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How to fulfill any desire? Wish fulfillment spell. Powerful Wish Spell

How to fulfill your desire? Nothing in life just happens. Everything that happens to you is the result of your thoughts and desires.

No matter how far I am in terms of education and way of thinking from sales (doctors are not taught this at the medical school), I still ended up in one of the network companies. But now this is not about that, but about the fact that thanks to my acquaintance with network marketing, I was lucky to learn a lot of new things: new people, new methods, knowledge, trainings, books, rituals.

After several months of unsuccessful attempts to build my own business, my mentor, who has achieved significant heights in this business, shared with me one secret method for fulfilling desires.

It was to:

In the evening, about 1 hour before bedtime (at the most favorable time of day for our subconscious), write down your desire in a secret notebook in a certain way.

How to fulfill your desire? Technique

1. You need to concentrate and focus on your desire.

2. After you have focused, you need to write your desire on a blank piece of paper with your left hand in this form: I want, ... (desire), I can ... (desire), I have (desire). Substitute your own words in the phrase, depending on your desire.

3. You need to write down the desire every day - preferably several times (I wrote a lot). This is where the technique lies.

As you can see, it is very simple, the main thing is to make daily efforts. Now you know how to fulfill your desire, and I will tell you how I fulfilled mine.

What wishes have I fulfilled?

At that moment, big sales were not the goal for me. I then huddled in a hostel from a medical institute, so the most important desire for me² was my own apartment. Our family is not rich, my parents lived and live in another city, they thought about buying at least a "dormitory".

But I still have a sister, and for some reason, I firmly decided to ask the higher powers for a two-room apartment. Regularly, according to the algorithm, I mentally asked, spoke and wrote with my left hand (like a chicken paw) that I want to have a 2-room apartment, I can have a 2-room apartment, I have a 2-room apartment.

And what do you think?

Suddenly, the circumstances around me began to change: a new highly paid project began at work, a part-time job appeared with the translation of a foreign management, for which I received an simply unheard-of fee, 10 times higher than my usual earnings.

And all this happened during the global financial crisis in 2008-2009!

About 3 months later, my dream came true - we were able to buy, if not new, but a 2-room apartment!

Also in my life there was another situation when I again remembered how to fulfill my desire. I really wanted to be with my beloved man, who at the time of our acquaintance was not free. And you know, we've been together for 2 years already!

Now you have a powerful weapon in your hands. Using the knowledge of how to fulfill your desire, you can make and get whatever you want, as long as your desire is really strong.

And one more thing: be afraid of your desires, because they come true²!

What determines the duration of the wish? How to fulfill a wish quickly? Find out the secret!

In this article, you will find valuable tips that can complement the ones you are already using. Thus, you can fulfill your desire much faster.

What determines the speed of fulfillment of desires?

The answer to this question is simple and obvious - first of all, the term for the fulfillment of a desire depends on our faith¹. And although it cannot be seen and felt, the power of faith is able to make each of us powerful and fearless.

Then another important question arises: “If faith is such a serious factor in the realization of our goals, are there ways to increase it?” Are there ways to make a wish come true faster? Yes, there are ways!

How to make wishes come true faster?

Method 1 - collective intelligence

Suppose you have like-minded people in pursuit of a dream, or you are working in a team on a large-scale project, then the best way to increase faith is to spend more time in communication with such people. Joint planning, action and presentation of the final result will feed your faith day by day.

If several people think about how to fulfill a desire, then it will come true very quickly.

You need to choose the most optimistic colleagues for communication. Charge them with positive energy.

Stay as close to them as possible: have lunch together, return from work together, do not miss the opportunity to exchange a couple of phrases at an opportunity. Collective intelligence² works wonders, and excitement and inspiration will turn faith into knowledge.

Method 2 - moving mountains alone

Another way to fulfill a wish quickly for those who have chosen their own unique path and work on their desire alone is as follows.

