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Easy patterns on nails step by step. What you need to know at the initial stage. Photo: Multi-colored stripes using a brush

How to make simple designs on your nails?

Simple designs on nails can be done in various ways: with a needle, painting varnish, using tape, using a toothpick.

Simple designs on nails with a needle.

Anyone can draw simple and beautiful designs with a needle. The technology for making such drawings is quite simple and does not require any special skills. All you need is a simple needle and varnishes of 2 or 3 colors. The colors can be any, as long as they do not merge with each other.

Technology for making simple designs on nails with a needle

1. Cover your nails with clear polish. This must be done in order to protect the nails from scratches that can occur when the needle is pressed hard on the nail.

2. When the transparent varnish has dried, apply the varnish on your nails, the color of which you have chosen as the basis for the design.

3. Then place a few drops or draw a few lines (depending on the chosen pattern).

4. Before the varnishes begin to dry, complete the drawing using a needle.

5. After the design on the nails has dried, you need to cover the nails with a layer of transparent varnish. Thanks to this, the manicure will stay on your nails longer.

Here are some more photo examples of simple designs on nails that can be done with a needle.

Simple designs on nails with polishes

To make simple designs on nails with varnishes, you will need regular colored varnish and special varnish for drawing. These varnishes are equipped with a thin brush, which makes it very easy and simple to paint thin lines, flowers, etc. on your nails.

The technology for making designs on nails with varnish is extremely simple. First, coat your nails with a base color polish. Let it dry well. Then, using painting varnish, we make the drawing. It all depends on your imagination.

Here are some more photo examples of simple designs on nails with polishes

Simple designs on nails using tape and stencils

You can also use regular tape to make simple designs on your nails. To make such drawings you will need varnishes of 2 colors, transparent varnish, tape and a little patience.

Technology for making simple designs on nails using tape and stencils

1. Cover your nails with colored polish and let it dry well. If the first layer of varnish does not dry enough, the drawing may not work out.

2. After the varnish has dried, glue a pre-cut stencil of tape onto the nail. Press it well against the body of the nail.

3. Apply a different color of polish.

4. Wait until the second layer of varnish is dry and carefully remove the tape.

5. In order to remove all unevenness, paint your nails with a layer of transparent varnish.

Here are some more photo examples of simple designs on nails using tape.

Simple designs on nails using decor

You can create simple and beautiful holiday or evening designs on your nails using various accessories for nail design: sequins, sparkles, rhinestones, bouillons, etc. it all depends on your imagination and preferences. To do this, you will need any colored varnish, some decor for nail design and a clear varnish to seal the result.

Technology for making simple designs on nails using decor.

1. Cover your nails with colored polish.

2. When the polish dries a little, lay out the decorative pattern on your nails.

3. Secure the resulting design with clear varnish.

Here are some photo examples of simple designs on nails that used various decors.

Simple designs on nails using drops and dots

You can also make simple designs on your nails in the form of dots and drops. To make such drawings, dotsys of different diameters are used. If you don’t have a special tool, you can make small dots using a toothpick; larger dots can be made if you use the round tip of a pen or pencil with a grater.

Various patterns can be formed from dots: from a simple decoration with dots of a freely grown edge of the nail to images of flowers, animals, geometric shapes, etc.

Here are some photos of simple dotted nail designs.

You can also create simple designs on your nails using drops. Just put the drops of varnish in the right order, and in their center drops with a smaller diameter. Here are the drawings you can get using this method.

A beautiful manicure is an important factor that men pay attention to. Beautiful and well-groomed nails perfectly characterize a woman and her desire (ability) to take care of herself. Not everyone can afford to go to salons, but even those who have never done this can do their own manicure and draw a simple picture.

Any pattern on the nails will not look well-groomed and ugly if they are sloppy or broken, and the cuticle will be with sloppy barbs. Therefore, the first thing any nail art craftswoman needs to start with is to do a beautiful and high-quality manicure. Once your nails are in order, you can start painting.

Today, nail art includes the use of all kinds of improvised means with which you can make beautiful and high-quality drawings, such as toothpicks, tape or needles.

But as decorating materials, you can use everything from special stickers to feathers and rhinestones.

The list of materials and tools that will be needed in the process is as follows:

  • wooden sticks with different tips;
  • scotch;
  • special thin brushes;
  • needle;
  • special powder with glitter;
  • nail stickers;
  • foil and glue;
  • pebbles;
  • rhinestones or small beads;
  • threads of different thicknesses;
  • varnishes of various colors;
  • acrylic paints;
  • toothpick;
  • dots;
  • sponge

The selection of materials and tools is easier to do when there are already plans and an accurate diagram of the drawings. Well, when the last preparations are completed, you can be patient and start.

