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How to put bangs. Tips for styling bangs of different shapes. How to lay a bang straight, oblique. Ways of styling long and short bangsBagiraClub Women's club. How to style bangs beautifully: the best ways

Bangs are an important element of a beautiful hairstyle, it can complement it, give the haircut a new look, hide facial imperfections. With its help, you can even change your image, image, mood. To do this, you need to know how to lay the bangs correctly, beautifully, with what devices to give it splendor, volume.

In contact with

There are many options for how to lay a bang. They depend on the structure of the hair, the usual image, their own preferences.

You can use gel, mousse, varnish, hair dryer, curling iron, iron, various combs and brushes. It all depends on the length of the strand, the thickness of the hair, the type and shape of the face. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, try on new images, make changes.

Types of bangs

It is customary to distinguish between the following types of bangs:

  1. Straight. The length can be any: short, up to the eyebrows, the middle of the forehead, long. You can set it up however you like.
  2. oblique. It is suitable only for owners of straight hair, on curly strands it will look casual. Should be smooth and thick.
  3. Asymmetrical. Only suitable for those with straight hair. It needs to be applied daily.

Her tips can also be different: beautifully twisted inward or outward, profiled, even, torn. This effect is achieved with the help of various devices, fixing means.

Tips about bangs from "Fashionable Sentence" - video:

  • It is best to use a hair dryer and a comb with wide teeth. First, apply foam or hair mousse to the strands.
  • After styling, you need to fix the hair with varnish so that they do not become disheveled.
  • You can use various invisibles, small hairpins for fixing, comb it back, to one side.
  • If your hair is curly, you can straighten the strands with an iron. Then dry them, fix with varnish.
  • Varnish should not weigh down thin strands.
  • You can twist the hair near the face with a round brush with a hairdryer or curling iron.
  • Hair must be clean.

Styling short and medium bangs

There are a lot of options on how to style a bang, if it is short or medium in length. It suits different girls, hides the flaws of a round or narrow face.

It is advisable to make the ends milled, so the strands will look fresh, elegant, fashionable.

  • Of the tools you will need a hair dryer, a round brush, a comb, an iron, mousse or a suitable foam.

Varnishes or strong fixation gels are usually not used - they only make the strands heavier, the bangs become stiff, stick up or sideways.

  • If a curling iron is used, the temperature must be checked. Too hot rod will burn thin hair, spoil the structure of the strand.

Options and easy installation methods

Laying long bangs

There are also many options and simple ways to style a long bang.

  • It can be curled, combed to one side, back, fastened at the back of the head with a hairpin.
  • Such strands are fixed with varnish, gel, even a hair hoop.
  • Tools such as a hair dryer, iron, curling iron, brushes and combs are used.

The main ways of laying a long bang:

  1. Straight. Too long strands cover the forehead, fall into the eyes, sometimes look unkempt. It is better to raise it a little, curling the ends inside with a hairdryer. To do this, mousse is applied, the hair is curled with a round large brush. You can use your fingers to give the desired direction.
  2. On the side. There are several options for how to lay a bang on its side. The strands are distributed on an uneven side parting, curled inside with a hair dryer. It is necessary that the hair does not return to its usual position. To do this, the bangs are fixed with mousse or varnish. You can comb the entire bang to one side, fix it with a gel or a hairpin. If there is a desire, each strand is smeared with foam, laid on one side with a hairdryer, beautifully curling inward. This makes the hair appear fuller, fuller and thicker.
  3. Back to crown. All strands are collected in a bundle, combed at the roots, taken at the crown. Fix so invisible or a hoop. The strands can be slightly twisted with bundles, so they will look stylish and very elegant. You can collect all the hair in a ponytail, and comb the bangs so that they stand on end. Then it is bent to the back of the head, the top is smoothed with a hand, varnish is sprayed from below. Such a high volume will look chic. The tips are fixed on the top of the head with invisibility or taken into the tail.
  4. Iron. All strands near the face are evenly straightened, but this option is only suitable for even or torn bangs. The strands must be completely dry.
  5. Tousled. Hair is smeared with mousse, whipped with fingers, slightly dried. This option is suitable for young, stylish girls with medium length hair. You can twist it on your finger while drying.
  6. On two sides. An even parting is made in the middle of the head and bangs, both halves are dried with a hairdryer, dividing the hair into two sides, curling the tips outward to the temples. In the end, you need to sprinkle the tips with varnish, but a little so that they do not develop from its severity. You can curl the entire half at once with a curling iron or curl it in a thin strand. In this case, the waves will turn out to be stepped, it looks very beautiful and stylish. How to put a long bang on two sides - video with a master class:
  7. Volumetric. Moisten the bangs with water, apply mousse. Then dry it with a hair dryer, winding it around a large diameter round brush. The ends should be beautifully twisted inward, and the roots should be lifted. It is better to divide it into two layers, the lower curl is stronger, and the upper one is only slightly. So it will turn out very thick, voluminous.

