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Why is it dangerous to develop thrush during pregnancy? Nutrient deficiencies. What is the danger of early pregnancy

Many expectant mothers, having learned about their situation, try to avoid intimacy, fearing to harm the child. There is an opinion that if a woman experiences an orgasm during pregnancy, this can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. Sometimes the reason for the termination of intimate relationships is the theory that the child inside the womb experiences discomfort and fear during the sexual intercourse of the parents. Is there any truth in these statements and is an orgasm during pregnancy really dangerous?

The connection of orgasm with the conception and bearing of a child is shrouded in many speculations and myths. In addition to the assumptions already listed above, inexperienced girls sometimes have a question: is it possible to get pregnant without an orgasm? It can be answered unequivocally: a woman's sexual discharge does not affect the likelihood of conception.

As for the process of bearing a child, the reaction of the female body to pregnancy is always individual. This applies not only to the well-being of the expectant mother, but also to her sexual needs and opportunities during this period.

It is quite natural to reduce sexual desire. Often it is caused by psychological causes and increased fatigue due to the adaptation of the body to a new position.

In some women, on the contrary, desire intensifies. This is due to an increase in blood flow to the uterus and genitals. As a result of these changes, the vagina and clitoris become more sensitive, and even if a woman refuses to have sex, she may experience an orgasm in her sleep during pregnancy.

This phenomenon is uncontrollable and often occurs with prolonged abstinence. Orgasm in a dream during pregnancy is a variant of the norm and should not be feared. If, after waking up after this, a woman feels tension and hardening of the abdomen (signs of increased uterine tone), then you just need to take a comfortable position and relax. Unpleasant symptoms should soon disappear.

However, the libido does not always undergo any changes. The expectant mother can also afford to continue to live a normal sex life and enjoy it. But in this delicate matter, it is still necessary to take into account the anamnesis and possible medical contraindications.

What is useful or dangerous orgasm during pregnancy?

For a healthy woman with a normal pregnancy, gynecologists, as a rule, do not give any recommendations on limiting sexual activity. The myths that sex and orgasm can harm a child are not justified in this situation.

Do not be afraid that the baby will feel discomfort. Inside the uterus, it is reliably protected by its walls, fetal membranes and amniotic fluid. In addition, the cervix during this period closes tightly and lengthens, excluding the penetration of seminal fluid from the vagina.

It happens that future mothers, starting from the middle of pregnancy, after having sex, notice more active movements of the baby. This is a consequence of improved blood flow to the uterus, and not a sign of the child's dissatisfaction with what is happening.

With good health and desire, pregnancy is a great time for love. Some women note that it was during this period that they experienced the greatest satisfaction from sex, and, as you know, expectant mothers need positive emotions. But pleasure is not the only positive aspect of regular intimacy.


Among the beneficial effects of orgasm for a pregnant woman are the following:

  1. Beneficial effect on the nervous system. Sexual satisfaction plays a significant role in the life of any person. Women who can realize their desires and continue to feel attractive to their husband are less prone to depression, easier to endure childbirth and the postpartum period.
  2. General relaxation and removal of uterine tone. After orgasm, relaxation occurs, which extends to the muscles of the uterus. But it must be borne in mind that with the threat of miscarriage and premature birth, this method is not effective and can be harmful.
  3. Positive effect on fetal development. Excitation promotes active blood flow to the uterus. As a result, the baby's supply of oxygen and nutrients improves.
  4. Training the cervix before the upcoming birth. During sex and orgasm, the uterus and cervix experience slight contractions. In the absence of a threat of termination of pregnancy, this is not only harmless, but even useful. Thus, the organs are preparing for the upcoming birth of the child, due to which the risk of prolonged labor and weak labor is reduced.
  5. Stimulation of fights. If the expected due date has already passed, and the baby is in no hurry to be born, obstetricians recommend sex and orgasm in late pregnancy as a harmless and effective means to stimulate the birth process.

Despite the many advantages of an active sexual life, if you feel a feeling of petrification of the uterus and pain in the abdomen after intimacy, you must refrain from it and inform your doctor about changes in your well-being. You should also alert spotting after an orgasm during pregnancy.

Possible harm

The potential harm of orgasm and sex for a pregnant woman and her unborn child lies in the possibility of provoking fetal rejection. Increased blood flow to the genitals and uterus, in the presence of spotting or increased tone, can cause a miscarriage.

If a woman is diagnosed with ICI () - a pathology characteristic of the second and third trimesters, in which the cervix shortens and opens ahead of time, any sexual activity can aggravate the condition. Orgasm, like sexual intercourse without it, in this case is able to accelerate disclosure and cause abortion.

Another risk factor is the low location of the placenta. At the same time, all types of sex, as well as masturbation, can provoke placental abruption and bleeding, which endangers the life of the mother and child.

