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How to prove to a guy that you don't love him. How can a girl not go too far with evidence of her feelings, but make it clear to the guy that they exist?

Many girls rack their brains over the question: “How can I prove to him that I love him?” Even the most sincere feelings can sometimes be difficult to express in words and actions. If you cannot make a decision on your own, the advice of psychologists, as well as other girls, will help you show your love.

If you are not together yet

Oddly enough, modern men are increasingly less likely to take the initiative in building relationships. This makes girls think: “How can I prove to him that I love him?” If you decide to take everything into your own hands, pay attention to the following points:

  • Sight- this is the main female weapon. Psychologists say that a person in love looks with special tenderness. Visually, this change may not be noticeable, but the object of your adoration will certainly feel a special warmth during your communication.
  • Every woman is a bit of an actress, and therefore voice manipulation should not be difficult. Pay attention to the timbre with which you communicate with others. He's probably quite tall and loud. But when communicating with a young man you like, you need to switch to a lower key. The voice should be gentle and languid.
  • Show interest. A person cannot remain indifferent if someone begins to live his life. Visit the same places, try to enter his social circle, show interest in his hobbies. But don't be intrusive. The behavior strategy should be built based on his reaction.

If you are a couple

If you think that the game ends after you have formalized your relationship, then you are deeply mistaken. Very often women are interested in: “How can I prove to my husband that I love him?” There are several ways to show tender feelings while living together:

  • Show joy when you meet. Even if you have been living together for a long time, you must show that his return from work is a holiday. Show it with words, looks, attitude and all sorts of pleasant surprises.
  • Try to do everything the way he likes. Study his preferences in food, music, scents, clothing. This will not be difficult for you, and the man will be pleasantly surprised by such a manifestation of love.
  • “How can I prove to him that I love him?” - girls often ask. Be involved in all areas of his life. Sincerely rejoice at his successes and sympathize with his failures. This will not go unnoticed.
  • Don't forget to talk about your feelings. Psychologists assure that words of love are especially important for a man, because the stronger sex does not understand hints very well.

Not in words, but in deeds...

Many girls ask the question: “How to prove to my beloved that I love him?” It is generally accepted that you need to show your feelings primarily through actions. Try the following:

  • Create comfort. Even if you don't live together yet, he should feel comfortable around you. For example, take breakfast not only for yourself, but also for him, take an interest in his life.
  • Become interesting to him. If you are not interested in sports or other hobbies of your lover, find your own hobby in which you can express yourself well.
  • Be interested in him. Even if you don't know anything about his studies or work, always ask about them and listen carefully to the answer.
  • Don't forget to give gifts. They don't have to be expensive. These may be insignificant trinkets, but with meaning.
  • Be there in difficult times. Even if you can't help, just offer support with a kind word or hold your hand.
  • Don't make a scene. Of course, no one can stop you from being jealous. But it is not at all necessary to show it.

What should I say?

“How can I prove to my beloved that I love him?” - Many people ask this question. Despite the fact that many people talk about the insignificance of words, no one will refuse to hear pleasant things. In addition to confessing your feelings, tell your lover the following:

  • that he is an interesting and pleasant conversationalist;
  • that he is handsome;
  • that he is a good and merciful person;
  • that he is a good friend, and many other pleasant things.

“How can I prove to him that I love him?” It is not surprising that many girls ask this question. The fact is that men are less sensitive than women, and therefore, in order to demonstrate your feelings to them, you need to take certain measures. Friends could advise you the following:

  • One of the most eccentric ways is to get a tattoo with his name. Of course, any guy enjoys such attention, but try to find out in advance his attitude towards drawings on his body. In addition, evaluate the seriousness of your own feelings, because removing the tattoo will not be so easy.
  • If your lover doesn't notice your feelings, talk about them. Loud, whispered or in writing - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to convey information. Words of love will not go unnoticed, even if they are said in passing.
  • Not only girls love extraordinary actions. Guys are also not averse to receiving something unusual as a gift. For example, if your loved one is interested in cars, give him a cake in the shape of a car.
  • You need to pamper your boyfriend. Find out as much as possible about his passions (food, movies, music, sports). Also try to love it all in order to be on the same wavelength with him.
  • Men are very careful about their things. Show them that you like them too. When visiting a guy, wear his shirt, wrap himself in his blanket, drink from his cup. But watch the reaction! If you notice even the slightest tension, then this is not your method.

Does love need proof?

