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How to convince a girl that you are attractive. What to write to a girl to make her understand that I need her

It is difficult to recognize the feelings of another person when you yourself are passionate and excited. Questions often arise that haunt me: how long will this last, is this the only one, what if I’m uninteresting to her, ridiculous and clumsy in her eyes? How to express your feelings, how to prove that you love a girl, that you don’t think about yours later life without her?

How to prove to a girl that I love her

Your words and actions themselves should speak about this instead of constant evidence and “sacrifices” for the sake of love for your only and only to a unique woman. How to convince a girl that you love her, these simple tips will help.

Firstly, it is always good to show your affection by presenting small gifts. These can be flowers, trinkets, selected in accordance with the hobbies and preferences of your passion. They will be able to show that you are thinking about her.

Secondly, don't forget about romance in relationships. All girls are romantic by nature, it’s worth going towards nature in this too, having, for example, a picnic on the shore. And dinner in the flickering candles (even if it consists of sandwiches or store-bought pizza) will leave its indelible mark - after all, in this case, what is important for you is not the food, but the emotional atmosphere.

The girl will appreciate your invention and imagination, the time and money spent. If you have sufficient funds, as well as your position in society, you can spend the evening in a restaurant or outside the city. Such actions will be proof of your serious intentions.

Women do not consider those who neglect their attention to be proof of love, and do not respond to the obvious or feigned indifference of those who believe Pushkin’s lines: with what smaller woman we love…

A good reason prove that you love a girl - remember common dates - first meeting, first kiss, birthdays. Love and show your love for what your chosen one values, be it a grumpy Saint Bernard or fluffy bunny, music or painting. You may have to fall in love with something more serious.

Many guys, for the sake of their love, can quit smoking, break up with a dubious company, spend an evening alone instead of football - these are very serious proofs of love, which not everyone can do.

If your companion constantly demands proof of your love, and you are constantly worried about how to prove that you love a girl, you should think about the seriousness of her relationship. Perhaps you are just another phantom in her collection, or she, hiding her indifference, is simply having fun with you.

All girls love attention and are supportive of courtship. And don't be mistaken that candy-bouquet period ends as soon as your relationship moves to a new, bed level. If you want to prove to a girl that you love her, be prepared to show care every day, periodically give flowers and gifts, and show signs of attention. It's actually not that difficult, especially if you really love. Think about how you can always remain interesting to her.

If a girl sees that you are really interested in her opinion, you listen to her and value her advice, this will be one of the main proofs of your love. By the way, the advice may indeed be useful. Respect must be mutual.

Girls appreciate attention. Call her during the day, don’t forget to congratulate her on the holidays, wish her every day before going to bed Good night. Then she will definitely be sure that you love her and think about her constantly.

Build joint plans. This gives you hope for the longevity of your relationship, and girls really need confidence and stability in a relationship. It's not about empty promises and plans to live together until old age, about what you will name your children or what kind of house you will have. Short-term plans will be sufficient. Within a couple of weeks or a month will be enough. Plan a weekend party together and a bowling alley next Friday. For now this will be enough.

Girls need not only love and care, but also admiration. She should feel like herself. To prove to a girl that you love her, give her compliments more often, admire her appearance, her ability to cook, her intelligence, or whatever, even if it is a little untrue. But don’t overdo it; too frank flattery can, on the contrary, give rise to suspicion. And so the girl will be sure that with such data in her heart there will be no place for another.

How to convince a girl that you love her

Love is the brightest and most magical thing that can happen in the life of any girl. Love does not obey any laws of logic, but over time it can gradually lose its power. To convince a girl that you love her, you no longer need words, as in the first stage of a relationship, but deeds.

It’s not enough to meet your love - you still need to try hard to keep it. Unfortunately, it very often happens that love dissolves in daily problems and everyday trifles.

* Under no circumstances should you try to change the girl, to adjust her “to you.”

* Remember that there are no perfect people. You must have the unique ability to accept another person as he really is, with all his strengths and weaknesses.

* To convince a girl that you love her, you need to admire and be proud of your beloved girl.

* It is necessary to constantly discover something new, interesting and previously unknown in it and admire what has been discovered again.

* It is important to constantly and tirelessly tell the girl about your feelings: what makes you feel good and what makes you feel uncomfortable.

* A girl should never lack attention and support.

* A guy needs to try to make his girlfriend happy, so that every day of hers is special, different from the previous ones.

* Learn to feel your soulmate, try to understand inner world Your beloved.

* Be sincere with your beloved, tell her everything that comes from the depths of your heart.

* Treat your soulmate as yourself: know how to forget grievances and learn to forgive and accept the girl as closely as you accept yourself.

* To convince a girl that you love her, say words of love more often.

* Always listen to your girlfriend until the end, do not interrupt her mid-sentence, give her the opportunity to speak.

