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What is the most common breed of dog. The most fashionable dog breeds: rating, features and reviews. It's not just about appearance

A dog is man's friend and, at the same time, the most common pet. Even cats cannot compete with dogs in this regard. People have come up with a lot of proverbs and sayings about dogs, they dedicate poems to them, and they entrust them with the protection of their inanimate and animate values. They also make ratings for dogs.

And the question immediately arises: the most popular in Russia or in the world? Best for whom - for the owner or for the kennel that sells puppies and, based on this, compiles a rating?

Who, in general, makes up all these top-s? There are Kennel Club ratings, international and regional. There are popular ratings, when people on the Internet give votes to their favorite breed... So, perhaps, they are the most objective, because they are based on love, and not on self-interest.

We do not take into account rating data such as “the most expensive breeds” or “the fastest breeds”. In our rating there is no classification by size and division into hunting, service, ornamental breeds. And we also tried not to react to fashion. Fashion is a fickle lady, and a dog is a friend and family member, he is not chosen for a year or a year. fashion season.

We have compiled the “ten” most famous dog breeds, the most frequently found in world, European, and Russian rankings. There are such dog breeds, which from year to year, from rating to rating, hold the bar of popularity.


10th place. Shih Tzu

This little girl probably made it into the top 10 dogs because of her character - playful, friendly. She gets along well with people, although, like all small dogs, she can be grumpy and stubborn.

Also, the Shih Tzu is a sissy and loves to eat. Therefore, its owner needs to control the pet’s diet and, if necessary, arrange for it fasting days.

The Shih Tzu was born by crossing three different breeds. Among this trio of her relatives is the Pekingese. By the way, the Pekingese is also a very favorite breed of domestic decorative dogs. And often included in the dog's top 10.

9th place. Poodle

The popularity of this breed either peaked or waned. But the poodle has never lacked fans. And all because he is very artistic and knows how to attract admiring glances.

And he is also very smart. Deservedly takes the top line in the ranking of the smartest breeds (Yes! There are such rankings). Fast, light, bouncy. The poodle remains playful and funny dog.

He, like all representatives of breeds intended to live with a person on the same sofa, needs not so much a sofa as a person - the Master! The poodle is ready to serve him faithfully, with all his small and brave heart. Therefore, it is not surprising that all peoples, in different parts globe, love poodles and get them again and again, from century to century.

8th place. Dachshund

She is distinguished by her waywardness and distrust of strangers, but is very smart and loyal to her master. So faithful that, if necessary, she will enter into an unequal battle for him. An excellent watchman.

The breed was bred to hunt badgers. So, the courage and bravery of a burrowing hunting dog is in the dachshund’s blood.

Dog breeders claim that dachshunds have a sense of humor.

Humor, intelligence, courage, loyalty - an excellent set of qualities to get into the top 10 dogs.

7th place. Boxer

You can love him for him alone expressive look. He has everything: intelligence, rich inner world, kindness... Boxers love children and are kind to them. We are ready to endure their childish obsessions and pranks. And they will protect and look after them. As, indeed, other family members.

Playful, active, loving physical exercise, need training.

The guarding qualities of this breed are excellent, which made it possible to use boxers in the US Army. In many ways, this is where the fame of this breed came from.

Boxers are also distinguished by their stable psyche. This breed is used in some countries as guide dogs for the blind.

Today, the boxer is a popular favorite among dog breeders; it is a dog that serves in the army and police, takes part in rescue operations and sports competitions.

6th place. Golden retriever

They are loved all over the world, especially by families with children. This is a very sociable and friendly breed. Golden Retrievers need children as playmates.

The breed is very susceptible to training, thanks to its good temperament and outstanding mental abilities. And you need to train a golden retriever in order to instill in him good manners and ease Cohabitation under the same roof.

These kindest and the most beautiful creatures unable to offend someone, even if he is a thief and encroaches on the owner’s property. Therefore, there is no need to get a golden retriever if you dream of a reliable watchman and security guard.

5th place. English bulldog

They are very kind, despite their slightly menacing appearance. The fighting past is almost erased from the genetic memory of this breed. And few people now believe that English butchers once used these dogs to bait bulls.

An English bulldog needs to be raised, trained, and then you will get a faithful and very devoted creature, ready to stand up for you with all its broad chest.

4th place. German Shepherd

A breed worthy of admiration. The German Shepherd has two qualities that are elevated to the absolute level – intelligence and courage. It is not surprising that this is the international leader among breeds of service and guard dogs.

The dog is a hard worker. She needs to work, protect, serve, protect. This is what she was created for and this is what she knows how to do better than anyone.

