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How to reduce large eyes. You line the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a black pencil. Step-by-step makeup for narrow eyes

We asked professional makeup artist and found out what makeup techniques visually make your eyes smaller.

makeup artist G. Bar

You choose eye shadow to match your eye color

Choose shadows to match your eye color - Golden Rule all the girls in the USSR. Many years have passed since then, but the “Soviet trend” cannot be eradicated so easily. Alas, brown eyeshadow will not highlight brown eyes, and blue shades will not add beauty to blue eyes. If you decide to wear this kind of makeup, use dark eyeliner over the shadows, otherwise you will get slitted eyes like a mole.


You line the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a black pencil

Black eyeliner is the must-have that every girl has in her makeup bag. A kajal lined with a black pencil (the mucous part of the lower eyelid) looks very beautiful, but only if your eyes are initially large. In all other cases, black eyeliner on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid will produce exactly the opposite effect. Look at Sarah Jessica Parker: this simple mistake makes it seem like the actress is squinting all the time.

You don't shade the outline

You line your eyes with pencil, but don’t shade the outline. This eyeliner looks especially critical on the lower eyelid - the eyes visually become smaller, and the look seems “heavy” (look at early photos Kate Middleton - she regularly made this mistake).

You don't curl your upper eyelashes

Long fluffy eyelashes with a beautiful curve - every girl's dream. But what to do if nature has not endowed you with such? Mascara and eyelash curler will help you! You'll see, your look will seem more open and wide if you curl your top lashes a little before applying mascara.

You draw too dark smokey eyes

It's high time to dispel the myth that dark smokey eyes visually enlarge the eyes. This technique can give the eyes an elongated shape, but not enlarge them. And too dark a smokey eye, even if perfectly shaded, will visually narrow and make your eyes smaller. Not ready to give up your favorite “haze”? Silver shades will help you.

You're using too light a concealer

Problem dark circles under the eyes is familiar to every second girl. Getting rid of them is not easy, but covering them up with concealer is easy! But there is another catch: a concealer that is too light will perfectly hide dark circles, but at the same time visually make your eyes smaller.

Are you using dark matte eyeshadow?

While glitter eyeshadows visually enlarge the eyes, fashionable matte ones, alas, do not. If you want your eyes to look expressive, forget about dark matte shadows. You can use matte eyeshadow instead of eyeliner, but never apply it to your eyelid.


Hi all! My name is Dzyuba Daria, and today I will tell you how to make your eyes more expressive and larger, or visually narrow them and make them seem smaller, but at the same time sexy.

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Brands used:
Eva Mosaic, Maybelline, M.A.C. USA or M.A.C. Russia , Zoeva , Make-Up Atelier , Make-Up Secret

And for those who have weak Internet, the article is presented below. This is the same thing, only in text form.

Some people like a more voluminous, open look, others like it the other way around lung condition squint, because he is embarrassed that his eyes are too huge and he wants to make them a little smaller. Now I will show and tell you everything.

On one side I will make a larger, more voluminous eye, and on the other side I will make a more narrowed, squinting eye in contrast.

The main technique and rule that we must use in pursuit of big, beautiful and huge eyes is the rule of chiaroscuro. That is, everything that we want to highlight, we put in the foreground, and everything that we want to hide, we darken. We use the same technique if we want to make our eyes visually smaller, but in reverse.

And the first thing I'll start with in pursuit of big ones expressive eyes I'll take the shadows in the shade Creme de Rose. I use these shadows as a base. They have a cool neutral shade that completely matches the pigmentation of the eyelid and makes it look fresher and more natural.

I apply it with my finger, because when we apply the shadows this way, they warm up and are applied in a lighter layer. We don't need a fatty active layer.

By creating a more voluminous eye, we need to visually enlarge it, but for this we need to expand the range of light and activity, that is, we need to make the line of the moving eyelid larger. My line of the moving eyelid is located on the crease, that is, at the junction of my bone, this is where my fixed eyelid ends and goes directly into the arch.