Remember your previous victories, achievements and desires that have already been fulfilled. Savor these memories.

Re-live them every day, resurrect the emotions, feelings that you experienced when you got what you wanted.

Remember how happy you were. Draw an analogy: "It worked then - it will work now." Transfer the confidence of success from the goal you have already achieved to a new desire. In a word, use the "copy-paste" function.

How to fulfill a wish - from my own experience ...

While studying at the institute, I skipped almost the entire second semester of the first year, but successfully passed the session. I also managed, along with fellow students, to take advantage of all the benefits of a student scholarship.

I liked this way of learning, and I decided to practice it further. The situation before the beginning of the session became hotter and hotter every year.

Sometimes I panicked and felt fear³ (considering the fact that in many subjects I was not allowed to take tests or exams due to absenteeism), but every time I pulled myself together, recalled all the curiosities of previous sessions and the feeling of relief after passing.

The most important ingredient!

It was the memory of a positive experience and the happiness that everything worked out that pulled me out like a Munchausen pigtail. I always thought: “It worked then, it works now.”

The example may not be entirely successful, but it clearly demonstrates the work of strengthening faith. Whenever your faith falters, when you don't know how to fulfill a wish, go back to your memories and relive them. These memories will nourish faith as rain nourishes the earth.

Method 3 - wait for your parcel!

And another way that I often use: just imagine that your wish fulfilled is in a package that the Universe has already sent to you. It remains only to wait for its receipt.

With this approach, your faith will turn into an inner conviction. And one more thing: if possible, protect yourself from communicating with skeptics - they do not even believe in themselves, so you should not give them your energy and faith. Leave it to yourself for the realization of your plan. Successes and inexhaustible faith!!!

Nina Galkina

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Collective intelligence or collective intelligence - a term that appeared in the mid-1980s in sociology when studying the process of collective decision making (

No matter how much we all want a lot and at once, the laws of the Universe are such that each action requires a certain limit of the energy expended on it. That is why we can quickly and efficiently realize a limited number of desires. Let's talk about how to fulfill your wish as quickly as possible and with minimum errors.

What is needed for this: energy

2. clearly defined desires and understanding of what is most important for us at every single moment

Many different practices are suitable for accumulating energy - these are qigong, and reiki, and the eye of rebirth (I practice the eye), and feng shui, and all kinds of female practices. It is necessary to pump up energy regularly. It is useful both for physical health and for a prosperous and successful existence on planet Earth.

Now the priorities. Surely you have a list or at least a rough idea of ​​what you really want. Sketch your desires right now in random order, as you remember. And then rate them in order of importance for you at this very moment, right now (that is, if, for example, it is equally important for you to have a soul mate and 100 thousand hryvnias, but you have the last hundred rubles before your salary, then your second desire will still be a priority for you).

Now, below, write down the two wishes that took gold and silver from you. They need to be dealt with first.

The study of desires begins with the most important thing - high-quality competent formulation.

So, the desire should be short, capacious, positive and include the result already received (albeit for the time being and in the future).

When you are full of energy and have clearly defined for yourself and for the Universe what you really want, AND ONLY THEN you can carry out all kinds of rituals and practices in order to speed up the fulfillment of your desire. Practice examples:


Psychologists and coaches recommend that you first identify your true desires. "What do you want?" - a specialist in happiness will definitely ask you for a consultation. And then during the consultation several times he will ask clarifying questions in different formulations, the purpose of which is to find out whether you really want this. Because there are true desires, and there are those that are dictated by society. It is sad when more attention is paid to “social” desires. Because they, even if they come true, happiness, alas, do not add. The feeling of happiness brings only the fulfillment of true desires. And how to distinguish one from the other? How to distinguish desires inspired by fashion and advertising, parental “covenants” and advice from friends, from true ones? How to weed out imaginary desires, the achievement of which real life energy is spent?

