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Andrey Palchevsky is a success story. Did you study well at school only in recent years? You are the only child of your parents

In 2017, Holy Trinity Day is celebrated on June 4. Holy Trinity Day, Trinity, Pentecost, Descent of the Holy Spirit - one of the main Christian holidays, included in Orthodoxy among the twelfth holidays. Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Holy Trinity on the 50th day of Easter, Sunday.

On the Day of the Holy Trinity, one of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is performed in Orthodox churches. After the liturgy, great vespers are served, at which stichera are sung, glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit, and the priest reads three special lengthy prayers:
- about the Church;
- about the salvation of all those who pray;
- about the repose of the souls of all the dead (including those "held in hell").
During the reading of these prayers, everyone (including the clergy) kneels - this ends the post-Easter period, during which no kneeling or prostration is performed in churches.

According to Russian tradition, the floor of the temple and the houses of believers on the Day of the Holy Trinity is covered with freshly cut grass, the icons are decorated with birch branches, and the color of the vestments is green, depicting the life-giving and renewing power of the Holy Spirit. Trinity is a very beautiful and beloved holiday among the people.

Rites for the Trinity

Trinity Day is one of the most important holidays at Eastern Slavs especially loved by girls. In the folk tradition, Trinity Day is included in the Semitsko-Trinity holiday complex, which included Semik (the seventh Thursday after Easter, two days before Trinity), Trinity Saturday, Trinity Day. In general, the holidays were called " Green Christmas time» . The main components of the Semik-Trinity festivities were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, girlish festivities, girlish initiations, commemoration of the drowned or all the dead.

Among the Slavic peoples, the feast of the Holy Trinity is also closely connected with the farewell to spring and the meeting of summer:

  • On the Trinity (Semitskaya) week, girls 7-12 years old broke birch branches and decorated the house with them inside and out.
  • Thursday (next day) children in the morning fed scrambled eggs, which was then traditional dish: it symbolized bright summer sun. Then the children went to the forest to curl a birch: it was decorated with ribbons, beads, flowers; the branches were tied in pairs, braided into a braid. Children led round dances around a dressed-up birch, sang songs, arranged holiday meal.
  • On Saturday, on the eve of the day of the Holy Trinity, the Slavs have one of the main memorial days. This day is often called "Suffocating Saturday" or Parent's Day.
  • On the day of the Holy Trinity, everyone went to church with flowers and birch branches. Houses and temples on this day were decorated with a green carpet of leaves and flowers. After the festive service in the church, the youth went to develop a birch. It was believed that if this was not done, then the birch might be offended. After the birch is developed, they repeated the meal, danced again and sang songs. Then the tree was cut down and carried around the village with songs. Often, a birch could also be let down the river, believing that the tree would give its strength to the first shoots in the field.

Trinity Traditions

As usual in Russia, Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with folk traditions:

So, leaving the church, people tried to grab the grass from under the feet to mix with hay, boil with water and drink as a medicinal one. From the leaves of the trees that stood in the church, some wreaths were made and used as amulets.

beautiful trinity tradition decorating houses and temples with branches, grass, flowers has been living for more than a century. The rite of decoration for the Trinity is not accidental. Greens symbolize in folk tradition the Trinity - life. By tradition, decorating houses for the Trinity with branches, herbs and flowers, people express joy and gratitude to God for resurrecting them through baptism in new life.

Historically, to decorate temples and houses, according to folk traditions, birch branches are used. We can say that the feast of the Trinity without a birch is the same as the celebration of Christmas without a Christmas tree. At the same time, in some areas, the tradition of decorating houses and churches for the Trinity may be somewhat different, and oak, maple, mountain ash can be used for decoration ...

The Trinity was revered by the people big celebration , they carefully prepared for it: they washed and cleaned the house and yard, put the dough for cooking dishes for holiday table, harvested greens. On this day, pies and loaves were baked, wreaths of birch (in the south of maple) and flowers were curled, guests were invited, young people organized festivities in the forests and meadows.

The girls put on their best clothes, often sewn specifically for these holidays. Everywhere heads were decorated with wreaths of herbs and flowers. Well-dressed girls usually walked at a general meeting of the people - the so-called "brides of the bride". It has long been considered a good omen to woo on the Trinity. The wedding was played in the fall, on the feast of the Protection of the Virgin. Many people still think it helps. family life: married on the Trinity, they say, will live in love, joy and wealth.

On this day, roes were baked for girls - round cakes with eggs in the form of a wreath. These roes, along with scrambled eggs, pies, kvass, made up a ritual meal, which the girls arranged in the grove after curling the birch, that is, decorating it with ribbons, flowers, weaving wreaths from its thin branches.