The Shepherd has another wonderful quality - it is a strong attachment to its owner. And of course, she will not forget other family members, including children, with whom she can forget about her seriousness and play and play pranks with them carefree.

3rd place. Beagle

Belongs to the breed of hounds - the smallest in this genus of hunters. He has been living with a person under the same roof for a long time and knows little about hunting - he nurses children, plays with them, and keeps an eye on them. Characterized by kindness and friendly attitude to all the inhabitants of the house - no matter how many paws or legs they have.

But from time to time, the call of blood makes itself felt, and therefore you need to keep the doors and gates closed. This little guy is capable of running.

The Beagle's cheerful, loving disposition keeps it on the hit list of the most popular dogs.

2nd place. Yorkshire Terrier

These funny little ones didn't always sit on their master's laps. This breed was originally bred to fight rats in Yorkshire. And the dogs successfully completed their assigned mission.

And although this breed has become smaller over the years, the courageous spirit of the rodent exterminator in the Yorkie is still alive today. This is a small, ringing watchman who will vigilantly guard the owner’s handbag and will not allow a stranger to touch it.

Very affectionate and intelligent, loyal and attached to their owner. This baby has everything, including external characteristics, to be included in the honorary ranking of the most popular dogs.

1 place. Labrador Retriever

How they are loved! They always loved it, even before it became known that this was the breed of the Russian president’s favorite dog.

Like the Golden Retriever, this dog loves children and gets along well with all family members. Everyone will find in her a friend, a hunting companion (she is capable of bringing shot game to the owner), a comforter (especially if we are talking about a child), a carrier of a newspaper or slippers (kindness and helpfulness are in the Labrador’s blood).

This is the most common breed for serving as a guide for the blind in rescue operations.

Labradors are also loved because they get along well with other pets, be it a hamster or a cat.

The open, kind soul of a dog cannot but leave a response in the human heart, and therefore this breed is always preferred and placed at the top of the top 10 dogs.

For those who were wondering what breeds the top five would consist of, today's continuation. So...

5th place - BEIJINGS

Sensitive nature, full of pride and dignity. Favorite of emperors. Irresistible in his own eyes, jealous and touching. Pekingese are independent and proud. For the most part, they do not like children, sensing danger from them and defending themselves extremely aggressively. But he takes them under his wing and doesn’t let anyone offend him. It is very difficult to lose a Pekingese; this little dog is attached to its owner and does not intend to leave him even one step. Recklessly charges at other dogs, regardless of their size, if they approach the owner. Without hesitation he risks his life. Doesn't like people touching his things, yelling at him or swearing at him. The Pekingese is touchy and impatient. He is not amenable to training and does not follow commands, not because he is stupid, but because at the moment he has no time for it.


Curious and cheerful, these snow whites are very affectionate and affectionate. Great companions for active rest, because running, jumping, searching and digging are their favorite pastimes. In the case of West Highlands, digging is not only constant maintenance of the delicate white coat, but also the end of the flowers in the front garden and the rest landscape design yard The breed is intelligent and friendly. They train well, although they are stubborn. They are jealous and impatient with small children, so they are recommended for families with teenagers and no less. West Highlands are brave and fearless, but only when it comes to animals of approximately equal size.

3rd place - CHIHUAHUA

This is the smallest breed on earth, which is naturally suitable for living in an apartment of any size. Inquisitive, brave and fearless, the Chihuahua easily becomes a watchdog, barking to alert everyone around about impending danger in the form of strangers or strange animals. She is ready to save everyone from the same danger right there. Dogs of this breed do not feel their size, so without hesitation they immediately rush into battle against their huge relatives, for which they often suffer from their teeth. Smart, persistent and tenacious, the Chihuahua will not just obey and follow commands. It requires special training and patience. He is very suspicious of strangers and does not like small children.

2nd place - Pomeranian Spitz

Sounding bells, capricious and dominant, Pomeranians consider themselves much larger and stronger than they really are, so they fearlessly rush at large dogs and people they don’t like and can not only bark loudly, but also bite them by the pant leg. The breed is very active and playful, does not tolerate careless treatment, does not like strangers, barking at them in any incomprehensible situation. Requires ongoing care for beautiful fur and constant attention. Most of them cannot tolerate small children. In love with himself and his mistress. But, of course, he’s much less of a housewife, so he constantly shows her who’s boss in the house.


