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What icons are needed for blessing. What is a wedding. Text of parental blessing for the wedding

Even in modern society, when everyday bustle absorbs us completely and completely, and many religious rites are simplified in order to save precious time, the tradition of blessing the young before remains extremely important and revered throughout the world. This is not surprising, because it is believed that it is parental parting words and the message that they give along with approval that are the foundation for future family happiness, well-being and mutual understanding of the newlyweds. We can say that the rite of blessing is the most important stage in the series of pre-wedding events, you need to prepare for it with all responsibility and think through everything to the smallest detail, especially such nuances as which icon to bless the daughter with before the wedding and what words to say before the girl starts building her own family.

According to Orthodox dogmas and traditions, when a girl has decided on her chosen one and decided to connect her life with him, she should notify her parents and close relatives about this, who can evaluate and approve her choice. If a young man has proved that he has all the necessary qualities to start a family, close brides begin discussions regarding the upcoming wedding. Before the start of the celebration, the father and mother of the bride need to think over a speech for blessing, parting words and wishes for the newlyweds. It is considered very important to wish young people harmony and peace of mind in relationships, mutual respect, understanding and, of course, health, prosperity and well-being for them and future children. It doesn’t matter how it will be said - in verse, in prose or just in a few sentences, the main thing is that all words come from the heart, it is then, they say, that they will become a real support and talisman for family well-being.

Icon selection

After preparing a speech, relatives should focus on choosing an icon for the blessing ceremony. This stage is extremely important, because the holy image, presented by the parents, will enter together with the young into their new life and will play the role of the guardian of their family hearth. You need to select an icon based on the characters and needs of the future couple - some need to take care of physical health and mental balance, others need prosperity and prosperity, and for someone it is important to have a shrine at home that helps in making important decisions, saving from adversity and turmoil.

To make the right decision, you need to consider the appropriate options in more detail.

This image is considered to be the most suitable for the ceremony of blessing the girl before the wedding, as it helps to find the right path and not stray from it. Also, the “Kazan Mother of God”, they say, acts as a true patroness, protector of women and children.

It is famous among the people for such miraculous properties:

  • helps to overcome physical and mental ailments, gain spiritual insight, find the right path in life, restore lost faith;
  • supports in difficult life situations, gives strength when they are no longer enough to overcome adversity and family conflicts;
  • protects against making rash decisions and making mistakes that can lead to serious consequences;
  • protects married couples from envious people and enemies, internal troubles, brings harmony, harmony and well-being to relationships;
  • protects children from diseases, sorrows and misfortunes.

The image of the Savior Jesus Christ has always been the personification of purity and sincere faith. Christians, turning their prayers to the Lord, find consolation, comfort and salvation from many troubles.

This icon is the central object of any Orthodox church, because the parishioners, turning to it, always place their hopes on God's mercy and forgiveness.

The image of the Savior helps:

  • find a way out of even the most difficult, seemingly insoluble situations;
  • recover from physical and mental illnesses, gain balance and vitality;
  • get rid of torment, anxiety, anxiety, tormenting the heart and soul;
  • protect yourself from the harmful influence of enemies, envious people and the forces sent by them to destroy well-being;
  • bring warmth, comfort, harmony and prosperity to the house and family relationships;
  • regain lost faith and find like-minded people, people who can help and support.

The two above-mentioned images are traditional for the rite of blessing, however, if the family has an icon of a saint that is inherited, it will also become an excellent amulet and keeper of the hearth. Therefore, choosing which one to bless the daughter before the wedding, stop at the shrine that will be closest to the inner state and needs of the bride and groom.

In Christian families, the blessing of parents for a happy family life for children is a long-standing and carefully observed tradition. It is believed that it will help the young couple in the future and will protect them from the evil eye and adversity. Therefore, today this ritual is strictly observed at most weddings. The portal will tell you how to meet the newlyweds.

Blessing daughter before marriage

It is believed that parting words of the mother of her daughter before marriage have a special protective power. This ceremony is an integral part of our culture. Despite this, it remains one of the most touching and exciting wedding traditions. A blessing from her daughter's mother means that she fully accepts her choice, and on her wedding day wishes the young only happiness. But at the same time, one should not forget that the words are addressed not only to the bride, but also to the groom, because on this day they become one.

According to custom, on the day of the wedding, the groom must come for the bride, go through a series of tests and pay a ransom for her. Only after that he is admitted to his betrothed, and it is here that the moment of blessing comes. If several days of celebration are planned, then this ritual is performed only on the first day, because the features of the second day of the wedding imply more relaxedness, fun and entertainment.