Simple toothpick design on nails for beginners

Many people begin to comprehend the art of nail art with a very small set of tools. Simple drawings can be made with just a toothpick and multi-colored varnishes.

Drawing for Valentine's Day

This simple drawing is done easily and quickly. And you can draw it both for Valentine’s Day and on weekdays. Looks very neat and beautiful on nails of any length.

You will need a toothpick and two nail polishes of different colors.

  1. Cover your nails with the main color, preferably using a dark solid color;
  2. Pour red or pink varnish (a small amount) onto a piece of paper;
  3. Use a toothpick to put two dots;
  4. Draw neat strips down from each of them so that they connect and a heart comes out;
  5. Dry and coat with clear varnish on top.

Schemes for drawings using a toothpick

With the help of these schemes, you can perform any pattern with a regular toothpick. It is necessary to use from 2 different colors of nail polish. It is enough to cover the nail plate with one color, put dots in another and use a toothpick to move from one dot to another following the diagrams in the figure.

The simplest drawings with a needle on nails for beginners

To create more accurate designs, draw fine lines and draw fine details, a needle is best.

This is a detailed diagram of a flower pattern. You can draw it at any length, and by changing colors each time you can create a new picture.

You will need a needle, red and white colors, flesh-colored varnish or base.

  1. Cover the nail plates with flesh-colored varnish or use a special transparent base;
  2. Put down six dots in a circle with red varnish on the tip of the plate. Do not make them very liquid so that they do not flow;
  3. For convenience, you can pre-pour varnish on paper or a plastic cap;
  4. Using a needle, carefully draw a strip in the middle of each point from center to middle;
  5. Let dry;
  6. Put down 6 white dots in the middle of the nail;
  7. Repeat the drawing;
  8. Using a needle, carefully place several dots in a line from the flowers with red varnish;
  9. The location of the flowers can be chosen at will.

The simple design attracts attention due to the contrasting colors and interesting design.

You will need red and white varnishes and a needle.

  1. Gently apply red polish in two layers to each nail;
  2. Using a white varnish brush, place bold dots in the place where the butterflies will be located;
  3. Using a needle, first draw out the large upper wings, and then the small ones. Draw a small tail and antennae;
  4. If there is not enough white varnish to cover the entire butterfly, use a needle to carefully take a small amount from the brush and continue the drawing.

Drawings on nails with varnish for beginners step by step

Beautiful designs can be made on nails without needles and toothpicks; just buy a couple of varnishes with an ultra-thin brush and draw with it.

Youth drawing is done using multi-colored varnishes and does not require special skills or effort. The only thing you need is patience and time.

You will need 5 multi-colored varnishes (more can be); white varnish with a thin brush; black varnish with a thin brush.

  1. Coat each nail with varnish so that five multi-colored nails are obtained;
  2. With white varnish, carefully draw a toe for each nail;
  3. Draw two lines of 4 strips along the length of the sock;
  4. Carefully connect all the strips diagonally, and the top two - in a straight line;
  5. Use black varnish to put dots on top of the white dots and draw a thin line in the middle of the “toe”;
  6. Fix on top with a colorless varnish.

This type of classic manicure appeared back in the 60s and has not lost its appeal since then. It will suit both a young girl and an adult lady.

You will need two contrasting varnishes; stencil stickers.

  1. Prepare the nails by removing the old coating from them and filing;
  2. Place stickers on the base. You can use round stencils special for lunar manicure, or you can take stencils for French manicure. In extreme cases, you can get by with tape;
  3. Apply the stickers so that they cover the base of the nail in a semicircle;
  4. Paint everything with two or three layers of varnish of the main color;
  5. Dry;
  6. Carefully peel off the stickers and paint the semicircle with varnish of a different color;
  7. You can experiment with colors, or you can not paint the remaining semicircle at all.

Drawing on nails with a brush for beginners

In specialized stores you can find many types of different brushes for painting on nails. They differ in length, thickness and shape. With their help you can create masterpieces of nail art.

Drawing "Loneliness"

This is a drawing of increased complexity and you can start with it already having experience in drawing. To complete this you will need several different brushes.

You will need white, beige and blue varnishes; black varnish with a thin brush; two thin brushes with a thin tip.

  1. To begin, coat the nail plate with a base beige polish and let it dry;
  2. Mentally draw a line along the nail that will divide it in half;
  3. Paint one of the halves with blue varnish. Dry;
  4. Paint over the line separating the halves with a brush with black varnish;
  5. Carefully paint over the second half with white varnish and dry;
  6. On different halves, use a thin brush to paint the branches with contrasting varnishes. Dry;
  7. Cover with fixative.

Tape drawings on nails for beginners

Ordinary tape can not only replace expensive stencil stickers for French and lunar manicures, but also help draw complex geometric designs.

Cut strips of ordinary tape, intricately superimposed on each other, will ultimately create an intricate geometry.

