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Pregnancy after a missed pregnancy. Got pregnant right after a missed pregnancy

- This is a test in the psycho-emotional plan and a test of the body for strength. Before thinking about planning the next conception, it is important to meet the appropriate deadlines. Haste and lack of information about the causes of the deplorable outcome of a previous pregnancy may result in repeated loss of the fetus.

The gynecologist will be able to answer the question of when it is possible to become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy after examining the woman. The recovery period is an obligatory moment that should not be forgotten. Each woman has a different time period. Three months are enough for some, while others may not be allowed to think about conception even after six months. Independent actions and reckless actions will lead to repeated fading of the fetus or to the birth of a sick baby.

In order for a baby to be born without developmental deviations, a woman must go through, which includes both instrumental examinations and laboratory ones.

In addition, it is important to allow the body to recover. How long will it take? Everyone is different, but it is advisable to postpone conception for at least three months. Preliminary consultation of the gynecologist is required.

Basically, the fetus dies in the womb before 28 weeks. During this period, it is important to take care. Dangerous: 3.4 and 16.17.18 weeks. If during this period there are any deviations, you should immediately seek medical help.

Dangerous signs are pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, the appearance of blood masses from the genital tract and abdominal hardness.

Why can't you conceive a child?

Getting pregnant after the fetus fades in the future comes out in 85% of women. Difficulties with conception occur if the following factors are present:

  1. Late detection of a frozen embryo. It is observed if the lady did not go to the gynecologist, having obvious health problems. Another reason is the negligent attitude of the doctor towards the pregnant woman, as a result of which she continued to bear a dead fetus. After death, the embryo begins to decompose in the womb. This leads to intoxication, the development of the inflammatory process. All this affects the onset of subsequent pregnancy and success in bearing the fetus.
  2. Immoral lifestyle of a woman. If a young lady drinks alcohol in excess, smokes heavily, often changes sexual partners without protection, then attempts to conceive a baby are reduced to zero. Even if fertilization does occur, there is a very low percentage that there will be no re-fading, miscarriage or birth of a disabled person.
  3. The presence of hormonal disorders. With an overabundance or lack of one or another hormone, infertility can develop. To remove such an imbalance, you need to be examined and take a course.
  4. The presence of inflammation in the genital area. After a miscarriage, the doctor is obliged to find its cause and prescribe a therapeutic course if any pathologies occur. Often, inflammatory processes, such as bacterial vaginosis, interfere with fertilization.
  5. partner disease. If it does not work out to conceive a child, and after the diagnosis it turned out that the woman is healthy, then it is worth examining her sexual partner.
  6. psychological factor. It is not uncommon that it is the psychological barrier that is the reason for the impossibility of re-conception. A woman's fear of losing her child again prevents her from getting pregnant.
  7. The age of the applicant for motherhood is more than 35 years. If a lady decided to acquire an heir after 35 and nothing comes of it, then her age makes itself felt. Ovulation is less frequent, so getting pregnant is much harder.

There are other reasons for not being able to conceive a baby.

To understand the reason, both partners need to be examined.

When can you get pregnant?

A woman after such grief sooner or later thinks again about conception. The instinct of motherhood is above all, but when to plan a second pregnancy?

Pregnancy right away

No doctor will allow a woman to become pregnant immediately after the fetus fades. It is fraught with the same outcome. The body needs, and the doctor needs to find out the cause of the pathology.

Keep in mind! If this event repeats several times in a row, then in the future a woman may no longer hope to bear a baby and to conceive in general.

A month later

It is also forbidden to get pregnant after two months. This period is not enough for the recovery of the uterus and psychological balance. This threatens with repeated fading, miscarriage or the birth of a sick child.

2 months later

In 3 months

3 months is a short time. Doctors believe that in order to fully return to normal, a woman needs to refrain from conceiving for six months. If this happened earlier, you need to immediately register, pass all tests in a timely manner, and do an ultrasound. A huge role is played by proper rest, good nutrition, lack of stress. Vitamin complexes, folic acid, fresh air and positive emotions will help you bear a child and give birth to him healthy. In 50% of cases the outcome is positive.

After 4 months

After 4 months, the chances of bearing a child increase to 60%. Here again, it is important to lead an appropriate lifestyle. If you engage in physical labor, do not rest, deny yourself good nutrition, a miscarriage or fading of the fetus is inevitable.

How to prepare for a new pregnancy?

A woman is usually given six months to prepare for re-conception. During this period of time, the body is completely restored, both physically and in terms of.

You also need:

  1. Pass a complete diagnosis, identify all gynecological, venereal and other diseases. The main thing is to determine the cause of a missed pregnancy. Be sure to heal.
  2. Drink vitamin complexes and folic acid, which will eliminate chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.
  3. Check hormone levels.
  4. Do sports, get healthy.
  5. Be less nervous.
  6. Eat properly and nutritiously.
  7. Do not deny yourself a good rest day and night.

