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Business plan for organizing wedding events. Organization of weddings. Wedding agency business plan. What kind of staff is needed for a wedding agency

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What is the attractive business plan of a wedding agency? First of all, its relevance, because, despite the fact that the possibility of quick acquaintance through social networks is growing, tens and hundreds of thousands of people in our country are constantly and often unsuccessfully looking for their soul mate. And this is understandable, virtual relationships are often deceptive, and it is only possible to fully entrust information about yourself to a trusted dating service. Specialists will select the best options and for some payment it will be possible to get their hands on options for potential “halves”.

This ready-made document will help you correctly calculate your capabilities at minimal cost. In order for this enterprise to be successful, it is necessary to rent an office where interested clients can come in order to see friendly agency employees who are ready to help arrange the fate of their customers. For men and women of different ages, it will be possible to offer different options. Collecting a database is a painstaking task, but it is worth it, it is also important to track the fate of certain applications and make changes.

A quality document on the creation of a marriage agency will help you determine the profitability of this endeavor. And there will definitely be a profit, because the relevance of the dating club is obvious. Qualified employees should be hired to monitor various social services so that the database of potential brides and grooms is as complete as possible, and information about candidates is true. Many people suffer from loneliness and want to quickly find their destiny, it is in your power to help them in this good deed. A wedding agency may have experienced psychologists on its staff who will help candidates open up and possibly even get rid of complexes, shyness and disbelief due to their own attractiveness. A great deal for entrepreneurs who prefer a creative approach.

They say you can't build happiness on someone else's misfortune, but on happiness - easily, because you can make good money on it! All you need is just to organize your wedding business, a dating agency. According to experts, the business in the field of marriage services can become a source of significant profit, this is evidenced by the figures - about 2 billion dollars, which is exactly the turnover of wedding agencies around the world.

Many entrepreneurs are attracted by the ease with which one can enter this business. At first, it is enough to rent a small office, purchase office equipment and hire a couple of specialists. The secret of survival in the face of rather high competition is the vast base of Russian brides, who are so hunted by foreigners.

But the “white and fluffy” dating business may seem only at first glance. In fact, there may be a lot of problems on your way, and they are connected, first of all, with a huge number of scammers who are trying to warm their hands on naive job seekers. And such overlays have the worst effect on the reputation of the agency, so you need to learn how to avoid them.

The general characteristics of the marriage business only confirms the sad statistics: about 90% of marriage agencies are scammers who have one goal - to "warm up" gullible foreigners. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that it will not be easy for you to earn a positive reputation and the respect of customers. In this case, you yourself may well become a victim of deception. Often, beautiful women place their data in the database of a marriage agency in order to then extort money from potential foreign suitors. Realizing that he is being deceived, the client can throw a serious scandal, thereby dropping your reputation.

Starting a business like a wedding agency comes with many challenges and it is very important for aspiring entrepreneurs to avoid a bad reputation. First of all, develop a competent sample of the provision of services by a wedding agency, a sample advertisement to a marriage bureau and an application form. Require potential brides to personally fill out questionnaires, and do not forget to check the passport details of the girls. Correspondence through the agency will help to avoid unpleasant situations. If there is even the slightest doubt about the reliability of one of the clients, take action.

Foreigners often turn to marriage agencies in Russia, and many domestic brides have a desire to tie the knot with wealthy and reliable men. True, their expectations are not always justified. Clear planning at each stage of activity will allow the agency to avoid pitfalls. When planning to enter a business such as organizing online dating, an entrepreneur cannot do without a professional business plan for a wedding agency. From it you will learn how to open your marriage agency in Russia, where to start and how much such services cost.

Interest in foreign suitors from Russian women is growing every year. In search of a reliable, wealthy and non-drinking husband, domestic brides often use the services of a marriage agency, the payment for whose services is a kind of entrance ticket to the fair of enviable suitors. It is quite possible to earn good money on this interest, and the growing number of marriage agencies confirms this. This business has a high profitability, despite the fact that the costs of it are negligible. The main thing is to understand how to act, connecting both loving and obviously prudent hearts.