The most popular dog in Russia. Smart, independent, very amorous, get along well with children and other animals. Yorkies love to play and frolic, attract attention and help. They collect their own toys and will not allow anyone to make a mess in their home. Originally bred to catch rats, these terriers have the instincts of true ferocious predators. They are very devoted to their person, fearlessly rushing to his defense, although by nature they are vulnerable and touching. A Yorkie is not always educated enough to avoid chewing wires, tearing pillows, and stealing clothes from the dryer. Many people do not want to accustom these dogs to walking by providing them with a litter box. In this case, grooming becomes more difficult. By the way, about wool. Yorkies hardly shed, and their coat is harmless to allergy sufferers. It is worth accustoming your dog to a haircut from childhood. This breed also needs training. An ill-mannered Yorkie is a disaster not only for its owners, but also for everyone around them.

  • B. Hunting dog breeds
    • Cops
      • English cops
      • short-haired English pointers
      • line-haired continental pointers
      • shorthaired continental pointers
      • longhaired continental pointers
      • wirehaired
    • Hounds
    • Wanted breeds
    • Hounds on the blood trail
    • Dachshunds
  • V. Terriers
    • Hunting Terriers
    • Other terriers
  • G. Borzoi
    • Short-haired greyhounds
    • Long-haired greyhounds
    • Rough-haired greyhounds
  • D. Indoor and decorative dog breeds
  • Popular dog breeds

    At the end of the last century, the German Shepherd was a relatively unpopular herding dog, used in different regions of Germany to herd sheep. In northern and central Germany it was of the squat, massive type, and in southern Germany, mainly in the Württemberg region, a lighter, tall-legged type was bred. By crossing both of these varieties, the modern German Shepherd was developed.

    Its triumphal march around the world occurred after the outstanding, wonderful properties of this service dog breed were all

    Doberman Pinscher

    This breed of dog is named after its creator L. Dobermann from Apolda in Germany, who at the end of the last century bred very vicious dogs, reminiscent in size of a short-haired pinscher.

    These dogs laid the foundation for the subsequent breeding of all


    The Rottweiler was originally a herding dog. It was mainly used by cattle traders and butchers in southern Germany to accompany herds and guard them at night. The Rottweiler was known as a butcher's dog. It received its name in honor of the city of Rottweil am Neckar, which was a center of livestock trading, and therefore these dogs were very numerous all

    Giant Schnauzer

    Most wirehaired dogs are hunting dog breeds. The oldest of them trace their origins to an ancient wire-haired dog that was found in different forms throughout Europe.

    It is difficult to say whether this dog was the ancestor of the modern Schnauzer. However, there is an opinion that the Giant Schnauzer comes from the so-called Large Wirehaired Pinscher, which at one time was very common in the Munich all

    By its origin, method of breeding and use, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is only slightly different from the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

    Greater Swiss Shepherd (Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund)

    Swiss Shepherds are divided by size, coat length, use and location into four distinct dog breeds. Crossbreeds are almost never found even in those areas where their distribution is intermittent.

    Briard - Briy Shepherd Dog (Briard)

    This breed of dog received its name in honor of the region in France, famous for the production of Brie cheese in Champagne, although it has nothing in common with its development.

    Boxer (Deutscher Boxer)

    The ancient ancestors of the modern boxer were used to hunt bears, wolves and wild boars. Their images are preserved in various ancient engravings. They were stocky, massive, strong, well-built dogs, absolutely fearless and little sensitive to wounds received in battle. They also demonstrated their strength and courage in fights that took place between them and other animals (for example, with bulls, bears, etc.)

    Great Dane (Deutsche Dogge)

    In some countries, without any reason, it is called the Great Dane (for example, in France “Grand Danois”, and in England “Great Dane”). This is incorrect, since back in 1879 in Germany it was first defined breed characteristics and the breed is named "Great Dane". He is one of the most large dogs at all. The Great Dane is a descendant of ancient mastiff-like dogs, bred in ancient times for military and hunting purposes. These were powerful, heavy dogs, fearless, confident in their strength.


    Collie is a very intelligent dog that can be trained in a variety of ways and has innate abilities for shepherding. Thanks to these features, combined with a beautiful, impressive appearance, the collie has many fans, and therefore, in addition to its official purpose, it has become a favorite decorative dog.

    She becomes attached to her owners' family with great devotion and love, loves children and guards the apartment well. In addition to the well-known long-haired collie, there is also a short-haired collie, which is relatively rare in England. This breed of dog differs from the long-haired one only in its coat, which should be hard, thick and all

    St. Bernard (Bernhardiener)

    Back in the seventeenth century, it was known that the monks of the Augustinian monastery of St. Bernard in Switzerland bred huge guard dogs , which they often use to search and rescue lost and freezing travelers, exhausted in snow storms. The most famous of these dogs was a male named Barry, who saved forty people from certain death between 1800 and 1812. The most interesting thing is that Saint Bernards continue to perform this noble work to this all


    Still remains open question about whether the Linefoundland was taken to the island of New Foundland from Europe and then returned to Europe back, or whether it is an aboriginal American breed dogs.

