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How to get rid of insects in your home using spells. Ritual with church candles. Spell for a purse mouse

Everything about religion and faith - “prayer against insects in the house” with detailed descriptions and photographs.


Thy martyr, Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God: having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with your prayers.

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple (created for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or If mental or physical illness begins to be invoked by your holy name, he will be delivered from every pretext of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

A spell to get rid of cockroaches

Cockroaches are incredibly resilient creatures. They lived on earth long before man appeared on it, and scientists are sure that they will live after.

The strength, endurance and adaptability of cockroaches to new conditions will protect them even from the consequences of a nuclear disaster.

Of course, such drastic remedies against cockroaches should not be used, but rarely does anyone like being in the vicinity of these mustachioed insects. They can be poisoned, exterminating the “enemy” in dozens and hundreds - but cockroaches have the habit of returning again and again to places where they are not at all welcome - in this matter they are very conservative.

If the usual methods, such as dichlorvos or Mashenka chalk, do not help, try resorting to folk magic.

A conspiracy against cockroaches will help you get rid of annoying and unwanted “tenants”.

Terms and conditions of the conspiracy

It is also worth remembering that all rituals to expel cockroaches and other pests from the house can be carried out with benefit only during the waning moon.

What spells will help against cockroaches?

To get rid of unpleasant neighbors, be it cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas or ants, close all water taps and wipe dry all surfaces in the house. Your job is to remove all the liquid that insects can get to. After sunset, open the windows and doors and read the words of the conspiracy.

If you are not afraid of cockroaches, catch one and put it in a small container - the main thing is that it is securely locked to prevent escape. After reading the words of the conspiracy, the container with the cockroach should be thrown into the river. By changing the words and wording of the plot, the container can, accordingly, be burned or buried in the ground (the deeper, the better).

You can also, by closing all access to water, put a saucer with liquid in the sink in the evening - and in the morning, wash all the gathered cockroaches down the drain, reading the words of the conspiracy.

Even if the plot doesn't work, you will at least reduce the insect population in your home.

The ritual can be repeated an unlimited number of times. It is possible, if, of course, the cockroach does not cause you the greatest feeling of disgust, to ritually kill the cockroach - not just beat it with a slipper, but destroy it: slowly and painfully, leaving the dying insect in a visible place, and also without removing the corpse for five lunar days .

But it is best to poison cockroaches using a good product and keep the house clean - to definitely discourage cockroaches from returning.

You need to be careful with the product - buy only certified drugs whose safety for people has been documented, based on clinical trials.

If you have animals, ask for a safety certificate for your pet product - many substances that are not dangerous to humans are deadly poisonous to our pets!

Useful spells:

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Spells and prayers for bedbugs

Sometimes it happens that pests in the house, such as bedbugs, cockroaches and other “unpleasant guests,” have become so established and adapted to all kinds of poisons and means of control that it is not possible to get rid of them using traditional means. Therefore, in such cases, people turn specifically to unconventional practices, using all kinds of conspiracies against bedbugs and prayers for bedbugs.

It is believed that such methods have their own power, and the power of the word and God's Will helps to cleanse the house of uninvited guests.

Why you should pray

Conspiracies against bed bugs have come to us from past times, they have been carefully passed down from generation to generation. Even now, during technological progress, people resort to the help of magical forces, the Holy Spirit, asking them for help in pressing matters.

Prayers for bedbugs in an apartment call on God to help get rid of insects at home, because they have always been associated with retribution, punishment for sins, deeds that can only be redeemed by prayerfully turning to the Lord.

Below are prayers to help clear your home of insects. They should be read at dawn with a lit church candle, facing the East:

No. 1. Prayer for bedbugs and cockroaches. It allows you to drive out not only bedbugs from the house, but also helps against cockroaches and fleas.

“Bedbug, mokkovitsa, jumping flea, biting creature, get away from the house of the servant of God (name), from her bed. Leave quickly, run far, away from corners, ceilings, walls and bedrooms. I burn it out with fire and wash away the ashes with water. I pour the water over the threshold, I see you off, the bug, and I never welcome you again. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Amen".

No. 2. Prayer against bedbugs in the apartment.

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Amen"

Prayer from bugs to Saint Tryphon.

“I conjure you, many-species animals, worms, caterpillars, beetles and pruses, mice, sciatica and crits, and various kinds of flies and midges, and moths, and mites, and gadflies, and wasps, and millipedes, and various kinds of animals crawling on the earth , and flying birds, harm and vanity to the fields, vineyards, orchards and helipads that suck, by the primordial God the Father, his co-originating and consubstantial Son, and his most holy Spirit, the Father and the Son, consubstantial and life-giving. I conjure you to the humanization of the only begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and according to his life on earth with man, his saving passion, his life-giving death, and his three-day resurrection, and ascension into heaven, with all his divine saving vision. I conjure you with the saints of many ranks, cherubim, winged seraphim, hovering around the throne and calling - holy, holy, holy. ".

Which saints to pray to

  1. It is believed that the Great Martyr Tryphon was endowed with the power to expel demons, evil spirits and other pests. Often people turn to him for help in cleaning the house from unwanted insects.
  2. It would be useful to pray in the name of the Holy Trinity, which truly has the power of healing, as well as deliverance from illnesses, misfortunes, and failures.
  3. Often, a word of prayer is addressed to the protector, the holy martyr Charalampios or Niphon, Bishop of Cyprus, the venerable one, to exorcise evil spirits in the form of insects at home.

“O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple (created for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or If mental or physical illness begins to be invoked by your holy name, he will be delivered from every pretext of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

“Let us approach the passion-bearer Charalampius and worship his image, crying out from the heart: Martyr Charalampius and father, from every situation and all our troubles, servant, deliver us who are in your church. Amen".

“Holy, reverend fathers Niphonte of Cyprus, Marufe of Mesopotamia and Lawrence of Turov! Pray with me and for me, the servant of God (name), beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear me asking for His goodness, and not leave me with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and the Christian end of my life will be painless, shameless, May I partake of peace and the Divine Mysteries, and through the grace of God and your warm intercession, always remain in good health in soul and body, I glorify the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

The difference between prayer and conspiracy

In prayer, we turn to the Lord or Saints for help in business and troubles; conspiracies against bedbugs have power, but not endowed with God’s will. Conspiracies against bedbugs in the house are endowed with magical powers; they are not related to religion, although they may contain appeals to the Saints.