Whether your marriage agency will be profitable depends on many factors. To begin with, a businessman needs to decide on the format of a marriage agency: will it be a real office where any unmarried woman can come, or a virtual agency that will communicate with potential clients only via the Internet. The income of any of these two types of agencies consists primarily of fees that potential brides and grooms pay for the opportunity to get acquainted with the catalog, or to get into it themselves.

The features of the work of a marriage agency are such that the ability to develop a large client base - both brides and grooms - directly affects the size of the agency's income. It is the base that is the main value of any wedding agency. Moreover, you have to look for suitors through Western channels, because domestic suitors rarely use the services of real or virtual matchmakers. But foreign clients willingly lay out money for the opportunity to get acquainted with the catalog of brides, and even pay for the departure of a potential bride to the bride.

A business such as a wedding agency has a good profitability - about 20%, and a huge number of additional services can make a profit in it: preparing photos for a portfolio, translating letters, giving gifts, organizing study tours. Your dating site, as a type of business, is likely to have a higher profitability compared to a regular office. As practice shows, dozens of potential brides and grooms contact a virtual agency every day, while in a regular office you can wait for clients for weeks.

Having decided to organize a marriage agency, try to collect the largest possible database of brides. You can make a profit by simply selling candidates' addresses directly. When planning to open a wedding agency from scratch and expecting maximum profit at the same time, be sure to use a competent wedding agency business plan in your work. With its help, you will comprehend all the basics of the marriage business, learn how to open a marriage agency, understand all its features, the principle of work.

Russian brides are a hot commodity in the foreign market, they are valued for their beauty, intelligence and thriftiness. It is not surprising that marriage agencies are flourishing, and, moreover, all its types, up to virtual dating sites. The competition in this market segment is quite high, but despite this, almost every entrepreneur has a chance to snatch his piece of the sweet wedding cake.

The question of how to create a marriage agency, on what basis to work with foreign clients, is of concern to many novice businessmen. Bright prospects open up before them, especially since the initial costs are practically minimized. But the organization of the marriage business from scratch also has its own characteristics, not taking into account which means giving way to more enterprising competitors.

Finding women in Russia who dream of marrying a foreigner is by no means a problem. It is much more difficult to start a full-fledged base of suitors who are not averse to entering into a marriage alliance with a Russian bride. If you manage to acquire a sufficient number of customers, you can count on a very good profit in the future.

The budget for opening a wedding agency will require a minimum. The main item of expenditure is office rent. The room should be small, but quite presentable. Think for yourself: who will entrust their fate to a company that lacks funds for normal repairs and decent furniture? It is advisable to find a room not in the middle of nowhere, but closer to the city center, so that it would be easy for potential customers to get to you.

In addition, opening a dating agency is impossible without the presence of such an important specialist as a translator in the staff. Ideally, if he will speak several languages. Do not forget that the language barrier can be a major obstacle to business success. For the active development of a marriage agency, advertising and cooperation with the largest possible number of similar agencies abroad is of great importance.

As the experience of organizing and opening a marriage agency shows, the Internet plays an important role in the development of this business. In order to be able to communicate with the owners of foreign agencies, quickly exchanging data, it is necessary to create an appropriate website. Marriage virtual Internet agencies allow in some cases to find clients directly. True, the risk of falling for scammers in this case is slightly higher. But if you act carefully, such risks can be minimized.

If you want foreign grooms to line up with you, hoping to get information about the brides that are in your agency database, start by studying a professional wedding agency business plan. With it, the organization of the work of the marriage agency will run more smoothly, and you will not miss the most important moments. If you don't know how to get started with setting up a marriage agency, take this document as a guide, which details each step. Guided by a business project, you will be able to build a solid foundation for your business.

Nowadays, weddings are somewhat reminiscent of the original theatrical performances. The organization of such events is rarely complete without the participation of a wedding agency. Employees of these companies help the newlyweds, their families, and their loved ones to organize a truly grandiose, memorable celebration.

