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Henna hair coloring: personal experience and useful tips. Henna hair dyeing: application features and breeding rules for obtaining various shades

I always wanted to be red, I love this color. I tried sooo many red colors, and, probably, I never painted the same one twice! Because I never liked the result - it turns out a yellow tint, then completely red, then it is washed off after two washes of the hair.

And so I decided to try henna! More precisely, it was not the first experience. Previously, I tried to get a very bright red, so I did a wash with a regular blonde and painted with henna on top. The color turned out really red, but I'm a great experimenter, and, despite the warnings and the prospect of becoming green, I dyed my henna with some kind of chemical paint.

At first everything was fine, but.. A month passed and, oh my, I noticed that my hair was turning green! Of course, it was not very pronounced, but the ends were simply terrible, as a result of all the lightening and painting - burned, split, with a greenish tint. I had to braid pigtails, because the hair simply did not comb at all and dangled like stumps. All in all, it was terrible. Never, never dye your hair blonde, and chem. paint after henna.

My hair is dark blond, and I always thought that henna would not take it at all. But, having climbed on the Internet, I found all sorts of recipes for how to brew henna, with what additives to get what I wanted.

But my hair is only on the roots, a couple of centimeters. After the last staining paint has been 4 months. The entire length of the hair is light, and not uniform: somewhere darker, somewhere lighter.

So my recipe is:

1. Henna Iranian ArtColor - 5 bags of 25g. - my hair is a little below my shoulders, this was enough for all my hair

2. Chamomile - I bought a simple ground chamomile in a pharmacy, poured a couple of spoons with hot water, then strained it, and filled it with henna.

3. Lemon - I squeezed half a lemon, it turned out a couple of teaspoons - and also in henna.

Chamomile and lemon brighten dark hair, give a golden hue.

4. Castor oil - for better application and easier rinsing. Here you can take any oil you like.

I mixed everything so that it was not very liquid and let the mixture stand for about 15 minutes so that the reaction of all the ingredients went.

She applied all this to her hair, wrapped it with cling film so that the henna did not dry out, and put a towel on top. It went like this for 3 hours.

ATTENTION! You need to try to apply henna to everything, all all hair, if you miss at least a couple of millimeters - this place will not be painted over (I missed quite a bit, a small bright area will be visible in the photo).

As a result, I got what I wanted! bright red color! Maybe a little reddish, but it does not spoil it, as for me. Where my roots are, it turned out darker, but I achieved this. I want to grow out my color and paint it with henna, for a red tint.

Hope the review was helpful!

P.S. I couldn't take it after two months. The color has faded and has grown a lot. Dyed wellaton bitter chocolate. See my review if you're interested!

Now it is very fashionable to use natural ingredients for personal care. These components include the well-known henna. It has a very good effect on the hair and scalp, and it can also be used to correct the color of your hair. If you want to change something in yourself, then use henna for hair.

Henna shades

Many women think that with the help of henna, hair can only be dyed in red or copper shades. Perhaps it was so before. But now you can achieve completely different results. The gamut of shades can expand significantly from light to blue-black tones. All this is due to the correct mixing of henna with various natural ingredients.

Red color

For those who want to acquire a noble red hair color, it is enough just to dilute henna in hot red wine, and not in water.

How to get chocolate colored henna shades

There are several options for mixing henna. For example, you can add black tea, basma, strong coffee, walnut shells.

If you want to get a beautiful natural chocolate shade, then use the following recipes.

Recipe #1

For coloring you will need: red wine, colored Iranian henna and ground cloves.

Recipe #2

Mix a bag of henna, 4 tablespoons of strong coffee and a glass of water. After staining, the color will turn out deep and will last at least a month.

How to get shades of red?

To get a rich red color, make the following mixture.

Mix 3 sachets of henna with half a pack of ginger, pour boiling water over everything and let it brew. The longer the mixture is infused, the darker the shade will turn out. See before and after photos below.

Buy 7 sachets of henna to make your hair look coppery. Mix them with 1/3 tsp. ginger, cinnamon and turmeric. Pour everything with strong black tea. Please note that the lighter the color of natural hair, the richer the shade will be after dyeing.

How to achieve a light brown shade?

It is much easier to get a beautiful light brown color at home than with harmful paints.

Recipe #1

For coloring you will need: 2 packs of red henna and 1 pack of basma.

Mix henna with basma and fill with water (can be mixed with chamomile solution). Apply the resulting dye to the hair and use a wide comb to spread over all the strands. Wait 1.5 hours and wash off with water.

Recipe #2

Dilute henna in a decoction of onion peel. With this mixture, you can lighten brown hair color to dark blonde. It all depends on the holding time.

Recipe #3

Mix 8 packets of henna with 2 packets of basma and a special mixture of hibiscus tea, barberry and cloves, you can also add cinnamon.

Recipe #4

With this mixture, you can get a dark blond color.