As a rule, the power of a conspiracy comes from the world of spirits and magic, and is often used by healers and sorcerers.

What to say about insects

Often people, exhausted by an invasion of insects at home, wonder how to get rid of cockroaches and bedbugs forever, and use all sorts of conspiracies and rituals. The question also arises whether there is a conspiracy against bedbugs.

Strong spells against bedbugs require certain circumstances; they are often carried out in a certain phase of the lunar cycle, at a certain time of day. Often, their implementation requires certain preparation from a person, including moral.

Below are strong conspiracies against bedbugs, including Stepanova’s strongest conspiracy:

“Bedbug Klopovich, here’s some bread and salt for you, go live in the field. There you can wait for your brothers, and I won’t see any bedbugs. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then, at dawn, take the boxes to a deserted place: to a vacant lot, to a field;

  • Spells against bedbugs to prevent them from biting. Before going to bed, repeat three times:

    “You bugs, bugs, don’t bite me. Your teeth are made of burdock, but my body is made of cream. Bedbugs, you bugs. My bugs will go to distant rafts. You leave home and never return. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen";

    Any conspiracy against bedbugs in an apartment can be combined with reading a prayer and repeated daily. It is best to pray in church in front of the icon of the Saint to whom the rite is addressed. It is advisable to light a candle and read the Our Father before the main prayer. But, if you can’t visit church, you can turn to the Saints at home. You should pray in a quiet environment alone with yourself, distract yourself from worldly affairs, and clear your mind. Focus and faith will allow prayer to be heard, as will a plea from the heart with repentance.

    Conspiracies and prayers in the fight against bedbugs

    Bedbugs have always been a nuisance to humans. They got rid of them in a variety of ways. Some could afford to bathe in perfumed water, while others prepared herbal infusions. Sometimes the fight against bedbugs was so futile that people asked for help from spirits and otherworldly forces, reading prayers and conspiracies.

    It is still believed that words spoken under certain circumstances have magical powers.

    Conspiracies against bedbugs

    Even in the modern progressive world, Russian conspiracies are actively used. They are good because they do not require any special skills or knowledge. Conspiracies are a kind of verbal formula that traces a call for help addressed to the forces of nature and the elements.

    Reading some of them is accompanied by mandatory actions and is subject to rules. If they are violated, then it makes no sense to criticize the powerlessness of conspiracies. Here are a few rules that will help get rid of bedbugs:

    • Rituals are carried out mainly in the morning, when the sun has fully appeared. It is under this condition that you can count on the help of supernatural forces.
    • It is important that the words of the conspiracy are read on an empty stomach.
    • It is better to choose the period of the waning moon for reading, although many deny the influence of the lunar cycle on the power of the ritual.
    • You should definitely take a swim or go to the bathhouse after the ritual, as well as clean up and sprinkle all the corners in the house with sacred water.
    Some rituals require a live house bug. Following the ritual, you need to catch an insect in the house, fasten a long thread around it and go with the bug to the longest road near your house. A prerequisite is that the road must be straight. While the bug is hanging on a thread, magic words are said.

    Both men and women can read conspiracies. But this must be a person without bad habits - a non-drinker and a non-smoker. During the ceremony, jokes, fun and laughter are unacceptable. Under no circumstances should the words of the spell be swapped or omitted. Various attributes enhance the effect of words - candles, water, threads, herbs.

    Conspiracies traditionally consist of an aside, a main part, and an anchoring part.

    The texts are usually a request to one or more bedbugs to leave the house. To set the course of events in motion, it is considered necessary to pronounce words confidently and without any doubt. Sometimes they are read in the future tense, as if what is desired has already happened.

    Conspiracies of a Siberian healer against bedbugs

    Many people trust the conspiracies of the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. Her books help people improve family relationships, meet a life partner, and get rid of illness.

    The plot against bedbugs is accompanied by the following ritual.

    1. You need to catch one bug and put it in a matchbox.
    2. They also put a pinch of salt and bread crumbs there.
    3. They read a conspiracy that calls on the bug to leave the house to live in the field and invite his relatives with him.

    “Bedbug Klopovich, here’s some bread and salt for you, go live in the field. There you can wait for your brothers, but I won’t see any bedbugs. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    The matchbox with insects must be taken and left in the field.

    For a detailed description of the large green grasshopper, read this interesting article.

    If you want to destroy bedbugs once and for all, follow the link for information on this topic.

    Prayer for bedbugs

    Many people mistakenly call conspiracy and prayer the same thing. In fact, this is the name of turning to spirits and God. In their narrative, the prayers are more like a humble request than a call for help.

    Reading the following prayer will require preliminary preparation. Pick tansy and bring it to the room where the bedbugs have settled. This plant was chosen for a reason. Insects cannot tolerate the smell of tansy due to their acute sense of smell. There should be no one in the room where you will read the prayer. Ask everyone to leave and repeat the Lord's Prayer three times. After this, say a prayer:

    “Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God, you in the field, you in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, make way and save from all evil.”

    After these words, tansy is laid out in places where bedbugs are believed to live. Usually this is the space under the bed, under the mattress, on the floor under furniture.

    One of the main conditions for the effectiveness of a conspiracy is unconditional faith in what you say. You can repeat the ritual several times, but if supernatural forces for some reason do not respond, you should not despair. There are many highly effective drugs that will help solve the problem.

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    Prayer for deliverance from mice and harmful insects. Martyr Tryphon


    Thy martyr, Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God: having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with your prayers.

    O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple (created for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or If mental or physical illness begins to be invoked by your holy name, he will be delivered from every pretext of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    Conspiracies and prayers to fight bedbugs

    When the tried and tested means do not help in solving the problem, a person begins to use his most powerful weapon - the word. It is believed that words spoken according to all the rules and at the right time have a powerful effect and provide quick help with the assistance of supernatural forces. We are talking about such ancient ways to achieve what you want, such as conspiracies and prayers against any misfortune, including insect attacks.

    This may seem surprising, but Russian spells and prayers against bedbugs are actively used even in the modern, progressive world, despite the fact that the roots of these rituals go back to distant pagan times.

    Magic or harsh necessity?

    Many historical sources and works of classical literature describe in detail how bedbugs plagued people, and they, in turn, fought the pests with all their might, and sometimes unsuccessfully.

