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What is an imaginary pregnancy in women? The course of false pregnancy. Frequent urge to go to the toilet

In medicine, an imaginary pregnancy is called a false pregnancy. Many medical specialists attribute this disease more to mental than to gynecological. This conclusion is based in particular on the reasons for falsehood. The most important reason for a false pregnancy to occur is the mental perception of the situation.

Imaginary pregnancy

A woman, based on her thoughts, begins to subconsciously adjust her body to the future gestation of a fetus, although the fetus itself does not exist. Amazingly, thanks to this attitude, the body actually begins to show all the existing signs of supposed pregnancy. Such symptoms are most often observed in those women who are really looking forward to the birth of a child, but for some reason this does not happen. Conversely, women who are vehemently afraid of pregnancy may also experience all the symptoms and signs of pregnancy.

The course of a false pregnancy can be absolutely varied, starting with imaginary toxicosis and ending with the cessation of menstruation. With a pronounced syndrome, patients may experience weight gain, an increase in the size of the uterus and abdomen, as well as enlargement of the mammary glands. Excessive attention to your imaginary sensations and a rich imagination can even cause false fetal movements.

In the past, it was quite difficult for doctors to distinguish a false pregnancy from a real one, since there were no ultrasound diagnostics or tests to detect human chorionic gonadotropin. Today, it is very easy to determine the existence or absence of pregnancy with an accuracy of 99 percent. In addition to common testing at home, it is possible to conduct a blood test for the presence of hCG in the laboratory, as well as an ultrasound examination. All of the above methods for determining pregnancy can very accurately confirm or refute it.

Experts in the gynecological field identify a number of signs with which it is possible to independently diagnose a false or real pregnancy. They are divided into three groups: signs of a dubious nature, probable and actual. The first group of signs includes addictions in food preferences. As well as an increase or lack of appetite. This also includes nausea and loss of strength. The group of probable signs includes the absence of menstruation and its pain. And, of course, the test results. Reliable signs include confirmation by ultrasound examination, determination of the child’s body and his cardiac activity.

As such, no special treatment for false pregnancy has been developed; moreover, each case is strictly individual and it is necessary to work according to the circumstances. It is worth noting that the recovery process is long.

First of all, a gynecologist works with a woman, who gives a conclusion about the absence of pregnancy if all the clear symptoms of an “interesting situation” are present. Then a psychologist or psychotherapist joins in, and during a conversation (most often this takes a lot of time) he must convince the woman that she is not pregnant at all. You may also have to visit an endocrinologist at the same time, who will be able to determine if there are any abnormalities in the body.

According to experts, on average, an imaginary pregnancy lasts 3-4 months, and only in very rare cases (obvious pathology, mental disorders) - 9 months.

The most important thing in treatment is to reassure the woman that she is not pregnant. Of course, such news can give an unpredictable result: depression, shock, split personality, inappropriate behavior. That is why you need the help of a qualified specialist experienced in this matter.
No more psychotropic drugs or medications are prescribed. If the belly is growing very quickly, the psychoanalyst can offer a course of hypnosis, after which the belly will clearly shrink.
The help, support and understanding of loved ones and relatives is also very important.

The nature of a woman is such that sooner or later every representative of the fairer sex begins to feel the desire to become a mother. Some achieve their dreams quickly, while others spend many years unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant and carry a child to term. Sometimes the idea of ​​having a baby becomes so obsessive that a woman feels pregnant and even observes all the signs of the birth of a new life, although in reality there is no pregnancy. This psycho-emotional disorder is called “false pregnancy.” What are the causes and symptoms of this phenomenon, and does it need to be treated?

What causes an imaginary pregnancy?

False pregnancy syndrome is a serious disorder affecting both the mental and physical state of a woman, but it is extremely rare today: according to statistics, only 6 out of 22,000 pregnancies are false. Because of this, modern medicine has still not been able to establish the exact causes and mechanism of development of pseudopregnancy.