Mix 2 tablespoons of cocoa, 4 tablespoons of henna, 1 spoon of special peach oil for hair, 1 beaten yolk, 4 tablespoons of cedar oil, 1 cup of warm kefir and 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Apply the mixture to slightly damp hair, but not wet. Because the mixture with kefir will not hold. Hold the paint for 1.5 hours and rinse.

You can not use basma without henna, because you will get a green tint to your hair.

If you have previously dyed your hair with chemical dye, then you cannot use henna, since it is not known what color you will get. The color scheme in this case will vary from green to blue.

If after using henna you want to radically change the color of your hair with chemical dye, then this can only be done after you cut your hair with henna. You will have to wait until your hair has grown enough to be cut because henna stays in your hair forever. But if you dyed henna only 1 time, then you can wash it off with various oil washes.

Instructional video

Today, the fashion for everything as natural, healthy and natural as possible has penetrated into all spheres of our life. The beauty industry is not far behind, and today the budget and simple procedure is held in high esteem by many fashionistas.

Today we will talk about the benefits of henna and basma coloring, how to do hair coloring at home on dark and blond hair in order to get red and black shades of hair after dyeing.

We will also find out what shades of coloring powder exist in nature and how to achieve the color we need based on them.

Henna has become one of the first beauty products for women in the East. And it is not surprising, because this, a well-known remedy for a long time, has a whole set of truly healing components! She applied drawings to the body or nails, used to create tattoos and color hair, giving them a beautiful copper tint.

Cosmetic henna is a greenish powder made from the dried leaves of the lavsonia shrub. The homeland of the plant is Africa, India and Asia, so for a long time it was used only there as a coloring agent. There are many in this powder.

What are the shades of henna for dyeing hair

Since the region of growth is quite extensive, even within the same country there are products of different shades.

Indian henna

It can be found in 5 different colors to suit different hair types.

  • Black

Suitable for owners of brown hair, dark blond and black. She will not give the color of a black wing, which so scares away many girls with its sharpness, but will add golden-copper highlights and give a beautiful shade of dark chocolate.

  • Mahogany

It is also better to use it for owners of dark hair, if there is a desire to give the strands a light wine, reddish tint. Pink shimmer will create a pleasant play of light on brown and dark brown hair.

  • Burgundy

A more pronounced red shade will look good on girls with very dark hair. It will add brightness to the curls and make them more shiny.

  • Brown

If we compared black henna with dark chocolate, then it is appropriate to recall milk chocolate. Brown henna will shade medium and light blond curls well. Gives them a richer color. It looks especially impressive on hair, whose color is unflatteringly called "mouse". By removing the gray-ash nondescript shade, brown henna will not add redness or redness.

  • Golden

Ideal for blondes and girls with light blond strands, as it adds not only shine, but a beautiful natural golden hue. Makes hair softer and shinier.

We suggest you read about double hair coloring. In the article you will learn how this can be done and how it looks on the hair.

Iranian henna

We will find it only in one shade, but it's worth it! All lovers of fiery red color need it - bright, juicy, giving hair a voluminous and beautiful color. Iranian henna will never look flat.

At home, it is used in the composition with additional ingredients to achieve the optimal shade from golden to red and chocolate.

The advantage of Iranian henna, which is recognized by many fashionistas as the best remedy for treating and coloring hair, is that it stays on the hair for a maximum time, coloring them in a bright, noticeable shade for up to six months.


Very often used today by women of the middle band, gives the hair a copper sheen. Combining it with basma, you can achieve a range of natural reddish-copper colors.

How to use them in a duet to change the temperature gradation of shades, we will describe below.

white henna

It is also called colorless and it has nothing to do with the leaves of the Lavsonia plant. In fact, it is made from Cassis Italiana in a similar way, by crushing the dried leaves.

You should not expect miracles of coloring from white henna, but it can transform your hair! Healing and nourishing the scalp, it eliminates dandruff, relieves irritation, glues the scales of each hair, creating the effect of laminated strands.

How to do henna hair coloring

To carry out self-staining at home, we need:

  • 2 - 4 sachets of henna of the desired shade,
  • hot water,
  • ceramic bowl or deep plate (cup),
  • wide flat brush
  • gloves,
  • thick cream (for example, "Children's" or petroleum jelly),
  • wooden stick,
  • comb with sparse teeth.

Depending on the length of the hair, you may need from 2 to 4 25 g sachets of henna.

  1. Dilute henna with very hot, but not boiling water and stir thoroughly with a wooden stick. The consistency should be like thick sour cream.

Attention! The paint must be applied very warm, so we put it in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and we ourselves go to wash our hair.

  1. We dry the hair with a towel so that it does not flow from them, but moisture remains and divide it into a regular parting in front of the mirror - we will color it from it.
  2. In order not to stain the skin, be sure to apply a thick layer of cream not only around the forehead and ears, but also on the neck. Don't forget to wear gloves.
  3. Without wasting time, we apply the finished paint first on the first parting, then we begin to descend from it in both directions with a distance of 1 cm.
  4. Immediately after applying the mixture to the roots, distribute it along the entire length of the hair.