If there is a risk of premature birth, early miscarriage, or other complications, doctors recommend that the woman has sexual rest. Thus, whether an orgasm during pregnancy is harmful is decided on an individual basis and depends on the existing features.

Contraindications and warnings

Given the possibility of a negative impact on pregnancy, orgasm and sexual intimacy during this period have a number of contraindications. These include the following conditions and factors:

  • a history of several spontaneous abortions;
  • placenta previa;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • spotting from the genital tract at any stage of pregnancy;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid.

Also, sexual activity is not recommended when carrying two or more fetuses. If one of the partners has sexually transmitted infections, you should abandon those methods of obtaining an orgasm that expose the second partner to the risk of infection (any type of unprotected sex - vaginal, anal, oral).

But, even if you have no contraindications, you should take precautions. Pregnant women should avoid "rough" sex with deep or hard penetration. This can unnecessarily stimulate the cervix. Special delicacy is needed in the first trimester, when a miscarriage is most likely.

Undesirable sex and orgasm at 36-40 weeks of pregnancy. When a woman is sexually aroused, a hormone, oxytocin, is produced in the blood, which stimulates uterine contractions. Together with the mechanical effect on the cervix during intercourse, this can cause contractions and provoke premature birth.

Caution is also necessary when trying to diversify your sex life with the help of special toys. It is acceptable to use clitoral stimulators that allow you to experience a clitoral orgasm during pregnancy. But it is better to refuse sex toys (dildos, vibrators) placed in the vagina.

When obtaining sexual satisfaction in any way, it is important to remember about intimate hygiene.

Before intimacy, you need to take a shower and avoid touching the genitals with unwashed hands and any objects not intended for this. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to a violation of the vaginal microflora and the appearance of an inflammatory process.

There is no consensus on the permissibility of anal sex during pregnancy, but most doctors still do not recommend it. During the period of bearing a child, the rectum has a large load, due to which its walls become more vulnerable. Anal sex can provoke rectal bleeding and inflammation of hemorrhoids if a woman has previously suffered from hemorrhoids.

Oral sex during pregnancy is not prohibited, but the threat is the possibility of infection with the herpes simplex virus, which most people have. If a partner has herpetic eruptions on his face, the chance of transmitting the disease to a woman is high. Due to the natural weakening of immunity during pregnancy, if the virus enters the genitals, there is a significant risk of its transformation into the genital form.

Despite the seeming frivolity of this problem, herpes is dangerous for the health of the unborn child. It can be transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy, causing malformations, polyhydramnios and other complications. This occurs mainly during the initial infection, but during such a period, caution will not be excessive.

Summing up, we can say that sex and orgasm in early pregnancy and in the future are acceptable in the absence of medical contraindications. With good health, regular intimate life has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mood of the expectant mother, and also allows the uterus to prepare for the upcoming birth.

Of course, getting sexual satisfaction should not be harmful to health. Sexual intercourse, taking place in a position convenient for a woman, is the best way to achieve orgasm during pregnancy.

Useful video: sex during pregnancy

These tricky chemicals may be lurking in your home

Everyone knows that pregnant women should avoid alcohol and smoking to reduce the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth or sudden death syndrome.

But what about hairspray? Air freshener? Plastic water bottles? Have you ever thought that the enemy can lurk very close by? The chemicals in all of these products can be just as toxic to the fetus as cigarettes and booze, and some can even be more harmful. Because chemicals enter the bloodstream of a pregnant woman and then pass directly to the fetus. Such exposure to harmful substances and toxins can lead to irreversible consequences in the form of damage to the functions of the brain and other organs, not only at birth, but even after several years.

Scientists from Britain have identified 232 industrial chemical compounds that are dangerous for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Some of them are so common in our environment, water, soil, that contact with them is almost impossible to avoid. But still, you can save yourself from many of them. Here are 10 potentially hazardous substances that you can easily protect yourself and your child from.


Exposure to this powerful neurotoxic metal can lead to permanent brain damage, nervous system disorders, developmental delays, hyperactivity, and learning problems. Lead can also slow down a child's development, both in the womb and after birth.

How does lead affect a pregnant woman and fetus? Mom can drink tap water contaminated with lead from old pipes, inhale metal particles along with dust from old paint, lead can enter the body along with soil particles on unwashed fruits and vegetables. Even some types of lipstick contain lead.

How to protect yourself from lead?

Drink only pure natural or purified water. Check the wall coverings in your home for lead. And finally, use only cosmetics made from organic products, in the production of which only natural dyes were used.


This neurotoxin interferes with the development of the brain and nervous system. The largest emissions of mercury occur when coal is burned in power plants. Mercury enters rivers and lakes, seas and oceans, and then concentrates in large fish species and other seafood.

In addition, mercury is found in room fluorescent lamps and old mercury thermometers.

How to protect yourself from mercury?

Doctors recommend avoiding the following types of seafood during pregnancy (although they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are necessary for pregnant women): cod, anchovies, sardines, shrimp, trout, tuna, mackerel.