Asymmetrical bangs styling

There are also enough options on how to lay the bangs to one side or straight with an asymmetrical haircut. It is modeled with mousse, varnish, gel, the ends are curled with a hair dryer or curling iron.

The stronger the thinning is made, the more beautiful the strands near the face and temples will look.

Ways to style asymmetrical bangs at home

All these methods are simple and clear, do not take much time. Depending on the haircut, face shape and styling of the entire hairstyle, you should select the type and shape of the bangs.

How to lay regrown bangs - video with options:

You can easily lay it down, the main thing is to follow all the rules and tips, experiment at home with tools and means of fixation. No need to be afraid to be different, stylish, original, you need to love yourself and learn how to take care of your hair according to all the rules.

When creating any hairstyle, special attention should be paid to bangs, if, of course, there is one. Bangs, laid on its side, look very stylish with many variations of styling and hairstyles. Its advantage is that it can look equally good with any length of hair and with almost any external type.

What you need for styling

Most often, laying bangs on the side is not complete without appliances with thermal action:

  • hair dryer;
  • rectifier;
  • curling iron.

Concerning styling products, for such styling suitable:

  • powder with volume effect;
  • gel for fixation;
  • special milk or cream;
  • styling fluids.

Fixing the result is best entrusted to a good hairspray. Especially, soft varnish-spray, which does not stick together and does not stain the hair.

We lay different types of bangs

It will be easiest to put oblique bangs. We can say that in most cases it requires that it be laid on its side. To make it lay beautifully, you just need to lay it down after washing your hair and, if the hair is naughty, apply a little of any light styling product. For example, fluid.

Straight bangs medium length does not always lend itself well to styling, therefore, we advise you to use styling products in the form of a special cream.

If the bangs are very short gels for fixation are suitable.

For styling long or regrown bangs you will need invisible ones with which you can discreetly pin its ends to the strands on one side of the hair.

How beautiful to lay bangs on the side

The main condition for achieving this goal is hair cleanliness. If you prefer blow-drying your bangs, dry your bangs in the direction of the side they will be styled on. If you are a supporter of natural drying, lay your bangs on one side with a comb.

For a shiny and smooth effect, use skeletal comb, round is suitable for splendor and volume. With a round comb, you need to lift the hair, twisting it. When the bangs curl too much, it needs to be straightened at least a little so that it can lie down well and the strands do not break out of it. If you would like to add extra volume to the bangs, hair powder is perfect. We comb the bangs on one side, comb it and fix the pile with powder.

Those who like smooth bangs will need styling smoothing creams and gels. After the bangs are laid, you need to apply any of the products in a very thin layer. It is necessary to fix with styling products not only the ends of the bangs, but also its base, otherwise the strands will be knocked out, not looking too neat, especially if the bangs are even. For those who want to beautifully style their regrown long bangs, we advise you to hide its ends under layers of hair after styling, securing it with an invisibility.

Bangs can be laid on its side and flat iron. To do this, pull the strands with the device in the direction on which you want to lay the bangs. With this styling, the bangs look shiny and natural. But remember that the straightener should not be left on the hair for too long.

What hairstyles are bangs on the side

  • Bangs on the side will look great in alliance with smooth flowing hair. Against their background, it will stand out noticeably.
  • A stylish option that can visually make the owner a little younger is a bang on one side with a high tail.
  • Such bangs are not bad "friends" with various variations of braids. The only exception may be two braids, braided from two strands near the face and connected at the back of the head.
  • Another interesting option is bangs on the side with the effect of wet hair.
  • Both perky curls and elegant curls, this bangs styling can be suitable. A prerequisite in this case is that the bangs should not be torn.
  • Bangs laid to one side will look very attractive with a high hairstyle. Especially if it means bouffant.

Girls experience

I'm growing straight bangs. I really like to imperceptibly stab it on one side because straight edges are not visible, and the hairstyle looks unusual. I have fairly thick and coarse hair, and so that the strands do not break out, before pinning them, I straighten them a little and lubricate them with an air fluid for smoothness. Yulia, 18 years old

The first way to realize this desire is a new haircut.