After the bulk of the hair is dyed, we comb it again, beat it a little so that the paint is distributed as evenly as possible, put on a thin bag or use cling film, wrap it with a towel or warm it with a hat and leave it.

Henna exposure time can vary from 7 minutes to 2 hours, it all depends on the desired effect - getting a rich shade or healing curls, hair thickness, as well as their structure.

Important! Before taking on the coloring of the entire mass, I recommend trying it on a small strand - this will allow you to calculate how much you need to keep the paint on your hair.

We wash off the composition very carefully with warm water, do not wash our hair with shampoo and do not use conditioner to consolidate the healing effect.

Remember that even an hour or two after the complete removal of henna from the hair, they continue to be dyed, so we are in no hurry to be upset or rejoice at the resulting shade! We are waiting for the final result, the complete drying of the curls, and only then we evaluate the color scheme.

Recommended reading: You will see how gorgeous the hair looks and you can repeat it in a beauty salon.

How to dye your hair with henna or basma

But, as we remember, not only henna gives our hair a beautiful color, you can use basma powder for the same purposes.

The procedure for staining itself is no different, only proportions and time are important.

To give a more saturated, but cold shade, we mix henna and basma in a ratio of 1: 2 - as you can see, there is much less henna in the composition in order to minimize the red notes as much as possible.

  • If you want to make the curls copper, but not red, mix in the reverse ratio, where henna is 2 parts, and basma is 1.
  • Well, to give a classic chestnut shine, we combine the powders in equal proportions.

We also protect our hands with gloves, and our face with cream.

Henna hair coloring with coffee

As I said above, additional ingredients are necessarily added to henna in its homeland to achieve a deeper and more saturated color.

One of these products is coffee, which has long been known for its positive properties.

To make it as successful as possible, experts recommend producing it only on natural hair of only dark tones that have not been exposed to industrial dyes in the last 6-10 months.

  • If we use henna in sachets, we take at the rate of 1 sachet for very short hair.
  • If the paint is in the tile, as, for example, from the English brand Lush, we break off 1 cube for every 10 cm of hair.
  • For the best duet with coffee, choose brown, black or red shades.
  • We use only freshly brewed strong coffee (80 - 100 g per 150 ml of water), finely ground, and brew, as usual in a Turk.

Fill them with the right amount of henna until a thick, easy-to-apply consistency is obtained. We stain as described above with the same precautions.

You need to keep the paint for at least 40 minutes in order to get not only a therapeutic effect, but to find a bright, pleasant and natural color.

The advantages of henna staining with coffee is that in addition to shine and elimination of gray hair, we get stronger, stronger hair that will lie well and not be tangled for a few more weeks.

This method is suitable only for brown-haired women or brunettes to enhance the natural color, but what needs to be done to make the hair look truly unforgettable!

Photos before and after dyeing hair with henna

Red henna hair dye

In order to give the hair various shades of red, we use any henna, except for black or colorless. Iranian or Sudanese henna would be ideal. We add various components to vary the resulting shade.

For a pure red color, it is enough for us to dilute the henna with hot water and keep it on the hair for at least an hour, and to give a light copper tint, 20-40 minutes are enough, depending on the natural color of the hair.

What can be added to henna?

Consider the effect of additional additives to vary the shade.


Add it at the rate of 1 tsp. for 30 g of henna. Mix thoroughly, leave for 5-10 minutes and apply as usual. Keep it for at least an hour and wash off without using shampoo.

The color is deeper and more saturated with copper tints.

walnut shell

It is quite a strong dye in itself. We prepare a decoction from crushed shells.

  1. We will need about 5-6 nuts. We grind the shell and partitions from them as it will turn out.
  2. Fill with very hot water and put in a water bath for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Then let it cool down to 50-60C, filter and dilute the henna powder to the desired consistency.

We apply paint to the hair, protecting the skin of the hands and face, then rinse with warm water.

The shade obtained in this way is distinguished by a chestnut color and a deep golden sheen without redness.

Read about the newfangled way to dye your hair. The article talks about the technique and shows photos and videos of how it will look on the hair in real life.


Add it in the same way as cinnamon, 1 tsp each. for 30 g of crushed henna.

Stir and color washed hair as usual. This combination can also be used for fair-haired girls to get a bright golden-red color, which is provided by the bright yellow turmeric that is part of the composition.

Tangerine or orange peel

It does not have such an intense effect as turmeric, so it is good to muffle too intense tone with this component.

From the dried crusts we make a decoction, like from a walnut shell, and breed henna with it. In addition to the beautiful red color, the hair will smell unusually pleasant! In addition, the essential oils in the peel will restore the hair structure and have a beneficial effect on the scalp.

As you can see, you can get any shades of red from henna staining, the main thing to remember is that each additional component can be an allergen, so be sure to test it before applying.

But before embarking on the preparation of even a test composition, we will consider coloring options suitable for different initial colors of the strands.