    What is indisputable is that the British paid attention to it on the island of Newfoundland (hence the name of this dog breed), took it to Europe and here, the breed was improved to its modern all


    An ancient breed of dog, bred in Hungary. It is a representative of the herding dog that came to Hungary from Asia. Designed to protect herds and housing.

    Purposeful breeding along with climatic conditions (cold nights and harsh winters) contributed to the development of a brave, powerful and hardy dog ​​breed.

    The Komondor is characterized by its thick, matted coat, which protects it from dampness, cold, and also from the bites of rivals. His figure is square, on occasion a little longer, his head gives the impression of a ball of hair that seems to be an extension of his all...

    English Bulldog

    The origins of this dog breed, whose use in England dates back to the early seventeenth century, are much older than its name. In England, mastiff dogs have always been widespread, favorite dogs intended for rutting animals.

    The combative nature of these folk entertainment, the cruelty of which is incomprehensible and alien to us today, consisted in the fact that the dog attacked a powerful bull, grabbed its muzzle with its teeth and dragged it until the exhausted bull surrendered to its fate. That's why these dogs were called “bull dogs”.

    Physically adapted breeds of dogs were selected for these fights. , their short, stocky shape did not give the bull the opportunity to attack them (with their small stature they did not provide the opportunity for a counterattack), very mobile, but nevertheless very massive and weighty.

    Moreover, the large head with powerful teeth, which played a decisive role in battles, deserved attention. It seems quite likely that the basis for the current descendants of the powerful fighting dog was laid by the Romans, who occupied England and then took these dogs to their homeland. Subsequently, slightly smaller dogs were bred and used for bull all...

    Labrador Retriever

    Originates from New Foundland, from where it came to England. Belongs to the group of old English dog breeds.

    The Labrador was originally intended for fetching in cooperation with English pointing dogs.

    Due to its outstanding sense of smell and extraordinary passion for carrying, its use was partly transferred from the field of hunting to the field of service dogs. Therefore he finds very good use, for example, at the customs service, and also as a guard dog. However, his hunting abilities come all...


    Dachshunds belong to the group of hunting dogs , called burrows. Already by their name and classification, one can understand that they are used for hunting badgers in holes (in German der Dachs - badger).

    There are three types of dachshunds, distinguished by their coats: short-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. In each of them there are three varieties of weight and chest girth: normal, dwarf and rabbit.

    All these options in total represent independent dog breeds (nine of them), differing from each other in size, coat type and all...

    Fox Terrier

    Parfors huntFox foxing was and still remains the favorite sport of the British. A fox runs at full speed ahead, pursued by a pack of foxhounds, followed by a cavalcade of riders on special hunting horses. It already seems that the fox is exhausted, the hounds are already anticipating how they will close their deadly circle around her, but suddenly the fox disappears without a trace. She disappeared into a hole with lightning speed and a pack of bloodthirsty hounds in amazement crowded around her entrance to find the lost trail.

    But at this time the riders arrive, one of them jumps off the horse and from the basket takes out a small white dog (fox terrier) with black spots and lets it into the hole. A few moments later, a furious bark is heard from the hole and a pack of Foxhounds again rushes after the fleeing all...


    Strelka and Belka, perhaps the descendants of the Toylaika, which an unknown artist depicted back in 1037 on a fresco preserved in Kyiv, with their flight into space provided convincing evidence of the outstanding properties of this group of northern dogs.

    Laika can be considered one of the oldest breeds dogs serving humans. To this day they have preserved characteristic features, indicating their close relationship with the wolf and jackal. The method of application, as well as the environment, has been fixed in many generations separate groups huskies certain psychological and physiological signs, on the basis of which huskies can be divided into three subgroups:

    A - shepherd huskies, B - sledding (polar) huskies, C - hunting all...

    Sheltie - Shetland Sheepdog

    The Sheltie, also called the Shetland Sheepdog, is essentially a dwarf form of collie, reaching about half normal height collie. Its striking resemblance to a collie leaves no doubt that these are two very closely related breeds.

    The Sheltie's homeland is the Shetland Islands, whose harsh climate contributes to the appearance of dwarf forms and other animals. There are well-known Shetland ponies and others. So this little sheepdog is only a natural complement to these modest, harsh and poor nature, unspoiled and yet very hardy and useful all...

