritually purposeful, pure in soul and thoughts.

A pomegranate talisman helps family life, helps to build relationships with family and friends, including children.

One of the strong properties of pomegranate is the cleaning of living quarters from negative energy. Moreover, the vibrations of the stone displace negative energies not only from the territory of the dwelling, but also from the head of its inhabitants, expelling evil and black thoughts.

Green pomegranates are one of the best mascots for business representatives, clergy and educators. The stone tunes its owner to high matters, opens the eyes and heart of the divine beauty of the earthly world. The energy of the mineral works best with a clean and bright aura of honest and disinterested people. Green pomegranate does not favor people with a bad conscience.

Place of Birth
The largest garnet deposits are in the Czech Republic. For many centuries, the highest quality pomegranate in the world has been mined here. Pomegranate is also mined in Ukraine, Madagascar, Brazil, Azerbaijan, Austria, USA, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Norway, Finland, Canada, South Africa.

In Russia, the territory of pomegranate mining is the Urals, Chukotka, Karelia, Yakutia. Green varieties of garnet (uvarovite, demantoid) are mined in the Urals, which is why they are sometimes called “Ural garnet”. At one time, a huge amount of green garnets was mined in the Ural treasuries.

Other Uses for Pomegranate

Due to its high strength, various varieties of garnet are widely used in industry as an abrasive material. As a rule, these are small stones, but large and high-quality garnets go to jewelry processing. Garnet is also used as a semiconductor material.

The pomegranate is very popular with collectors. Crystals come in a variety of attractive colors and shapes. Looking at pomegranate nuggets is an inexpressible pleasure. Andradites, green demantoids, honey-yellow topazolites, emerald-green uvarovites are especially valuable in terms of collection.

magical properties
Red garnet is a stone of love that excites sexuality and love passions. Jewelry with red garnets amuse the soul, give their owners courage, will and incredible endurance, as well as power over people. The pomegranate energy fills with optimism and cheerfulness, drives away bad thoughts.

Astrologers recommend wearing pomegranate jewelry to Scorpions, Leo, Virgo and Cancer. Caution with this mineral is necessary for assertive Taurus. To a lesser extent, the stone helps Aries, who do not always finish what they started, quickly "burning out" and losing interest. Libra and Aquarius are most suitable grenades of green and golden hues.

As noted above, the vibrations and radiation of the pomegranate cause strong passions in their owners. Therefore, the mineral is suitable for people who are energetic in life, who give themselves up to any business. The stone supports such people in every possible way, helps in business, in love, brings material well-being, helps to find the best solutions in difficult life situations. But uninitiated, passive and lazy people can feel even slight irritation from the energy of this stone. He is too energetic and active. Such persons can wear grenades, but not too often.

Red garnets not only add passion, but also help to gain a mature and wise outlook on things and life circumstances. Green garnets improve the intuition of their owners, contribute to the development of psychic abilities, and also teach them to rationally spend their time and money. The constant wearing of a pomegranate helps to always be in high spirits, in emotional euphoria. If the owner of a pomegranate needs peace and rest, it is better to remove products from this stone for a while.

The surviving ancient manuscripts to this day keep records of the mysterious power of the pomegranate. What epithets this most beautiful stone was not rewarded with - “cheerful heart”, “invigorating”, “cheerful”, etc. The first to appreciate the magical properties of the pomegranate were not women, but men who carried it with them as a talisman that protected them from attacks and wounds. There were real legends about the magical properties of pomegranate. First of all, this stone was valued for its ability to give its owner power over people. That is why, until the era of the early Middle Ages in Europe, garnets were worn mainly by men, most often in the form of luxurious rings.

Women drew attention to the beauty of the stone, and soon the beauties began to adorn themselves with wonderful jewelry with garnets of various shades. Later, the magical properties of the mineral were discovered, helping to facilitate childbirth. By the middle of the Middle Ages in Europe, both women and men equally appreciated the pomegranate. Pomegranate rings were very popular, which were given to each other as a sign of friendship and love. It was believed that the pomegranate drives away black thoughts, guards love and is able to prevent treason.

Products with garnet are considered to be the talismans of creative people - poets and artists, sculptors and designers, stylists and actors can wear this stone without restrictions. Vibrations of the mineral will give creative inspiration and energy boost, help to create and create.

Medicinal properties
Since ancient times, it was believed that pomegranate accelerates the healing of a variety of injuries in the human body - these are fractures, wounds, and injuries. For example, the crusaders took large garnet rings with them on campaigns, which protected them from illness and injury in battle. In the old days, the pomegranate was used to stop bleeding.

Modern lithotherapists use pomegranate in restorative procedures related to the treatment of the digestive system, respiratory organs, as well as the restoration of immunity.

