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How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own - recommendations from the famous pediatrician Komarovsky. Advice from psychologists and experienced parents on how to teach a child to sleep in his own crib without tears and whims

Often parents are faced with a problem when the baby does not want to go to bed and fall asleep alone. In this article we will figure out when you need to teach children to fall asleep on their own, how to do it correctly, and why a child has trouble falling asleep.

When should a child fall asleep on his own?

An infant up to 1-1.5 years old needs to be constantly close to his mother. At this age, it is still too early to start teaching your baby to fall asleep alone in the crib. Note that a baby up to 7-8 months old can hardly fall asleep on his own. If your baby is not ready to sleep alone in a crib until he is one year old, don’t force him.

Pediatricians call the appropriate age 2-3 years, when the baby is ready to sleep independently. At two or three years old, a child begins to be taught a certain procedure before going to bed. It is important that crib training is accompanied by positive feelings. It is also important to develop a schedule. By the age of four or five years, the baby should already fall asleep independently at a certain hour.

Crib training should begin at two years of age, but a baby can be taught to fall asleep on his own without motion sickness as early as one or two months. This will prepare the baby and make it easier to fall asleep in a separate crib. You need to teach your baby to fall asleep on his own before he reaches one year of age.

If the baby does not sleep independently in a crib at 1-2 years old, there is nothing to worry about. The critical age is five years. If by this age the baby has not learned to sleep peacefully alone in a crib, in the future such children will experience sleep disorders and insomnia. Thus, a baby should fall asleep on their own without rocking and lullabies for up to one year, and sleep in a separate crib for up to five years. Now let's find out how to teach your child to fall asleep on his own.

How to teach your baby to fall asleep on his own

You can teach your baby to sleep well at night and fall asleep on his own after one or two months. At first, use various methods that will help your baby fall asleep immediately without whims and crying. What you can use for this:

  • Swaddling. Today, doctors are promoting free swaddling, in which the baby will be able to move his arms and legs in his sleep. But at the same time, swaddling gives the baby peace of mind and a sense of security, which is especially important for a newborn. How to properly swaddle a baby, see;
  • Quiet lullabies, hugs and rocking have a calming effect on the child;
  • “White noise” often helps the baby fall asleep immediately. Use quiet, calm sounds, such as hissing, running water, recording a waterfall, etc.;
  • Do not teach them to fall asleep while walking with a stroller or while traveling by car, as children quickly get used to this method of motion sickness and will have difficulty falling asleep at home in the future.

After three months, the child needs to be weaned from motion sickness and lullabies; at this age, the baby should already begin to fall asleep on his own. Moreover, it takes up to a year to teach this.

To help your baby fall asleep immediately, use these methods:

  • The child should be awake for 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Please note that he should be tired, but not overtired, otherwise it will be even more difficult for the baby to fall asleep;
  • Feed your baby before bed and change the diaper, you can give the baby a light relaxing massage. When you put your baby to bed, dim the lights and don’t turn on the TV or music (but you can use quiet lullabies or “white noise”). The child must understand that it is time to sleep;
  • Do not allow your baby to fall asleep at your breast during the day to avoid making it a habit. In the future, it will be difficult for the child to fall asleep without a breast and without a pacifier.

By six months, the child should fall asleep on his own. Do not get up to the child at the first call, wait until he calms down on his own. Many parents are concerned about why their child has difficulty falling asleep, does not want to sleep, or wakes up immediately. There can be many reasons for this.

If your baby doesn't sleep well or doesn't want to go to sleep

The baby may be worried about hunger, a dirty diaper, or pain. Therefore, it is important to eliminate moments before bed that may bring discomfort to the child. Be sure to feed the baby and change the diaper, and turn off or dim the lights and music before going to bed.

In addition, overstimulation or habituation to the pacifier or breast may prevent your baby from falling asleep. Read about the pros and cons of using a pacifier at the link. Don't play active games before bed. It is better to have a relaxing massage, a walk or a relaxing swim before bed.

