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Caresses the guy. Preliminary caresses: how to do it right. Why do you need foreplay? Do men have an erogenous zone - ears?

Many women think that it is enough to show a man the bed to make him aroused and experience a surge of feelings and energy. In reality, everything is not as easy as it seems. Some representatives of the stronger sex prefer to give the initiative to their partner in bed. Believing that caresses, kisses and touches of a girl will help her relax and get real pleasure from contact.

Favorable environment

You need to start exciting your loved one from the “threshold”. That is, when entering a house or apartment, a guy must understand that even the surroundings hint and invite intimacy. What is needed for this:

  1. Place candles, draw curtains.
  2. Easy to prepare, but delicious dinner.
  3. Use aphrodisiacs.
  4. Get yourself in order.
A massage and a warm bath with foam and aromatic oils can be considered a win-win option. This will help your partner relieve accumulated fatigue and get into the right frame of mind.

If your husband comes home from work tired, nervous and irritated, then it is better to postpone his excitement for a while, “until better times.” Or give your spouse a little rest, and then start caresses.

You can make the bed with a new one, beautiful lingerie and offer your loved one a massage that will help you tune in to the right wave and cope with accumulated nervous tension.

Hints should be unobtrusive: put a few candles in the room, dim the lights, change the linens, cook a delicious dinner and promise your loved one a massage. This will be enough for the man to “understand” the hints and go on an active offensive.

But it is important not to overdo it:

  • with heavy foods (fatty, protein foods);
  • with drinking alcohol.


There are several ways to help arouse your loved one quickly and correctly and end up in bed with him. Then you can start gentle touches. Representatives of the stronger sex are no less sensitive to various caresses than girls.

Touching will excite a man:

  1. In the chest and abdominal area.
  2. In the back and lower abdomen.
  3. To the buttocks and area inner surface hips.

It is necessary to touch gently, making light, stroking movements, without having a serious impact on the indicated areas.

The hand should gently glide over the body, creating a pleasant sensation; passion between partners will increase gradually as certain zones pass.

Not every woman can give her beloved pleasure in bed with her hands. But there is one secret: make it a rule to caress one area with your hands before intimacy begins, and another after intimacy is completed. Only these zones should not be in publicly accessible places (excluding arms and shoulders).


You can excite your beloved man in bed with kisses. This is an element love game, which will perfectly complement touches and other caresses. Kisses happen:

  • deep and passionate;
  • light and unobtrusive.

If you want to quickly set your gentleman in the right mood, then give him a passionate and deep kiss. This will certainly interest your partner. But, if you want the wave of excitement to roll in gradually, prolonging the pleasure, then you should give preference to unobtrusive and gentle kisses.

What “places” to kiss:

  1. Touching lips with lips will bring pleasure.
  2. The face and neck are highly susceptible.
  3. Sensitivity is increased at the earlobes and fingertips.

It won’t take long to turn on your gentleman with kisses. Typically, men readily respond to such caresses and after a few minutes are ready for close contact.

If your loved one is in no hurry to get into bed, then you should try to arouse him with words. You can have a rich vocabulary and know your partner’s preferences, but still experience some discomfort when whispering various phrases in his ear.

The point here is not only timidity, but also within certain limits. But the main thing in sex is the absence of restrictions, you need to turn on your imagination and resort to its help.

Words and phrases are selected individually, much depends on the gentleman’s receptivity. But to achieve best result you need to supplement the words with caresses.

Caresses are a broad concept that can include touching with hands, feet, kisses and other elements of love play. Oral contact is also classified as caresses, as is intimate massage.

If a decision has been made to have a comprehensive impact on your lover, then you can combine caresses, kisses, stroking with words. This will allow a man to reach the peak of arousal faster.

If all of the above methods do not work, then you should think about using a pathogen. Aphrodisiacs, lubricants, tablets and creams act as such means. But it is better to coordinate their use with your partner - this will help avoid awkward situations.

Some women suggest that male body there is only one erogenous zone and it is located in the groin area. In reality, everything is a little different. There are many more erogenous zones in the body of representatives of the stronger sex. To set your partner up for intimacy, you will have to turn on your imagination and resort to using not only your hands, but also your lips.

