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How to write down your favorite girl on your phone. And yet - about a close friend. Preparing for dating: a few important rules

Many girls, after a certain time after the start of a relationship, wonder how to record a guy on the phone. As soon as you have exchanged contacts with a young man, most likely he is recorded by his first name or even in combination with his last name. Agree, this is quite official. But now the time has come to highlight his number among other contacts, and we will tell you in this article how to do this in an original way and how not to sign your chosen one.

The most pleasant sound is the sound of your own name

Sometimes you don’t need to invent anything, you can just sign your chosen one by name. This option is especially good if you have not been together for long and do not know how he will react to this or that “nickname”. It can be assumed that he is not yet ready to see his number in your phone book with the signature “my beloved”, he will consider that you are in too much of a hurry.

Sometimes representatives of the fair sex have a guy signed in their phone as “husband,” although they are not married and, moreover, do not even live together. The girls say that this means that the relationship is serious, and why not write down the future husband as a husband. According to survey results, such a signature scares men. Many of them panic when they think about getting married, and the word “husband” under their phone number simply evokes horror. Let's not push our dear guys away and wait a little, at least until the official engagement.

How to record a guy on your phone without rushing things, but at the same time making him stand out? The answer is simple: write it down by name, but affectionately. For example, not “Sasha”, but “Sasha” and not “Lesha”, but “Leshenka”. When your sweetheart sees his name in this format, he will be pleased.

Don't create a "menagerie"

On the street, in public places, among friends we often observe couples in love who call each other the names of animals or, so to speak, cosmic bodies. The typical “hare”, “cat”, “sun”, “star” can be heard everywhere. If you and your loved one have already given each other such “names” and are accustomed to calling each other, say, “bunnies,” then the answer to the question “how to record a guy on the phone?” already found.

But if you are the first to decide to call a guy “animal,” make sure that he likes such a nickname. Sometimes “breeding a menagerie” can reach the point of absurdity; girls sign guys “bug”, “chick”, “little rabbit” or “little ostrich”. And then the guy who didn’t even know that he, for example, is such a “bug”, will either be surprised to the core, or will be very angry. After all, he, a strong adult man, would simply consider it a mockery to be called a “bug.”

If you are not ready to give up such a signature and you really like the new nickname, it is better to agree on it with the guy in advance and, if he doesn’t mind, then you can safely sign it the way you want.


Every girl probably knows how to sign a guy on the phone using diminutives. But keep in mind that many men are not prone to various “calf tendernesses” and some “baby” or “goose” can simply infuriate you.

The best thing to do in this case is to look at the guy’s phone or directly ask how you are subscribed to him. Then you can come up with something similar. For example, if you are his “dear”, then he can also become “dear”, “dear”, or write “my beloved” in your phone book. But believe me, it’s quite strange to see how a guy’s girlfriend is simply “favorite,” and her guy is “cute.” Many representatives of the stronger sex simply consider this disrespect for themselves.

How to add a guy to your phone so that the contact appears first in the list? Sign it with the letter "A". Say, “Angel”, “Cupid” or “Athlete”, the latter is especially good if your chosen one is involved in sports.

How to record a guy on your phone in an original way

To sign your loved one in an original way, you need to choose a name that you are unlikely to hear anywhere else. You need something that only you know about him. For example, what his friends called him in childhood, what his mother likes to call him, or some nickname that is associated with him pleasant memories. Just make sure that the man likes this nickname, maybe he considered some of them offensive; if you write it down like that in the phone book, it will simply offend his feelings.

That's all. We hope that now you know how to record a guy on your phone, and a new signature will delight you every time your loved one dials your number.

Many guys have a problem: they don’t know what to write to a girl to make her feel good. This is not difficult when you have known a person for a long time, but if you have known each other for a few days, it is difficult to guess which phrase will lift her spirits and create the right impression. We will try to help, share our experience and imagination, as well as tips from experienced people.

What to write to a girl in the first message?

The most difficult thing is to start; the first letter is undoubtedly difficult to formulate, because there is a person whom you do not know at all, and often have never seen. Therefore, you should maintain modesty and avoid vulgarity in your messages, but maintain intrigue and originality:

  • “Today is suitable for a pleasant acquaintance, can it take place?”;
  • “Hello, I’m also a fan of this group, can you tell me which site is the best place to download their songs?”;
  • “I can’t solve this problem, can you help me?”;
  • “Hello, don’t you remember me?”;
  • “I need to give a gift to my sister, tell me what a 12-year-old girl might like?”;
  • “Hello, my name is Sergey, I’m a member of the same group, so I wanted to meet you”;
  • “Today I dreamed of a beautiful stranger, and in the morning I accidentally saw your photograph, are there such coincidences?”;
  • “Let's just become friends and girlfriends?”;

If you are really interested in her, study her page: what she is interested in, what groups she is in, what music she listens to. This will give you information with which you can start dating.