Through these wreaths the girls kumilalis- approached in pairs, kissed each other, sometimes changed pectoral crosses and they said: Let's make friends, godfather, let's make friends, we won't quarrel with you, be friends forever. For the rite of passage curled the tops of two birches intertwined them with each other. Then the girls split into pairs and passed under these birches, hugged and kissed. Having had a meal, they became in one big round dance and sang ternary songs. Then they went to the river. When they approached the river, everyone threw their wreaths into the water and used them to tell fortunes about their future fate. After that, they cut down the birch and carried it to the village with songs, put it in the center of the street, danced around the birch and sang special, Trinity songs.

What not to do on the Trinity - folk beliefs

A whole cycle of beliefs and prohibitions was associated with the Trinity Days among the people, the violation of which was strictly forbidden under the threat of misfortune:

  • on Trinity it was impossible to make birch brooms;
  • for a week it was forbidden to fence or repair harrows, so that "ugly-looking domestic animals would not be born";
  • it was strictly forbidden to work on the first three days of the Trinity - however, you can cook a treat, as well as invite guests to a festive meal;
  • it was impossible to go to the forest for a week, to swim - swimming on Trinity Day is undesirable, because, as our ancestors believed, that Trinity Day belongs to mermaids - you swim, the ancient Slavs believed, you will go to the bottom. Starting from the "Green Christmas" and until St. Peter's Day (July 12), mermaids come out of the pools, hide in the forests, in the trees, luring travelers with their laughter.

Signs on the Trinity

There are other beliefs and traditions on the Trinity. Let's now find out what signs there are on the day of the Trinity.

  • If it rains on Trinity, then wait for the mushroom harvest.
  • Flowers and healing herbs collected on such a day are considered healing and can cure any ailment.
  • It is believed that from Monday - the day of the Holy Spirit, there will be no more frosts, warm days are coming.
  • On the day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to distribute all the little things to the poor, thereby protecting oneself from adversity and illness.
  • There was also a belief fair man could find the treasure, as if hearing its call from the depths of the earth.
  • There was a belief that plants on the Trinity are endowed with a special magic power , which was reflected in the custom of collecting medicinal herbs on the night of the Trinity.

Trinity Celebration

Trinity passes noisily and cheerfully. In the morning, everyone rushes to the temple for a festive service. And after it they arrange folk fun with round dances, games, songs. Be sure to cook loaves. They called guests to a festive dinner, made gifts to each other. Fairs were held in some areas. With the revival of faith in Russia, the traditions of celebrating Orthodox holidays. And already in our time in the cities of the country they arrange festivities to Trinity.

Trinity is one of the main Orthodox holidays. It is associated with the descent of the Holy Spirit, which was predicted by Jesus Christ. exact date there is no holiday, it is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. There are many things associated with this day. folk rituals and rites. Signs on the Trinity have always been given special attention.

Trinity in 2018

In 2018, Trinity will be celebrated on May 27th. In the past, large folk festivals were held in honor of the holiday. Now it does not have such a value, but many folk signs, traditions and rituals. They concern various areas life: love, prosperity, harmony, family life, etc.

Signs: Do's and Don'ts

If it rains on Trinity, then the weather will certainly be warm in the summer. Also, the rain indicates that there will be a rich harvest of mushrooms in the year. It has long been believed that rainy weather on this holiday promises joy and happiness for all people. And if you get wet on this day, you can get rich very quickly in the near future. Heat, on the other hand, is considered a bad sign. She says that the year will be lean.

good rain guaranteed a rich harvest

If a lot of dew fell on the morning of the Trinity holiday, this good sign. It is necessary to walk with a towel on the grass, and then squeeze it at home into a bowl. The resulting liquid needs to be washed in order to attract luck.

For unmarried girls the feast of the Trinity was especially important. On this day, it was possible to guess at the betrothed with the help of wreaths. First they were woven, and then lowered into the reservoir. What remains to be seen is what happens:

If you already have a chosen one, you can give him a wreath. This must be done away from prying eyes. Such a gift will help keep love and happiness in a couple.

You can't work on this holiday. It is necessary to forget about any physical labor for a day, except for cooking. Also, you can’t swim in the reservoirs, since on the Trinity the revelry of mermaids begins, which can drag a person into their underwater kingdom.

Many even refrain from bathing in the house

You can’t go into the forest, because not only mermaids begin to active life. Goblin and other creatures are also waiting for a random passer-by to wander into them.

You should not marry or get married on this day - it is considered a bad omen. Marrying and proposing is not prohibited.

Rituals, ceremonies, traditions

On Trinity, it is imperative to arrange a festive dinner, to which only those whom the owners of the house are really happy to see are invited. The table should be covered with a green tablecloth, and among the treats there should be a lot of pastries.

The feast can be rich and varied - everything is allowed, since the day is not fast

According to the custom of the Trinity, the rooms must be decorated with flowers, twigs, young grass. They symbolize long life and prosperity. The more greenery in the house, the happier it will be to live in it.

Also, many conspiracies are associated with this day. Good luck and success spoke at dawn on Trinity morning. Standing on the street, they said: “I will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around on all 4 sides. As on the eastern side in a green meadow a black horse grazes, stubbornly wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know stirrups-reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk obediently under me, carry me where I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen".