    In such conditions, hardly anyone was surprised by the spread of magical spells and rituals, which were considered almost the last chance to get rid of the scourge. Conspiracies against bedbugs are simple, do not require any special magical skills and, according to legend, bring purely economic benefits - they get rid of insects and do not harm the residents of the house.

    A simple example of such a conspiracy used in the early 20th century:

    Fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches and all kinds of creatures,

    Here I come to you, guest:

    My body is like a bone;

    My blood is like tar;

    Eat the moss, not me!

    My word is strong. Key, lock.

    Amen, amen, amen.

    Many are mistaken in considering prayer and conspiracy to be one and the same. Yes, in both cases there are appeals to higher powers and accompanying words (“amen”, hallelujah, etc.), but there are still differences:

    • A conspiracy is a powerful verbal formula calling on the forces of nature and the elements for help - this is a demand, an absolute assertion of one’s will, with conviction in the final result.
    • Prayer is a humble request, an appeal to the forces of light, spirits and God, which involves the complete immersion of the person asking in the process (the so-called “presence of spirit”). The result of prayer is often equated to a miracle.

    Thus, the difference between a conspiracy and a prayer is precisely the meaning of the text, the attitude towards the result and the degree of its expectation. In addition, these rituals have their own rules of use, violation of which is not recommended, and in some cases prohibited.

    What is the difference between conspiracies and prayers: detailed explanation

    Rules for conducting rituals against bedbugs

    Conspiracies were (and are) used more often than prayers for bedbugs, but the procedure for carrying them out is similar, so we will dwell in more detail on conspiracies, examining their structure.

    Traditionally, a conspiracy contains three parts:

    • retreat (appeal to higher powers)
    • the main part
    • and bartack.

    But many spells against bedbugs are extremely simple and have several lines with a simple “plot”.

    The text is an appeal to the insect with a request to leave (or a description of this action in the present or future tense). The plot ends with the following phrase: “So be it!”, “Exactly!” and others. The fastening should be pronounced with maximum confidence in the successful outcome of the plan - it is believed that these words trigger the course of events.

    For example, when trying to get rid of bedbugs, a cat is brought into the house, and when the animal decides to leave, a spell is cast after it, according to which the bedbugs must leave the house after the cat. At the end, the same setting is pronounced: “So be it!”

    Despite the fact that conspiracies do not require special skills in practical magic, rules for using magical texts still exist:

    • If possible, the person-conspirator should be a non-drinker and non-smoker, and both a man and a woman can read the plot;
    • a conspiracy cannot be carried out just in case - only to solve a specific problem and with a clearly formed goal;
    • jokes, laughter and fun are excluded during the ritual; it is important to focus on resolving the issue;
    • The ritual should be performed early in the morning on an empty stomach;
    • In no case should you swap or skip the words of the text of the conspiracy - everything in it is interconnected;
    • When reading a conspiracy, it is very important to observe the rhythm and poetics of the text and not get confused.

    Sometimes various attributes may be needed to perform a ceremony - threads, floral incense, water, wax candles, etc. These magical items help enhance the effect of spoken words.

    In addition, the power of the conspiracy must be believed unconditionally.

    Let's take a closer look at what the power of conspiracy is.

    There are several points of view, but one cannot ignore the powerful power of the words themselves, which even proverbs speak about. The so-called placebo effect also works, when firm faith and conviction in a positive outcome helps a person (the same conspiracy with a different approach gives different results).

    It happens that the plot does not work. Why might this happen?

    The main reason for this is the attitude towards the ritual. A conspiracy is just help in directing strength and energy to solve a problem, which means it’s all about concentrating on the goal and absolute conviction in a positive result (it is important to follow the above rules). Only after fulfilling all the conditions can we say that the conspiracy did not help.

    Along with spells and prayers, there is another powerful tool used against insects - runes. Experts note that you need to work with runes very carefully so as not to start the exact opposite process.

    For example, there is a runic stav (formula) “Against unwanted living creatures in the house.” And protective runes against bedbugs, used incorrectly, can work the other way around - there will be even more insects.

    Popular conspiracies and prayers for bedbugs

    There are many collections of spells and prayers for bedbugs, so the scope for action is quite wide. The following are the most common texts of these rituals.

    You need to put the bug in a matchbox, crumble some bread into it, put a pinch of salt and say:

    Bedbug, here's a piece of salt and bread for you,

    Go and live in the field as you do.

    There and wait for your brothers in the wild,

    And I won’t see any more bedbugs!

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The boxes should be taken to the field and left.

    Or here’s another one from ancient conspiracies:

    You bugs, bugs, don't bite me. Your teeth are made of burdock, but my body is made of flint.

    Bedbugs, you bugs. My bugs will go to distant rafts. You leave home and never return. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen (repeat three times).

    Many collections publish conspiracies against bedbugs under the guise of prayers. This is explained by the similarity of the texts - in some cases, only a qualified linguist or specialist in occult sciences can determine the type of ritual.

    An example of a prayer that is clearly different from a conspiracy:

    “Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God, you are in the field, you are in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, make way and save from all evil. Amen".

    This prayer is read three times when fighting bedbugs, sometimes in combination with the Lord’s Prayer. Then, pre-prepared tansy grass is laid out in the habitats of bedbugs, and a spell is pronounced.

    An example of the similarity of rituals is seen in a conspiracy, in which there is no appeal to a specific person for help, but there are “attributes” of prayer.

    You need to take a broom made of bare twigs that is unsuitable for use in a bathhouse and knock on the threshold with it, saying:

    “Just as you can’t sweat it naked, bedbugs can’t mate and reproduce and breed in my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    From time immemorial, the image of a bug was considered no less cunning than that of the heroine of Russian fairy tales, the fox. Having tried all the means, people gave up in the fight against the invasion of bedbugs, ultimately deciding to outsmart the insect using spells and prayers.

    But you shouldn’t get carried away with conspiracies: if the ritual doesn’t work, you need to wait a while and then think about everything again and repeat it if necessary. It is important to remember that magic is not a toy. And friends, if it doesn’t work, try using modern highly effective chemicals. Perhaps they will have a greater effect.

    Useful video about bed bugs

    Many contemporaries are tired of their own pragmatism and the difficult surrounding reality; they gladly accept help from mystical sources.

    Wormwood has been used against insects for a long time. Many people remember that in the rural houses of their grandparents there was often this heavy herbaceous smell.

    Executioner is an effective bedbug repellent that destroys bed bug larvae and eggs.