False pregnancy syndrome can occur in both a young girl and a mature woman. The psycho-emotional state is of great importance: false pregnancy develops in those women who have an unstable psyche, are too emotional and impressionable, or have experienced severe psychological stress associated with bearing a baby and childbirth. The reasons for the development of an imaginary pregnancy always correlate with how a woman feels in relation to the possible fact of the birth of a child: she either passionately dreams of becoming a mother, or is very afraid of it.

False pregnancy syndrome can be caused by the following reasons:

  • infertility, prolonged unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, supported by a passionate desire to become a mother;
  • a history of difficult pregnancy or complicated childbirth, miscarriage or early death of the child;
  • environmental pressure (most friends or close relatives are pregnant or already have children);
  • fear of being rejected by a partner, family, losing your position in society, ruining your career;
  • fear of not having time to give birth to a child before menopause (in women over 35 years old);
  • categorical reluctance to become a mother, continue their family line and raise children.

False pregnancy is not always associated with mental disorders. In some situations, symptoms of pathology develop due to the influence of physiological factors. Experts name the following physiological causes of pseudopregnancy:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • physical overload.

Identifying the causes of an imaginary pregnancy is very important for determining further treatment tactics, so doctors, when they detect such a disorder in a woman, conduct a full diagnosis in order to identify diseases associated with the syndrome.

How to recognize pseudopregnancy?

An imaginary pregnant woman does not deceive anyone, believing that she is carrying a child: psychosomatic changes begin to occur in her body, due to which symptoms characteristic of real pregnancy appear. These may include signs such as:

  • long delay of menstruation (for several months);
  • weight gain;
  • change in the shape of the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting, aversion to food and smells as symptoms of toxicosis;
  • breast enlargement, swelling, colostrum production;
  • changes in posture (bending of the spine in the lumbar region) and gait;
  • change in the size of the uterus;
  • “baby movements” in the stomach (in fact, problems with the digestive system are manifested);
  • nervousness, short temper, tearfulness;
  • weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue.

Often, against the background of an emotional disturbance, serious hormonal disruptions occur in the body of an ostensibly pregnant woman, due to which pregnancy hormones begin to be produced. Home rapid tests can show a positive result, and the woman is fully confident that she will soon become a mother. There are cases when such patients experienced symptoms of beginning labor, and they were brought to the maternity hospital with “contractions,” where it turned out, to the deep shock and chagrin of the “mother in labor,” that there was no child in the womb and never had been. But this is rather an out of the ordinary case. False pregnancy rarely lasts more than 4 months, and it is not difficult for doctors to identify this disorder today.

Pseudopregnancy can occur not only in women, but also in men who strongly empathize with their pregnant wife and are worried about the health of the unborn baby. These men may also develop pregnancy symptoms. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex with a tendency toward infantilism and increased anxiety are more susceptible to this condition.

Diagnosis and treatment of false pregnancy

The primary examinations that are carried out for all women who suspect they are pregnant are an examination by a gynecologist, an ultrasound scan and a test for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Despite the fact that false pregnancy in women has clearly defined symptoms, already at the first ultrasound examination it will be discovered that there is no fertilized egg in the uterus. Nevertheless, you will still have to take an hCG test: if the level of the hormone is elevated, this will be the basis for continuing the examination for the presence of a cancerous tumor.

In addition, the doctor may recommend that the patient visit an endocrinologist to rule out thyroid disease, which can also accompany a false pregnancy. If the disorder is associated with psychological trauma and an unstable emotional background, the patient may need the help of a psychologist and psychotherapist.

In most cases, no specific treatment is required for pseudopregnancy unless serious concomitant diseases are identified. A consultation with an experienced gynecologist will help a woman get rid of the belief that she is pregnant. After the patient stops telling herself that she is expecting a child, her body gradually begins to work as before, and the signs of false pregnancy disappear: toxicosis goes away, her mood evens out, her figure is restored, and the menstrual cycle normalizes. In some cases, psychiatrists and therapists recommend drinking herbal sedatives. It is very important that a woman receives psychological support from her loved ones. This is especially true for those patients who once experienced a difficult birth or the loss of a child.