With the help of conspiracies, they not only attracted good luck, but also got rid of troubles. They also talked about money, did love spells, performed rituals to save wives from quarrels with their husbands.

Many signs and rituals are associated with the Trinity. It is believed that for happy life should follow the rules that have long been established among the people.

“The issue of polygamy is a social one,” Palchevsky believes. - If you grow up in a family where you had one mother and several more mothers, a neighbor has five wives, and all this is open - one thing. But in our country, we understand that there should be one beloved. But in fact, there is a lot of polygamy. And the richer the people, the higher the position, the more likely they are to have two or three wives. And most women know about each other's existence. But they do not want to confess - they are afraid that no one will need them, or they are stopped by the fact that they have children. Legally, I am against polygamy. But I take it as a fact."

Andrei Palchevsky said that if men have several wives, then women can have several husbands. In this regard, the presenter adheres to scientific theory.

“During the matriarchy, a woman had many husbands. Whole female cycle associated with it. An elephant can conceive once every two years, a lioness once a year, and a woman for almost a month. It is laid down by nature. IN primitive society lived under different laws. One man ran after a mammoth, the second fell into a cave, the third had a fight with a gorilla, the fourth died in a showdown. Therefore, a woman had to be ready for childbearing almost every day. I am a supporter of such a theory.

The millionaire is sure that by nature all men are polygamous. “This does not mean that you cannot love one woman and be devoted to her. And does not mean that all men cheat on their wives. But the desire to change is always there. It is suppressed only by great love.”

The businessman believes that polygamy should not be condemned. “We have a lot more women than men. And where can I find them at all?

Andrei is a great connoisseur of women. He considers them the better half of humanity. “Our women are the best. Nobody is hunting Ukrainian men. And on women - the whole world. We need to import men and export women.”

Relatively female logic, Palchevsky is of the opinion that this is a fiction. Logic is not divided into female and male. “A woman develops faster. Take dolphins, elephants, rhinos, fur seals. Girls-cats throw fish to each other, go to hind legs jumping through the rings. Seals-boys, the maximum that they can do is fall down from a five-meter tower. Dogs-girls are easier to train than dogs-boys. Girls do better in school. The female mind is more sophisticated. And I think that the most strong adversary- a beautiful woman, and even more so smart and with a sense of humor.

Andrey has a positive-neutral attitude towards tattoos. But with some reservation.

“You need to understand if a woman stuffs an eagle on her bottom - the so-called b ... seal. Of course, this is an indicator: I'm ready. Even if she draws a rose in intimate place only for your loved one, this is not entirely true. She has a desire to show it to as many people as possible.”

At the same time, the millionaire admits that men pay attention to such a “decoration” female body. “We have the concept of female marketing. Here it is not the best who wins, but the most noticeable. Vulgarity captivates men. Inflated lips and silicone breasts attract. Then, of course, you are aware and rationally process the information. But a drunk, braless woman with a number five and an 'I want you' tattoo will attract more attention than one who doesn't have a tattoo and acts more humble."

The businessman admitted that there are no tattoos on his body. “I would get a tattoo if everyone didn’t wear it. I have a principle not to do what everyone else is doing. For example, now almost everyone wears an earring in their ear. And I had it when I was 6 years old.”

Such accessories make sense if they mean something, Palchesky is sure. “I would wear an earring the way sailors did. She was due to those who sailed around the world. Unfortunately, we have lost such an element men's suit, with special meaning.

The personnel policy of the team of "strong Donetsk professionals", which has already raised a whole cohort of extraordinary, to put it mildly, characters (Tsushko, Volga, Governor Larin, for example, or Korovitsyn, not to mention the head of the SBU) to the power heap, still gives enough reasons for bewilderment

This coming Friday, May 21, First Deputy Minister of Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine Andriy Ivanovich Palchevsky will have a legitimate reason to sip a beer. For on this day in Russia they celebrate a rather exotic professional holiday- Day of the military translator. Why beer, you may ask, and what does Russia have to do with it? That's what it's about.

…When March 31st current year By order of Prime Minister Azarov, Mr. Palchevsky was appointed First Deputy Minister of SMS, his name among most Ukrainians was associated, perhaps, only with a bad memory of the "swine flu" epidemic that fell on our heads last fall. Then Andrey Ivanovich launched a stormy activity: since 2005 he has been financial director famous Kyiv clinic "Eurolab", he organized a noisy movement "Kyivians against the flu": tents in crowded places with free testing and issuance of anti-influenza masks. At some point, Mr. Palchevsky could argue with the popularity of even Dr. Komarovsky himself: he collected press conferences, made statements about the scale of the epidemic that were allegedly hidden, and even appeared in live"at Kiselev". As expected, he behaved violently on this TV show: he branded officials from medicine, hinted at diplomas bought by someone, and called himself "a person who is directly involved in diagnostics." After that, Evgeny Kiselev asked a simple question (we quote the transcript):

Are you a medical practitioner?