    Powerful bedbug repellent Xulat Micro, odorless, 30 ml.

    Modern microencapsulated bedbug preparation Get, 100 ml.

    Your phone has been sent.

    We will definitely call you soon.

    How to get rid of bedbugs?

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    Tryphon's spell against harmful insects and animals

    The person performing this Tryphon spell should read only those animals that are causing harm to the area (field, garden...) at the moment, but the names of others are not supposed to be read. This is due to the fact that all animals and insects, including beneficial ones (bees, etc.), can die at once.

    I conjure you, many-species animals, worms, caterpillars, Khrushchev, and Pruzi, mice, schura and krititsa, and various kinds, flies, and moshits, and moths, and mravii, ovada and wasps, and polyscissors, and various kinds of crawling on the earth animals, and flying birds, causing harm and vanity to the fields, grapes, gardens and helipads, by God the Father without beginning, and by His beginningless and consubstantial Son, and by His Most Holy Spirit, consubstantial with the Father and the Son and with the Most Holy Life-Giving One.

    I conjure you by the incarnation of the only begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and by His living on earth with man, by His saving passion, and by His life-giving death, and by His three-day resurrection, and by His Ascension into heaven, and by all His Divine saving vision.

    I conjure you with the holy many-eyed Cherubim, the six-winged Seraphim, flying around the throne, and chanting Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts.

    I conjure you with the holy Angels, and with all the powers of heaven, and with thousands of thousands, who stand before the glory of the Lord with much fear, that you do not harm the grapes, nor the fields, nor the hills, nor the trees, nor the potions of the servant of God (the name of the owner of the land, the garden...), but go away On the wondrous mountains, on the barren trees, God has granted you daily food.

    I conjure you with the Honest Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, the true God and our Savior, through whom salvation and redemption were given to us, in His name the martyr saints died, so that you do not harm either the fields, or the vineyards, or any fruitful tree, or barren tree, or below. leaf of potions, but do not offend the surroundings of the border, and the place of the servant of God (the name of the owner of the land, vegetable garden...), but quickly leave this place, disappear and perish, diminish, and wake up from hour to hour in obscurity, seeking and perishing from the places and the border of the slaves God, faithfully calling on the name of the true one God in the Trinity of the Holy Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, blessedly existing, now and ever, and to the endless ages of ages. Amen.

    Prayer spell against mice and insects

    More than 10 years ago, the Great Breviary of Metropolitan Peter Mogila was published. There was no end to our joy. And in this Sick Breviary we find a prayer of unusual content, which is attributed to the holy martyr Tryphon. This is a very interesting prayer, an incantatory prayer against all kinds of pests. I can quote: “I conjure you with many types of animals, worms, caterpillars, Khrushchev, pruzi, mice, schurs, crits, various kinds of flies and moshits...” and so on. But most importantly, ? than he conjures them. He addresses them, excuse me, as people. It’s as if they were created in the image and likeness of God, as if they have a mind and can say to themselves: “Really, what are we doing, huh? Grinding these leaves? It’s a shame, after all, people planted...” As if do they have a will? So they turn to them and conjure them “by the saving life-giving death of Christ, by His three-day resurrection and ascension into Heaven and by all His divine saving vision...” They conjure: “By the Honest Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, the true God and our Savior, through Him was salvation given deliverance for us”, etc. And then they are frightened: “and if you do not listen to me, pray to the imam of the Lord, who loves mankind, to send his angel, who will bind you with iron and lead and kill you over the beasts.” Here. “Beyond oaths and prayers, Tryphon was rejected by the less humble one.” But, if the angels do not help, then “even the birds sent by my prayer may devour you.” And this was published in the official breviary, naturally, we all use this breviary in practice, but pay attention to the theological thought of this prayer. Instead of saying: “Lord, remove these beetles and worms from our inheritance,” they turn to them, conjure them, and generally appeal to their conscience.

    “We had mice in our house; they galloped all over the apartment; what should we do with them? My mother and I didn’t want to set mousetraps, because we felt sorry for the mice; we didn’t want to scatter poisoned bread, because we were afraid for my grandmother: she was more than ninety years old, if he sees a piece of bread, he will take it and eat it instead of a mouse. I then began to look in the prayer book: is there any way? And I found in the Great Book of Breviaries an admonition to all harmful animals to get out. Moreover, this admonition is on two pages, large, begins with tigers and lions, elephants, wolves, etc. and down to the smallest insects; and along the way, mice. Well, of course, when you read this prayer, you do not name all the animals, because insects maybe, but we didn’t have lions or tigers in our apartment. Well, I read it and thought: nonsense! Nothing can come of this, I’ll tell the mouse this, it will wag its tail and go eat the cheese! But then I thought: no! Since you "Dad, I wrote this prayer, you answer for it! And I turned in prayer to the saint who created this prayer, and I said to him: you created this prayer, because you believed. I don’t believe it, but I’ll read this prayer for the mouse, and you pray this prayer before God; your prayer, you answer it! I sat down on the bed, put on the stole and waited. And a mouse came out of the fireplace. I tell her: Sit down and listen! She sat down like that, moving her mustache. I say: This is what saint so-and-so (I can’t remember his name) tells you - and I read the admonition. Then I baptized her and said: Now go and tell everyone else. She left, and not a single mouse was left in our apartment. And I was so happy that this was not according to my faith! You see, I didn’t believe in a penny, but in the faith of this saint. Therefore, you can do this: I cannot read this prayer on my own, but I can say: Lord! This saint knew what he was saying! I will say these words and ask him to lift them up to You, and to return some understanding to me. And this too is a way to pray. ".

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    We will try to answer the question in detail: prayer for getting rid of insects in the house on the website: the website is for our dear readers.


    Thy martyr, Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God: having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with your prayers.

    O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple (created for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or If mental or physical illness begins to be invoked by your holy name, he will be delivered from every pretext of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    How to get rid of insects in your home using spells

    You are already so desperate to poison insects in your house that you already think that someone sent them to you on purpose. Keep calm, because there are no hopeless situations. But some desperate people usually use magic to get rid of insects, bedbugs, cockroaches, and fleas. Usually, conspiracies help in getting rid of things.

    You should not be afraid of such rituals, because our ancestors, especially those who lived in rural areas, often used various conspiracies. Knowledgeable people advise doing them on the waning moon.