Use modern digital thermometers.

Polychloride diphenyl

This difficult-to-pronounce chemical compound is as scary as it sounds. Its use was banned back in 1976, but the compound biphenyl polychloride is so persistent that it is still found in the environment and in food.

Polychloride diphenyl is a carcinogen and poses a threat to the reproductive, nervous and immune systems of humans.

It enters the body of a pregnant woman mainly with food. For example, it can be found in the meat of cattle grazing on grass grown on soil contaminated with this chemical. Scientists have found high levels of PCBs in food packaging such as chips, cheese sticks, pasta and cheese.

Polychloride diphenyl is also found in the printing ink of newspapers and magazines.

How to avoid exposure to polychloride biphenyl?

The chemical is concentrated in fat, so eat less fatty meats and fish. Eat more organic, unprocessed foods - fruits, vegetables and grains, foods in cardboard or paper packaging. Stop reading newspapers and magazines.


Formaldehyde is an environmentally polluting chemical that can be found in a wide variety of household products: carpets, particle board furniture, and colored fabrics. Formaldehyde is used as a preservative in cosmetics, shampoos, and nail polishes. Most often, formaldehyde enters the body by inhalation of its vapors - formaldehyde is a by-product when smoking cigarettes, using gas stoves and heaters.

Formaldehyde has a toxic effect on the human immune system. Laboratory animals exposed to this substance during pregnancy produced weak offspring with developmental delays, underdeveloped lungs, and reduced immunity.

How to protect yourself from formaldehyde?

Carefully study the composition of personal care products before buying. Choose formaldehyde-free nail polishes. Do your manicure outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. When buying new furniture, you need to let it stand in the open air, and when installing the house, ventilate the room well. Buy furniture made from solid wood, not molded materials. Do not use aerosol air fresheners. Refuse the procedure of perm or hair straightening.


Phthalates are chemicals used in the manufacture of plastics and rubber. They help soften the plastic (so-called plasticizers). They allow nail polish to harden and hairspray to fix hair. They also serve as a binding mechanism for synthetic fragrances.

Air fresheners, perfume products, cleaning and detergent products, personal care products all contain phthalates.

Animal studies have shown that phthalates cause infertility in males. They reduce the chances of women getting pregnant, and when exposed to phthalates, the fetus can lead to premature birth, underdevelopment, and a predisposition to obesity.

How to avoid exposure to phthalates?

Read the ingredients on the labels of the products you buy! Do not use air fresheners, cleaning products, scented sponges with synthetic fragrances. Do not use cosmetics and skin care products containing phthalates. Do not heat food in the microwave on plastic dishes, as phthalates from plastic can get on food.

Replace vinyl shower curtains with waterproof cotton or glass curtains.

PBDE - polybromodiphenyl ethers

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers are chemicals used to retard the flames of plastic parts in consumer electrical appliances and furniture. They can get into the air, soil and water. They practically do not dissolve in water, but settle at the bottom of reservoirs, polluting the fish. They can also be concentrated in house dust.

Polybromodiphenyl ethers negatively affect the thyroid gland, which controls metabolism, brain development and human growth. Therefore, PBDEs can affect a child's mental abilities and behavior, and in adults can cause thyroid disease.

How to protect yourself from polybromodiphenyl ethers?

PBDEs can accumulate on upholstery and cushions. Change old pillows and sofa upholstery.


Toluene is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Toluene is a strong solvent. You can find it in the composition of paints, paint thinners, decorative varnishes and nail polishes, adhesives, rubber; it is also used in the production of printed materials and in the tanning of leather, the production of gasoline.

Toluene evaporates well, so paint or nail polish can be a source of air pollution in your home.

The impact of toluene on the body during pregnancy can slow down the mental development of children. It can also affect the functions of the kidneys and liver, reduce immunity, lead to various diseases and disorders of the reproductive system.

How to avoid the harmful effects of toluene?

Buy nail polishes that are free of toluene and formaldehyde. Do not use polishing agents or polish furniture. If you are into painting, use only water-based paints. Avoid breathing exhaust gases and gasoline vapors, try not to refuel the car yourself.

PFOA and PTFE (perfluorooctanoic acid and polytetrafluoroethylene)

Both of these chemical compounds are used to produce non-stick and moisture-resistant coatings. Accordingly, they are used in the manufacture of non-stick pans, pizza boxes and fast food containers, stain-resistant clothing, carpets and furniture.

Pregnant women who are exposed to perfluorinated organic compounds have a high risk of having an underdeveloped baby. In addition, scientists note that these substances can lead to problems such as difficulty conceiving, reduced sperm quality and increased blood cholesterol levels.

How to avoid exposure to perfluorinated compounds?

Do not buy dirt-repellent furniture and clothes, non-stick cookware.


