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Presentation on the topic "ecological education of preschoolers". Ecological education of preschool children. Filtering information, or the important role of TV

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Topic: "Technology project activities in the system of environmental education of preschoolers"

RYBALKO Yu. V., educator of MDOAU No. 1 "Zvezdochka", Novokubansk

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Technology of project activity - purposeful activity according to a certain plan for solving search, research, practical tasks in any direction of the content of education. The purpose of this technology is the development of a free creative personality child.

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Positive moments of the technology of project activity:

Changing the position of the educator. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the cognitive, research activities of his pupils; changes psychological climate in Group; - knowledge acquired during the implementation of the project becomes the property of a personal childhood experience, that is, it means they are needed by children and therefore interesting; - acquiring the ability to reason: children learn to set a goal, select means to achieve it, evaluate the consequences; - development of communication skills: the ability to negotiate, accept someone else's point of view, the ability to respond to ideas put forward by others, the ability to cooperate, to provide assistance - otherwise the goal that children strive for will not be achieved. Thus the connection social life in a group with moral education and intellectual development ensure the integrity of the development of the child's personality.

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Project "What do sparrows sing about?"

problem: insufficient knowledge children about birds (wintering and migratory), their characteristics, purpose in the ecosystem. Non-compliance with the rules ecological culture. The idea of ​​the project: education of love and respect for birds. The purpose of the project: to promote the formation of an ecological culture of preschoolers through the upbringing of a caring attitude towards birds.

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Project objectives:

Bring up careful attitude to birds, understanding the need to protect not only birds, but their "home", habitats. To lay the foundations of environmental literacy in children through the education of love for birds and a caring attitude towards them. To develop in children cognitive interest, the desire to observe, explore, acquire new knowledge. Develop Creative skills, thinking and speech. To teach to take care of the birds, to watch them, to experience the joy of knowing that you can save the birds from death. To give basic knowledge about what birds are fed in winter. Teach them to take a responsible attitude to a serious and responsible business - the manufacture of feeders and birdhouses. To give a sense of satisfaction from the awareness of the importance of the work done. Meet some of the birds. Replenish the developing environment (environmental signs, feeders, birdhouses).

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Type of project: research - creative. Project duration: medium duration (December - March 2014) Project participants: children preparatory group, educators, parents.

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At the initial stage of the project

problematic questions were formulated together with the children: “Do all birds fly south?”, “What do you think, what do sparrows sing about at the beginning of winter?”, “What do birds eat in winter?” “How can we help them survive in harsh conditions?”, “Why do birds need more food in cold weather?”, “What is more terrible for birds in winter: cold or hunger?”. Each child has their own opinion. The children were asked to look at pictures, illustrations for works of art, video material, and discuss problematic issues with their parents. As a result of this search activity, the children and I came to the conclusion that we need to make bird feeders, hang them up and feed them during the cold season.

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Technological stage Working with children:

cognitive development Artistic aesthetic development Physical development Speech development Social communication development

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cognitive development

to expand children's knowledge about migratory and wintering birds of the Krasnodar Territory, about their appearance, nutrition; know and name wintering birds; learn to recognize birds by the sounds they make, by the way they move; cultivate a caring attitude, interest in the life of birds; to form the ability to establish links between the behavior of birds and changes in inanimate nature.

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1. Designing "Sparrow" (origami, from a cone). 2. D / and: “Wintering and migratory birds”, “Finish the phrase”, “Pick up “friend words”, “Who are the birds friends with?”, “Birds of the Kuban”, “Riddles about birds”, “Not forty, not a crow…” 3. Watching outward signs And distinctive features wintering birds in the park and on the territory of the kindergarten. 4. daily feeding birds and watching them. 5. Solving crossword puzzles. 6. Research on the topic “What kind of food do birds peck more willingly?” 7. "Funny puzzles" about birds. 8. Construction game "Birdhouse" 9. Classes: "Nature and health", "Wintering birds in our city", "Who protects the environment"

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Artistic and aesthetic development

develop creativity, learn to convey a simple composition, compose a whole image from details; to consolidate the skills in drawing, modeling, acquired earlier; develop emotional responsiveness to works of art and literature; develop the ability to aesthetic perception of reality and the phenomena of the surrounding world.

