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What is apricot oil used for? Apricot oil - indications and methods of use. Apricot kernel oil for acne and acne

Applications, recipes and properties of medicinal apricot kernel oils.


Oil extracted by pressing from apricot kernels, actively most used in cosmetology. Base oil fits perfectly for allergenic, sensitive dry and or mature skin, it copes well with skin care of any other type.

Essential oil from apricot kernels. Properties are useful. Video

HEALING PROPERTIES OF ESSENTIAL APRICOT KIT OIL. Apricot oil It has a refreshing, restorative, calming and toning effect, and restores skin elasticity.
Apricot base oil at Regular use gives the skin a beautiful, amazingly soft, and most importantly, even color. It can be used for "quick" masks, so-called, restore which tired skin before important events. The effect is nourishing and moisturizing oil it's on skin provides body and face, décolleté, neck. Apricot oil one of the most the best oils for complex care behind delicate skin. It actively restores the tone and elasticity of the natural skin of flabby skin.
One of the many advantages of this main base oil is the normal balance between problem and combination skin.
Thanks to its delicate texture and the absence of active acids, apricot oil can be used even daily as the main product for caring for a child’s skin, including irritations and treatments of various origins.


ESSENTIAL OIL FROM APRICOT KITS low viscosity and absence of odor. It is obtained by cold pressing from apricot kernels! Often very much is added to it cherry plum and plum seed oil. This improves its beneficial properties!

What beneficial substances does apricot oil contain?
It is very nutritious and has a high content of vitamins. Due to its low acidity, it is quickly absorbed into the skin! It also contains from forty to sixty percent oils fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids are its basis, for good health and good health are essential.

What did this oil inherit from apricot?
Known to be very rich apricot vitamin “C”, carotene (“A”), and group “B” vitamin B oil they are also contained! Is there some more mineral substances - potassium and magnesium, especially. Apricot is the current champion among the healthiest fruits, located on the same level of the pedestal as , and there is nothing useful in it!

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. APRICOT SEED OIL. Is it dangerous to use oil orally with food?
Of course that apricot pits (more precisely, kernels) you can't eat. But in apricot oil from apricot kernels done and attributed to him cosmetic and food applications.


Apricot kernel oil. Video

Recipes for using apricot kernel oil:

1. For massage, apricot kernel oil: will help get rid of rashes, inflammation, will give health skin, and also in children! Self oil in pure form or in mixture with others, for example: , bergamot,– fantasize yourself! For maximum benefit, use the above combinations with avocado and so on.
2. For cellulite and rough skin, apricot kernel oil: For two tablespoons apricot oil add a couple of drops orange, and rosemary oil. Or instead: , .
3. Moisturizing mask for dry skin with apricot kernel oil: After procedures, apply water. Per spoon tbsp. apricot a couple of drops essential oils of lavender or ylang-ylang, sandalwood, plus a spoonful of tbsp. almond or peach.
4. For every day for mixed skin types: is happening fat metabolism normalization, elasticity increases and color evens out. with peaches m in the mixture: one to one, plus a couple of drops per tablespoon tbsp. base oil. Wipe daily.
5. For problem skin, apricot kernel oil: apply for twenty minutes. one - a couple of times a day, soaked wipes apricot oil mixture with a mixture of avocado, . If very problematic skin, it is recommended to add a couple of drops to the mixture , and lemon per spoon tbsp. basics.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. APRICOT SEED OIL. How can they sell you a pig in a poke?
Should buy apricot oil in pharmacies only or trusted stores, there are cases of substitution apricot oil - almond oil. This is explained by the fact that they are similar in composition, but in cost apricot - higher, the way it is produced on a smaller scale, and it apricot after all!


Oil extracted by pressing from apricot kernels is most actively used in cosmetology. And let it base oil ideal for virtually sensitive and allergenic, mature or dry skin, it copes well with any other type of skin care. Apricot oil has a refreshing, soothing, restoring and toning effect, actively removes skin elasticity and restores.
Apricot base oil when used regularly Gives the skin a surprisingly soft, beautiful and even color. You can use it for “quick” masks that restore tired skin before important events. Nourishing and moisturizing effect oil will have it on skin of the face and body. This is one of the the best oils for complex care of delicate eyelid skin. It will actively restore natural tone and elasticity flabby skin.
The most important advantage of this basic oilsrestore the normal balance of problem and combination skin.
Due to its delicate texture and the absence of active acids, apricot oil can be used daily as the main skin care product for children, including for the treatment of various origins of irritation.

Apricot kernel oil, essential oil. Video

China, Armenia, Greece, Italy... What do these countries have in common? All of them dispute the right to be considered the ancestral country of the apricot tree. Its fruits are remarkable because people have learned to benefit not only from the juicy, tasty pulp, but also from the seeds. It is from them that a wonderful product is obtained - apricot oil.

