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How to clean gems. How to cleanse gems and natural minerals from negative and alien energy

Often traditional cleaning and protection methods not always suitable for stone: industrial detergents and standard protective agents may be suitable for the surface of ceramics, cement, etc., but not for natural stone, which has special characteristics.
Acid-base balance - the ratio of acid and alkali in a solution - is indicated by the pH indicator (power hidrogen - "strength of hydrogen"), which shows how many hydrogen atoms are contained in a given solution. At a pH of 7.0, one speaks of a neutral environment. The lower the pH level, the more acidic the medium (from 0 to 6.9). An alkaline environment has a high pH (7.1 to 14.0).
Most stones are sensitive to both acidic and alkaline detergents. b, dissolving calcium, which binds its crystals (which is especially dangerous for limestone, and other types of stone that contain calcium). Alkaline cleaners usually do not damage the stone in the same way that acids do, however, if left on the surface for a long time, they can cause the stone to fade. Therefore, for daily stone care it is recommended to use pH-neutral stone cleaners (never soap or other alkalis). Alkaline cleaners (strippers) are used to clean especially dirty surfaces, and after using them, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the stone surface with a pH-neutral agent to neutralize the reaction. When using strippers, it is not recommended to use hot water, as high temperature speeds up the reaction, which can also damage the stone.
Understanding the pH balance helps you make the right choice detergents for stone. However, a very important factor in choosing suitable remedy is the level of activity. For example, most neutral detergents have a pH balance of 7, but the activity level of these products is not strong enough to clean the surface of the stone. On the other hand, there are neutral products that have too high a level of activity, they are also unfavorable for the stone. Therefore, the choice of detergents for stone should be approached very carefully. It is equally important to test each detergent on a small area of ​​the surface before applying it to the main surface.

Choice of remedy

Before starting remove pollution, you must choose the appropriate one. First you need to determine the nature of the stain and the type of stone on which this stain is located. It is conditionally possible to divide pollution by origin into several groups.

♦ Stains of organic origin (coffee, cocoa, tea, fruit juices, wine, sauces, mustard, spices, blood, etc.).
♦ Inorganic stains (ink, paint, graffiti, etc.)
♦ Stains from household cosmetics (soap, lipstick, hair gel, etc.).
♦ Oil stains (household grease, grease, oil, candle wax, etc.).
♦ Aura and discoloration from improperly selected silicone and adhesive.
♦ Spots of biological origin (mold, algae, moss, imprints of fallen leaves, flowers, etc.).
♦ Rust spots (oxides of iron, copper alloys, etc.).
♦ Salt and cement stains, mineral and calcium deposits, scale.
After determining the nature of the stain you need to choose the right chemical. It is advisable to get competent advice at the place of its sale, but if this is not possible, then you can try to figure it out.

Here are some simple tips for this:
◄ to remove stains of organic, inorganic origin, cosmetic, oil stains and aura, use an absorbent paste;
◄ to remove stains of biological origin, use products to remove mold;
◄ to remove rust stains, use special products, gels and pastes to neutralize oxides *;
◄ to remove salt and cement stains, mineral and calcium deposits, scale, use concentrated acidic and alkaline products *.

*In this case, special attention must be paid. The acid found in rust and salt removers easily corrodes marble and similar stones. In addition, basalt and even some varieties of granite can be partially affected by concentrated acids. Before starting work, it is necessary to do a test in an inconspicuous place to make sure that this product does not spoil the stone.

This approach may not be the most effective, but it allows you to minimize the risk of stone damage. Anyway take into account the following recommendations:
- carefully read the instructions for use of the chemical agent;
- make test samples in an inconspicuous place;
- start experiments with the least active and least concentrated means;
- if there is no effect or it is insignificant - go to more active and concentrated substances.
Marble, travertine, (some varieties and only in the form of impurities), limestone - all these stones contain calcium and are therefore unstable to pH-active liquids, especially acids. When acid (fruit juice, lemon, wine) or high alkaline detergent gets on, it corrodes the polish at the point of contact. After that, traces of corrosion remain on the surface, which look like water stains or rings. Attempts to remove them with special tools will be a waste of time, they can only be removed by repolishing the stone.

Sincerely, Nikita Fedorov

Gold is not only a beautiful and precious metal, but also a good investment. In today's world of unstable economy, buying gold is a reliable financial investment. However, this is not why most women love gold items. Unlike costume jewelry, gold wears well, does not discolor or stain, even if you wear jewelry all the time. However, over time, gold rings, earrings, and chains can get dirty. Grease stains appear on the metal, dirt and dust get stuck in the small details of the jewelry, and the gold itself becomes dull. To restore gold jewelry to its former radiance and brilliance, they must be thoroughly cleaned.