Also, it's desirable.

A frozen pregnancy is a serious trauma for a woman. Some give up, especially if it was an attempt to get pregnant through IVF. But a new pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy is possible. It is only necessary to carefully prepare, take into account and eliminate previous mistakes.

Even under ideal conditions, the probability of pregnancy does not exceed 40%. The 60% who dropped out include terminated pregnancies, which women did not even suspect. But even in these 40% there is a selection. Approximately one-fifth will also fail to develop and will end in interruption.

Missed pregnancies account for 9% of all spontaneous abortions. The bulk of non-developing pregnancies occur in the first trimester.

Who is at risk

The mechanisms by which embryonic development stops are not fully understood. But the factors that probably lead to the development of a missed pregnancy are highlighted:

  • violation of the anatomy of the genital organs;
  • chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo;
  • pathology of the endometrium;
  • blood clotting disorders.

There are also studies that have shown a connection between missed pregnancy and immunological incompatibility of partners, abnormal activity of NK-killer leukocytes and the formation of antibodies to the tissues of the fetus.

Risk factors that increase the incidence of miscarriages include:

  • age over 30;
  • a large number of miscarriages;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • drug addiction;
  • low body mass index;
  • stress;
  • caffeine abuse.

A woman can influence some of these factors on her own: stop smoking, alcohol, caffeine, change weight. And diseases must be corrected at the stage of conception planning by contacting a specialist. A frozen pregnancy reduces the chances of a subsequent successful bearing of a child.

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy: how to increase the chances of successful gestation

After scraping a frozen pregnancy, it is worth planning a new one no earlier than six months later. And until this moment, it is necessary to conduct an examination and eliminate the causes of miscarriage. Both parents need to see a doctor.


After a frozen pregnancy, the following studies are necessary.

  • Genetic analysis. The karyotype of the remains of the fetal egg and the karyotype of the parents are examined. This is necessary to exclude hereditary pathologies. If inherited chromosomal or genetic diseases are detected, it is recommended to resort to assisted reproductive technologies using donor material.
  • Studying the anamnesis. This allows you to exclude environmental factors, working and living conditions, which can lead to a stop in the development of the embryo. This also includes the rejection of bad habits, improving the nature of nutrition.
  • Identification of anatomical abnormalities. You need to do an ultrasound. They also resort to invasive methods - hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography. If necessary, surgical correction is performed.
  • Hormonal examination. In addition to the hormones of the reproductive system, the concentration of prolactin is examined. Necessarily - thyroid hormones: TSH, thyroxine, antibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase, as well as glycosylated hemoglobin.
  • Immunological examination. Investigate indicators indicating the possible presence of antiphospholipid syndrome, conduct typing according to the HLA system, examine antisperm antibodies.
  • Search for infection. Smears are being studied, as well as PCR diagnostics, which will help identify hidden sexual infections. In some cases, endometrial histology is needed.
  • Search for thrombophilia. With a tendency to thrombosis, it is necessary to exclude hereditary diseases of the blood coagulation system.

How long it will be possible to get pregnant depends on the identified pathologies. In some cases, treatment for a month is sufficient, and after six months, conception can be planned.

Treatment and rehabilitation

Women with recurrent pregnancy loss have been shown to have chronic endometritis. Therefore, treatment should begin immediately after scraping or drug disposal of the remnants of the fetal egg. Discharge from the uterus and pain are not a hindrance.

Treatment is one of the stages of preparation for a subsequent pregnancy. If you do not start right away, then it will be ineffective: the percentage of successful gestation decreases to 18. At the same time, in women who have completed full rehabilitation on time, success is observed in 67% of cases.

With the proven presence of infection in the endometrium, antibiotic therapy is performed. Broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed:

  • protected penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides;
  • imidazole derivatives.

Treatment takes place at home. Hospitalization and intravenous administration is necessary only in severe conditions requiring medical supervision or surgical care.

Planning for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy includes the rehabilitation of the endometrium. For recovery, anti-inflammatory therapy with non-steroidal agents is necessary. Also important:

  • correct immune disorders;
  • normalize microcirculation;
  • improve metabolism;
  • restore microbiocenosis.

Hormonal correction also allows you to influence the structure of the endometrium, its secretory function and receptivity for subsequent conceptions. For these purposes, combined estrogen-gestagen preparations or only progesterone are prescribed. Treatment lasts 3-6 months. The rate of recovery of the endometrium will depend on when you can plan a new pregnancy after a dead one.

Preparing for conception

Treatment should smoothly transition into preconception preparation. Before you get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, you need to take care of saturating the body with folates. They protect against the development of neural tube defects. These can be individual folic acid tablets or combination preparations Jess Plus and Yarina Plus. This method of treatment will allow not only to prepare for conception, but to avoid unwanted pregnancy ahead of time.