Asbestos is made up of six different fibrous materials, all of which are capable of causing cancer. Due to its fire resistance, asbestos can be found in any home: in roofing, vinyl flooring, air ducts, plumbing, insulation, drywall, ceiling tiles, car brake pads, and even clothing.

When the asbestos material ages and begins to delaminate, asbestos particles enter the air, and with it into the human body. Scientists say that the impact of any form of asbestos on the human body is unsafe!

How to avoid contact with asbestos?

Check the water for asbestos content in a special laboratory. Install a water filter or buy natural artesian water to drink.

If your home was built before 1980, the building materials may be contaminated. You should contact specialists to check the walls and other structures of an apartment or house for asbestos. If, for example, asbestos is found in the insulation, professional technicians can replace it.

Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A is a petrochemical compound used in the production of hard plastics and polycarbonate, which in turn are used to make water bottles and containers, baby bottles, dishes, food storage containers.

In addition, BPA is used in beverage cans to prevent corrosion and fight bacteria. The problem is that bisphenol is an unstable compound and can end up in food and drinking water.

Bisphenol A disrupts the body's endocrine system, even at low doses. In addition, exposure to bisphenol leads to reproductive disorders, increases the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer, infertility, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, and behavioral problems in children.

How to protect yourself from this "bouquet" of problems?

Do not drink water from plastic bottles, give preference to glass ones. Avoid canned foods and drinks, choose fresh or frozen foods. Do not heat food in plastic containers or use them to store hot food. Use glass and ceramic dishes.

There are plenty of dangers around a pregnant woman. Let's try to protect ourselves at least from the famous. Forewarned is forearmed!

Carrying a child for forty weeks is a difficult task for the body. During this period, a woman may feel discomfort of a different nature, inconvenience associated with changes in figure and physiology, and this is the norm. But some symptoms are not harmless at all, and should not be taken as a natural background of pregnancy. In dangerous situations, you should immediately contact the antenatal clinic.

Abdominal pain

Any pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, at any time, should be a reason for contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist. The reasons for it may be different, but if you miss the time and do not recognize the danger in time, you can lose the child. Pain in the lower abdomen, pulling, or cramping, may be a symptom of the threat of spontaneous abortion. This can be dealt with if treatment is started on time. The lower back may hurt, and this is also characteristic of the threat of miscarriage, but it may accompany pregnancy already in the later stages, as a reaction to the load. The threat of premature birth is not excluded in the middle of the term, and towards the end. In this case, the pain may resemble that with inflammation of the bladder, appendicitis, adnexitis, misleading the woman. You should not rely on your feelings, but you should always find out for sure. Go to the doctor.

Bleeding from the vagina

Under no circumstances can the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina in a pregnant woman be regarded as the norm. Suspicion should be caused by any changes in the color of the discharge: dark yellow, brown, coffee with milk, streaks of blood in the mucus, and of course, bright red and burgundy.

If you notice this, do not wait for further developments. Call an ambulance, or let them take you to the hospital by private transport. Call your gynecologist and report the symptom.

Changing the shape of the abdomen

This does not apply to those moments when your child is actively moving. In this case, the shape of the abdomen, of course, will change, depending on the movements of the child. If the shape of the abdomen has become asymmetrical, the abdomen has become hard and tense for more than half an hour, the shape of the abdomen has changed after a fall or impact, the abdomen has dropped sharply down - call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Outflow of amniotic fluid

It is impossible not to notice this. If the outpouring occurred at night, there will be a wet bed, if when you are awake, water will pour onto the floor over your legs. Leakage of amniotic fluid is less noticeable. Then there may be a slight wetting of underwear, but this symptom is also dangerous in premature pregnancy. If the amniotic fluid has found a way out, then the fetal bladder is damaged, and the issue of delivery must be addressed. In any case, the decision remains with the doctor, but you need to go to the hospital without delay.

Absence of baby movements

A woman usually begins to feel the first movements of a child from the 20th week of pregnancy, sometimes this happens earlier, or a little later. When the movements of the child suddenly disappear abruptly, you should be careful about this. If you do not feel the child for more than 12 hours in a row, you should inform your doctor about this. It may be one day, and the child will become active again. An alarming symptom is also the regular absence of fetal movements for 6-8 hours, or its low activity. Watch your baby, keep records with time control for several days. This way you will know exactly how active your child is.

Natalia Trohimets

  • If a pregnant woman does not defecate for a long time, this threatens with serious intoxication and even the premature birth of a child due to excessive intestinal pressure on the uterus.
  • Stagnation of faeces leads to inflammatory processes in the intestinal system and reproductive organs.
  • Also, with constipation, a woman is forced to push hard, which is dangerous in her position.

Therefore, constipation during pregnancy should not be ignored. If the stool is delayed for more than 48 hours, contact your doctor.