After four months, the reasons for restless and poor sleep lie in teething. Special teethers and safe baby gels will help reduce discomfort. Sometimes a baby cries due to lack of attention. You can stand up and rock the baby for a short time. We remind you that you do not need to approach your child at first call!

Sleep disturbances are often caused by a child's lack of activity during the day. Don't forget about exercise, walks, games and various exercises. In addition, for a comfortable sleep in the children's room there must be a suitable temperature, which is 18-22 degrees. Ventilate the room regularly and make sure that the air is not too dry or too humid.

10 ways to teach your child to fall asleep on his own

  • It is important to establish a unified algorithm for preparing for bed. Repeat the same procedures with your baby every day before going to bed. This schedule could include an evening swim, reading a story or lullaby, or a goodnight kiss. Moreover, the sequence of actions should be the same. A unified algorithm will help the child understand that it is time to sleep;
  • Lay your baby down before he falls asleep in your arms or against your chest. In order for your baby to sleep peacefully alone in the crib, you need to teach him to fall asleep in it. When a child falls asleep in his crib, this promotes healthy and sound sleep;
  • To put your child to sleep both day and night, build a schedule so that the first half of the day is the most active and eventful, and the second is calmer;
  • Sleeping together between a baby and its parents, especially with its mother, calms the baby and has a beneficial effect on the development of the psyche and nervous system. However, it is important to start weaning your baby from co-sleeping in time. This should be done at 2-3 years;
  • If a child wakes up, starts crying and calling for his mother, do not rush to respond. Wait until he calms down on his own. Children can often calm down without parental help. But periodically enter the room so that the child does not feel abandoned. Gradually reduce the number of visits and time spent in the nursery;

  • Use pacifiers and rattles only as a last resort. Do not let your baby play in the crib; use it only for its intended purpose (for sleeping). Toys and pacifiers only make the task more difficult. In the future, you will have to not only teach your baby to fall asleep on his own, but also wean him from his favorite toys and attributes;
  • Always put your baby to bed at the same time. The body gets used to a certain regime, and the baby itself will feel tired. Resist the temptation to put your baby to bed early so you can get some rest yourself. This disrupts the routine and will also cause the baby to wake up too early the next morning;
  • Be sure to follow the conditions for falling asleep. As already mentioned, check the diaper and feed the baby, ensure a quiet environment and darkness in the room. Choose a comfortable mattress and hypoallergenic linen, check whether the sheet lies flat. The baby should be comfortable in the crib;
  • Many babies cannot sleep due to fear. It has been proven that at two years old the first nightmares can appear. Try to find out why the baby is scared. Don't watch scary cartoons or read scary fairy tales before going to bed; leave a night light on at night. If necessary, contact a child psychologist.
  • Do not scold or threaten your child if he does not want to sleep and is naughty. Always speak kindly and calmly! Explain why he should sleep now, why he should sleep in a separate crib. How to behave if a baby does not obey his parents and is constantly capricious, read the article “What to do if the baby is nervous and disobedient.”

Ferber-Estiville-Spock method of falling asleep

This is a rather tough and controversial technique, which, however, quickly produces results. Please note that the technique can only be used for healthy children older than six months! In addition, the baby should already have a clear daily routine. It is important that the baby is alone in the room, and no one is sleeping next door.

This technique involves leaving the child alone in the room and entering the room after a certain time after crying. The table details the waiting intervals.

How many minutes later should you approach the baby when he is crying?
Day 1st time 2nd time 3rd time and subsequent
First 1 minute 3 minutes 5 minutes
Second 3 minutes 5 minutes 7 minutes
Third 5 minutes 7 minutes 9 minutes
Fourth 7 minutes 9 minutes 11 minutes
Fifth 9 minutes 11 minutes 13 minutes
Sixth 11 minutes 13 minutes 15 minutes
Seventh 13 minutes 15 minutes 17 minutes

Thus, if the baby cried on the first day of training, then the mother can come up a minute later. If the baby cries again, then she waits three minutes, next time - five minutes. And so the time is scheduled for each day.