Sometimes only Duphaston is used. It is prescribed from 16 to 25 days of the cycle. In women, after such treatment, menstruation is restored. Enough treatment for three to four cycles.

Physiotherapy methods are also used. The effectiveness of mud therapy, plasma therapy, autohemotherapy, intrauterine lavage is manifested. The following methods are also used:

  • radon baths;
  • ultrasound;
  • a magnetic field;
  • phonophoresis of drugs;
  • low frequency laser.

In order to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, to endure and give birth to a healthy child, it is important for both partners to get rid of bad habits and eat right. The doctor will advise the couple on suitable vitamin and mineral complexes. Women will correct the biocenosis of the vagina. Reviews of mothers who have experience of a successful pregnancy after a dead one testify to the high efficiency of complex rehabilitation and preparation.

The loss of a child is irreparable. The collapse of plans, expectations of a meeting with your little part, the realization that you will never give your care and love to the long-awaited baby, you will not smell it, you will not attach it to your chest. Such mental trauma leaves a deep scar on the heart of the expectant mother.

Pregnancy can end in any woman. Such misfortune comes suddenly. And although the couple has been moving away from the tragedy for a long time, sooner or later they wonder how to return to their former life? How to recover from a missed pregnancy? How to cure the pain of loss and sow in your soul the hope that a wonderful little miracle will still be born in your family?

Fetal fading

A frozen pregnancy may be accompanied by the rejection of a non-viable fetus, that is, a miscarriage. In such cases, further actions depend on the gestational age. If it was insignificant (up to several weeks) or, conversely, the fetus died in the late period (17–20 weeks), medical abortion is used. The woman takes medication according to the scheme, the uterus begins to contract and reject the frozen fetus.

If the period is short, the doctor collects the remnants of the membranes, and with a successful rejection, curettage is not carried out. At a later date, contractions occur with subsequent delivery of the fetus and placenta. In this case, doctors are already looking at the integrity of the placenta. If there is a shortage of missing areas, additional scraping is carried out already under anesthesia.

Don't dwell on negative feelings. Subsequent pregnancies in 90% of cases end in a successful delivery and the birth of healthy children.

Menstrual cycle

Stress manifests itself not only in the psychological state, but also the body receives a hormonal storm. After removing the frozen fetus, it is necessary first of all to restore the main function of the reproductive organs - ovulation, and therefore to normalize the cycle.

Menstruation should begin at the same time, although a delay of up to 45 days is acceptable. But deviations are quite possible. The reason may be:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Inflammatory process.
  • Remains of placental tissue in the uterus.

After curettage, there will definitely be sanious discharge, since this procedure consists in removing the remnants of the fetal egg and a partial cut of the endometrium, which means that an extensive bleeding surface remains. Normal discharge lasts 3-4 days. Increased bleeding, sharp pain, fever should alert the woman and make her turn to a gynecologist.

Deviations from the norm:

  1. Prolonged brown or yellow discharge is possible (usually for 10-14 days), accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, an unpleasant odor. This is an inflammatory reaction of the body that requires antibiotic therapy.
  2. The period after the curettage may be accompanied by pulling pain. It is caused by contraction of the uterus and the injured surface of the endometrium. Be sure to monitor the nature of the pain. If it is accompanied by a lack of discharge, this indicates the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity. Sharp pain with profuse bleeding may be a sign of damage to the uterine wall or the presence of remnants. In the absence of negative symptoms in the postoperative period and good health, the patient is allowed to go home.

A woman should refrain from intimate relationships before the start of the first menstruation.

Psychological rehabilitation

Recovery after a frozen pregnancy also implies psychological rehabilitation. Depression, tears, indifference to the outside world occurs in almost everyone. The closest people, relatives can lend a helping hand at this difficult moment.

What is psychological help?

  1. It is desirable to discuss the problem, to speak out, to cry out this pain. You should not keep emotions, resentment, close yourself.
  2. Look for support from your husband, because for him this is also grief and, perhaps, he suffers even more. You should not blame yourself or him, you need to understand that no one could influence the development of the child, and the fact that the pregnancy stopped is not an accident. Perhaps nature itself has saved you from the birth of a handicapped child.
  3. It is worth being distracted, more being surrounded by people you love.
  4. It is recommended to temporarily avoid communication with young children, talking about pregnancy.
  5. Do breathing exercises, meditation, be more in the fresh air, go out into nature, draw, read prayers - this will lead to peace of mind and balance.

The loss of a desired child is a severe psychological trauma, manifested by deep depression, which takes time. For someone, six months is enough for rehabilitation, someone carries this pain through their whole lives.