But what if tomorrow you want to return everything as it was?

Let's experiment with long bangs, shall we?

Suddenly, the desire to cut will disappear and the styling option will suit you.

A woman is an unpredictable phenomenon.

A banal truth that every woman of the fair sex wants to match.

A young girl or an adult lady was faced with a burning, irresistible desire to urgently change something in her appearance.

The first way to realize this desire is a new haircut. But what if tomorrow you want to return everything as it was?

Learn even more ways, This article provides instructions in photos and videos for styling bangs with unusual methods that are rarely used.

Too bad they are not deservedly forgotten.

Those who want to have long bangs and experiment with different styles of it.

You can avoid rash hairdressing decisions and add an unusual note to your usual hairstyle by experimenting with bangs. In this sense, the owners of long bangs are the most fortunate - they have a huge area for creative flight.

Long bangs come in different types:

  • thick or thinned with scissors for thinning;
  • straight or oblique;
  • solid, consisting of one strand;
  • cascading.

Despite this variety of shapes, most styling options for long bangs are universal, which greatly simplifies the issue of hairstyle design.

A prerequisite for successful modeling is the preparation of bangs, including:

  1. Shampooing: stale hair cannot be styled;
  2. Applying a modeling mousse or foam;
  3. Drying with a hairdryer: in this case, the bangs should be dried separately from the rest of the hair, lifting the comb from the roots up to add volume;
  4. Fixing at the roots with hairspray of a low degree of fixation.

So, let's look at the various styling options for long bangs.

Side bangs

Secret: If you do not like styling products and prefer only folk remedies, then use egg white. It gives a similar effect, the application process is the same.

Parting bangs


This styling method is optimal both in terms of the amount of time and effort required to create an image, and in terms of its versatility in terms of application. It will suit any wardrobe and will be appropriate in any environment.

An even parting can be done both in the center and offset relative to the nose line to the right or left. In one case or another, the strands of bangs are laid in an even layer on both sides of the parting. We fix the curls in two ways:

  • on the back of the head under the rest of the hairstyle, creating the effect of a hoop of hair
  • connect with the help of invisibility with the bulk of the strands near the base, leaving the edges of the curls "in free flight".

In both cases, the bangs should not be narrowed at the attachment point. Therefore, it is better to use elongated invisibility.

side parting

The bangs styling options given above for an even parting are no less relevant for oblique. The created light asymmetry will add a playful touch to strict forms.

With an oblique parting, the styling of the bangs in the form of bundles will look very good.

On opposite sides of the parting, the strand must be tightly twisted around its axis. Fasten both strands together at the back of the head or independently fasten above the ear with a hairpin or hairpin, and twist the end of the curl with a curling iron. At the same time, the hair should be twisted in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head - this will give the Greek nobility to the image. After fixing, the bundles should be slightly “fluffed out”, pulling small strands up at the bases.


Parting in the form of a zigzag or snake becomes a hit every summer. But for the rest of the year, it will perfectly fit into a festive hairstyle for going to a disco or a hi-tech themed party.

Complete the curly parting with flagella from small strands twisted in different directions, and then woven together in pairs and fixed at the back of the head.
Pigtails braided from bangs on both sides of the parting will look no less original. In this case, bangs can be woven into a common hairstyle.

Secret: A zigzag parting allows you to hide overgrown roots. Choose a deep zigzag so that the strands at the roots resemble arcs.

Styling with an iron

Owners of curly hair will certainly need a hair straightener to create a new look. With it, "stretch" the strands of bangs, make them completely smooth and even. But whether to pull out the rest of the hair or limit it to bangs is the business of every fashionista.

Flat ironing can also be used by those who naturally have absolutely straight hair. Modern hair devices are equipped with a set of various curly attachments. Moreover, the relief on the curls of the bangs should be created both along the entire length from the roots, and occasionally without observing any symmetries. All the secrets of creating waves with the help of ironing are considered.

Complex styling options or How to style a long bang beautifully?

This group includes those styling methods that are unusually sophisticated, but require special skills to create. We are talking about numerous ways of weaving braids.

Bangs are a very important addition to the hairstyle. Its different position relative to the center of the head can give a new impression of the image. It is convenient to work with strands near the face at least up to the eyebrows. Consider vivid examples of how to style bangs to look interesting and spectacular.

Important Helpers

One way or another, styling any bangs is possible only if there are a number of assistants, which include:

  • comb;
  • curling iron;
  • iron;
  • means for fixing;
  • an arsenal of hairpins and invisibles;
  • hoops, scarves, diadems.