Its beneficial properties were known already 5 thousand years ago.. At least, this is evidenced by ancient Chinese records. It is impossible to say with 100% certainty, but most likely, the famous Manchurian apricot became the raw material for it. Of course, the countries of South Asia and Europe also could not ignore this valuable product. Over time, the apricot tree, as well as the recipe for making oil, spread throughout the world.

Both then and now the drug is used to treat and prevent the same ailments.

Composition and physical properties

As consumers of any product, we are rarely interested in the method of its production. In the case of apricot oil, this is fundamentally incorrect, since this product has maximum beneficial properties only if it is produced by cold pressing.

Why? The point is this. With this method, the kernels of the bones are placed under a special press. The pressure and friction force maintain the temperature in the device around 40 degrees, at the same temperature the oil flows out from under the press. Then the apricot kernel oil settles in special canisters, and from there it is poured into the containers that we see on the shelves.

This production method allows only one third of the available oil contained in apricots to be extracted.

There are other ways: in addition to cold pressing, hot pressing is also used, when the raw material is first subjected to moisture-heat treatment. Another method of extracting the product is extraction, which involves the use of various volatile solvents. These methods significantly deteriorate the quality of the product: apricot kernel oil loses some of its beneficial properties and may contain undesirable substances. This is why it is so important to pay attention to the way the product is made.

Below is a table showing the content of nutrients contained in the product.

To conclude this section, a few words about what apricot oil looks like and what it smells like. Good quality apricot kernel oil is slightly viscous and colorless or has a pale yellow tint. Contrary to the expectations of people buying the product for the first time, the smell of the oil is weak and has a slight aroma of apricot kernels.

Properties and application

In medicine

For the treatment of runny nose and sore throat

Gargling and lubricating the sinuses provide a good therapeutic effect, based on the following features of the product:

  • thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, the mucous membranes are moisturized;
  • the same acids contained in the product can alleviate the patient’s condition by relieving swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose;
  • tocopherols and phytosterols included in the product have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Ascorbic acid (also known as vitamin C) helps strengthen the immune system.

Diseases of the throat and diseases of the nose are united by one common abbreviation - ENT, so it is not strange that another group of ENT diseases - otitis - can be equally effectively treated with apricot oil.

For the treatment of skin diseases

To illustrate the effectiveness of the oil used to solve skin problems of various etiologies, we provide a table.

Phytosterols play a huge role in the treatment of skin diseases (damages). They are:

  • have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • optimize the elasticity of the skin;
  • have a healing effect (tocopherons also have the same property).

When used externally, the product is well absorbed into the skin without leaving greasy stains.

Here are just 2 recipes for using the product for these purposes:

  • For eczema, it is enough to gently rub apricot oil into the damaged areas of the skin 2-3 times a day, using stroking movements. The product should be purchased at a pharmacy; there is no need to boil it.
  • If there are crusts on the head of a newborn, when there is no hair yet, but there are scabs, proceed as follows. A sterile gauze cloth is soaked in a pre-sterilized product, cooled to room temperature, placed on the baby’s head, a cap is tied over it and left for 3 to 4 hours. Then the child is bathed, his head is washed with soap, and the crusts fall off on their own.

The technology for sterilizing the product at home is simple: apricot kernel oil is poured into a bottle and placed in a water bath. After the water boils, continue the procedure for 20 minutes.

Other diseases

The most ancient descriptions of apricot oil primarily recorded its properties aimed at alleviating the condition of patients suffering from hemorrhoids. Nowadays, the external use of the product for these purposes still has not lost its relevance.

Application in cosmetology

For face

The uniqueness of the product is that its properties allow you to solve all cosmetic problems of the facial skin:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • preserves the oval of the face;
  • removes swelling from the face;
  • solves the problem of circles under the eyes;
  • returns healthy complexion;
  • eliminates pigment spots.

Not only dry and dehydrated skin, but also normal skin requires hydration and nutrition. Face masks and a gentle massage using apricot oil stimulate collagen production, normalize metabolic processes and saturate the facial skin with the beneficial substances it needs.

We will reveal in more detail the mechanism of how the oil works to improve the structure of the skin of the face and the area around the eyes. Skin cells are surrounded by fatty membranes. Dull, sagging skin and circles under the eyes signal the death of these membranes. To restore their population, the skin needs special nutrition - a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are present in sufficient quantities in the product. Monounsaturated fatty acids contained in the oil also work on the structure of the skin, making it elastic.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

It is not always possible to give clear, even outlines to the eyebrows due to the fact that in some places the hair grows thicker, in others less often. Using the product helps solve this problem.

In relation to eyelashes, the oil shows its functionality:

  • when removing makeup;
  • for cosmetic procedures to make eyelashes thicker.