    American Cocker Spaniel

    Cocker spaniels in many countries are bred according to English breed standards.

    On the contrary, America - in the twenties of our century - followed its own path. The so-called American Cocker began to develop there, the breeding of which is much more widespread there than the breeding of the English Cocker.

    It differs from its English relative, first of all, in the thickness and density of its coat and the short, angular shape of its head. The American Cocker Spaniel has been recognized as a separate breed of dog. After the Second World War, the American cocker was also imported to Germany, where, however, it did not attract much all...

    Yorkshire Terrier

    The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest terrier breeds. It was bred at the end of the last century in the English county of Yorkshire, from where it got its name. There is no detailed information about its origin.

    It is believed that he was bred by crossing several breeds of dogs, of which the Skye Terrier is most often mentioned, and the possibility of the Maltese Pinscher being all...


    From the mid-eighteenth century and into the nineteenth century, the pug was very common. Especially among nobles and in the ladies' world, the pug was highly valued by dog ​​lovers. Duke Alexander von Württemberg, after the death of his beloved pug, ordered a monument to be erected in the park of his Winnenthal castle in 1733, which was supposed to testify to the descendants of the properties of this dog.

    During its glory period, the pug was a frequent object of interest for artists. There is no exact explanation about the origin of the name of this dog breed. In southern Germany, the words "moppen", "mopperen" or "möppen" mean to grimace, grumble or make a face, and therefore, probably, the word "pug" was supposed to express a dog with a dissatisfied, grouchy expression. Information about the homeland of the pug is also inaccurate. They bring China, but also Africa (Cape Good hope). There is also an assumption that, based on the shape of its skull, it can be considered (in Europe) a dwarf version of the small all...

    Poodle (Caniche)

    The poodle, according to all scientists, is one of the oldest dog breeds. However, there is no consensus on its origin. Some say it comes from an old, shaggy herding dog, while others say it comes from an old “water dog” used to retrieve waterfowl.

    Apparently the poodle is a cross between both of these ancient breeds. This is evidenced by two types of poodle hair, namely curly, as a heritage from a shepherd dog, and corded from a water dog. Various traits of his character have also been all...

    Dalmatian dog, Dalmatian (Dalmatinac)

    It can be assumed that Dalmatiandogs (Dalmatians) were undoubtedly bred in Dalmatia. But still, despite this, there are a number of different assumptions about its origin. In the 18th century, this breed was called the “Bengal Bracket”, so there is a theory that the true homeland of the Dalmatian dog was India, from where it then gradually spread throughout the Mediterranean, and was later imported to England.

    In its type it resembles a high-legged hound and was originally used for hunting. Soon, however, it began to be cultivated as an indoor dog all...


    Chow chow originates from eastern Asia. It is still not clear whether his homeland was China or whether he came to China from Tibet or Manchuria. It belongs to the Spitz breed group and is probably related to the Siberian Spitz breeds.

    Together with the Peking dog, the Chow Chow was bred in the palace of the Chinese emperors, but was also common in the Chinese provinces. The quite often spread statement that he was fattened for slaughter and prepared as a delicacy roast is a fiction that is absolutely not true.

    From China, the Chow Chow came to England, where English dog breeders, through purebred breeding and careful selection, developed an independent type, a completely special breed of dog, which soon became known on the European continent and in the all...

    French Bulldog (Bouledogue francais)

    At first glance, the French Bulldog is a smaller version of the English Bulldog. But despite this, there are still doubts whether he is related to him at all. According to one version, a dwarf form of the English bulldog, called the “toy bulldog,” which, however, no longer exists, participated in the emergence of the French bulldog. According to another version, it is of purely French origin and is considered a dwarf form of mastiff dogs.

    In all likelihood, although this breed of dog originated in France, its ancestor is still a bulldog, albeit of a dwarf form.

    The French Bulldog is a very attractive dog, smart, quick-witted, and also calm, in a word, a pleasant watchman and companion in the all...

    Maltese (Maltese)

    This is one of the most small breeds dogs. She comes from the Mediterranean, where her ancestors bred during the Roman Empire. Then it was called “Canis melitensis”, that is, a dog from the island of Melita, present-day Mljet.

    Apparently the name of this island was mistakenly confused with the island of Malta, and therefore this dog began to be called the Maltese back in the 16th century. This breed was formed and acquired modern appearance in England and from there spread throughout the world.

    Its close relative is the lapdog, which was bred in Italy, apparently as a result of crossing with a white poodle, from which it inherited a curly coat and a little larger size. Anyone who sees only a living toy in a Maltese dog is mistaken; As a rule, she is affectionate towards her family, but extremely distrustful of all...