It’s rare, but it still happens that even after examinations that reveal neither pregnancy nor pathologies of internal organs, the patient continues to consider herself pregnant. This indicates a serious mental disorder and requires psychiatric treatment under the supervision of a doctor, especially since such women often have suicidal tendencies and depressive disorders.

False pregnancy syndrome in women is a rare disorder that should be taken seriously. If you experience symptoms of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to confirm or deny the fact of successful conception.


False or imaginary pregnancy is considered in gynecology to be a rather rare disorder in which a woman does not feign her condition, but in fact is confident that she will have a child.

The reasons for the formation of such a pathology are not fully understood, however, it is believed that factors of a psychological or emotional nature that arise against the background of endocrine, autonomic and somatic disorders lead to it.

The most common sources of development of this syndrome are:

  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland - in this case, increased secretion of hormones is observed;
  • the course of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • ovarian dysfunction, as well as the formation of malignant or benign tumors on such internal organs of the female reproductive system;
  • pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • presence of hypothyroidism;
  • instability of psycho-emotional state;
  • neuroses and psychoses;
  • hysterical state;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • uterine fibroids and other gynecological pathologies;
  • formation of secondary amenorrhea.

In addition to the above pathological sources of such a disorder, among the predisposing factors it is worth highlighting:

  • the course of pregnancy with a close relative or friend - in this case, the patient herself wants to experience the state of pregnancy and the closeness of motherhood;
  • diagnosed infertility;
  • prolonged and unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant - the main risk group is the fairer sex in the age category of thirty to forty years;
  • previous loss of a child;
  • the woman has a medical history of repeated spontaneous termination of pregnancy at various stages;
  • reluctance to have children and the presence of panic fear before the period of bearing a child and labor.

It is worth noting that false pregnancy syndrome affects not only the female half of humanity, but also the male half. It is relatively rare for men to experience pregnancy symptoms. Often this happens against the background of strong empathy for the condition of the partner who is currently bearing the child.


The clinical manifestation of false pregnancy in women is practically no different from the symptoms of real pregnancy. With such a disorder, the presence of:

  • delay or complete absence of menstruation;
  • morning signs of toxicosis, which include nausea and vomiting, increased fatigue and excessive salivation, as well as drowsiness;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • unusual taste preferences;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands and even the release of colostrum;
  • increased gas formation;
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen - this occurs due to the increased formation of subcutaneous tissue in the area of ​​the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity;
  • constipation;
  • sensations of fetal movement - this is the most specific, but at the same time the rarest symptom;
  • false labor pains – also expressed extremely rarely.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that in case of an imaginary pregnancy, the results of specially designed tests show a positive result.

In the vast majority of cases, signs of false pregnancy persist for three or four months, but in particularly suspicious representatives of the weaker half of humanity, characteristic symptoms can manifest themselves much longer, up to seven months.


An obstetrician-gynecologist knows how to identify a false pregnancy. This requires an integrated approach. Thus, establishing a correct diagnosis will include:

  • studying the medical history and life history of the patient - to search for the most likely cause that could lead to pseudopregnancy;

  • performing a gynecological examination - in case of a false pregnancy, the woman will not have the most characteristic signs. These include cyanosis of the cervix and vaginal area, as well as enlargement and softening of the uterus;
  • a detailed survey of the patient regarding the first time of appearance and intensity of symptoms characteristic of the period of bearing a child;
  • performing a pregnancy test that will show a positive result;
  • general blood test - to determine the concentration of hCG in the blood;
  • clinical laboratory study of urine - to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • biological and immunological tests;
  • plain radiography of the peritoneum;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs.

In addition, consultations with the following specialists will be needed:

  • endocrinologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychotherapist.

All of the above diagnostic measures are aimed not only at establishing the correct diagnosis, but also at carrying out differential diagnosis. An imaginary pregnancy must be distinguished from:

  • simulated pregnancy;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the course of the tumor process in the peritoneum or in the pelvic organs.


Such a disorder often does not require specific therapy. If the pathology was not caused by any disease, then treatment is limited to the following measures:

  • taking hormonal substances;
  • competent explanation of the state of affairs by the gynecologist;
  • understanding and support of close relatives.