Many people consider the question inappropriate: “How can I prove to a person that I love him?” Indeed, feelings are not a theorem. True love is more than just external manifestations. Real feelings cannot be confused with anything. People feel those invisible threads that connect them and will not exchange them for any external manifestations. Many even see falsehood in some beautiful actions. However, you shouldn’t give them up altogether.

There is no need to perceive a beautiful and noble act as an attempt to prove something. If you really love a person, then not a single stereotype will keep you from doing something nice for your other half. His sincere and genuine joy will fill you with vital energy and inspire you to new achievements.


"How to prove to a man that I love him?" There is no unified answer to this question. If a person is truly dear to you, your heart will tell you how to act. Despite the fact that men are the stronger sex, they also have some preferences and weaknesses. Even the strongest and most independent person will never refuse tender care and pleasant surprises.

Good day, dear readers! Today, I will talk to the beautiful half of the audience. Do you love madly, but don’t feel trust from your other half? Do you feel like he doesn't take your love seriously? During my practice as a psychologist, I have encountered this format of relationships quite often. The girl does not know how to show her feelings, and the guy moves away, not believing in her sincerity. Want to know how to prove to a guy that you love him ? Today we will talk about this, and also about whether a man is manipulating you, trying to get him out of you. actions.

Why doesn't the guy believesto your love?

Why does it happen that a girl loves, but a guy refuses to believe it? There can be many reasons, the main thing is not to fall into the trap of a narcissist who longs for hymns to be sung in his honor. Remember that only actions represent the love of a real man. A if he doesn't believe feelings, and at the same time he is in no hurry to prove his own to you, it makes sense to think about whether the candidate is worth your efforts. In this case, it will be useful to read my article on the topic “ ».

If a man has proven his sincere feelings more than once and now the matter is up to you, there may be several reasons for mistrust:

  • guy's bitter experience. Previous relationships may have caused fear in the present. It is difficult for him to trust a new person, even though he himself has strong feelings for him. In the past, he could have been betrayed, despite the words of love spoken.There is no need to try to invade the unhappy past of your soul mate, do not pester him with questions, do not talk about love right away, prove it with time, patience and real care;
  • initially incorrectly formed format of the girl’s behavior. If at the first stages of the relationship the girl tried to seem like an unapproachable queen, now the manifestations of her feelings seem unnatural and implausible to the guy. Try to avoid and if you see bewilderment on your lover’s face, try to discuss what is happening.
  • a lot of male attention around the girl. No one likes it when other contenders are hanging around their partner. This causes self-doubt, fear, and as a result the guy asks to prove your love to strengthen your sense of ownership;
  • a girl’s inability to open up, be real, express her feelings. There is a temperament when expressing feelings, sharing emotions, especially something as intimate as love, is very difficult, so when a person says “I love you,” it can look quite dry and forced. My article on how to relax and behave naturally will help you .

Love is in simple little things

Place the stepladder that you have prepared to the side; today we will not get stars from the sky for your chosen one. This is a man's prerogative. The purpose of a woman in the role of a relationship is to create comfort, coziness, to show her readiness to become an important part of her man’s life, to fill the relationship with pleasant little things that make love so pleasant, warm and tasty.

Also, the role of a woman is to make a man feel like a full-fledged man. Therefore, the first rule is praise. y for his actions, masculine qualities and characteristics. Praise must be sincere. You shouldn't praise a guy from morning to evening, but talk, as if in passing, about how you like his sense of style, his ability to keep everything under control, his playing sports or his excellent sense of humor. This way you will instill confidence in a man, making your love completely justified in his eyes.

And now what girls love most are gifts, but you have to make them yourself. I’m not suggesting that you bribe your man, I’m suggesting that you show him your attentiveness and sensitivity, remind him that he is expensive to you. Perhaps your boyfriend is convinced that you know nothing about his little hobbies and passions. Show him the opposite, consult with one of his friends who share his interests, let the gift not only please but also surprise the guy. This could be a collection of mini retro cars, a cup with his favorite character from Star Wars, a flash drive with a selection of his favorite songs for the road, and other pleasant little things.

Do you want to put on an "I Love Him" ​​performance? stronger than he is me "? Have a special romantic evening, remember, guys don’t like flowers, hearts and strawberry marshmallows - they do all this for us. Therefore, let this be his ideal evening: his favorite movie, his favorite dish, his favorite whiskey and of course his favorite girl in the most charming dress.

How to show love from a distance?

