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Why don't I think about politics at all? Magazine for normal people


“I avoid any political controversy,” admits Lyudmila, 44, an emergency doctor. – My student years coincided with perestroika, I had so much hope and inspiration! I lived with the feeling that I could change something, but I no longer believe in it. And I don’t go to the polls.” Where does this disappointment come from? Because of politicians? Because of their promises, which often turn out to be false? Because of the corruption that most of us face? Of course, the words and deeds of many politicians do not contribute to the active involvement of citizens in public life, but our loss of interest is not only due to this reason.

For what? Psychologists consider the refusal not only to engage in, but even to be interested in politics to be quite logical. “Disappointment and willingness to accept the situation in to a large extent arise due to the lack of results from our social activities, notes psychologist Inna Shifanova. – This is exactly how motivation functions: any action generates consequences; if they are pleasant, our brain notes it; if they are unpleasant, he urges you to abandon it.” We believe that we can influence the life of the society in which we live, we go to a march or rally, we vote, but the situation about which we actively expressed our opinion does not change for the better. Or even getting worse. This is difficult to accept, “because in such moments we again experience the feeling of powerlessness that we first experienced in childhood,” explains psychologist Yves-Alexandre Thalmann. “Back then our parents asked our opinion, but in the end they did not take it into account.” As a result, as in childhood, we again feel frustration and anger in the face of a system that does not recognize us as thoughtful and responsible people.

My experience

Fedor, 41 years old, graphic designer

“In 2000, I decided not to vote anymore. I thought that the whole policy was a huge scam. But this summer, when fees were introduced major renovation, this touched me to the quick. I realized that politics is not something that happens somewhere out there, but this very money that we were obliged to pay right now for something that will happen in 15 years, and it is still unknown whether it will happen at all. This seems unfair to me, and this is what I intend to fight and am already preparing lawsuit. Because if we accept everything without complaint, then it turns out that we ourselves are voluntarily abandoning civil society.”

I don't know what to think. These days it is difficult to form a definite opinion on almost any subject in which we are not experts. “There is a huge amount of information available to us, but does it help us form an opinion? – asks Inna Shifanova. - Let's take any topic. For example, nuclear energy: how safe is it? Experts are still arguing and cannot agree with each other. So what should we think about this? And some of us come to the conclusion that it is better to stop thinking altogether.

This is too difficult for me. Politics is directly related to the state of financial markets. Without the ability to follow trends in the market and understand its patterns, many of us cease to be interested in this side of social life, but not social life. “It’s difficult to feel involved in macro-social structures that are too far from us,” continues Inna Shifanova. “To be involved, you need to understand your connection to the microsocial level.” This is where our weakness. No matter what civic position we take, prices continue to rise, while oil and the ruble continue to fall. In this situation, many prefer to abandon any attempts to comprehend their position and devote their efforts to private tasks: improvement own life and the life of your family.

Alexander Arkhangelsky Publicist, writer, TV presenter Alexander Arkhangelsky is also a practitioner. Constantly thinking about where we should move next, he makes concrete efforts to ensure that this movement comes true. His project “More important than politics” is precisely from this area.

What to do?

Participate in common affairs

"I'm just a drop in the ocean..." Perhaps such a thought might give up. But the sea is made of drops. And we can, to the best of our ability, take part in actions that will lead to tangible and useful results. This will trigger the reward system in the brain and regain the desire to act.

Act for the sake of others

Any action, no matter how small, in the public interest can be considered a political act. Our job is to take responsibility again and find how and where to apply our strength. For example, we can give our time, money, skills within the framework of any association of volunteers or philanthropists. Do we know what opportunities exist at the local level to take initiative? Have we used all such opportunities?

Live out your values

To understand who we are, it is necessary to understand which group we belong to, what our values ​​are (for example, solidarity, equality of opportunity, tolerance, social justice). We can build our lives in harmony with them in our family and with loved ones and pay attention to how they are embodied in the society where we live.

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Tajik society continues to withdraw from the political life of the country. Despite the initiatives taken by the authorities to activate young people in society, there is less and less desire at the bottom to interfere in politics based on personal motives, experts say.

Society in Tajikistan, once one of the most politically active in the region, over time shows less and less interest in certain significant events, not to mention reactions to them. British researcher John Heathershaw, in one of his interviews with Radio Ozodi, called the Tajiks one of the most apolitical peoples in the world, justifying his statement by the fact that people are increasingly moving away from politics, avoiding even talking about it. However, such passivity was not always present...