Dyeing dark hair with henna

If you have black to dark brown hair, use only formulations designed for these shades for a noticeable color change.

  • Remember that colorless henna will not be visible at all, and the classic one is not able to give a bright red tone without additional clarification.
  • Brown henna will also be inconspicuous - its brunettes and brown-haired women can only be used as a healing mask or to achieve a slight warm tint.
  • Red henna colors will give black and dark hair juicy wine highlights, but also will not greatly affect the overall tone.

Important! Brunettes will not succeed in lightening or changing hair color by more than 1-1.5 tones!

Coloring light and blond hair with henna

But for blondes, the main danger lies in not overdoing it. In no case do not hold henna for the first time for longer than 7-10 minutes.

Blond hair is much more porous and perceives coloring pigments better, therefore, in order not to get an unnatural burning tint, it is better to underdo it a little and then re-dye it than to immediately find a “fire on the head”.

A little secret: if we applied henna to blond hair for a very short time, but still overdid it a little, we just stain with basma on top. It will muffle the resulting red and make the hair a more natural shade.

We apply henna on fair hair as part of mixtures, as described above. Cinnamon or turmeric will work very well.

You can also make the shade softer with a decoction of chamomile. To do this, we brew the usual pharmacy chamomile in a filter bag according to the instructions and dilute the powder with it.

Most fortunate, perhaps, ladies with a neutral, medium shade of hair. Such curls will immediately become a pleasant copper shade if you hold it for 20 minutes, or bright red if you leave henna for an hour and a half.

We select the desired type of paint, add any of the components described above, and try!

Can you dye gray hair with henna?

The process of dyeing gray hair is complicated in itself, since they have no pigment at all, they perceive the paint completely and it is very difficult to achieve an even, and, most importantly, natural color, and if we are talking about henna, then it is worth considering a number of points.

Despite all the warnings - allegedly henna should not be used for gray hair, everyone has repeatedly observed very old ladies with orange-colored hair on the streets. To prevent this from happening, and the color to be as natural as possible, you can dye gray hair with henna only with additional additives.

We use walnut or coffee to darken the color, chamomile for a soft golden hue, but avoid turmeric or cinnamon, as the lights will only enhance the red instead of muffle it.

Keep the mixture on your hair for a long time - at least 2 hours. This will help both improve the quality of curls and reliably paint over gray strands. Wash off as usual, without shampoo.

Hair coloring with white or colorless henna

Since this procedure will not change the hair color, we use it in any cases, if there is a need to treat the hair.

We apply as if we had ordinary henna in front of us, and keep it on the hair for up to 1 hour. After that, wash off and enjoy healthy beautiful curls!

What else is worth remembering when dyeing hair with henna? Of course, about leaving after.

The nuances of dyeing hair after using henna

Experts do not recommend using henna for full hair coloring more than once a month, but the roots, of course, can be dyed more often, especially when it comes to gray hair.

Directly after coloring, as mentioned above, you should not use shampoo or conditioner. Also, do not wash your hair two days before applying henna and do not touch your hair for two days after - let the color finally “lie down”.

Then, use balms and shampoos or mousses as usual. Styling products will also not harm the hair, on the contrary, now they have additional protection!

As you can see, in order for the hair to be not only beautiful and healthy, but also bright, you need to dye it with henna! We use it on its own or in combination with additional ingredients, and enjoy the wonderful result - silky thick curls of rich color.

Hi all! I continue the topic of henna hair coloring and lay out for you coloring options using henna and natural dyes.

1. Burgundy shade can be obtained by brewing henna with saturated beet juice or Cahors red wine. Beets are grated (2-3 pieces) and thrown into hot water, about 90-95 ° C, then infused under the lid for 20 minutes with the addition of 1 tablespoon of vinegar. You should have a very thick, richly colored decoction. The broth is filtered, and heated in its pure form, and then henna is brewed on it. For acid coloring, raw grated beets (beets can be placed in a gauze bag for easy removal) are mixed with an acidic liquid and infused. When the beets give off the coloring pigment, they are removed from the liquid, and henna is added to the liquid and insisted for the necessary time. You need to be careful with this shade, on different hair it can go into different shades, from pink to blue eggplant.

2. Shade of "mahogany"- fill henna with hot Cahors. The color of "mahogany" will also turn out if you add cranberry juice to henna, and before dyeing, moisten your hair with plenty of it and dry it.

3. Chestnut shade - can be obtained by brewing henna with rich black coffee. With the acid staining method, henna is mixed with coffee in equal parts and poured into an acidic environment.

4. Shade "light chestnut"- Add cocoa powder. Henna is combined with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, brew with the usual hot method and apply to the hair.

5. Golden honey shade Is it chamomile or turmeric? If you want to get a GOLDEN-RED TONE, pour henna not with hot water, but with a decoction of chamomile (1-2 tablespoons per glass, insist, strain, heat up to 90 degrees). Turmeric is simply added to the composition with henna.