The effect of constipation on tone: can it lead to miscarriage

Complications caused by intestinal diseases during childbearing are dangerous. The intestines are located next to the genitals. Taking into account the fact that in a pregnant woman their contact with an increase in the size and weight of the fetus becomes closer, the well-being of the mother and the normal development of the baby depend on the normal function of the intestinal system.

  • possible increase in tone;
  • late constipation, from 36 to 40 weeks of gestation, can cause strong attempts during a woman's bowel movements;
  • this leads to an increase in pressure in the small pelvis, which provokes the release of amniotic fluid ahead of time and becomes the impetus for the onset of contractions.

In early pregnancy, an increase in tone due to an unemptied bowel can cause:

  • abnormal development of the child;
  • fetal rejection;
  • miscarriage, but this happens infrequently.

A high risk of abortion is indirectly related to stool retention as such. This is a consequence of too long and strong attempts in the process of defecation.

The consequences of constipation for a child at different times

Long-term accumulation of feces in the intestinal system during pregnancy carries dangerous consequences for the health of the mother and her fetus. The intestinal mucosa is characterized by absorption properties. Fluid from the intestines is absorbed into the blood along with toxic substances. This leads to intoxication of the mother's body and the child.

Influence of intoxication on the background of constipation

The risk of pathological processes in the development of the fetus is associated precisely with the poisoning of the child by harmful substances coming from the mother's digestive system. If a woman does not visit the toilet for a long time, the accumulated toxins are sent to the blood and through the placenta penetrate the baby's body.

Under the influence of intestinal microflora, stool masses undergo putrefactive processes more stagnantly. The release of toxic products begins:

  • skatole;
  • indole;
  • hydrogen sulfide compounds;
  • ammonia substances.

When absorbed into the blood, they lead to intoxication of the body.

The pathogenic microflora of the maternal intestine affects the development of congenital diseases of this organ in the baby.

placental insufficiency

During pregnancy, under the influence of released toxins, the uteroplacental circulation may be disturbed, premature aging of the placenta occurs, its insufficiency in function, which leads to a delay in fetal development and premature birth.

Placental insufficiency is characterized by negative changes in the structure and functions of the placenta, which leads to developmental delay, fetal suffocation and, in the most serious cases, intrauterine death of the baby.

The placenta is the organ that connects the mother to the fetus. She is responsible for vital tasks:

  • Provides fetal respiratory function.
  • Protects the child from the negative effects of various factors present in the mother's body.
  • It produces hormones that are involved in the development of the fetus and ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

If placental insufficiency appears, it ceases to properly cope with its tasks, there is a serious threat to the course of pregnancy and the normal development of the baby.

Fetal hypoxia

Against the background of intoxication provoked by constipation in a pregnant woman, there is a risk of oxygen starvation of the fetus - hypoxia. If this condition is short-term, then the lack of oxygen will not bring negative consequences. But if the child experiences prolonged hypoxia, then this affects:

  • the appearance of serious congenital anomalies;
  • fetal growth retardation;
  • the occurrence of heart disease;
  • development of pathologies of the nervous system.

Nutrient deficiency

Due to constipation at any stage of pregnancy, the baby does not receive the proper amount of nutrients, especially:

  • calcium;
  • iron, etc.

Instead, he receives toxins. Since intrauterine nutrition is one of the main conditions for the healthy development of a child, a deficiency of useful elements can lead to dangerous pathologies.

Infection of the membranes

In a normal pregnancy, the fetus inside the womb is sterile. From a meeting with pathogenic bacteria, it is protected by the maternal immune system and the placental barrier. When this protection weakens, congenital infection of the fetus occurs.

Due to toxins and harmful microorganisms that enter the mother's blood during constipation, she becomes a carrier of infections. Infectious agents affect the placenta, and then the body of the child. Infection of the embryo in the early stages of gestation can cause abnormalities in the development of its organs and systems.

Pathologies acquired in the womb after the baby is born can be incurable.

The consequences of constipation on the development of a child at any stage of pregnancy can be fatal. Try to monitor the stool, and if there is a delay in bowel movement, contact the hospital.

Harm of constipation for a woman

Severe constipation during pregnancy brings serious discomfort for a woman, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, flatulence and bloating. But these are all “little things” compared to the danger of the consequences of constipation during pregnancy.


Pregnant women have an increased risk of developing hemorrhoids. The growing uterus puts pressure on the walls of the intestines and the vessels of the small pelvis, which disrupts blood circulation in them. During constipation, the filled intestine additionally squeezes the vessels, which slows down the outflow of blood from them. This condition leads to hemorrhoids. The first symptom of this disease is blood in the feces after a bowel movement.

Cracks in the anus

If constipation continues for more than two days, the feces become hard and dense, they injure the sphincter muscles and the mucous membrane, which causes cracks that will be difficult to cure.

Other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The consequences of constipation:

  • inflammatory process in the rectum;
  • enteritis, provoked by the reverse reflux of food into the small intestine;

A long stay of feces in the intestine leads to other intestinal diseases:

  • deformation of the intestinal walls;
  • the development of diseases of the gallbladder;
  • paraproctitis.