Starting point
A surge in civic activity in Tajikistan was observed in the late 80s of the last century, when the intelligentsia, students and youth showed unprecedented activity in their quest for national revival. It was during this period that the Law on the State Language was adopted, and many socio-political organizations were registered. In fact, at this time the foundations for further healthy political competition in the country should have been formed. However, unfortunately, high degree regionalism in the political consciousness of the population did not lead to required result, but only increased the likelihood of civil confrontation.

Tajik expert and journalist Nurali Davlatov connects the current apolitical nature of modern Tajik society precisely with the political confrontation between parties and movements of the early 90s. “After the collapse of the USSR, this confrontation escalated into a civil war, which resulted in the deaths of 100 to 150 thousand people,” says Davlatov. In addition to the consequences of the civil war, the expert sees the reasons for indifference to politics in the lack of the necessary political culture, knowledge and the impossibility of realizing personal potential.

Activity under duress
Indeed, a negative attitude towards political activity can be heard from many Tajiks who survived the civil war. However, based on official statistics turnout at polling stations during the 2013 presidential elections and the 2015 parliamentary elections, then the level of turnout clearly indicates the opposite - too much political and civic activity among citizens. So in the elections in 2013, voter turnout was 86.64%, and in 2015 it was 87.7%.

However, according to political observer Khairullo Mirsaidov, who has repeatedly observed electoral processes in Tajikistan, official figures cannot at all indicate the political activity of citizens. “If there had been no pressure and the use of administrative resources at the local level, such a high turnout would have been impossible to ensure.”

Elections in Tajikistan have never been recognized as meeting international standards

Mirsaidov sees main reason political passivity of citizens, in excessively harsh measures taken by law enforcement agencies against those who try to speak out or criticize the authorities. This, in his opinion, led to the fact that people became afraid to talk about politics even at the everyday level.

“Apoliticality is already affecting the lives of citizens. We are seeing a lot of bans from the state. Intervention into personal life is a consequence of apoliticality. People are driven into narrow boundaries because they do not show any political participation,” the expert is sure.

Tightening of legislation
Meanwhile, political participation against the foundations of power in Tajikistan may recently be punishable. In June current year The Parliament of Tajikistan adopted amendments to Article 179 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, according to which calls on the Internet for the public commission of crimes of a terrorist nature and public justification of terrorist activities entail criminal punishment. Experts then noted that the adoption of the amendments is a timely measure, but there is a risk of incorrect interpretation of the law by law enforcement agencies and, consequently, an increase in repressive measures.

Earlier, in May 2018, a resident of the Khatlon region, Alijon Sharipov, who often in social networks liked the videos of the chairman of the IRP banned in Tajikistan, Mukhiddin Kabiri. The court found him guilty of committing a crime under Art. 307 Part 2 of the Criminal Code “Public calls for a violent change in the constitutional system of Tajikistan using the media or the Internet.”

“Humility and humility as the main features of political behavior”

Khofiz Boboyorov, a Doctor of Philosophy living in Germany, notes that it is impossible to say that the citizens of Tajikistan are completely excluded from politics. Their political behavior, he said, is dominated by such traits as humility, contentment with their current position and obedience. According to the scientist, these traits can be observed among those in power and those who consider themselves to be in opposition, since the majority of members of both groups are absolutely subordinate to their leaders. He identifies several factors that contribute to the passive behavior of citizens:

— First, the political behavior of citizens remains not fully formed. Most citizens perceive political participation not as an individual right, but as a collective responsibility; The second is the socio-economic situation of citizens, in particular migrants and other groups, which prevents them from participating in the political life of the country, and receiving financial resources and engaging in certain activities significantly reduces their political and social discontent. Third, the realization that a real alternative to the existing political regime is in a state of infancy and can either appear or disappear altogether.

Not everyone considers themselves apolitical
Speaking about the active part of society, first of all it should be noted students and youth. Exactly this category considered the most socially and politically mobile group, capable of active action. However, there are no alternative organizations defending the interests of youth in Tajikistan, which are in positions parallel to pro-government organizations.

Thus, 2017, according to the decree of President Emomali Rahmon, was declared the Year of Youth. The President, in his speeches during a meeting with young people, repeatedly called on the younger generation to “refrain from joining terrorist organizations and drug addiction, and instead engage in science, art and actively participate in the socio-political affairs of the country.” However, in the political field there are few active youth groups and movements and all of them, as a rule, demonstrate themselves as defenders of the general line of the government and the authorities as a whole. There are no groups challenging any political decision in the country.

