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What can pregnant women with constipation. Preventive diet for constipation for pregnant women. Have a pronounced laxative effect

According to statistics, more than half of expectant mothers have experienced what constipation is during pregnancy. Moreover, a similar problem is even called one of the companions of pregnancy. But is it really so? Why do constipations occur, how to deal with them and can they be avoided?

What is constipation?

  • In medicine, constipation is called the complete absence of bowel movements for 2 days or more;
  • In addition, there is the concept of functional constipation. In this case, bowel movements are regular, but at the same time, the woman is worried about the feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines, and the feces themselves are too dry and hard.

This problem is considered so delicate that many women simply do not dare to consult a doctor and look for ways to get rid of it on their own. And it's not right!

Stool retention not only causes discomfort to the expectant mother, but can also harm both her and the baby. Constipation leads to a change in the composition of the intestinal microflora, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively develop.

There can be many reasons for such violations, and pregnancy becomes a kind of provoking factor.

Most often, a woman suffers from constipation during pregnancy in the early stages and at its end.

Causes of constipation

At each stage of pregnancy, the causes of constipation can vary significantly. In the first trimester, defecation disorders can lead to:

  1. early toxicosis. At this time, the woman constantly experiences excruciating nausea and even vomiting, which lead to dehydration (related article: Nausea during pregnancy >>>). As a result, the feces become too dense and their exit is difficult;
  2. At the moment, the female body produces a lot of the hormone progesterone, which can relax the uterine muscles, protecting against miscarriage. But besides this, it also relaxes the muscles of other internal organs, including the intestines. Because of this, its peristalsis is disturbed;
  3. From the very beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers can be prescribed calcium and iron supplements. And they, in turn, provoke a violation of defecation;
  4. If a woman has been diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage, she is usually advised to strictly observe bed rest. Due to the inactive way of life, constipation can also develop.

Constipation during late pregnancy is provoked by the following factors:

  • By this time, the baby has already grown up enough and begins to put pressure on the organs and intestines surrounding the uterus - this is no exception;
  • Due to the increased weight and large belly, it is already difficult for expectant mothers to move after the 35th week of pregnancy. And lack of activity is the first step towards constipation;
  • At this time, many are concerned about swelling. Therefore, in order to avoid them, a woman limits herself to drinking. Hence the constipation. Read more about swelling during pregnancy >>>

But whatever the cause of this condition, constipation must be fought. How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy quickly and safely?

How to get rid of the problem

The pharmacy can offer you a huge range of products to help cope with the problem. However, not all of them can be used by the expectant mother. If constipation began to bother you during pregnancy, what should you do so as not to harm the baby?

For this it is worth:

  1. Normalize the diet (I talk about how to do this in the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for the Expectant Mother >>>);
  2. Use approved medications;
  3. Use candles for constipation during pregnancy;
  4. Take advantage of folk remedies.

In this case, you need to pay attention to what is absolutely impossible to do for pregnant women who are faced with the problem of constipation:

  • Enemas. Despite the huge popularity of this method, it is impossible to use it during pregnancy. And all because it can provoke uterine contractions. Therefore, if you use this method, then only immediately before childbirth, when the baby is already considered full-term and is ready to be born;
  • Vaseline or castor oil for constipation during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the oil will put an additional burden on the digestive tract;
  • Laxatives, which are based on senna and rhubarb;
  • Classic laxatives (cellulose, Gutalax, Karlovy Vary salt, etc.) are now also banned. An exception is Fortrans powder.

So how can you help a pregnant woman with constipation?

  1. Syrup Duphalac. It has a laxative effect and normalizes the composition of the intestinal microflora (read: Dufalac during pregnancy >>>);
  2. Glycerin suppositories for constipation during pregnancy. This drug is effective and safe, so it is often prescribed to expectant mothers and newborn babies;
  3. Micro enema Microlax. The drug has a local effect and leads to defecation within 15 minutes after its use.

Folk remedies often become a good alternative to pharmaceutical preparations that are unsafe during this period. But you can use them only when you are completely sure that you are not allergic to the components of such products. To get rid of violations of bowel movements in folk ways help:

  • Potato juice. To do this, the potato tuber must be finely chopped and, with the help of gauze, squeeze the juice out of it. Freshly squeezed juice should be mixed with boiled, chilled water in equal amounts. Take it shortly before meals for ¼ cup;
  • Buckthorn decoction. To prepare it, 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured with 1 liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes. After the broth has cooled and infused, it must be filtered. Take this remedy twice a day for half a glass;
  • Juice squeezed from rowan berries. It is mixed with sugar and drunk in a third of a glass in the morning, on an empty stomach and at bedtime;
  • A mixture of dried fruits. To prepare this tasty and, at the same time, effective remedy for constipation, take 100 grams of dried apricots, raisins and prunes, chop them and mix with 3-4 tablespoons of natural honey.

Such a remedy should be taken in a few small spoons before bedtime, washed down with warm water.

If constipation is spastic in nature, then sedatives that a doctor can prescribe will help to eliminate it.

Prevention of constipation

One of the most common questions - is it possible to push with constipation during pregnancy? This cannot be done, as intra-abdominal pressure rises, and this can lead to contraction of the uterine muscles, placental abruption, and even termination of pregnancy.