6. Golden yellow shade- will give rhubarb. 200 gr. dried stems of the plant, combined with a bottle of dry white wine (it is possible without wine) and boiled until half of the liquid boils away. A bag of henna is added to the remaining composition and applied to the hair. It should be noted that if you have dark enough hair, then without prior bleaching you will not be able to get a light golden hue.

7. Old gold color- saffron is brewed and infused in a small amount of water, then henna is brewed with this hot broth.

8. Copper color- take 200 gr. onion peel, 2-3 tablespoons of black tea, pour 0.5 l. white grape wine and put on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Strain and apply the resulting mixture to wet, washed hair, insulate your head.

9. Chocolate chestnut shade - will give a strong infusion of black tea mixed with henna. Also, to obtain a chocolate color, you can add hops in the ratio of 1 sachet of henna and 1 tsp. hops. All shades of chestnut - tea leaves, a few drops of iodine, henna. The result depends on the number of ingredients and the original hair color.

10. Enhance the red tint- use the root of Madder. The root is crushed and brewed with a glass of boiling water, then henna is diluted with this infusion.

11. Chocolate color- walnut leaves are boiled, insisted, henna is brewed with hot infusion.

10. Experiment with shades you can also mix henna and basma in different proportions. Chestnut shade - 3 parts of henna and 1 part of basma. Bronze shade - take 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma.

12. Blue-black shade- henna and basma in equal quantities. First, dye your hair with one henna, hold it for at least 1 hour. Wash away. After that, apply basma. I also know that a blue-black tint can be obtained by diluting basma with vinegar and insisting in heat for at least 10 hours. Then apply to hair. It should be noted that the black color may appear on the 3rd day.

And now a few examples of henna hair coloring with additives found on the Internet, all information is taken from the public domain, some photos have links to the site, some are taken from foreign sites. I hope that the experience of these girls will inspire you to be creative in creating your own beauty. The staining recipe is above the picture to which it belongs:

Ksenia girl's recipe: henna, ground cloves, red wine.

Yulia Gritsenko's recipe: Indian henna is very resistant and bright unlike other henna. 125 gr. A bag of chamomile was poured with boiling water (chamomile must be filtered and only the infusion should be used) and insisted for 20 minutes. Add about 25 grams of sea buckthorn oil and the same amount of coconut oil to the mixture of henna and chamomile. Mix everything, apply on the hair under the bag and a warm cap warm for 2 hours. Wash off with warm water, after which I applied a thick balm, and then rinse it off.

Dinara Khaidarova's recipe: 2 basma 125 gr each, 1 henna 125 gr is brewed with strong coffee, vitamin E (about 5 capsules) is added to the mixture, 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Keep the mixture on your hair for 3-4 hours. I wash off the natural dye with water, and at the end of the procedure I apply a mask or hair balm to my hair to thoroughly rinse the residue and ensure easy combing of the hair.

Margarita Galyautdinova's recipe: I paint with henna with basma in proportions of 1:1 or 1:2. I usually do 2 mixes. One for the roots (coloring and strengthening), the second for the length (coloring). I brew the first on a decoction of nettle or burdock root + add nutmeg or rosemary EO. I brew the second on tea leaves or add coffee + jojoba oil a couple of drops.
To find out exactly how much coffee is needed, I first fill it with water (or broth) until it turns dark brown. Then I pour henna with this water. If you want a more reddish tint, then add a decoction of onion peel instead of coffee. I keep the mixture on my hair for 3-5 hours. I paint every 2-3 weeks.

Recipe for Vita Vorobieva: for my length, I take 6 bags of ordinary henna, pour hot water to a fairly liquid consistency, add half a bubble of iodine, em ylang ylang, sometimes egg yolk and almond oil. Wrap with cling film and a towel, keep as long as possible.

Tatiana's recipe: I take the usual Iranian henna and basma in the proportion of 2 parts of henna to 1 part of basma, pour hot red wine (you can use inexpensive. The main thing is that it be natural). I apply it to dry, freshly washed hair. I keep 1 hour. I wash it off with warm water without shampoo, at the end I add more balm to make it easier to wash all these blades of grass and specks.
The color turns out to be a rich dark with a wine tint, and on the first day it is usually redder and brighter, and on the second day it darkens and "calms down". Its color is chestnut, before henna, the hair was dyed with chemical dye in dark brown.

Elena Baranova's recipe: I brew tea bags, pour henna with this liquid, stir until a slurry is formed. I keep an hour (natural color is light brown). I wash off the henna with shampoo, and on the 3-5th day the color darkens.

Olga Zhuravleva's recipe: her dark brown hair. The mixture consists of 2 parts of henna, 1 part of basma, 2 tbsp. spoons of hibiscus and ground coffee. I kept it on my head for two hours.

Maria Degteva's recipe: henna + basma 1:2, brewed for coffee, added half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Recipe by Svetlana Heinz: with the mixture consists of two bags of red henna and one bag of basma. The exposure time of the mixture is one and a half hours.