Andrei Palchevsky: No, I am a chemist. But I run the Eurolab company, so I can be considered a non-practicing doctor ...

But Andrey Petrovich did not have a chance to rant for a long time about viruses and the fight against them, because in the television studio, in addition to intelligent guests, there was another "doctor not practicing", but energetically engaged in medicine, namely, the unforgettable Irena Kilchitskaya, who, of course, instantly put her "colleague" in place (another quote): "You first clean up your Eurolab, where the most poor-quality, inaccurate analyzes, and then give comments to everyone who is here." After that, Andrei Petrovich softened, as if scalded, and was no longer engaged in "diagnostics" in the studio. A few days later, his laboratory was covered by a sanitation station.

However, the logic shown by Mr. Palchevsky attracts attention: as soon as you manage something or have established something, you have the right to consider yourself a specialist in the relevant industry. And Andrei Ivanovich taught a lot of things in his life, including in Ukraine. For example, he may well consider himself a "non-practicing pilot", because he is listed among the founders of two Ukrainian airlines at once. Namely: LLC "New Aviation of Ukraine" and LLC "A.I. and V.K.", the type of activity of which is "aviation irregular passenger transportation." The last company, registered at the end of 2007, is notable for the fact that its name contains the initials of its founders (we give official registration data):

TOV "A.I. I V.K."

Aviation irregular passenger transportation



Mr. Prisyazhnyuk, by the way, is also quite a renaissance personality. He not only works in aviation in collaboration with Mr. Palchevsky, he also works as the rector of the Academy of Municipal Administration, and recently decided to build residential buildings 10 hectares right next to the ethnographic museum in Pirogovo. This question now it is being decided in the Kyiv City Council, since the city authorities rejected the corresponding protest of the prosecutor's office 3 years ago, although then the site was allocated to Mr. Prisyazhnyuk for an equestrian club.

It is also remarkable that this LLC, as well as a number of other companies whose founders include a citizen of the Russian Federation Palchevsky A.I. (for example, LLC "City Invest Service", LLC "Center laboratory research", LLC "Food aromatics" or the already mentioned "Eurolab" and "New Aviation of Ukraine") were registered at the same address (as well as about 400 other legal entities) in the very center of Kiev - Grushevsky street, 28/2, sq. 43. Once, I remember, our tax office was greatly outraged by such "business incubators" and led to bad suspicions.

"Doctor not practicing", "chemist", "aviator", "food worker", "landlord" (because "City Invest Service" is engaged in leasing real estate) - these are not all the regalia of the new First Deputy Minister of Family, Youth and Sports. A brief biographical note posted on the website of the MinSMS is compiled in such a way as to give the visitor the impression that Andrei Ivanovich was not only born in 1961 in Kiev, but in general closely connected his life with Ukraine. Therefore, we will give another reference, voiced several years ago on Radio Liberty during a conversation in which Andrei Ivanovich talked not about viruses and medicine, but about things incomparably more pleasant - about beer. Here's how the host introduced it:

"Born in Kiev, studied in Moscow, at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the Faculty of Western Languages. He is fluent in English, Spanish, Lao. In Laos, Palchevsky spent 6 years as a translator. After Laos - a teacher in English at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

In 1990, Andrei Palchevsky actively went into business, organized his own company for the production of technological products for the brewing industry - Quest UTS. Here, his very first specialty, which he received immediately after serving in the army, was useful to him - an economist in food production.

"Quest UTS" is the largest company in Russia today in the field of technological issues of brewing. Andrei Palchevsky is one of the organizers of the exotic Party of Beer Lovers, its general secretary ... Vice-President of the Taekwon-Do Association."

Agree, the biography is extraordinary. It's time for Mr. Palchevsky to recommend himself as a "non-practicing Russian intelligence officer"... Or the same Russian politician: The Party of Beer Lovers participated in the elections to the State Duma in 1995 and took 21st place, receiving 0.62% of the vote.

It is noteworthy that in that conversation, Mr. Palchevsky, talking about alcohol traditions Russian people, constantly uses such, for example, turns: "As you know, our country is a country of extremes ... we do not see ourselves outside our Russian culture... beer relaxes, makes you think, not to make abrupt (as we sometimes like it in Russia) decisions ... each of us would like to be a Leningrader now."

We know very little from the Russian stage of Mr. Palchevsky's life. Entered, along with colleagues from the famous "Baltic Beverages Holding AB", the board of directors of JSC "Chelyabinskpivo"; served as vice president of the Union of Producers of Beer, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Products of the Russian Federation, was a member of the coordinating council for the development of state policy in the field of the food and processing industry in Russia; became one of the first Russians to purchase a Bentley Continental… All this is great, but it does not answer one simple question: why did Mr. Azarov decide to appoint this particular comrade as the first Deputy Minister of Family, Youth and Sports, and even in Ukraine? "Taekwondo Association" is, of course, not bad, but, firstly, we have Euro 2012 planned for another sport, and secondly, the leadership of some sports association-federation is an integral feature of almost any "risen" figure in the territory of the ex-USSR (for example, the above-mentioned partner of Mr. Palchevsky, Rector Prisyazhnyuk, the founder of the Federation of Equestrian Sports of Kiev).