To avoid constipation, it is important to engage in prevention. It consists in:

  1. Fractional nutrition. It is better to eat often, but in small portions;
  2. Providing a proper diet with enough vitamins, nutrients and fiber;
  3. Daily use of vegetable oils, fresh and dried fruits, fermented milk products;
  4. Complete exclusion from the diet of foods that can cause gas formation in the intestines and have a fixing effect;
  5. Proper distribution of products throughout the day. In the morning, preference should be given to proteins, and in the evening leave fermented milk products and vegetables;
  6. Compliance with the drinking regime. Pregnant women are recommended to drink 1.5 liters of liquid per day (still water, herbal teas, dried fruit compotes, fresh juices);
  7. If there are no contraindications, then you need to walk daily, do gymnastics and lead an active lifestyle.

Read more about nutrition during pregnancy in the book "Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother", the link to which was above.

But, if constipation nevertheless made itself felt, then do not be shy, consult a doctor, together with him determine the cause of the violation of bowel movements and try to get rid of it with gentle methods.

Pregnancy, especially the long-awaited one, seems to a woman an amazing period. It is, but there are always a number of problems that can overshadow the course of pregnancy. In the early stages, nausea and vomiting are disturbing, then heartburn, swelling and constipation join.

Normally, the frequency of bowel movements (going to the toilet "in a big way") varies from 2-3 times a day to 1 time in 3 days. This was before pregnancy, and it is not always possible to predict how the nature of the stool will change after pregnancy. But most often, patients are concerned about constipation.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

1) Change in hormonal levels.

Pregnancy always proceeds against the background of high levels of progesterone. Progesterone is a specific hormone that determines the preservation of pregnancy. How? It helps to relax the smooth uterine muscles in order to prevent spontaneous miscarriage. But progesterone acts not only on the uterus, ALL organs that contain smooth muscles react to its effects. Smooth muscles contract automatically and are not subject to conscious control.

Under the action of progesterone, the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and the muscular wall of blood vessels (especially veins) relax. All these changes are physiological, but can bring a lot of additional worries.

Relaxed intestinal muscles are not able to quickly and smoothly move the intestinal masses to the exit. The contents stagnate, water is reabsorbed into the vascular bed. The stool becomes even more dense. To go to the toilet, you need to make much more effort than usual, which is fraught with complications (more on them later).

2) Mechanical compression.

Constipation begins to bother a woman, as a rule, from the second trimester. The fetus grows in the uterus, the size of the uterus increases, the compression of neighboring organs gradually begins (mainly the intestines, and then the stomach). The organs are displaced relative to the uterus, in some places in the compressed areas of the intestine there is a mechanical obstacle to the passage of feces. And despite the fact that the intestines are so relaxed, this leads to partial stagnation, incomplete promotion of feces to the exit.

3) sedentary lifestyle.

Pregnant women often take care of themselves too much and do not physically exert themselves. We are not talking about sports and hard physical labor, but long calm walks in the forested area are shown to almost everyone who does not have obstetric contraindications. If there is no physical activity, then the contractile activity of the intestinal muscles also decreases.

The restriction occurs in patients with threatened miscarriage and other conditions requiring bed rest.

4) Features of the diet.

Lots of calcium and iron.

Both calcium and iron are vital for maintaining the health of the mother and the growth and development of the baby. With a lack of these elements, the mother is threatened with the development of anemia in pregnant women, problems with teeth. A child with a lack of iron and calcium also suffers, so antenatal clinic doctors often prescribe iron and calcium supplements. And a side effect in almost 80% of women is constipation. This is not a reason to cancel the drug, here you need to measure the benefits of the drug and its side effects, which can often be stopped with the help of therapeutic measures (see Treatment).

Insufficient fiber.

It is not only pregnant women who sin with this approach to nutrition. Fast food, an excess of flour and sweets, easily digestible carbohydrates and a lack of fiber lead to the fact that few stools are formed and they are very dense. The less fiber, the less stimulated intestinal motility. Peristalsis is the correct wave-like movement of the intestinal wall towards the exit.

Lack of fluid.

Insufficient fluid intake also leads to the fact that the stool becomes dry and hard, its expulsion is difficult.

5) Chronic diseases before pregnancy.

Diseases of the perianal region.

Hemorrhoids are an enlargement of the veins of the rectum and anal area. At a certain stage, the nodes become so large that they completely or partially block the exit and interfere with defecation. In addition, going to the toilet with hemorrhoids is painful and may be accompanied by spotting. If hemorrhoids appeared before pregnancy, then it is advisable to treat it at the stage of pregravid preparation in order to avoid many problems after.

An anal fissure is a fissure on the inner surface of the rectum that affects the mucosal and then the submucosal layers. It can be acute or chronic. Defecation with an anal fissure is painful, a woman instinctively limits the number of trips to the toilet. Timely treatment will also make life much easier.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Erosive gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum are conditions that are accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice and are often accompanied by constipation.

Colitis is a group of various diseases in which the intestinal wall is affected. Its contractility, permeability and other functions are disturbed, which leads to stool disorders (both constipation and episodes of diarrhea).