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1. Modeling: "Birds at the feeder", "Sparrow"; 2. Drawing: “Bird houses” (use of various techniques), “Bullfinch on a branch” (gouache painting), “Gray Neck” (according to the fairy tale by D.N. Mamin - Sibiryak); 3. Application "Fairytale bird", "Birdhouse"; 4. A.N. Tolstoy "Magpie", S. Snegirev "How Birds and Animals Prepare for Winter", N. Sladkov "Polite Jackdaw", E. Trutneva "Sparrow", "Crow", V. Zotov "Crow", "Bullfinch", V. Bianchi "Who flew to the feeder"; 5. Reading poems: V. Berestov “What sparrows sing about ...”, V. Stoyanov “Sparrow”, Y. Sash “Fly, pichugs”, G. Khodyrev “Starling”, N. Aseev “Bullfinches”, Ya. Yashin “ Feed the birds in winter"; 6. Reading Russian jokes and songs about birds; 7. Examination of paintings by Russian artists depicting birds.

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Physical development

1. Outdoor games: "Ten birds - a flock" "Magpies and jackdaws" "Birds" - children walk around the feeder, and scatter on a signal. "Frogs and herons" - jumping and walking with high knees. "Sparrows and a hawk" - on the type of "Cat and Mice". "The sparrow flew, the sparrow flew" is a folk game. develop motor activity, coordination of movements; ability to navigate in space, dexterity, speed of reaction; exercise in running, in the ability to act on a signal, in coordination of movements and speech.

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Speech development

to form in children the skills of the culture of the listener; develop dialogical speech; encourage participation in the conversation, continue to teach to answer questions; write creative stories build a detailed judgment, conclusion; activate adjectives and verbs that characterize birds in speech. 1. Conversations on the topic: "Wintering birds of our city." 2. Drafting creative stories How do I help the birds? 3. Competition "Guess the riddle, say a tongue twister, solve the problem." 4. Competition "We read poems about birds." 5. D / and: "Counting books about birds" 6. Drawing up a plot story based on a series of pictures "Crow and Sparrow".

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Social and communicative development

be able to render needed help; master the skills that ensure the culture of work at all stages of the labor process; educate respect for nature, living beings; to expand the idea of ​​​​the birds of the native land; develop initiative and organizational skills. 1. Competition "Feeders and birdhouses for birds" 2. Acquaintance with folk omens“Feathered barometers” 3. Dramatization “Take care of the birds. Friends!" 4. Dramatization of L. N. Tolstoy's fairy tale "Chizh". 5. C / r games: "Bird's canteen", "Environmentalists", "Visiting forest animals."

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Working with parents

1. Making booklets "How to teach a child to love nature" 2. Consultations on the topics: "How to choose a place for joint recreation and walks with children”; “Teach children to save nature” “Making feeders and birdhouses” 3. Assistance in preparing the contest “Read poems about birds” 4. Assistance in organizing excursions to the city park. 5. Making, together with the children, a preparatory group of bird feeders and birdhouses.

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As a result of the work done, preschoolers understand and realize how important it is to help birds in winter. As a result of the work, it was noted: 1. Increasing the level of environmental culture among children and their parents. 2. The development in children of cognitive interest in the objects of nature of the immediate environment, in particular, in birds. 3. Development of research, practical activities in the course of the project "We are friends of birds." (Children, as a result of observations, came to the conclusion which food should not be given to birds, and which one they prefer; if you add a little food to the same feeders every day, the birds get used to and are already waiting for us.) 4. Strengthening cooperation between parents and kindergarten. 5. The developing environment for the ecological education of children has been replenished.