Indeed, this is a tough method, and not all parents are ready for this method of teaching. But, as practice shows, it can really teach a child to fall asleep in one week.

The Ferber-Esteville-Spock method cannot be used if the baby is sick! In addition, if a child constantly cries for more than 10 minutes, this may indicate some kind of health problem.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Many mothers are afraid to sleep with their young children. It seems to them that if the baby is not used to sleeping separately from birth, then it will be very difficult to “move” him somewhere.

There is even an opinion that the sooner you start teaching your child to sleep separately, the easier it is to do... How to teach a child to sleep in his own crib? In this article I will talk about methods applied to children of different ages and share my experience.

Separate sleep from birth

On the one hand, there is nothing complicated here. Just put the baby to sleep in the crib. And every time I get up to see him at night.

If mom is ready to get up many times during the night and this does not affect her well-being, there is probably nothing terrible about it. But we must keep in mind that the vast majority of children wake up very often.

Are you ready for such a feat? Personally, I don't. I was afraid of sleeping together with my eldest daughter for two whole months; I got up to the child 10-20 times a night. And at one point I decided that I had enough. She began to place the baby next to her and breastfeed for every squeak. That's when I started getting enough sleep.

A good video that can help teach a baby to sleep if he is less than a year old:

How to teach your baby to sleep separately from birth?

  • From the very beginning, place the baby in a separate crib. If he wakes up in the process of shifting, try again and again until you achieve success;
  • Every time a child cries at night, get up, take him in your arms, calm him down, and put him back in the crib.

I will not talk about those methods when babies are left alone to cry, teaching them to sleep without waking up. For me, such methods are unacceptable.

Co-sleeping up to 1-2 years

Many mothers prefer to place their children next to them until they are 1-2 years old. Thanks to this, they do not have to constantly jump up in the first year of life, when children's sleep is so intermittent.

At one or two years old it is still difficult to explain anything to a child. Therefore, the scheme for accustoming a baby to a crib is extremely simple:

  • We teach you to fall asleep in a crib. First, we sit next to each other, stroke, read books, sing songs. Then we gradually reduce our actions.
  • when the child wakes up at night, we put him back in his crib. Stroking, soothing or something else.

If the child is sleeping soundly, you can put him to sleep where he is used to, and then transfer him to the crib. But some children may get scared when they wake up in a different place.

Another experience of a young mother:

Therefore, if the baby falls asleep only next to you, the easiest way to move him into bed is to first go to bed with him and lie next to him until the baby falls asleep. When the baby wakes up at night, come to him again. And after a while, gradually learn to fall asleep on your own.

Some mothers at this age do not try to ensure that the child sleeps in the crib all night until the morning. And they allow the baby to come to them in the morning and sleep together.

Co-sleeping up to 3-5 years

From my point of view, this is the best option. And the simplest... The child is already big. He is already ready to sleep separately. Everything can be explained to him. You might be interested. And crib training is often extremely easy.

The first step is to create a buzz around the crib. For some time, draw the child’s attention to how big children sleep in their beds, give examples of friends, characters from fairy tales. Together, choose a new crib for your child... But promise to buy it only when he is very big (after his next birthday or some special day, after he does something special, learns to count to 20, etc. ). That is, sleeping in your own bed is a special honor, the highest reward. It's prestigious, cool, attractive.

Typically, children aged 3-5 years old want to be big. And such ideas are received with a bang. The main thing is not to rush things.

Then you ceremoniously buy a crib. If the baby has never fallen asleep without you, help him fall asleep there... At night, you can remind him that he is now big and can sleep in the bed... And so on. It is done.

If the bed is already standing, we also gradually tell you how all big children sleep in cribs. We doubt that our baby is already that big... But at some point we allow him to sleep there.

For some children, you can simply promise something good if they prove their maturity by sleeping in bed for 10 days straight. It worked for us with ease.