    This little dog lived for many centuries only in the Chinese imperial palace and its gardens in Beijing. She was not allowed to go beyond this mysterious place.

    The right to breed Pekingese was granted only to the Chinese Emperor. Others were forbidden to do so on pain of death. The cult of Pekingese breeding reached its apogee when one of them was declared a reincarnated Buddha and was given high honors.

    The Pekingese was first brought to England in 1896. These were five dogs that were rescued after the capture of the imperial palace by the Europeans at the very moment when, by order of the fleeing empress, they had to be killed so as not to fall into the hands of the all...

    Miniature Schnauzer (Zwergschnauzer)

    The Miniature Schnauzer is a dwarf form of the Small Schnauzer. The beginnings of its breeding at the end of the last century were probably even more complex and difficult than that of the Small Schnauzer. This has now been overcome and the Miniature Schnauzer is now a well-established, leveled breed. Both in appearance and in character, both breeds are very similar.

    Due to its small stature, the Miniature Schnauzer is perfect for city apartments, being the most common schnauzer in a number of European countries. Because of his excellent instincts, he is successfully used by the customs service in the fight against drug smuggling, thus being classified as service breeds all...


    The smallest dog breed in the world. Because this dog is very smart, intelligent, lively and active, it is a typical representative of a pet. It is found in two variants, differing from each other only in the coat.

    The short-haired Chihuahua originates from Mexico, where it was developed through selective breeding from an original local breed.

    The Longhaired Chihuahua appeared much later in the United States, where it was bred from the original Shorthaired Chihuahua.

    Based on the number of dogs demonstrated in our country in Lately at exhibitions, we can say that this miniature dog and we have acquired many all...

    Siberian Husky

    All about the Siberian Husky dog ​​breed. Breed history, character traits, features of keeping, susceptibility to diseases, breed standards and photographs.

    Husky - if you translate this word from in English we get - “hoarse”. These beautiful and well-built dogs do not bark, but growl.

    Another meaning of the word “husky” was the name of the Eskimos, derived from the abbreviated “eski”. In addition, huskies are the name given to dogs used for sledding, that is, sled dogs. All of them are characterized by very thick hair, erect ears and a sharp muzzle, as well as a tail curved upward.

    One of the merchants in Alaska (his name was Gusak) brought dogs (light and not very large) from Siberia and decided to use them in a sled team, rightly believing that they had enough strength for this, and their short stature would allow them to develop good speed. This is how the sledding history of using this breed of dogs all...

    Akita Inu

    Akita Inu is a Japanese dog breed, considered in its homeland national treasure. Features, advantages and disadvantages of the breed, everything you need to know when choosing a pet of this dog breed.

    A national treasure of Japan, a proud heritage, epithets that the Japanese use to describe the Akita Inu breed. It was bred for use in hunting large game, such as bear, elk, wild boar and others. This powerful and dignified dog is renowned for its courage and loyalty, but can be intolerant of other animals. His luxurious wool ...

    Why are some dog breeds more popular among breeders than others? What deserves such selectivity and why, over time, do previously so popular breeds suddenly completely fade into the background? There are many reasons for this: for example, sometimes popularity is influenced by such fickle fashion, as in the case of decorative dogs, and sometimes - the emergence of a completely new breed, which leads to the displacement of the old one. Let's find out why some popular dog breeds are so in demand today.


    Review of popular breeds among dogs

    There are a huge number of breeds of four-legged friends in the world, and each of them has its own strengths and weak sides. Below we will consider the most popular and famous breeds dogs.

    Tibetan mastiff

    One of the oldest dog breeds in the world, whose homeland is snow-capped Tibet. It was the harsh conditions that provided the mastiff with strong bones, well-developed muscles and excellent endurance. And their thick coat, together with the same undercoat, provides protection even from extreme cold.

    A distinctive feature is its resistance to many diseases. These dogs live quite a long time and often live up to 16 years or more.

    Tibetan Mastiffs are primarily suspicious of strangers. But at the same time, they are quite smart and will not show aggression towards guests in the presence of the owner.

    Lion Bichon

    This breed of dog is preferred by lovers of lapdogs, because they are their distant relatives and are similar to them in almost everything.

    The appearance of these dogs is interesting, which determines the popularity of the breed. The fact is that this breed is usually cut “like a lion,” that is, leaving hair only in front and at the end of the tip of the tail. As a result, Lion Bichon really looks like a miniature lion.