How to proceed?

If she doesn’t answer, don’t insist, it means she doesn’t want to. The girl responded with a phrase that suggests further communication - go ahead. Here it all depends on the goals, if this is flirting for an easy relationship, then don’t delay with poems and emoticons, throw in a few defining phrases:

  1. "Are you sad? I can brighten up a lonely girl’s evening”;
  2. “Baby, I care about your hot photos, do you want to meet?”;
  3. “You’re cool and I’m not a mistake, I think we’ll have a great time together, don’t mind?”;
  4. “I’m ready to dedicate myself to you, are you ready?”;

By answering them, she will immediately make it clear what she is ready for. But, when you are looking for a serious acquaintance, the correspondence can last an indefinite amount of time, take your time, don’t push, get to know the person and at the same time don't forget to compliment:

  • “Great photo, how did you manage to take such a picture?”;
  • “Every time I rush here to spend the evening in pleasant company”;
  • “I didn’t find a message from you today and I’m upset”;
  • “I’m interested in communicating with you on the Internet, I’m sure it’s more interesting in real life.”

Slowly probe her, talk less about yourself, if she is interested, she will ask, this will be a good sign.

This video demonstrates several interesting, original examples such messages, after which any girl will certainly melt:

What to write to a girl you like?

You’ve already gotten to know each other a little, maybe you’re dating, and you really want to please your beloved with a message during the day:

  • “They say that angels live in heaven and only occasionally descend to earth - I was lucky, I saw one yesterday”;
  • “The most beautiful eyes are now reading this message”;
  • “The most pleasant thing I can do is think about you”;
  • “Baby, when you are far away, the days and nights last twice as long, and the sun does not shine so brightly, I want to be close”;
  • "The most best girl was with me this evening";
  • “You see the weather has turned bad because you are sad today, give people joy - smile”;
  • “You cured me of color blindness, now I see the world in bright colors”;

You can use these phrases as is, you can change the meaning by adding a suitable emoticon and a touch of humor for a good mood.

How to apologize in verse to a girl?

It happens that a guy offends a girl, and then it’s difficult to find words of apology. Of course, it’s better to ask for forgiveness in person, but sometimes it’s not possible and the Internet comes to the rescue.

Use regular touching sentences:

  • “Forgive the fool, I was wrong, I’m very afraid of losing you”;
  • “I know that because of my mistake you are not sleeping now, I want to change everything, to forget what happened.”

Or send poetry :

I want you to shine with a smile,

Forgive my mistakes!

My baby frowned

Sorry for the grief!

I'm left alone and I miss you

Now I'm on my way alone

It's not too late to admit your guilt,

Forgive me, forgive me!

Darling, forgive me for the quarrel,

I admit that I'm guilty

I brought you a lot of grief,

You smile - I will be glad!

I'm afraid of losing you

From now on I will be calm and gentle,

Would you agree to take a walk with me?

I'm standing under the balcony with flowers.

Of course, everything depends on the degree of guilt, but it is unlikely that a woman will be able to resist poetry (not even always with rhyme) and sincere apologies.

What should you not write to a woman?

There are phrases that, after reading, a girl will not communicate with you. Usually this is either vulgar advances or self-aggrandizement. Below we give some examples:

  • « Hello, let's get to know each other!" - This phrase is normal, but it gives the right to choose; this question can simply be answered: “No”;
  • « You probably won't answer my message, but...“- a demonstration of uncertainty, and this does not make a man look good;
  • « Maybe I'm not your type" - this is never good for dating. How can she know what kind of person is writing a message if you are just trying to get acquainted;
  • « Baby let's have sex" - but everything is clear right away, but not for serious intentions. Some ladies will like this context if you are looking for her for these purposes. But when you need a woman to build serious relationship or even a family, it is better to exclude this proposal;
  • « Your photos are beautiful, but your content is equally beautiful?“- sounds challenging and if some accept the challenge, then the majority will be added to the blacklist.