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"The moral development of the child through environmental education" Topic: 1 slide MBDOU Kindergarten No. 5 combined type"Cheburashka" Topic: "Education of ecological culture of preschoolers - the path to the moral development of the child" educator Larina Nina Borisovna 2 slide Moral development is: - one of the forms of reproduction, inheritance of morality; - a purposeful process of introducing children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society; - formation moral character, character traits, skills and habits of behavior. basis moral development is morality. Morality is understood as the historically established norms and rules of human behavior that determine his attitude to society, work, and people. Morality is an internal morality, morality is not ostentatious, not for others - for oneself. Over time, the child gradually masters the norms and rules of behavior and relationships accepted in society, appropriates, that is, makes his own, belonging to himself, ways and forms of interaction, expressions of attitude towards people, nature, personally to himself. systematic, purposeful formation moral personality takes place daily in an organized children's team. In kindergarten, special educational work is carried out, aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual. Preparing the younger generation for life, work, we teach children to be modest, honest, principled, teach them to love the Motherland, be able to work, combine sensitivity and caring attitude towards people and nature. 3 slide The goals of the moral education of preschoolers can be formulated as follows - the formation of a certain set moral qualities, namely: - humanity; - industriousness; - patriotism; - citizenship; - collectivism. The ideal goal of moral education is education happy person. All these qualities can be developed through environmental education. The educational value of nature can hardly be overestimated. Communicating with animals, plants, a person becomes cleaner, kinder, softer. It brings out the best human qualities. Nature leaves a deep mark on the human soul, and even more so small child, with its brightness it affects all his senses. 4slide environmental education Under the ecological education of children, we understand, first of all, the education of humanity, i.e. kindness, responsible attitude to nature, and to the people who live nearby, and to the descendants who need to leave the land suitable for full life. Ecological education should teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them. Ecological education of preschoolers should be considered as moral education, because humane feelings, i.e. awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, the desire to protect and preserve nature, etc. We believe that it is necessary to teach children to behave correctly in nature and among people. Often, due to lack of knowledge, they cannot choose the right course of action. It is necessary to make educational work inconspicuous and attractive to children. The child should not look thoughtlessly at nature, but see and understand natural phenomena, the connection between them. To instill in children an interest and love for nature, their native land, a desire to protect and grow plants, to instill in children's hearts a benevolent and caring attitude towards all living things - this is our most important task. It can be solved only if children have at least elementary knowledge about nature, master simple ways of growing plants, learn to observe and understand the world. 5 slide The criteria for the formation of a conscious and active humane attitude to nature are the following: understanding the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for a person; mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them and applying them in practice and in everyday life; manifestation of an active attitude to the objects of nature (effective care, the ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature, to give value judgments). 6 slide Directions of work of the educator 1. Ecologization of the developing subject environment in groups; 2. Greening various kinds activities of the child in everyday life In accordance with the FGT (Federal State Requirements), each program has an environmental component, it is included in the Cognition: Formation of a holistic picture of the world section, and is also recommended in planning walks and in an organized educational activities after noon. Areas of environmental work: 1. fulfillment of certain environmental tasks; 2 implementation of individual environmental projects (for example, the Our Tree project); 3. creating conditions for environmental education in groups; 4 selection of plants, animals and care for them; 5. work with parents; T.K. no ecologist, the functions of environmental education are assigned to the educator, who independently implements an integrated approach through the ecologization of the developing subject environment in the group and the ecologization of various activities of the child in everyday life. 7 slide The program of S.N. Nikolaeva (photo materials) In planning and conducting organized educational activities of an environmental orientation, the author's program of S.N. Nikolaeva " Young ecologist". It has a well-balanced system of scientific knowledge with the level of development of a preschooler: excursions to nature, acquaintance with living objects, play, caring for plants, experiments and experiments - all this allows, in our opinion, to introduce the child to correct perception and awareness of their place and role in environment. 8 slide Organized educational activities (photo materials) It must be remembered that often careless and sometimes cruel attitude of children to nature is explained by necessary knowledge. In organizational educational activities, it is necessary to take into account that children are very receptive to what they themselves directly encounter in life. The child at each age stage is the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for further neuropsychic development and comprehensive education. How less baby, the more important sensory experience is in his life. That is why the upbringing of empathy and compassion takes place in inseparable unity with the formation of a system of environmental knowledge accessible to preschoolers, which includes: ideas about plants and animals as unique and inimitable living beings, about their needs and ways to meet these needs; understanding the relationship between living beings and their habitat, the adaptability of plants and animals to the conditions of existence; the realization that all living beings on Earth are connected with each other by a complex system of connections (everyone needs each other, everyone depends on each other, the disappearance of any link breaks the chain, i.e. biological balance) and at the same time, each of them has its own ecological niche, and all of them can exist simultaneously. It is very important to show children that in relation to nature they take positions more forte and therefore they must patronize it, protect it and take care of it, and also be able to notice the actions of other people, peers and adults, give them an appropriate moral assessment and, to the best of their ability and ability, resist inhumane and immoral actions. 