    The spells are not complicated and anyone can do them. Who decides to take on this business, and also does not need to have any intricate objects in the house, usually these are constantly used in everyday life. Therefore, most conspiracies can be done independently, rather than using the services of magicians and sorcerers who strive to rip off an extra ruble from you.

    But there are basic rules that must be followed when plotting:

    • Conduct conspiracies on an empty stomach, in the morning.
    • The memorized text does not need to be rephrased.
    • The person who commits the conspiracy must be without bad habits
    • There is no need to joke or laugh during a conspiracy.

    There are the following types of conspiracies:

    Conspiracy on the water

    Pour water into the bowl, take a knife and move it counterclockwise, saying:

    “Cockroaches, bedbugs, insects. Leave me, look for a new place to live. And all evil will go away with you"

    Read it in a whisper three times, and then spit over your left shoulder three times too. You need to go through the bowl with water and sprinkle all the corners in the house.

    Conspiracy with salt

    Take a handful of salt in your hand and whisper:

    “Fleas, bedbugs. Leave my home, perish in the damp earth, in the wet sand, in the dry grass. Don't come back."

    Leave the house and sprinkle it in a semicircle near the front door, as if protecting your home from harm.

    Conspiracy through the door

    Open the front door and say three times:

    “I get rid of cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs. I don’t want to live with you and you don’t live with me. Get away from me. This is no longer a place for you to live.”

    Then close the door sharply and spit three times over your left shoulder.

    Conspiracy with a broom

    Take a broom that you often use to sweep the floor or a brush. Say the words:

    “Terrible sprints, terrible slashes. Don't come, don't litter in my house. Leave with dust, leave with dirt."

    Then knock three times with a broom or brush on the threshold of the open front door, make three movements, as if you are sweeping away the garbage.

    Is it worth believing that the conspiracy will work?

    Of course, using substances in the house to poison cockroaches and other insects, fleas and bedbugs, you will get rid of them for a certain time, but they will still begin to visit you again and again. And also you will not be able to kill nests of new cockroaches, fleas and bedbugs that have already been deposited. When they turn into adult insects, they will begin to reproduce with renewed vigor. And it will continue like this endlessly. After all, cockroaches. Bedbugs and fleas have the property of becoming addicted to toxic substances.

    But it is worth noting that when carrying out a conspiracy, you need to truly believe in its action. Otherwise, without your own faith, nothing will work. After all, conspiracies turn the energy of your home against “unpleasant residents.” Thus creating a negative field for the life of insects.

    It is worth noting that usually after the ritual, the disappearance of bedbugs, cockroaches and fleas occurs instantly. So you should check it out. You won’t make the situation worse if you read the plot, but most likely, you will get rid of annoying and unpleasant insects once and for all. After all, the power of conspiracies is very high, you just need to understand the words that you will pronounce while performing the ritual, it is important not to forget or confuse anything. Good luck getting rid of the insects.

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    Conspiracies and prayers to fight bedbugs

    When the tried and tested means do not help in solving the problem, a person begins to use his most powerful weapon - the word. It is believed that words spoken according to all the rules and at the right time have a powerful effect and provide quick help with the assistance of supernatural forces. We are talking about such ancient ways to achieve what you want, such as conspiracies and prayers against any misfortune, including insect attacks.

    This may seem surprising, but Russian spells and prayers against bedbugs are actively used even in the modern, progressive world, despite the fact that the roots of these rituals go back to distant pagan times.

    Magic or harsh necessity?

    Many historical sources and works of classical literature describe in detail how bedbugs plagued people, and they, in turn, fought the pests with all their might, and sometimes unsuccessfully.

    In such conditions, hardly anyone was surprised by the spread of magical spells and rituals, which were considered almost the last chance to get rid of the scourge. Conspiracies against bedbugs are simple, do not require any special magical skills and, according to legend, bring purely economic benefits - they get rid of insects and do not harm the residents of the house.

    A simple example of such a conspiracy used in the early 20th century:

    Fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches and all kinds of creatures,

    Here I come to you, guest:

    My body is like a bone;

    My blood is like tar;

    Eat the moss, not me!

    My word is strong. Key, lock.

    Amen, amen, amen.

    Many are mistaken in considering prayer and conspiracy to be one and the same. Yes, in both cases there are appeals to higher powers and accompanying words (“amen”, hallelujah, etc.), but there are still differences:

    • A conspiracy is a powerful verbal formula calling on the forces of nature and the elements for help - this is a demand, an absolute assertion of one’s will, with conviction in the final result.
    • Prayer is a humble request, an appeal to the forces of light, spirits and God, which involves the complete immersion of the person asking in the process (the so-called “presence of spirit”). The result of prayer is often equated to a miracle.

    Thus, the difference between a conspiracy and a prayer is precisely the meaning of the text, the attitude towards the result and the degree of its expectation. In addition, these rituals have their own rules of use, violation of which is not recommended, and in some cases prohibited.

    What is the difference between conspiracies and prayers: detailed explanation

    Rules for conducting rituals against bedbugs

    Conspiracies were (and are) used more often than prayers for bedbugs, but the procedure for carrying them out is similar, so we will dwell in more detail on conspiracies, examining their structure.

    Traditionally, a conspiracy contains three parts:

    • retreat (appeal to higher powers)
    • the main part
    • and bartack.

    But many spells against bedbugs are extremely simple and have several lines with a simple “plot”.

    The text is an appeal to the insect with a request to leave (or a description of this action in the present or future tense). The plot ends with the following phrase: “So be it!”, “Exactly!” and others. The fastening should be pronounced with maximum confidence in the successful outcome of the plan - it is believed that these words trigger the course of events.

    For example, when trying to get rid of bedbugs, a cat is brought into the house, and when the animal decides to leave, a spell is cast after it, according to which the bedbugs must leave the house after the cat. At the end, the same setting is pronounced: “So be it!”

    Despite the fact that conspiracies do not require special skills in practical magic, rules for using magical texts still exist:

    • If possible, the person-conspirator should be a non-drinker and non-smoker, and both a man and a woman can read the plot;
    • a conspiracy cannot be carried out just in case - only to solve a specific problem and with a clearly formed goal;
    • jokes, laughter and fun are excluded during the ritual; it is important to focus on resolving the issue;
    • The ritual should be performed early in the morning on an empty stomach;
    • In no case should you swap or skip the words of the text of the conspiracy - everything in it is interconnected;
    • When reading a conspiracy, it is very important to observe the rhythm and poetics of the text and not get confused.