Try to be just a person in correspondence with a new acquaintance, communicate as equals, do not belittle yourself and do not put yourself “above” and everything will work out.

How to write an original “Hello” to a girl?

We are used to starting a letter with the word “hello,” but you can replace it for originality:

  • “You are so beautiful that I forgot to say hello”;
  • “There is a thread, I want to start a friendship here”;
  • “What can you say about the phonetic analysis of a word?”;
  • “Do you know that today is Saturday, and not yesterday or even tomorrow?”;
  • “Tell me, how many electrodes does the transistor have?”;
  • “Do you play chess? Me not.";
  • "Shake";
  • “Hello” - in Bulgarian.

There are a lot of original phrases, greetings sound good foreign languages or “scary” sentences from physics or other complex sciences, they talk about you as an intellectual person. It’s difficult to guess right away what a particular girl will like, information from her page can help social network.

So, we have suggested what to write to a girl so that she is sure to be pleased, the rest is up to you. Act carefully, but persistently, if you are getting acquainted, modestly and ingratiatingly - when you apologize.

Video: funny attempts to get acquainted

In this video, Daniil Rogozin will show 20 funny “tackles” on a girl, written in VK:

The most nice people- these are those who stand on the same page with humor. They are fun to be with in any company, they are like a trot on festive table: always in the spotlight. And even if you pick up their phone and look at the subscribers with numbers recorded in it, you can burst out laughing. It seems that this is not a phone, but Notebook with jokes. Do you want to show off your wit too? Well, then let's figure out a funny way to record your friend on the phone.

First, look at your phone records that you already have. There is still some humor there, you just wrote everything down for convenience as you understand. Well, for example, “Leshka is long” or “Natasha with pigtails.”

If you dig further into the records, then in general there is a “madhouse” going on: “Vlad. Con. Technique", or "Tatyana SPRZ". What kind of “Vlad.Kon.”, what kind of equipment, and what does this abbreviation “SPRZ” mean, where is the mysterious Tatyana?! It seems that she once wrote down something, when it was important, but what exactly - without comment to this day.

But look at how your girlfriends are listed: “Anechka”, “Nastenka”, “Olechka”. And you can’t tell which “Anechka” is out of a dozen of them. The main thing is that it is written affectionately, and if this Anechka sees how it is listed, she will be pleased. And it's difficult for you. We need to do something about this.

Fragment from the film "Bruce Almighty"

arrow_left Fragment from the film "Bruce Almighty"

Indeed, we are accustomed to calling any friend with whom we have at least once drank wine at a party or relaxed somewhere together as friends. That’s how they “hook up” over a glass, exchanged numbers and swore eternal friendship. And after a while, we end up with such incomprehensible things, like “Tatyana SPRZ.”

Acquaintances, friends, colleagues. If they never have access to your phone, then you can get away with it as you want. It’s unlikely that a colleague would even think of dialing his number to see how she’s listed there, even if you’re on the same page with her. good relations. Although there are oddities, as in one case from life.

An office, a group of women, one of the women (let's call her Katya) went into the smoking room behind the glass of the office. A client came to Katya and is waiting. Her colleague, sitting across the table, began calling Katya. And her cell phone is on the table. The boss walks by, looks to see who is calling Katya’s phone, knocks on the window of the smoking room and shouts to the whole office: “Katya, some ‘Cow across the street’ is calling you!” Out. Scandals, quarrels, squabbles in the team.

Therefore, to avoid embarrassment, you can sharpen your wit on your acquaintances and friends, but it is advisable that the notes be more tactful. For example, as in the case of a colleague, “cow” could be replaced with the word “madam,” for example. It seems a little funny, but not cynical or offensive.

Call the fat one “chumpy,” the long one “tall,” the short one “small,” and the long-nosed one “Greek.” And so on and so forth. If a fat big guy with a “weathervane” nose discovers on your mobile phone that she is a “tall Greek chubby”, then there is hope that she will not be offended.

And yet - about a close friend

The older a woman gets, the more her circle of friends narrows. And already one single “Anechka” recorded in a mobile phone, after 40 years of age, becomes understandable to the owner of the phone. But “zip-back” when else best friends a dime a dozen. By writing down only the name, you can get confused, but here’s how these “knots” can be easily untied:

    We write down the main number of our most beloved friend with special tenderness in a diminutive form - you certainly won’t go wrong when answering her. Moreover, she will be pleased to be your favorite.