Our experience

I taught my daughter to sleep in her crib at age 4. The bed had been standing for a long time and was quite small. I sometimes put my daughter to bed there under the pretext “Let you lie in the crib, and I’ll read you a book/give you a massage.” But since I didn’t behave very competently before, my attitude towards the bed was negative. At night, my daughter always returned to us.

When my daughter turned 4 years old, I realized that she was ready to sleep alone. And since we still needed to buy a new bed, I decided to go the following way...

From time to time I pointed out to my daughter that her older friends were sleeping in their beds. She saw their beds at a party... And she wanted the same ones.

No problem! I promised her that we would buy a beautiful crib when my daughter learned to sleep on her own. Otherwise, why buy? They buy beds only for those who sleep themselves!

In addition, I taught my daughter to fall asleep without me. Again, first we looked at photographs of cribs on the Internet... We chose the right one, admired it... And I said that for this Lisa needs to fall asleep herself.

All. Since then, Lisa has been sleeping alone. Never comes to us at night. It's been 4 months already.

A couple of years ago I was afraid that learning to sleep separately would have to be done through tears, with great difficulty... I was ready to go through any work, for me it’s better to sleep peacefully for 4 years and only suffer for a month with moving out... Than to jump and ride at night.

So, I didn’t need to make any effort to wean myself off co-sleeping. Just show my daughter’s friends on the bed a few times and promise a new crib... Which I was going to buy anyway.

Our youngest son has been sleeping with us since birth. And I also plan to leave co-sleeping for up to 3-4 years. And then he will be easily attracted by the idea of ​​sleeping alone, like his older sister... Even now he really wants to sleep in his sister’s place. But now I myself am not ready for such a turn of events, since it is not finished yet. And getting up at night... I have no such desire.

For me, co-sleeping is an opportunity to sleep at night, almost never getting up... Someone complains that sleeping like this is very crowded. For this, I can only recommend buying a wide sofa. Instead of spending money on cribs, it is better to buy a cheap wide sofa! Cheap - so as not to cry every time the baby pees (day or night). Or - he will paint with a ballpoint pen.

Co-sleeping helps your baby feel safe. And it helps the mother feel the child. This is just a few years of life... Which can be filled as much as possible with warmth and closeness to the baby. When the child is ready, he easily begins to sleep separately. And it’s even a pity that kids grow up so quickly.

Good videos about children’s sound sleep from a specialist - look here.

The first time after birth, parents put the baby to sleep with them to facilitate night feeding. But the baby is growing up quickly and it is important to teach him to sleep in his own crib in time. To accustom your baby to a new sleeping place without conflicts and tears, use the advice of professional psychologists and experienced married couples.

At what age should a child be taught to sleep in a crib?

According to family psychologists and pediatricians, a child can sleep with his parents only in the first few months after birth. You need to accustom your baby to your crib from 3-5 months. At this age, children quickly get used to new rules, since their visual memory is very short-term.

If this is delayed, then the real “war” will begin. The baby will resist in all available ways: screams, tears and even real hysterics. This will create a difficult family atmosphere and have a bad effect on the baby’s psyche.

How to teach your baby to sleep in his own crib

Parents who have coped with this task for a long time advise young mothers to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is important to determine the baby’s biorhythm and develop a reflex for him to fall asleep without his mother. To do this, you should put your child to bed only when he is tired and ready to fall asleep without prolonged rocking or singing. If the baby is alert and you are trying to put him to sleep, he will be capricious and ask to be held in your arms or in your bed.
  • Create a special ritual for getting ready for bed in your new crib. Let the baby remember an interconnected chain of events, for example, bathing, massage, mother’s lullaby, sleep. After a couple of weeks, the child will fall asleep on his own after this ritual.
  • Provide suitable conditions for sleep: buy your baby a beautiful crib and mobile phone, a night light, and bed linen. Show him that the crib is his cozy nest for sweet dreams.
  • After night feedings, be sure to transfer your baby back to his crib. If you give up once, the baby will take advantage of it and the whole process will have to be repeated again.
  • You need to transfer your baby to bed after feeding 15 minutes after falling asleep, when the long sleep phase begins. You also need to place the baby on a warm blanket or heated diaper, which will create a feeling of mother’s warmth and the baby will sleep more peacefully.
  • Babies up to 7-8 months do not do well alone in large cribs, so it is better to put the baby in a small cradle at first.