9 slide “Let's decorate the city with flowers” ​​(photo materials) Of course, knowledge alone is not enough to form children humane treatment to nature - it is necessary to include them in practical activities feasible for their age - to create conditions for constant and full communication of children with wildlife. And the creation and maintenance of positive emotional state children (joy from the work done, praised by the educator, a blossoming flower, germinated seeds of future beautiful flowers...) contributes to the further development of feelings of compassion and empathy. Project “Let's Decorate the City with Flowers” different types flowers, compared seeds, sowed in a seedling box, planted seedlings in the spring on plots in flower beds, connected parents (many have their own gardens, summer cottages) - they brought seedlings of perennials, ornamental shrubs ... 10 slide Ecologization of the developing subject environment in the group During the year work is underway in an ecological corner, a corner of nature. We introduce children to indoor plants, explain and show how to propagate indoor plants, follow the rules for caring for them, we also conduct experiments and experiments: what is needed for plant growth (the value of water, air, heat for good growth). 11 slide Didactic games (photo materials) In-depth work on environmental education convinced us of the need for a selection didactic games and environmental aids. When using games and game situations in the classroom on ecology, it was noted that the children became more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions of interest to them. Collections of informative ecological fairy tales, albums "Education of respect for nature -" Nature is in danger "", "Birds are our friends", "Red Book" were made. IN this moment there is an accumulation in the group of illustrations, photographs, reproductions of paintings, which depict animals, plants in different time of the year. 12 slide Practical activities(photographic materials) A child's ecological culture is being formed through practical activities that he really likes and which is an indicator of his positive attitude towards the object of the image. 13 slide “What we will draw” (photo materials) On a walk or during an excursion, children are taught to capture a beautiful landscape and then, having come to the group, make a sketch and compose a story according to their drawing. We use an artistic word so that the perception of nature evokes vivid impressions in children, poems, stories about the seasons, folk signs are widely used in the work; 14 slide Ecological development environment (photo materials) The ecological development environment is important. An active humane attitude to nature is maintained and strengthened when children develop awareness of the aesthetic value of natural objects, their enduring and unfading beauty at any time of the year, which is why education aesthetic feelings is one of necessary conditions environmental education, which includes a love of nature. 15 slide On a walk (photo materials) But not only constant communication with nature can awaken and develop an aesthetic attitude towards it. It is necessary to draw children's attention to the beauty of nature, to teach them to observe the state of plants and the behavior of animals, enjoying it and noticing the beauty of life, to realize that beauty is in no way determined by a utilitarian approach (many children think that what is harmful is ugly). The main thing is to always remember: before teaching children to see beauty and understand the essence of beauty as an aesthetic category, it is necessary to develop their emotional sphere, because the feelings of preschoolers are not yet sufficiently stable and deep, they are selective and subjective. 16 slide Labor on the site. (photos) 17 “Helping the janitor” action (photos) Particular attention is paid to labor at the kindergarten site. IN autumn period the area is cleared of fallen leaves. Digging up the soil in the garden. In autumn, various seeds are collected for winter feeding of birds. Children, together with their parents, are involved in collecting dry leaves, snags, cones, which are used throughout the year in classes and for decoration. group rooms. In winter, the children of the preparatory groups help the janitor to clear the site. 18 slide Action "Labor Landing" (photo materials) Children provide all possible assistance in the ripening of apples on the fruit plot: they collect fallen apples - "sanitary" cleaning of the territory. 19 slide Action "Let's help the birds in winter" (photo materials) winter period bird feeding begins. Children can freely watch how birds sit on branches and wait for seeds, bread crumbs. IN educational work children are taught not to throw away pieces of bread, leftover cereals. The attendants collect everything in a plastic bag and the birds have the opportunity to receive a variety of food. 20 slide Holiday "Day of Birds" (photo materials) Every spring, the holiday "Day of Birds" is held: we put on dramatizations, recite poems, sing songs, make an exhibition of drawings and crafts, and at the end - we go outside, where birdhouses made by the parents of the pupils are hung out. 20slide Events within the framework of the project "Earth is our home" (photo materials) In the past academic year the whole team worked on the project "The Earth is our home": these were excursions, and exhibitions of crafts from natural material, and art thematic exhibitions, holidays, labor activity on the territory of the kindergarten, including with the involvement of parents. 21 slide Working with parents (photo materials) An important aspect in the system of environmental education is working with parents. Every year, general and group parent meetings are held in the kindergarten on the issue of environmental education of children. At them, we explain to parents what role the skills of a caring, careful attitude to all living things play in the development of the personality, the moral education of the child, we talk about environmental and recreational work, the benefits of excursions, and the participation of parents in promotions. We invite parents to participate in seasonal exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials. In order to identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education in the family, a survey was conducted. It showed that the majority have pets at home. Adults take care of them, and children help. From the questionnaires, we learned that many people spend their weekends in nature. 22 slide (photo materials) Thus, already during this period, the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, ecological culture, and therefore morality are being formed. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and worry about them, show little man beautiful world nature, help a small person the wonderful world of nature, help to establish relationships with him. 23 slide (photo materials) The task of educators and parents is to bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for the Earth, and everyone can preserve and increase its beauty. 24 slide Thank you for your attention