It's good when imaginary desires are eliminated by themselves. They just don't come true. And here it is important to realize that they didn’t really want to, and not to bathe about their lack of implementation. Five years ago, when I became interested in coaching and the topic of wish fulfillment, I made a list of 100 “What I want” items - exactly what the instructions for the exercise required. It turned out that it is not so easy to pick up as many as 100 desires in the mind. Therefore, the list included desires from all spheres of life, global and very insignificant. A year later, I re-read the list and noticed that from the long list such desires as:

1. I want a car

2. I want a driver's license

3. I want to go to the gym regularly

4. I want long nails

I began to check if these are my desires? I mentally tried on each desire for myself, asking what I feel at this moment on an emotional and physical level? Warm or not warm the soul? Am I comfortable? And what do you want? My or not my desires? No, not mine ... This is just the case when desires are imposed by society.

Friends got their nails done. Nice. But girlfriends do not conduct art therapy classes with children; clay and plasticine do not clog under their nails. No, what I really want is short-cut nails because I feel more comfortable that way.

Gym? Well, it's kind of like for the figure, for health. I want a figure, but I don’t want to go to the gym. Exercise machines, dumbbells, the smell of sweat in the gym - no, it does not warm. Three sets of ten reps is boring. What do I want? I want to dance. Oriental! Beautiful music, seductive movements, jingling coins on a loincloth. Here is mine. Want.

Automobile. Presented. Straightaway. Inspection. Refueling. Tire fitting. The body tensed, as if it wanted to run away. I can't imagine driving myself. Hands on the wheel - I can't imagine. It appears - next to the chair. Take a nap, listen to music, look at the road. Want. I want to drive a car, but not at the wheel, but in the passenger seat. So, let me always have someone who wants a ride and the opportunity to take a taxi.

But my friend really wanted to drive her own car. But - alas and ah - she complained that for six months, for various reasons, she could not buy. I ask a friend: “What kind of car do you want?” "Oka" It seemed strange to me that a twenty-two-year-old blonde with false eyelashes dreams of "Oka". "Do you really want 'Oku?' She thought about it, and then, with the intonation of a justifying person, she began to explain that the Oka is inexpensive, small-sized, that her mother has been driving the Oka for a long time and is very pleased that it is convenient to park and you are. “So do you want a small car, or is it Oka?” - I am very boring and corrosive. And then a friend breaks through: “Yes, of course, I would prefer a different car! Even when I sit down in the Oka salon, I somehow feel uncomfortable, but in terms of finances, I only pull on the Oka! "Think about what kind of car you really want" The friend thought very carefully.

She chose a small apple green Deushka for herself and placed her photo as a screensaver on the monitor's desktop. Then everything is like in a fairy tale. Mom agreed to take out a loan. (The acquaintance herself at that time was on probation without official employment). Her young man promised that he would financially help pay off a loan for a car. From the job, where at that time she worked for a month and a half, she was sent for advanced training with subsequent official employment and salary increase. And in the end, an acquaintance of acquaintances put up for sale his wife's car - an almost new green "Deushka". In general, a month after our conversation, an acquaintance drove me around in her car, calling me a sorceress. No magic. Just well-formed intentions, coinciding with true desires, and simple actions. A friend easily agreed with my arguments that she did the magic herself, but she repeatedly sent people to me for a consultation for a “dream come true”.

Another way to return to yourself and your true desires is to remember your childhood dreams. Indeed, in childhood we are more real, we have not yet incorporated a huge number of instructions from others about how everything should be.