    Pharaoh Hound

    This breed of dog has this name for a reason. Their images were found on the walls of pyramids, which are known to be at least five thousand years old. This breed is unique in that it has almost completely preserved the appearance of its ancestors, as it has not been mixed or crossed with other breeds for hundreds of years.

    The appearance immediately brings to mind associations with the words “grace” and “aristocratism”. The flexible body and stately posture, coupled with the red color, are indeed somewhat reminiscent of the festive robes of the ancient pharaohs.

    The Pharaoh Hound is an excellent hunter, but especially loves to destroy small rodents. Brought up with a cat, she can get along quite well with it, but she will hate unfamiliar animals and will probably even try to kill them.


    A dog ideal for living in an apartment. But few people know that this decorative cute creature was originally bred for the purpose of hunting rodents in the stables of Europe.

    The Affenpinscher has a strong build, and their distinctive feature is a funny mustache and goatee. The dogs are distant relatives of terriers, albeit in miniature form.

    All Affenpinschers are not very trainable - and this is not due to their poor intelligence, but to their stubborn and complex nature. Therefore, when raising such a dog, the owner will have to look for a long time to find an approach to it.

    Thai Ridgeback

    This breed was descended from, from which it inherited excellent health and courage. has an athletic build and well-developed muscles. The coat of short length and high density on the back forms distinctive feature These dogs have a ridge (a short comb in the form of a strip of hair directed against the other hair on the back).

    The owners of the Thai Ridgeback say that its character is more like that of a cat. Indeed, this dog is unobtrusive and has an independent disposition, loves its owner very much, is friendly to members of his family, but will rarely accept even one touch or attempt to pet it from a stranger.

    Pomeranian Spitz

    The Spitz's face is similar to that of a fox. The body is short and deep-chested. There are about ten colors of this species, ranging from black to orange.

    All representatives of this species have a playful character, so they are ready to tirelessly have fun with small children. At the same time, they are quite smart and can be taught many commands.

    Akita Inu

    One of the most beloved breeds in the whole world is in our popularity ranking. This proud Japanese dog in ancient times she performed the duties of a hunter. Akita Inu will fight even a large animal, such as a wild boar or deer, without fear. Now this dog can be kept in a city apartment without any problems, but know that its thick coat needs constant and careful care.

    The legendary Hachiko, who is a representative of this breed, has become a symbol of canine fidelity - the dog always met his owner, who came home from work by train. But one day a man died suddenly at work. Hachiko waited for him at the station for several hours that day. Subsequently faithful dog came to the station every day for nine years until her death, waiting for her beloved owner.

    Chinese dog Chongqing

    Also one of the oldest breeds in the world, the Chongqing is a medium-sized dog with a muscular body and very short hair. Some dogs may even have no fur at all.

    Despite its fairly strong build, Chongqing is not an aggressive dog. Moreover, her calm nature allows her to be kept in families with small children.

    It is a guard dog, therefore, when the owner or family members are not around, it will not allow a stranger to enter the house. At the same time, they have a clear idea of ​​their territory and the need to protect everything that is located on it. Therefore, Chongqing will not kill small animals in cages and pens if they are on its “domain.” But still, these cages should be closed, otherwise hunting instincts may sooner or later take over.

    Norfolk Terrier

    It is no coincidence that representatives of this noble breed, originally from England, were included in our rating. Despite their small size, they are still larger hunting dogs who prefer walks in nature, but can feel great in an apartment if they are regularly walked and exercised.

    All Norfolk Terriers have well-developed paw muscles, which allows them to run long distances and perform strong jumps.

    Despite their hunting nature, they quickly find a common language with children and will not bark at other people or large dogs without reason.

    Saluki or Persian Greyhound

    The Saluki is an ancient sighthound breed that is one of the most passionate small game hunters. A Saluki will not give the slightest chance to a gazelle or a hare if it starts to chase them.

    Despite their gracefulness and apparent external fragility, dogs of this breed are quite hardy and fast. Their paw structure makes it easy to run even on sand. In fact, their slenderness is ideal for fast pursuit of prey. In some cases, in a fit of excitement, a Persian greyhound can chase game for several hours without a break.

    Salukis are true representatives of the aristocratic animal world, who rarely bark and have an independent character. According to their owners, they rather carry out commands and orders when hunting as a duty, without showing a feigned and obsessive desire to show the owner their skills. But their waywardness does not prevent them from being excellent watchdogs and wonderful friends.

    Photo gallery

    Video “Aktia Inu is one of the most popular breeds”

    This video contains information about a dog that became incredibly popular all over the world after the release of the film - Hachiko. The most faithful friend.

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    Fashion for certain dog breeds changes. The choice should be made, paying attention to both the breed and the size, depending on where this dog will live: in a village house, a city mansion or in an apartment.