    Sometimes various attributes may be needed to perform a ceremony - threads, floral incense, water, wax candles, etc. These magical items help enhance the effect of spoken words.

    In addition, the power of the conspiracy must be believed unconditionally.

    Let's take a closer look at what the power of conspiracy is.

    There are several points of view, but one cannot ignore the powerful power of the words themselves, which even proverbs speak about. The so-called placebo effect also works, when firm faith and conviction in a positive outcome helps a person (the same conspiracy with a different approach gives different results).

    It happens that the plot does not work. Why might this happen?

    The main reason for this is the attitude towards the ritual. A conspiracy is just help in directing strength and energy to solve a problem, which means it’s all about concentrating on the goal and absolute conviction in a positive result (it is important to follow the above rules). Only after fulfilling all the conditions can we say that the conspiracy did not help.

    Along with spells and prayers, there is another powerful tool used against insects - runes. Experts note that you need to work with runes very carefully so as not to start the exact opposite process.

    For example, there is a runic stav (formula) “Against unwanted living creatures in the house.” And protective runes against bedbugs, used incorrectly, can work the other way around - there will be even more insects.

    Popular conspiracies and prayers for bedbugs

    There are many collections of spells and prayers for bedbugs, so the scope for action is quite wide. The following are the most common texts of these rituals.

    You need to put the bug in a matchbox, crumble some bread into it, put a pinch of salt and say:

    Bedbug, here's a piece of salt and bread for you,

    Go and live in the field as you do.

    There and wait for your brothers in the wild,

    And I won’t see any more bedbugs!

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The boxes should be taken to the field and left.

    Or here’s another one from ancient conspiracies:

    You bugs, bugs, don't bite me. Your teeth are made of burdock, but my body is made of flint.

    Bedbugs, you bugs. My bugs will go to distant rafts. You leave home and never return. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen (repeat three times).

    Many collections publish conspiracies against bedbugs under the guise of prayers. This is explained by the similarity of the texts - in some cases, only a qualified linguist or specialist in occult sciences can determine the type of ritual.

    An example of a prayer that is clearly different from a conspiracy:

    “Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God, you are in the field, you are in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, make way and save from all evil. Amen".

    This prayer is read three times when fighting bedbugs, sometimes in combination with the Lord’s Prayer. Then, pre-prepared tansy grass is laid out in the habitats of bedbugs, and a spell is pronounced.

    An example of the similarity of rituals is seen in a conspiracy, in which there is no appeal to a specific person for help, but there are “attributes” of prayer.

    You need to take a broom made of bare twigs that is unsuitable for use in a bathhouse and knock on the threshold with it, saying:

    “Just as you can’t sweat it naked, bedbugs can’t mate and reproduce and breed in my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    From time immemorial, the image of a bug was considered no less cunning than that of the heroine of Russian fairy tales, the fox. Having tried all the means, people gave up in the fight against the invasion of bedbugs, ultimately deciding to outsmart the insect using spells and prayers.

    But you shouldn’t get carried away with conspiracies: if the ritual doesn’t work, you need to wait a while and then think about everything again and repeat it if necessary. It is important to remember that magic is not a toy. And friends, if it doesn’t work, try using modern highly effective chemicals. Perhaps they will have a greater effect.

    Useful video about bed bugs

    Many contemporaries are tired of their own pragmatism and the difficult surrounding reality; they gladly accept help from mystical sources.

    Wormwood has been used against insects for a long time. Many people remember that in the rural houses of their grandparents there was often this heavy herbaceous smell.

    Executioner is an effective bedbug repellent that destroys bed bug larvae and eggs.

    Powerful bedbug repellent Xulat Micro, odorless, 30 ml.

    Modern microencapsulated bedbug preparation Get, 100 ml.

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    We will definitely call you soon.

    How to get rid of bedbugs?

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    An interesting fact from the cockroach “story”

    People did not always have a negative attitude towards cockroaches. Thus, until the reign of Peter I, these insects were considered a symbol of wealth and home comfort: if arthropod guests lived in a house, it meant that it was prosperous. It got to the point that people caught a cockroach in a wealthy family, charmed it with the help of special magic words and released it into their home, so that material well-being and goodness would come into the house along with the insect. And during the holiday week, with the help of cockroaches, they told fortunes of wealth and performed a special money ritual.

    Cockroaches and bad energy

    Now these insects are considered the personification of dirt. And where there is dirt, there is, as we know, poverty, social disorder and misery. It is not surprising that cockroaches prefer to inhabit the houses and apartments of disadvantaged families, and simply cannot stand cleanliness.

    You need to get rid of cockroaches in your home in a timely manner, and not only for reasons of hygiene. Skeptics, of course, will doubt it, but these insects are capable of spreading bad energy, which can negatively affect the health and well-being of household members. Young children are especially vulnerable to these negative effects.

    By settling in the housing of socially disadvantaged families, cockroaches absorb the energy of destruction and degradation that reigns there, and thus themselves become its source and carriers. That is why it is advisable to fight cockroaches with the help of magical spells and rituals.

    Spells against cockroaches for home use

    A witchcraft spell against cockroaches is a special verbal formula that reconfigures the internal energy of the house, as a result of which the home becomes unsuitable for life for red or black “colonizers”. Cockroaches will leave this house in a hurry and never return to it.

    How to get rid of cockroaches forever: spells and conditions for their use

    Many conspiracies have survived to this day, with the help of which people in ancient times fought against unwanted mustachioed guests in their homes. These verbal formulas to this day work no worse than the most powerful chemical remedy for cockroaches.

    In order for the effect of household spells against cockroaches to manifest themselves in full force, experts recommend pronounce them on the flawed moon. In addition, several more requirements are put forward for the use of this magical remedy:

    • room cleaning ritual. Before resorting to a conspiracy against cockroaches, a thorough cleaning of the house is mandatory. It is also recommended to sprinkle the corners of your home with blessed water or water with added table salt;
    • serious attitude towards the conspiracy, seriousness in the process of pronouncing it, belief in the power of the magic word ;
    • rejection of bad habits(smoking, alcohol, etc.);
    • reciting the text of the conspiracy by heart, leaving it in its original form(cannot be paraphrased!).

    Here are a few old folk conspiracies that help get rid of cockroaches in the house.