A wedding agency to some extent helps to fulfill the secret dreams of the newlyweds, and therefore they do not skimp on paying for their services. The demand for such services is high, especially if the wedding agency employs professionals who know their business. Becoming the founder and owner of a wedding agency is a promising business idea, especially when it comes to a company located in a larger city. How to open your own wedding agency?

Business plan for organizing a wedding agency

The implementation of any commercial idea begins from drawing up a business plan from scratch, while being as detailed as possible, so that all the nuances of this type of entrepreneurial activity are taken into account. A business plan, that is, its template, can also be downloaded on the Internet, and then adjusted for yourself. Many novice entrepreneurs do just that, fortunately, there is no shortage of such material in Runet.

The entrepreneur will have to come up with and organize a place for meetings with customers. For such purposes, you can rent a room in a business center, where you will be given the opportunity to calmly and comfortably conclude contracts.

Staff costs

In the process of drawing up a plan for the implementation of a business idea, it is definitely worth mentioning the estimated labor costs of a little person. An entrepreneur will need a driver, a photographer, florists, a host (master of ceremonies), because it is unrealistic to organize a full-fledged wedding celebration on your own.

The main task of the owner of a wedding agency is to quickly open a company and set up coordination of the actions of his assistants-subordinates, and organization of advertising for his enterprise. Typically, the income of a wedding agency from a wedding, the organization of which was entrusted to it, is 10-15% of the budget of the wedding itself. That is, if the wedding budget was 10 thousand dollars, then the commission of the wedding agency will be 1-1.5 thousand dollars.

Wedding organization

It makes sense to develop several scenarios for organizing a celebration ahead of time so that customers have a choice and can choose the most desirable option. Everyone has their own vision of this celebration, a significant day for the newlyweds and their loved ones. Someone prefers a classic-style wedding, and someone wants to spend this celebration in a diver's suit under the waters of the South Sea or jump with a parachute. Many clients come to wedding agencies with their own, sometimes simply incredible in terms of implementation, scenarios.


The class level of a wedding agency, its reputation, and hence its income, depend on how far it is ready to go to meet clients who have asked for help in organizing their wedding. We are talking about helping to realize the “wedding of their dreams”, that is, the most incredible, original project for holding this celebration.

The functions of a wedding agency include choosing a restaurant or cafe where the event will take place, choosing a flower shop where flowers for the wedding will be purchased, decorating the premises. The entrepreneur must first analyze the local market for these services. It is necessary to choose only those establishments that value their reputation and provide quality services. After you remove it, you can cooperate on, so to speak, on an ongoing basis. It is desirable to maintain such partnerships with several similar establishments at once, so that customers have several options to choose from.

It is advisable to work on a prepaid system. Prepayment is a reliable guarantee that the clients of the wedding agency will not change their minds about violating their obligations under the contract, and so on. From the prepayment fund, an advance is also issued to the hired personnel of the agency; other organizational tasks are solved with this money.

wedding agency success

The success of your own wedding agency, opened from scratch, largely depends on the advertising company, how competently it is organized, especially in the early stages of the enterprise's existence. A cheap and modern option for promoting a business is to create a website, an interactive business card of a wedding agency, which contains information about the list of services, their cost, and so on.

On such a web resource, you can place photos taken at the celebrations previously organized by this wedding agency, adding a brief description of their scenario. In addition to advertising on the online network, an entrepreneur can advertise in local city newspapers with ads, use sticking.

This business does not require significant financial investments, long-term training. An entrepreneur must not only know how to open an institution, but also have a creative imagination, perhaps even experience in entrepreneurial activity in the field of entertainment, be sociable, able to "hear" the client. Good luck!

Nowadays, future newlyweds strive to make their wedding celebration unforgettable.

Such events require careful preparation, so more and more brides and grooms resort to the help of professionals.

Starting your own wedding agency is an effective way to make money.