Where are the erogenous zones in men:

  • Face and neck area. Scientists have been able to prove that these places are highly susceptible. Stimulation of these zones will help awaken desire in the gentleman. You can touch your neck with your fingertips, massage your earlobes and kiss your loved one on the face.
  • Chest and back. Sexologists recommend starting to flirt with your lover by touching the surface of his back and chest alternately. You can also use the boyfriend’s shoulders; they are advised to gently massage them, making wave movements. The back is massaged along the entire spine, the touches are soft and smooth. But often, it is enough to simply approach the man from the back and run your hands over his chest, towards the lower abdomen.
  • Nipples. This erogenous zone stands apart due to its high sensitivity. Touching this area can bring pleasure to the partner, or can cause discomfort. Since the sensitivity of each representative of the stronger sex is a purely individual matter.
  • Stomach. This is the area that requires special attention. You can touch it with your hands, lips and even your head. In Thailand and abroad, massage with the crown of the head is widespread. It is carried out following certain rules: the girl sits on top of her partner, bows her head and touches his stomach with the top of her head, performing circular movements. Gradually the diameter of the circle is increased. Such a massage will not only arouse a man, but will also increase his sexual activity.
  • Hands and fingers. To stay in bed with your loved one for a long time, you need to pay attention to the palms of his hands. You can rub them, kiss them, stroke them. There are nerve endings on the fingertips that improve the transmission of impulses to the brain.
  • Inner thigh. To quickly put your partner in the right mood, you should give him a foot massage, making sure to touch this area. Blood flows through the arteries to the organs of the reproductive system; foot massage will improve blood flow and ensure a long-lasting erection. For this reason, its help is resorted to in the treatment of impotence.

How to quickly excite your loved one in bed with your hands and caresses? To do this, you need to hug your partner by the chest with your arms and press your bare chest to his back.

In order for “everything to work out” and for your partner to be delighted with the intimacy with your beloved, you need to loosen up and be active. The main thing is to feel a man, this will allow you to predict his desires and read his innermost thoughts.

Not everything that girls like in bed is equally liked by men. But at the same time, it is very important to learn how to properly caress a man, finding his most sensitive erogenous zones. You should not limit yourself to caresses with your lips and tongue; you should use your fingertips, your own breath, and whispers. When choosing sensitive areas, it is worth remembering that men have a fairly low pain threshold - it is imperative to study the partner’s reaction to this or that action.

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Head and face

Girls may mistakenly believe that most erogenous zones are located in groin area. But when caressing, you should not ignore the face of your boyfriend or husband - it is better to start with him. For example, you can:

  • First, whisper various endearments in your ear, then suddenly blow or even lightly bite your earlobe.
  • Touch your face, drawing every feature, carefully watching your partner’s reaction.
  • Just kiss. Lips are the most sensitive spot on the face. If spouses have been married for a long time, then less and less time is devoted to kissing. But men love to kiss, so the wife should more attention give to the lips: touch them with your fingers, tongue.


There are many nerve endings in a person's hands. When caressing, you should hold hands and stroke the fold line. Such touches are unlikely to greatly excite a man, but they will be gentle and pleasant.

Massage can also be called a type of affection. It's worth pampering your husband from time to time erotic massage, involving all its areas: starting from the tips of the fingers and ending with the feet. Of course, you will have to practice to learn how to properly perform such a massage and select stimulating aroma oils.

Chest and back

In terms of physiology, the device male breast resembles a woman's - with the exception of milk production. Representatives of the stronger sex have less sensitive breasts, but you can warm them up by doing light massage, and then move on to caressing the nipple, areola, then move on to the sides, back, lower back, and stomach.

In the back area there are many sensitive points. You can squeeze your partner's back, run your nails along it, and lightly tickle it. If both partners are determined to continue caresses in bed, then you can go lower and tickle the buttocks.

Oral secretions

According to statistics, only a quarter of women resort to oral sex. At the same time, this type of caresses greatly brings the couple closer together and is liked by most guys. No universal council How to properly caress your partner’s groin area. Although some recommendations should be followed:

  • For guys, what is more important is not the variety of movements performed, but their pace;
  • to enhance the sensations, you can take different goodies: cream, jam;
  • the pace is increased gradually, there is no need to immediately try to grasp the partner’s entire organ;
  • if you squeeze bottom part organ, this will delay sperm production, prolonging the onset of climax.