How to clean gold items

Cleaning precious metals from contamination is very simple. To do this, just soak them in hot water with detergents. Add some liquid soap to a bowl of boiling water and dip gold into the soapy solution. Leave it there for a while. After that, clean the soaked contaminated areas with a fine brush.

Sometimes dirt seems to get stuck between the links of the chain, especially if the product is frilly and worn every day. Most often this happens with chains that are worn on the hand - they are most susceptible to contamination. To get rid of such contaminants, you will need citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice. Squeeze the juice into a tablespoon and dip the chain into it. Citric acid must be diluted so that the solution is as concentrated as possible. After that, heat the contents of the spoon over the burner or burner. When heated, the acid corrodes impurities, cleaning even the most inaccessible areas of the metal. After the liquid boils, pour the lemon juice into a glass and lower the chain there to remove any remaining dirt. After that, the chain will only need to be rinsed.

How to clean products with hard stones

If the gold item is with a stone, it is not recommended to lower it into hot water. The fact is that some stones are attached to products with glue. And from boiling water, the stone can simply fall out. But how to care for such jewelry and how to clean them?

The stones come in different hardness. Now you will learn how to clean gold items with hard stones such as diamond, topaz, garnet, emerald, sapphire, chrysolite, zircon, ruby.

  1. If the gold is not very dirty, it can be cleaned with a normal cleaning solution. Please note - it should not be hot. With a soft brush, go over the entire product, then rinse and polish it.
  2. For heavy soiling, use ammonia. Pour a teaspoon of ammonia into a third of a glass of water, then dip the decoration into the solution. Shake the glass after a while to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places. Keep the gold in the solution for a little longer, and then wash off the dirt from it.
  3. Gasoline will help get rid of greasy stains and greasy stains. Soak a cloth in it and polish the product with it. It will sparkle with renewed vigor.
  4. For some stones, there are special products for professional cleaning. They can be bought at a jewelry store.
  5. In order for the stones to shine again with all their faces, they must be wiped with hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Large gems are cleaned with fine ash. To do this, it is enough to burn a match and wipe the stone with burnt wood. This method can only be used for hard stones.

As you know, precious stones are distinguished by their hardness. If hard stones can be cleaned with almost anything, then soft stones require special care. Soft stones include pearls, malachite, serpentine, turquoise, amber, coral, opal and others.

  1. It is impossible to clean products with soft stones, especially with a brush with hard bristles. Such brushes can scratch the surface of the stone. For the same reason, you should not clean the product with toothpaste, especially with small hard particles.
  2. Optics stores sell special soft wipes for eyeglass lenses. They can also be used when cleaning gold items with stones. Sometimes on sale you can find the same napkins, but with a special impregnation, which eliminates the appearance of streaks.
  3. Gold jewelry with soft stones should be cleaned in warm soapy water with a soft cloth. Do not soak them - soft stones do not tolerate moisture. After washing, the decoration must be thoroughly dried.
  4. It is impossible to clean pearls with vinegar or lemon juice - acid corrodes this stone. This applies only to natural pearls.
  5. If your item contains corals or turquoise, they should be wiped with alcohol. Ammonium chloride cannot be used to clean soft stones - products can become cloudy.

How to clean gold with stones at home

If there is neither alcohol nor ammonia at hand, you can clean gold items using folk remedies.

  1. Mix egg white and beer in equal proportions. Soak a flannel cloth in the prepared product and clean the jewelry with it.
  2. Onion juice will help get rid of greasy contaminants. Dip the jewelry into it for 10 minutes, and then go over the gold with a brush.
  3. You can get rid of dirt in hard-to-reach places with vinegar.
  4. Sugar will help to give gold products extra shine. Prepare sweet water and dip the jewelry in it overnight.
  5. To clean a gold product, you need to prepare a special paste. Mix chalk, petroleum jelly and soap shavings. Add some water to get a creamy consistency. Apply the prepared product to the gold and wash off after a few hours.

Gold with precious stones looks elegant on a woman of any age. However, in order to preserve and emphasize the beauty and sophistication of jewelry, you need to be able to properly care for your gold items.

