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Ladies' etiquette. Rules of conduct at the table. Good manners and business etiquette

Etiquette must be observed even in friendship
(Japanese proverb)

For some reason, many teenagers, and even adults, believe that the rules of etiquette are for bores and highbrow aesthetes.

But none of them think that etiquette makes you well-mannered, nice person and rewards you with characteristics that sometimes we all lack.

In order for you to feel confident and appropriate to the situation, I suggest you familiarize yourself with a few rules that you can use every day and at the same time not stand out as a “black sheep”.

Just by starting to follow these rules, you have a unique opportunity to be not only sweet and beautiful, but also well-mannered!

1. You should not put your phone on the table when visiting, in a restaurant, in a cafe or when meeting with friends. You came to talk to certain people, forget about your VKontakte feed, Instagram and the thirteenth level of your favorite game for these few hours.

Enjoy live communication with those you came with. Forget about the communication device and try to ignore the urge to look at your phone. Thus, you may offend your friends or interlocutor.

2. Don't give your bag to a young man. A man can carry a heavy backpack or package, shopping bags or, as a last resort, yourself :). Don't let him carry a lady's handbag, even if her own hands are torn off.

3. Keep your shoes clean. Put the packaging in your bag wet wipes and wipe your shoes if they get dirty. Always make sure your shoes, shoes or boots are clean when leaving the house.

4. Late for the cinema or theater? Make your way to your seats in the center of the hall only facing those sitting.

5. Never use too much perfume. It may seem to you that you don’t smell your favorite perfume, but believe me, the crowd around you can simply suffocate if you overdose :).

6. Greet the elders first. When entering a room, always greet older people first. If you meet a man, he should be the first to say hello. Are you going with your boyfriend and your friend with hers to a meeting? Then girls greet each other first, boys second, and only after that do you greet your friend’s boyfriend.

7. Don't eat on public transport. Of course, we are not talking about a furtive bite of chocolate or candy. Hot dogs, sandwiches, glasses of water or bottles of beer are all prohibited, as you may stain others or irritate them with the smell.
8. You can correct your makeup, hairstyle, and manicure only in the ladies' room. No filing your nails at the table, much less wiping off your mascara with a napkin. For this purpose, toilets were invented in all places.

9. A man enters a cafe or restaurant first. The only exception is when the doorman meets you and opens the door. Then the lady comes in first.
10. Get into the car correctly. We open the door, sit down on the seat and pull both legs into the cabin at the same time. We also go out - standing with both feet on the asphalt.

11. Always say “thank you” and “sorry.”

12. Eat carefully, don’t chew, don’t pick your teeth.

13. Don't sniffle or wipe it with your sleeve. Use a napkin or handkerchief for this, and it’s better to do it in the toilet.

14. DO NOT be late. In the very as a last resort- for 15 minutes. And don't forget to warn your friends about the delay.

15. Cover your mouth when you sneeze, yawn and cough. Nobody cares what's inside of you!

16. Do not dry the umbrella open.

17. The bag cannot be placed on the table You can put a small clutch on the table in a cafe, but a large bag can only be hung on the back of a chair or placed on the floor.

18. A man enters the elevator first, but he gets out– who is closest to the doors from it.

19. Sit behind the driver in a taxi.

20. Don't use jargon in your speech. Also, it would be ideal not to use swear words, foreign words like “OK” and other “incomprehensible things”.

I hope mine small tips will help you become a little better!! Have an etiquette question? Ask it on the website

A modern woman should feel “like a fish in water” in any society. A real lady can be seen from afar - she is well-mannered, sophisticated, a pleasant conversationalist, a welcome guest and employee. Knowledge will help you become known as such elementary rules etiquette.

Perhaps the most important jewelry for every woman...

  1. good manners
  2. modesty
  3. sense of tact

You can’t put yourself above everyone else and be annoying. You always need to weigh your words and actions so as not to offend anyone. In all situations, put yourself in your opponent’s place and do not be selfish. Remember that everything needs moderation. Don't allow yourself to be offended, but don't stoop to swearing and swearing.

Girl on a date

The guy asked you out on a date. What to do? How to behave correctly so that the meetings continue and both get a pleasant impression?