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder, sometimes of a psychosomatic nature. Stool disorders exist even before pregnancy, then they only get worse.

Developmental anomalies (dolichosigma and others) are not so rare; with developmental anomalies, the passage of intestinal contents in the right direction is often disturbed. Constipation and alternating constipation-diarrhea disturb even before pregnancy. And during gestation, the situation is often not complete without the constant use of laxatives.


Hypothyroidism is a condition of insufficient hormonal function of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by a slowdown in overall metabolism. This is reflected in the function of the intestines.

6) Stress.

Stress during pregnancy is not uncommon, often accompanied by malnutrition (lack of appetite or stress eating junk food), hormonal fluctuations, which leads to stool disorders as well.

constipation symptoms

Decrease in the number of bowel movements compared to the usual (before pregnancy). However, there are approximate limits for the assessment, up to three days, stool retention is not yet constipation, if there are no other manifestations.

The stool becomes drier and harder, its quantity decreases.

After a bowel movement, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine persists.

Bursting pains in the abdomen (it is necessary to differentiate abdominal pains, first of all, excluding the threat of abortion and acute surgical pathology), bloating, audible rumbling, sometimes bitterness in the mouth.

How can constipation affect pregnancy?

1. Prolonged and persistent constipation can disrupt the absorption of nutrients and lead to impaired absorption of certain elements. The lack of nutrition of the mother is always the lack of nutrition of the baby.

2. Prolonged constipation leads to stagnation of feces in the intestine, thus creating an environment for the reproduction of opportunistic microflora. This condition is fraught with allergization of the body and provokes the development of certain diseases (if they were not in the anamnesis).

May develop: proctosigmoiditis (inflammation of the rectum and sigmoid colon), secondary colitis, acute anal fissures (strong straining and pathogenic flora together lead to the formation of cracks), paraproctitis (inflammation of the fatty tissue surrounding the rectum). Any of these diseases is inflammation, pain and the risk of infection, so it is highly undesirable to allow their development during pregnancy.

3. Frequent straining when trying to defecate can provoke an increased tone of the uterus, which is dangerous for spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages and the threat of premature birth in more than 22 weeks.

Treatment of constipation during pregnancy

Treatment consists of three main sections: diet, organization of physical activity and drugs.


A sufficient amount of liquid (water, milk, juices and compotes, mineral water) is approximately 1.5 - 2 liters, unless there is a restriction for another reason (edema of pregnant women, arterial hypertension, preeclampsia or kidney disease). One of the means of preventing constipation is 1/2 - 1 glass of clean cool water on an empty stomach.

- Featured Products: fermented milk products (except for fatty cheeses), raw vegetables and fruits (especially apricots, peaches, plums, zucchini, carrots), boiled or baked beets, black bread, vegetable oil (sunflower and olive), bran bread and bran in the form of flakes and powder, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, pearl barley and barley groats, muesli, dried fruits (especially dried apricots and prunes), lean meat in boiled or baked forms, dried fruit compote (dried apricots, raisins) and gooseberries.

Oatmeal with prunes is a classic home remedy for constipation, especially in the early stages. But you should not eat this dish every day, oatmeal contains a large amount of phytic acid, which makes it difficult for calcium to be absorbed. Two to three times a week, oatmeal for breakfast will only benefit.

Limit: semolina and rice porridge, pureed mucous soups and puree soups (they do not give the intestines a stimulus to peristalsis), chocolate, cocoa and strong tea, meat broths and fried foods, boiled eggs, white bread, pears, blueberries, quince.

Regarding mashed soups and other dishes of a sparing diet, if they are shown to you for medical reasons, then you should not refuse them, then you will have to stop the effects of constipation by other methods.

Forbidden: dishes from cabbage, legumes (peas, beans, mung beans, chickpeas, lentils), spinach, sorrel. These products cause active gas formation, disrupt the passage of intestinal contents and increase intra-abdominal pressure, which can provoke uterine hypertonicity.

Have a fixing effect: strawberries, currants, hard cheese.

Salt intake should be limited, from 1.5 to 5 grams of salt is required per day, which fully satisfies the needs of the body and prevents edema from forming.

Physical activity

Physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle), as already mentioned, provokes constipation (and not only, the likelihood of swelling of the legs, placental disorders and other problems also increases).

Long walks in the fresh air at a comfortable pace contribute to a mild activation of intestinal tone.

Swimming (if there is no threat of interruption) also helps to increase the overall tone of the body. It is recommended to swim in controlled waters, pools to avoid infection.

Homework, with the exception of types of loads with inclinations and active raising of hands up (as when hanging clothes above the head).

If you have a sedentary job, then you need to take motor breaks about 1 time per hour, walk, go up to the 1st floor and drink water, this will help avoid stagnation in the intestines, and is also useful for preventing varicose veins.

Medications for constipation during pregnancy:

In the first trimester, medications are used only when the diet and non-drug methods are completely ineffective.

At any time, the usual senna-based laxatives (senade, glaxenna, herbion laxan) are prohibited, since the risk of uterine hypertonicity is increased, and the effect on the fetus is not well understood (the formation of fetal defects is not excluded, there is not enough data).