You can beautifully comb the strands near the face in different ways. Moreover, it is quite simple to lay both oblique, and short, and regrown bangs. The main thing is to practice to do everything as quickly as possible and not be late for work or school. We also recommend choosing one or another styling option for long and not very long bangs in accordance with the outfit and accessories.

retro diva

You can create this image in the following way:

  1. Treat your hair with foam or mousse.
  2. Roll into tight lambs with a curling iron.
  3. Beautifully lay the curls on their side.
  4. Secure with invisibility and fix with varnish.


In this case, you can make a pile. To do this, lift the front curls directly above your head and comb with a thin comb in the direction from the tips to the roots. Remove the workpiece to the crown and attach with a hairpin, keeping the volume at the forehead line. Side curls beautifully comb back, smoothing and fixing with invisibility.

This stylish styling option is only suitable for long bangs. It should be supplemented with a bright small dress, bracelets and plastic beads.


How to style bangs when you go on a date or to the movies? This option frames the face nicely and beautifully:

Russian beauty

For girls who are racking their brains on how to style a long bang, we offer all kinds of weaving. You can direct it directly from the forehead to the crown or obliquely along the hairline, ending behind the ear.

Just a braid

Weaving is very simple:

  1. Divide the front section of your hair into three sections.
  2. Lay the left side behind the center, cover the top with the right side.
  3. Alternately impose on the middle workpiece side.
  4. Fasten the braid with an elastic band.
  5. Pin it nicely at the crown or side of the ear. The second option allows you to hide the braid under the side hair.

french braid

Weaves like the first, but side strands from the crown are attached to the side strands. The spike near the forehead line looks very interesting. By stretching the side strands a little, you can increase the volume of the braid.

When creating a spikelet, it is permissible to weave loose hair around the face on only one side, creating the effect of an interesting rim. This option is able to hold oblique bangs.

Miss Elegance

How to put a bang on a celebration? With an evening dress and hairstyle, smooth styling is beautifully combined. Laying the strands in front straight is very simple:

tenderness itself

What to do for those who wear oblique or short bangs? Does this mean that the hairstyle can not be changed in any way. In this case, you need to take into service beautiful silk scarves and satin ribbons of different colors. To begin, comb your hair back and attach it with invisibility. To hide the protruding short ends, fold the scarf into a strip three to six centimeters wide, cover the fixation point and tie it at the back.

Bangs can make any hairstyle especially beautiful. At the same time, clumsily styled, this element of the hairstyle can ruin any fashionable haircut. If you learn how to independently immaculate bangs, then you will become the owner of a hairstyle that will adorn you both on weekdays and on holidays.

The styling of the bangs is directly dependent on its model and length. The structure of the hair should also be taken into account. To start self-designing bangs, you need different tools and tools to help achieve the effect and preservation of such a hairdressing detail.

Varieties of bangs

A brilliantly chosen model of bangs will hide possible skin defects, including acne, moles, scars, scars, and correct the oval of the face. And it is not necessary to radically change the haircut or hairstyle. You can get by with some transformations in the length, model and structure of the bangs.

Bangs can be:

  • Straight

Straight bangs look great and can be any length. A shortened bang, ending in the middle of the forehead, will bring slyness and coquetry to the image. Medium, to the eyebrows, the length of such a detail gives a classic charm and sophistication. The bangs descending below the eyebrows look eccentric and mysterious, which corresponds to the appearance of a vamp woman.

  • oblique

Such a bang seems to be specially created for straight hair, because it meets the main requirement of such a hairstyle - perfect smoothness and integrity: the bangs should not look like splitting into separate strands.

  • asymmetric

This model of bangs is also good on straight hair. Hairstyle with her will be perfect if you pay attention to her every day with styling products and a hair dryer. Otherwise, the bangs are provided with a sloppy look.

The ends of the bangs are twisted to the bottom with a hair dryer or with the help of curlers, or they can remain perfectly even. The hair at the ends is often thinned with special scissors or cut in one even cut. "Ragged" bangs are laid at their discretion, giving it splendor. Arbitrary styling tools are used to model this part.

How attractive to make a long bang?

Bangs need to be given daily attention: only then will it give individuality to your hairstyle. From long hair, by including fantasy and experiment, you can create various models of hairstyles. And it's good to know how by changing only the styling style you can change your look.