  • Everyone knows that it is not decent to be late for meetings, work, or visits. But dating is a little different. A girl can and should be a little late (of course, not an hour!). This will give the guy time to think through everything again, clarify the details, check if he is ready for a date;
  • When you meet, don’t throw yourself on a guy’s neck, just extend your hand to him first;
  • Never bring up past relationships in front of your boyfriend;
  • The phone should be turned off or put into silent mode;
  • Don't be intrusive, don't ask about future dates at the end of the meeting. Let the guy take the initiative himself.

Restaurant etiquette rules

At any moment, a guy can invite you to a restaurant, and here you need to be able to behave competently. A man is always the first to enter the room to inquire about the availability of tables or to point you to the reserved seat. He pushes the chair back, helping the girl sit down. The girl is required to follow these rules:

  • You need to sit gracefully at the table, without leaning on the walls and crossing your legs;
  • Don't talk on the phone (except for really important calls);
  • The man makes the order, but can only consult with the girl;
  • If you come with a clutch, you can put it on a nearby chair or on the table. More tote bags and umbrellas should be hung on the back or put away under the table;
  • Hold the fork and knife in the left and right direction respectively. right hand. When you are served a crumbly dish with a side dish, help fill your fork with a knife;
  • If something suddenly falls from the table, just call the waiter and don’t focus on it;
  • Cakes, bread, cookies and citrus fruits are eaten with the hands.

Etiquette in the office

To be held in high esteem at work and to catch someone staring at you men's views, the girl should behave accordingly. Follow these guidelines.

  • Have a neat and well-groomed appearance;
  • Makeup is as natural as possible, not attracting unnecessary attention;
  • The choice of clothing style depends on the dress code. It is acceptable not to wear a white top and a black bottom, but you still need to dress strictly and stylishly. Under no circumstances should you wear deep necklines And short skirts;
  • Yours workplace You must always keep it in order, do not allow the table to become dusty. You shouldn’t lay out a framed family album on the table;
  • Never be late;
  • Always be the first to greet management with a slight smile. They should see you as a friendly and positive employee.

Ability to dress properly

The stereotype that people are greeted by their clothes has not lost its relevance in our time. That is why a girl should be able to choose her wardrobe wisely, based on such recommendations.

  • Any outfit should match the situation. Agree, appear at a social event in leather skirt and with flashy makeup - not acceptable!
  • Clothes (even home clothes) should be stylish and beautiful. Well-mannered woman She won’t even allow herself to wear an unkempt robe at home. A girl should always be well-groomed, so as not to lose face in the dirt even at unexpected moments.
  • You should not wear a lot of jewelry. There is one unspoken rule: the look should not have more than 7 accessories at the same time, including earrings, chains, bracelets, headbands, handbags, etc.

It is important for every girl to know how to behave correctly in different situations and don't drop it self-respect. Modern etiquette for girls is filled with different rules. We will try to highlight the main 15 norms of behavior for each of you.

Behavior at a party

1. You should accept or decline an invitation in advance. These are the rules of etiquette for girls and boys.

2. You can come with someone only after discussing it with the hostess.

3. Also etiquette modern girl informs that it is indecent to come to visit in advance. The norm is to be a few minutes late.

4. Do not drink alcohol in excess. This is ugly for both the girl and the guy.

5. Also, the basic rules of etiquette for girls include a thank you call to the hostess the day after the reception.

Behavior in restaurants and cafes

1. If you visit a restaurant together, the guy takes the menu first and then hands it to the girl. The order is given by the guy for two. This is the etiquette of a girl and a guy in such establishments.

2. Also, etiquette for girls at the table prohibits negotiating on a mobile phone in the presence of other guests.

3. Screaming, coughing and other signs are unacceptable to attract the attention of the waiter.

4. Talking and laughing loudly is also unacceptable.

5. Regarding cutlery, the rules of etiquette for girls at the table are as follows: at the end of the meal, the knife and fork are placed parallel to each other, during a break - crosswise.

1. Regarding the wardrobe, clothing etiquette for girls says that what is important for an outfit is, first of all, its appropriateness, and only then comfort and beauty.