Cleansing enemas in large volumes are prohibited, they cleanse the intestines, but at the same time wash out the entire flora, both pathogenic and beneficial. And also irritation of the intestinal walls with a large volume of fluid contributes to its spastic contraction, provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus, up to spontaneous miscarriage.


Microclysters with water. Pure water is used, introduced into the anus with a small syringe (50 ml). The effect is to soften and facilitate the excretion of feces. It is used in isolated cases, as it washes out the native intestinal flora and, with frequent use, will lead to dysbacteriosis.

Laxative candles. Glycerin suppositories are a classic remedy for constipation for a pregnant woman. Glycerin softens feces and helps to remove them. You should choose simple candles without additional components.
Papaverine suppositories help facilitate bowel movements by relaxing the muscular wall of the intestine and eliminating resistance to fecal excretion.

Duphalac (Normaze, Portalac, Lactulose Stada) is a drug in the form of a syrup that contains lactulose. Apply it inside after meals, in the first 3 days of constipation, 15-40 ml per day (in 2-3 doses), then 10-25 ml per day. Safe for pregnant women. With the ineffectiveness of the diet, it can be used in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Forlax. Forlax powder contains macrogol (10 grams), 1-2 sachets per day are used in 1-2 doses. Diluted with water immediately before taking. It is applied situationally, after the normalization of the stool, the effect is supported by the correct laxative diet.

Microlax. Microlax is a solution for rectal administration that contains sorbitol and sodium salts. It is used once a day (preferably at night), the tip of the portion tube breaks off, squeeze the tube a little so that a drop of the contents lubricates the tip of the tip (to facilitate insertion), insert the tip to its full length and squeeze out the contents completely. It is applied situationally, then you support the chair with a diet.

Mukofalk. This is a herbal preparation that contains psyllium oval seed shell powder. Produced in portioned sachets, 1 sachet is taken 2-6 times a day. Dilute with water immediately before taking.


Constipation does not actively affect the process of childbirth, but pushing with an empty bowel at full strength simply will not work. In the later stages, closer to the date of birth, one should try to achieve daily stools, since labor can begin at any time. If you have not had a bowel movement for more than 3 days, then tell the receiving staff about this when you enter the maternity hospital.

Now the enema and shaving of the perineum are not a mandatory procedure, as before. But in your case, the enema will only benefit, the contractile activity of the uterus is already forming into contractions, the enema will not interfere with them.

As a rule, a woman rightly expects that after childbirth she will leave most of the newly acquired problems, including constipation. And if the majority really says goodbye to edema and dyspeptic symptoms after childbirth, then constipation continues to cause discomfort for some time. And if you do not take action, then you can get chronic problems with the intestines. Read more about this in the article Constipation after childbirth >>


With a reasonable approach and compliance with all measures to prevent constipation, most pregnant patients cope with the problem.

Constipation in late pregnancy is a fairly common problem that requires immediate treatment. But before proceeding the reasons for this condition should be identified, they are as follows:

What can be affected?

Constipation is a rather uncomfortable sensation that can affect a woman’s condition in different ways at different stages of pregnancy.

Danger at a later date

Constipation in the last months of pregnancy leaves a certain mark on the body, moreover, they pose a great danger not only to the expectant mother, but also to the unborn baby.

Due to the fact that it is difficult for a woman to empty her body, quite harmful substances formed after the breakdown of food are retained in her body.

They are located in the intestines and are absorbed into the blood through the walls. It is this factor that negatively affects the expectant mother and her baby.

Need to treat constipation, as they bring a lot of negative sensations to the pregnant woman. A feeling of pain and heaviness in the abdomen can constantly accompany a pregnant woman. And such a state can provoke the development of unnecessary experiences.

Most women are interested in: "Is it possible to push while carrying a child?". Attempts at this time are undesirable.

Frequent constipation can lead not only to hemorrhoids, but even to miscarriage. From this, it is not difficult to conclude that treat constipation during pregnancy is simply necessary.


Therapy of constipation, like any other diseases, can be done with medication and folk remedies.

Medical preparations

Everyone knows that taking medication for a woman during pregnancy is completely undesirable. In this case, how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy?

Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician and only when there is an urgent need for it. Self-medication can cause unnecessary problems.

Almost all medications for expectant mothers are contraindicated.

Substances that are part of a particular drug can only irritate all the receptors in the colon.

Doctors may prescribe glycerin suppositories for constipation in a pregnant woman. They do not affect the tone of the uterus in any way. There will be no negative impact on medications such as:

  • Duphalac.
  • Khilak forte.
  • Transipeg.

Folk remedies

A decoction of prunes will not harm the expectant mother and an unborn baby.

  1. In order to prepare it, you need to take 100 g of well-washed dried fruits, beets and Hercules flakes.
  2. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed together, placed in a saucepan and poured with 2 liters of water.
  3. The composition should remain on low heat for about 1 hour.
  4. After this time, the broth is settled, filtered and sent to the refrigerator.

You need to take the drug before going to bed for 1 glass.

Preventive actions

And of course, in no case should we forget about the prevention of the disease.


One of the most important factors that can prevent the occurrence of unwanted constipation during pregnancy is the correct diet of the future woman in labor. In order for the fight against constipation to become more effective, it is important not only to choose the right foods, but also to make a schedule for eating.