Anna Geronimus recipe: henna and basma are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, the powder is poured with hot red wine. The original hair color is blond.

Katerina Guslyar's recipe: I pour 125 g of henna with boiling water, add 40-50 drops of iodine, embergamot or any other oil. I wrap with cling film. I keep 3 hours. I wash off with water. I put on a balm and wash it off again.

Mary's recipe: I dilute 4 bags of Iranian henna with boiling water to a mushy consistency, then add a bag of cloves, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of burdock oil, sometimes 1 chicken egg. I put a plastic bag on my head and keep the mixture on my hair for 2 hours.

Ekaterina Quiring's recipe: x in Iranian + 2 tbsp. tablespoons cocoa + 2 tbsp. l. avocado oil + 10 drops of rosemary. Pour boiling water over everything and for 2 hours under a film and a towel. I paint while the mixture is still tolerably hot.

Svetlana Golenko's recipe: 7 bags of ordinary Iranian henna, turmeric, a little ginger and cinnamon, poured black strong brewed tea and added a few bags of chamomile.
Before dyeing with henna, the hair was lightened, its color was light brown. Therefore, the clarified part turned out brighter than the roots.

Olga Volkova's recipe: I I have been dyeing my hair with henna for 9 years, about once every 2 months. Every time you get a slightly different shade. Depends on how much you keep and the ingredients, of course.
The most successful option: Indian henna (4 tablespoons are enough for my length) + pour a spoonful of ground coffee with boiling water (to the consistency of sour cream) and put in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. It blends better and the color lasts longer. Then I add egg yolk, a tablespoon of burdock or olive oil and a couple of tablespoons of kefir! Since my hair is quite thin, here the paint turns out like a firming mask.

Henna painting recipe from Maria Boyarkina: Iranian henna 8 sachets and Basma 2 sachets are mixed together. For brewing, a mixture of hibiscus, cloves and barberry + a little cinnamon is used.

Painting recipe from Anna Ermakova: a few sachets of henna are mixed with 1/2 sachet of ginger, the mixture is poured with boiling water and applied to the hair.

Painting recipe from Christina Safronova: n and my hair took 6 sachets of henna (plain Iranian). Brewed on chamomile. Henna was infused under the lid for about 15 minutes. I kept it for 2-2.5 hours. The original color is dark brown.

Painting recipe from Maya Shakhmuratova: x per, 1 egg, olive oil. Apply for 30-40 minutes.

Painting recipe from Irina Kondrat: her hair color is dark blond. I take ordinary henna in bags, add olive oil (for care) and lemon juice (for brightness). Sometimes I also put a decoction of onion peel. First, pour henna with hot water, achieve the desired consistency. Then I put oil there, stir it, then lemon juice (I just take a lemon and squeeze it).
I always rinse with vinegar after washing and masking. In an acidic environment, henna develops faster.
But hair takes henna very easily. It takes sooo long, but the result is worth it.

Painting recipe from Alla Gritsak: henna (325g), brewed with a strong infusion of coffee. Holding time 3 hours.

Painting recipe from Ksenia Knyazeva: Iranian henna, basma, coffee, olive oil, dyed a week ago, kept for 1.5 hours.

Recipe from Mila Egorova: 5 packets of henna, 5 packets of basma, 2 tablespoons of ground coffee, half a teaspoon of cinnamon,
a couple of drops of any oil (I prefer to add almond oil)
The resulting mixture is poured with strong tea infusion, closed with a lid and kept for 5 minutes. Then I mix the mixture, and apply it to all the hair while it is still warm enough. Then a large bag is placed on the head, and a warm hat is placed on top to keep warm. It all looks funny, of course, so I try to do the procedure when I'm alone at home - otherwise my family laughs out loud, they barely see me at home in shorts, a T-shirt and a warm hat, when the temperature outside the window exceeds +20. And oh yes, to better fix the color, I leave the mixture on my hair all night. But it doesn't hurt my oily hair. But for those who have dry hair, I do not advise doing this. Or add more oil, or just keep the mask for a few hours.

I painted at the same time with henna and basma. Because I have long hair, then I took it (so as not to be very red). 2 sachets of henna and 1/2 sachet of basma. If someone has black hair, then you can take 1 bag of basma, and 1/4 henna.
Here is a photo:

Here is another photo of me, where I am in the sun:

After henna, no paint takes for a long time, but on the contrary, you can
This is how my dark blond hair looks like after dyeing with henna with basma (2 henna and 1 basma, 25 g each).

Periodic change of image for a modern woman is a natural desire. This is easiest to achieve by changing the color of the hairstyle. For this, there are many types of paints, but not all of them leave healthy curls after such a procedure.

Positive and negative qualities

When using this tool to color the strands, they will not only remain healthy, but also improve their condition. However, it must be used correctly, otherwise you can get a negative result from it.

Benefits when used correctly

The photo shows how dyeing hair with henna improves their condition.