But in order to make the eye larger and more open, I need to increase this very line, and, therefore, raise the line of the movable eyelid about 3 mm higher.

For this I take light shade shadows with shine and add some matte shadows to it.

In fact, you can use any light shadows, since I mix these with shadows from and, because in this palette these are my only two light shades.

By highlighting the moving eyelid in this way, we make our eye more voluminous, convex, and, in my opinion, interesting.

The next point that you must remember when visually enlarging the eye is that if you want to darken the line above the moving eyelid, you must also make it higher. That is, in ordinary life I would do more dark color and spread it out a little into an arc, drawing a corner and all my anatomical folds, but now I will move this point visually higher, that is, to where the eyelashes end. That is, we are pushing the boundaries of the usual application of shadows in all directions, making them larger and wider in all directions.

For this we will take the same and browner neutral shade from.

I place a dot and disperse the shadow in an arc. The most active point I have the point that I am showing now. I draw straight from the bone.

If your eyes are set far away, and you would like to visually bring them closer together, then we use the same technique, but in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, that is, we also darken this part in order to visually bunch up the eyes so that our light space becomes narrower. You can also separately work out the line of the bridge of the nose so that the nose looks narrower, and thus it will seem that the eyes are raked.

I’m fine with these, but I’ll draw one for myself too, because I like the effect when the eyes are more expressive. For this I will take a narrower and relatively thin brush unlike the previous one, this is .

I’ll take the same brown shadows that I recently worked with and actively draw a line along lower eyelid, driving her a little into top corner eyes to connect the upper and lower arches.

And I'll take a little more of this color and layer it on the very corner, because I don't want to use darker colors and I want to work only within our light brown and light shades. Thus, we create a deeper, more expressive color.

You don’t have to think that if you took more color on a brush and applied it, it will lie evenly on you. It’s better to take a little bit at a time and layer it, then you will see how smoothly and interestingly it goes on, and at the same time you will see how much deeper and better the makeup turns out, that is, when you don’t throw everything in wholesale, but distribute the shadows in retail.

And with the same brush, despite the fact that it is already dirty, I will take our first light shade, or rather the first two light shades, and at the junction I will also go over the eye with them.

Next, I'll take a flat brush that I finally found. You can use any flat brush or sponge. If you do makeup with a sponge or applicator, then do it, I just find it more convenient to do it with a brush. With this brush I'm capturing the darker shade of brown from , and this is the only time in this makeup where I'll be using a darker shade.

I'll draw a little bit along the lower lash line, the very corner, so that the look opens up a little.

I try not to get into the space between the eyelashes, and I paint only under the eyelashes to emphasize the mucous membrane, that it is light, clean and that my eye becomes more open.

Now comes the fun part. I take a light eyeliner and use it like a kajal. But I don’t use a white pencil, because, in my opinion, it is with a white pencil that the eye looks very wet.

It is very difficult to choose a white kajal, since it very often crumples, clings to the eyelashes, lies very unevenly and all this looks very uncool. This is why I prefer to use beige kajal, or with a slight pink tint, and if you feel like your eyes are watering, then you can use it with blue and even green, but definitely not white. IN in this case in my beige color 3 in 1 – highlighter, shadow and kajal. And I apply it to the lower mucous membrane.

I also try to paint the space between the eyelashes, especially if you have black eyelashes. It happens that they are deeply set, and thus, when you draw between the lashes in this way, you lighten them a little, and this opens up the look even more.

All that remains is to paint the eyelashes. For this I will use mascara from. Yes, today I changed my preferences because I am testing the best product for myself. A very funny mascara, but I’ll tell you about it separately.

In order to visually enlarge your eyes, I recommend using voluminous mascara with a volume effect, or, if voluminous mascara It doesn’t always help, or you don’t have it at hand, you can use false eyelashes, both on the corners and along the entire length of the eyelashes, then the look will be even more voluminous. This technique is used very well by Asian girls in order to open their eyes.

Now let's move directly to our second eye.

If we want to make our eye visually smaller, then the first assistant in our cosmetic bag is a black pencil, and to make our eyes smaller we always work with more dark color, because dark color always eats up volume.

