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Dark circles under the eyes how to remove. Dark circles under the eyes? Get rid of them at home. Possible causes of circles under the eyes

Bags under the eyes, dark circles, swollen eyelids - all these can be symptoms of various diseases. Ranging from toxic kidney damage and ending with hypertension. To get rid of this external flaw, it is important to determine the reason why the spots appeared.


A common cause of dark circles and bags under the eyes is fatigue and nervous exhaustion. In this case, they signal a lack of oxygen in the brain and a violation of normal blood circulation. This also includes incorrect body position during sleep, uncomfortable clothing, and even disproportionate underwear.

Orthopedic pillows fix the head in such a way that it is in line with the body. If you sleep on a too low or, conversely, high feather bed, then the venous and lymphatic outflow of fluids is disturbed. The same thing happens when wearing a small bra or shirts with a narrow collar. As a result - a swollen face with "tired", dark eyelids.

Do not forget about the characteristics of the body. Each person is individual. Some people have too thin skin through which capillaries, vessels and veins are visible. This gives the impression of dark circles.

Other causes of circles under the eyes:

  • Age-related muscle weakness. There is a huge amount of muscle tissue on the face. Most of them relax with age without gymnastics and special massages. The result is crow's feet, a drooping eyelid, and dark spots.
  • Hormonal changes. Often a similar phenomenon occurs in girls during pregnancy, lactation, and also, with menopause. It is due to the release of a large number of "unaccustomed" hormones.
  • Weight gain or drastic weight loss. Here the reason lies in a sharp change in the metabolic rate and deterioration of lymph drainage.
  • Injury. In this case, there are red circles, burgundy and yellow (during the healing process). Injuries include shock loads, tattoos, eyelash extensions, and even lens changes.


Unfortunately, most often circles under the eyes are symptoms of diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. As a rule, such bruises are accompanied by concomitant signs of the current disease. It can be swelling, cyanosis of the extremities, fever.

How to visually determine the cause of circles under the eyes:

  • Brownish, purple and yellow circles signal liver damage. Pay attention to the shade of the white of the eyes. If he also became close to yellow, this is an occasion for an urgent visit to the doctor. Most likely, the liver is affected by toxins or the hepatitis virus.
  • Gray bruises are characteristic of kidney failure. Such circles are accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, problems with urination and other signs of diseases of the excretory system.
  • The bruises associated with the cardiovascular system are most striking.
    These are blue circles and bruises under the eyes, sometimes with a slight greenish tint. With the fragility of the walls of capillaries or vessels, they can slightly cast red.

Allergic reactions can also cause dark circles under the eyes. This is how an allergy to alcohol, nicotine and some types of antibiotics manifests itself.

Diseases in which bruises appear under the eyes:

  • Nervous breakdowns, neuroses, psychosomatic diseases.
  • Hernia in the upper spine, injuries of the neck, shoulder girdle.
  • Diabetes mellitus, heart failure, heart disease and other diseases of the circulatory system. This also includes vegetative-vascular dystonia, thrombosis, low blood clotting.
  • Any disease of the thyroid gland. This is a purely female manifestation of thyroid disease. Bruises occur with an excess and lack of iodine, disruption of the butterfly gland, injuries to the front of the neck.
  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. As a result of asthma and other similar diseases, oxygen starvation occurs. It manifests itself in a bluish tint of the skin around the eyes, cyanosis of the lips and difficulty breathing.

How to remove circles under the eyes

Before you get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes, consult a specialist, otherwise you can "heal" an important symptom of a developing disease. If the therapist and phlebologist did not find any chronic diseases, then you just need to remove the stains under the eyelids. For this, brightening masks, salon procedures aimed at improving the quality of the epidermis, special ointments and preparations to strengthen blood vessels are widely used.

Remove circles around the eyes at home

At home, the following remedies will help to mask circles and bags under the eyes:

  • Creams and ointments. They have a cooling and regenerative effect, contribute to the thickening of the walls of blood vessels and fight inflammation. The advantages of using ointments are simplicity and accessibility.
  • Mesotherapy and massage techniques. These sessions are used in beauty salons to nourish and strengthen the skin, accelerate blood flow in the periorbital region.
  • Illuminating masks. Used for cosmetic purposes. Together with it, they are able to provide a quick lifting effect, remove swelling under the eyes, and saturate the skin with vitamins.
  • Cooling compresses and lotions. These folk remedies help to effectively hide circles and bags under the eyes, resulting from fatigue and lack of sleep.