The Tajik youth movement "Avangard" is one of the few and, probably, the most active organizations defending the policies of the government and the president. The movement, created in August 2015 with the aim of fighting against the spread of terrorism and extremism among young people, systematically holds meetings with young people, rallies at the embassies of European countries and international organizations against the activities banned in Tajikistan by the IRP and other opposition groups. The leader of this movement, Mardikhudo Davlatov, does not agree with the idea that Tajik society is apolitical. “Today we live in the information age, and young people are fully aware of what is happening around them and they have the opportunity to participate in politics within the framework of the opportunities provided by law,” notes Davlatov. He notes that the idea of ​​​​creating a movement initially came only from young people and main goal was and remains the protection of the interests of the state and nation. When asked by Radio Ozodi whether the young man was going to build a political career, the activist replied that his goal was only to protect the interests of the state and the people.

Thus, most experts are inclined to think that political participation in Tajikistan remains limited to certain ideological frameworks, and attempts to attract young people into social and political life occur with the aim of upholding and protecting the policies pursued by the state. There is no reaction to various political events, be it the adoption of certain legislation or a statement by an official, in the country. The presidential People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan remains the favorite in political and party competition.

In addition to this party, there are six other political parties in the country, five of which are also present in parliament. In particular, in the lower house of parliament, in addition to the party in power, the following are represented: the Agrarian Party of Tajikistan, the Economic Reform Party, the Socialist Party, and the Democratic Party. Three opposition parties - the Communist Party of Tajikistan, the Social Democratic Party of Tajikistan and the then-authorized Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan were unable to overcome the 5% threshold in the 2015 elections. Despite the fact that two members of the Communist Party from single-mandate constituencies entered parliament, the party officially refused to recognize them. From the same year, the IRPT was recognized as a terrorist organization in Tajikistan.

I am outside of politics, I am not interested in politics - these are the words you can hear in modern society, By at least from a certain part of it. Let's figure out together what it means to be outside politics and whether it is even possible.


Politics affects absolutely all areas of our lives, both within the country and abroad. Everyone agrees with this. But what connects ordinary person and politics? Most people will answer without hesitation – elections. Election of the President of the country. Elections to the State Duma. Elections local government. According to the Russian Constitution, all this is a direct expression of the power of the people. But, as a rule, that’s where it all ends. For some reason, we all think that by choosing a person or a group of people and thereby endowing them with certain powers, they will solve all our problems. Life shows that this statement is fundamentally wrong. It is not enough to just choose, you also need to control, regulate the work of government bodies, point out their mistakes, offering a solution to this or that problem. But in order to put all of the above into practice, certain knowledge is required. Knowledge in those areas of human life that we intend to control. I think everyone will agree that it is impossible to control what you don’t understand at all. A person cannot exercise control over the functioning of an enterprise without having an idea of ​​the mechanisms for managing this enterprise, without being able to understand the causes of certain problems that he has, and without being able to correctly assess external factors, which certainly also influence his work. The same can be said about the state. The only difference from an enterprise is the scale of the tasks that need to be solved, and therefore a different level of training for the manager.

Continuing Aristotle's logic that only shoemakers can choose the best shoemaker, we can say that the best manager for the country can be chosen by people who understand the principles of governing the country. Ask yourself a few questions. Can you correctly assess the situation in the country and in the world? Reveal real reasons certain problems? By what criteria do you evaluate this or that candidate? (no matter what position) What are you guided by when choosing him? Can you control his actions after his election so that they do not run counter to the previously planned goal? And all these are questions that cannot simply be left unanswered. And most importantly, without answering them, you cannot be sure of the correctness of your choice.

Now is the time to answer the question: is it possible to be outside of politics? To do this, you need to understand the meaning of the term itself. The definition of politics is related to the etymology of the Greek "πολιτικός", where πολι (poly) means multitude and τικός (tikos) means interest; (literally - “many interests”). That is, politics is a clash of interests different people. Interest in the meaning of the goals and objectives that people set for themselves. It’s time to think about whether you have interests common man? For example, interest in the development and prosperity of your homeland, family? Is the interest in keeping the state strong and the children healthy and happy? So that humanity does not face a global environmental catastrophe? The answer will seem obvious - of course, any normal person has such interests, and therefore there must be a desire to realize them. It turns out that in order to be outside of politics, you must have any lack of any interests, which, of course, cannot be the case... for a normal person.