* Constantly help your sweetheart.

* Perform as often as possible nice deeds that would prove your love.

If you follow this simple rules, you can always count on the fact that your soulmate will love you at any age and in any life circumstances.

In fact, every man knows exactly how to convince a girl that you love her, it’s just that not everyone wants to take advantage of this knowledge!

And always remember that Love never obeys any laws, and it is quite possible to keep a girl’s love!

In magazine articles you can often find the statement that love does not need proof. On forums dedicated to this issue, people break spears, trying to prove their point of view.

Even girls often say that they do not need sacrifices brought to the altar of Cupid. And yet, they are lying. Or maybe they just don’t notice that their boyfriends provide these very proofs of love every day. So how to convince a girl that you love her?

“You spoke words of love to me...”

Some men are gifted with the ability to create an atmosphere of romance for their girlfriend, but most have to learn this. And you need to start your “universities” with the right words that will convince the girl of your love. Even if you do not have the gift of eloquence, sincerely spoken words of admiration for the most beautiful, kind, desirable, and most importantly, the only girl in the world will prove that you are not indifferent to her.

Enough words: time to act

Nothing is more convincing than an act done in the name of love. Remember that any perfect deed is better than an imperfect one. Any romantic act, even the most banal, is better than the most extraordinary, but existing only in your head. Girls don't like promises, they love it when something extraordinary happens in their lives, something they didn't expect at all. And whether it is an inscription on the asphalt, a bouquet of flowers or a small note accidentally found in a pocket, a falsely sung song dedicated to her - it does not matter at all. The main thing is the effect of surprise, the attention shown by you. Then it will be much easier to convince the girl that you love her.

Take part in the girl's life

Female representatives perceive love inextricably with serious intentions. If you are determined, then meeting the girl’s friends, and then her parents, will definitely assure her of your love. And if you propose marriage to her, you can rest assured that you have provided her with all the evidence.

Actions have back side medals: for a girl, it is important not only what you did especially for her, but also how you behave towards others. If you look after every beauty passing by, show inattention towards your beloved, speak negatively about what she loves and values, without caring about her feelings, do not let her into your life, in any way romantic actions you won't be able to convince a girl that you love her.

And in conclusion, I would like to warn against actions that will affect your entire future life if you are not 100% sure that you are ready to connect her with the girl to whom you so zealously want to prove your love. Weigh the pros and cons, imagine what your life will be like in 5 years. And if you still see only your beloved in her, then feel free to get a tattoo with her name, meet your parents, give your hand and heart. So that in the future the drawing on your body does not torment your new girl thoughts like: “Who is this Katya on the tattoo?” Or not to part with a scandal due to the fact that they did not get along in character. After all, it will no longer be possible to go back to the past and live life differently.

Many people turn to search engines as the ultimate truth. And he receives completely vague answers, such as: be yourself, believe in yourself, trust your intuition... There is very little benefit from them, and disappointment and lost time can be measured in decalitres. And if you have a burning question, what should I write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, you will need practical advice, and not empty maxims.


The way the letter is written is the first signal for her to understand what is happening. Wrote a short love sms? Apparently, you suddenly remembered her and experienced a surge of tenderness. A lengthy message with a couple of specific compliments? She will think that you want to communicate further, to somehow build a relationship. Long letter, where you describe your feelings, pour out your soul, talk about your relationship? Be careful: such a text may frighten a modern young lady. What if you are a rare bore and will now loom on the horizon day and night?

Successful examples of SMS with text:

  • I drove past your house and thought of you, smile.
  • Today I really want to see you - I have an important secret that I want to reveal to you, you will like its plot.
  • The evening city is so good! I hope you will make it even more beautiful by agreeing to take a walk with me.

The widespread advice to compose messages with humor and imagination is a dangerous thing. When deciding what to write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, examples of successful light humor will be something like this:

  • I can’t say that everyone around is crocodiles, but without a beauty like you, it would be more difficult to put up with the surrounding reality.
  • What handbag will you be carrying tonight? I want to look decent and choose matching socks.
  • Your work and girlfriends... We will send the boss to hard labor, and I will give away my girlfriends to my sheikh friends. That's when you will always be with me!

And don’t forget that there are two things in the world that women are sure of, but constantly doubt: it’s your love and hers. irresistible appearance. So don’t forget to tell her that she is divinely beautiful, at the same time smart and more valuable to you than all the treasures of the world.