In such cases, after the disappearance of self-hypnosis, the patient’s menstrual cycle returns to normal, the manifestations of toxicosis are eliminated, and other pregnancy symptoms are relieved.

In those situations, if during diagnosis disorders of the endocrine system were discovered, then treatment is carried out by a gynecologist-endocrinologist or an endocrinologist.

With a persistent refusal to believe in the false course of the period of bearing a child, as well as with an inadequate perception of reality, patients need qualified help from such doctors:

  • neurologist;
  • psychologist;
  • psychotherapist.

In particularly impressionable and susceptible women, news of a false pregnancy can cause the development of:

  • depression;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • attempts to commit suicide.

A similar situation is observed in patients with neurosis-like reactions and serious mental disorders. In such situations, treatment in specialized clinics is indicated.

Possible complications

Pseudopregnancy in itself is not a serious pathology, and quite rarely the news that a woman will not become a mother leads to the development of suicidal tendencies.

Nevertheless, such a pathology can serve as one of the signs of quite dangerous gynecological, endocrine and mental pathologies. It is for this reason that when the first characteristic symptoms occur, it is necessary to seek advice from clinicians.

Signs of false pregnancy

Pseudopregnancy begins in almost the same way as a real one. A woman experiences some hormonal changes in her body, her breasts become enlarged, colostrum appears, her periods may stop, or she may experience slight spotting. She feels nauseous, her food preferences change, she becomes irritable, and gets tired quickly. During a false pregnancy, the belly may also begin to grow due to increased gas. Weight also increases. And the most suspicious even claim that they feel the movements of the fetus.

It should be noted that a pseudo-pregnant woman does not feign pregnancy, but actually feels and experiences it.

A pseudopregnant woman can observe any of these signs in herself. And in rare cases, such a false conception can be confirmed by a pregnancy test. However, already during the first examination, the gynecologist will dispel all the woman’s illusions. If necessary, he will prescribe additional studies, in particular ultrasound.

Causes of pseudopregnancy

False pregnancy is also called suspicious or hysterical, because it develops in very susceptible suspicious women against the background of strong emotional experiences or mental shocks. These women experience strong positive or negative emotions when thinking about carrying a child. Typically, this condition affects women after 35 years of age who really want to get pregnant, but are unsuccessful. Each individual case may have its own special reasons:

  • a woman hopes to preserve her marital relationship through pregnancy;
  • a woman dreams of a child, but does not really become pregnant;
  • a woman has lost an already born child or had miscarriages in the past;
  • the woman's sister or close friend became pregnant, which greatly affected her emotionally;
  • the woman is approaching menopause, but does not yet have children;

Pseudopregnancy can also develop due to panic fear of conception and childbirth or a strong reluctance to have children. But sometimes it occurs against the background of real physical diseases, such as endocrine system disorders or tumor formations in the pelvic area.

Such false pregnancies are mostly common in animals, but until recently they were not so rare in humans. Today, false pregnancies are recorded less and less frequently, but cases do occur.

Treatment of false pregnancy

Although pseudopregnancy is a medical condition, it rarely lasts long (up to a maximum of 3-4 months) and rarely requires treatment. Usually, to return a woman to a normal state, a sympathetic, competent medical explanation and the support and understanding of loved ones is enough - gradually all the symptoms of a false pregnancy disappear on their own.

But in some cases, imaginary pregnant women do not perceive reality and refuse to believe in the diagnosis. If a woman persists, stands her ground, or behaves inappropriately, she is provided with psychiatric help. Sometimes it is also necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

It is noteworthy that after the first case of false pregnancy, a woman almost never develops this condition again.

Especially Elena Kichak

Fortunately, false pregnancy is a fairly rare disease that is caused by mental disorders. At the same time, the woman experiences all the signs of a real pregnancy, of which she is absolutely sure, and only an experienced psychotherapist can convince her otherwise. Additionally, the doctor prescribes a course of hormonal therapy to resume the menstrual cycle. It is interesting that a woman is not only psychologically confident in her pregnancy, but also experiences all the physical sensations inherent in this condition.