  1. If you wear gold all the time without taking it off, you need to clean it every month.
  2. When cleaning any gold items, do not use laundry soap, otherwise the gold will fade and lose its luster. This is due to the fact that laundry soap contains special acids that cannot be combined with gold. For cleaning, it is best to use toilet liquid soap, shampoo or dishwashing detergent.
  3. If normal cleaning does not help get rid of dirt in hard-to-reach places, use glycerin. Soak a cotton swab in it and carefully walk over the product.
  4. To renew a gold item, it is wiped with cologne or any other alcohol-containing solution.
  5. Gold should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. It should also be protected from sudden temperature changes. And then it will serve you for decades.

Gold items are a sign of high taste and wealth of their owner. However, in order for them to always look well-groomed and elegant, they need regular care. Watch your jewelry and always be on top!

Video: how to clean gold with stones

Surely, each of us knows that stones have certain properties, for example, they are able to heal or protect from the evil eye. Since ancient times, stones have been used as talismans, charms and amulets. That is why, absorbing human energy, precious and semi-precious stones need not only mechanical cleaning, but also energy cleaning. After such a cleansing, they are freed from negative information and their healing and magical properties are enhanced.

How to clear the energy of the stone?

Produce energetic cleansing of precious and natural stones you need to follow some rules. For example, when cleaning stones with fire, the ritual will depend on whether the stone belongs to a woman or a man. For cleansing above the candle flame the stone is hung on a chain over the fire and moved in a certain direction. If the stone belongs to a woman, then the circles must be made counterclockwise, with male stones the opposite is true.

Energetic cleansing of stones can also be done with the help of sunny or moonlight. To do this, the stones are laid out on a fabric in an open space, and left for several hours. This will not only purify the stones, but also charge them with the energy of the Sun or Moon, which will give them great strength and effectiveness.

Has great power of purification running water, especially cold spring or key. It would be ideal if you could find its source. Such water takes with it not only the negative, but also the positive energy of the stone and leaves the gem in its original energy form. A mineral purified in this way will have a special power. But even running water from the tap will have a beneficial effect on the energy of the stone.

Earth also has cleansing energy properties, and therefore stones or jewelry can simply be buried in some place that is pleasant for you for a few days. All negativity will thus go away, and the stone will delight you with its beneficial properties for a long time to come.

Another type of energy cleansing of stones is associated with cleansing properties of salt. To carry out such cleaning, it is necessary to fill the crystal container with salt (preferably sea salt), put a stone and also sprinkle salt on top. This cleansing should last 3 days. You can also clean the stone in saline water, which only takes a few hours. At the same time, water should be "alive", preferably spring or spring.

Fulfilling cleansing stones from negative energy, you need to tune in accordingly, free your thoughts from current problems, negative emotions and concentrate on your goal. You can even say a prayer during the ritual, in this way your own energy will be cleansed, you will receive a charge of positive energy that will displace all negativity.

Jewelry made of natural stones, especially without a frame, carry the strongest natural energy. And it is in your power to make it even better and cleaner.

Or, it will be useful for you to learn about ways to take care of and clean these beautiful luxury items at home. Caring for natural stone, although not very complicated and costly, requires accuracy and knowledge of some features.

Care of natural stone. How to clean jewelry with stones?

First of all, when caring for natural and precious stones, it is necessary to take into account their level of hardness. Stones such as diamond (brilliant), sapphire, emerald, aquamarine, topaz, quartz have a high level of hardness and ordinary washing powder is quite suitable for cleaning them. The stones should be put in an aqueous solution of washing powder for a while, and then lightly massaged with a soft brush (you can use an old toothbrush with soft bristles or a man's shaving brush). If the stones have inclusions, then you should be extremely careful, because they have a heterogeneous structure and this lowers the hardness coefficient, the stone can be damaged and chipped on it. If your stones are not set, then it is better to store them in soft suede or flannel bags, separately from each other.

How and how to clean silver with stones at home?

Cleaning silver jewelry is a very delicate procedure. When doing such cleaning, one should not forget that cleaning silver with stones should not damage the delicate surface of the material, therefore, in order to avoid minor scratches, do not use coarse sponges or abrasive substances.

To carefully clean silver with stones at home, just remember a few simple tips:

  • Toothpaste will help remove dark plaque from silver. It is enough to apply a small amount of toothpaste on a soft cloth and wipe the jewelry.
  • A simple soapy solution will help add shine and shine. In a glass container, stir a small amount of soapy water in warm water and place the silver item there. Then, after rinsing the jewelry, you can clean it with a soft toothbrush, and finally wipe it with a suede cloth.
  • Ammonia is also a great way to update your favorite piece of jewelry. To do this, add a few drops of ammonia and a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water, then leave the product in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Then, rinse thoroughly with cool water and dry with a soft cloth.