Perhaps the activity of the already mentioned City Invest Service company played a role. It is she who owns the building in Kiev at 11-A Solomenskaya Street, where not only Mr. Palchevsky's Eurolab is located, but also the central office of the Life mobile operator, co-founded by Rinat Akhmetov's SCM, whose closest friends include Mr. Safiullin is the Minister of Family, Youth and Sports. Although, according to available information, Mr. Palchevsky is precisely Azarov's creature assigned to oversee the "Akhmetovite" Safiullin, which, in general, is not without reason, given the biography of Andrei Ivanovich ...

One way or another, Andrei Ivanovich did not succeed in becoming a "Leningrader". I had to retrain as a citizen of Ukraine. Fortunately, citizens of the Russian Federation do not yet work as people's deputies and even more so as presidents, so it seems that no special temporary qualifications (regarding stay in Ukraine) are required from Mr. Palchevsky (the same son of Anna German Korovitsyn until mid-2006, 5 years in He studied Poland, then for three years and 7 months he worked in Ukraine as an assistant to the people's deputy - and also became a deputy minister). Mr. Palchevsky was born on the territory of Ukraine, even the Ukrainian SSR, so the Law "On the population of Ukraine" allows him to fix (refresh) the "citizenship" of our country without the President's blessing. True, since dual citizenship is still (so far) prohibited in our country, the same law requires this category of citizens to submit an appropriate application for renunciation of the citizenship of another country within two years.

According to our information, A. Palchevsky received the passport of a citizen of Ukraine just before his appointment to the post of First Deputy Minister. But whether he has already filed an application for renunciation of Russian citizenship or will wait a couple of years (just in case a firefighter, you never know how it will turn out) is not yet known. According to our information, this moment Andrei Ivanovich still remains in the status of a citizen of two states.

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Multimillionaire and well-known TV presenter Andrey PALCHEVSKY: “Coming up with Margaret Thatcher, I greeted her: “Hello. You are my favorite baroness." She laughed, and her husband Denis remarked with a smile: "Mine too..."

Smart, rich, handsome, with a great sense of humor and a wide variety of talents, fluent in several languages, including Hebrew and Thai - if you think that such men do not exist in nature, you are mistaken. You regularly see one of them on the TV screen, and I was happy to talk with him over a cup of coffee about what, for sure, interests many: about money, extreme hobbies, love, books and television. The host of the social talk show “With Andrey Palchevsky“ About Life ... ”never suffered from a lack of interest in himself. But since he began to appear regularly on the country's main talk show - first on the Inter TV channel, and now on the First National, this attention has simply gone off scale.

There are legends about Palchevsky. One of them is that he is a spy (either American or Chinese), the other is that, as a graduate of the Institute of Food Industry, he is simply a fan of cooking.

In reality, he is the founder of a large medical center "Eurolab", heads Charitable Foundation Eurolab, has its own fleet and space ticket.

It would seem from such heights to look down on daily problems ordinary people there is no reason. But Palchevsky assures that he likes to understand them. The businessman and TV presenter admits: “My enemies consider me the most dangerous opponent. This is the best title for a man."


Andrey Ivanovich, it seems that you have seen so many stars that you can populate a small planet with them... Who was remembered more than others?

Margaret Thatcher, with whom our delegation Russian oligarchs headed by Boris Yeltsin met in London in the early 90s (in the 90s, after leaving the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain, she received the title of baroness). At a reception at the Russian embassy, ​​when the guests lined up for an autograph on Thatcher's book, I was closer to the Iron Lady than others. Coming up with her, he greeted her: “Hello. You are my favorite baroness." She laughed, because usually everyone said that she was their favorite politician, and her husband Denis, who was standing nearby, remarked with a smile: “Mine too” ...

I was once shocked by the meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who asked me about space flight. What is surprising is not his interest in me, but the fact that when we met again after a while, he recognized me, although many people pass before his eyes every day ...

I don't think it's easy to shock you...

I experienced one of the strongest shocks when I returned from a business trip abroad in 1991 - for a long time I could not understand which country I ended up in. I saw coffee - 70 rubles for a cup, although when I left in 1986, it cost 60 kopecks. In a cafe, a waitress with a foul language threw a chipped cup, if you were indignant, she looked at people, blue from tattoos, sitting on the best places in the hall...

- What country did you return from?

From Thailand, and before that there was Laos - languages ​​were easy for me, I spoke without an accent. For example, in Hebrew (in Israel they take me for their own).

- Oriental languages studied?

Yes, but it happened by accident. We were selected according to the principle: “Come on, sing“ There was a birch in the field.

Only now scientists have learned that ear for music and language are completely different abilities. Not all Chinese, for example, can distinguish the "do" of the second octave from the "mi" of the third, but they perfectly hear their own tones.