False (nervous) pregnancy is a vivid example of psychosomatic pathology

This pathology has not yet been fully studied, and the reasons for the deviation can be very different. There is an opinion that false pregnancy is more common in nulliparous women over 35 years of age. Despite the fact that an imaginary pregnancy is more of a psychological problem, serious physiological changes also occur in a woman’s body. It is possible to determine that the pregnancy is false using ultrasound and palpation of the uterus.

In most cases, this condition lasts no more than 3–4 months, during which the woman consults a doctor for registration. This is where the true reason for such sensations becomes clear, although there have been cases where a nervous pregnancy lasted exactly 9 months and ended with contractions on the way to the maternity hospital.

During an imaginary false pregnancy, a woman experiences all the symptoms inherent in normal childbearing. The patient's menstrual cycle stops, her stomach enlarges and her breasts swell, severe toxicosis appears, and her hormonal levels completely change. The pathology develops against the background of long-term depression, neurosis or hysteria, and the cause is the inability to get pregnant and give birth for real, regular miscarriages and arbitrary termination of pregnancy in the later stages.

Causes of imaginary pregnancy

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In addition to the passionate desire to become a mother, opposite emotions also lead to the development of pathology, for example, a woman’s fear of becoming pregnant. In addition, imaginary pregnancy in women is caused by serious endocrine pathologies (damages of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland), as well as gynecological problems (uterine fibroids, amenorrhea and ovarian cystosis). All these diseases affect the female body indirectly, creating the preconditions for the further development of a psychosomatic disorder.

When diagnosing pathology, it is important to distinguish an imaginary (false) pregnancy from an ectopic or frozen one. Not only an ultrasound will help with this, but also a biochemical blood test and a rapid test to determine the gestational age. Visual inspection and palpation can detect the absence of softening of the uterus and cyanosis of the fallopian tubes. Additionally, a test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood may be prescribed.

Symptoms of the condition

Imaginary, or hysterical, pregnancy has all the symptoms and signs characteristic of normal pregnancy. Moreover, these are not only changes in the psyche, but also serious physical deviations.

False signs and symptoms of pregnancy:

  • prolonged absence of menstruation;
  • pronounced morning toxicosis;
  • abdominal enlargement;
  • breast swelling, discharge of colostrum from the nipples;
  • changes in gait and abnormal curvature of the spine;
  • excessive salivation;
  • frequent urination;
  • mood swings;
  • change in taste habits;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • swelling and heaviness in the legs;
  • nagging pain in the lumbar region.

In some cases, the woman even feels the fetus moving, and the test shows the long-awaited positive result. This condition is dangerous due to the development of severe gynecological pathologies and mental disorders, hormonal imbalances and endocrine lesions.

Who is most at risk of false pregnancy?

Such disorders can be caused by ectopic pregnancy or increased production of pituitary hormones, hypothyroidism, uterine fibroids and secondary amenorrhea. More often, this condition affects women suffering from psychosis, hysteria and neuroses, long-term infertility, as well as patients who have experienced unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant and bear a child. Often such patients have suffered the death of a newborn or multiple miscarriages, and their friends or acquaintances are waiting for a new addition to the family, causing an irresistible desire to experience all the joys of motherhood for themselves.

Interestingly, not only women, but also men suffer from false (imaginary) pregnancy. This is due to strong worries about the health, physical and emotional state of the wife or partner who is expecting a child.

The main risk group includes women aged 35 to 45 who have never been able to truly become pregnant. They understand that time is lost, but do not give up hope of giving birth, which causes mental and physiological changes.

Treatment of pathology

As a rule, no special treatment is carried out during this period; a competent explanation of the situation is enough for the woman. The support and attention of loved ones, the help of an experienced psychotherapist help relieve self-hypnosis syndrome. Such news is a difficult test for any woman, which is very difficult to cope with. It is difficult for the patient to get used to the idea that her expectations and hopes have been destroyed, which is fraught with the development of depression and inappropriate behavior.