Some simple tips will help a woman explore her partner’s body and give him unforgettable pleasure:

  • Foreplay to sex should be complete. You should never rush into caresses (with the exception of quick passionate sex). American scientists have proven that men’s physiological reactions to external stimuli are not too different from those of women, it’s just that the female sex reacts faster to any touch.
  • There is no need to quickly move from place to place: if you started with the face, then give it more attention. It's worth focusing on one area, one sexual action to find additional facets of pleasure.
  • If the moment of approaching orgasm is already approaching, you need to squeeze the male genital organ. Sexologists claim that the pressure on prostate gland will prolong the pleasure. This advice is relevant if your partner experiences premature ejaculation.
  • You can caress parts of a man’s body with your body. Even experts advise choosing positions in which the bodies are closely intertwined with each other; men like them. During foreplay, you can also use this technique: gently touch your partner with your legs, chest, and thighs.

Such caresses will be equally useful for a couple who have only recently met, and for spouses who have lived together for more than one year. Stroking the whole body, massage, oral sex - all this brings you closer and adds variety to the relationship.

The art of love is multifaceted, so to comprehend it in a short time, it won't work. It takes some people whole life, while others learn the basics of affection and love externally in a matter of time. Men and women have different sensitivities: what one likes may not necessarily please others. And here questions arise - and. tried to answer these questions.


There are many on the face, and each one begins with kisses. Why not start caressing a man with kisses, performing various manipulations with his earlobes, eyes, and lips with your mouth. Many men like it when the woman they love moves her lips over their face, drawing every line. And yes, men love passionate kisses on the lips, don't forget about it. Along with kisses, whisper to your other half sweet words and compliments.


There are many nerve endings on the hands (both male and female), so do not forget about them during your caresses. You can gently stroke his hand on the fold line, kiss the upper surface of his hands, stretch his fingers... Give him a hand massage, praise his biceps and these caresses will not be in vain. Of course, there will be no mad ecstasy, but you will do something nice for the man.


The skin of the neck is very delicate, so it is easy to caress. The area at the back of the head is especially sensitive.. Just don’t overdo it, because instead you may experience a tickling attack. Touches and kisses in the neck area should be clear and strong. No light or sliding movements. You can also stroke your neck with your palm or fingertips, but avoid using your nails.


Nothing is so welcomed by representatives of the stronger sex as caressing the testicles and scrotum. These are the most erogenous parts in men, but you should not abuse them, otherwise intimate life will turn into commonplace and routine. There is no universal recipe for caressing the inner thigh and groin area. You can choose your tactics, test it on your partner and remember his reaction. What matters to a man is not the variety of movements, but the pace. To enhance the sensations, use various lubricants and goodies (whipped cream, chocolate, fruit). Don't try to grab the entire penis; build up the pace gradually. Additionally apply assistive devices- feathers, ice cubes, silk ribbons.


Foreplay to sex should be full-fledged, not fleeting. Don't rush to quickly get to the point. According to research by American scientists from the University of Washington, the physiological reactions of men to external stimuli (read affection) differ little from those of women. It’s just that men react faster to affection, therefore, they get up easier and get turned on faster.

During caresses, you should not quickly move from one part of the body to another.. Focus on one area and do all the manipulations you want with it. Thanks to this secret, a man will discover new facets of pleasure and will benefit you.

When you feel that a man is ready to have an orgasm, apply pressure to the prostate gland. This will delay orgasm, prolong pleasure and elevate you to the pinnacle of bliss. This secret is especially useful for couples where the man is prone to premature ejaculation.

For maximum caressing sensation during sex, choose positions where the partners’ genitals are pressed closely together. Missionary erotic pose will be just right, besides, in this position there is a chance to get maximum pleasure two partners at the same time.

Touching for a man is one of the main ways of understanding the world. Even if they say that they love with their eyes, it is much more important than touch. Therefore, the male sex endures separation more difficult than the female sex, because away from his beloved, a guy cannot satisfy one of his basic needs. And even if you are not apart, you need to know how to caress a man so that he looks forward to your next meeting.