You cannot be outside of politics, but you can remove yourself from participation in it, and thereby leave the life of your state, your family to chance. If you are not involved in politics, then politics is involved in you - these words are especially relevant in today’s time. And it's not just beautiful words. Think about it, in 1991 the USSR, a once powerful power, ceased to exist. We see the consequences of this to this day. How many could have foreseen that Gorbachev's reforms would lead to exactly this? No, but everyone wanted change. And only now we have begun to understand what a huge mistake we made then, but, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to return everything back... But we can take into account the mistakes of past years and try to create a new powerful state, which Russia has always been. But this requires the efforts of every citizen. Each in his place, each to the best of his ability.

In some ways, the party's worldview is more successful
everything was instilled in people who were unable to understand it.
They agree with the most blatant distortions
reality, because they don’t understand all the ugliness
substitutions and, with little interest in social events,
don't notice what's happening around them. Lack of understanding
saves them from madness. They swallow everything in sight, and then
what they swallow does not harm them, does not leave
sediment, just like corn grain passes
undigested through the bird's intestines.

George Orwell, "1984"

In the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, there lived one woman who was very, very apolitical. No matter how you start a conversation with her about politics, she immediately starts to wince and turn up her nose. And he will make such a sour face that everyone around him will completely discourage the desire to talk about politics. Even her neighbor Arnold Ippolitovich, an elderly professor, tried to reach her political consciousness. It happened when it started to fill my ears:

  • “How can you be so apolitical!? Yes, there is nothing more important in the world than politics! Our lives depend on it! Corruption and arbitrariness of officials reign in the country! And we have no democracy at all! AND civil society not developing! And the judicial system is rotten! What about the economy? So this is absolutely terrible! The oil needle... industry is in decline... business is being squeezed out... science has degraded... and education... and medicine... and housing and communal services... blah-blah-blah... blah-blah... »

And so Arnold Ippolitovich continued to give out his brilliant tirades for hours on end. And the woman looked at him and batted her eyes. And her gaze was so empty, so empty, completely indifferent. This look expressed only endless boredom, nothing more. It was as if Arnold Ippolitovich was talking to the wall. And the apolitical woman answered him as boringly and unpretentiously as her gaze was:

  • “You are a smart man, Arnold Ippolitovich. And you speak very smoothly. What is this policy of yours to me? Some kind of democracy, economics, corruption... Complete abracadabra. I'm not at all interested in politics. And I don’t have time, there’s too much to do. Go to work, cook some food, clean up the house... There is only one joy left in life - watching TV before bed. And everyone knows that there are swindlers in power in our country. But nothing depends on us anyway! It was always like this, and we didn’t know any other life. Well, to hell with this policy of yours... My head is swelling... It’s better not to touch it at all - less problems will. You'll see, it will sort itself out somehow. It's like our president good man, not like these crooked deputies. Previously, there was a drunkard over there, then a dwarf... But this one at least looks like a human being! God willing, he will restore order..."

Arnold Ippolitovich was powerless. There were no counterarguments to this case in his intelligent head. And the old professor was boring, to be honest. He did not know how to communicate with the people in their language. And the common people had no particular reason to worry about politics. Hungry times have sunk into oblivion. There was some kind of stability, a roof over our heads, a crust of bread and a working TV.

And the woman also had three sons. The eldest was just drafted into the army. The middle one studied at the institute. And the youngest was finishing school. And the woman raised them in her own image and likeness - just as apolitical. She instilled three main rules of life in her children from the very cradle:

  1. Mind your own business.

  2. Always do what your elders say.

  3. Don't worry, it will only get worse.

All sons absorbed these sacred rules with their mother's milk and carried them through their entire lives... All except the youngest. Who learned the rules rather mediocrely. Why the family didn’t like him and even considered him stupid. But over the years, as usual, he wised up, matured and became like all normal people.

And all the normal people of this wonderful country were also apolitical and honored the three sacred commandments. Only Arnold Ippolitovich and a small group of supporters showed an unhealthy interest in politics. They loved to hold all sorts of protest rallies. And they spoke out against corruption and for fair elections. However, the rallies were of little use. People looked at all this without special interest and even with contempt. All you could hear was:

  • “Idlers have gathered at their rallies again... It would be better if they went and worked... I suppose they are worth the money... Normal person Would it be possible to do this kind of garbage for free?.. Hey, how much do they even pay?! How much is the Motherland being sold?! There are rumors about you that you are all spies and agents of foreign countries... It’s not in vain that all this, oh, not in vain!.. There is no smoke without fire...”