Despite this, psychotropic drugs and antidepressants are not used in all cases. As a rule, it is enough to take mild sedatives, several sessions of psychotherapy or hypnosis. By the way, the latter method is used in case of rapid growth of abdominal volume. Sometimes, with severe diseases of the endocrine system, a woman needs the help of a gynecologist or endocrinologist. In this case, a course of hormonal therapy and drugs that normalize the menstrual cycle are prescribed.

It is extremely rare that conventional methods of therapy are not enough, and the patient requires long-term hospital treatment. This is typical for overly impressionable women suffering from severe mental disorders. They stubbornly refuse to believe that the pregnancy is imaginary, and only a competent psychiatrist or neurologist can help them. In such a situation, the development of suicidal feelings is possible, in which suicide attempts occur. It is not easy to cope with this condition on your own, but further development of disorders can be prevented.

Regular examination by an endocrinologist and gynecologist for early detection of changes will help to avoid pathology. It is worth minimizing physical activity, maintaining warm and trusting relationships in the family, and avoiding stressful situations. Fortunately, once a false (incorrect) pregnancy is diagnosed, it never happens again. The main condition for women's health should be timely seeking help for any suspicions or discomfort. This will help avoid the development of all kinds of complications and troubles in the future.

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False pregnancy is a mental and physiological state in which a woman is confident that she is really pregnant, and even truly experiences the symptoms of pregnancy in the absence of it. It is interesting that even men, in very rare cases, can experience pseudo-pregnancy with many signs, which indicates their infantility and increased suspiciousness, and sometimes even the development of schizophrenia.

The nature of false pregnancy has not been sufficiently studied to date. Doctors believe it is a mental illness. However, it has a completely physiological manifestation, and doctors cannot yet explain this.

Signs of false pregnancy

Pseudopregnancy begins in almost the same way as a real one. A woman experiences some hormonal changes in her body, her period increases, appears, her periods may stop or she may experience slight spotting. She feels nauseous, her food preferences change, she becomes irritable, and gets tired quickly. During a false pregnancy, the belly may also begin to grow due to increased gas. Weight also increases. And the most suspicious even claim that they feel the movements of the fetus.

It should be noted that a pseudo-pregnant woman does not feign pregnancy, but actually feels and experiences it.

A pseudopregnant woman can observe any of these signs in herself. And in rare cases, such a false conception can be confirmed. However, already during the first examination, the gynecologist will dispel all the woman’s illusions. If necessary, he will prescribe additional studies, in particular.

Causes of pseudopregnancy

False pregnancy is also called suspicious or hysterical, because it develops in very susceptible suspicious women against the background of strong emotional experiences or mental shocks. These women experience strong positive or negative emotions when thinking about carrying a child. Typically, this condition affects women after 35 years of age who really want to get pregnant, but are unsuccessful. Each individual case may have its own special reasons:

  • a woman hopes to preserve her marital relationship through pregnancy;
  • a woman dreams of a child, but does not really become pregnant;
  • a woman has lost an already born child or had miscarriages in the past;
  • the woman's sister or close friend became pregnant, which greatly affected her emotionally;
  • the woman is approaching menopause, but does not yet have children;

Pseudopregnancy can also develop due to panic fear of conception and childbirth or a strong reluctance to have children. But sometimes it occurs against the background of real physical diseases, such as endocrine system disorders or tumor formations in the pelvic area.

Such false pregnancies are mostly common in animals, but until recently they were not so rare in humans. Today, false pregnancies are recorded less and less frequently, but cases do occur.

Treatment of false pregnancy

Although pseudopregnancy is a medical condition, it rarely lasts long (up to a maximum of 3-4 months) and rarely requires treatment. Usually, to return a woman to a normal state, a sympathetic, competent medical explanation and the support and understanding of loved ones is enough - gradually all the symptoms of a false pregnancy disappear on their own.