2. Never read other people's correspondence and personal notes.

3. Do not discuss your sex life in front of strangers.

4. Turn off mobile phone V in public places.

5. It is important that your hair, manicure and shoes are always in perfect condition.

Now it is extremely important for each of us to know how a girl should behave, etiquette and its rules. You should behave with dignity and good manners in all situations. Having good manners is far from a luxury, but a necessity for every lady.

Many people associate the word “etiquette” with complex table settings and prim ladies victorian era And official events that happened in the old days. However, etiquette simply means a set of certain rules that govern people's behavior in various situations.

Etiquette requirements are now much softer compared to past centuries, but this does not mean that they are completely absent.

Modern woman- this is the sense of taste, impeccable style, natural charm, good breeding and manners. Behavior in society affects life and the future, so everyone should know the basics of etiquette.

Etiquette rules: behavior at a party

There are several important rules of etiquette things everyone should know modern woman:

  1. It is best to accept or refuse the offer in advance so that the hostess knows exactly the number of guests who will be present at the holiday. Because no one likes unexpected guests. This rule does not apply to emergency situations.
  2. Taking another person with you is permissible only after agreement with the hostess.
  3. If you do not consume foods that are usually not on the table of many people, it is better to indicate this in advance too. For example, if you are a vegetarian and do not eat meat.
  4. Another rule concerns arrival and departure times. Under no circumstances arrive early; the ideal time is to be 15-20 minutes late. ABOUT emergency situations, which arose along the way, it is better to warn. If you need to leave before everyone else, don't involve them. great attention. Be sure to say goodbye to the hosts and thank them for the invitation.
  5. Always monitor the amount of alcohol you drink. A guest who does not control himself is an extra burden for the hosts. And you won’t be a beautiful lady in the eyes of others.
  6. The next day, give thanks for good welcome. A simple call will be enough for this.

Etiquette rules: how to properly receive guests

If you invite guests, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Guests must be invited in advance. Then everyone will be able to calculate their time and will definitely attend your event.
  2. The reason for the party should be announced to everyone without exception. Gifts, clothes, etc. depend on this. Therefore, talk about whether it will be a birthday in a restaurant or a picnic in nature.
  3. According to the rules of etiquette, all gifts that can be eaten and drinks presented by guests must be placed on the table.
  4. They sit down at the table when all the guests have already arrived. Before this, they can be treated to small snacks or champagne.
  5. If you are organizing a holiday during a religious fast, ask your guests about their attitude towards this. Having received a positive answer, be sure to put the appropriate dishes on the table.
  6. Keep guests away from your family affairs. Even if you ate before the holiday, you quarreled with your husband; these topics are never discussed at the table.
  7. Thanks to the rules of etiquette, thanks received from guests remain unanswered.

The rules of etiquette in public places have their own nuances.

Etiquette in cafes and restaurants

Nowadays it is common to visit cafes and restaurants quite often. Every lady should know the rules of behavior in such establishments:

  1. If a company has gathered, then the bill is divided equally among everyone. No matter what you ate or drank. Although there is an exception, if you order expensive dishes compared to others, you must pay more accordingly.
  2. When a couple visits a cafe, the guy is the first to take the menu and give it to the girl. The order is announced to the waiter for two.
  3. If you are invited to dinner unfamiliar person then you need to pay attention to the invitation itself. The phrase “Let's have dinner...” means equal pay check. “I invite you to dinner” means he will pay for everything himself.
  4. It's not polite to talk on the phone at the table; apologize and step aside.
  5. It is unacceptable to attract the waiter's attention by snapping fingers, shouting or coughing.
  6. Never talk loudly in a public place, it can disturb others and looks unsightly.
  7. After finishing the meal, the cutlery is placed in parallel. During a pause - crosswise.