Physical exercise will be no less effective. If the expectant mother does not have any contraindications for physical exercise, then in this case it will not be superfluous:

  • swimming;
  • daily morning exercises;
  • specially designed breathing exercises.

Even if done regularly Hiking, will benefit the mother and her unborn baby.

Unfortunately, today, there is no universal drug in the fight against constipation for a pregnant woman in pharmacology.

However, it is necessary to do everything possible to avoid its occurrence, according to the forces of every expectant mother.

Pregnancy is a very important period in a woman's life. The fair sex, having learned that she is carrying a long-awaited child under her heart, experiences a lot of positive emotions. However, she may not realize what surprises she will face while she is carrying a child. when you can see your baby - the happiest moments. But, unfortunately, every woman has to deal with unpleasant surprises within 40 weeks. One of them are constipation during pregnancy. They not only deliver uncomfortable sensations, but are also dangerous for a woman in position.

Each person has a different frequency of bowel movements. For someone, bowel movements occur 2-3 times a day, and for someone - after 2 days. This is considered normal. Many people suffer from constipation, but expectant mothers face this problem much more often than others.

The main symptoms of constipation during pregnancy:

  • a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements;
  • a small amount of feces;
  • dryness and hardness of feces;
  • the presence after a bowel movement of a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine.

A woman in position may show all of these signs or only some of them.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

In the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, expecting a baby, the causes of constipation can be different. One of them - increase in progesterone levels in organism. This hormone has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestine (its peristalsis is disturbed, hypotension occurs).

The cause of constipation during early pregnancy can be iron and calcium. These useful trace elements are necessary for women in position. Doctors even sometimes specifically prescribe drugs containing iron and calcium.

Pregnant women lead an insufficiently active lifestyle. Some, with the threat of miscarriage, observe bed rest. Exactly low physical activity may cause constipation.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother should monitor her diet. Because of lack of fluid bowel movements may be slow and difficult.

Constipation during pregnancy can also occur due to diseases of the anal area. For example, an anal fissure or hemorrhoids can be the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Pregnancy is not without stress. They arise due to the physiological restructuring of the body, fear of childbirth, thoughts about the upcoming sleepless nights and other worries. Experiences negatively affect the frequency of bowel movements.

Why is constipation dangerous during pregnancy?

Women who have never experienced slow and difficult emptying before may experience this during early pregnancy. Many of them experience constipation during late pregnancy. This unpleasant phenomenon does not pass without a trace. Constipation for the expectant mother and her unborn child is a particular danger.

Due to difficulties with emptying, harmful substances that were formed as a result of the breakdown of food are retained in the body of a woman. They, being in the intestine, are absorbed into the blood through its walls. This can adversely affect the mother and fetus.

Constipation can cause a lot of discomfort. A woman in position may feel heaviness in the abdomen, pain. All this can cause unwanted feelings and frustration.

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to push with constipation during pregnancy. During childbearing pushing is not desirable. If a woman has to push not hard and rarely, then this will not cause serious problems. Regular constipation is dangerous because tension in the abdominal muscles can lead to hemorrhoids or miscarriage.

Stagnation of contents in the intestine can cause complications. For example, proctosigmoiditis (inflammation of the rectum and sigmoid colon), secondary colitis, paraproctitis (inflammation of the perirectal tissue), anal fissure may occur due to prolonged constipation.

Products for constipation during pregnancy

Not every woman knows what to do with constipation during pregnancy. Food plays a huge role in their treatment. A pregnant woman should include in her diet foods that contain substances that promote bowel movements. You should also be aware of the foods that can cause constipation.

Bowel emptying is facilitated by:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • black bread;
  • bread containing bran in a significant amount;
  • dried fruits (especially prunes);
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, barley groats;
  • meat with a lot of connective tissue.

These products for constipation during pregnancy should be included in your menu.

Pregnant women who complain of constipation and bloating should limit or eliminate fiber-rich foods from their diet.

Should be abandoned from dishes from spinach, sorrel, cabbage, beans, which cause increased gas formation.

From your diet, if possible, you should exclude some dishes in a pureed form (especially semolina and rice porridge), substances of a viscous consistency (for example, mucous soups). Some future mothers do not know if there are constipation during pregnancy from cocoa and strong black tea, and they drink these drinks. In fact, they should be removed from your menu, as they only interfere with bowel movements.

pregnant woman in daily should drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid. It can be plain water, juices, dairy products. It should be borne in mind that so much liquid can be consumed if there are no contraindications: heart disease or edema.

Medications for constipation during pregnancy

As you know, women in the position of taking medication is undesirable, as they can adversely affect the fetus. Then how to treat constipation during pregnancy? Drugs should be prescribed only by the attending physician if there are serious indications for this. In no case should you self-medicate. By your actions, you can only harm yourself and the unborn baby.

Almost all pills for constipation during pregnancy are contraindicated. Substances that are part of most drugs, irritate the colon receptors. This enhances its peristalsis. In pregnant women, drugs can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus and its contraction, and this may result in a miscarriage.

Doctors may prescribe glycerin suppositories from constipation during pregnancy. They gently irritate the receptors of the rectum and do not affect the uterine tone.