What is needed for a wedding agency - business organization

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that seasonality affects this business, because weddings are mainly played in the warm season. You will also have to diligently and thoroughly study the market for relevant services: identify competitors, find target audiences and possible project risks, and analyze prices. If, nevertheless, a decision is made to open a wedding agency, a business plan is the next stage of work.

It is a document that covers all aspects of the future company and everything that is needed for a wedding agency. You can, of course, turn to specialists who, for a good reward, will write an extensive one hundred-page business plan, but in this case it is easy to do without their services. A business plan for a wedding agency is divided into two main parts: organizational and financial. The legal aspect is also taken into account.

Organizational aspect

In this part of the business plan, several organizational issues need to be resolved. First you need to decide what services the wedding agency will provide. Usually, they are the following:
· Script writing.
· Decoration of rooms with flowers and balloons.
· Video and photography.
· Creation of wedding style.
· Fireworks.
· Involvement of a host and various artistic groups.
· Organization of transport.

· Provision of dressing supplies and accessories.

Further, when deciding to open a wedding agency, the business plan must necessarily include data on the number of staff, a description of the working premises and potential contracts with various establishments. At the beginning of the company's activity, it is undesirable to hire many subordinates: two experienced employees will suffice.

The best location of the agency is the city center. If this is not possible, you can choose an office with good transport accessibility. The key to the successful work of the company is the concluded agreements with cafes, shops, presenters, musical groups. Thus, the organizational part of the business plan should thoroughly answer the question: “How does a wedding agency work?”

Financial aspect

The main task of the financial part of the business plan is to calculate all the financial costs of the agency. An irresponsible attitude to this aspect will ruin the whole business at the root. The list of main costs is small:

  • Office rent.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Remuneration of staff.
  • Advertising.

The rental price of the premises will depend primarily on the location of the office. As mentioned earlier, you should not save on this factor. You will also have to buy equipment for the room: computers, telephone, printer, scanner, furniture and presentation device. Timely payment of labor is a necessary expense, since only an inexperienced trainee will agree to work “for food”.

You can not save on advertising, because with the help of it, potential clients will learn about the existence of the agency. The cheapest advertising currently on the Internet. And in general, if desired, the virtual space can be very effectively used to promote the company.

So, when deciding to create a wedding agency, the business plan is simply obliged to answer the question: “What will be the costs of opening?”

Legal aspect

Do not ignore the legal part of the business plan. It must specify in what form the agency will exist: "IP" (individual entrepreneur) or "LLC" (limited liability company). When creating an LLC, it is possible to interact not only with individuals, but also with legal firms.

For this business, there is no need for various licenses and certificates. Another nice detail: accounting can be kept according to a simplified scheme. That is, to open a wedding agency, you only need the documents necessary to create a private enterprise.
Thus, with the idea of ​​​​opening a wedding agency, the business plan should include a description of the legal form of the company.


Slogan for a wedding agency

For any organization, its slogan is one of the main components. After all, it is the slogan that aims to attract a client and legally eliminate competing firms (in translation, "slogan" literally means "battle cry"). In the work of wedding agencies, the presence of a bright and beautiful slogan is especially relevant. After all, a wedding is one of the most important moments in the life of every person.

And the goal of any wedding agency is to make this moment unforgettable. But how do you get customers to come to you? How to choose the right wedding agency slogan? Here are some basic tips:
1) The slogan should not be long, as long sentences distract the potential client, making him absent-minded. The optimal length of the slogan is 5-6 words.
2) It is desirable that the slogan should sound a call and emphasize the importance of a wedding or a further happy family life.
3) When choosing a slogan, it is desirable to focus on the fact that it covers all customers, in particular, it will be useful to have the words "each", "your", etc. in various interpretations.
4) In the slogan of the wedding agency, it is desirable to emphasize the ability to fulfill any desire for the client. One example of a successful slogan: "Your wedding is our concern." This slogan, as it were, emphasizes that any of his wishes will be fulfilled for the client, he will only have to enjoy the moment of the wedding with might and main.