In order for the result of the treatment to be noticeable as soon as possible, it is necessary to provide the body with a decent rest. On average, rehabilitation takes 3 to 7 days.

Ointments and medications

For quick treatment of bruises under the eyes, pharmacy ointments are most often used. They are characterized by a balanced composition, ease of use and speed of action.

  • Bodyaga forte. This is a sponge algae gel. It has regenerative, firming and anti-inflammatory properties. It can not be applied to permanent makeup (algae will "eat" all the beauty) and over thin skin. It is recommended to use only against bruises resulting from an injury.
  • Heparin ointment promotes the resorption of circles and age spots under the eyes. In addition, the tool is characterized by brightening properties. It can only be used after consulting a specialist.
  • Troxevasin. It is a capillary stabilizing agent. Its action is to dissolve blood accumulations under the skin and strengthen the walls of capillaries. You can use this ointment for no longer than 5 days, because it is addictive.
  • Bezornil. A popular medical treatment for brightening the skin and eliminating dark circles under the eyes. The composition of the product includes succinic acid, plant extracts and natural pearls. The drug is characterized by a quick and lasting effect, provided it is used twice a day.

Salon procedures

In the salon, in order to remove bruises under the eyes, you will be offered the following procedures:

  • Alginate masks. They help to return turgor and strengthen connective tissues. In addition, they have a strong tightening effect, so they will be very useful for bags under the eyes.
  • Mesotherapy. With this procedure, early wrinkles, age spots, and dark circles in the eye area can be treated. The action of the procedure is based on the introduction of essential vitamins and mineral complexes under the skin.
  • Lymphatic drainage therapy. This is a special massage of the peribital zone, with the help of which excess moisture is removed from the body. The technique is especially good for eliminating age-related and hormonal bruises.
  • Photothermolysis. Removing circles under the eyes with a fractional laser is a complete operation. In the process, the upper layer of the epidermis is heated to such a temperature that excess moisture is removed from it. Due to this, blood flow is accelerated, metabolism in the perorbital region is normalized. Rehabilitation after photothermolysis - 2 weeks.
  • Massage. Another effective way to permanently get rid of bruises under the eyes. The most commonly used technique is rejuvenating Japanese massage or lymphatic drainage. This technique also smoothes wrinkles, improves vision and guarantees a lasting effect.
  • Beauty injections. To solve the problem of circles under the eyes, injections of hyaluronic acid with microneedles are used. Penetration is carried out no more than 2 mm. This provides a quick smoothing of wrinkles, lightening of bruises, correction of sunken eye sockets.

homemade masks

The simplest corrective remedy for dark circles under the eyes that you can make at home is a potato mask. To prepare the product, you need to grate raw potatoes and mix the mass with one egg yolk. The mixture is applied to the entire face and aged for 15 minutes. Repeat every day.

A cottage cheese mask quickly brightens the skin. Sour-milk products normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and brighten the epidermis. To prepare the product, you need to grind the cottage cheese to a homogeneous mass and apply an even layer on dark spots. Hold up to 20 minutes.

Honey with kaolin has the strongest whitening effect. 1 spoon of white clay should be combined with a spoonful of milk and half a spoonful of honey. Apply under the eyes and keep for 20 minutes. It is important to reinforce the skin with a cream or nourishing fluid after such a mask.

A cucumber mask for dark circles under the eyes has a cooling and regenerating effect. Cucumber should be washed, peeled and cut into slices. After applying to the face and leave until heated. As soon as one half of the cucumber disk has warmed up, it must be turned over.

Vitamins and vegetable oils help fight circles under the eyes. For lightening bruises, a mixture of peach butter with Tocopherol (an oil solution of vitamin E) is ideal. 5 drops of vitamins are taken per tablespoon of oil.

Clay masks will help to lighten circles and tighten the skin. They have a lifting effect, refresh the epidermis and promote accelerated regeneration. For 1 tablespoon of water, the same amount of any clay is taken. Hold for 10 to 20 minutes.

Folk remedies

The first aid for bruising and swelling is ice. Only unlike the advice of healers, it should not be applied to the skin for a long time. It is better to place the frozen cubes in a plastic bag and keep bruised periodically.

This also includes the method of "cold spoons". This method will help to quickly reduce swelling of the eyelids and relieve eye fatigue. Metal spoons should be cooled in the refrigerator, and then applied to the eyes. Keep until heated. Repeat if necessary.