When styling long bangs, it is recommended to use a gel. Long bangs should look solid and not divided into strands. Use the gel very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of getting the effect of dirty hair. You can achieve wholeness and smoothness with a hot jet of a hair dryer, which is directed clearly down along the strands. “Ragged” bangs, on the contrary, require negligence in styling, which will bring audacity to the image. Having taken foam or mousse for styling, the hair should be dried with a hairdryer, having previously tousled the bangs with your fingers.

Today, the bangs, combed back, have become a hairdressing hit. Creating such a hairstyle does not require much time, but with it you can look elegant all day long. As the length of your bangs increases, the possibility of creating variations of a bouffant increases, which gives volume to the hair. The strands should be lifted perpendicularly and combed at the crown. Having smoothed the bangs in front, you need to fold it back with fixing the ends with a medium-sized hairpin (invisible). It is worth fixing the masterpiece with hairspray: it will save the voluminous model throughout the day.

Overgrown bangs: how to style?

The easiest way is to slightly curl the strands. Due to this, the excessive, already interfering length rises, and the image becomes romantic. If the rest of the hairstyle can be transformed with the help of large curls, immediately grab the curlers or curling iron. The final creation can be fixed with varnish, and the curl can be fixed with styling products (mousse of a high level of fixation).

How to remove bangs back?

Young ladies with long regrown bangs can be transformed with a braided braid from regrown strands. To do this, start weaving a pigtail from the edge of the bangs. Taking only the lower strands into work, you should move in the opposite direction. When you get to your ear, secure the braid from the bangs by weaving a long section of the main body of hair into it, and continue braiding around the circumference or down, using the entire length of the hair.

If you don’t want to waste time on styling, you can get by with a rim - the accessory is presented in a variety of retail stores. Such a hairstyle will free you from hair falling over your eyes and add elegance. You can comb the bangs back with fixing it with a rim in a couple of minutes.

All of the above confirms: you can change in a matter of minutes, you only need to lay the bangs in a new way. Experimenting with the use of different styling products, you will create more than one masterpiece from a long bang that can give you a special charm.

Bangs on the side fit easily

Washed hair should be dried. To give the bangs the correct position, the air stream should be directed from the roots to the ends of the strands: this way you will give the curls the desired volume. In this case, the hot air flow must be kept away from the hair, and then switch to a cold mode: it will help fix the final position of the bangs.

Stubborn hair should be styled with wax. It is applied to damp hair just before drying. In addition to a hair dryer, bangs can be styled with an iron. And it is worth remembering that ceramic-coated irons do the least harm.

Short bangs styling options

This type of bangs is unpretentious. You don't need a lot of tools to install it. It is enough to purchase 2 combs of different types: with sparsely spaced teeth and a rounded brush. Of the styling products, you will need mousses and foams that fix the hair.

With the asymmetry of such a bang, mousse (foam) is applied to it and the strands are slightly ruffled. Short curls of a clearly symmetrical haircut are leveled, and long ones are distributed over short ones and the ends are slightly twisted.

Oblique bangs. How to lay?

Long oblique bangs will look beautiful with evenly laid strands that do not cover the eyes. Such bangs will give the whole hairstyle grooming and completeness. Styling begins with spraying hair with varnish, which is then smoothed with a comb. While drying the hair on the bangs, the air flow from the hair dryer should come on them from top to bottom.

Short or torn bangs are great if they look a little messy after styling. You can achieve a similar effect if you take a little hair mousse, and then slightly ruffle the bangs with your fingers and dry with a hairdryer. Get a slightly bold look.

Laying a straight bang

There are two options for laying it - sideways and straight. In this case, the bangs are either placed above the eyebrows, or close them. Wet, clean hair should be styled with foam or medium-hold hairspray.

Oblique bangs on the side fit using a round brush, which you need to wind the bangs in the right or left direction away from you. In this position, it is dried with a hair dryer, after which it is dried by turning the hair dryer in one direction or another. It depends on the chosen side of the installation.

Torn bangs and styling

Spread the foam or wax on the hair, immediately fluff up the bangs and leave it alone. A beautiful effect will turn out if you do all the manipulations quickly enough. Delay - get a failed styling of torn bangs, and the process will need to start over.

It happens that the bangs lose their freshness for a period shorter than the rest of the hair. In this case, do not be upset and lay it separately as needed.

After the hair dryer turned out to be insufficient volume? Arm yourself with a diffuser and lift your hair at the roots.

Remember: long bangs have many styling options. It is twisted with tongs, lifted back, combed, straightened. By experimenting, you will always get a different look.

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