Initial Costs: 309 800 rubles.

Current monthly costs: 143 000 rubles

Project break-even point achieved for 3 months of work

Project payback: 5 months

2. Description of the business, product or service

The most successful option, for competent detuning from competitors, will be the offer of a full cycle of wedding services. From a beautifully made marriage proposal to a romantic honeymoon trip after the celebration.

This agency should be ready to satisfy any request of the client:

  • Organize an original event for a marriage proposal. For example, a romantic date on the roof, in the forest, in a restaurant. Or, on the contrary, the organization of a public offer during a concert, while shopping in a shopping center, while walking along one of the central streets of the city. Flash mob, musicians, ring.... And she says: "Yes!".
  • Help customers decide on the date of the celebration. For many people, it is important that the wedding date does not fall on a religious holiday or fast, but someone wants to save money and picks up a day in the “off season”. Someone dreams of a fabulous winter or yellow autumn wedding.
  • Organize check-in. Choose a suitable place for it. Standard registration in the registry office today is often replaced by an exit one. The owner of a wedding agency must also be ready to conduct an on-site registration in another city or even country.
  • Help to choose a restaurant and menu for a wedding banquet. Particular attention is paid to the choice of size and design wedding cake, its preparation and delivery to the banquet.
  • Offer and help the customer decide on the style, color (combination of colors) of the entire event. It will be a pirate, biker or Japanese or Hawaiian style wedding. Or maybe just a wedding in a single color or a combination of colors.
  • Decorate professionally banquet hall, registration place, cars in the same style chosen by the customer.
  • Select and create the image of the newlyweds and guests. In accordance with the choice of style or color of the wedding, the agency staff helps to determine the image of the newlyweds: bride and groom outfit(buying ready-made, to order), if necessary, guests are also provided with outfits. In addition, masters are selected who will do the hair, makeup, manicure and other cosmetic procedures for the bride, haircut for the groom.
  • Arrange all necessary transportation for the event. Renting the main car for the bride and groom, other cars for the wedding procession, providing motorcycle escort, a bus for the evening transportation of guests.
  • Organize a bride price. Develop a script, prepare props.
  • Arrange the most cheerful wedding banquet. Scenario development . Selection of a presenter, sound engineer, artists. Discuss preferences for dance and music breaks.
  • Provide a professional choreographer at the customer's service for staging the first dance of the young.
  • Choose a photographer and videographer. Discussion of wishes for a wedding photo shoot. Props selection. Create a movie about the newlyweds, a wedding photo album or a slide show.
  • Provide necessary florist services. Original bridal bouquet, boutonniere, fresh flowers decoration of the registration hall, banquet room, cars.
  • Have a bachelor and bachelorette party.
  • Organize fireworks as the end of the evening.
  • Prepare exclusive wedding invitations.
  • Organize weddings and other religious (national) wedding ceremonies at the request of clients.
  • Organize a honeymoon.

The number and scope of the above services will vary depending on the budget of the event and the wishes of the customer. But the main point is that the agency completely takes over the organization of the event, freeing the bride and groom from unnecessary trouble and fuss.

3. Description of the market

Many serious companies and individuals offer to organize a wedding celebration in any city of our country and even beyond its borders. But for the most part, they are simultaneously organizing a wide variety of events. Such companies are the main competitors of the proposed business. Therefore, it is necessary to position this agency as a company dealing exclusively with organizing weddings.

Moreover, it is important to provide a full range of wedding services. This will be a clear difference from competitors, who are most often amateurs who take on several cases at once, without becoming a professional in any particular area.

But there are also large event companies among them, in which a certain department is involved in the organization of each type of event, including weddings. The experience of such companies can be useful for the development of this business.

The audience of the project are men and women of marriageable age. Their financial situation does not matter, because the business plan implies services for any budget of the event. It can be a modest wedding in a cafe for 20 people, without live music, fireworks and other frills. Or maybe a wedding in a chic restaurant, with a media person as a host and a wedding procession consisting entirely of limousines.