Thus, the use of drugs is not safe during pregnancy. Drugs can cause miscarriage, violations in the development of the fetus. A future mother who dreams of a healthy child should not take medication without a doctor's prescription. Only a specialist can determine whether it is necessary to treat constipation during pregnancy with drugs or you can do without them.

Folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy

Good and safe folk remedy for constipation - a decoction of prunes. To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of washed dried fruits, 100 g of herculean flakes and 100 g of beets. Mix all these ingredients, immerse them in a saucepan and pour 2 liters of water. Boil prunes, oatmeal flakes and beets over low heat for an hour. After that, strain the broth and put the refrigerator. Before going to bed, drink 1 glass.

Also helps with constipation during pregnancy prunes, dried apricots and raisins with honey. To prepare this mixture, you will need dried fruits (100 g each) and 2 tbsp. l. honey. Rinse prunes, dried apricots and raisins thoroughly and pass through a meat grinder. Then add honey and mix thoroughly. This tool is recommended to use before going to bed for 2 tsp, washed down with warm water.

It is worth noting that some folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy prohibited(for example, senna leaves, rhubarb, buckthorn bark, joster fruit).

Prevention of constipation during pregnancy

Pregnant women may not experience constipation if they follow some preventive measures.

First of all, you should pay attention to your diet. The diet should include foods rich in fiber. It improves the digestion process. It is desirable that a liquid dish (for example, soup or borscht) be present in the daily menu. Foods that contribute to constipation should be excluded from the diet.

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regimen. Many of the fair sex are afraid to drink a lot of fluids because of the possible appearance of edema. This is completely wrong. A pregnant woman should drink enough water. Salty foods should be avoided. This is necessary so that salt does not retain water in the body.

To avoid severe constipation during pregnancy, you should move more. Modern mothers lead a sedentary lifestyle. Someone is afraid to move once again, believing that movements can harm the child, while someone is more busy communicating on social networks.

Lack of physical activity provokes a slowdown in digestion. Of course, in the position you can’t do jogging or some complex exercises, but you shouldn’t forget about walking in the fresh air, ordinary walking.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the most reasonable option, thanks to which a woman in position can avoid difficult emptying, is prevention. If you still had to deal with constipation in the early stages of pregnancy or at a later date, then you can use folk remedies.

However, keep in mind that not all of them are harmless. Do not be afraid to visit a doctor. He can advise a good and safe remedy for constipation during pregnancy, and if necessary, prescribe a drug and explain how to take it.

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According to the norms, the frequency of bowel movements should be at least 3 times a week. If this happens less often, we are talking about a pathology - a defecation delay, which is called constipation. Potentially, this situation can lead to more serious problems, up to intestinal obstruction. How to get rid of constipation is described in the proposed article.

How to quickly get rid of the disease at home?

Constipation is treated by a gastroenterologist. Referring to him for an initial consultation is mandatory, since a delay in defecation can develop against the background of many diseases. But if the cause is diet or lifestyle errors, you can cope with constipation on your own, at home.

In adults

In healthy adults, stool problems occur in the following situations:

  • "sedentary work;
  • snacking on the go, eating a large amount of high-calorie carbohydrate foods low in fiber;
  • insufficient water intake;
  • numerous stresses, anxiety;
  • violations of the regime of the day, overwork.

Getting rid of constipation without eliminating its causes is very difficult. Therefore, first of all, you should adjust your lifestyle. At the same time, you can help the body to establish a regular stool with the help of the means, which will be discussed in detail below.

In the elderly

Defecation delay in the elderly is a natural phenomenon associated with the physiological process of aging. With age, the sensitivity of the nerve endings that regulate the activity of the closing apparatus of the anal canal gradually decreases. As a result, a person does not always feel the urge to defecate in time and constipation develops.

Stool retention in the elderly is also associated with a general decrease in motor activity and the use of a large number of medications.

Constipation can also develop against the background of diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

As in other cases, constipation in the elderly should be treated after the cause has been identified. In addition, after 60 years, a person must strictly monitor the regularity of bowel movements, accustoming the body to "walk by the clock."

In children

Until the age of 3, the baby should go to the potty at least 6 times a week. For children older than 3 years, the frequency of bowel movements is set, as for adults - at least 3 times a week.

Delayed stool in a child can be associated with various reasons:

  • organic, associated with congenital anomalies in the structure of the intestine;
  • functional, caused by dysbacteriosis, enzymatic deficiency, helminthiases, rickets, poor nutrition and diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • psychological, which usually occur after the child is placed in kindergarten and are associated with increased anxiety and conscious restraint of defecation.

Children also have one-time constipation caused by compaction of feces (due to dehydration or the use of “fixing” products) or a decrease in peristalsis in infectious diseases.

It is not difficult to save a child from one-time constipation. It is enough to increase fluid intake and eliminate the problematic product from his diet. In other cases, it is required to identify the cause of the disorder and eliminate it.

During pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is a common phenomenon, especially in the later stages. During this period, the uterus compresses the lower intestine, preventing normal motility. In earlier periods, an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone plays a role. It slows down the peristalsis of both the intestines and the gallbladder, which affects both the passage of feces and digestion in general.