Intestinal and vaginal dysbacteriosis

When beneficial intestinal microflora dies, fighting pathogenic microbes, this condition is called dysbacteriosis, during which most vitamins and beneficial microelements are poorly absorbed by the intestines. This often causes:

  • their lack;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • deterioration of the body's defenses;
  • decrease in energy supply of the epithelium of the large intestine;
  • development of ulcerative colitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

With a negative change in the microflora that occurs against the background of constipation, the local and general immunity of a pregnant woman is disturbed, which makes the body vulnerable to:

  • colds;
  • viruses.

Since the wall of the rectum is located close to the vaginal wall, bacteria easily overcome these barriers. With severe intestinal dysbiosis, the vaginal balance of microflora is disturbed.

Intoxication with severe constipation

The negative consequences of delayed emptying during pregnancy are due to the fact that feces enter the body of the expectant mother through the walls of the intestine if they are not removed from the intestine for a long time. Toxic substances are absorbed into the blood, gradually poisoning the body. Poisoning is accompanied by:

  • weakness;
  • sleep problems;
  • irritability;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • depression
  • discomfort in the abdomen.

The longer a pregnant woman cannot go to the toilet, the stronger the intoxication of her body and fetus will be.

Postpartum infectious complications

Postpartum infection is a septic wound infectious pathology, which is distinguished by some features that are directly related to the anatomy of the reproductive organs and their physiological tasks. Infectious agents can be:

  • coli;
  • streptococcal bacteria;
  • staphylococci;
  • gonococci;
  • other microorganisms.

Infection of the genital wound occurs when the balance of the intestinal microflora is disturbed, in which pathogenic microorganisms predominate.

Summing up

Harm of constipation during pregnancy:

  • Chronic constipation can lead to poor performance, irritability, and insomnia.
  • Due to the fact that they do not go out into the feces, bloating begins in the abdomen, gas formation increases. A full colon can cause uterine hypertonicity. Increased tone threatens premature birth, prematurity of the child. Early constipation can lead to miscarriage.
  • Fecal retention adversely affects the condition of the skin, rashes, dryness appear, and a healthy complexion is lost.
  • Inflammatory processes in the intestines may begin.
  • The condition of the nails and hair worsens: with constipation, the hair begins to fall out, becomes dull, dandruff may appear, and the nails exfoliate and break.
  • A weakened body is susceptible to infections and viruses. Since the pregnant woman's immunity drops and intoxication begins, this makes the immune defense weak, she ceases to cope with the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The risk of varicose veins increases. Against the background of long-term constipation, stagnation begins in the vascular system of the small pelvis, blood circulation in the lower extremities is disturbed, which causes veins to suffer.
  • Constipation often becomes an impetus for the development of other diseases. Women with prolonged constipation may develop colitis, liver disease, and pancreatic pathology.
  • If we are talking about short-term constipation in the first and second trimester, then straining during bowel movements is not dangerous. But if fecal retention occurs in the last weeks of bearing a child, then strong attempts can become a stimulant for the onset of labor.
  • In chronic and prolonged constipation, prolonged exertion leads to abnormal stretching of the ligaments and muscles that support the pelvic organs. This negatively affects labor activity and leads to the prolapse of the uterus and vagina after childbirth.

Attempts are dangerous for pregnant women with preeclampsia, high blood pressure, the threat of miscarriage, as well as diseases of the organs of vision and the cardiovascular system.

What needs to be remembered?

The course of pregnancy and the healthy development of the fetus inside the womb is determined by the woman's lifestyle and her actions. Expectant mothers experience stool retention, but this phenomenon cannot be ignored, since it is harmful to both the pregnant woman and the child.

If a woman cannot cope with the stool on her own by adjusting her diet, then during a routine examination by a gynecologist, she should be told about the problem. The doctor will find out the cause of the disease and advise effective and safe methods of therapy that will help avoid the consequences of constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Every woman should have an idea of ​​what is dangerous during pregnancy. For nine months of waiting, a woman is visited by many thoughts, and not all of them are pleasant. Worrying about the health of the baby, the upcoming birth, etc. are in vain in many cases. However, while waiting for the baby, there are several dangerous stages that a woman should be aware of in order to understand and prevent trouble in a timely manner, if necessary.

During pregnancy, the first dangerous period may develop in the second or third week. This is the time when a woman may not be aware of her interesting position. A fertilized egg, after entering the uterus, is fixed on the mucous membrane. For a number of reasons, the process of fixing the fetal egg in the uterus can be disrupted, then the pregnancy is interrupted and the woman begins an early miscarriage, which is quite difficult to diagnose (in some cases, menstruation can be very heavy). For the normal fixation of the fetal egg, an extremely important condition of the endometrium. Various anomalies of the uterus, damage to the inner layer (endometrium) as a result of inflammation, multiple abortions can cause a violation of fixation. Also, the contraction of the uterus after inflammation, curettage, or any diseases (myoma, endometriosis, etc.) can interfere with the normal attachment of the egg. In addition, chromosomal changes in the fetus can also lead to early termination of pregnancy, since the body gets rid of the "unhealthy" fetus on its own.