On average, a wedding today spends from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. According to official statistics, 983,000 marriages took place in Russia last year. Even last year's crisis did not greatly affect the number of marriages. Compared to 2014 this figure fell by only 1%.

This data tells us that organizing weddings is in demand. Therefore, even if there are serious competitors on the market, with the correct organization of the business, receiving revenue, and, consequently, profit is inevitable. As for the obvious seasonality of this business, you can find your client at any time. Attractive promotions and off-season discounts will easily solve this problem.

SWOT analysis of a wedding agency


  • Great demand for quality wedding services.
  • Provision of wedding services of any kind.
  • Pricing policy that allows reaching the target audience with different income levels.

Weak sides

  • When entering the market, there is no accumulated client base.
  • The company has not yet established itself, so it may be difficult to attract customers.


  • The agency can become the leading provider of such services in its region.
  • Opening a branch of a wedding agency in another city.


  • Presence of competitors in the market
  • Financial crisis in the country

4. Sales and Marketing

The main competitive advantage of this wedding agency is its narrow focus. That is, the company deals exclusively with weddings, but on a professional level, taking into account all the subtleties of this event.

The business is client-oriented, so each client must have its own approach. Someone is looking for exclusivity and is willing to pay any money for it. Some clients, on the contrary, are very tight on funds, so they are looking for the most economical option. But the majority of wedding agency customers are middle-income people who need peace of mind, reliability and quality of services provided.

Strategic Go-to-Market Plan

Current Marketing

In the process of work, a portfolio is formed for each type of service. It is important that the customer can visually represent what is being offered to him. Ideally, if the portfolio includes a rich selection of hosts, decorators, florists and other professionals who provide wedding services in the agency.

In order to provide services to clients of different income levels, the price list should contain sections of services, both "economy" and "VIP" class. Ideally, if each type of client will be handled by a specific person or department.

In order to correctly determine which “financial” group the client belongs to, leading questions are asked: “How do you imagine your wedding?”, “What would you like to see on this day without fail, and what do you categorically deny?”, And finally: “How much are you willing to spend on your wedding?”.

Depending on the answers received, the wedding organizer offers a portfolio and a price list of those contractors who "fit" into the named budget.

Starting with the first wedding organized by the agency, it is necessary to keep a book of reviews and suggestions. The positive feedback received after the event will be useful for attracting the next customers. The book can be shown at the first meeting with a potential client.

It would be logical for the first customers to offer good discounts. You can also develop a discount “for a friend brought in”, that is, for a recommendation. A variety of promotions and discounts will help you stand out from your competitors and stay afloat in the off-season.

Additional activities to promote the services of the agency will be expert consultations in social networks, various master classes, creative meetings with famous city and region hosts, photographers, decorators and other experts in the wedding industry.

5. Production plan

To start the production process in a wedding agency (providing services for organizing celebrations), it is worth deciding on the scale of activity. Both initial and current costs and profit directly depend on it. This may be an agency without any official registration, office and employees, where all activities are carried out by the head on his own. Such a business can be opened with virtually no initial and ongoing costs. But also an agency can be a registered LLC, with its own office, a large staff. Any wedding agency can go from a small company, which requires almost no financial costs, but does not bring serious income, to a large event agency that is popular. This business plan considers the “golden mean”, which implies the lease of a small office, a minimum of necessary equipment and a minimum staff.

Typically, the formation of such a business takes place in the following stages:

Choice of form of ownership. Company registration

For the business to be legal, it is better if the agency is properly registered. The best option would be to register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). The cost of registration is lower, the process itself is simpler. Attractive taxation system. But if a joint business is planned, then, as an option, it is better to consider registering an LLC, where each participant will be a full founder.

In addition to registration documents, this type of activity does not require obtaining special licenses.

Selection and preparation of premises

As mentioned above, a wedding agency can be opened without an office at minimal cost. But still, clients will trust a firm with a permanent office that has a permanent legal address more than an agency whose representative the client meets in a cafe or at home.