Common mistakes

Here you are sitting in front of your computer or phone and deciding what to write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, in your own words... Just try not to do some typical mistakes male representatives. Sometimes this is quite enough - your chosen one will figure out the rest herself:

  • Intrusiveness. If the messages fly literally one after another, then at some point they will either become the background in her life - she will stop actively responding to them, or will begin to irritate her. What's worse is up to you to decide.
  • Aggressiveness. If a young man constantly insists on dating, hints quite transparently at sex, demands some specific decision, an answer from his passion, most likely she will withdraw. Nobody likes to change something in their life, especially if it is not yet very clear what such a decision will entail.
  • Nagging. “I feel bad without you”, “I’m suffering”, “I’m lonely”, “I’m so unhappy” - not best phrases to win a girl. Perhaps she will take pity on you - the female sex is weak in this regard, but such a relationship is unlikely to last long. She will run away from you to her cheerful friends or to a cheerful, successful guy.
  • To the extent of quotations. Sometimes your words are not enough, and you just want to quote good timing from a movie, song, book... Be careful: your associations will not always be clear to her.

What does a woman want?

If you chose an ordinary girl and not Mother Teresa, then she doesn’t care what you want. Therefore, talking and writing about it is pointless. Understand what she wants and show that you can give it to her.

  1. Male reliability. You don't have to be an oligarch by a large margin in the bank. If you position yourself as a promising young man, this will be enough in almost 100% of cases.
  2. Obligations. Again, no need to move mountains. Just don’t forget to congratulate her on some date you met, pick her up on time, call her back when you promised. And then she will believe that you will treat other tasks the same way.
  3. Self-confidence and positivity. Unhappy ones, offended by life Nobody needs young people. If you constantly complain, and even blame others for your misfortunes, your relationship will be of no use. You don't need her, but a nanny.
  4. A little spontaneity. Know how to do pleasant surprises - woman's life without romance it is insipid and dull. What will it be? Maybe a sudden dance in the rain, huge Teddy bear as a gift, pizza delivered to her work... Who knows? Learn to surprise her.


Don’t drive her into a corner with your frank letter: she will be forced to give an answer, and it’s not a fact that you will like it. Lead her to the idea that you need her vitally, very gradually. Don’t put such a serious decision on fragile women’s shoulders. Become a part of her every day, albeit small, but obligatory and pleasant, and do not miss the moment when she is ready to take a counter step.

The “reverse approach” is when you say and do the opposite of what you say and do to pick up a girl. However, this approach assumes that the woman already knows and trusts you.

Your goal is NOT to try to be nice and nice to earn her approval. How to do this?
One way is to use sarcastic comments that are the opposite of what the girl wants to hear.

Or your answer to her question should be the opposite of what she expected to hear, and this should be done in a tone that clearly implies that you are simply laughing at her. If you do this, a reverse polarity connection will be formed, implying that it is she who will haunt you.

9. Read between the lines

If you are talking to a girl on the phone and she says that she is seeing someone else, then you need to understand that she is saying this more for herself than for you.

Perhaps she just accidentally agreed to go on a date with another guy, but she still feels sympathy for you, and she needs to tell you this in order to convince herself that she is not single.

If you find yourself in this situation, then tell her something like: “Yes? Congratulations. Or do you think that I was trying to run after you?" She will not know what to answer you, and will begin to understand that you independent guy, who doesn’t need any woman, and this is exactly the type of man that girls LIKE.

Don't be surprised if she calls you back within a week and says she'd like to go out with you because she doesn't want to see the guy she dated last week again.

8. Don't limit yourself to "sexual relationships"

When I first started studying the question “How to be successful with women,” the idea of ​​“sleeping with a girl” seemed much more interesting to me than now, because I believed that if I could learn how to seduce a girl, then I would be successful with any woman.

Well what can I say now. A lot of guys who are great at seducing women can't find the right woman to spend their life with.

And when they do find one, they cannot keep it. I think it is much more interesting and useful to understand how and why a woman is attracted to a man, and why she stays with him. With this knowledge, you can find “your” woman and keep her close.

There is nothing wrong with seduction, but this is only part of the puzzle (if you just play hunting, then here are riddles and puzzles, which in itself cannot make you happy and successful in life.

7. Stop courting and start winning her attention.

There are two main ways a man meets a woman: courtship and attraction. If you base your relationship on ATTRACTION, then the approach is significantly different from courtship.

If you are courting a woman, her first reaction will be to “run away,” and this turns you on even more, and you continue to run after her.
And if a girl likes you, then her natural reaction is to want to pursue you. This subtle, barely perceptible difference makes up all the diversity of the world.

6. Dominate

Courtship is based on your ACTIONS, OFFERS and what you GIVE, which mainly means gifts, dinners, flowers, compliments, etc.

Attraction involves the way you communicate, your personality traits, and your masculinity. Courtship involves a "become a friend" strategy, you need to be very nice to get her to like you.

Attraction doesn't mean all that, because a woman doesn't have to like you to be attracted to you.

Courtship is a challenge, and attraction is a challenge. Courtship means being a suitor, submissive and weak; attraction is leadership, power and dominance.