How to teach a child over two years old to sleep in a crib

Have you missed the right opportunity and your two-year-old still sleeps with you? It doesn’t matter, you can correct the situation, but you will have to try hard.

Here's what child psychologists recommend doing to teach a preschool child to sleep on his own:

  • Start teaching your child to sleep in a crib located next to yours. Over time it can be rearranged.
  • If your child is 3 years old or older, give him the opportunity to choose his own bed. It could be a car, a fairy-tale house, a model in the form of a favorite fairy-tale hero.
  • Give your child a new plush friend and tell them how they will sleep together in a new crib.
  • Start the training process with a nap during the day. And after the child begins to sleep peacefully in the crib during the day, proceed to night sleep.

Turn the process of teaching your baby to sleep separately into an exciting game or ritual, and in no case put pressure on the child, do not frighten or tease him. Then you can easily and without whims teach your child to sleep without his parents.

In the modern world, a lot of attention is paid to the mental health of a child. Therefore, many pediatricians, as well as breastfeeding specialists, advise putting the baby to sleep next to the mother, especially in the first few months of life. In this way, the emotional connection becomes stronger, and mother does not need to get out of bed to see if her treasure is sleeping, if it has opened, or if it has frozen...

But time passes and after some time of sleeping together, it becomes clear that something needs to be done about it, because getting enough sleep is now not easy. And only a few know how to properly start teaching a child to sleep separately from his mother in his own crib, so as not to accidentally cause irreparable harm to the baby’s psyche.

Where to begin?

There are no general recommendations on what age to stop co-sleeping. It all depends on the personal characteristics of the child. Some children, from birth, can easily fall asleep in their crib, separately from their mother, while others, even at 4 years old, need to sleep with their mother.

  • The child is completely ;
  • The baby's night sleep lasts at least 5-6 in a row ();
  • During the day, the baby spends less than 1/3 of the total time in his mother’s arms ();
  • If he wakes up alone in bed, it will not cause crying or hysterics;
  • A possessive instinct appeared (“mine” or “not mine”);
  • The child can spend at least ten to fifteen minutes alone in the room.

When should you not force your child to sleep separately?

You need to postpone this difficult psychological moment if your baby:

  • Born premature, before term;
  • Born by caesarean section;
  • They suffered birth trauma;
  • Has signs of increased intracranial pressure;
  • Has signs of developmental delay;
  • Has signs of various skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, etc.
  • Has high excitability, is tearful, and irritable.

If your baby has at least one of the above signs, you should think about extending co-sleeping with him, because he has a greater need for this than his peers.

In addition, you should not “relocate” a child during the active phase, immediately after an illness, if the baby is just potty training or has just started attending kindergarten.

All these events are already very stressful for the little man. There is no need to overload the child’s psyche even more.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Accustoming a child to sleep in his own crib separately is not an easy, but feasible task. You need to be mentally prepared in advance for the fact that from time to time the baby will still come in the middle of the night (if your baby is) to the parent’s bed in search of reassurance, affection and warmth. All this must be treated with great understanding and patience.

Doctor Komarovsky advises: with whom should a child sleep?

Getting used to sleeping separately

No matter how strange it may sound, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the mother’s sincere desire to sleep separately from the child. Over a long period of sleeping together, the mother could have become very accustomed to this, and now subconsciously does not want to leave. This internal resistance and anxiety can be passed on to the baby, and then it will become very difficult to teach him to sleep separately.