Swelling relieves and green tea. This is a good way to clean up in the morning. First you need to brew tea, then cool the bag and put it on your eyes. This method helps to remove swelling, relieve redness of the eyes and fatigue, and brighten the epidermis.

Almond oil is famous for its nourishing and brightening properties. It is not recommended to use this butter on its own - it is too heavy for the delicate skin around the eyes. For use on the eyelids, it must be mixed in a 2:1 ratio with coconut milk. Apply every day before bed and do not rinse.

Even a simple soda will help to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes and any traces of sleepiness. You need to mix half a teaspoon of powder with the same amount of nourishing cream. Apply only in the morning, keep no more than 15 minutes - the product can dry out the thin epidermis.

Cosmetics and corrective makeup

To quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you can simply cover them up. Among cosmetics, a whole line of products aimed at combating bruises has been highlighted. These are correctors, concealers, highlighters or special patches.

Creams and gels for circles and swelling

Quickly and effectively circles and swelling under the eyes will hide special creams. Below is a ranking of the 11 most popular remedies for dealing with this aesthetic problem.

Estee Lauder Cooling Eye Illuminator Idealist. It contains magnolia extract, cuspidates and rosemary extract. The product provides a mild smoothing and moisturizing effect. In addition, the cream visually reduces the size of the circles due to the smallest shining particles.

Force Vitale De-Puffing Eye Moisturizer. This is a cream for dark circles under the eyes to mask bruises and eliminate bags. The consistency of the product is thick, with a clear greenish tinge. Among its ingredients are acids and mineral compounds. The corrector belongs to cosmeceuticals.

Dr. Jart The Eye Balm. This is a lightweight bruising cream. It contains arbutin, which provides fast whitening. The effect is noticeable the very next day. The product is considered universal: it is used to eliminate wrinkles, bruises and bags under the eyes.

It's Potent Eye Cream by Benefit. Substance with a pleasant aroma and weightless texture provides camouflage of the first signs of aging and dark circles on the eyelids. On the official website of the manufacturer, it is indicated that if you smear cosmetics twice a day on the face, then there is not only a tightening, but also a drainage effect.

It's Potent Eye Cream by Benefit

Clinique Even Better Eyes Dark Circle Corrector. Cosmetics of this brand belongs to professional care products. This product is a fluid for brightening and firming the skin. They can cover sunken circles, making them less noticeable, or treat the skin to prevent these problems. The composition includes natural oils, plant extracts and a vitamin cocktail.

Tony Moly Panda's Dream So Cool Eye Stick is not a medical product, but purely cosmetic. It is necessary for emergency masking of dark spots. This patch is designed to achieve perfectly white skin. Among its components are niacinamide and plant extracts.

Tony Moly Panda's Dream So Cool Eye Stick

Nivea Visage Q10. This is a cooling gel roller. Such cosmetics allow you to solve the problems of constant inflammation, bags under the eyes, dark circles and remove the first wrinkles. Can be used twice a day. The list of components includes patented coenzyme Q10 and vitamins.

Patch for bruising under the eyes from Tony Moly. This is a modern version of the fight against unpleasant dark spots. The product belongs to organic cosmetics and contains extracts from seeds of grapefruit, sunflower, vitamin B3. Recommended as an aid in the fight against bruises.

TONY MOLY Panda's Dream Eye Patch

Librederm AEVIT with blueberries (Libriderm). This product eliminates dry circles under the eyes and fatigue, relieves swelling, improves blood supply to this area of ​​the face. With the help of this product, an effective age correction is carried out. Contains blueberry extract, tocopherol and retinol.

Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution (Dermahil). This is a special cocktail for mesotherapy. It can be used for non-invasive procedures (without a needle roller). It is used to make a "fresh" look in a short time, get rid of puffiness or sleepy eyes.

Clearvin is a unique Ayurvedic cream for dark bruises. It helps not only after traces of a sleepless night, but also from real hematomas. Product reviews say that the product can be used even if bruises have already formed. Indian herbs and oils in the composition strengthen the skin, accelerate tissue regeneration and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Choosing a Concealer to Conceal Circles

By themselves, creams are not able to solve the problem of dark circles. The effect will be obtained only under the condition of long-term and regular use. If you need a result now, buy a special corrector for dark circles under the eyes.

Fillers are ways to quickly mask sunken eye sockets, give a look of openness and freshness, and brighten the skin. First of all, you need to pay attention to the base color corrector.