In our culture, there are two ways of this blessing:

In the first case, the ritual is performed only with the participation of the young, parents and godparents in a separate room. The mother of the bride should hold the icon with the towel facing the young. At the same time, she should not worry about what should be said at the moment when she begins to bless the newlyweds with an icon. There are no special formulations for pronunciation, it all depends on the sincerity of the parents and their eloquence. But it will be obligatory for the mother to baptize her daughter three times, then the future son-in-law, then both, recognizing them as a couple. The father may do the same in this case. After that, young people should also cross themselves and kiss the icon.

The second blessing, according to the Orthodox tradition, takes place after the registry office in the banquet hall. They are met by the groom's parents with icons and a loaf and keep their word. In accordance with the wedding ceremony, the mother-in-law pronounces a blessing to her daughter-in-law already as her own daughter. After such a speech, the young people kiss the icons and take bread and salt.

Icons for the blessing of the newlyweds

The portal site notes that in order to comply with all the rules, you need to know which icon and how the newlyweds bless. For such a ceremony, two icons are selected:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
  • Saved by the Almighty.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - the most famous and canonical image of the Virgin. She is considered the protector of the Russian people, it was this image that protected Russia during the war with the Polish army. It is to her that the mother blesses her daughter before the wedding, uttering beautiful words.

Icon "Savior Almighty"- also a traditional image, but this time of Christ. On it, the Son of God holds the Gospel in one hand, indicating the path of salvation, and with the other hand blesses the beholder. With this icon on the wedding day, the future mother-in-law blesses the groom as her own son, so that she guides the head of the family and protects the family.

In our time, icons are used both individually and in the format of a folding - the so-called wedding couple. It represents both images connected together and which can be added.

In addition, some icons can be presented as a wedding gift to newlyweds from guests. Wedding traditions and customs say that the icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, symbolizing family happiness and love, is best suited. She is considered miraculous, she can be prayed for well-being. The design of the image in this case does not matter and depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the giver.

Blessing by parents at the wedding of their children has always been considered a very significant action. Performing the ceremony, the parents wished them happiness and well-being in family life, approved their choice and agreed to marriage.

A bit of history

In ancient Rus', wedding ceremonies were honored and performed implicitly. The last and final word before the marriage of the young remained with their parents. Their opinion was respected, approval meant that the act being done was right. Parents could be against joining the young in marriage, and only a few took risks and went against their father and mother.

The church at that time was an ardent opponent of a wedding without a blessing. Often parents themselves chose a couple for their son. The consent of the bride was usually not asked, everything depended on the decision of her father.

Preparation for the ceremony

According to the Bible, parents have a special power over their children, which they must use wisely and lovingly. Today, the rite of blessing is more symbolic, and all its rules are not always followed. But parting and warm words are still important for the bride and groom, so a rare wedding does without this old Russian church custom.

It is imperative to prepare for the blessing of the young. For this, two icons are bought in the church: for the blessing of the bride - the icon of the Mother of God, and for the blessing of the groom - the icon of St. Nicholas or Christ the Savior. There is no strict restriction on the acquisition of this or that icon. If desired, it can be an icon of another saint, great martyr or healer. If the family already has an icon that is passed down from generation to generation, you need to bless it.

Participants of the ceremony must be baptized. You also need to find out in advance if any of the participants have any objections to the ceremony. It happens that one of the young has no parents. In this case, godparents or an older brother or sister can replace them. In the absence of both of them, you can ask friends to be representatives at the wedding.

How is the blessing

Stage one

According to tradition, the blessing of the daughter's parents is given first at the wedding. This rite is preceded by another, no less interesting and important -. Its tradition is rooted in the distant past, when the groom gave gifts to the parents of his future wife, thus redeeming her.

The custom of ransom has changed since then, but the essence is as follows: the groom comes to the house of his betrothed, who is hidden from him. In exchange for a bride, a young man needs to go through all sorts of obstacles, show his mind and ingenuity, or pay with “hard money”.

When a bride is found, her parents bless the young for a long and happy life. You need to approach the sacrament seriously, create a solemn atmosphere and not be distracted by anything. This is done as follows: the young kneel, and the parents, holding the icon on the towel in such a way that the face of the saint is turned to the children, baptize the young with it three times and say parting words. It is advisable to prepare the speech in advance. It can be something like this: “Our dear children (names of the bride and groom)! We bless you for a happy and strong marriage. Live happily, please yourself and those around you. May your family be filled with children's laughter, and there will always be peace and homeliness in it. You can also read a prayer for the blessing of the children, which will protect them and give God's protection. After the ceremony, first the bride and then the groom kiss the icon and are baptized. Subsequently, young people should take this icon to church for commission.

After that, the bride and groom leave the parental home. At the exit, friends and relatives are waiting for them, who shower the young with sweets, grains of rice, wheat and coins. This action symbolizes bringing prosperity to their home.