Each type of pomegranate has its own healing properties:

  1. Red pomegranates contribute to the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, have a positive effect on digestion.
  2. Transparent pomegranates treat the mucous membrane, normalize the work of the pancreas and intestines.
  3. Green pomegranates have a healing effect on the nervous system, treat the lymphatic system, the circulatory system.
  4. Yellow and brown pomegranates help to treat external diseases: skin rashes and diseases, allergies, burns, etc. They also have a positive effect on bowel function.

Pomegranate helps to recover from heart disease, reduces the risk of stroke. Improves cerebral circulation. Strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure. Provides relief from acute depression. Helps treat anorexia (weight loss).

In the form of a necklace, garnet helps to relieve headaches. And if you wear it in a gold frame in the form of a ring on the middle finger of your right hand, it will relieve migraines.

In ancient Eastern practice, pomegranate was used as a means to relieve fever, to treat sore throats and inflammation of the respiratory tract. For bronchitis, throat diseases and pneumonia, garnet necklaces are recommended, as well as pendants or any garnet jewelry in a silver frame.

The secret of the ant's blood pomegranate.
The rarest and reddest garnet in the world

There is one place in the United States of America commonly known as "Four Corners". The fact is that on this relatively small piece of land a person is simultaneously in 4 American states: New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Colorado. The place is located at the junction of these states, not far from the "Monument Valley". This is a large part of the Colorado Plateau, a place of extraordinary beauty and well-known among discerning travelers. The Navajo Indian Reservation is also located here. In fact, semi-desert with a picturesque rocky landscape.

The flora and fauna of this area is, of course, specific. But huge anthills up to 3 meters high have gained particular popularity among tourists!

And what about the garnet stone?

About everything in order. Rain in these parts is a rarity. But as soon as it passes, a lot of inquisitive people come to the patch called "4 Corners", who gather around the anthills and begin to examine them in the most attentive way. But the object of their attention, as it may seem at first glance, is not ants at all.

On the rain-washed surface of the anthill, small vitreous red pebbles are exposed - the so-called "ant blood"! The abundance of "ant blood" that is collected here after each rain depends on the intensity of the rain. This is the rarest variety of pomegranate - Anthill Garnet, or as it is also called "garnet from the ant mountain."

In the classification of minerals, the stone is called "chromium pyrope".
It is "ant's blood" that is the rarest variety of pomegranate. A very beautiful mineral of a bloody hue with a luxurious vitreous luster.
Considered the reddest garnet in the world, the color of this variety is most saturated with a blood-red tint.

"Ant garnet" does not contain brown in its color at all, so it looks simply impressive. In the United States, such a mineral is also called "Arizona ruby", the stone is so valuable and beautiful!

But here's what is unique: grenades are not found at all in these parts - they are found exclusively in anthills! As soon as the “ant blood” was found, the locals were very happy, suggesting that such a luxurious pomegranate could be commercially mined. But time passed, one mining company replaced another, and no garnet deposits were found! Geologists and industrialists spent money searching for garnet deposits, laying deep mines, including under anthills. No pomegranate!

Unbelievable but true. How and why pieces of a beautiful stone end up on anthills, scientists still have not found an intelligible answer. It is also not reliably established whether the ants are directly involved in the process of raising the mineral to the surface, or whether they built their structures on stones already formed and brought to the surface. It is curious that the stones are the anchor points of the luxurious ant "palaces". Other minerals are also found in anthills, but in very small quantities. Most of the stones are of this rare breed.

Chromium pyropes are found in small quantities in other parts of the planet. In terms of chemical composition, they are absolutely identical. The amount of "blood" in the color may vary somewhat, but the lovely red color of the stone is exactly the same.

Anthill Garnet translates as "anthill grenades". Experienced gemologists and mineralogists of the world are well aware of this stone. Many of them, being close to unusual places, cannot deny themselves the pleasure of visiting the "4 Corners", admiring this miracle of nature and capturing the pebbles of "ant blood" as a keepsake. As a rule, a copy of this type of garnet is one of the best in professional collections of natural stones.

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One of the precious stones that has always attracted with its unusual beauty, depth and magic of its highlights is garnet. Most people think that the color of a natural gem is rich red, but this is not entirely true, since there are a lot of colors and shades of this mineral: from pale pink to dark purple, blue and green.

Red crystal refers to representatives of the group of gems that are actively forged and sold at the same cost as natural, natural stone. How to distinguish a real pomegranate from a fake?

Production of imitation, today by using a wide variety of raw materials: from cheap stones to glass and plastic. Thanks to innovations in the field of technological development, today the most popular raw material for production is special garnet glass.

Fakes are often found not only in rings, but also in earrings, bracelets, pendants and tumbling, and can alternate with natural minerals.

The most high-quality imitation of the mineral and its varieties, such as spessartine, grossular, almandine, is cubic zirconia, a synthetic diamond colored with special dyes.

So how do you tell a natural pomegranate from an artificial one? Size. Pomegranate in nature is found only in a small size, which coincides with the size of the pomegranate grain. If the product is inlaid with a noticeably large copy, then most likely it is a fake.