In this regard, the question of how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy is not quickly resolved.

Many laxative drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Therefore, prevention is required:

  • constant monitoring of the diet;
  • sufficient motor activity;
  • drinking regime.

Read more on the site: Antigrippin: instructions for use of effervescent tablets for adults and children

In some cases, irritant laxative suppositories can help out, a detailed description of which is given below.

The most effective laxatives

Medications should be treated after consulting a doctor and establishing the cause of a violation of bowel movements.

Irritating drugs

Means that cause emergency bowel movements are laxative suppositories. The active substances that make up their composition, once in the lower intestine, irritate the nerve endings located on the anal sphincter. As a result, there is a urge to defecate.

The most effective irritant drugs are as follows:

NameMode of applicationContraindications
Candles with glycerinRectally, 20 minutes after eating.
Adults and children over 7 years old - 1 suppository with a dosage of 2.11 g.
Children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 suppository with a dosage of 1.24 g.
Children under 3 years old - half a suppository with a dosage of 1.24 g.
anal fissures;
bleeding from the rectum;
exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
tumors and inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
"Bisacodyl"Rectally 1 time per day, regardless of food intake.
Adults and children over 12 years old - 1-2 suppositories with a dosage of 10 mg.
Children from 8 to 12 years old - 1 suppository with a dosage of 10 mg.
Children from 2 to 8 years old - half a suppository with a dosage of 10 mg.
inflammation and bleeding in the intestines;
exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
spastic constipation;
intestinal obstruction;
appendicitis and peritonitis;
age up to 2 years.

Glycerin suppositories act almost instantly - within 15-20 minutes after administration. Suppositories "Bisacodyl" are softer, the effect of them develops after about 1 hour.

It is important to remember that irritants are symptomatic.

They are suitable for one-time relief of the situation, but they cannot be used daily.


Fillers are food additives that help increase the volume of feces without being digested or absorbed. They can be of both natural and synthetic origin.

Some of the effective intestinal fillers include:

Regardless of origin, the mechanism of action of all intestinal fillers is the same. Once in the intestine, they absorb water, swell, stretch the intestinal wall and cause a reflex response.

Contraindications to taking these drugs are:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • pregnancy;
  • intestinal atony;
  • intestinal obstruction.

The action of fillers is slow, delayed. The effect occurs after at least 12 hours, sometimes after 1-3 days. To increase the effectiveness of the funds in this group, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen, consuming at least 2 liters of water per day.

Prebiotics that have a laxative effect

The safest drugs for constipation should be sought among the group of prebiotics.

These funds allow you to establish intestinal transit, increasing the activity of beneficial microflora:

NameMode of applicationContraindications
"Lactusan"As tablets or syrup with food for 2 weeks.
Adults - 4-5 tablets or 10 ml of syrup 2 times a day.
Children - 3 tablets or 5 ml of syrup 2 times a day.
lactase deficiency;
intestinal obstruction.
"Normaze"As a syrup in the morning after meals for 1-4 months.
Adults: the first 3 days - 15-40 ml, in the next - 10-25 ml.
Children over 6 years: the first 3 days - 15 ml, in the next - 10 ml.
Children from 1 to 6 years: 5-10 ml per day.
Children under 1 year - 5 ml per day.
intolerance to fructose, galactose;
intestinal obstruction;
bleeding in the intestines;

Read more on the site: Tablets Detralex: instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues

Prebiotics have a mild effect and are not addictive, so they are used for a long time and have a minimum of contraindications. The effect of this therapy is very persistent.

Osmotic laxatives

Salt laxatives are called osmotic.

Their mechanism of action is as follows:

  • saline solution retains water in the intestinal lumen;
  • feces soften, their volume increases;
  • osmotic pressure in the intestine increases and there is a urge to defecate.

The group of osmotic laxatives includes the following drugs:

NameMode of applicationContraindications
ForlaxDissolve the powder in water and take orally 2 times a day.
Adults - 1 sachet in the morning and evening.
Children under 12 years old - half a sachet in the morning and evening.
ulcerative lesions of the intestine;
intestinal obstruction;
individual intolerance;
age up to 8 years.
"Tranzipeg"Dissolve the powder in 0.5 cups of water and take it orally.
Adults - 1-2 sachets with a dosage of 5.9 g, in the morning.
Children from 1 to 6 years old - 1 sachet with a dosage of 2.95 g.
Children over 6 years old - 1-3 sachets with a dosage of 2.95 g.
intestinal obstruction;
distension of the colon;
intestinal perforation;
individual intolerance
MicrolaxRectally, by injecting the drug through the tip of a microclyster tube.
Adults and children from 3 years old - a full tube.
Children under 3 years - up to a special mark on the tube.
individual intolerance.

Osmotic laxatives are not addictive and do not cause lazy bowel syndrome, so they can be taken for a long time. However, in order to avoid dehydration, it is not recommended to use this group of drugs for more than 3 months.

Folk methods of treatment

Many folk remedies do an excellent job with functional constipation and can act as an alternative or adjunct in their treatment.

Fruits, berries and vegetables

Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries contain a lot of fiber and are a substitute for pharmacy intestinal fillers.