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Formation of ecological culture of preschoolers Author Naberezhneva Svetlana Mikhailovna teacher of the 2nd qualification category

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Just as a caring gardener strengthens the root of a small tree that has barely risen above the ground, the power on which the life of the plant depends for several decades, so the educator should take care of educating his children's feelings. boundless love to the Motherland. The education of these qualities begins from the time when the child begins to see, learn, evaluate the world around him. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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In my profession, I am taking the first, but already confident and conscious steps of a person who knows in which direction to move. This work opened up a huge scope for self-development professionally for me. In our kindergarten, a favorable environment has been created for the self-development of teachers. My pedagogical theme"Formation of ecological culture of preschoolers".

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Relevance of the work Currently, new trends and problems are visible in the field of ecology, indicating the need for environmental education to reach a qualitative level. new level. If in the recent past there was a rapid penetration of environmental issues into the domestic pedagogical science and practice, in all parts of the educational process, then at present such activity is noticeably reduced. The contradiction between the requirements that the era of environmental disasters imposes on a person and the real level of environmental education of the younger generation is becoming more and more obvious. The low efficiency of the efforts made leads to the need to increase the level of environmental education of preschoolers.

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Tasks: 1. Improve the subject-developing environment of the experimental research direction; 2. To enrich the speech of children through a systematic and consistent acquaintance with the outside world; 3. Educate children together with parents emotionally positive, careful and sympathetic attitude to the objects of the surrounding nature. Purpose: education of environmentally literate, socially active preschooler responsible for the state environment caring for the riches of nature.

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The main principles of my work Consistency Orientation to the age of the child Integration Continuity of interaction with the child in conditions preschool and families

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Forms of work: With children preschool age Reading literature, memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings role-playing games Musical and sports entertainment Experimental activity Observation of the flora and fauna, the work of adults Labor activity in the corner of nature, on the plot and in the garden Excursions to nature Cognitive activities

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Forms of work: With parents parent meetings, consultations Information stands, environmental newspapers Family living rooms Photo reports, home video Questionnaires, surveys Screens, environmental stands

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Forms of work: Advanced pedagogical experience Video trainings Teachers' councils, consultations Creative groups Thematic meetings Practical seminars Ecological School With teachers

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The first thing I did was to start creating a developing environment in an ecological direction, where pupils independently learn about the world around them, observing objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature

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Great importance in environmental education has the environment on the site of the kindergarten. In the process of working with children, I noticed that in the course of specific observations they easily assimilate the connections between various natural phenomena.

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In order to organize a search research activities preschoolers in nature, a laboratory is needed, i.e. a place where material is concentrated for constant observation of experiments and the relationship of animate and inanimate nature.

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We have created a mini-library. Here we have collected a variety of colorful books, encyclopedias for children. I use the literature of famous children's writers of natural history Prishvin, Bianchi in classes, thematic readings. Often with children we learn poems about the nature of our famous poets A.S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasova, I.A. Bunin and others.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Ecological education of preschool children

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He who does not love nature does not love man either, that is a bad citizen. Fedor Dostoevsky

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Relevance of the topic: “Everything good in people comes from childhood! How to awaken the origins of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart Surprise, learn, love! I want the earth to flourish, And babies grow like flowers, So that ecology becomes for them, Not a science, but a part of the soul! » The relevance of the introduction of environmental education at this particular age (from 3 to 6 years old) lies in the fact that during this period of life, children are very inquisitive, kind and sympathetic. Since they have not yet formed a model of behavior and attitude to nature, and knowing the goals and objectives of environmental education, it is possible to develop right attitude to all nature.

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The purpose of the project: To form in children environmental knowledge, respect for nature and everything around. Project objectives:  To form in children a careful, responsible, emotionally friendly attitude to the natural world, to living beings, in the process of communicating with them.  To form the skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity.  To develop children's imagination, speech, fantasy, thinking, the ability to analyze, compare and generalize.  To protect and strengthen the health of children.

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Preschoolers are the initial link in the system of continuous education, which means that the content of their education should be related to the content of environmental education. Elementary environmental knowledge acquired by children in younger age, will help them in the future to master the subjects of environmental orientation;

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Knowledge is not an end in itself, it only helps to form in children a certain attitude towards nature, environmentally competent and safe behavior, and an active life position; Preschool children have a very developed cognitive interest, in particular in nature. It is at this age that they perceive the world as a whole, which contributes to the formation of an ecological outlook. It is very important to maintain this cognitive interest;

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The content must be scientific. Regardless of age, children should receive in an accessible form scientific ideas about the surrounding world, in particular, about nature. The formation of a scientific worldview is especially important in our time, when mythologized consciousness is widespread in society, not scientific approach to an explanation natural phenomena; The content should contribute to the formation in children of a holistic perception of the world around, on the one hand, and the interrelationships of the parts of this whole, on the other;