Color. The color of a natural gem cannot be perfectly uniform. The natural mineral has spots, various inclusions, transitions from one shade to another.

Thermal conductivity. Most natural minerals are very poor conductors of heat. If it quickly heats up in the hands, this indicates that you are being sold or sold an imitation.

Density. This property of the original is somewhat higher than that of glass, so you can determine the authenticity of the product by scratching the glass with it. If it is real and not fake, a noticeable scratch will form on the glass.

If he passed all these tests, but you still doubt, then only a gemologist who will conduct laboratory tests and fix its authenticity will help answer the question of how to distinguish a fake from a real pomegranate.

How to tell a garnet from a ruby?

Quite often, due to the cost, pyrope and almandine are used to falsify other jewelry: hyacinth, ruby, chrysolite. Red garnet stone, how to distinguish from ruby? In fact, only a jeweler or gemologist can tell the difference by conducting special tests. However, at home, you can determine the authenticity of a ruby ​​by its appearance. The brilliance of a ruby ​​can only be compared to the brilliance of a diamond.

You can buy natural gems and gems in St. Petersburg on the website. Internet - jewelry store with real precious and ornamental stones Mineral Market provides a huge range of exquisite and inexpensive products for every taste. Here you will learn everything about the stones, from the variety, properties and benefits.

Garnet is a precious stone widely used in the jewelry industry due to its extraordinary beauty and variety of colors. The name of the stone comes from the Latin word "granatus", which means grain. The fact is that natural pomegranate is quite small in size, with a grain. According to other sources, the stone is called so because of the visual resemblance to the famous fruit, more precisely, to its grains. Although red garnet is the most commonly found in jewelry, this stone actually comes in a wide range of colors. So, there are garnets of green, yellow and even opaque black colors.

The magical properties of pomegranate

The most common belief that attracts the largest number of people to purchase jewelry with garnet is the ability of a stone to give its owner power over people. Depending on the color of the pomegranate, various properties are attributed to the stone:

  • red - since ancient times was considered a symbol of love, bringing happiness;
  • purple - directs to decision making, gives courage to the owner;
  • yellow - was the talisman of travelers;
  • orange - a talisman for the weak, promotes protection and restoration of justice;
  • green - a talisman of mutual understanding and peace in family relationships;
  • black garnet, according to its owner, gave a connection with the souls of the dead.

Medicinal properties of pomegranate

Specialists in the field of lithotherapy claim that with the help of this amazing stone, diseases of many organs in the human body can be treated:

  • hormonal system;
  • blood pressure;
  • rheumatism;
  • pelvic organs;
  • kidneys;
  • joints;
  • lungs;
  • throat;
  • enhances sexuality.

The appearance of the pomegranate and its cost

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a product with natural pomegranate, you need to know how it looks.

Externally, the stone is very reminiscent of pomegranate fruit grains, at least in size. The color palette is completely diverse, it can be minerals of red, purple, transparent, green and even black. There are no pomegranates except for blue flowers. The different colors of this stone have received their own names, such as pyrope, grossular, spessartine, almandine, uvarovite and andradite. If you were offered stones with this name - know that this is not a fake, just a type of pomegranate.

In order to find out how much a garnet stone costs, just visit the nearest jewelry store, or study several sites on the Internet. But it is safe to say that the cost is relatively low. This is the reason why garnet is often passed off as the more expensive ruby ​​stone.

The Witch's Happiness online store can gladly offer you. To do this, just follow the link and get acquainted with our range. We offer our customers only high-quality products that can easily pass any test.

Features of natural stones

Due to the fact that the stone has been widely used since ancient times to the present, a very large number of fakes arise. Therefore, it is worth knowing the distinctive features of natural stone in order not to become a victim of fraud, and not to purchase a cheap fake without any useful properties instead of the desired pomegranate.

  1. Magnet. Due to the chemical composition of the mineral, it has the ability to magnetize, while the fake, when the magnet approaches, will remain in a state of perfect rest. In order to check the authenticity of a stone, it is enough to take a jewelry scale, put a dense layer on it, and then the stone itself. When approaching the magnet stone, the weight should begin to fluctuate.
  2. Glass. Garnet has a high density, much higher than the density of, say, glass, so if you pass a stone over glass, you can leave a noticeable scratch.
  3. Shine. Like many other natural stones, they never have a “cheap” shine. The stone has a pleasant, soft shimmer.
  4. Size. In nature, it is found in quite modest sizes. The largest one is the size of a pomegranate fruit, so if you are offered to buy a large stone and claim that it is natural, be sure they are trying to deceive you.
  5. Uniformity. Natural stone may have inclusions, but if you notice air bubbles - be sure - it's glass.
  6. Color. A real garnet gemstone will never be one uniform color, so the easiest way to check the natural origin of the stone offered to you is to simply look through it into the light.
  7. Certificate. Czech pomegranate is always accompanied by a corresponding certificate of quality.

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