While , doubts and worries may also arise between the couple. This is another reason why a guy may begin to doubt the love and loyalty of his beloved. Both partners want to be sure that love has not succumbed to the influence of kilometers and has remained the same, so they need support, words of love, even by correspondence.

It is very important to be interested in your partner’s affairs, his successes, achievements, work, studies. Ask him how his day was, but don't be intrusive, don't write sms every half hour. Agree on a time convenient for the two of you, when both of you can chat without distractions, or communicate via video conference. Surprise your loved one, write a letter by hand, such a message will convey your feelings much deeper than an electronic one.

Do you want to remind him of your love and make your guy happy? Make a video about how your day went without him, send it through the Internet photos taken in places memorable for your relationship, offer to watch a movie together or play his favorite online game with your loved one. By the way, a selection of films for two is presented in my article “

With this I say goodbye. Subscribe to the newsletter, read fresh and interesting articles, share them with friends. Love to all!

Things don't always go smoothly in a couple's relationship. Yes, this is correct, because if lovers never quarrel, it means they have huge problems. In this article I would like to tell girls how to prove to your loved one that you love him.

Why is this necessary?

Girls may wonder why they need to prove what is already obvious. But not everything is so simple, talking about your feelings and proving your love from time to time is simply necessary. This will give the young man the idea that he is doing everything right, and the girl is just encouraging him in this way and appreciating his efforts.


So, how to prove to your loved one that you love him? You need to praise your young man as much as possible. This is necessary not only when the guy has committed a serious, worthwhile act, but also when he even washed the dishes at home after drinking tea. Praise is a great incentive to cheer up your man. Also, do not forget about the various affectionate nicknames that you can and even should call your boyfriend. “Cats”, “suns” and “babies” are a great way to prove your love. However, you need to have certain boundaries here: you should call your lover differently in the company of friends and behind a closed bedroom door. Thus, the phrase “my pot-bellied hedgehog” can not only humiliate a guy in the eyes of his comrades, but also give him a not very good reputation.


How else can you prove to your loved one that you love him? Do something nice for him. What can be useful for this? A delicious dinner prepared by yourself, a beautiful handmade card, a small cute keychain as a gift - all these are little things that can express love without words. You need to make pleasant surprises as often as possible, and then the person will simply see for himself that the girl’s love is real and sincere.

Down with jealousy

The next tip on how to prove to your loved one that you love him: trust him completely. This is especially true for a guy’s communication with other women. There is no need to fall into hysterics after the man you love talks to his employee or former classmate on the street or on social networks. Boys need space; they do not like total control and groundless jealousy. This can not only upset the relationship in a couple, but even lead to a breakup. However, it is also important to remember that you do not need to give reasons for jealousy yourself, specifically provoking your young man to inappropriate conclusions.

More freedom

You can even prove to a guy that you love him by giving him a little freedom without offense or scandals. There is no need to resist if a young man wants to watch football once a week or drink beer with his friends. This will only benefit the relationship, because short separations bring the couple closer and give young people time to miss each other.


The next tip on how to prove that you love a person: be interested in the life of your chosen one. You need to learn to listen and, most importantly, hear, and not just talk about yourself. Just by listening to your loved one after a working day or by listening to your man’s not very interesting, but very important speech about how he repaired his car, you will already talk without words about your love for your chosen one. You can also call your loved one a couple of times throughout the day to wish him a bon appetit or ask how he is doing. However, you shouldn’t be too intrusive, calling every half hour or asking for a full report on your day. Young people don’t like this too much, and sometimes even irritate it.


The following arguments between a guy and a girl are not uncommon: “Do you love me?” - "I love!" “Prove it!” - “I’ll prove it!” But how to do this? So, it is best to ask your chosen one what kind of proof of his love he wants to see. And after that, bring your man’s desires to life. However, here you need to be careful and not agree to all the nonsense that your loved one can offer. It is worth remembering that you need to preserve your honor and take care of your own health.


Well, the simplest and most effective way to prove your love is to simply tell a young man about it. Then you won’t need to prove anything. There is absolutely no shame in a girl admitting her feelings. But what's the best way to do this? You can tell everything over a romantic dinner during a date. However, not all ladies will be able to take such a desperate step. You can do it more simply - send an SMS or an email. An excellent and very romantic way is to write a regular letter about your feelings to your chosen one and confess everything on paper. This will be easier to do. And the letter itself can be either given to him or sent by mail.