The second dangerous period is the period of 8-12 weeks, when the placenta begins to form. During this period, one of the main reasons for abortion are hormonal disorders, which can occur due to malfunctions of the ovaries, thyroid gland, and also due to the increased production of male sex hormones by the body of a pregnant woman. In this case, the doctor must choose the right treatment, while it is important to identify and prevent the pathology in a timely manner.

During this period, environmental factors are of great importance for the further development of the embryo: radiation (including industrial vibrations or sports), chemicals (smoking, pesticides, phenols, drugs, alcohol, etc.), viruses and infections.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body adapts to a new state, a woman experiences a colossal mental and physical stress, so in the first months of pregnancy, you need to be as careful as possible about your health.

The third dangerous period of pregnancy occurs at 18 - 22 weeks. During this period, the risk of developing placental pathology (previa, malposition, detachment, etc.) increases.

In addition, the most common cause of miscarriage during this period is isthmic-cervical insufficiency, i.e. a condition in which the cervix cannot cope with its main function - holding the fetus in the uterus. High levels of male sex hormones, trauma, congenital anomalies, deformations after previous births - all this can cause softening and opening of the cervix. Your doctor may put in stitches to prevent miscarriage.

Also during this period, the likelihood of pathological conditions of the placenta, fetal membranes, premature withdrawal of water as a result of untreated infectious diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasma, etc.) increases.

The fourth dangerous period may be at 28 - 32 weeks. At this time, the risk of developing preeclampsia, placental abruption, placental insufficiency increases, which can cause premature birth.

A woman, when approaching a dangerous period of pregnancy, should exclude heavy physical exertion, nervous shocks, and sex. If the probability of termination of pregnancy is high enough, it is best to go to the hospital under the supervision of specialists, so that timely assistance is provided if necessary.

Dangerous days during pregnancy

During pregnancy, various pathological processes can develop that jeopardize the further bearing of the child. The entire first trimester is considered to be the most vulnerable period, since any medications, nervous shocks, diseases, etc., are exactly what is dangerous during pregnancy. However, there are also other days that can threaten normal gestation.

But in each case, the pregnancy proceeds individually, and the above-mentioned critical periods do not necessarily develop on certain days of pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage can occur in each woman individually. For example, if a woman's previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, then the likelihood that the danger may recur at the same time is quite high, while both the physiological and psychological characteristics of the female body play an important role. Of course, you need to take care of your health not only on certain days of pregnancy (on these days it is recommended to pay special attention, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body), which may threaten further gestation, but throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is prone to various worries about the health of the unborn baby, the upcoming birth, etc. Quite often, such worries are in vain, but at different times there may be dangerous periods that can complicate further pregnancy. Among physicians, such periods are usually called dangerous or critical weeks.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman is usually not yet aware of her position, any external factor can disrupt the process of embryo attachment. With various diseases of the inner layer of the uterus (postoperative damage, inflammation, fibroids), the attachment of the fetal egg is complicated, and the likelihood of miscarriage increases. Also, a miscarriage occurs with various chromosomal pathologies, when the body rejects a deliberately unviable embryo.

At 8-12 weeks, due to hormonal disruptions in the body of a woman, a violation of the development of the placenta may occur, which is dangerous during pregnancy and can cause the death of the fetus.

In the second trimester, when an active increase in the uterus begins (18-22 weeks), the risk of premature termination of pregnancy also increases. With infections, a weakened cervix, and an incorrect location of the placenta, the course of pregnancy can be seriously complicated. During this period, the woman is assigned a second scheduled ultrasound examination in order to consider pathologies as early as possible and take action.

In the third trimester (28-32 weeks), placental abruption is possible. During ultrasound, the condition and integrity of the placenta is carefully studied by a specialist. This complication can cause preeclampsia (late toxicosis), death of a child in the womb, premature birth. Children born during this period can survive, but they require special care.

Is orgasm dangerous during pregnancy?

From the first days of pregnancy, huge hormonal changes begin in the female body. For some women, sexual desire becomes stronger, feelings during sex become more intense, become more intense. During pregnancy, the uterus grows, blood circulation in the pelvis increases, which causes an increase in desire and the appearance of brighter sensations. Some women change their sexual preferences, they want more affectionate, tender relationships.

The orgasm experienced by the future mother gives pleasant sensations not only to the woman, but also to the child in her womb. During orgasm, increased blood circulation contributes to a better supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. With contractions of the uterus during orgasm, there is some training in labor activity. The hormones of happiness released during orgasm have a good effect on both the woman and the child.