For body

Apricot oil helps get rid of stretch marks on the skin, cellulite, pigmentation, gives a well-groomed appearance to feet and heels, and replaces hand cream. The versatility of the oil is explained by the ability of the substances included in its composition to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize the fat metabolism of the skin, stimulate the production of collagen, moisturize the skin and make it firmer and more elastic.

The appearance of stretch marks is a problem that women after childbirth or people who have gained a lot of weight in a short period of time focus on.

Solve the problem of stretch marks You can rub apricot kernel oil into problem areas of the skin, as well as using wraps and massage with the product.

  • To get rid of stretch marks, apricot oil at room temperature is rubbed in daily, and for better absorption of the product, the procedure should be carried out immediately after taking a bath (shower), when the skin is sufficiently warm.
  • The problem of stretch marks is also solved by a special technology of rubbing the product. Apricot kernel oil is not just rubbed into problem areas, it is, as it were, screwed in there with a pinch made of 3 fingers: thumb, index and middle.

To get rid of stretch marks, besides oil, you will need one more thing - patience, since it takes from 6 months to a year to eliminate stretch marks.

In terms of its relevance, women's concerns about cellulite significantly exceed the problem of getting rid of stretch marks. This visual skin defect is caused by pathological processes occurring in the subcutaneous fat layer. The ability of oil to normalize fat metabolism in tissues helps restore the skin to a healthy appearance, even it out and get rid of crusts.

For cellulite A massage using a special composition helps a lot: add 3 drops of various essential oils (lemon, juniper and fennel) to apricot oil (1 tablespoon).

Method of massage (self-massage) is not complicated: apply the resulting mixture - apricot oil for massage - to the cellulite area of ​​the skin, vigorously rub the composition in a clockwise circular motion using a special massager, with or without hard mittens (gloves). To enhance effectiveness, the procedure is carried out after a shower (bath) on hot skin.

For nails

Use of oil useful in solving the problem of brittle nails and their delamination. For this purpose, a teaspoon of the product is supplemented with a drop of essential lemon oil, and the resulting composition is applied to the nails.

The nail plate is half the battle, since a beautiful manicure with unkempt cuticles is impossible.

Rubbing warm (not hot) oil into it every day helps you become the owner of a neat, well-groomed cuticle.

For hair

A good half of the female population faces the problem of split ends and hair loss.

Apricot oil Well solves the problem of thin, weakened, lifeless hair. When added to shampoo, it helps restore shine and silkiness to hair. How? The polyunsaturated fatty acids included in the product strengthen the structure of the hair shaft and the scales covering it.

It is worth noting that owners of oily hair should not resort to using the product.

Use in cooking

With regard to taking apricot oil orally, you can find 2 opposing opinions: some point out the benefits of such an event, others talk about the serious danger posed by hydrocyanic acid contained in the nucleoli. Having life experience behind us, one can argue that in childhood we all broke apricot pits, feasted on them, and no one was poisoned. But the logic of the average person is not enough here, because we are talking about oil, which means the concentration of substances contained in it is much higher than in the original source.

Having studied the market offers of this product, we came to the conclusion that the matter is much simpler:

  • if you purchase a product in a small package of 25 to 125 ml, then most likely it is a product for external use;
  • if the product is available in a 500 ml container, then it is intended for oral administration.

In any case, to make the right choice, you need to carefully study the label; the method of use will be indicated there.

Taking apricot oil has a positive effect on:

  • genitourinary system;
  • circulatory system;
  • endocrine system;
  • gastrointestinal organs.

Let's look at the last point in a little more detail. since there is not a single person who, at least once in his life, has not encountered damage to the digestive organs to one degree or another.
What is gastritis?“Everyone has it, don’t pay attention,” is the answer you often hear from doctors. Meanwhile, the indicated disease is a lesion of the gastric mucosa. How does apricot oil work? Yes, exactly the same as in the treatment of ENT diseases: it relieves inflammation and swelling of the organ mucosa.

What is a stomach and (or) duodenal ulcer? Same as gastritis, only in a more serious form. The mucous membrane, “eaten away” by the helico bacterium, becomes thinner. Does apricot oil work here? Without a doubt. The same as in the previous case. But before you decide to take it to treat a serious illness, you should consult your doctor.

The liver is the body's chief health care worker. A deficiency of Omega-3, Omega-6 and 9 fatty acids (these are synonymous words for the term “polyunsaturated fatty acids”) gradually disables it. The high content of these acids in the product is an additional reason to think about including it in your diet.

At the end of this section, we note that Apricot oil should not be subjected to heat treatment, if you want to preserve all the beneficial properties of the product. Oil is good for dressing salads. Daily intake– 1 or 2 tablespoons.


Apricot oil has long been known as a hypoallergenic product, there is no information about its negative effects on the body, therefore, as possible contraindications, manufacturers indicate on the packaging individual intolerance to the components of the product.