Honey lips caress the ear

There is a common belief that only women love with their ears - this is not true at all. Sometimes one single word can ignite the fire of passion, calm or invigorate a person, regardless of his gender. Learn to talk to your lover, come up with special intimate nicknames that only you two will know. And let it be the standard “Bunny” or “Paw”, but every time you hear it cherished word, you both will feel a special closeness and warmth of your relationship.

Caress his gaze

You can give pleasure in different ways, the more senses that are affected, the better. It is known that men love to look at their partner during foreplay and sex, and therefore the first rule: never turn off the light, otherwise you will deprive him of half the pleasant sensations. Are you ashamed of your appearance, think you have excess weight, wrinkles, folds or, conversely, are you too thin?

First, find out from your partner what he likes most about you, maybe you don’t need to change anything. Well, if you feel that it would be more pleasant for him to look at something else, take care of your body. Overweight go away, the skin can be tightened, the main thing is to stop being ashamed of your body.

Rule two. Buy something beautiful underwear . Its range is not limited to lace panties and bras. There are also garters, belts and stockings, bodysuits, negligees, special sexy lingerie with cutouts in the most piquant places. Having put on such underwear, you yourself will notice that you have become more courageous and relaxed.

Lovely touches

A man’s sensuality needs to be developed on all fronts, and tactile sensations- one of the main. The stronger sex loves not only to touch those who are pleasant to them, but also to receive the same in return. So don't look special ways To caress a man, it is important to do it gently, using all parts of your body, confidently, as if you are a real priestess of love, and persistently, even if your partner perceives such caresses ambiguously. Keep in mind that those areas of his body where you are prohibited from entering are the most sensitive, the most intimate, so try to lightly touch them every time during foreplay and sex itself. Over time, the man will get used to you and allow you into the most intimate corners of his body.

So, never forget that the path to maximum pleasure can be found if you influence all of a man’s senses: play with scents, lighting, sound, touch. Then your relationship will never get boring either for him or for you.

Situations very often occur when men prefer to give dominance in bed to a woman. And sometimes such actions of the gentleman confuse the lady. After all, not everyone knows how to excite a man in bed.

How to excite a man with kisses

You can caress a man with kisses. You need to choose tactics based on the type and character of your gentleman. Some people like light, fleeting, as if furtively plucked kisses. It is with the help of these that you can make it pleasant even strong guy in bed. Sexologists claim that light, unobtrusive Kisses can cause an erection in a man much faster than passionate and deep kisses.

By the way, you shouldn’t write off passionate kisses. Sometimes one deep, but unexpected, can awaken genuine interest in a man and evoke the most vivid emotions in him.

The choice of area for kissing is no less important. According to research, especially sensitive area a man's earlobes and lips. Therefore, gentle touching of such areas with your lips in almost any situation leads to the same result. Therefore, a woman in bed needs to behave quite relaxed, take the initiative into her own hands - whisper sweet nothings in a man’s ear, lightly tickle the lobe with her lips, lightly touch her lips with her lips, and the man will surrender to the mercy of the winner.

True, it is better to ask in advance whether your man is afraid of tickling. Otherwise, it may turn out that in response to your kisses he bursts into laughter because he is ticklish. There's no time for excitement anymore!

Excite a man with touches

As an option, you can try to excite your loved one without kissing, but with the help of ordinary touches. Various strokes are especially effective on gentlemen. One of the areas to which almost all men subconsciously respond to caresses is the neck. You should stroke it with your palm or fingertips. But you shouldn’t use your nails - you can cause a tickling attack.

Men also like breast stroking. The movements should be strong and confident, but at the same time very gentle.

Run your fingers along your back, along the spine, linger a little between the shoulder blades. This, as experts say, gives a man incomparable pleasure. Even such stroking can partially satisfy a man in bed.

Excite a man with caresses

The word of affection is quite multifaceted - it includes kisses, touching, stroking, and much more. Naturally, from such attention to himself, a man quickly melts and surrenders under female charms. A particularly favorite caress among men is the one when a woman rubs her breasts over his back and buttocks. As sexologists say, this option is the most win-win.

The main rule in bed is not to be shy. Only then will it be possible to exert the necessary influence on a man, to which he will respond accordingly.

All experts agree on one thing intimate life- a girl needs to behave very confidently in bed and not think that she is doing something stupid. Of course, you shouldn’t injure your partner in the heat of passion, but being clingy is also not an option. This is the only way everything will work out.

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