    You dilute the entire friendly “retinue” with similar names with harmless adjectives associated with them. For example: “Svetka Barabashka” - if she doesn’t give a damn, and says that she doesn’t “give a damn”, or in rhyme: “Olka - just a little bit” if she doesn’t particularly support cheerful hen parties.

    Tell your friend her nickname on her mobile phone so that there are no surprises later in the form of insults. Suddenly she has no sense of humor. And even a cute combination of her name with a joke will be met with hostility.

    If you don’t shine with wit yourself, trust the same friend to come up with a name for herself in your mobile phone. Let it be not funny, but sweet, but you will know what is necessary and dear person you won't lose because of a small trifle.

    If nothing smart comes to both of your minds, then your last name and first name will be enough. And to hell with your narrow-minded humor.

In the era of scientific and technological progress, dating via the Internet is becoming most popular. Computers with Internet access worldwide network Every user has it. This is not only a source of information, but also an opportunity to communicate and find new friends. The Internet has long replaced postal and telegraph services. You can get an answer instantly, no need to wait.

If you can't find your soulmate in real life, you can try it in virtual. The social network VKontakte is a popular place for dating among modern youth. It's easy and safe to meet people here, which is why most guys are looking for a soul mate here. It is not customary to post vulgar photographs here, so the site is quite suitable for communication.

Online dating has a number of advantages. In the profile you can immediately see if a girl has a boyfriend, what she is interested in, what films and music she is interested in. You don't have to spend money on flowers and sweets or dinner in a cafe to find out what she is like. There is always an opportunity to choose the best candidate for a date using correspondence.

Girl's choice

Often young people are embarrassed to approach a girl on the street to get acquainted. If you have trouble making eye contact, you're intimidated by dating in public places, try using the Internet. Use ingenuity, perseverance, and a sense of humor when choosing beautiful phrases to introduce. You are guaranteed success, you will forget about loneliness. After all, it is very important for a person to have a soul mate.

If you don't have a girl in mind, then look through the profiles of several beauties. To do this, use the search. Choose a friend who lives in your city. Then it will be easier to meet. Of course, love knows no boundaries. But distance can be a serious obstacle to your relationship. You should like the girl in appearance or have an affair with you common interests.

When studying profiles, pay attention to the user’s page. To find real girl, you need to make sure that this is not a fake page. If there are enough photos in the profile, they contain the same person, then this increases the chance of finding a normal and adequate woman. From the VKontakte wall you can determine what a person is like. Look into the groups the girl is a member of. It will be easier for you to find common interests and choose a topic for conversation.

Perhaps you have mutual friends. Then you can find out from your comrades with whom you are going to communicate. You need to look at the status marital status. If a girl is engaged, married, dating or in love, then there is no need to ruin her personal life. worth "in active search" - you're on the right way. If the column is not filled in, there is a chance that the beautiful lady is available.

Your application form must also be filled out accordingly. Curious people will definitely look at your page and get acquainted with your entries, hobbies and occupation. Style it accordingly. Post statuses and pictures that reflect your principles of life. Add music and videos to your profile. It's easier to attract attention this way. There should be no vulgarity or vulgarity on your wall in order for people to think about you pleasant impression. The girl will definitely look at your list of friends. If there are a lot of women in it, they won’t want to communicate with you. A woman will not miss the opportunity to test your literacy. Watch your speech. Illiterate people special interest don't imagine. Reviewing your profile is necessary to make sure that you are not a womanizer and a person who only has drinks and cigarettes on his mind.

Action plan for designing your page

1. Give access to your profile to all users. This will give the girl the opportunity to explore your personality by looking at your profile information.

2. Remove compromising photographs and files that characterize you from the worst side.

3. Check your profile for grammatical errors.

4. Remove all obscene language and photographs of naked girls.

5. Add interesting films, beautiful music.

6. Fill in the column with hobbies. You should not write that you are fond of computer games and gambling.

Procedure when meeting a girl

1. Carefully consider and study the profile.

2. Find hobbies by looking at hobbies, music and movies sheet. Check out the groups she joined.

3. View albums with photographs. Like and comment on your favorite photos.

4. Change your profile by adding her favorite songs, movies and games to your page.

5. Submit a friend request.

6. Write a personal message.

How to start a conversation?

When starting a conversation, it is better to address your interlocutor directly. This will show your respect for her. During the correspondence you will switch to “you”. You must introduce yourself with your real name.