That is why I use a pencil from to draw the interlash space, both upper and lower. This is the first thing I start with when drawing an eye in this way.

And somewhere at this stage we can stop, because the eye has visually become very narrow and small, but let’s make it also beautiful.

I also use shadows as a primer, as they are long-lasting and make-up will stay on better with them. Plus, it is a neutral base on which any shadow will look more intense.

Next, I take a brush and the same brown shadows from which I lined the lower eyelid in the first case for visual increase eyes. Here I will use it as base color. I apply it to almost the entire moving eyelid, running a little onto the fixed eyelid so that the eye is smaller, but at the same time does not look like a small dot on the face, but is a confident independent unit.

That is, I do not stretch the shadows, I do not increase the range of my work, but on the contrary, I work more centrally within the limits acceptable for correct daytime makeup. In one of the videos, I talked about how we understand where our line of drawing color is.

The drawing boundaries can be seen where your eyelashes visually end. This line is the line where your shading should end in order for your makeup to look harmonious. Even if you have dark makeup, within this framework it will look harmonious, because the effect will be created that your shadows slightly blend into this makeup, that is, everything is within the limits of norms and harmony.

And we use the same technique if we want to visually make our eyes smaller. We work within the limits allowed for the natural line of the face, so we don’t go all out and draw a panda.

Pay attention to the shading edge of your shadows, especially if they are dark. This way you will save yourself from makeup overload and make it harmonious.

One more thing. If you want to make the eye narrower and rounder, then all your lines will be more circular, just like on the lower eyelid, that is, you are actually drawing a circle.

And if you want to make the eye narrower, smaller and more elongated, then all your lines go from the corner and up. Up also depends on how far you want to extend the eye. That is, if you like narrow elongated herrings, herring eyes, then we only work with the angle. No, we also apply our dark shadows to the moving eyelid, but we place the main emphasis on the outer corners of the eyelid. However, you need to take into account that this is not suitable for all eyes, and you need to work individually, you need to understand whether you want it or not, but in my practice I have actually never encountered such requests.

Now we will take our medium brown shadows, which I also used to draw an arc on our first eye, and draw an arc on the second, that is, we will disperse our shading and make it softer.

Next, I will take a flat brush, which I will not define in any way, since it is from a set that is no longer in production, but I still have it and I really love it. We will also need the darkest brown color that I applied to the moving eyelid - I will use it to draw the line of the lower eyelid.

You can blend the shadows either with a blending brush or with your finger, like I did. And the color that remained on the finger, I grew a little to the sides to make the lines smoother.

Why do I apply dark eyeshadow on my lower eyelid? If you have big eyes, which means you have large eyeballs, and therefore you have a convex lower eyelid, which means we need to hide the excess volume. We hide the volume by driving it into the shadow, which is what I did now.

Using this technique, my eye turns out to be squinted, but at the same time interesting and voluminous. That is, you win, you seem to have narrowed your eye, but at the same time you have not wasted your natural beautiful volume. I really like this effect, when the eye has both an inner layer and a lower one.

With the same brush and the same color, I do the same with the corner along the outer edge and go slightly into the crease of the eyelid

And now our eye has visually become smaller, more narrowed and compact compared to the first one.

We also work with mascara a little differently, because in the first case I placed all the eyelashes in the direction of growth to make the eye open even more, but in the case when I want to visually narrow the eye, I will also try to remove volume from the eyelashes.

In this case, I will paint my eyelashes to the side so that they look to my side, thereby I will stretch my eye a little to the side, and it will become (a little narrower.

Although I use the same mascara for voluminous eyelashes, I do not use it as actively, but rather more carefully. I comb rather than create volume.

And now our narrower, neater and smaller eye is ready.

As you can see, one part of me is more voluminous, expressive, and the look is immediately open and interesting, and the second part is squinted, and in my opinion, it turned out much sexier than the first option, because in my life I often like to do the second version of makeup, and this is not because I want to make my eyes smaller, but because I like the expressiveness and ease of squinting. This is my personal opinion.