  • A red pencil will cover up pale blue and greenish bruises.
  • Yellow and brown corrector is suitable for owners of dark skin.
  • Green, blue and purple are needed to hide the pink circles.

There are different ways to apply correctors. The surest of them is to draw a triangle under the eye. Its base will be just under the lower eyelid, and the top - approximately, in the middle of the cheek. After you need to carefully shade the lines. To mask large circles, it is important to make many small strokes, as it were, to layer them. To correct small bruises, you can draw only one, but a dense line.

To make such makeup from circles under the eyes look organic and natural, you need to highlight the lower eyelid with a highlighter. This will provide a soft glow to the skin and visually make the eyelid smoother.


To prevent the occurrence of dark circles under the eyes, you must follow simple rules.

  • Get enough sleep. Sleep not 8 hours a day, but as much as you need. For some, 6 hours is enough, and someone feels overwhelmed even after 10 hours.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Regularly do drainage facial massage, use moisturizing cosmetics, do not go out into the scorching sun without glasses.
  • Drink enough water. Remember that the main cause of bruising around the eyelids is a lack of moisture.
  • Use moisturizers and protective creams. It could be TimeWise by Mary Kay, Pure Line 45+, or any other suitable product.
  • Make nourishing masks regularly. We recommend fruit or vegetable.
  • Take your vitamins, avoid alcohol, and get outdoors a lot.

In addition, try not to go out in the sun in extreme heat. Dry air is detrimental to the delicate and thin epidermis of the eyelids. By adhering to all the recommendations, you can not only hide aesthetic problems, but also get rid of them forever.

- This is a significant indicator that something is unfavorable in the human body. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the skin that is located around the eyes is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, a change in its color to a darker side indicates a problem, more often than not even an aesthetic one, but a medical one.

It is not difficult to visually determine such a defect as black circles under the eyes. The skin of the lower eyelid becomes very thin and darkens by several tones. However, it will not be possible to meet a person with absolutely black circles under the eyes. The epidermis in this place can take on a variety of shades: from grayish-pink to blue-violet, and in some cases yellow-brown.

Causes of black circles under the eyes

The most common opinion regarding the cause of the appearance of black circles in the periorbital zone is lack of sleep and non-compliance with the daily routine. Indeed, this phenomenon occurs quite often, but sometimes the answer lies in more serious health problems.

In order to recognize them in time and start treatment, it is worth considering all the possible causes of the appearance of black circles under the eyes:

    The breakdown of hemoglobin can provoke the appearance of black circles under the eyes, even without prior injury. It is known that the area under the eyes is permeated with the smallest blood vessels - capillaries. However, they are so narrow that in order to move along them, red blood cells (erythrocytes) need to stand in a row, one after another, and in some cases even split into two parts. Sometimes the capillary does not withstand such pressure and bursts. The blood is in the subcutaneous space of the eye. There is nothing dangerous in this, the body copes with such a situation on its own. However, the process of resorption and utilization of the released blood is accompanied by the formation of black circles. In the same way, a bruise gradually disappears after a blow, but it is under the eyes that they can form without any injury;

    Allergic reaction to environmental stimuli. It cannot provoke a bruise itself, but it causes itching and irritation in the eye area. A person begins to rub them vigorously, as a result of which the delicate skin is injured, and the capillaries penetrating it break, releasing blood. This explains the appearance of black circles and bags under the eyes with allergies;

    Excessive exposure to the sun can cause dark circles under the eyes. It is the tan in this case that becomes the cause of their occurrence. This is explained by the fact that during exposure to ultraviolet rays on human skin, the body begins to produce melanin in order to protect itself. The longer the exposure time, the more melanin is produced, and the closer to the upper layers of the epidermis it is excreted. Since the skin under the eyes is the thinnest, it is there that the tan is visible in the first place. Therefore, after a long stay in the sun, a person often develops “black glasses” on his face;

    Common causes such as insufficient rest and improper daily routine do not directly lead to the formation of black circles under the eyes. However, they are becoming more visible. The thing is that during the period when the body experiences excessive stress, for a number of reasons, the skin of the face becomes paler. It is against this background that the circles under the eyes look darker, creating a visual effect of chronic fatigue;

    Age is another natural cause of black circles under the eyes. Similar changes in the periorbital region occur due to the fact that the skin there becomes thinner the older the person is. This problem is especially noticeable in women during the period of extinction of sexual functions;