Both work

However, it is always worth remembering that a relationship requires the work of both members of the couple, and not just the girl. As they say, you can't clap with one hand. If a young man does not try at all to maintain the relationship, it is worth thinking about whether this is love, or maybe just a convenient and pleasant pastime of two beautiful young people.

This situation can be formulated as follows: “How to prove to a guy that I love him?” Indeed, what needs to be done for your loved one to believe in the sincerity of your feelings, so that he understands that this is serious?

In word or deed?

How to prove to a guy that I love him? The first thing that comes to mind is to beautifully confess your love. If you have the courage, say it to your face. If you don’t have enough courage, write a letter, a note, but more often, of course, an SMS. But where is the guarantee that he will believe? You can say (or write) anything...

You can often hear: love does not require proof. The best proof is the feeling itself, a silent look and the like. This point of view has a right to exist - but for some reason, the main adherents of this theory are mainly women. Romantic representatives of the fairer sex are very fond of projecting onto real life situations situations from novels and films, where such expressive eyes are shown in close-up and all that.

Dear women, men - they are simpler. Well, not exactly “drink-eat-sleep”, although there are such primitives. But a man will not always understand such a look. He may even think that you want to tell him something, but are hesitant - but it’s not a fact that he will think about love. The stronger sex is more down to earth, they are materialists. Therefore, it will be more likely to reach them if you prove your love to them by any actions (about which below). A man will understand and appreciate:

  • goodwill;
  • willingness to help;
  • consent to concessions;
  • the desire to share the interests of your loved one (or at least understand what a “throw-in from the sideline” is);
  • the ability to quickly and tasty cook and feed, etc.

But keep the measure and distance. If you are ready to make concessions and change yourself in some way, this should not mean that you are ready to sacrifice everything and completely dissolve in it. This can lead to the diametrically opposite: he will become interested in you because you will cease to be a person. And it’s best to demonstrate culinary talents when your beloved man has brought all the necessary products from the market (although it would be even better to go to the market together or to the market together and discuss the menu for a romantic dinner).

Jealousy, gifts, walks and much more

Jealousy is a separate conversation. There are no unjealous people. Many are jealous even of the past. So, to prove your love, don't ask him about his exes. And don’t share such memories with him, even if he starts questioning you. Remaining silent is the wrong option: they will begin to suspect that you have a rich past, about which it is better to remain silent. It’s not worth telling.

A man will always find a reason to draw the wrong conclusion. The best thing to do is look into his eyes and say: “Darling, since I met you, I live only for you. There are simply no others, and there never were.” But sometimes show him that you are jealous. No scenes, screams or other special effects. Just hint. He will be pleased.

If without words, sometimes give him gifts, just like that. Why wait for a reason like New Year or birthday to prove your love. A lighter, an interesting T-shirt, cozy slippers, a fascinating detective story by your favorite author - it would seem like a trifle, but he’s pleased. And he will probably not only think how much you love him, but will also rush to give you a return gift. By the way, do not be led by stereotypes - they say that gifts are the prerogative of men, and he must pay everywhere too. Buy two tickets for an evening screening, watch a movie about love together, and then walk under the light of the street lights, holding hands.

What is better not to do

1. Don't repeat endlessly how much you love him. Frequent repetition devalues ​​the feeling itself.

2. Go to the market to buy food for dinner together. For shoes, a blouse and especially panties, go on your own or with a friend.

3. Don't give too expensive gifts. Point one: you'll be spoiled. The second point: he cannot always answer adequately - and then the situation will turn out to be awkward.

4. Don't get a tattoo of his name. First: are you sure that this love is for life? Otherwise, you will need to either remove the tattoo or make sure that all the next guys are Seryozha.

And whatever you do, whatever you say and give, don’t pretend. Be yourself.

It seems that you have gone through everything - words, actions, gifts... If you have chosen for yourself what suits you, do not stop at just one method. Come up with something else of your own. Life is like that, it loves variety in everything. And finally: if the guy himself pushed you into the idea of ​​“how to prove to a guy that I love him” in one way or another, take a closer look at him. If you are satisfied with such love - with evidence - be prepared that each time you will need to make greater and greater efforts to please his vanity. Maybe it’s better to turn your energies to something else, more useful?..

You want to know:

“How to prove to a guy that you love him?” By actions? In words? By SMS? By correspondence at a distance?

Read and choose what suits you...

Stop nervously tearing leaves out of notebooks! Stop tormenting the player! What does this have to do with these poor objects? Calm down so that we can think together about how to solve your “unsolvable” problem. How can you prove to my boyfriend that you love him very much, your Love?