Brushes used:

  • Day makeup for narrow eyes
  • Evening makeup for narrow eyes

Eye structure Asian type has several distinctive features.

  • Firstly, the shape of the eyes itself is narrow, oblong. In this regard, most often girls with such eyes want to get a slightly more “open” look.
  • Secondly, with such an incision, the fold of the upper eyelid may be completely invisible.
  • Thirdly, on the contrary, there are skin folds at the inner corners of the eyes: they are called epicanthus.
  • Owners of this eye shape, as a rule, also have fairly thick eyelid skin, and also high-set eyebrows.

Eye makeup lovers have to take all this into account. Not all beauty tips are suitable for girls with Asian eye shape. The main thing is to not allow makeup to visually make your eyes smaller. Find the basic rules to follow below.

Light shades of eyeshadow

Makeup artists recommend applying neutral, everyday makeup to moving parts. upper eyelid light shades of shadows. They are known to create volume - this is what girls with Asian eyes need. However, when using shadows, do not forget about their careful, high-quality shading. Sharp lines should be avoided. Look for other rules that will help you assemble the perfect cosmetics bag.

Delpozo © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Special direction of shading

By the way, about shadows. Classic smokey eyes smooth transition colors from the inner to the outer corners of the eyes - an option that will not work in the case of narrow eyes. You should act on a completely different principle. It is best to take one shade (it can even be dark - dark blue or, for example, plum) and shade from bottom to top: the color should disperse as it approaches the eyebrows. This is one of the main techniques that girls with narrow eyes need to master.

Brock Collection © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Straight arrows

Do you want to complement your look with arrows? And in this case you need to act carefully. Firstly, wide arrows– prohibited (all due to the lack of a fold). Secondly, you cannot decorate arrows with curved “tails”. The point is that asian eyes often drooping eyelid. Because of this structural feature, the arrows themselves will “hide” under the skin of the eyelid, but only the “tails” will be visible - from the outside it does not look in the best possible way. The lines with which you emphasize the eyelash contour should be straight and very thin.

  • By the way, one more important point: if you want to draw not only the upper, but also the lower eyelid, do not connect the two lines into a “corner” at the outer edge of the eyes. Leave a gap between the lines so that the eyes appear visually larger and open.

Soft lines

In general, it is best to avoid clear, graphic lines when lining narrow eyes. More life option– draw lines with a pencil, and then shade them with a dense small eyeshadow brush. will look more expressive.

Vivienne Tam © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Muted colors

Instead of rich black, girls with Asian eyes need to use softer shades - gray or, for example, brown. There is a risk that the black outline will make your eyes appear smaller.

Monse © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Classic mascara

It would seem that with an Asian eye shape the most the right way make your look more open - paint your eyelashes so that they become longer and fuller. Makeup artists claim that this, on the contrary, does not work. For narrow eyes, you need classic mascara without outstanding abilities. Eyelashes need to be slightly emphasized with color. In the same case, if they are long, such “framing” of the eyes will visually make them even smaller and narrower. We wrote about excellent and proven options for mascara in the material.

Makeup for narrow eyes: instructions

Start your makeup with your eyebrows. Remove excess hairs with tweezers, comb the remaining hairs with a brush, then highlight the eyebrow line with a pencil and blend it. Apply light shadows to the area under the eyebrows.

Apply a light beige eye shadow to the upper and lower eyelids.

Highlight the outer corner of the upper eyelid with a darker shade of eyeshadow.

Blend the shadows so that the transition between shades looks smooth and is not noticeable.

Outline the upper eyelid along the lash line with a pencil dark- Brown and blend it out.

Outline the lower eyelid, moving from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye.

Apply mascara - use a gray or brown shade rather than black.

Makeup for narrow eyes in different colors

Brown eyes

  • The most common color for Asian eyes is brown. Brown-eyed girls those with narrow eyes should choose suitable shade shadows depending on hair color.
  • Brunettes should choose silver, golden, gray or lilac shadows. When applying them, you should lighten the inner corner of the eye, and shade the darker shade in the outer corner.