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environmental education- part of general education, it has an interdisciplinary character, contributes to the development of thinking, speech, erudition, emotional sphere, moral education, - that is, the formation of the personality as a whole; Environmentally literate standards safe behavior: children should learn to understand and form independently on the basis of a complex of elementary environmental knowledge and awareness of causal investigative links in nature;

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Description of the slide:

Model "Ecological education of preschoolers" Familiarization of children with nature Organization and holding of exhibitions, reviews, competitions Labor activity in nature Creation of conditions for work on environmental education, equipment of corners of nature in groups, equipment with items for caring for plants Observation of living objects and seasonal natural phenomena -targeted walks -excursions -work with nature calendars, sketches Creating a fund of methodological and visual-illustrative material, an exhibition of books on natural history, designing material on environmental education for parents Communication with educational - educational process, ecological leisure, musical holidays, quizzes on environmental topics, construction from natural materials Ecological education of preschoolers

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Layout " Cooperative activity educator and children "Diagnostics of ecological education of children Plot-role-playing and d / games Targeted walks in nature Observation in a corner of nature Working with models Visual activity on environmental topics Watching films about nature Experienced, experimental, search activity Making homemade books Reading for children fiction Ecological leisure and holidays Examination of didactic pictures, illustrations about nature Work in the mini-center of nature and on the site Conversations with children on environmental topics Work with the calendar of nature Collecting collections of seeds, stones, shells Joint activities of the educator and children

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Model "Ecological education of parents" Cognitive block Environment and health of the child The state of the environment in their own microdistrict, city Ways to solve these problems Development of the child through acquaintance with the outside world Methods for familiarizing the child with the outside world Activity block Participation in environmental campaigns together with children Participation in ecological holidays, excursions, hikes Growing plants Reading literature together with children Normative block Knowledge of the rules of conduct during outdoor recreation, environmental safety rules and norms of behavior in experimental situations Selection of environmentally safe areas for walking with children, playing sports, vegetable gardens, dachas Value block Nature as a universal value for humans Importance of nature in human life Child health and nature Man is a part of nature Formation of reasonable needs

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RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION I, as a teacher: I try to take a responsible approach to the organization of the natural environment in the group, introduce new technologies into practice, know the methodology of environmental education, conduct experimental work with children, I develop integrated classes, I am engaged in environmental education of parents. Preschoolers: enjoy meeting nature own initiative observe living objects see the diversity of the natural world recognize the value of life have ideas about the rules of behavior in nature the beginning of an ecological culture is formed Parents: participate in joint actions and introduce children to the natural world

"Childhood, the age that we consider the age of carefree joy, games, fairy tales - these are the sources of the ideal of life. From what was revealed to the child in the world around him during childhood, what amazed him and made him cry, it depends on what our pupil will be ",- wrote V.S. Sukhomlinsky.

Only we, educators, by instilling love for our native land, can raise patriots of the country.

The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in its content, it cannot be defined in a few words. This is love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a feeling of inseparability with the outside world, a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the Motherland.

At present, when many immoral acts are committed, children have become more aggressive and withdrawn, parents pay little attention to the development of children's emotions and feelings. This problem is one of the most serious and urgent in modern conditions. It requires more tact and patience, because in many families questions of patriotism are bewildering. I care about what my students will become in the future. The way they behave is how they will be when they grow up. After all, the words embedded in their souls will go with them through their whole lives and teach them to respect the laws of nature and the country.

Therefore, I decided to work on the problem: "Patriotic education through environmental education"

She set herself several tasks:

  1. To teach a child to love his Motherland, to protect and take care of it;
  2. To cause a kind and caring attitude towards the world around, people, the city, love and affection for the family.
  3. Cultivate emotional responsiveness, form moral feelings.
  4. Contribute physical development while in the air.

Raising a patriot is a complex process. To solve these problems, I used favorable conditions: interesting and accessible material, a consistent focus on education, which ensures the formation of the spiritual world of the child, close ties with the family.

One of the manifestations of patriotism is love for nature, so I spend all my work through environmental education, the essence of which is the formation of a person with new environmental thinking, able to realize the consequences of his actions in relation to the environment, able to live in harmony with nature. It is nature that plays an important role in instilling love for the Motherland.

Starting work on awakening love for my native land, I select, systematize knowledge about it, think through and tell what is typical for our city, republic, show the connection of my native land with the whole country.