How to select and store

When choosing a product, pay attention to:

  • container (it must be made of dark glass);
  • date of manufacture (the fresher the product, the better it is);
  • place of purchase of the product (it is best to buy it in pharmacies).

It is impossible to compile a complete list of companies specializing in the production of natural apricot oil, since there are so many of them. Let's mention just a few:

  • LLC "NaturVita";
  • AVEO enterprise, Alsu LLC;
  • Aspera company (oils from this company can be found not only in Russia, but also in pharmacies in Belarus and Kazakhstan);
  • a company in Uzbekistan operating under the Mojiza brand.

The container in which the product is produced may have volume: 25, 30, 50, 100, 125 and 500 ml. What all these bottles and vials have in common is that they all have a mark: 100% natural. With the same composition, the manufacturer indicates different purposes of the product:

  • food,
  • cosmetic,
  • for hair,
  • for massage.

Best before date Oil from the date of manufacture is one year; after opening, it is stored exclusively in the refrigerator in a tightly closed original container for no more than 6 months.


The price of the product varies greatly not only depending on the manufacturing method, but also on the volume. Moreover, even in containers of the same volume under equal conditions, manufacturers indicate prices that are difficult to match. So, the price of a 50 ml product can be from 179 to 450 rubles, 100 ml – from 274 to 544 rubles. Therefore, the buyer should independently analyze the prices of the product of the volume that he wants to purchase and make the right choice.

Making apricot oil at home

Many consider this event to be futile, since it still will not be a full-fledged replacement for the product obtained by cold pressing. The exception is the lucky ones who have a small manual press at home, with which they can get the most authentic oil. For the rest, we can only advise a way to enrich their diet. So, to make your own medicine, 4 apricot kernels are crushed in a blender and beaten with a pack of butter (180 - 200 g), cooled and consumed in the usual way.

One of the most popular base oils, extracted from apricot kernels, many value it not so much for its unique healing properties, but for its delicate, subtle aroma and surprisingly pleasant texture, which gives the most delicate sensations when applied to the skin. This is one of the most ancient and legendary base oils, the first experience of using which dates back to the medicine of Ancient Tibet.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of the oil were known 5 thousand years ago, and in Europe they began to actively use it about two thousand years ago. In the first centuries of our era, it was actively used for tumors and ulcers, and at the beginning of the 17th century it was literally worth its weight in gold. Despite the fact that apricot trees themselves can be found in orchards on almost all continents, apricot kernel oil remains one of the most expensive due to the small volumes of industrial extraction. But at the same time, it remains an undisputed favorite among nourishing and fortifying base oils.

Properties and characteristics

A unique base oil, which many compare with and is obtained by traditional and technologically simple cold pressing from apricot kernels. Raw seeds, by the way, have a very strong almond smell, while oil has a delicate, almost imperceptible, very delicate and enchanting smell, with a more pronounced nutty undertone.

In terms of its chemical composition, apricot kernel oil is very close to the two aforementioned “brothers”; it retains a unique combination of unsaturated and monosaturated acids, but the main advantage of the oil is its unusually high content of minerals and vitamins, which, thanks to the combination with fatty acids, are actively absorbed by the epidermis. In addition to the usual vitamins C, A and B for base oils, it contains an active form of rare vitamin F, unique tocopherols and salts of magnesium, potassium, and zinc. It is thanks to this composition that apricot oil is famous for its nutritional and vitaminizing properties. Externally, this base oil is transparent, flowing, very liquid, with a soft, barely perceptible yellowish color.

When buying a base oil, check its composition: in the production of apricot kernel oil, cherry plum kernels are often used, which affect the vitamin composition of the oil and mineral content. Usually oil from prefabricated seeds is cheaper, and oil from pure apricot kernels is more effective, but it is very difficult to find a truly absolute without additives. Complementary essential oils are, and.

When applied to the skin, this base oil has a noticeable refreshing effect, it is quickly absorbed, penetrates deep into the skin, never leaves marks on clothes and instantly restores skin elasticity. It is distributed over the skin quickly and evenly, restores the natural barrier of the epidermis, improves metabolism, synthesis of collagen and elastin. Apricot oil perfectly transports beneficial microelements, so it is most often used as a carrier, base oil. True, given the considerable price, it is wiser to dilute it with other basic, more affordable ones. In such mixtures, apricot oil will not lose its nutritional properties.

Apricot kernel oil is completely non-toxic and hypoallergenic.

The healing properties of apricot oil, so beloved by many, are used primarily for healing damage to the skin, including cuts, burns, and abrasions. This oil helps to quickly cope with dry dermatitis. Providing a general regulating and anti-inflammatory effect, this base oil heals rough skin. Also, oil from surprisingly fragrant apricot kernels actively promotes.