Sometimes a pregnant orgasm is very necessary. When the due date has already come, but the child is in no hurry to be born, an orgasm can push the birth process.

However, under certain conditions, orgasm is a danger to the health of the woman and the child. Orgasm leads to strong contractions of the uterus, which is dangerous during pregnancy, when there is a risk of miscarriage (increased tone). Also, orgasm is contraindicated for a woman in the last days of pregnancy, since in this case the likelihood of premature birth increases.

Dangerous infections during pregnancy

All dangerous infections that threaten a pregnant woman are conventionally divided into two types:

  • dangerous before pregnancy;
  • dangerous during pregnancy.

Chickenpox or chickenpox is one of those diseases that are best tolerated in childhood, since the disease in a child is almost harmless, while for an adult, especially for a pregnant woman, the infection poses a serious danger. The greatest danger is infection for up to 20 weeks, before and after childbirth.

Rubella is also a childhood disease. In a child, the disease occurs with less pronounced symptoms than in an adult. If a girl had rubella in childhood, then in adulthood she is protected by antibodies produced during the disease. If there is no immunity to infection, then the pregnant woman must be as careful as possible so as not to become infected. The disease poses the greatest danger in the early stages, since in this case there is a very high risk of damage or death of the fetus.

Toxoplasmosis is a rather dangerous infection, and doctors pay special attention to this disease. The infection poses a serious danger to the child and can occur in the body without any symptoms.

Experts recommend taking all the necessary tests before pregnancy in order to exclude the possibility of developing latent infections. If the results of the analysis show antibodies in the woman's body, then she has already had toxoplasmosis. In the absence of antibodies, you should be as careful as possible to prevent infection during pregnancy. The carriers of the disease are predominantly cats, so a pregnant woman who does not have antibodies to the infection should minimize contact with them. In addition, you should monitor the quality of food: meat should be well cooked, vegetables, fruits, greens, etc. should be washed thoroughly.

Cytomegalovirus is dangerous not only before pregnancy, but also directly during pregnancy. A woman may not even know about the infection, but the disease can pose a serious danger to the unborn child. It is generally accepted that primary infection poses a great danger to the fetus, exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy is not such a threat. Cytomegalovirus is transmitted through saliva, semen, and blood. If the disease is detected before pregnancy, then important attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system in order to prevent exacerbation during pregnancy.

Genital herpes in the early stages of pregnancy leads to miscarriage or missed pregnancy, in the second half of the term - to congenital anomalies in the child. Infection of the child can be during the passage of the birth canal or even in the womb through the placenta. In some cases, a woman is advised to have a caesarean section in order to prevent infection of the child.

However, not all women at the planning stage are examined and almost all tests are taken already with the onset of pregnancy. If the tests revealed infections, which is dangerous during pregnancy and can have serious consequences, then you should follow all the doctor's recommendations and undergo a course of treatment in order to minimize the risk of possible complications.

Dangerous diseases during pregnancy

Almost any disease during pregnancy can cause negative consequences, including malformations, miscarriages, etc.

Measles is the most contagious disease that is easily caught in childhood, the symptoms of the disease resemble acute respiratory infections, but on the third day a characteristic rash appears. For a pregnant woman who has not had measles, infection in the first three months can cause miscarriage or malformations (oligophrenia, central nervous system damage, etc.). In the early stages of pregnancy, possible fetal defects are extremely difficult to diagnose. Usually, a woman who has had measles in the first weeks of pregnancy is offered an abortion in order to completely eliminate the risk of having a sick child.

Mumps or mumps is not as contagious as chicken pox or measles, but no less dangerous for a pregnant woman. Among pregnant women, mumps is quite common, so the disease should be avoided, because it is dangerous during pregnancy that it is infection in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all the main organs and functions of the unborn child develop. The mumps virus easily penetrates the fetus. It is generally accepted that the virus infects the ovaries, which leads to miscarriage (usually 10-14 days after infection). If, after the disease, the pregnancy continues to develop normally, then there is no reason for concern, since mumps does not lead to abnormal development of the fetus. Infection of the child can occur if the mother falls ill in the last weeks of pregnancy, but in this case, everything passes with minimal consequences.

Influenza, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, can lead to intrauterine death of the fetus, at a later date the risk of premature birth increases, but the disease does not provoke fetal abnormalities.

Chlamydia can cause miscarriage, often the child becomes infected during the passage of the birth canal, which can subsequently cause conjunctivitis, pneumonia.

Jaundice does not pose a threat to the unborn child, but the risk of infection during childbirth is extremely high.

Borreliosis is carried mainly by ticks, the disease rarely affects the fetus, but there is a risk of neurological abnormalities, heart disease.

What is dangerous during pregnancy should be known to every woman who is preparing to become a mother. During this period, it is extremely important to take care of your health, since the future health of the child largely depends on the health of the mother.

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