Henna is a natural dye, so it is guaranteed not to contain harmful chemicals. On the contrary, it is saturated with useful substances, which, when painted, have a healing effect on the structure of curls and the condition of the scalp.

After applying it:

  • the structure becomes rigid, elastic;
  • the fallout stops;
  • bulbs are strengthened;
  • the rods are saturated with moisture;
  • dandruff will disappear.

An important advantage of this tool is also that the resulting shade lasts for a long time. It does not cause allergic reactions, so everyone can paint with it without exception. Lavsonia powder dye covers each hair with the thinnest layer through which UV rays do not penetrate. The price of this natural product is quite democratic.

Negative sides

It happens that Lavsonia powder has a bad effect on the condition of curls if it is used incorrectly. Too frequent staining leads to severe dryness of them, as well as the scalp. As a result, the ends may begin to split.

Among the negative properties of this product can be identified:

  • "Ragged" coloring in the presence of gray hair (such hair coloring with henna in the photo above);
  • it is impossible to dye henna on dark hair;
  • not for everyone a pleasant smell during the procedure.

NOTE! After painting with this powder, it is forbidden to perm.

Application features and painting technology

Modern beauty salons do not use henna, as well as other natural remedies for painting curls. They focus on chemical pigmenting compounds. With their help, it is much faster, easier to choose the right shade. And the result is almost 100% predictable. Plus, the price of natural dyes is affordable for everyone, so you won’t take much for such a procedure.

Henna and basma are best used on their own. They make it possible to experiment with tones with your own hands and save a significant amount of money from the family budget. In addition, it is so nice to realize yourself as the creator of your own individuality.

Secrets of effective staining

Henna hair coloring will be of high quality if this product is applied abundantly.

Not sure how to dye your hair with henna at home? This case has its own nuances:

  1. Never use conditioner when washing your hair before painting. This will reduce all efforts to zero.
  2. The amount and composition of the finished paint depends on the length of the strand. To achieve the best result, they need to be "bathed" in it. That is, "greedy" is not recommended.
  3. It is not necessary to paint with this tool if highlighting or discoloration was previously done.

For hair of different lengths, an individual amount of Lavsonia powder is required: 50-100 g - for short ones; 200 g - length to the base of the neck; 300 g - to the shoulders; 400 g - to the waist.

ON A NOTE! In order not to resort to the help of scales, you can use a glass / tablespoon. In a two-hundred-gram glass, 100 g of Lavsonia powder is placed, and in a tablespoon - 7 g.

What is required for painting

To dye your hair with henna, you will need to prepare gloves, glassware and a brush.

Before painting, you need to prepare everything so that you do not have to look for something. The process will require:

  • hairpins that will fix the colored strands;
  • a sheet to cover yourself from paint;
  • plastic bag or shower cap;
  • brush, comb;
  • cup / bowl (exclusively glass or ceramic);
  • unnecessary towel;
  • tassel;
  • disposable gloves;
  • wooden spoon for kneading the coloring composition.

step by step technology

All items on the list should be near you. So everything will go according to plan, no unforeseen situations will arise.

Instructions for painting with your own hands are as follows:

  1. The mixture is being prepared. The calculation is done based on the length of the curls.
  2. Curls are carefully combed. First with a regular brush, then with a comb with a wide, and then with a small tooth. The head is divided into sections.
  3. The ears and the border near the hair growth are lubricated with cream.
  4. Disposable gloves are worn.
  5. A brush is taken and the staining process begins with it. You need to start from the crown and move to the forehead.
  6. After working out all the zones on the head, the curls are carefully painted over the full length. To do this, the mixture is scooped up with a gloved hand, distributed evenly over the strands, then movements are made, as if during washing. All actions must be as careful as possible.
  7. Hair is styled at the crown, packed in a shower cap / plastic bag and everything is covered with a towel on top.
  8. You can mind your own business. After the required time has elapsed, the "compress" is deployed and the paint is thoroughly washed out. The procedure is carried out until the water becomes clear.

ATTENTION! Henna painting on dark curls is performed according to similar instructions. Don't expect your hair to take on a rich red hue afterwards. This dye is almost powerless on this color, but it can deepen the natural shade, giving the curls power and radiance.

Dilution and proportions depending on obtaining the desired color

The photo shows the possible shades that can be obtained using only henna, depending on the base color and structure.

The color obtained in the process of staining with Lavsonia powder can be completely different. It depends on the quality of the paint and the characteristics of the structure of the hair. For each person, they are individual, therefore they react differently to the dye.

And the time required to fix the same shade, each person will have his own. To get dark colors, including chocolate or rich chestnut, you need to mix henna plus basma in a certain proportion.

Basma is another natural substance used in the beauty industry. This herbal powder has a greyish green color. Basma is obtained from the leaves of the indigo plant and is used for dyeing in dark colors. Combined hair coloring with henna and basma makes it interesting to experiment with your hair.

Table of proportions and exposure time when painting different shades of hair with henna and basma to obtain a certain color.