Skin care with apricot oil

Oil extracted by pressing from apricot kernels is most actively used in cosmetology. And although this base oil is actually ideal for sensitive and allergenic, dry or mature skin, it does an excellent job of caring for any other skin type. Apricot oil has a refreshing, regenerating, soothing and tonic effect, actively relieves redness and dermatitis, and restores skin elasticity.

Apricot base oil, when used regularly, gives the skin an amazingly beautiful and delicate, and most importantly, even color. It can be used for so-called “quick” masks that restore tired skin before important events. This oil has a moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin not only of the face, but also of the body, neck, and décolleté. This is one of the best oils for comprehensive care of such delicate eyelid skin. It actively restores the tone and natural elasticity of sagging skin.

One of the main advantages of this base oil is to restore the normal balance of problem and combination skin.

Thanks to its delicate texture and the absence of active acids, apricot oil can even be used daily as the main product for baby skin care, including for the treatment of irritations of various origins.

Combination with other essential oils

Apricot base oil mixes well with all essential and fatty base oils. It can be used to create a basic custom blend or a comprehensive skin care product. Most often, among the base oils, it is combined with almond oil, adding from a tenth to a half of apricot oil.

  • For massage, it can be used even for newborns, and usually one drop of neroli, lavender, chamomile, or orange is added to apricot oil, depending on the purpose.
  • For cellulite and rough skin, this base oil is used in a mixture with restorative avocado oil (in equal parts) with the addition of a couple of drops of aromatic oils

The benefits of many cosmetic oils for beauty and health have long been known. Oil obtained from apricot kernels is one of the most accessible and versatile. Thanks to its rich composition, the product has a wide range of applications.

Characteristics of apricot oil

Apricot oil is the base oil. It is obtained from the seeds of ripe fruit using the cold pressing method. This technique allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the product. The oily liquid is light yellow in color and has a characteristic nutty aroma.

Apricot kernel oil is sometimes called “liquid gold.”

Apricot kernels, which are usually thrown away when the fruit is consumed, are the raw material for obtaining the most valuable oil.

Composition and beneficial properties

The basis of apricot oil is made up of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids:

  • Oleic (60%). Has a powerful antioxidant effect.
  • Linoleic (30%). Nourishes the skin and improves the condition of tissues, activates protective functions.
  • Palmitic (6%).

It is their properties that determine the high cosmetological and healing effectiveness of the product.

The oil also contains:

  • Vitamin E. This is a good antioxidant that promotes the production of collagen and elastin fibers. Present in the product in large quantities - 4 mg per 100 g.
  • Vitamins of category B. Protect against pathogenic flora and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Vitamin A. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vitamin C. Strengthens natural defenses.
  • Potassium and magnesium. These elements maintain a high level of hydration, activate blood flow, thereby promoting adequate nutrition of cells. They are the key to a healthy and attractive appearance of the skin.

Features of selection and storage

High-quality apricot oil is sold exclusively in glass containers. The container must be completely sealed and stored on a separate rack, protected from ultraviolet radiation. A sign of quality is a label with the Latin name of the product. It is put down by the most responsible manufacturers.

At home, oil should be stored in the refrigerator. After each use, close the container tightly.

Apricot kernel oil should be stored in a glass container that is tightly closed.


High-quality apricot oil has virtually no contraindications for use. The exception is individual intolerance.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the product when purchasing for oral administration. The kernels of the fruit contain amygdalin, which, after entering the body, turns into a toxic substance. Its overdose can lead to serious health consequences. Responsible manufacturers eliminate harmful elements from the oil composition at the production stage. Purchasing oil from trusted retail outlets and pharmacies guarantees safety for any method of use.

Taking apricot oil internally

It is useful to use apricot oil internally for problems with the heart and blood vessels, swelling, anemia, diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. The product is recommended for vitamin deficiency, frequent stress, as well as for general rejuvenation of the body. You need to drink 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

In Russia, taking the oil internally is not very common, but in European countries this product is used in the preparation of desserts, alcoholic drinks and salad dressings. It is important that the oil is of high quality and intended for culinary purposes.

Use in cosmetology

External use of apricot kernel oil is widespread for face and body care. Proper use of this natural product can miraculously improve your appearance without breaking the bank.

Apricot oil goes well with many other oils. Among the base oils, avocado or wheat germ oil, as well as almond and jojoba oils, go well with it.

For nails and cuticles

Just a few treatments with apricot oil can significantly improve the condition of your nails and soften your cuticles.

Well-groomed nails are an important component of female beauty.

Before use, the oil must be slightly warmed in a water bath.