    Fashionable breeds of small dogs

    Small dogs can become reliable friend. They are cute, funny and affectionate. We will talk about miniature dog breeds that can easily fit into women's handbag. Fashion for them in last years only growing.

    One of the fashionable little dogs is the Brussels Griffon. When you look at her, you get the impression that she is constantly surprised. This good-natured and joyful dog is ready to become loyal and true friend for the one who will give her love and affection.

    Miniature Yorkshire Terriers are also in fashion. Currently, their popularity is at its peak. The weight of this smart and beautiful dog does not exceed three and a half kilograms. Another fashionable breed is the Pomeranian. Because of its plush fur, it resembles a bear cub. The Japanese Chin is a charming little dog that is always reserved in expressing its feelings, but is loyal to its owner.

    The miniature Papillon looks elegant. This is a wonderful friend, in addition, Papillon always gets along well with children. Gentle breed - West Highland White Terrier. Representatives of this breed are very gentle and patient. The little ball of wool is reminiscent of Bolognese. These fashionable dogs are playful and cheerful, and they are also long-lived.

    Among dwarf breeds The smallest is considered to be the Chihuahua, which also has the calmest character. Caring for a Chihuahua is very simple, but over time the dog becomes extremely jealous. To little darling did not become self-willed, education should be approached very seriously and thoroughly.

    What dogs are most often kept in the city?

    Choosing a dog that will live in a city apartment is always difficult, because you will have to live with it “under the same roof.” Another difficulty lies in the fact that someone in the family may be allergic. It is impossible not to take into account such circumstances as the area of ​​the apartment, as well as whether it is possible to walk your four-legged friend in a timely manner. Despite all these difficulties, you can find a way out if you want.

    Dogs are rarely kept in the city large breeds, because they need a lot of free space. Most often these are dwarf and medium-sized dogs. There are no size restrictions if the city dog ​​lives in a private mansion. In this case, the owner of the mansion is free to choose a breed of any size.

    Let's look at the most popular and “convenient” dog breeds for keeping them in the city. One of them is a poodle. The main difficulty of keeping him is the constant combing of his fur.

    One of the best domestic breeds that is perfect for keeping in the city is the Pikinese. This dog cannot be called capricious or whimsical. In addition, she is unobtrusive, although she tries to attract attention to herself.

    It is not uncommon to see a Cocker Spaniel in the city. This a pet loves children, but walks with him should be longer, since the cocker spaniel is also a hunting dog.

    A pug can be called a lap dog. This medium-sized breed is intelligent and cultured, although it is not very easy to train. Thanks to its short coat, caring for a pug is not difficult. With him you can appear in crowded places without fear, since representatives of this breed are always friendly even to strangers. The ideal city dog ​​is the Scotch Terrier. He is not large in size, he is an excellent watchman and friend.

    It must be said that sometimes large breed dogs are kept in the city. These may be those breeds that will not experience stress in modest-sized city apartments - these are the St. Bernard, the Irish Wolfhound, the Great Dane, and the German Shepherd. But the Caucasian one, australian shepherd, American foxhound, basset hound and greyhounds feel cramped and uncomfortable in the city.

    Popular dog breeds in the village

    When getting a dog in the village, it is important to make a choice depending on the conditions that will be provided to such a dog, as well as on the purpose for which it is needed. As guards, scaring away with their appearance and the size of strangers, four-legged friends of the largest breeds are suitable - Alabai, Moscow Watchdog, Shepherd Dog. It is important for such dogs to have an enclosure or a large booth. Sometimes in villages you can see huskies and malamute dogs. By the way, the latter breed is considered one of the most aggressive. . It is not recommended to chain herding dogs, because they are accustomed to constant movement, long distances and freedom. Such dogs on a chain will suffer.

    More often, in villages and towns, the most ordinary mongrels are adopted. They are excellent guards, in addition, mongrels become attached to their owners, they are smart, understanding and easy to keep.

    The most popular dog breed in the world

    It is difficult to name just one dog breed as the most popular dog breed in the world. There are several of these. Among them is a Labrador Retriever, wonderful suitable for families, preferring active image life and families with children. These dogs are kind and smart. They love movement, long walks, swimming in ponds.

    Loved all over the world and Yorkshire Terrier. This is the merit small size and external data. One of the most beloved breeds is the German Shepherd. This is a fearless guard dog with incredible intelligence. German Shepherds easy to train.

    Among the most popular are the Golden Retriever, Beagle, BeaDog, Dachshund and Boxer. The poodle and shih tzu are no less popular.
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