That's what they said. And what else can you expect from them? They were not interested in politics, did not understand anything about it and did not want to delve into the meaning of the movement. But everyone was watching TV, and there were ready-made answers to everything. Arnold Ippolitovich felt offended for such attacks. After all, he wanted the best for his country, so that everything would be like abroad. But people didn’t care. Apparently, they are very accustomed to observing those same three rules of life. In general, everything went as usual and returned to normal...

Until one day, all the news outlets on TV were overwhelmed with breaking news. They say that in a friendly state they came to power very bad people and started doing very bad things. And the bastards got so bad that they started putting good people in cages, killing them with gas, and making clothes and lampshades out of leather. And one girl in live swore that she was eaten alive before her eyes baby. At least that's how it was presented. And now the sacred duty of all residents far away kingdom- help everyone good people kill all the bad ones. Until the bastards made their way to us. And in general, it smacks of the influence of the insidious Abroad.

These horrors made viewers' jaws drop completely. Of course, they themselves had not been to the neighboring state and did not see anything with their own eyes. But they believed what was on TV without looking back. What else did they have left? They were not interested in politics, did not understand what was happening and could not distinguish truth from lies. And here such respectable people are broadcasting from television screens, in jackets and ties from overseas... And they speak so beautifully, so confidently, you can really listen. They burst out in every possible way, gesticulate with their hands, and their eyes sparkle like those of the blessed. And every remark - applause from the audience. And then immediately news, video footage, accompanied by epic music, with all sorts of special effects, with comments from experts, eyewitnesses and clairvoyants. And so day after day they drip on the brain. Well, how can you not believe it? So everyone believed it.

Well... Except for Arnold Ippolitovich. He didn't like TV at all. In addition, he was interested in politics and understood something about it. And he even personally traveled to a neighboring country to see everything with his own eyes. The old professor knew that they didn’t put anyone in cages or gas them. It’s just that the president of the distant kingdom is looking for a reason for a military invasion of a neighboring state. He wants to make money for free. But the people from this war have seen only misfortune and ruin. Arnold Ippolitovich was very indignant, gathered like-minded people, and they decided to organize an anti-war rally. And in the evening the professor came to see his neighbor, an apolitical woman. I told her my vision of the situation, and even invited her to the rally. And she suddenly says to him in an inhuman voice:

  • “Oh, Arnold Ippolitovich, what are you saying?!” Have you really been brainwashed too?! But I said, don’t go to these rallies, they’ll lure you into a sect! There they spray drugs and psychotronic rays! I know about these gatherings of yours, they told everything about you on TV! How do leaders receive your money from abroad in order to put our enemies in power! They want to put us in cages, gas us, and turn us into lampshades, just like in the neighboring country! You have spies and traitors alone at these rallies! And you, Arnold Ippolitovich, have been recruited! As for the war, I will only be glad if the president sends in troops! And he will do the right thing! To crush these reptiles who are spreading their tentacles onto our land! God grant that the president sends in troops, I will now pray for this every day! Yes, I would strangle these bastards with my own hands!!!”

The professor, of course, was completely taken aback by this. For a woman who has never been interested in politics to suddenly take such an irreconcilable political position. Some kind of magic! There were no doubts left in her, only a mad look, full of hatred. Arnold Ippolitovich longed for those glorious times when women didn’t stick their noses into politics. Apathy and indifference are better than this insane war hysteria. The old man became even more angry with his people than before.

But the most interesting thing is that in the heat of patriotic frenzy, our heroine completely forgot that one of her sons is now serving in the army. Meanwhile, God heard her prayers: the president quietly sent troops into the neighboring country, quietly, without unnecessary publicity. So the eldest son was already firing with all his might at living targets from a combat machine gun, without even inquiring about the strange circumstances. It’s not his job to understand the orders of the command. He silently continued to do everything that the “elders” said, even when his wounded friend fell dead before his eyes. Of course, the guy felt that something clearly illegal was happening. After all, war was not officially declared. But he didn’t protest. Why make a fuss if it gets worse? In short, the eldest son fulfilled his mother’s wishes until the very end. Therefore, a week later he returned to her home with a load of 200 in a large zinc coffin.