The product can be used in the following ways:

  • Apply a drop of oil to each nail and rub gently.
  • Using massage movements, treat your nails with a mixture of apricot and ylang-ylang or pine essential oil. Each component is taken in the amount of 10 drops. This procedure will prevent delamination.
  • A mixture of half a teaspoon of oil and a drop of lemon ether or any other citrus fruit will help make your nail plates more transparent. The composition is carefully rubbed into the nails.

For face

Apricot oil can be called emergency help for facial skin in need of hydration, nutrition and vitamins. The result of its use is the elimination of wrinkles and inflammation, improved color and increased elasticity. The product is often used as a stand-alone product, but other components are added to it to obtain additional effect.

Proper care will delay the appearance of age-related changes


Various esters are usually added to mask mixtures based on apricot kernel oil. They should be applied immediately after preparation.

There are several recipes for different purposes:

  • To improve the structure of combination skin. Mix 1 tbsp. l. apricot oil with esters: 2 drops of citrus and the same amount of mint. Apply the composition every evening - about 20 minutes before bedtime, remove excess with a napkin.
  • To eliminate wrinkles. There is only one ingredient in this mask - slightly warmed apricot kernel oil. They need to moisten the prepared gauze (with holes for the eyes, mouth and nose) and apply it to the face. To retain heat, you must use polyethylene and a towel as the second and third layers. After 20 minutes of exposure, the mask is removed with warm water.
  • To eliminate inflammation. Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. apricot oil and lavender, lemon and tea tree esters, taken 2 drops each. The composition is applied with a cotton pad and covered with a towel previously soaked in hot water. When the towel has cooled, soak it in hot water again and repeat these steps three times.

Additional components of masks can cause allergies, so before using these mixtures you need to do a sensitivity test.

Video: rejuvenating face mask

Anti-aging cream

Method for preparing anti-aging cream at home:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tsp. apricot oil and glycerin.
  2. Let chamomile flowers soak in a quarter cup of boiling water for two hours.
  3. Mix apricot oil with butter and add to the infusion along with glycerin.

Use the mixture as a cream, applying 2 hours before bedtime. Keep refrigerated.

The product is not suitable for oily skin prone to comedones.

Hair care

Apricot oil is indicated for activating hair growth and eliminating fragility, eliminating excess greasiness and protecting against ultraviolet radiation.

Directions for use:

  • Apply a few drops of oil to your hair before visiting the beach - the product will be completely absorbed and protect it from sun exposure.
  • Enrichment of shampoo - 15–20 drops of oil per 100 ml. Washing with this product will make your curls look more attractive and healthy.
  • To prevent splitting of the ends of your hair, you need to apply apricot oil to them for 10 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  • To eliminate dandruff, apply a mixture of 1 tbsp to your scalp. l. apricot kernel oil and 3 drops of rosemary ether. Exposure time - 30 minutes.
  • A mixture of 1 tbsp will help with hair loss. l. oil and the same amount of honey, supplemented with a few drops of rosemary ether. This mask should be left to act for an hour, warming your head with a towel.

Apricot oil will add shine to hair

For body

The use of apricot oil on the body is indicated to maintain firmness, hydration and get rid of cellulite. To make your skin soft and silky, you can take a bath with oil, honey and cream. The components are added to warm water in equal quantities - 20 grams each. Take this bath for 20 minutes.

Wrapping will help get rid of cellulite:

  1. Add 40 grams of apricot oil with esters of any two citrus fruits and rosemary - take 10 drops of each.
  2. Thoroughly rub the resulting mixture into problem areas, wrap with cling film and insulate.
  3. Rinse off the composition after 40 minutes.

While exposed to the mixture, you can lie down or engage in any type of physical activity.

A mixture of avocado and apricot oils, enriched with citrus, juniper and pine esters, is also effective against cellulite.

Apricot oil for massage

Apricot oil is ideal for massage. It absorbs well and is often used as a base. Apricot massage has a relaxing and healing effect. The oil helps to quickly achieve a warming effect.

Can be used in its pure form, or combined with esters of orange, neroli, lavender, and patchouli.

Use for tanning

Apricot oil can be considered an indispensable product for the hot season. It reliably protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, not inferior in effectiveness to expensive lotions and creams. Apply the oil half an hour before going to the beach. The product will not only protect your skin, but will also help you get a beautiful tan that will last for a long time.

Apricot kernel oil for pregnant women

Changes that occur to the body during pregnancy contribute to the appearance of stretch marks. Natural and safe apricot oil, even during pregnancy, will help prevent their formation. It should be used daily, gently massaging the abdomen.

Massage during pregnancy should be carried out as effectively as possible

For children

Pediatricians often recommend using apricot oil in child care. Acting delicately, the oil does not cause unwanted reactions and is indicated not only for softening and moisturizing, but also for the treatment of prickly heat and seborrheic dermatitis, which often appear in newborns. The oil will also help with irritation from diapers. ENT doctors often recommend apricot kernel oil for instillation into the nose, in order to restore the child’s mucous membrane after using aggressive drugs.