Have a pronounced laxative effect:

  • beet;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • plum;
  • apples;
  • kiwi;
  • figs;
  • apricot;
  • grape;
  • melon and watermelon.

Fruits and berries retain laxative properties even when dry, so it is useful for constipation to include dried fruits in the diet - prunes, raisins, dried apricots, dates.

Unlike pharmaceutical intestinal fillers, they are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

Herbs and seeds

Some herbs enhance intestinal motility and are part of pharmacy laxatives and herbal preparations:

  • senna leaf (Alexandrian leaf);
  • buckthorn (zhoster laxative);
  • licorice (licorice);
  • common flaxseed;
  • kelp (seaweed).

Also, to improve intestinal transit, you can use flax and psyllium seeds, which contain a lot of mucus and have a beneficial effect on the formation of feces.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils help to cleanse the intestines due to the stimulating effect on the gallbladder. By provoking the production of bile and its release into the intestines, they powerfully increase peristalsis.

The following oils are used as a fast-acting laxative:

  • sunflower;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • olive;
  • linen;
  • castor.

Contraindication to use - pregnancy, cholelithiasis, age up to 6 years.

In other cases, mix 1 teaspoon of any oil with 1 glass of low-fat kefir and consume in the morning on an empty stomach.

Water treatment

Treatment of delayed defecation with mineral water is included in the programs of many sanatoriums. In fact, highly mineralized water is an osmotic laxative.

The following types are especially useful for constipation:

  • sulfate waters - "Essentuki No. 20";
  • chloride - "Essentuki No. 4", "Aksu";
  • sodium - "Smirnovskaya", "Narzan";
  • magnesium - "Erinskaya";
  • sulfate-magnesium - "Uglicheskaya", "Mirgorodskaya".

Mineral water is consumed before meals, 1 glass, slowly, in large sips. It is better that it be without gases and have a temperature of 18-240C.

Soap for constipation

Soap laxative suppositories are an old way to stimulate emergency evacuation of intestinal contents. This remedy is an alternative to irritating pharmaceutical suppositories.

Read more on the site: Constipation in adults - causes and treatment of folk remedies

A small piece is cut out of a bar of laundry or baby soap, which is inserted rectally. The urge to defecate comes quickly - after 10-20 minutes. Contraindications for use are the same as for pharmaceutical irritating drugs.

laxative foods

In addition to fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, a laxative effect can be achieved by eating the following foods:

Salted oily fish also has a laxative effect. By retaining water in the intestines and stimulating the gallbladder, this product acts as an osmotic laxative.

Diet for sickness

A diet with a tendency to constipation should include the obligatory daily use of first courses - vegetable soups, borscht, broths, pickles. It is recommended to introduce a large number of salads from fresh vegetables or fruits, vinaigrettes, fermented milk products into the diet.

Meat and fish dishes should be consumed in moderation. It is better to cook them in pieces, since grinding into minced meat inhibits motor skills. Of the side dishes, preference should be given to cereals, excluding white rice.

Nutrition for constipation should obey the three "golden" rules:

  • be fractional (5-6 times a day in small portions);
  • contain at least 50% coarse fiber;
  • include a large amount of water (at least 1.5 liters per day).

Alcoholic drinks are completely excluded, because they cause dehydration, depress the liver and exacerbate the problem.

Exercise and massage at home

Physical exercises and massage are a good help in the treatment of constipation.

The simplest complex is performed in the morning, before breakfast, immediately after waking up:

  • wrapping a hand with a damp cool towel, make circular rubbing of the abdomen clockwise for several minutes;
  • after the massage, the legs are alternately bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach;
  • get out of bed, drink a glass of mineral water and do 10 squats;
  • in the last squat, linger on your haunches for several minutes.

Enema for constipation

An enema is given to the child with the help of a rubber “pear”-syringe. For an adult, the procedure is performed with Esmarch's mug.

The amount of water is determined based on age:

  • newborn children - 25 ml;
  • children under 6 months - 30-60 ml;
  • children under 1 year - 150 ml;
  • children under 2 years old - 200 ml;
  • children from 2 to 5 years old - 300 ml;
  • children from 5 to 10 years old - 400 ml;
  • children from 10 to 14 years old - 500 ml;
  • children over 14 years old and adults - 1-2 liters.

The tip of the syringe or Esmarch's mugs are smeared with petroleum jelly. The required volume of warm water is slowly introduced in the supine position on the left side.

Cleansing the intestines with an enema is contraindicated in hemorrhoids, inflammation and bleeding in the intestines, oncological processes, prolapse of the rectum.

To avoid the development of dysbacteriosis, manipulation is carried out no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

Preventive measures

To prevent stool retention, the following measures must be observed:

  • adhere to the rules of rational nutrition;
  • drink enough water;
  • lead a physically active lifestyle;
  • monitor the mode of defecation, avoid prolonged containment of urges;
  • control the intake of medications, maintain the normal state of the microflora.

It is very important to monitor the emotional state. Often constipation has a psychological cause and occurs against the background of chronic stress and depression.

Compliance with simple preventive rules allows not only to avoid problems with the stool, but also to prevent the transition of episodic constipation into a chronic form.

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