    Having prepared, you should wait until sunset, open all the doors and windows in your home, then read the magic words:

    Night spell against cockroaches

    The following conspiracy is quite simple. It is pronounced at night, in complete darkness (all light sources must be removed). The performer must stand with bare feet on the floor. The conspiracy against cockroaches is read 3 times:

    Plot against cockroaches on fresh cucumber

    For the plot, you need to prepare 1 small fresh cucumber and a knife. The cucumber is cut into 3 parts in the evening, which are left in places where cockroaches are most active (in the kitchen, for example) with the words:

    In the morning, all 3 pieces of cucumber must be collected and another short spell must be cast on them:

    “Just as this cucumber will rot in the ground, so the cockroach race will leave my house!”

    After this, you should run the knife that was used to cut the vegetable across the threshold of your home, and then throw the cucumber pieces away from your home (or better yet, bury them in the ground).

    Powerful spell of the Siberian herbalist Agrafena “King of the Cockroaches”

    To cast this spell, prepare a container of holy water. Holding it in your hands, stand in the middle of your home (main room), bow to all 4 cardinal directions, cross yourself and read the magic words:

    Following the conspiracy against cockroaches, say the Orthodox prayer “Song of the Mother of God” 3 times and sprinkle the floor of your apartment or house with holy water (do not touch the corners).

    Plot against cockroaches during spring cleaning

    A conspiracy that is pronounced during general cleaning in your home. To do this, you need to catch 4 cockroaches with your own hands, put them in a jar or other container, and close the lid tightly so that the insects cannot escape.

    In the evening, as soon as it gets dark outside, you need to take a container with cockroaches and any 4 coins, then go to the crossroads of 4 roads. At the crossroads, release the “prisoners” with the words:

    “On 4 sides from my house, from my threshold. Run far, don't come back. My house is dry, smooth and clean, you can’t see any food.”

    After each Prussian you need to throw 1 coin with the words:

    “The journey and refusal are paid!”

    Prayers for cockroaches

    An appeal to Orthodox saints will help strengthen the conspiracy against cockroaches. It is recommended to ask for help from God's saints before using a conspiracy, and you can do this in your own words or using Orthodox prayer.

    Also, before the conspiracy, it is not forbidden to turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker. A request for help addressed to Saint Nicholas can be formatted something like this:

    “Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's Helper! You love people and help them everywhere: on the road, in the field, and in the house. Intercede for me, God’s servant (your name), save and preserve me from all evil! Amen!"

    Typically, rituals and conspiracies against cockroaches, accompanied by appeals to Orthodox saints, are performed in the morning.

    Ritual of killing a cockroach

    You can try to eliminate insects by performing a special killing ritual. Its essence is to catch a cockroach and make it die a slow and painful death (think up for yourself what kind of torture to organize for it). A dying pest should be placed in a visible place, and its corpse should be kept there for 5 days.

    Witchcraft spells and rituals against cockroaches are a fairly strong and proven method of combating harmful insects in the house. They belong to white magic, so this kind of rituals can be performed repeatedly. But any, even the most powerful, conspiracy against cockroaches will be ineffective if you do not maintain physical and energetic cleanliness in the house. If the home is always tidy and clean, cockroaches will forget the way there.

    The conspiracy against cockroaches was suggested by a friend. I read it over the course of a week. It helped, I haven’t seen any cockroaches yet, although I couldn’t get rid of them for a long time.

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    The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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    The holy martyr Tryphon (February 14), Saint Eustathius (October 3) and Saint Julian of Libya (July 4) have long been revered as the deliverer of fields from diseases and pests. In the Great Trebnik, it is recommended that when crop pests attack, they perform “the procedure that occurs in fields, or grapes, or gardens, if you happen to be harmed by reptiles or other species.” The indicated rite says: “it is appropriate to have the Liturgy and burn the candile of St. Tryphon, or St. Eustathius, or St. Julian of Libya, or both,” and after the Liturgy, “take the oil from the candil and the water of the Holy Epiphanies” and sprinkle the crops or plantings in a cross pattern, reading prayers to the saints.

    Prayer from the rite performed in the fields, or grapes, or vertograd, if you happen to be harmed by reptiles or other types

    (prayer to rid plants from pests)

    Lord our God, at the beginning of Your creation You created the heavens and the earth: and the sky was adorned with great luminaries, which illuminated the earth, and you marvel at Thee, the only Creator and Lord of creation, and the earth was adorned with grain and grass, and the variety of seeds sown according to kind, and all imagining the flowers as a beautiful decoration, You blessed her: Even now, O Master, look down from Your holy dwelling upon this acquisition; and bless her. Keep her intact from all enchantment and charm, and all evil, the deceit of the evil one, and the deceit of wicked people; and let it bear fruit in season, filled with Thy blessing, and drive away from every beast and creeping thing, the worm and the wineskin, and the rust, the heat and the pestilence, and the evil winds that cause harm. For sanctified and glorified is Thy Most Pure and Magnificent Name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    The completely mentioned church rite is ordered in the church. During it, the water that is sprinkled on crops and plantings is blessed.

    Troparion of the Martyr Tryphon, voice 4

    Thy martyr, Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God, for having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with your prayers.

    Troparion of the Martyr Tryphon, voice 4

    Divine food, most blessed, enjoying abundantly in Heaven, cover your memory with songs of glorification and preserve from all need, drive away animals that harm the fields, and always cry out to you in love: Rejoice, Tryphon, strengthening of the martyrs.

    Kontakion of the Martyr Tryphon, voice 8

    With triple firmness you destroyed polytheism from the end, you were all-glorious, you were honest in Christ, and, having defeated the tormentors in Christ the Savior, you received the crown of your martyrdom and the gift of Divine healings, as if you were invincible.

    In the event of an invasion of pests in the fields, Orthodox Christians pray to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her image of the “Unfading Flower.”

    Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “The Unfading Color”, tone 5

    Rejoice, Bride of God, secret rod, unfading blossoming flower, rejoice, Lady, with whose joy we are filled and inherit life.

    Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Unfading Color”

    Oh, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer. Mistress and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, your servants, for our murmuring. Be our Mother and Protectress, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins. Oh, Mother Mary, our most offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who retaliate against us. O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son. To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

    When the tried and tested means do not help in solving the problem, a person begins to use his most powerful weapon - the word. It is believed that words spoken according to all the rules and at the right time have a powerful effect and provide quick help with the assistance of supernatural forces. We are talking about such ancient ways to achieve what you want, such as conspiracies and prayers against any misfortune, including insect attacks.