Stop courting, start getting her attention, and you won't BELIEVE how it will turn your relationship with a woman around.

5. Be strong

Women change their opinion about a man if they see that he behaves confidently. Therefore, you need to show the girl that you are one of those rare guys.

And if she told you that another guy is interested in her, or that she is busy tonight, then you need to understand that she is just testing you.

Simply answer: “Come on, I know that’s not true,” and she will understand. And more importantly, she will understand that she is dealing with a real man.

4. Stay the course

Most men immediately focus themselves on courting a woman and seeking her affection. She leads, you follow.

In fact, she doesn't even lead. The man is simply trying to convince her of this with the help of appropriate questions and body movements.

This is a terrible mistake that will lead nowhere. Instead, stay the course, even if it isn't "leading." Let her change her behavior, body language, mood according to your behavior.

Never let her get ahead. Show her that you are the type of man who is used to being the captain of his ship, and this will undoubtedly attract her.

3. Never stop halfway and don’t explain your actions.

If you did something that seemed to upset her, don't try to apologize or do anything to make her feel better.

There's no need to feel or act like guilty person or showing her that you feel bad about what you did. Just act like nothing happened.

Go to next topic or history. If she starts complaining, just say it was just a joke and move on with your story.

If you try to stop and start apologizing for what you said, you may consider it over for you. If you say something and she doesn't like it, then that's HER problem.

Women often complain just to see how you will behave in such a situation. And if you don't give in to this, her respect and attraction for you will increase significantly.

2. Show that you are a normal man

There are a lot of different idiots, perverts and psychologically unstable guys in our world, so it is very important to demonstrate with all your behavior that you are not one of such subjects.

Tell the girl that you are busy and hang up without even asking her to come on a date. Make fun of stupid behavior other guys who act like wimps. If she calls you but doesn't leave a message on your answering machine, tell her she's stalking you and normal people leave messages.

Doing this will show her that you are not one of those creeps who is desperate to get into her panties. And she will understand that you are better than those other guys she usually dates.

1. Use her own games on her

We all know that women love to "play" various games"And when you turn the situation around and start playing her own game with her, it shifts the emphasis in your favor.

One of my favorite games is “You're bad well-mannered child, and I don’t like it.” I don't think this requires any explanation.

Others use the “Let’s see who will be more interested” and “I’m hard to win and you’ll come running to me” method. Use these methods and you will soon find that she realizes that she cannot resist you as an individual.

*The article was prepared specifically for, distribution only subject to a hyperlink to the site

Add your own advice from personal experience...

Smile. Many people's "normal" facial expressions make others think they are angry or depressed. If you smile, you look confident and attractive.

Get a good haircut. Your local barber probably gives both your grandfather and your four-year-old brother the same haircut. It's time to change your haircut to a more stylish one.

  • You don't have to spend a lot of money on a trendy haircut that suits you. In fact, sometimes you can get a haircut for free, and you can certainly get a haircut for the same amount of money you pay your barber or spend at mall. And it will not be beginners who have just signed up for hairdressing courses who will give you a haircut, but young hairdressers-stylists who have already completed courses and are studying the latest techniques and technology in high-end beauty salons and need models (that is, people on whom they can practice). The process is supervised by an experienced hair stylist who will help you choose the trendy haircut that suits you best.
  • Search the Internet for “hairdresser models” or “ fashionable haircuts free”, adding to the search engine the name of the city in which you live, or the big city located nearby. The only problem is that due to the need to constantly consult with an experienced colleague, the hairdresser will give you a haircut within two to three hours. But in such places it is customary to offer rich clients coffee and sweets that you can try too. Much more important is that the result will be the most best haircut in your life.
  • Take a shower. Yes, every day. Never forget about it, especially after training. And while we're talking about training...

    Start exercising/playing sports. It is not necessary to train until complete exhaustion and build up an impressive muscle mass. Perhaps there is a gym nearby where you could pump up your muscles for free, or in your educational institution maybe yours Gym. You will become stronger and feel more confident knowing that you are looking good and improving your health.

    Have a pleasant smell. After showering, use deodorant. Give preference to an unscented deodorant, as some deodorants are too strong smell. Try working until you sweat. You might smell “masculine.” Don't wear aftershave or cologne.

    Shave. Destroy everything you are trying to grow on your face. Facial hair doesn't make you attractive: attractive guys look boyish, and boys don't grow beards or mustaches.

  • Review your wardrobe. Grab any female (but not your mother!) who understands fashion and show her your wardrobe. And let her tell you what you should never wear in public again. You don't have to tell her that you want to impress a girl (although she might figure it out on her own). Just tell her that you want to look more "mature".

    • Update your wardrobe if you can afford it. And don't forget to take your new clothing consultant with you to help you make the right choice.
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