For enhancing the brilliance of stones you can use a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia. After such a bath, the stones should be rinsed in clean water, and then polished with a soft cloth.

Cleaning the stones in the setting

If you want to clean set gems with stones, the setting of the stone must be checked first before cleaning. Cleaning gold jewelry with stones at home, it is carried out using ordinary dishwashing detergent. To do this, you need to collect clean water in a small container, put a cloth on the bottom, pour a little detergent, lay out the jewelry and boil them in this solution for 10 minutes, then dry and lightly polish. After this procedure, the jewelry will sparkle like new.

Not sure how to clean pearls or pearl beads?

Pearls can become cloudy and lose their luster over time. To clean pearls and return it to its original appearance, it is enough to periodically arrange soft soapy baths of low concentration with subsequent drying for jewelry with pearls. If you want to keep the shine and brightness of your jewelry for a long time, then every time you wash dishes or bathe, they should be removed. Such a careful attitude will protect both the stones and the metal of the frame from mechanical damage and scratches. If the gold jewelry is rubbed with onion juice and left for a couple of hours, then the gold will become noticeably brighter.

Remember - there are many ways to clean jewelry at home, but they all require accuracy and gentleness in handling.

Useful tips.

How and what is the best way to clean natural stone.

Need to clear: the facade is lined with sandstone, pebbles and boulders in the pond, a yard paved with sidewalk sandstone.

Durability is a hallmark of natural stone. Natural stone, like any other material, will change its appearance over the years under the influence of the environment. The stone gets dirty, covered with dust, particles of earth, overgrown with moss. In places where there is constant dampness, mold may appear on the stones. Natural stone acquires a more expensive and noble look over the years, but we will consider the option when stone cleaning is necessary.

Cleaning natural stone with water

This is the most gentle and practical method. Hot water effectively removes organic contaminants. The hardness of water for natural stone does not matter, hard water does not harm natural stone.

Flaw: Not all types of contaminants can be removed from the surface of the stone with hot water.

stone cleaning with acid

In this case products with pH<7. Соляная кислота, фосфорная кислота, фтористоводородная кислота, органические кислоты (лимонная, муравьиная и уксусная) или кислотно-реагирующая соль, как NH4HF2.

They easily cope with inorganic contaminants. Remains of cement mortar, formed lime, and, if necessary, rust are removed from natural stone.

For example, a gray-green sandstone wall with a red coating, lined 3 years ago, can be treated with acetic acid. Thus, wash off all the red plaque from the stone. This will wash the stone and change the color of the wall.

To clean the surface of natural stone, repeatedly and abundantly moisten the stone with dilute acid. Then wash off the treated surface with clean water.

When using hydrochloric acid, over time, ferric chloride forms a rust coating (red plaque on the stone). It is advisable to entrust this method to a specialist who is familiar with the reactions of certain acids with various types of natural stone. If there is no specialist, you can carry out trial (test) actions in small areas, be sure to observe all precautions.

Flaw: You should be aware that this can damage the surface of the stone. Acid removes the crust of pollution, penetrating and etching the boundary layer between stone and dirt. Partial destruction of the surface layer of the stone is possible. Another aspect, as a result of the reaction of acids and alkalis, a salt appears, which is extremely difficult to remove. If the natural stone contains elements of iron, then yellow-brown stains may appear on the stone.

But you should not actively use such products when cleaning marble and limestone! The stone is damaged.

natural stone cleaning

Alkaline formulations with pH >7. They effectively remove organic dirt (oil stains, traces of grease, wax films, etc.). Use a solution of potassium, alkali of drinking soda.

Method of application: abundant preliminary moistening, then treatment with diluted alkali (1:10 - 1:30). Rinse the treated surface with water or a neutralizing compound (diluted acid).

Alkaline cleaners are harmless to acid-sensitive stones such as limestones.

Flaw: alkaline products are ineffective for cement pollution, rust removal and limestone deposits.

cleaning stone with solvent

Contaminants on natural stone from synthetic fats, resins, mineral oils, adhesives, paints and waxes are removed with a solvent.

Disadvantage: it is not possible to completely clean the dirt, residual traces remain after chemical treatment. Not suitable for removing cement stains, lime and rust marks.

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