Use for the throat and nose during colds

The properties of the elements present in apricot oil make it possible to use it for instillation into the nose to prevent colds in cold weather and alleviate the condition of acute rhinitis. The product does not cause addiction or adverse reactions, so it is recommended even for children and pregnant women. Overdrying of the inner surface of the nose with the formation of crusts during a prolonged runny nose contributes to the accumulation of difficult-to-remove mucus, which serves as a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria. Effective moisturizing, which apricot oil does well, promotes the timely removal of unnecessary contents from the nose, accelerating the healing process. Before administering the oil, rinse the nasal passages with saline.

A single dose for children is 1–2 drops in each pass, for adults - 4 drops. The product can be used to lubricate the inner surface of the nose. You can increase the effectiveness of treating a runny nose if you inhale equal doses of oil and vitamin A before instillation.

The complex effect of apricot kernel oil and vitamin A will reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, eliminate vascular fragility and activate the protective function.

Inhalations are a quick way to relieve cold symptoms

Directions for use:

  • Gargling with a warm solution of 2 tsp can help treat a sore throat. oil and 0.5 liters of water. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus, lemon or rosemary ether.
  • A mixture of apricot oil and a few drops of eucalyptus or fir ether for instillation into the nose will relieve the flu.
  • Hot inhalations are indicated for dry cough and congestion. The procedure is carried out as follows: the patient, covered with a towel, is positioned over a container of hot water, where you must first add tbsp. a spoonful of apricot oil and 2 drops of lemon or fir ether.

A trembling droplet of an oily liquid of a light yellow hue on the tip of the finger, a light nutty aroma with a delicate hint of apricot. With gentle movements, it is rubbed into the skin and it is filled with life-giving moisture, nourishing and protecting its beauty and health. What kind of miracle remedy? This oil is made from the seeds of an amazing southern fruit - apricot, a real storehouse of health.

The scope of its application is enormous. These are cooking and medicine, soap making and cosmetology... The list goes on. But for women, the most important aspect is self-care, so it’s worth learning more about this wonderful product.

Apricot oil - how to get it

To obtain apricot oil from kernels (kernels), a rather expensive cold pressing method is used. It is not the most practical economically, but the product is of the highest quality. The hot method is much cheaper, but it is not suitable, since the temperature of the raw material rises to 300°C, causing the destruction of a number of very useful substances contained in apricot.

Another possibility for obtaining a liquid is based on solvent extraction. But it also has its downside, since it can change the chemical composition of the final product.

Apricot oil - beneficial properties

To understand what beneficial properties apricot kernel oil has, you should read dry and uninteresting, but necessary information about the most important components of its composition.

1. The content of fatty, organic acids in any oil is important. Apricot is especially rich in oleic and linoleic acids. It is very healthy, as the composition is dominated by unsaturated fats containing significant amounts of vitamin E.

2. Of the micronutrients, it contains the most phytosterols.

3. Vitamins D, E, B, C are very necessary and valuable.

4. Healthy liquid contains proteins and sugars.

5. It is a miniature periodic table, containing a whole list of minerals, including: Zn (zinc), Ca (calcium), Fe (iron), Mn (manganese), Cu (copper) and others;

6. Due to the specificity of its chemical composition, it has the ability to absorb oxygen radicals.

Having such a rich composition, apricot oil has a beneficial pharmacological effect on the skin:

- tonic;

- regenerating;

- moisturizing;

- rejuvenating;

- antiseptic.

Apricot oil - contraindications (and possible harm)

High-quality extracted apricot kernel oil is practically harmless. In fact, the only contraindication is individual intolerance. Before use, you should do a small test: apply an oily drop to the crook of your elbow and rub into the skin. Thanks to its sensitivity in this place, it will be possible to see how the body reacts to a new substance. If redness appears, then it is better to choose another remedy for yourself, but if it is absent, you can safely use this miracle of nature.

Another nuance concerns internal use. Apricot oil is available in two types: for cosmetic, medicinal purposes and for cooking. For topical use (in dermatology) it is absolutely safe, with the exception of a possible allergic reaction, but oral use is associated with a certain risk.

The nucleoli contain amygdalin. Once in the body, it is converted into a fairly toxic substance, an overdose of which can easily cause poisoning. The development of respiratory failure and even death is likely.

Amygdalin should be completely excluded from the product composition at the production stage. This usually happens with responsible, reliable suppliers, which cannot be said about artisanal production. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase the desired product either in pharmacies or in trusted specialized stores that sell only certified products. In this case, subject to the expiration date, complete safety is guaranteed.