Etiquette in the gym

Even during training real woman must follow the rules of etiquette:

  1. Always have a towel with you that you can use to wipe down the equipment after your exercises. You will also be pleased to sit down at a clean and clean exercise machine; give the same emotions to the next person.
  2. Do not create queues at the exercise machines. Better do several approaches.
  3. You also don’t need to stay in the locker room for long, especially in the nude.
  4. The same goes for time spent in the shower. This is made for convenience so that you can wash yourself away from the effects of your workouts, rather than enjoying the water for several hours. Never leave behind spilled shower gel or other things.
  5. Try not to be late for group classes, especially yoga and Pilates, as it is very difficult to relax when someone comes in and ruins the atmosphere.
  6. Never look at the people around you, both during training and in the locker room.
  7. It is better to turn off your phone or put it in a safe.

Other important etiquette rules

Your clothes. Now the most important condition for clothing is its comfort. Modern rules say that what you wear depends only on you, the main thing is to remember the appropriateness of the outfit.

Present. An invitation to visit always implies the purchase of a gift from you, even if the hostess says that it is not necessary. If the holiday has a special occasion, then a special gift is chosen. Otherwise, take something for tea or alcohol with you.

It is unacceptable to arrive empty-handed.

Pets. When walking your dog, always clean up its waste products.

Cell phones. In public places the phone must be turned off. The only exception is when waiting for an important call, although even then the sound should be muted. When you see a message on the display, excuse yourself and go somewhere where you can talk without disturbing others.

A guide for lovers of kissing. The style of kissing originated in Europe, and a little later it came to us. If earlier this was permissible only with those closest to you, now they can try to kiss you on the cheek completely stranger. How to behave in this situation?

  1. To avoid a kiss, offer your hand to shake. If the hint is not understood, you cannot move away, it is impolite.
  2. To avoid bumping noses, there is a simple rule: the first cheek to be turned is the right one, then the left one.

Taboos when kissing:

  • touch the lips of only close people;
  • refuse a kiss if there is chewing gum or a cigarette in your mouth;
  • do not kiss people with whom you have only a professional relationship;
  • if you have lipstick on, just touch cheek to cheek.

Family etiquette

Home is a place where everyone can be themselves. Although even in such a personal space there are some rules:

  1. Never look at your partner's correspondence or diaries. This is only permissible in cases of suspected infidelity. The same applies to children.
  2. Modernity allows women to flirt with men, but this is unacceptable if you are in a relationship and a man is nearby.
  3. It is unacceptable to discuss your sex life in public.

Divorces and separations

Even when breaking up with a person, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. Children should love both parents equally, so never scold or blame a man in front of them.
  2. If you have divorced couples among your friends, it's best not to invite them at the same time if the breakup was bad.

Knowledge of etiquette for a girl, at all times, was considered an indicator of correct and noble upbringing. In the recent past, in order to learn the rules of etiquette, girls attended special institutes and boarding houses, where teachers and lecturers told them how to dress properly, take care of themselves, what to read, how to dance and other aspects of behavior in society. Special attention has always been paid to studying foreign languages, because real girl I had to always be able to carry on a conversation, even with foreigners.

Basic rules of etiquette

Nowadays, not everyone pays due attention to the rules and manners of etiquette. However, even today, the girl who will know modern etiquette, will always stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of others.

Example modern rules Etiquette can be served by a situation when a girl enters a room wearing a hat and gloves. IN in this case, if a girl is going to quickly leave this or that establishment, she need not take off her headdress and gloves, but if we're talking about It’s about hats and mittens; upon entering, a real lady must take off these wardrobe items. A girl can also wear gloves when greeting someone by the hand.

It is also worth noting that the room a real lady You should not hold a bag on your lap while it is in sitting position. The bag can be hung on a chair or placed on any other free space.

Special attention for the rules of etiquette is given to the girl’s behavior in conversation. A well-bred girl will never allow herself to express herself uncivilly, speak obscene words, or laugh loudly. When talking with the opposite sex, a girl should absolutely not discuss anyone, talk about her personal problems, or complain about life.

If a man invited a girl to a restaurant and decided to take the initiative by ordering certain dishes, the girl should accept his treats, trying this or that dish to a minimum. Under no circumstances should you use a toothpick at the table; to do this, you can always retire to the ladies' room and do all your needs.

A real lady always pays attention to the subtleties of her wardrobe, so that every detail of her image can correspond to a particular event. For example, if a girl is going on a date, she can take only a small handbag with her, or go without it at all. Take big bags on dates and business meetings highly not recommended.

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