Gray or blue eyes

  • Girls with narrow gray or blue eyes should pay attention to the shades of blue, lilac, blue and gray shades. General principle The application of shadows remains the same - lighter shades are applied closer to the inner corner of the eye.

Green eyes

  • For green-eyed owners of narrow eyes, gray and purple shades shadows.

Daytime makeup for narrow eyes

For everyday makeup narrow eyes, you need to adjust the eyebrows, then apply light shadows to the area under them.

  • The upper eyelid is highlighted with light shadows, and a darker shade is applied to the crease and outer corner.
  • To highlight the contour of the eyes, a brown or black pencil is best. Eyelashes need to be painted with mascara.

Look for unusual makeup options in photos from shows.

Women with huge, wide with open eyes, considered the standard of beauty in all centuries and times, it is this eye shape that is classic throughout the world.

But experts give preference to the eyes almond-shaped, which is ideal. As for narrow eyes, they occur not only in asian women, but also among Europeans with fair skin and blond hair.

Properly executed makeup will not only give the look a special expressiveness, beautiful shape eyes, but will also help you feel more confident. Photos of work done by makeup artists, video tutorials, tips and tricks will help you create correct makeup.

If you apply makeup correctly, any eyes will look very beautiful.

So, the main goal of makeup for narrow eyes is to visually enlarge them. This can be done in the following ways.

  1. Start with the eyebrows. Contact a cosmetologist to select an eyebrow shape suitable for your face type. Thin, raised eyebrows make the eyes appear larger.
  2. Apply to face first Foundation, to even out the skin tone, then powder to fix the tone and give it a matte finish.
  3. On the lower eyelid, draw a line with a light pencil and blend it. This technique significantly widens the eyes.
  4. On upper eyelid, just above the eyelashes, draw a light line.
  5. Apply white (or pearlescent) shadows to the upper eyelid under the eyebrow, which will visually enlarge the eyes.
  6. Use eye shadow to match your eye color. For example, makeup for narrow brown eyes It will be chic if your shadows are three shades: beige at the bridge of the nose, light brown in the center of the eyelid, dark coffee at the outer corner of the eye. For narrow green eyes, makeup should be done in emerald and dark green shades, for blue eyes in blue, lilac and turquoise. The border of the shadows is well shaded so that there is no sharp contrast.

The second makeup option is to use shadows of two shades: we paint the outer side of the eyelid with dark shadows, and the inner side with light ones, the border of the shadows is carefully shaded.

  1. For creating smoky makeup a little shadow can be applied to the lower eyelid.
  2. For more expressive look you can use a pencil of gray or brown color, the contour is drawn one or two millimeters higher from the eyelash growth line and shaded well.
  3. Curl your eyelashes with special tweezers, lightly powder and paint with mascara.
  4. Lengthen your eyelashes at the outer corner of your eye for a more open look.
  5. The final touches of makeup are lipstick and blush. Choose natural lipstick, pastel colors to focus on the lips rather than the eyes. Apply beige or beige blush to your cheekbones. Pink colour, they will correct imperfections and give the face relief.


Below are some points that are highly not recommended for women and girls with narrow eyes:

  1. The most important contraindication for makeup for narrow eyes is the use of black (especially the contour at the top and bottom). This technique will make your eyes even narrower.
  2. A very thick layer of mascara will make your look dark and heavy, and your eyes small.
  3. Do not use dark shadows; black shades narrow your eyes.
  4. Do not let down the inner eyelid, this technique exists for round eyes that need to be narrowed down.
  5. Makeup with arrows is contraindicated for narrow eyes.
  6. Owners of almond-shaped eyes are not recommended to have long, straight eyelashes to avoid the squint effect.
  7. Because of thick eyebrows The eyes will appear narrow, so the eyebrows should be thin.

These rules need to be remembered, or better yet, written down.