But everything could have turned out differently if Arnold Ippolitovich had come to the anti-war rally more people. History knows how once pacifist demonstrations already stopped a war in distant countries and saved thousands of lives... But no.

I think it is unnecessary to tell how much grief my mother experienced. For a long time she knocked on the thresholds of all sorts of departments to find out about the fate of her son. But no answer was given anywhere, citing a lack of information and authority. And then people in civilian clothes showed up at her house and had a long explanatory conversation. They say there was a training exercise and an accident occurred. Perhaps there was a planned terrorist attack. But it’s better not to talk too much about what happened. In the interests, so to speak, of state secrets. And they handed over a stack of money. The woman wanted to throw this pile in their faces... But she got scared. People in civilian clothes were very much afraid in the distant kingdom. After all, there are two more sons, God forbid anything happens to them... And she took the money. And she swore to remain silent. And she even sincerely believed everything that was said in order to calm her conscience. They buried the eldest son quietly. It was as if he never existed.

And the war continued, although the president still did not dare to announce it openly. For she turned out to be not at all fast and not victorious. The war consumed more and more resources, leaving less and less for farming. A deep crisis has come in the distant kingdom. Money depreciated, prices soared, and widespread unemployment began. The quiet life has come to an end, hungry times have returned. Just look, food riots will break out...

Suddenly middle son Our heroine began to get seriously ill. A good medicine They didn’t produce it in the distant kingdom; they had to buy it from abroad, and for a lot of money. The family’s money situation was getting worse and worse; there was barely enough left for food. We had to be content with domestic import-substitution products of very mediocre quality. Why did the patient’s condition worsen every day... Plus constant malnutrition... In general, death came for the second son.

In fact, the woman had a chance to stop the repetition of the tragedy; she could publicize the death of her first son, raise a huge scandal, and then a mass protest. This would force the president to stop the senseless war... But she made a different choice. You know why.

However, the death of her second son did not teach the apolitical woman anything. She had neither insight, nor rethinking, nor awareness. On the contrary, she began to hate the damned foreign spies operating on TV more than ever. And the propaganda of fear and hatred has already reached its climax. The President, realizing the hopelessness of the situation into which he had driven himself, began preparations for mass repressions. The paranoia grew more and more intense. Denunciations and arrests began. Arnold Ippolitovich had already fled abroad by that time. And the woman, angry at the whole world, lived only with this hatred of imaginary enemies. She saw them as the culprits behind the death of her sons. And she started writing denunciations herself.

Much seemed suspicious at that time. What kind of people hang out almost every evening outside that window? They don’t drink, they don’t sing songs... Don’t go to grandma’s, something is unclean here! It is necessary to report where it should be, out of harm's way... Well, without hesitation, the woman wrote a denunciation to the competent authorities. And that same evening a man in civilian clothes came to visit her. Like, so and so, according to your application, a gang of dangerous terrorists was discovered and eliminated. Thanks a lot. He even gave me a medal. There was just one hitch. It turns out that her youngest son, Vanka, also participated in this gang. He was also swept away, along with everyone else. And, most likely, they will shoot... So our woman, who had not been involved in politics since her birth, finished off last son with my own hands. For entirely political reasons.

This is a fairy tale with an unhappy ending. What morality follows from it - think for yourself, not little ones anymore. As for Ivan - youngest son- so don’t worry about him, he’s still alive and free. He was a cunning guy, smart. At the crossing to the logging site, he slipped away from the convoy, taking his friends with him. Still, those three rules of life did not take root in him.

On the bank of a taiga river near the border of the distant kingdom, young people are sitting and animatedly talking around a fire. Ivan stays a little to the side, deeply immersed in his thoughts...

What is it worth to take and run away from this hell? The border is right in front of you, open, a couple of steps and you are free. You no longer have to hide in the forest, always looking around and waking up from every rustle. Forget how horrible dream everything experienced and start with clean slate. Start a family, children, put together a business, build a house... And not know grief until the end of time.

On the other hand, it’s not so easy to just take it and forget... Dead brothers, forced poverty, a stupid act of the mother... How can you live with the thought that the bastards responsible for all this are not only living well, but enjoying abundance and luxury ? And all your loved ones who are still alive will inevitably face a terrible fate in the clutches of the repressive machine? Just give up without a fight, without even trying to break it? Maybe it would be better to die in the last desperate battle? But people won’t appreciate this sacrifice. Only a few whose minds are still alive. Eh... What should I do?

What do you think?

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