    Often, black circles can be seen in pregnant women, as well as in girls during the next one. This is due to the same blanching of the skin in a stressful situation for the body. Then the dark circles that always exist under the eyes become almost black;

    An unbalanced diet and a lack of important trace elements and vitamins, in particular vitamin C, also sometimes lead to the appearance of black circles under the eyes;

    Diseases of the respiratory system, leading to tissue hypoxia;

    The cold season can cause darkening of the skin under the eyes. This is due to the fact that subcutaneous fat begins to melt under the influence of the climatic factor. Under the eyes, the fat layer is already very thin. Therefore, its disappearance is so noticeable, against the background of which the smallest capillaries penetrating the skin in this area become brighter;

Dark circles under the eyes can ruin your mood, make-up and even life! They give extra age and fatigue to your face. In addition, their appearance may indicate serious health problems. Let's figure out what is the cause of their occurrence and how to eliminate circles at home, as well as through cosmetic procedures and cosmetics.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

The reasons may lie in the disruption of the work of individual organs or entire systems. Where exactly the failure occurred will help determine the shade of the resulting circles under the eyes:

Blue circles under the eyes they say that the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. This can be caused by malnutrition, consumption of spicy and fatty foods, bad habits. To get rid of - eliminate what provoked their appearance: maintain a healthy diet, drink more water, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Brown and dark yellow spots is the SOS signal that your liver and kidneys send. Here you can no longer get by with a balanced diet - you need to see a doctor.

green spots may appear for the same reason as yellow. It's just that different people have skin pigment in different ways.

Red circles under the eyes indicate an allergic reaction. If we are talking about a child, then this may be a manifestation of intoxication of the body due to tonsillitis, tonsillitis, helminthic invasion. In these cases, you can not hesitate - you need to urgently consult a doctor.

If the doctor did not reveal any abnormalities, then dark circles are the result of lack of sleep and overwork. In this case, you can eliminate them yourself.

How to get rid of dark circles at home?

The easiest way is to wash with cold water. As a result, blood circulation will improve, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes will go away. You can also use ice cubes to stimulate blood flow under the eyes. Distilled water is usually suitable for this, and even better - if you can freeze a decoction of chamomile or sage.

Another effective remedy in the fight against dark spots is cucumber juice. Just cut two slices of cucumber, close your eyes, put a slice of cucumber on each eyelid so that it captures the problem area under the eyes. It takes 5-10 minutes for you to notice the effect.

Eat avocado and boiled egg - the components contained in them make the skin of the face healthy and supple. Make up your mind to drink as much mineral water and green tea as possible throughout the day. By the way, used tea leaves or tea bags can also be useful in the fight against bruises and bags under the eyes.

If you drink tea bags, squeeze them a little and put them under your eyes for 10-15 minutes. For these purposes, both black and green tea are suitable.

If you use tea leaves, dip cotton pads into it and put it under your eyes in the same way.

Recipes for masks and useful home procedures, compresses

If you have free time, you can prepare masks and apply compresses from ingredients that are in every home.

Parsley mask

A small bunch of parsley leaves (preferably separated from the stems) finely chopped and mixed with a tablespoon of fat sour cream. Parsley brightens the skin. Therefore, the spots under the eyes disappear literally in a matter of minutes. 10 minutes is enough to achieve the desired effect. Wash off the mixture with warm water or a decoction of herbs.

cucumber mask

Peel the fresh cucumber and grate it on a fine grater to make a smooth puree. Put the resulting mass on the problem area, hold for 15 minutes. If there is no cucumber, you can use fresh potatoes by analogy. The effect of the mask will be identical.

Curd mask

Mash a tablespoon of cottage cheese, add a few drops of tea leaves to it, so that the resulting mass has a golden hue. Shape into lozenges to a comfortable size and place under your eyes for 15 minutes.

Nut mask

Peel three walnuts (10 g) from the shell and grind in a blender. Melt a tablespoon of butter (but not margarine!), mix it with the resulting nut mass. Add 4 drops of lemon juice to the mixture (it brightens the skin like parsley). Apply under eyes, keep for 20-25 minutes.

No wonder our grandmothers used the healing properties of herbs in the fight against various ailments and for cosmetic purposes, when there were no pharmacies, beauty salons and shops. Herbs, as well as their infusions and decoctions, are also used to eliminate bruises under the eyes at home.

Sage compress

2 teaspoons of sage pour 100 ml of boiling water. Strain the infusion - separate the herbal mass. Divide it into two parts and wrap in gauze. Pour the infusion into two containers: cool one (in winter - you can take it to the balcony), and the second - on the contrary, heat it up. Dip gauze with grass in turn in various infusions and put on your eyes. Do it several times for 10-15 minutes.