Remove the side of the crib and move the crib next to yours so that the crib is like an extension of yours (you can buy a special add-on crib for newborn babies). This will create the illusion that the baby is still with the mother. After the baby has learned to sleep in his new territory, the crib can be gradually moved further and further from the parent’s bed, up to moving to the adjacent children’s room.

Read a detailed article on the topic: the baby is always nearby - additional cots for newborns. How to choose. Popular brands -

Important points

  1. Talk to your baby. Usually, all children enjoy the process of growing up. Buy it and tell your daughter or son that only little children sleep with their mothers, while adults sleep in their own beds. This method works great for 2-3 year old toddlers.
  2. For the first time, so that it is not so scary for the baby to fall asleep alone, you can turn on a special night light. Nowadays there are many lamps and projectors on sale that will make the process of going to bed not only comfortable, calm, but also very interesting.
  3. To make the process of putting the baby to bed easier, you can develop a special ritual: hygiene procedures - fairy tale - sleep. If you adhere to such a sequence that in a month the question will no longer arise in front of you: “How to put a child to sleep in his own crib?”
  4. If you are planning the birth of a second baby, then you will need to move the eldest one into a separate crib before the birth of the youngest one. Otherwise, changing the place of overnight stay may cause a storm of protests and attacks of jealousy on the part of the first-born.
  5. It would be better to time the move to your own crib to coincide with some occasion: Birthday, New Year, milestone anniversary (for example, 2 years and 6 months).
  6. Let your baby also be involved in choosing his own crib. Take it with you to the furniture store. And if mom and dad listen to his opinion, then this purchase will be even closer and it will be much easier to get used to sleeping in it.

Many new parents, in order not to get up to see their newborn at night, put him to sleep in his own bed. Of course, it is much easier to simply extend your hand or give your baby the breast than to get up, pick him up from the crib or cradle, soothe him and rock him to sleep. This is especially often done by parents whose children are breastfed and do not have to go to the kitchen to get food for the newborn.

This is undeniably convenient, and what’s more, many pediatricians even welcome mother and baby sleeping together in order to improve lactation. But do not forget that such a habit also has a negative side. Sooner or later, you will want to evict the baby from your bed, and this is where difficulties begin, he feels good when he sleeps with you, and he does not want to move into his crib at all, he is warm, cozy, he feels protected, because his parents are nearby .

And he absolutely does not understand why he should leave his familiar place and go to a space unfamiliar to him. In addition, this period is difficult, not only for the child, but also for the mother, because she is also accustomed to the closeness of her beloved child.

But nothing is impossible, and if you firmly decide that the baby should rest separately from mom and dad, here are some tips on what to do and how to teach your child to sleep in his own crib, without damaging his psyche.

How do you know when the time has come?

There are several factors that indicate that the time has come to teach your child to sleep independently.

  • Is your baby bottle-fed or have you stopped breastfeeding?
  • The child is able to understand where is his own and where is someone else’s
  • At night he sleeps soundly for at least 5-6 hours
  • The child does not cry if he wakes up alone in the room
  • Can study independently, play without adults for 10-20 minutes
  • During the day, does not spend much time in the arms of parents

If you notice the signs described above in your baby’s behavior, then the time has come and he is ready for independent sleep. But there are a number of reasons when the procedure of accustoming to one’s crib must be postponed until they are eliminated.

  • Child's illness. At this moment, he needs his mother’s presence more than ever, and due to eviction to his territory, recovery may be delayed.
  • The baby is teething, he is capricious and does not sleep well.
  • The baby started going to kindergarten and spends most of the day without his parents, so don’t deprive him of your warmth just yet, at least at night.
  • The baby does not have a clear routine or he has confused day and night, so first bring his routine back to normal.
  • The process of potty training a child is underway; you should not mix together two things that are difficult for him.
  • If you yourself are not ready to give up co-sleeping with your baby, then you will not be able to firmly stand your ground on this issue, but you will undoubtedly have to show willpower.
  • Premature babies or babies with birth trauma should not be placed separately in the first months of life.
  • A newborn has increased excitability, he often wakes up and cries at night, this behavior is also a reason for sleeping together at night.