They write on the Internet that you are a former intelligence officer. I can also imagine how you, with your height and appearance, will get lost in the crowd somewhere in Chicago, but not in China or Laos ...

They wouldn't have taken me to intelligence, because it looks too much like a spy from the movies.

Wherever he went in Europe or America, women whispered: "James Bond." And they tensed up when I assured them in English without an accent that I was Russian or Ukrainian.

My colleagues call you millionaire Palchevsky, combining your last name and financial status into one word. Is it easy to say “no” when they ask: “Don’t teach me how to live, it’s better to help financially”?

Don't waste your time and energy. In this case, I just do not answer. Recently, for example, I received a letter: buy two apartments for young families ...

- And if they apply, clinging to the last hope: “The child has oncology, an operation is needed abroad”?

In such cases, I do my best (I have the Eurolab Charitable Foundation, although in Lately I moved away from it.) There were tragic cases when parents sold everything, including an apartment, we added the missing amount, they left for a foreign medical Center and the child was dying on the operating table. One mother, having buried her son, asked, looking into my eyes: “What should I do now?”. It is not always possible to save a child, but to use all the possibilities for salvation is the only right decision.

- The most terrible misfortune of our country is the enormity of the care of incurable patients ...

Even when Tymoshenko was prime minister, I wrote letters that I was ready to build several hospices with my own money. Alas, I did not understand...

I don’t consider myself a pessimist, especially a misanthrope, but I suddenly realized that the state hates you the most in this country, which will do everything so that you die - preferably to the poor.

- It is naive to expect altruism from the state...

Altruism is actually one of the postulates of evolutionary biology. More precisely, intraspecific altruism: in order for sparrows and other bird-animals to survive, one in ten must sacrifice themselves. One individual must surrender to the predator so that the rest have time to fly away or run away. Romantic women stop loving me not only for these words, but also when I say: we are chemical machines that evolution programs not on a personal, but on an interpersonal level. It is important to understand: one of us must ...

- ...become that tenth. Perhaps that is why men so often call women "bird", "fish"?

-(Laughs). I never thought, but perhaps it is. In principle, it is easy to be an altruist, but only in the West, where other people are brought up, it is inconvenient for them to demand constant favors from you. We can easily call strangers and ask: "Uncle, give me a million" ...

With Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

- I read in your interviews that you are an agnostic, that is, in a language understandable to the people, an atheist ...

For some time now, even an anti-theist. I know "priests" who, as soon as they leave the zone, build a church, a mosque or a synagogue, because the priests, mullahs or rabbis helped them to free themselves.

At one time I met a girl - seductive, like from a porn magazine. When I asked her what she was doing, she answered in Ukrainian: "I am a riverman of the church." From her, I learned how topless young ladies play volleyball with priests. She also told how during Lent, having come to visit the family of a priest, she asked her mother, her age, if it was possible to eat the cake that she had brought. Like, is this a fast food or a lean dish? Popadya nodded towards her husband: “H..y knows him. Ask your father."

In a critical situation, a person without faith in higher power very difficult, there is even a definition of "an atheist to the first air hole" ...

As you understand, I am not a believer, but a superstitious person.

- Aren't all those who depend on chance, sailors and pilots, doctors and sappers, superstitious?

By the way, over the years I have ceased to be afraid of death as I was afraid of when I was young. I had the opportunity to think carefully about this topic when my kidney was removed ...

In one of your programs “About Life”, dedicated to cancer, you asked the heroine of the program how she felt when she was diagnosed? I am forwarding this question to you - sorry, it hits right in the stomach ...

Absolutely normal question. Doctors believe that every third person will die of cancer if they live to see this disease, of course...

As for the air pockets - in a critical situation, like a movie hero of an adventure tape, I squeezed my flight token, pierced twice, in a handful, and if I didn’t put it on, I started to panic!

Did the amulet help?

Many pilots wear these badges - it gives masculinity in female eyes, but actually information in case of force majeure. Blood type, surname, year of birth are indicated so that they can provide emergency care or identified if you die.

A well-known scientist, politician and polar explorer Artur Chilingarov told me how he prepared for death during a flight to the South Pole in continuous fog.

There is a domed wind that rolls down a large icy mountain called Antarctica (the height difference between the ice cap at the top and sea level is three kilometers).

When Artur Nikolaevich realized that he and the Ukrainian pilot were about to die, he carefully removed the Gold Star (Chilingarov - Hero Soviet Union And Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of Russia of the second convocation) and hid it in his pocket - so that later there would be no confusion.

- At critical moments, women fall into a stupor or sob. Do men pray?

Adult men - no, unlike young men, very loving life. The old ones die differently...

- When a 52-year-old talks about old age, is it black humor?

One English poetess has lines that can be translated as follows: "... old age is when you have more descendants than friends." By the way, in all languages ​​the word "friend" simply means "good acquaintance", but for us it means something more. Remember Pushkin's: "... like a friend who silently embraced a friend before his imprisonment"? Not a mother, not a wife, but a friend - that's why the price of betrayal is so high with us ...