If you’ve calmed down, we can start! Let's start with the essence of your problem... Does your boyfriend doubt that you love him? Do you want to prove to him all your feelings?

The girls who are “affected” by your problem will now try to help you:

  • Kira Livanova:

Make a tattoo with his name. I remembered one story (admittedly an unpleasant one) and decided to “write” it in as advice. I was seventeen years old. I met a guy. Fell in love with him. Some time after we started dating, I saw a tattoo on his hand (on his finger). Tattoo with the name "Anya". How jealous and freaked out I was at that moment! He tried to explain everything. He said that he wanted to prove his love to her. I understood that this was in the distant past, but I continued to be jealous. Then he decided to prove his love to me too! He didn't get a tattoo with my name. He “drew” that girl’s name from his finger! I was flattered and surprised, but the pity in me did not subside. After all, he “brought it out” not in the salon, but on his own, “live”! I already knew. That he loved me very much.

  • Olya Pleshkovskaya:

Talk to him about love very often. Write about love. Whisper about love. Shout for love! The important thing is that he hears you, so that he believes in the sincerity of your words. It's very easy: keep a sincere tone! This is impossible not to believe.

  • Rita Stashevskaya:

More often you need to give gifts to your loved one. Although not expensive, although not big, but more often. As often as possible! Break the stereotypes that only a guy should do this. Stereotypes have no place in your life!

  • Sonya Kotova:

Don't rush him into marriage, for example, if he is not very ready for it. The proof is the ability to wait (for his sake). This skill has always been valued. And it was not little appreciated, by the way!

  • Lisa Kunina:

And love doesn’t need to be proven! Every person will feel it. Well, if a guy demands reciprocity, he definitely doesn’t love you! As one of my wonderful friends said: “theorems require proof! Love - no! Love it! This is more correct advice, it seems to me.

  • Yulia Erokhina:

Perform some heroic deed! One in which unusualness and originality will “shine through.”

  • Rosa Klevets:

Love is the best proof of love! Exactly. Love so that your young man really feels and feels every grain and every particle of your feeling!

  • Sveta Milanova:

Don’t ignore his requests, don’t provoke him to quarrel and jealousy, pamper him, don’t get angry at habits that are not very pleasant to you. Look! He will definitely understand that you love... He will understand your love anyway, without any proof. But such proof only strengthens her understanding.

  • Natasha Rogova:

Wear his shirts at home, drink from his cup. Men are sensitive to something like this. Such “tremor” is proof of your love.

  • Nastya Zenovitskaya:

You need to take care of the guy, and not get angry at his requests. The warmth of care is an excellent proof of love! One of my ex-boyfriends said roughly the same thing. I agreed with his words!

  • Marina Krasovskaya:

Respect, understanding, all kinds of love confessions…. Is the evidence clear? No need to “disassemble” in detail? Advice: you need to act! Take action!

  • Olya Egorova:

“It’s better to remain silent once again.” That's what my dad used to say! And in his words there is a sea of ​​truth that you can’t argue with.

  • Tanya Pilyutik:

You don't love him! Because true love does not require, does not assume or ask for any proof. You just need to love. A guy will understand the strength of feelings already (even) by the shine of his eyes!

  • Lilya Menshikova:

Is it necessary to prove love when it exists? The person himself will understand that they love him! All that is needed from you is to love! Strong, gentle, frank and passionate.

  • Olya Baranovskaya:

How to prove to a guy that you really love him? - Remember the movie... It's called "Mind Games". There was such a scene... John asks, that is, he demands evidence and facts. And to this the girl asked: “What is the size of the entire Universe?” John answered: “Infinite.” “How do you know about this?” - asked the girl. The answer was more than original, but very simple: “I believe in it!” The girl was not at a loss and said directly that with love things are exactly the same.

  • Lera Levonevskaya:

Unfortunately, the advice is over. I'm glad that this happened on a tasty note. By the way, about delicious... Prepare your husband (boyfriend) various delicious dishes! All men love to eat. And there are no exceptions. Your loved one will appreciate and love you even more! Delicious food (cooking it) is one of the most wonderful “sensory” proofs. If you don't know how to cook, it's time to learn! This skill will always come in handy. Prepare simpler dishes if you don’t have enough time to prepare dishes with sophistication, so to speak. Let your boyfriend see your passion for cooking! It is better not to “leave out” this important detail from the evidence!

How else can you prove to a guy that you love him very much?

Continuation. . .

Write to the guy that you love him. -

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