The same laws apply on the Internet as in life. If you delay making acquaintance for a long time, then someone else, more courageous and decisive, will take your place. Don't be afraid to start a conversation. Trying is not torture. You won't lose anything if you write something to a girl and she refuses you.

Let's assume that you have found the object of your desires. Now we need to act. The first phrase is a pledge good luck with your acquaintance. If you choose it correctly, it will make your further actions easier.

A lot of guys are trying to find template phrases for dating on the Internet. If everything were so simple, everyone lived happily, there would be no problems. To attract a girl you need to try. Even if you are not a charming, handsome man, you have a chance to find a soul mate. Witty phrases can help in this matter. But remember that every young lady is individual. What one likes will upset or offend another. It is not always appropriate to use templates. The dating process needs to be approached creatively.

Prohibited phrases and techniques

1. A banal winking smiley will not interest a girl. She will immediately understand that you are not distinguished by originality and imagination. She will not want to communicate with such an interlocutor.

2. A direct request to meet someone will not bring success. The interlocutor will think that in front of her is a frivolous person, and he sent such messages to all the girls, just to attract someone.

3. If you invite someone on a date in the first message, the action will be judged frivolously. She will take this as an offer to sleep with you.

4. Asking to change phone numbers may cause speculation that you are a psycho or a maniac. Normal people Don't give your phone number to strangers. The blacklist is guaranteed to you.

5. Don't ask if she has a boyfriend or husband. It's not beautiful. Dating shouldn't start like that.

It seems that there is nothing so scary in these phrases. But if you apply them right away, you will be classified as a member of the gray masses and will understand that you are a bore. All the beautiful ladies are waiting for the one and only person.

How to meet?

Carefully study the photos that the girl posted on her profile. Find the ones that interest you.

1. The girl was photographed at sea. Ask her where she vacationed and whether she liked it. Ask for advice on where to relax.

2. Your muse is holding pet. Compliment the animal. Ask if this is the animal living at her home. Ask if it is difficult to care for, and if she is happy with her choice.

3. There is a photo with a familiar place. Say that you were here too, you like it here. Find out if the place is loved.

4. Simple beautiful photo. You can express your admiration and say that she looks gorgeous.

5. I liked the dress, handbag, shoes. Ask your sister to help you choose a gift, and you'll rely on her amazing taste.

Your words should inspire action. Write something that will not leave the girl without attention. She herself must want to continue communication and respond. Believe me, beauties can talk for hours about what interests them.

If the girl speaks languages, ask her to help translate a sentence or phrase. Works out in the gym or swimming pool - find out about their advantages and disadvantages.

Short phrases for the first message

Just saying hello will not interest the person. You should not choose banal and uninteresting phrases. You need to write in such a way that it intrigues and the girl paints herself the image of a cool and witty guy. A tempting phrase can attract a lady. You will find your happiness, so take what you write seriously. Pickup experts advise using sentences that contain flattery or a compliment. You can try writing a message to hurt the girl's self-esteem.

You can use phrases like these to find your favorite one. But remember that the path to a friend’s heart is different for everyone.

Hello! I've been looking for you for a long time, and here you are!

I have long wanted to meet such a girl.

Your beauty cannot be compared with anything. You are unique!

Good evening. I would like to get to know you better. You do not mind, do you?

Do I have a chance to meet someone like this? beautiful girl? If so, let me know.

Oh, I think I saw you in some movie!

Today is a wonderful day! Do you think so too?

Are you by any chance from the royal family? Look like a princess!

I got the desire to find happiness after seeing your profile.

Girl, do you have a dream? And I dream of meeting you.

Hello. And I saw you today in a dream. Help me make it a reality.

Girl, don’t you know what it takes to get to know you?

I read in your profile that you don't smoke. I've always dreamed of meeting a girl who leads healthy image life.

Congratulations on finding you. Let's celebrate.

Do you remember me? We met in a dream. But I was sitting on a white horse.

Didn't it hurt you to fall from heaven?

It's yours natural beauty or have you found a professional photographer?

Are you by any chance looking for the perfect man?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to meet you. But I'm the best.

Let me make you happy.

Today is such a wonderful day. How not to write to such a beautiful girl?

Hello! You are very beautiful. You look gorgeous.

I was very lucky today. I found the most charming and sweet girl. Can I meet you?

Girl, what do you plan to do for the rest of your life? Is it possible to include me in the list of your life plans?

Do you know that you struck me with your look? You are incredibly beautiful!