One woman at the consultation recalled how, as a child, she saw a girl playing the flute. The magical sound made an indelible impression. And then she really wanted to play the flute herself. She shared her wish with her parents. But loving parents said: “Katya, you do ballet. You won't have time to learn to play the flute. Giving up ballet after so many years is unwise." Unreasonable. And obedient Katenka "forgot" about the flute... In the life of a lonely thirty-year-old woman, Ekaterina, there was nothing else but a prestigious, but unloved work that occupied all her time. Why did Katya not leave this job? Because it’s unreasonable to leave such a good place… When Katya remembered her childhood dream, she bought herself a flute and just started blowing it… Then she decided to take flute lessons… Playing the flute brought her to a completely new resourceful state. I wanted to live, create, love. Katya decided to go to study another specialty - albeit “unreasonably”, but she really wants to ... And then there was a new interesting job, new friends, new discoveries and hobbies ... Remember your childhood dreams. Maybe it's time to implement some of them? Take a step towards yourself.

To dream correctly, you need to turn off your mind as much as possible and listen to your heart. The mind will come in handy later, to develop a strategy for getting what you want, but at the initial stage it is not needed. And then he will grumble: “This is unreasonable, this is unrealistic, this will never be achieved.” Or like this: “Look at you! At your age!" - the mind tends to become clogged with other people's phrases.

Choose a time when no one will disturb you. You can turn on quiet music (only without words, so as not to be distracted by the semantic content of the songs), lie down, relax. You can lie in a bubble bath. Or whatever else your imagination and your body will tell you. Especially the body. It is necessary to catch the feeling that you are the very best (the very best) and deserve all the best. Focus on your body sensations and your breathing. Breathing should be coherent, a smooth inhalation turns into a smooth exhalation. Inhale-exhale. Inhale: “what am I…” Exhale: “…really want” Inhale: “what am I…” Exhale: “…really want” And then catch the images and enjoy. It is important that this is at the level of sensations, not thoughts. Not “would like to go to the sea”, namely the feeling of warmth, the sun, the taste of salt water on the lips ... Pleasant meditation. An important first step in working with your desires.

Second phase. Right after, before anything is forgotten. Write down on paper all your “I want”. And let it be not a standard A4 sheet and not a sheet from a school notebook. You can use a roll of old wallpaper, whatman paper, a narrow long strip of fastened notebook sheets. Write in spirals, scatter, block letters, bright markers, or pastels. You can even draw something. Why such difficulties? This wish list should not be like a to-do list or grocery shopping list. It is important to get around your rationalism and familiar boundaries. Enjoy the process.

Only after that proceed to the third stage - the traditional list. Only already not desires, but specific goals. For a wish to come true, it must be turned into a goal. specific and measurable. Otherwise, how will you understand that it has come true? And how do you know what needs to be done?

Abstract wishes do not come true. Simply because the criteria are not clear. And if there are no clearly defined criteria, then it may constantly seem that everything is not right and wrong ...

When women in consultations tell me that they want to be loved, I ask: “And by what signs will you understand that you are loved? Under what conditions do you feel loved? When they say that they want a harmonious relationship with my husband, I ask: “What does “harmonious relationship” mean to you? By what external signs will you understand that the relationship has become harmonious? By the way, when untwisting the phrase “harmonious relationship”, which women talk about so much in consultations, completely opposite criteria are obtained. For a harmonious relationship, one needs the opportunity to have her own personal space, her hobbies, even if her husband does not share them, and the opportunity to spend a day off with her friends. And the other for harmonious relations is necessary that "everything is always together and think the same way." (Oh, it would be nice if the spouses discussed the criteria for harmonious relationships even before the wedding, otherwise the illusion is initially created that both want the same thing - harmony, but harmony is understood as completely different models of building relationships ...)

“I want a big salary” - formulate in numbers, please. The big one is how much for you? Otherwise, there can always be a person who receives more, and without the figures clearly stated earlier, it will begin to seem that your salary is again not big ...

"I want to rejoice in the success of children" So rejoice. What is preventing you from starting to notice successes and rejoice now? “I want to specifically rejoice at the gold medal of my son” - but this is already an invasion of the son’s desire or unwillingness. You can't wish for someone else.