According to pediatricians, the optimal age for moving a child to one’s own territory ranges between 6-8 months. As a rule, at this time children practically stop eating at night and are able to sleep without waking up for quite a long time.

If the baby is artificial from birth, then there is no need to accustom him to sleeping together. Firstly, he will still have to get up if he wants to eat, and secondly, a baby fed with formula remains full much longer than a baby receiving breast milk.

To teach a baby to sleep in his crib, parents will need cunning, ingenuity, affection and a lot of patience. There are several scenarios with which the process can be turned into a game; training will be easy and will not harm either you or the child.

Method No. 1 - crib to crib

It is necessary to remove the front wall from the crib, after which it is moved close to the bed on which the parents sleep. The baby is in his own space, but at the same time there are no barriers between him and you. When putting your child to sleep, lie as close to his side as possible so that he can see and feel you. It is possible that if you use this method, at first the baby will move to your bed, but you need to gently and gently move him back, or wait until he falls asleep and return him to his rightful place. The main thing is that he awakens on his own territory. This will continue for about a month until the baby gets used to her new furniture and loves it. The main thing is to do everything as patiently and gently as possible, not to scold the baby, so that he does not develop fear and a feeling of hatred for the crib, otherwise the training process will drag on for a long time.

After the baby has gotten used to it and began to calmly fall asleep in his crib, without claiming a place next to you, the time comes to return its wall to its place. This should not cause him any negative emotions. The next stage will be to gradually move the crib away from yours, first at arm's length, then a meter or two, and finally to its rightful place.

Method number 2 – bedtime ritual

You shouldn’t expect quick results from this method either. Accustoming your baby to independent sleep will take about a month, or even more; your task is to provide a daily ritual in order to develop a permanent habit in the baby that after a set of activities he will have a restful and deep sleep, regardless of the place.

  • Feed the baby shortly before bedtime, a feeling of satiety will make him calm and peaceful, and hunger, on the contrary, will not let him fall asleep
  • Bathing every night, especially with the addition of herbal decoctions or a few drops of essential oil to the bath, will act as a relaxing agent for the baby.
  • Before going to bed, you can do a light, relaxing massage and stroking that will calm him down and set him up for rest.
  • Read a book before going to bed, in a calm, quiet voice, under its measured sound, the baby will quickly calm down and go into the night.
  • A lullaby is a very good way to help you fall asleep quickly; it is best sung in a quiet, gentle, gentle voice.
  • A toy or mother's thing placed nearby, the smell of which will have a calming effect on him, works well for the baby.

After the baby has become accustomed to the nightly ritual, you can begin to put him in his crib. After all the relaxing activities, he is guaranteed to be tired and want to sleep, so without objection he will fall asleep in his crib or in your arms, from which you can easily move him to his place.

Method number 3 - sleep training in another room

After the baby has gotten used to his new cradle and sleeps peacefully in it all night, you can be puzzled by the question of moving him to the nursery. This must be achieved in stages, gradually accustoming the baby to loneliness.

  1. To begin with, so that he does not feel abandoned, go to bed in his room, on a folding bed or an air mattress. When the baby gets used to it, you can gradually move it further and further away from him.
  2. After the baby has begun to sleep normally in his room, do not sleep with him all night, but go to your room after he falls asleep.
  3. The third step is falling asleep to your voice. The child may not see his mother, but he must hear her reading him a fairy tale or singing a lullaby.
  4. Some children refuse to sleep in the dark, in order for the child to overcome his fear of the dark, place a night light - a projector - in his room, let the baby admire the colored pictures on the ceiling before going to bed, and soft music will create additional coziness and comfort for him.

Before you begin the operation to resettle your child on your territory, think carefully about whether you are both ready for this. Observe the behavior of the baby, if a separate dream causes him to panic and its quality is disturbed, the child often wakes up, cries, and in the evening does not want to and refuses to go to sleep, it means that the time for independence has not yet come for him and he needs to wait a little.

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