Beautiful evening make-up for narrow eyes

Makeup options for narrow eye shapes

The purpose of daytime makeup is not just to enlarge the eyes, but to open them up. Brown, gray and blue shades look good in this makeup. Only light shadows are used, they open the eyes and the look becomes more open.

Apply a light shimmering shadow to the upper eyelid, a light shade to the middle of the eyelid, and more to the crease and outer corner. dark tone. The color of the mascara should match general makeup. For daytime makeup, it is advisable to use blue or brown mascara, having previously curled the eyelashes.

During the day, makeup in light gray or beige tones. You can draw a contour with a pencil along the upper eyelid, just above the lash line and shade it with an applicator.

Evening makeup is performed on the same principle as daytime makeup, but unlike daytime makeup, it includes brighter, more saturated, pearlescent shades. You can use black mascara, but apply it in one layer. To make your makeup look more impressive, you can apply false eyelashes. Paint your lips with bright lipstick or lip gloss. You can see examples of daytime and evening makeup in the photo.

This makeup can be used both during the day and in the evening.

Wedding makeup needs to be thought out in advance. It is made in matte tones, with a slight shine, without pearl or glitter, so that there are no black spots in photographs and videos. For wedding makeup light ones are suitable, delicate shades shadows that look more natural. For brown and green eyes: cream, pink, light brown, beige. For gray and blue: lilac, violet, turquoise, gray.

Now you know the secrets of transforming narrow eyes. Believe me, with just a little effort, you will master these techniques, and your beautiful eyes will shine in a new way.

Narrow eye shape is a problem only for those who do not know how to choose the right makeup. Not suitable for narrow eyes standard techniques applying makeup for a regular cut, there are some secrets here. Makeup artists know how to transform narrow eyes so that they shine in a new way. With a little work and patience, you can easily master these techniques and select matching makeup for your beautiful narrow eyes.

Narrow eye shape is not limited to girls of Asian origin. Europeans also have small eyes.

Regardless of the color of narrow eyes, black eyeliner and an abundance of mascara are completely contraindicated for this type of appearance. Too black and long eyelashes will cover part of the eye, and the bright dark eyeliner will make your eyes even narrower.

Makeup for brown narrow eyes imposes virtually no restrictions on the choice of color. Makeup artists advise trying to apply pink, green, brown, as well as metallic shades of eyeshadow to brown-eyed beauties. Shadows with a tint from dirty pink to pale pink look great. However, be careful with both pink and blue shades, they should not create the effect of tired eyes.

Evening makeup for narrow eyes

If you have small eyes and you are about to go out, you can wear carnival mask, but only if you are going to an evening masquerade ball. In other cases, makeup artists believe that a girl with narrow eyes should be no less confident in herself than any big-eyed beauty. To do this, they offer you techniques that will turn any shy girl into a fatal beauty. However, you need to remember that ordinary techniques will not help here. To make makeup for narrow eyes beautiful and well disguise imperfections, you need to know some tricks.

Target narrow type, first of all, an optical illusion, that is, one should get the impression that the eyes are larger than they really are. for narrow eyes, like daytime, it starts with evening out the tone. We hide all minor imperfections with a corrector and apply foundation. Now you can start doing eye makeup.

First, apply a base to the entire upper eyelid - light shadows with a shimmering effect. Shadows are applied only to the moving eyelid. The outer part has a darker color, and the inner corner has a lighter color. For evening version Light lilac shadows are suitable.

Outline the eye contour with a blue pencil. Draw a line just above the eyelashes and blend. The lower eyelid can be lined with a blue pencil.

If the line on the upper eyelid recedes too much from the edge of the eyelid, then the makeup will not look natural.

For evening makeup for narrow women eye will do and black mascara, but it should be applied in one layer. Be sure to curl your eyelashes with a curling iron, and outside century, you can glue several bunches of false eyelashes.

Step-by-step makeup for narrow eyes

The main thing is correct selection color range. Through trial and error, you can choose exactly those shades that visually enlarge your eyes and match your appearance. If you have completely decided on the color, then it’s time to master the technique of applying makeup.

Let's consider step by step description makeup for narrow eyes.

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