The office of the wedding agency should be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Location. The main requirement here is accessibility for the client. Therefore, it is better to rent an office on one of the central streets of the city, in a shopping or office center with good traffic, transport interchange, and parking for personal cars.
  • Room size. Enough of a small room, the size of 30m2. It can easily fit a manager's desk and jobs for several employees. If possible, it is desirable to make the head office separate.
  • The appearance of the room. Ideally, if there is an opportunity to renovate the office, using the agency's corporate colors. The office is the hallmark of the company. That is why it should be presentable, comfortable, inspiring confidence.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

Recruitment of personnel, contractors

At this stage, the manager selects staff, draws up employment contracts. Creates a database of contractors.

The following channels are used to select personnel and contractors:

  • personal connections;
  • recommendations from friends;
  • recruitment agency services

Contractors here mean direct performers and suppliers of wedding services: presenters, photographers, car rental companies, florist shops and others. To search for them, you can use the service announcements given by them. Each contractor prepares his portfolio, the presenters write scripts, exclusive programs are developed for especially demanding clients.

Informing the public about entering the market

Service delivery process

The service delivery process is as follows:

  1. First meeting with a client. Listening to the needs and wishes of the customer. The approximate budget of the event is determined.
  2. Second meeting. An agency employee offers services and specific performers, the plan and estimate of the event are approved, and a contract for the provision of services is concluded. The client makes an advance payment.
  3. The process of preparing for the event. Telephone consultations, if necessary, a meeting.
  4. Day of the event. Signing of the certificate of completion after the celebration.

6. Organizational structure

For the normal functioning of an average wedding agency, especially when entering the market, it is enough to have the following employees in your staff: the head of the agency, an administrator who will also perform the functions of an accountant. Indeed, with the form of ownership of an individual entrepreneur and the choice of a simplified taxation system, all reporting is submitted only once a year. And to perform current duties: payroll, payments to the budget, transfers to suppliers and contractors, maintaining cash records and others, can also be performed by the administrator. In addition, he answers telephone calls, organizes meetings of the head and managers with clients and contractors. Greets clients in the office.

The main work with clients is carried out by project managers (managers). For the first time, two people are enough. With a sufficient workload of the agency, it is possible to expand the business and the emergence of new staff positions.

The role of the business owner here can be different. He can perform the functions of a business manager, or he can hire a specialist for this purpose. Can only manage employees, and can participate in the process of organizing weddings.

The staffing table, indicating all the necessary specialists and their approximate salaries, are shown in the table below.

All staff members report directly to the head of the agency. As a rule, he is also the owner of the business.

The administrator receives incoming calls from clients or meets them at the office. Refers a client to a specific manager. It is the administrator who is assigned the primary role of the "determinant" of the financial solvency of the client.

VIP-clients are handled by the head. He can also be a wedding planner if all managers are busy with work, and staff expansion is not included in his plans.

Wedding services are provided to customers by contractors. These are presenters, artists, photographers, videographers, florists, car rental companies and others. A one-time contract for the provision of services will be concluded with each contractor. Contractors work on an advance payment of 50%. The contractor receives the second 50% after the service is rendered and the certificate of completion is signed. All these conditions are spelled out in the contract between the agency and the contractor.

  • Step by step opening plan
  • What documents are needed to open a wedding agency
  • Business technology
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Today, the holiday services market is increasingly attracting start-up entrepreneurs. This is due to the stable demand for such services and low entry ticket to the business. You can open a wedding agency for only a few thousand dollars. The average profitability of a wedding agency is estimated at 50%.

The main services provided by wedding agencies:

  • Hire and sale of wedding dresses;
  • Decoration of the banquet hall;
  • Photo and video shooting;
  • Horse carriage rental;
  • Pigeons;
  • Salute and fire show;
  • Chocolate and wine fountains;
  • Car rental, including "retro";
  • Car decoration;
  • Offsite weddings;
  • Tamada and DJs;
  • Bridal make-up artist;
  • Hire of men's suits and tuxedos;
  • Wedding cakes;
  • Bridal bouquet;
  • Thematic bride price, etc.