Chamomile compress

Make two gauze bags filled with a teaspoon of dried chamomile for each. Hold them for 15 minutes in boiling water, then cool, but so that they remain warm, and put on the problem area.

How to get rid of dark circles with the help of cosmetology?

In the cosmetologist's office, you will be offered a choice of several options for dealing with dark circles under the eyes:

  • mesotherapy;
  • Lymphatic drainage;
  • Laser whitening.

Of course, not everyone will dare to mesotherapy, because against the background of having to inject into the area around the eyes, these dark circles do not seem to be such a serious problem. But lymphatic drainage is a painless procedure. And the result is quite effective. After it is carried out, an outflow of excess fluid from the deep layers of the skin is observed, which externally manifests itself in a decrease in circles, bruises and bags under the eyes.

A rather expensive, but guaranteed effective procedure is laser whitening. Under the influence of laser beams, the skin around the eyes is lightened.

Keep in mind that in order to completely get rid of stains, repeated courses of the procedure may be required.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes with cosmetics?

If there is sorely not enough time for masks and trips to the beauty parlor, but you need to look perfect here and now, decorative cosmetics will help to “remove” bruises under the eyes. With the right makeup, you can hide any flaw. Including dark circles.

You most likely think that it's time to get foundation out of your makeup bag? But no, this point requires clarification. The fact is that the skin under the eyes is very delicate, and the most suitable tinting agent in terms of consistency is a concealer. For the area "under the eyes" it is the most harmless. With it, you will even out the tone of the face, masking dark circles under the eyes, and at the same time create a physical barrier from the negative effects of the sun's rays.

Good afternoon friends! Today we want to touch on the topic of the beauty of our eyes. How to remove black circles under the eyes at home, which appear due to darkening of the skin under the eyes. This phenomenon is most common among adults, although it can occur at any age. The skin around the eyes ages, loses collagen and sags. This results in a dark area around the eyes. A tired and unhealthy look appears. Such blue circles under the eyes occur as a result of several factors, and this happens in most cases, which are based on health problems. Sometimes the bruises do not disappear for a long time, and this may be due to anemia (dehydration). The skin under the eyes is thinner than in other areas of the face and has much fewer sebaceous glands that could moisturize and protect it. As a result of this insecurity, our eyelids, especially the lower ones, become more vulnerable to external and physiological factors. It is on them that the state of the body is primarily reflected. And therefore, we advise you to pay attention to yourself in the mirror and, if any, learn how to remove black circles under the eyes quickly.

Causes of black circles under the eyes

The appearance of black circles under the eyes can be observed as a result of impaired blood circulation of small vessels. There are congestion of the lymph. If such bruises are rare and appear only during a period of fatigue, healthy sleep will help fix this. As a rule, after a rest, they pass, and you find a cheerful and healthy complexion. If this is not the reason for the appearance of bruises, and they have become your regular guests, then it will not be so easy to send them out. Most often, physiological moments influence. Since the lower eyelid by its nature has a small amount of fat cells, and with age they also decrease. The skin becomes thinner, the capillaries lose their fatty protection and become close to the skin and shine with their purple colors. This is where our blue circles under the eyes come from.

Black circles under the eyes can appear due to such reasons:

  • Anxiety, fatigue due to lack of sleep.
  • Rash/Itchy skin from allergies.
  • Pain due to facial sinusitis.
  • Edema.
  • Severe headache from inflamed sinuses.
  • Excessive salt intake, blocking the normal functioning of capillaries.
  • Lack of fluid, which serves to remove toxins from skin cells.

Other symptoms accompanying this trouble may indicate serious points and include:

  • Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
  • Redness around the eyes
  • Continuous itching in the mouth/throat
  • Inability to maintain normal eye movement, changes in vision.
  • Swelling/bleeding of the nose
  • High body temperature

In these conditions, you should rush immediately to the emergency room.