- Betrayal is ours national view sports, according to your op-re-de-lenie ...

I experienced it many times and I remember everything - I have a good memory.

- Isn't forgiveness a universal recipe for mental well-being?

Why forgive the embezzling priests, unworthy presidents? Forgiveness is beneficial to those in power. Martin Luther King said, "He's up there to forgive, and we're here to do justice." This is my favorite phrase.

- You are lucky to be in right place V right time thanks to the grandfather-minister?

Of course not. When my mother married common man”, I smoothly moved from ZIM and grandfather’s dacha to an ordinary apartment ...

- Did your grandfather refuse his daughter from the house?

What are you, no. But he was a real communist. By the way, my grandmother is Jewish, and my grandfather is Ukrainian with the corresponding reaction: “What the hell do I need this for?!”. The crying grandmother remained in my memory forever - when in 1983 Timofey Pankratievich exchanged 40 thousand dollars for rubles at the rate of 60 kopecks, she fell on the sofa and sobbed ...

In general, my relatives were “applied”: two grandmother's brothers - Heroes of the Soviet Union, Timofey Pankratievich - Hero of Socialist Labor. Everyone was very modest, by the way. They donated their "Stalinist" dachas to pioneer camps, took palm trees out of the house, bequeathed libraries to schools ...

We, intelligent boys, were raised to be good people, but absolutely unprepared for life. My will, I would definitely include philosophy in the school curriculum. High school students will have to look for answers to the most important questions about the law within us. For example, which duty is higher - to the motherland or to the family?


Pushkin fell at the hands of Dantes, but killed him school program. Do you want her to kill Socrates and Aristotle too?

I'm not talking about classical, but about practical philosophy. Let the guys find the right books, videos, audio courses - now there is everything on the Internet, including lectures from Cambridge and Oxford ...

Otherwise, Maryivanna, exhausted by life, not loved by her husband and offended by the state, will sow the reasonable, good, eternal ...

When I returned to Kyiv from Moscow, my classmate, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, explained to me how you need to do business here: ingratiate yourself and throw it away.

- You do not hide this business secret from your younger sons?

As a strict father, I teach them to respect ordinary people - not to be friendly with the nanny, not to hang in the hands of the cook. Both of them are sincere guys - both Roman (home nickname - Abramovich) and Fedor (one is five years old, the other is eight). I am preparing them to become citizens of the world.

I have four children. The eldest son, as befits a man, is engaged in beauty salon. Daughter Anya, as it should be for a girl, is rocket navigation and will soon leave for Canada to work at an aircraft factory.

Is it true that when Anna was just a child, you sat at the controls of your plane together? Wasn't it scary?

No, women fly better than us - they are more attentive, focused. In addition, by nature they are sure: if a man is nearby, he knows exactly how to get out of any situation. The plane was shaking, I was already green, Anya turned to me with the question: “Is everything all right?”. He answered, “Yes,” and she instantly calmed down.

- How old was she then?

Many do not understand why successful man, the owner of a solid business, the former First Deputy Minister for Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine threw himself into the meat grinder of television? For fame? Isn't it for the money?

I will clarify - I do not have a business, but a hobby. It implies a certain breadth of the soul, which usually comes from parents. For television, I am an unusual person - more farsighted ...

- ... than the guys who have barely exchanged their forties, which you call T-34s? Zelensky, for example...

Vanya Urgant. Like thirty-four tanks - after all, they are about 33-34 years old. By the way, with age, a man becomes more serious. It was in my youth that I was a merry fellow. They didn’t take me to student “beds” - I amused the girls so that they laughed under the table, and there was no time for sex. But waking up one day, at the turn of our years, I realized that I no longer want to make people laugh ...

You admitted that Radzinsky's books about Stalin, in particular, the trilogy “Apocalypse from Koba. Joseph Stalin" - "The Beginning", "The Death of the Gods" and "The Last Riddle" - one of the most vivid impressions you've read lately. What new things can a person of your erudition learn about the leader of the peoples?

History is inexhaustible. Sometimes I gather young people and tell them, for example, about a demonstration of nudists from the Down with Shame association in the mid-1920s. Ahead of a line of 10 thousand completely naked Komsomol and Komsomol women, their leader Karl Radek (an employee of the newspapers Pravda and Izvestia, a member of the executive committee of the Comintern) walked along Red Square, who was very proud of his mighty, below the knee, member ...

I think that sooner or later I will write a book about the fact that man is a mammal with passions, as one ancient philosopher said. Suddenly you begin to remember the favorite of Radek and Trotsky, Rosalia Zemlyachka, who was responsible for the mass executions in the Crimea local residents and the captured officers of the Russian army Baron Wrangel, and about the supporter of free love Inessa Armand, and about the practice and theorist of the "glass of water" Alexandra Kollontai, who had young lovers. The story is about sex.