As we can see, the number of services that a wedding agency can provide is really impressive. Separately, it is worth highlighting the popularity of offsite wedding services. Today, more than half of the couples prefer to get engaged in a more unique environment (boat, forested area), with the involvement of actors and directors.

How much money is needed to open a wedding agency

It is not necessary to invest a lot to open an agency. Today, salons start small. For example, they rent out wedding dresses, sell wedding paraphernalia, decorate the hall for celebrations. Usually, only $5,000 - $6,000 is enough to start such a business. As the agency grows in revenue and popularity, expensive services such as car rentals can be included.

How to choose staff for a wedding agency

Wedding agencies, as a rule, do not have a large staff. The main employees are the administrator (director), account managers and an accountant. The whole circle of performers, including photographers, make-up artists, screenwriters, etc. simply cooperate with the agency and provide the newlyweds with appropriate services. Developing a base of highly qualified specialists (musicians, florists, photographers, etc.) is the most important step in creating a wedding agency. It is necessary to be able not only to find good performers, it is also important to agree on an acceptable price that will suit all parties to the contract.

How much can you earn from starting this business

It is not difficult to calculate the income of a wedding agency. So, the organization of one "average" wedding costs from 50 thousand rubles and more, not counting the banquet. The main wedding season starts in May and ends in October. As a rule, at this time, the services of a wedding agency are ordered several months in advance. Of course, it takes more time to promote the business, as the new agency must prove itself in the market.

The most effective methods of advertising a wedding agency, along with banners, flyers, booklets and radio, are still word of mouth. And such advertising, as a rule, works fine depending on the quality of services provided by the agency.

Speaking of competition, despite the large number of companies providing services to newlyweds, there is still enough work for everyone. The holiday services market is still ready to accept new players thanks to stable demand for such services. Moreover, experts say that this market is very promising and in the near future an increase in demand for more expensive celebrations is expected.

Do I need permission to open a wedding agency?

For the legal functioning of a wedding agency, it is necessary to register individual entrepreneurship(IP) or limited liability company(OOO). Registering an individual entrepreneur is much easier and cheaper than opening an LLC, but legal entities have more opportunities. In general, each OPF has its pros and cons.

What taxation system to choose for this business

As tax systems you can choose between UTII and STS (6% of revenue or 15% of profit). It is necessary to carry out a preliminary calculation of the potential revenue and profit of your agency in order to understand which system is more profitable to apply. The size of UTII depends on the region of doing business, since local authorities can set a “mitigating” coefficient k2 at their discretion.

To meet with clients, you will have to rent a small office, from 10 m2. Also, as a business card, you need to get a website and a group in the social. networks.

Step by step opening plan

To open a wedding agency, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The main disadvantage of an individual entrepreneur is that he is forbidden to work with legal entities. Next we need:

  • rent or purchase premises;
  • based on the scope of services, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment and related inventory;
  • conduct an advertising campaign to attract customers.

What equipment to choose for a wedding agency

The choice of equipment for a wedding salon directly depends on the services that it will provide to its customers. In particular, you will need to purchase:

  • necessary attributes for registration of vehicles and a wedding hall;
  • material for making wedding invitations and the necessary equipment;
  • photo and video equipment;
  • if the services include the services of makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, then the necessary equipment for their work will be required;
  • office furniture and technical equipment (computer, printer, scanner, copier, etc.);
  • demonstration equipment (display boards, projector…), etc.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a wedding salon

When registering a wedding agency, you will need to indicate several codes in accordance with OKVED:

  • other entertainment and entertainment activities - code No. 92.3;
  • other activities related to the organization of entertainment and recreation - code No92.7;
  • activities in the field of photography, which includes its implementation at weddings - code No. 74.81;
  • provision of other services - code No. 74.84;
  • provision of other individual services - code No. 93.05.

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