In order to desire children to learn more about the nature of their native land, I compiled and use in my work notes of classes for the seasons:

  • "Golden Autumn" (Appendix No. 1)
  • "Journey to Winter" (Appendix No. 2)
  • "Walk with Spring" (Appendix No. 3)
  • "Spring"

In all activities I teach children not to cause harm and suffering to living beings that are weaker than them, I tell them how to take care of them properly. When communicating with nature, interacting with plants and animals, children become kinder, show interest in nature, enjoy everything they see, master the rules and norms of behavior in nature. For this I designed albums:

  • "Save nature"
  • Environmental project"Tree",
  • "Medicinal plants of Tatarstan",
  • "Birds of the Red Book",
  • "Ecology and You"
  • "What we loan about substances."

We use various forms and methods: thematic classes, conversations, observations of the surrounding world, caring for plants, targeted walks, experimental activities, environmental games, reading fiction, looking at reproductions of paintings, listening to music, learning poems, songs, quizzes, creating problem situations.

I have my own motto: "Start every day with love and end with peace."

The most important impact on children is observation and target walk, the impression of which causes amazement and admiration, pass through children's hearts. Each walk I come up with my own name:

  • "On a visit to the old man Lesovichka";
  • "Help the mountain ash";
  • "Travel with a map";
  • "Telegram from Domovenok Kuzi";
  • "Meeting with the Quakusha";
  • "Golden autumn has come to visit us";
  • "Walk with a magnifying glass";
  • "Help nature";
  • "Find the treasure";
  • "In the laboratory of Kapitoshi";
  • "The world around the garden";
  • "Mysteries in the garden";
  • "Young gardeners";
  • "Spring came";
  • "Winter day";
  • "Meeting with the amazing";
  • "Collect signs in a basket";
  • "Complaints of plants";
  • "Compass - assistant";
  • "Plants are doctors of children";
  • "Magic flower bed";

Walk with us fairy-tale heroes: Kvakusha, Karkusha, Baba-Yozhka, Brownie Kuzya, Moroz Ivanovich, Kapitosha's water drop, Pochemuchka Girl.

Usually, before a walk, we receive letters, telegrams, use travel plans, notes, etc. We organize our work on acquaintance with natural phenomena on the territory of the kindergarten. To interest the children, I made a map of the ecological path, the owner of which is the cat Kesha. Walking along the path, we get acquainted with the corners of the garden, forest, vegetable garden. I am glad that children can name and show different trees, shrubs. While traveling, I suggest that children lean against a tree with their backs, cheeks, wrap their arms around it, touch, smell, stroke, ask what they feel, pay attention to the trunk, branches, leaves, buds, roots, take time to listen to silence with my eyes closed nature, birds singing. Please tell me about what they heard: the wind, the noise and rustle of leaves, the sound of twigs, the creak of trees, steps, the squeak and song of birds. Children have many different questions:

  • How to heal a birch wound?
  • How to help the insect?
  • Why can't you touch the nests?
  • Why do you need to remove old leaves?

Raising in children sympathy and compassion for the environment, I thereby unobtrusively teach to love the world around us, the Motherland, to root with all my heart for native home, family, people.

I systematically emphasize that man is the master of nature, that what the world around us will be like depends on his attitude towards it. I remind the children that everything in nature is interconnected, so it is necessary to preserve all living things so that they do not have to live without plants, insects, birds, animals. I fix the rules of behavior in nature, what cannot be done, but what can and should be done:

  • Do not pick a lot of flowers, but admire them, and plant new ones;
  • Do not touch anthills, enclose with a fence;
  • Don't destroy bird nests
  • Do not throw garbage, but clean up after yourself;
  • Do not waste water, but save it;
  • Protect animals, feed them;
  • Take care of medicinal plants, collect them and take them to the pharmacy;
  • Do not make noise in the forest, but take care of the silence of the forest inhabitants;

I assign a special role to experimental work. We observe how sprouts grow on potatoes, the roots of geranium shoots, seeds of cucumbers, beans, wheat germinate, how seedlings grow, how shoots of carrots, dill, beans, pumpkins, and beans appear. We follow with interest the life of flowers in the dark and in the sun, what happens to leaves if they are covered with paper, from which side air enters a leaf smeared with petroleum jelly, how worms loosen the earth, etc. And how much joy and amazement bring long-term observations of growth onions, oats, peas, etc. Here is one example. I brought earth to the group in an oval jar, poured sawdust on top, put germinated wheat grains and tied it with a nylon cloth, giving it the shape of a hedgehog, and left it in a natural corner. Seryozha B. was the first to notice the green grass and shouted: "Look, a hedgehog crawled up to us!" On another occasion, children watched the life of a leech that lived in a jar of water tied with gauze instead of a lid. When it was warm, she lay at the bottom, curled up, and when it rained, she floated to the top. Children conveyed their impressions from their observations in their sketches.