THIS IS USEFUL TO KNOW! Pure basma is not used for hair coloring. This is especially true for people with pronounced gray hair. Suffice it to recall the character of Sergei Filippov from the Soviet film "12 Chairs", which received a greenish-bluish hair after such experiments. Washing off such a “result” is very problematic.

How to dye your hair with henna and basma to get interesting shades? Everything is quite simple, you just need to follow the recommendations below.

"Rich chestnut"

The photo shows the result of dyeing hair (saturated chestnut) with henna and basma in the proportion below.

Not sure how to dye your hair brown with henna? It's pretty simple. You just need to add brewed coffee and basma to the powder from the leaves of Lavsonia.

This paint is prepared as follows in the following proportions:

  1. A pack of henna (about 152 g) is mixed with 2 packs of basma (125 g). To get the desired color, the mixture is poured with strong coffee and allowed to brew for about 2.5 hours.
  2. Honey is added (a couple of tablespoons) and 5 capsules of vitamin E. This will nourish and moisturize the skin and bulbs well.
  3. Everything is mixed with a wooden spoon.
  4. Paint according to the technology described above is used for its intended purpose.

"Bitter chocolate"

Dark chocolate hair color created with henna, basma and coffee.

You can dye your hair with henna in chocolate color by adding basma to it. The subtleties of the preparation of such a composition:

  1. Take 2 components equally, and then mix. In this case, you need to calculate how much powder is needed, given the length of the strand.
  2. Add ground coffee (4 tablespoons) to the mixture.
  3. Pour the mass made with white wine so that the composition is not too thick or liquid.
  4. Put in a water bath.
  5. Let the mass warm up and immediately begin to paint.
  6. You need to keep this composition on your hair for about 2.5 hours.


In order to achieve this effect, you need to dilute lavsonia powder in red beet juice. You can replace it with pomace from elderberries or freshly brewed hibiscus tea.

dark tone

To obtain an almost black color, henna and basma are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2, poured with water and rubbed thoroughly. Make a very thick mixture. To get a deep black color, you will have to sit in a plastic bag and with a towel on your head for 3 hours, no less.

NOTE! It is possible to get an almost black color instantly. The final result will be known only in a day, or even two.

Rules for dyeing gray hair

Henna and basma are perfectly combined with each other and together paint over gray hair well.

The older a person becomes, the more his hair loses the coloring pigment. After a fairly long time, it completely discolors. For some, this moment is not important at all.

However, many women are very worried about the appearance of white hairs, but do not want to use non-natural dyes. For them, the question is very relevant: how to dye gray hair with henna so that they remain healthy?

It should be noted that this natural dye is incompatible with gray hair, since in the process of dyeing all white hairs will become carrot or orange-red. An alternative is to add other substances to the powder.

It can be:

  • basma;
  • infusion of chamomile;
  • walnut infusion;
  • natural coffee (ground);
  • borage juice;
  • saffron powder;
  • and others.

Henna without impurities on gray hair can paint over them unevenly, as in the photo.

Some subtleties when staining gray hair with henna with various natural additives are as follows:

  1. Test the finished paint on a separate strand. Remember how many minutes it took to complete the painting. Spend the very first procedure exactly the same amount of time.
  2. Repeat coloring after a few days. Keep the paint on for about 2 hours.
  3. Coffee, chamomile or walnut infusion are suitable as additives to this powder. They will give noble shades, eliminating the formation of bright red tones.

Ways to get rid of henna

Kefir-yeast mask will help to gradually remove henna from the hair.

If you want variety, and your hair is dyed with Lavsonia powder, you will have to resort to various tricks. After all, this dye stays on the hair for a long time. What to do? You can just wait. During this time, the strands will grow back. True, at least six months to a year will pass if the hair is shoulder-length or longer.

You can make some sacrifices using an aggressive flushing method - a mask with alcohol. For this you will need:

  1. Find alcohol 70%.
  2. Soak a sponge in alcohol and wipe your hair with it.
  3. Do nothing for 7 minutes.
  4. Apply any oil on top of the alcohol (olive oil is ideal).
  5. Wrap your head with cling film or put on a bag / shower cap, roll up a turban from a towel.
  6. Hold this "compress" for 40 minutes.
  7. Use a mild shampoo to wash off.
  8. Repeat all the steps again in a couple of days.

There are ways to get rid of henna and simpler. They are not so aggressive, however, they need to be carried out a large number of times in order to completely “wash out” the annoying color. For such purposes, an oil or kefir-yeast mask, rinsing with vinegar, washing your hair with laundry soap is suitable.

Is it possible to dye your hair with paint after henna and how best to do it. This is a separate, not short topic, so if you are interested in such information, you can find out about it at the link.


As it became clear, it is not difficult to paint with henna on your own. But if you have any questions, you can see everything clearly in the video. Do you have experience in this matter? Or do you know of any exclusive coloring options with natural Lavsonia powder? Write about them in the comments.

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