But in some cases, imaginary pregnant women do not perceive reality and refuse to believe in the diagnosis. If a woman persists, stands her ground, or behaves inappropriately, she is provided with psychiatric help. Sometimes it is also necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

It is noteworthy that after the first case of false pregnancy, a woman almost never develops this condition again.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Text: Olga Andreeva

False pregnancy is the psychophysical state of a woman in which she quite realistically feels like a future mother, both physically and psychologically. At this time, a woman’s menstrual cycle may stop, her stomach may grow, and particularly sensitive “pregnant women” may even feel the movement of the fetus in the womb. Oddly enough, this is all an illusion, and any gynecologist will confirm this to a “pseudo-pregnant” woman at her first appointment. How else does false pregnancy manifest itself in women and what are the reasons for its development?

False pregnancy in women: fact or fiction?

Doctors are still puzzling over the phenomenon of false pregnancy in women and its subtleties, so this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied. False pregnancy in women is extremely rare, but is characterized by rather complex mental disorders.

With false pregnancy syndrome, a woman exhibits all the signs that expectant mothers experience. This is the absence of the menstrual cycle, and hormonal imbalance, and nausea, and toxicosis, and abdominal growth, but in fact there is no trace of pregnancy.

Today, modern equipment makes it possible to quickly recognize a false pregnancy, unlike in previous times, when women were hospitalized “with contractions.”

Young women under 35 who have not given birth are most often at risk of developing a false pregnancy. But this does not exclude those cases when false pregnancy occurs in women in adulthood and who have given birth repeatedly.

Symptoms of false pregnancy

This is called a false pregnancy because the symptoms of a real pregnancy and its “analog” are very, very similar. Therefore, it will be very difficult for an inexperienced woman to confuse the symptoms, although until the first visit to the gynecologist, who will quickly dispel all illusions about this.

The most typical symptoms of false pregnancy in women:

  • small discharge during the menstrual cycle or its complete absence (and the menstrual cycle itself will not be restored until doctors intervene);

  • in women, mammary glands often become enlarged, morning sickness and even vomiting occur;

  • with a false pregnancy, just like with a real one, the woman’s weight begins to increase, the belly grows and a typical curvature of the spine appears, called lordosis;

  • in rare cases, a woman with a false pregnancy feels fetal movements;

  • a woman’s mood often changes, she begins to be capricious and gets tired quickly.

It is worth noting the fact that with a false pregnancy, the woman does not deceive anyone, because she really considers herself “in the position.” Her false pregnancy can even be confirmed by a pregnancy test.

Despite the fact that false pregnancy is largely a mental disorder, we should not forget about the physical component. It is necessary, together with a gynecologist, to study each individual case, identify the cause of the phenomenon of imaginary pregnancy and start treatment together. But in this case, the difficulty lies in the fact that it is very difficult to dissuade a woman in such a state that she is not pregnant. Here you need a consultation with a psychotherapist.

Causes of false pregnancy

The main risk group for false pregnancy is suspicious and susceptible women who have experienced severe mental and emotional shocks. Also, such women may have a very sensitive attitude towards the very thought of pregnancy; they either think too emotionally in a positive sense about the possibility of bearing a child, or, conversely, this thought causes them a storm of indignation.

Women over the age of 35 who have been unable to conceive a child for a long time are susceptible to such emotional surges, and there are several reasons for this for false pregnancy:

  • a woman desperately wants to have a child, but all her attempts turn out to be nothing;

  • the reasons for a false pregnancy in a woman may lie in past miscarriages or the death of an already born child;

  • a woman wants to get pregnant to save her relationship with her husband;

  • in her environment, a friend or several at once could become pregnant, which emotionally shocked her greatly;

  • the reasons for a false pregnancy in a woman may be the approaching menopause, before which she wants to become a mother at all costs;

  • rare, but there is such a phenomenon as a terrible reluctance to have children, fear of bearing a child and subsequent hassle with him;

  • among the causes of false pregnancy there may be exclusively physical abnormalities. Thus, diseases of the endocrine system or the development of a tumor in the ovaries can be mistaken for a false pregnancy.

False pregnancy also occurs in animals; in women, this phenomenon is observed quite rarely, but regularly. If you notice that one of your friends or relatives has symptoms of a false pregnancy, contact her first to a gynecologist and then to a psychotherapist.

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