When you have a list of specific, measurable, personal goals for you, review it often. The subconscious will begin to build an implementation plan. Don't miss his tips. And act. It is a big delusion to think that in order to fulfill your desires, it is enough to make yourself a dream collage and read positive affirmations daily, sending information to the Universe. If this strengthens your faith in success, then, of course, make a collage, read affirmations. But in terms of effectiveness, this will not replace daily targeted actions. A diary in which you cross off completed tasks will lead you to achieving your goals faster than a collage with affirmations. Dreams come true, for those who purposefully "come true"

Wish Fulfillment Ritual- this is a very popular ritual, many have known it since childhood, like a wish on a leaf. For it, you only need two things: a pen and a piece of paper. However, there are still some nuances that will mainly affect the positive result. In this article, you will learn the rules and techniques with which you can make a real magical tool for fulfilling desires and perform the corresponding ritual.

Before preparing a sheet for writing, you need to decide what wording will lead you to what you want. So...

How to write your wish?

There are several rules that must be observed in the letter so that the fulfillment of desires will certainly happen.

  • Firstly, wish on the sheet must be written in the present tense(I have, I have, etc.), as if your wish has already been fulfilled.
  • Secondly, do not use the word "want / wish"(it will not budge you, and you will want, but not have).
  • Third, do not write a part "not"(better write what you want, for example, not to be lonely - not right, I have a boyfriend - right).
  • Fourth, do not tie your desire to a date. If your desire is fulfilled, then it will happen at the most suitable time for you.
  • Fifth, your desire must be environmentally friendly, those. do not harm you and other people (do not wish anything against the will of other people). It is best to add the following phrase at the end: "All this will come to pass, as well as possible for me and for the world."
  • And sixthly, write exactly what you want get. At the same time, the emphasis is not on the external, but on the internal content. For example:

I have a boyfriend. He is caring, faithful, kind, generous, positive, sympathetic, reliable... We have mutual love and sexual compatibility, common interests: we lead a healthy lifestyle and we like it; he, like me, loves everything mystical (especially read articles on magic on the "Magician" portal. :) We have a happy life together, mutual understanding, respect and trust. We live in prosperity and have good relations with our relatives and relatives. We live together: we have our own comfortable and cozy accommodation...
All this will be fulfilled, as safely as possible for me and for the world.

Take note of these rules and get ready for the ritual at home. This ritual is not recommended to be done in the presence of other people or pets, so that they do not destroy your circle of power by simply passing by you.

Wish Fulfillment Ritual

Materials: A new pen (don't use this pen for anything other than writing what you want to get) and a clean sheet of paper (best is a standard A4 white paper).

The course of the ritual

1 Retire to your room or find a time and place where you won't be disturbed. Tune in to the ritual, sit for a few minutes in a state of inner silence.

2 If required, clean the place where you will perform the ritual. For an energetic cleansing, mentally look at the room: are there any dark clots there? If you find them, then see how they scatter. It will also be useful if you clap your hands in these places - this action will dissipate unwanted energy. It is easier and better to work in a clean place, so do not skip this step of the ritual.

3 Prepare in advance a piece of paper and a pen (so that they lie next to you) and put a magic circle of personal power.

4 Before use the leaf and pen should be cleaned. Take a pen and look at it mentally (or run your hand over its field, see more about how to work with energy): is everything in order with it, are there any dark clots or irregularities in the field? Where you feel something negative, click your fingers three times and that energy will dissipate. Do the same with a piece of paper.

5 now fill the pen and leaf with your power (sanctification of personal energy). To do this, disperse the energy in the second chakra: concentrate your attention on the point that is under the navel (3-4 cm lower), feel this place, imagine that there is a small energy ball. Mentally accelerate this ball until it becomes denser and larger (20 centimeters in diameter). After that, lift it up along the spine and leave it at the level of the 4th chakra (Heart). Release it into your palm. Feel it in your hands (you may feel a slight pressure or tingle) and put it in your pen. Do the same for the piece of paper you will be writing on.

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