When we talk with Edward Stanislavovich about history, he always discounts sex, drugs and alcohol, and I think that these are the main driving forces. I offered Radzinsky to write a biochemical history of the century as a co-author, he asked what I mean, because he was brought up in gallant traditions. For him, loyalty to duty, love for a woman are not empty words. True, he loves women a little more than his wife would like, but otherwise he would not write about love.

Edward Stanislavovich is a testosterone ball: he is soon 77 years old, but his skin is smooth, his memory is brilliant, he runs like a boy (he also played football, was a sprinter). Once I saw how Radzinsky fell down a mountain, rolled down like a ball, got up and went on...

- Is work on the books “Trophy Wives” and “Oligarchy the Mother of Order” close to completion?

It's time to write about ochlocracy. Now we do not have an aristocracy or democracy, not even an oligarchy, but an ochlocracy - the votes of the best are equated with the worst and vice versa ...

- When will we see the medical program you mentioned in one of your recent interviews?

I have already done a pilot release. Without false modesty I will say: it will be very good - about how to live.

- Similar to the brainchild of Elena Malysheva "Live healthy"?

Of course not. I like the Spanish health program Know How to Live. I hate the comparison with Russian television.

- But in the program "About Life" empathy rolls over ...

And serious passions flare up. I get angry letters. Recently received with an angry question: why do I propose to close the clubs with male striptease? Let them be patient, I will answer. There will be a whole program about homosexuality - a scandal has now erupted at a very high level in Russia ...


- Are you annoyed that adults voluntarily choose partners of their gender?

No, but they begin to drag their own higher and higher with them. Moreover, homosexuals, unlike heterosexuals, can mask their relationship. If I take a 25-year-old girl with a fifth breast size to the project, they will call me a bastard, but some minister will bring me to the team good boy or uncle - no one will suspect anything. True, these guys kiss on the lips (not in public) and steal money together. Do you know why? They have a kind of secret society. Well, we learn that a certain married Petya loves a certain unmarried Tanya, and no one will be surprised. But it makes sense to carefully hide the information that Yura loves Kolya ...

Sometimes they even flaunt it. Another thing is the situation "We love each other with the cow Masha." Recently, Karl Lagerfeld announced that he is going to marry his beloved Siamese cat Chupett and give her his last name ...

Oh, that's even cooler! Compare the statements "I am an alcoholic" and "I am a drug addict" - these are secrets varying degrees secrecy, although medical point view, the situation is about the same. By the way, we did an analysis for the content of alcohol in the body of Yuriy Lutsenko and did not find the so-called specific aminobutyric acids.

Enough about politics and societal sores, let's talk about love. Trainings for girls “How to marry a millionaire” are now popular. What would a real millionaire advise young ladies, except for “a girl should smile and eat well,” as your grandfather put it?

Praise! Especially Slavic women I advise (Jews know this secret). Our wives usually criticize their husbands, compete with them. A woman from the category of "neither mind nor heart" wins a beautiful and kind one, because she knows how to praise her partner, but a beauty does not.

- Really clever man will not catch falsehood?

Life must be perceived from the point of view of not morality, but survival, if you want to achieve something, enjoy the conquered peak. I would recommend trainings "How to live honestly" under the motto: "Extreme - do not repeat this at home."

Please tell us about the D2-D4 rule, which allows you to distinguish a wonderful but unfaithful lover from a cozy family man. "D" is a dactyl, a finger, isn't it?

There is a correlation between the hormonal status of a person and the length of his two fingers: index (D2) and ring (D4). If the nameless is longer than the index, you have an alpha dominant male, sexually active and aggressive, with an excess of testosterone. If the index female hormone estrogen made a man soft, sympathetic...

Whom would your daughter advise if she asked your advice: a breadwinner and favorite of life, from whom one should not expect fidelity, or correct, but boring?

I will worry if she marries a man who cannot, for example, pay her a good dentist. Carrot love for me is in second place, in the first place is the absence of humiliation (in my opinion, this is a measure of the success of a marriage). For me, as a representative of our biological subspecies, the most terrible thing is the struggle for worthless men, which is elevated to the rank of normality.

For the show "The Bachelor" they can't even find a decent guy (except for the first one). Let's try to do the show "The Bachelorette".

- Unreal...

In our country. Although in America there are not enough women, in Finland, and in China - in general, 50 million are missing. The fundamental principle of our problems is the shortage of men.

- After all, they were killed during the revolution, the Civil War, then - in the Great Patriotic War ...

Best! Women are accustomed to live by the principle: take anyone while there is. My advice to all brides: do not limit yourself to Ukraine, the more you leave and happily marry the French, Dutch, Papuans, Mongols, the better this country will become ...

-, girls, learn English...

And in general foreign languages. My daughter says she can't watch a 50-year-old uncle sitting with a 20-year-old girl in a restaurant. But the mother of such a “lucky woman” rejoices: let the gentleman be a little older than we would like, but a serious man, practical...

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