Causes of such bruising include:

  1. Stress. In the modern world, it is very difficult to hide from him. Working processes, spending a long time at the computer, rare walks in the fresh air.
  2. Dehydration. Lack of fluid intake affects the quality of blood circulation. Due to such violations, the accumulation of toxins and toxins occurs, which leads to swelling on the face.
  3. Anemia. Contributes to reduced hemoglobin in the blood, this is a wake-up call when you should pay attention to your diet and foods containing iron. There is a deficiency of some trace elements, replenishing which the situation will improve.
  4. genetic factors. Here we will not play any role, but we will only have to save ourselves with cosmetics to mask such bruises.
  5. Allergies. Both food character, and from cosmetics, cosmetics.
  6. Malnutrition. Frequent diets and vitamin deficiency result in an unhealthy complexion, and bruises under the eyes.
  7. Violation of the kidneys. The result may be dark bruises with yellowness.
  8. Orbital cellulitis (inflammation of the tissues of the eye behind the orbital septum. May be caused by an acute infection of the orbit, trauma, eye surgery.
  9. Age changes. During this period, the functions of skin renewal slow down, and the circulatory system is disturbed.
  10. The habit of rubbing or scratching the eyes.
  11. Facial surgery, facial/skull fracture.
  12. Hormonal contraception. , other medicines.
  13. Alcoholism, high caffeine intake, prolonged sun exposure are some of the pests of our skin. By ridding yourself of such habits, you can find a radiant and healthy complexion, and you will forget about black circles under your eyes for a long time.

Such negative factors weigh heavily on our skin. All this hinders the normal functioning of the processes in the skin. Toxins accumulate even more and the process of their exit from the body is inhibited. If you start to deal with these factors, you can rid yourself of dark circles under the eyes, if this does not apply to serious health-related causes. In this case, treatment will have to start from deeper points.

If the causes are more serious problems associated with the work of the heart, thyroid gland or liver, then you can not do without specialists, whom you should visit constantly.

How to quickly remove black circles under the eyes

  • Cucumber slices. Put rings of cold slices of cucumber on your eyes and let them rest for fifteen to twenty minutes. It helps in reducing puffiness and discoloration. Do it every day.
  • Potato. Put grated raw potatoes on your eyes and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash off with cool water. Potatoes contain a natural bleach that helps in lightening these stains.
  • A paste is also used by grinding fresh mint leaves. Such a remedy at home is kept for fifteen to twenty minutes every day. This gruel gives a quick and good result.
  • Tomato, Turmeric, Lemon: Prepare tomato paste (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tsp), flour (1 tsp) and a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply this paste around dark circles and leave on for 10 minutes. Wash off after 10 minutes. This remedy will help in lightening the dark bags under the eyes.
  • Almonds: Gently massage under the eyes with almond oil every night. The spots will become lighter soon. Alternatively, apply almond paste with milk for ten to fifteen minutes.

For even more effective results, you can use masks based on natural ingredients:

  1. Sour cream mask with parsley. It will take 1 hour to grind. a spoonful of parsley and mix with two teaspoons of sour cream. Apply under the eyes and keep for 15 minutes, then rinse and apply a nourishing cream.
  2. Creative mask. Take a little fatty cottage cheese and add well-brewed strong black tea so that the cottage cheese turns golden. Mix well into cakes and apply on the area under the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Cucumber mask. Grate the cucumber pulp on a fine grater and freeze for a few minutes. Remove the chilled mass from the freezer, apply under the eyes for 15 minutes and rinse.
  4. Milk mask. You will need 50 ml of milk and 4 teaspoons of baking soda. Mix everything and place in the freezer for a couple of minutes. Apply the cooled mixture on the area under the eyes for 15-20 minutes and rinse.
  5. Potato mask. The simplest and most famous, even to our grandmothers. Grated potatoes, all according to the same scheme, cool in the freezer and apply on the lower eyelids for 15-20 minutes, wash off after the time has elapsed.

To get rid of black circles under the eyes at home, keep your eyes elevated by placing a couple of pillows under your head when you sleep. It helps in preventing eye puffiness due to fluid buildup.

Treatment with compresses

Cold compress. Place ice cubes wrapped in cloth under your eyes. This cold therapy will help in reducing darkening.

Chamomile compress. We prepare two bags of gauze and lay the flowers of pharmaceutical chamomile there, lower them into boiling water for 15 minutes. When cooled to a warm state, put on the eyes.

Sage. We brew a few pinches of dry grass in a glass and leave for 15 minutes. Then we drain the water, and lay the grass in gauze bags. We apply ready-made compresses to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Instead of compresses, you can wipe our eyes every morning with ice cubes prepared on the basis of all the same brewed herbs, chamomile, cornflower, sage, parsley.