You must have put a lot of effort and energy into looking this good. I fell for your bait.

You spend a lot of time on VKontakte. Maybe we can stretch our bones and take a walk somewhere?

Are you by any chance looking for your destiny? I invite you to meet me!

Does your mother need a son-in-law?

Hello! Maybe we can chat here or in reality?

Do you like me?

You shouldn't overwhelm a girl with messages. During the correspondence process, she must make a choice on her own. Don't put pressure on her. Give freedom to make decisions. It must take at least a day to get the desired answer. Remember, a girl will be interested in a decent guy who doesn't drink or smoke. She will definitely visit your page, but will not leave any traces.

There is no need to communicate virtually for a long time. Otherwise, you will only correspond on a social network. Find out the girl's number and arrange a meeting. Don't call right away; a pause may be to your advantage. There is no need to give your number first, because no self-respecting woman will call first. On a date you need to be yourself. Here you will not be able to use templates beautiful phrases from the Internet. Be friendly and everything will work out.

Make sure you are not being taken advantage of and your new girlfriend no boyfriend. Unfortunately, life is such that girls can use women to realize their desires.

No amount of advice will help if the girl doesn’t consider you the hero of her novel. Perhaps you are not her type or she has a loved one. Don't be discouraged and try to meet other women.

Everything is in your hands and depends only on you. First impression plays important role when meeting. Try to immediately show what you are capable of.

Pages of articles about virtual love

Before choosing a name for your phone, remember what you most often call a guy in. Maybe it’s not worth trying and you can use a familiar household name? If, when using your appeal, a guy cheers up, blossoms and melts, it means he likes it, and when he picks up your phone and sees “his” name in your phone, he will be pleasantly surprised.

Guys don’t really like it when girls use animal diminutives (rabbit, bunny, chick, cat, etc.) to write in the phone book.

It is important for them to feel their masculinity, strength and power, even in the designation on the phone. So, if a guy doesn’t like such names in ordinary life, on a phone such a name will not please him. In the same way, you shouldn’t overuse it, and if you have it, “Boar”, “Baby Elephant”, “Hippopotamus” will be inappropriate and very ordinary.

It would be unusual if write down the guy in Latin letters- this way you will make it stand out from other names on your phone. Try not to distort the name by adding diminutive suffixes. A short or full form name.


Many people advise signing your husband’s “name” on the phone with the letter “A” so that he is always first on the list (“Apollo”, “Angel”, “Admiral”, “Amurchik”, “Appetizing”, “Athlete”, etc.). d.). If the position on the phone is not of fundamental importance, you can use common clichés- “Dream Man”, “My Lord”, “Cowboy”, “Sexbomb”, “The One”, “Beloved Husband”, “Dearest Man”, “Defender”, “Handsome”, “Murzik”, “Masik”... It seems banal, but nicer than just Sasha, Andrey, Denis, Artem, Sergey or Vasya.

Use his husband's original signature on his phone cute nickname, which is what you call him when it's just the two of you.

But don't go too far. Sometimes women become so fixated on choosing an original signature in the phone book for a boyfriend or husband that they go beyond what is permitted and the name begins to irritate not only the man, but also the girl herself. Say no to extraordinary names. A signature on a phone can be expressed by adjectives, nouns, names, and even phrases. In order not to make a mistake with your loved one’s signature on the phone, ask him directly how he would like to be recorded in your contact directory.


If you still haven’t been able to come up with an original signature for your contacts, always you can use emoticons. Facial expressions express emotions much stronger and cooler than words. For example, emoticons “: *, :), : 3” express exclusively love, kisses, and kindness. True, a man may be annoyed by such a designation on the phone, since his beloved did not have “neither intelligence nor imagination” to come up with its designation.

To make your life easier, take a look at your leisure time to see how you are recorded on your boyfriend or husband’s phone. In the image and likeness, choose a similar name for it.

The effect will be doubly pleasant: if he accidentally sees your signature in the list of your contacts, he will be surprised at how similar your thoughts are. He will be very pleased.

Don't forget to use additional functions phone. Modern models have a lot of possibilities - personal melody for a specific number or . As a melody, you can choose your favorite composition or choose the one to which you most often danced with a guy or met him. You can choose a photo taken together or one where your loved one turned out very well. With the help of a personal melody, you will always know that your beloved man is calling, and by looking at the photo, you will only be filled with warm feelings and memories. The little things are minor, but damn nice!

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