Stage two

After the solemn registration of marriage in the registry office and the wedding, the husband and wife go to a restaurant or home in order to celebrate the emergence of a new family. There, the husband's parents give them their blessing.

The blessing of the parents at the son's wedding takes place in this order: they meet the young in front of the entrance to the house or restaurant, where a carpet is laid, symbolizing the "carpet of well-being." The mother holds bread and salt in her hands, and the father holds the icon of Christ the Savior. With this icon, he blesses the children, making the triple sign of the cross and pronouncing a prepared speech or prayer. Parting words can be anything, the main thing is that it comes from the heart. It must necessarily contain the words “bless”, “wish”, “congratulations”, “advice and love” and others.

Often, parents, and even the newlyweds themselves, raise the question of how the parental blessing takes place and what icons are needed here, the same question is about the traditional meeting with "bread and salt". How to do everything right, of course, it is better to ask the priest in the church, but still there is no consensus on this matter.

Since in the bustle of life, many of us are far from the church and are not familiar with its traditions, many questions arise: who should bless the young, before registration (wedding) or after, what kind of icons are needed for this.

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between the blessing of the parents of the bride and groom before the wedding and the meeting of a young family in a loaf.

The tradition of blessing with icons has been going on since the time when the bride and groom, creating their family nest, were given icons by their parents to create their own red corner. Sometimes these could be family icons that were passed down in the family from time immemorial, in other cases - new, specially commissioned icons for a young family.

Blessing is primarily a parental appeal, a parting word to your children before a wedding or wedding. If the young do not have parents, godparents or other older relatives can fill this role.

This event can be timed to coincide with the wedding day, or at the time of "matchmaking", when the groom asks for the hand of his bride from her parents. Then, of course, after visiting the store, the dress will be bought by the bride. The groom's parents bless their son before leaving home. As a rule, the icon of the Savior. It is believed that he indicates the path of life, leads the future husband, helps in difficult moments.

Mother and father stand side by side. The father holds the icon and baptizes the son standing in front of him three times with the icon, then passes the icon to the mother, who also blesses. The groom is baptized and kisses the icon.

The bride is blessed in the same way by her parents. According to some opinions, only the mother, alone with her daughter, should do this. In most cases, the icon of the Mother of God. There are no strict patterns here, words that will come from the heart are important.

Often these two stages are skipped and the bride and groom are blessed together after the ransom before leaving for the registry office by the bride's parents. And the groom separately and the bride separately, their own parents can bless even before the ransom while they are at home. Blessing is a matter of faith, but with it the newlyweds will be easier at heart and easier to live on, as they are confident in the support and approval of their parents of their marriage.

After the birth of a young family (wedding or registration at the discretion of the young), the groom's parents greet them with "bread and salt" and bless this time with both icons. Here, parents' words of welcome to their new daughter-in-law, now the wife of their son, who has just become part of their family, are appropriate.

So, a young, handsome and strong man decided to get married, bought a ring, said three cherished words “marry me”, received a positive answer ... Now it remains only to get the approval of the parents. should be known to every mother, as this ancient custom has significance to this day. At whatever age such a decision is made, and no matter how deliberate it may be, parting words from parents are very important for a couple who have decided to tie the knot. Here are some ways to bless your son before marriage.

With an icon

After the son announced to his parents that he was engaged, and they, in turn, supported his decision, the mother and father must aim the young couple for a happy life, consecrating their future family path with an icon. For this, the following rite is performed: parents with an icon in their hands overshadow their son and his chosen one with a cross three times. If you do not know which one you can take or "Savior Not Made by Hands". Such an appeal to the Creator will make this marriage happy and filled with God's love and mercy.

good parting words

Wait a bit

The question often arises: "How to bless your son before the wedding, if you do not support his decision or are simply unhappy with the choice of the chosen one?" The answer is very simple: wait a bit, give yourself and your children time. Perhaps, over time, everything will fall into place: an unconscious choice will disappoint your son, or, conversely, you will be fascinated by his right choice.

On the wedding day

Also, parents should not forget about such an important moment as blessing their son before the wedding just before leaving home on the day of the celebration. On this occasion, parents can prepare a well-thought-out speech. This is a very important moment for the groom, since since ancient times, for the future husband, a family blessing was considered an official permission to create his own family.

Of course, to perform such a rite or not is a personal matter for everyone. But we must not forget that a wedding is an event that is held in compliance with certain canons and customs. Since ancient times, it was believed that a wedding without a blessing dooms a young family to an unhappy life. Therefore, sometimes young people tried to get such “permission” from their parents even after the wedding, so as not to doom their new family to grief and sadness. Mom and dad should take especially seriously the question of how to bless their son before the wedding, if he and his chosen one decided to get married in a church, to fix their decision before God.

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