Masks and compresses are all wonderful remedies, but for a complete complex of removing black circles under the eyes, we recommend stimulating the muscles under the eyes with a special lymphatic drainage massage. It is easy to perform and will not take more than five minutes of your precious time in the morning. For more information about the technique of lymphatic drainage massage, we wrote in

Lack of sleep can cause dark circles under the eyes. It is important to sleep at least 8 hours every day.

It is necessary to keep the water balance, consuming 8-10 glasses every day.
. A well balanced diet is the key to getting rid of dark circles. The diet should be rich in vitamins A, C, K and E.

How to remove black circles under the eyes, cosmetology will help you

After a light daily massage, it is necessary to use an eye cream. What creams are suitable in this case. We'll find out together. It is very important that the cream you choose contributes to moisturizing and nourishing your skin under the eyes, stimulates lymph and blood circulation, and relieves inflammation. It is these properties that caffeine-based creams have that help narrow blood vessels without disrupting their work, and creams based on retinoic acid (vitamin A) nourish and moisturize the thin skin around the eyes.

In the meantime, we are struggling with the problem of how to quickly remove black circles under the eyes at home, decorative cosmetics will help to hide unsightly blue shades. A miracle invention of beauty professionals will come to the rescue - a concealer. Available in the form of a pencil, cream, in liquid form. Each young lady has her own, there is where to play out, but that's another topic. For our problem, a yellow concealer is best suited. Flawlessly masks the purple-blue shadows under our eyes, and the skin will give warmer tones, all the emphasis in makeup will be directed to shining eyes.

Dear ladies, if you know other recipes for how to remove black circles under the eyes at home, share with us in the comments.

As a dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist at the Premium Aesthetics aesthetic medicine clinic, we will tell you how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes once and for all with the help of proper care, lifestyle correction and cosmetic procedures.

Correct comorbidities

Of course, if since childhood, your medical record has had cardiovascular diseases, thyroid or kidney disorders, you are not surprised by dark circles under the eyes ... Yes, this is a kind of diagnostic sign that indicates that there are disorders in the body. But if you have never encountered this problem before, and then you suddenly noticed that circles appeared under your eyes, and the problem began to progress rapidly ... This is a good reason to see a doctor.

Do a massage

How can he help you in this case? First of all, it will disperse the blood and saturate it with oxygen. With stagnation, the blood in the vessels darkens and, translucent through the thin skin of the lower eyelids, gives them a dark shade. Any type of massage is suitable for you - both manual and hardware. It happens that a clip that provokes blood stasis occurs at the level of the cervical and shoulder regions. In this case, you need to massage the collar area. By the way, facial gymnastics, for example, closing your eyes, will also help to cope with hypoxia.

Try injections

Injections into this delicate area saturate the blood with oxygen, and the problem of dark circles automatically disappears. It happens that this feature is connected with your ethnicity (dark circles are often found in Asian women). In this case, meso-cocktails with a brightening effect are suitable.


Choose the right peel

Grinding the area around the eyes will be relevant for you if dark circles under the eyes appeared due to increased pigmentation. Professional lines produce a number of peels that are suitable for this particular area. It is possible to influence the lower eyelid area with a laser - with the right parameters, an excellent and lasting result is obtained.

Pay attention to contour plastic

This is just the case when it’s not too early and you need it according to indications. The fact is that one of the reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes is a deficiency of subcutaneous fat. Because of this, the muscle is visible through the thin skin, which gives the lower eyelid a dark shade. It is impossible to radically correct this problem, but it is possible to change the angle of light refraction in the area of ​​​​the transition of the eye muscle to the muscles of the middle third of the face. In this case, the so-called nasolacrimal sulcus is simply filled with a hyaluronic acid filler. Visually, this procedure will make dark circles less noticeable.

Use appropriate cosmetics for care

Look for vascular components in the composition of care products - such as arnica, chestnut extract, vitamin C. The forms of cosmetics for the correction of bruises and bags under the eyes are very diverse: creams, gels, masks, patches, liquid rollers. If you have pigmentation in the area around the eyes since birth, use cosmetics with arbutin - this active ingredient blocks the production of pigment.

Adjust your lifestyle

Don't sleep regularly? Get it over with right now! In this case, the skin of the face turns pale, and against this background, the blood vessels around the eyes become especially clearly visible (as you remember, the skin here is much thinner). Walk more in the fresh air and ventilate the room, this is the best prevention of hypoxia. And watch your weight. Its sharp loss can affect the thickness of the subcutaneous fat in the face, including in the area of ​​the lower eyelid.

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