    This may seem surprising, but Russian spells and prayers against bedbugs are actively used even in the modern, progressive world, despite the fact that the roots of these rituals go back to distant pagan times.

    Magic or harsh necessity?

    Many historical sources and works of classical literature describe in detail how bedbugs plagued people, and they, in turn, fought the pests with all their might, and sometimes unsuccessfully.

    In such conditions, hardly anyone was surprised by the spread of magical spells and rituals, which were considered almost the last chance to get rid of the scourge. Conspiracies against bedbugs are simple, do not require any special magical skills and, according to legend, bring purely economic benefits - they get rid of insects and do not harm the residents of the house.

    A simple example of such a conspiracy used in the early 20th century:

    Fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches and all kinds of creatures,
    Here I come to you, guest:
    My body is like a bone;
    My blood is like tar;
    Eat the moss, not me!
    My word is strong. Key, lock.
    Amen, amen, amen.

    Many are mistaken in considering prayer and conspiracy to be one and the same. Yes, in both cases there are appeals to higher powers and accompanying words (“amen”, hallelujah, etc.), but there are still differences:

    • A conspiracy is a powerful verbal formula calling on the forces of nature and the elements for help - this is a demand, an absolute assertion of one’s will, with conviction in the final result.
    • Prayer is a humble request, an appeal to the forces of light, spirits and God, which involves the complete immersion of the person asking in the process (the so-called “presence of spirit”). The result of prayer is often equated to a miracle.

    Thus, the difference between a conspiracy and a prayer is precisely the meaning of the text, the attitude towards the result and the degree of its expectation. In addition, these rituals have their own rules of use, violation of which is not recommended, and in some cases prohibited.

    What is the difference between conspiracies and prayers: detailed explanation

    Rules for conducting rituals against bedbugs

    Conspiracies were (and are) used more often than prayers for bedbugs, but the procedure for carrying them out is similar, so we will dwell in more detail on conspiracies, examining their structure.

    Traditionally, a conspiracy contains three parts:

    • retreat (appeal to higher powers)
    • the main part
    • and bartack.

    But many spells against bedbugs are extremely simple and have several lines with a simple “plot”.

    The text is an appeal to the insect with a request to leave (or a description of this action in the present or future tense). The plot ends with the following phrase: “So be it!”, “Exactly!” and others. The fastening should be pronounced with maximum confidence in the successful outcome of the plan - it is believed that these words trigger the course of events.

    • If possible, the person-conspirator should be a non-drinker and non-smoker, and both a man and a woman can read the plot;
    • a conspiracy cannot be carried out just in case - only to solve a specific problem and with a clearly formed goal;
    • jokes, laughter and fun are excluded during the ritual; it is important to focus on resolving the issue;
    • The ritual should be performed early in the morning on an empty stomach;
    • In no case should you swap or skip the words of the text of the conspiracy - everything in it is interconnected;
    • When reading a conspiracy, it is very important to observe the rhythm and poetics of the text and not get confused.

    Sometimes various attributes may be needed to perform a ceremony - threads, floral incense, water, wax candles, etc. These magical items help enhance the effect of spoken words.

    In addition, the power of the conspiracy must be believed unconditionally.

    Let's take a closer look at what the power of conspiracy is.

    There are several points of view, but one cannot ignore the powerful power of the words themselves, which even proverbs speak about. The so-called placebo effect also works, when firm faith and conviction in a positive outcome helps a person (the same conspiracy with a different approach gives different results).

    It happens that a conspiracy does not work. Why might this happen?

    The main reason for this is the attitude towards the ritual. A conspiracy is just help in directing strength and energy to solve a problem, which means it’s all about concentrating on the goal and absolute conviction in a positive result (it is important to follow the above rules). Only after fulfilling all the conditions can we say that the conspiracy did not help.

    Along with spells and prayers, there is another powerful tool used against insects - runes. Experts note that you need to work with runes very carefully so as not to start the exact opposite process.

    And one more thing: bedbugs are hiding in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest?

    For example, there is a runic stav (formula) “Against unwanted living creatures in the house.” And protective runes against bedbugs, used incorrectly, can work the other way around - there will be even more insects.

    Popular conspiracies and prayers for bedbugs

    There are many collections of spells and prayers for bedbugs, so the scope for action is quite wide. The following are the most common texts of these rituals.

    You need to put the bug in a matchbox, crumble some bread into it, put a pinch of salt and say:

    Bedbug, here's a piece of salt and bread for you,
    Go and live in the field as you do.
    There and wait for your brothers in the wild,
    And I won’t see any more bedbugs!
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The boxes should be taken to the field and left.

    Or here’s another one from ancient conspiracies:

    You bugs, bugs, don't bite me. Your teeth are made of burdock, but my body is made of flint.

    Bedbugs, you bugs. My bugs will go to distant rafts. You leave home and never return. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen (repeat three times).

    Many collections publish conspiracies against bedbugs under the guise of prayers. This is explained by the similarity of the texts - in some cases, only a qualified linguist or specialist in occult sciences can determine the type of ritual.

    An example of a prayer that is clearly different from a conspiracy:

    “Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God, you are in the field, you are in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, make way and save from all evil. Amen".

    This prayer is read three times when fighting bedbugs, sometimes in combination with the Lord’s Prayer. Then the pre-prepared tansy grass is laid out and a spell is pronounced.

    An example of the similarity of rituals is seen in a conspiracy, in which there is no appeal to a specific person for help, but there are “attributes” of prayer.

    You need to take a broom made of bare twigs that is unsuitable for use in a bathhouse and knock on the threshold with it, saying:

    “Just as you can’t sweat it naked, bedbugs can’t mate and reproduce and breed in my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    From time immemorial, the image of a bug was considered no less cunning than that of the heroine of Russian fairy tales, the fox. Having tried all the means, people gave up in the fight against the invasion of bedbugs, ultimately deciding to outsmart the insect using spells and prayers.

    But you shouldn’t get carried away with conspiracies: if the ritual doesn’t work, you need to wait a while and then think about everything again and repeat it if necessary. It is important to remember that magic is not a toy. And friends, if it doesn’t work, try using modern highly effective chemicals. Perhaps they will have a greater effect.

    Useful video about bed bugs

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