But life doesn't stop. There are dear people for whom it is worth living, a favorite work that will distract from unpleasant thoughts. And there must be confidence and hope for finding the happiness of motherhood.

Time passes, and the woman again thinks about pregnancy. The main thing is to leave the past case as an experience that allowed me to approach pregnancy planning more seriously. After all, more than 70% of the causes of missed pregnancy are associated with pathology or abnormalities in the health of the parents. So the misfortune that occurred should be a serious motivation for a comprehensive diagnosis of both spouses.


Identification of the causes of a missed pregnancy should be carried out as early as possible. They can be bacterial or viral infections, which not only disrupt the normal growth and development of the fetus, but can also cause great harm to a woman's health. Early diagnosis allows timely elimination of the cause, faster physical recovery of the body and preparation for a new conception.

The attending physician is responsible for drawing up and prescribing a plan for laboratory tests. In cases where a miscarriage has occurred repeatedly, a histological analysis is prescribed. Fetal tissues and epithelial cells of the uterus and fallopian tubes are taken. The analysis will allow you to answer what is the true cause of fetal death, whether it is related to the health of the mother or the reason is in the pathology of the development of the embryo.

Histological analysis reveals:

  • Diabetes.
  • Malformations of the child (for example, caused by the herpes virus, rubella, etc.).
  • Genetically determined developmental anomalies.
  • Hormonal disorders in the mother.
  • Pathological changes in the reproductive system.
  • Venereal diseases.

Laboratory tests must be checked not only for the fetus and the woman, but also for the spouse. Since some diseases can be hidden (carriage), it is necessary to determine the localization of the focus and eliminate it.

Diagnosis of both partners is as follows:

  1. Chromosomal study (karyotyping).
  2. Flora and genital infections (PCR for the presence of mycoplasma, chlamydia, papilloma, herpes virus, gonorrhea).
  3. Blood for antibodies to viral diseases.
  4. Blood: FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone, thyroid hormones (T3, T4, TSH).
  5. Immunogram.
  6. Spermogram.
  7. Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, prostate, testicles.
  8. TORCH complex.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy

The postoperative period requires close monitoring of the woman's condition. Most often, preventive antibiotic therapy is carried out, since against the background of great stress, a sharp decrease in immunity occurs. Yes, and serious complications from the pelvic organs are possible. Endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, cervicitis and many other inflammatory processes lead to such undesirable consequences as adhesive disease, imbalance in hormone production, menstrual irregularities, habitual miscarriage, etc.

Doctors often prescribe to their patients:

  • Hormonal preparations. Especially in cases where there is a violation of the menstrual cycle (absence of menstruation for more than 60 days). And also for the purpose of contraception, because it takes time to rehabilitate and prepare the body for the next conception.
  • Vitamins and mineral complexes. Needed to replenish trace elements lost during pregnancy.
  • Also, against the background of a sharp hormonal breakdown, changes occur in the appearance of a woman: the skin suffers, hair falls out heavily, nails become brittle. In addition, a depressed state can be further aggravated by depression and self-doubt. Visit a beautician, go through physiotherapy, like a massage - it will allow you to relax and quickly tone your body.
  • In especially severe cases, women are prescribed sedatives, antidepressants, sedative herbal medicines.

Much attention should be paid to nutrition. At first, many refuse to eat. Against the background of depression, astheno-vegetative syndrome develops: nausea, weakness, lack of appetite. Include in the diet meat, fruits, vegetables, greens, dairy products (cottage cheese, cheeses, kefir), natural juices.

Cook your spouse's favorite dishes more often - this will not only cheer you up, but also allow you to remember the taste of dishes.

Indeed, during pregnancy, a woman’s taste preferences change or toxicosis does not allow her to eat what she liked.

Intimate relationships and physical activity

It is officially considered that if the gestational age was up to 5-7 weeks, and the removal of the frozen fetus was carried out by vacuum aspiration or medical abortion, then sexual activity is allowed after two weeks of abstinence (using barrier methods of contraception). With a long pregnancy and curettage of the uterine cavity, sex should be refrained from for a month - the first weeks may be accompanied by pain and discomfort.

Active sports are allowed a month after scraping. Walking in the fresh air, yoga, swimming, breathing exercises, dancing are recommended to maintain a figure and relax. Go out into nature more often, visit theaters, beauty salons, exhibitions - they will help you not to get hung up on the problem.

Plan pregnancy, undergo examinations, treat infections, take vitamins - this will help prevent the next pregnancy from fading and make you feel better during it.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes), avoid stressful situations and strong negative shocks. Prevent unplanned pregnancies with contraception - this will prevent abortions.

Planning for the next pregnancy, probably, first of all begins with the fight against the fear of repeating the situation. Give yourself time to process what happened, find humility and peace of mind. Then your mind and body will be ready to accept, love and bear a healthy baby. After all, every woman should know the happiness of motherhood!

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