Apricot oil - indications and methods of use

Apricot kernel oil is widely used in dermatology, the main direction is external use. The peculiarity of the product is that it is perfect for all skin types, and is harmless even for such sensitive skin as infant skin. If there is no individual intolerance, then it can be used even during such delicate periods of a woman’s life as pregnancy and breastfeeding. No side effects from active use have yet been identified.

Apricot oil is indicated not only for any skin, but also for any age. In youth - for the purpose of prevention and maintenance of tone, in maturity - to combat the first and subsequent signs of age-related changes.

Main indications:

- skin imperfections - withering, wrinkles, dryness or dehydration, rough epidermis;

- dry dermatitis;

- cellulite;

- inflammation on the surface layer, etc.

Apricot oil is used for cosmetic procedures:

- massage;

- nutrition;

— cleaning;

- hydration.

Main uses of apricot oil:

1. In order to nourish the skin of the face and neck, you must first cleanse and moisturize it. Then rub in 4-6 drops with soft, gentle movements, following the massage lines.

2. To nourish the skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes, apply tiny portions of oil and rub them in very gently, trying not to get on the eyelashes.

3. To moisturize and soften the surface of the body, you can apply a few drops of liquid to damp palms and distribute them over the entire skin with sliding movements.

After oiling is completed, the remaining product should be blotted with a damp cloth made of natural fabric, such as cotton. It is enough to perform such procedures once every 6-7 days for the skin to look healthy and radiant.

4. In order to enrich lotions, the composition of night or day creams, you can add 5-8 drops of oil per one-time portion of the product.

5. When preparing masks for nutrition and hydration yourself, add 5-10 drops of oil to 1 portion of the product used.

Enrichment of creams and masks is also carried out at the rate of 1 time per week.

Apricot kernel oil - for face

Apricot kernel oil is most effective for facial skin: flabby, sensitive, flaky, with rashes, with numerous fine wrinkles and crow's feet. It is also good to use for everyday self-care, and the choice of methods is quite rich.

1. You can wipe your face every time before going to bed using a cotton pad with a couple of drops of oil.

2. Daily lotions are good for the eyelids. Apricot oil perfectly relieves puffiness and strengthens the skin around the eyes, prevents the appearance of dark circles from lack of sleep and fatigue. If you are not lazy and use the oily liquid regularly, then such procedures can reduce the risk of expression wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes.

3. Any creams, ointments or lotions for facial care can be enriched by adding literally 2-3 drops of the product to a portion before use.

5. An excellent face mask can be made from 1 chicken yolk, thoroughly rubbing it with a teaspoon of oil. However, it can be added to any care product, the effect will be magnificent.

6. To massage the facial skin, use a couple of drops of liquid in pure form or as a component of an oil cocktail with esters of jojoba, avocado, etc.

With a certain amount of caution, the oil should be used by people who are predisposed to acne, as the product can slightly clog the pores. This can cause pimples and blackheads.

Apricot kernel oil - for hair

If apricot kernel oil is used correctly, even elite shampoos and conditioners cannot compare with it in effectiveness. The most unsightly looking strands will come to life after a course of treatments. Yes, shiny, luxurious hair without the slightest sign of greasiness - this effect can be achieved if you regularly use mask oil. By the way, in the summer it is also indispensable - it perfectly protects the strands from the negative effects of excess ultraviolet radiation and retains moisture in the hairs due to the thin film that forms on them when applying a slightly viscous liquid.

How to care for your hair with apricot oil? This can be done in several ways.

1. The easiest way is to saturate your shampoo at the rate of 15-20 drops per 100 ml - you will get an effective balm for a flowing waterfall of shiny strands. It is good to apply this product to damaged hair for about 1 hour, only then rinse with warm water.

2. A small amount of oil can be heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven. When hot, rub it into the hair roots, wrap your head with film and cover with a towel. The procedure time is from half an hour to an hour (depending on the condition of the hair and its volume). Then carefully rinse everything off with shampoo and warm water. This method of hot treatment allows you to provide your hair with full nutrition, especially vitamin E. Due to this, an optimal growth rate is achieved.

3. If dandruff appears, a healthy mix of apricot oil and rosemary oil, tea tree oil, rubbed into the scalp, will help get rid of it.

4. To make your hair thicker, you can mix 1 teaspoon of oil in equal proportions with honey and cognac. Then grind the mixture with egg yolk and apply along the entire length of the curls, while massaging the roots for 3-5 minutes. Wrap the oiled hair in a towel for 2 hours, then you can rinse off the product. Just a couple of applications and the result will be clearly visible.

5. If your hair grows annoyingly slowly, then you should make this mask: add 2 teaspoons of sour cream (heavy cream) and 2 tablespoons of apricot oil to 3 chicken yolks. Grind the entire mixture until smooth, adding a pinch of hot pepper.

A woman who is used to taking care of herself and does it with pleasure will always find a place for natural ones among cosmetic products, and wonderful apricot oil has every right to be among them.

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