On a way ecological trail we get acquainted with medicinal plants: mint, lemon balm, chamomile, we meet with an alpine hill, where big stones and different types of flowers grow, where children observe the life of insects. Children pay special attention to the flower bed, which pleases with a variety of flowers: lilies of the valley, tulips, peonies, gladioli, irises, daisies, daffodils, cheerful children, etc.

With the help of didactic games in children, I develop observation, speech, attention, and memory in children, and form mental activity.

  1. A big place in life is occupied by such games as:
  2. Tops and roots (what they eat);
  3. Where does it ripen (vegetables in the garden, fruits on the tree);
  4. Good - bad (it's raining, it's muddy outside, but it's good that you can run through the puddles);
  5. Living - non-living (living - plants, insects: water, air, stones, sun, soil);
  6. Who - where lives (habitat);
  7. Find out what kind of animal (animal knowledge, appearance, habits);
  8. What tree is the leaf from (name the tree);
  9. Children from a branch (Name the tree);
  10. Name the herbs (fix the name coltsfoot, lily of the valley, plantain, nettle, chamomile);
  11. Settle an animal (Habitat forest, meadow, water, soil);
  12. What would be: (it was always winter);
  13. Plant a bird on a branch (wintering, migratory);
  14. Gather mushrooms (edible in a basket);
  15. Who have I become (attach a picture to the back, the children describe guess);
  16. Whose, whose, whose? (name the body parts of animals);
  17. Connoisseur indoor plants(find the described plant and name it);
  18. Our children comprehended the truth: "Where a person has been, purity must remain." To consolidate this knowledge, I designed such games as:
  19. "Learning to classify"
  20. "World and Man"
  21. "The Meaning of Plants"
  22. "What is nature"

Laying the foundations of a humane attitude towards nature, I teach to predict the consequences of my actions towards nature and people.

The creation of newspapers is also of interest:

  • "Environmental Bulletin";
  • "Nature and us";
  • "Look around";
  • "Stop, a moment."

The children of our group play "Ecological police", which forms their skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior. Children themselves check each other's attitude to nature according to the following parameters:

  • How do attendants work?
  • Is the light off?
  • Is the faucet closed?
  • Is there food waste?
  • How did you take care of the flowers today?
  • Is the air in the group clean?
  • How was the area cleared?

The results are summed up in the "Environmental Screen", where children become not just girls and boys, squirrels or bunnies.

An important role in the education of patriotism is played by the inculcation of diligence. Children perform the role of duty officers in a corner of nature, in an occupation. I pay attention to the fact that labor assignments are brought to the end, so that children are responsible for their implementation. This pulls up the children, they are proud of the fact that they helped someone.

The formation of moral and patriotic feelings is effective because we work in close contact with the family. It is parents who help us consolidate knowledge about the influence of nature on humans, teach children to protect nature. Parents bring us animals from home, children, examining them, touching them, experience feelings of joy, curiosity, and experience. When Nikita Sh. brought a turtle to the group, he told where she came from, what she feeds her, how she cares. He allowed the children to touch, stroke, feed his pet. Parents brought a lizard, a guinea pig, a budgerigar for observation. Such a connection with the animal world helps to expand knowledge, get a lot of impressions, and forms a personality. Studying nature together with children, I teach them to understand the conditions of life on earth. As adults, they will be able to influence those who make decisions for the whole country. Participating in the life of a family, a kindergarten, a city, children acquire self-esteem, they understand that they are also a part of their country.

Moms and dads understand the importance of this issue and strive to help us. Parents dig trees, bushes, bring seeds and roots of flowers for planting, annually build slides and snow figures that allow children to develop physically, and children provide all possible assistance (bring snow, tamping it, etc.) Children, together with their parents, make various feeders , bring in kindergarten, hang them up, feed the birds with grains, cereals brought from home. We encourage such undertakings, because this is how the civil responsibility to protect nature is born. The help of parents is reflected in photo exhibitions, in the piggy bank of good deeds, in sending letters of thanks.

Raising respectful and inquisitive children, I educate future patriots of the Motherland, people, nature. Today's children grow up in a completely different time, have a different way of life. It is important for me that the childhood of each of my pupils be a memorable beginning of his life path so that children's curiosity continues to develop, so that every preschooler becomes a developed personality who knows how to live in harmony with nature. I believe that thanks to such purposeful work, our children already at preschool age feel personal responsibility for their native land.

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