You will need two bright varnishes and tape.

  1. Cover everything with base. Dry;
  2. Apply two layers of varnish on top, which will be the color of the pattern;
  3. Dry;
  4. Stick two thin strips of adhesive tape crosswise;
  5. Top with two layers of base color. Dry;
  6. Carefully remove the strips;
  7. Paint over with a colorless varnish or fixative.

Drawing "Romance"

Any girl can make a simple and quick drawing, which is made using a stencil of tape and two varnishes.

You will need a sharp knife, tape, pink and white varnish.

  1. Paint your nails with pink varnish in two layers;
  2. Let your nails dry;
  3. Using a sharp knife, cut a strip of tape so wide that it completely covers the nail;
  4. Cut out a neat small heart on the strip;
  5. Stick the strip where the heart should be located;
  6. Paint over the stencil with white;
  7. Dry the drawing without removing the adhesive tape;
  8. Carefully remove the sticky strip;
  9. Go through the fixer.

Dots designs on nails for beginners

Dots are a special manicure tool that resembles a metal pencil with a small ball at the end. The ball makes patterns. Today, many drawings are made using the dots technique.

A gentle manicure using a decorative element looks very beautiful on any length and shape.

You will need pink and purple polishes; dots; bow sticker.

  1. Cover your nails with a manicure base;
  2. Apply two layers of pink varnish on top;
  3. Carefully pour the purple onto a piece of paper or a plastic lid;
  4. Carefully dip the dots into the purple liquid and place dots of different diameters over the entire surface;
  5. Allow to dry completely;
  6. Place stickers on your ring fingers;
  7. Apply the fixative over each nail.

Variants of drawings using the dots technique

Thanks to Dots, you can create any drawings you can think of. This does not require much knowledge or skill, just experience and constant practice.

Thanks to the different diameters of the ball at the end of the dots, you can put different points, blur them, connect them and draw different lines over the entire surface of the nail. The main rule of working with dots is to paint on a still wet surface, without letting it dry out.

How to make designs on nails with acrylic paints

Relatively recently, acrylic paints began to be used in nail art. But they provide the widest range of colors for nail artists, remain resistant to ultraviolet rays, retain their color for a long time and are absolutely resistant to moisture and steam.

This is one of the simplest techniques for painting with acrylic paints.

You will need varnish for the base; acrylic paints of two colors; thin brush.

  1. Apply base polish to your nails;
  2. From the lower left corner of the nail, paint two thin curved lines along the entire length;
  3. Paint the leaves on the branches with the same color;
  4. Paint the middle of each leaf with a different color of paint;
  5. Dry the paint;
  6. Cover your nails with a setting base.

A slightly complex drawing that may take more time to complete. But it looks very gentle and beautiful.

You will need 2 thin brushes; colorless base; black and pink acrylic paints; sparkles.

  1. Cover each nail with two coats of clear base. Dry;
  2. Draw a thin curved line in the middle of each nail with black paint;
  3. Use pink paint to draw two wings - one larger, the other smaller;
  4. Paint over the wings. Dry;
  5. Add black paint to the antennae of the butterfly;
  6. Place a small amount of nail glitter on the two wings using special glue;
  7. Dry the glue;
  8. Cover each nail with two coats of sealer.

Other ways to paint on nails

There are many additional ways to create a work of art on your nails. These include:

  • "Caviar" manicure.

This manicure is performed with the help of special beads, which are shaken off onto freshly painted nails and, as it were, “pressed” into the still damp surface.

  • "Velvet" manicure.

This is the latest discovery in the art of manicure. It is performed using a special “velvet” and a device that sprays the material onto the nail. You can also use this method at home if you purchase a special pile.

In the next video there are several more options for simple drawings.

Manicure makes the girl's hands well-groomed and beautiful. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, not everyone can visit a beauty salon, so the most important thing is to learn how to make simple designs on your nails with your own hands.

The easiest and most beautiful drawings on nails

The art of nail art is easy to master. Well-groomed hands, like a girl's face, can tell a lot. Having done a manicure, you can apply a pattern on your nails with your own hands. The simplest are waves, stripes, dots.

Start drawing with thin lines, which teaches you how to hold a brush correctly and will help you understand how much varnish and what consistency to apply to the brush. As a result, it will be possible to determine how much time is needed to apply the drawings. Having mastered the simplest drawings, you can learn how to apply more complex patterns and miniatures.

What you need for independent development of nail art technique:

  • multi-colored varnishes;
  • toothpicks, needle;
  • small sponge;
  • cotton pads;
  • removal liquid;
  • scotch;
  • any improvised means that can make a pattern.

What is important for a beginner to know

What do you need to know to make your own nail art?

The simplest tips will help you figure this out:

  • Buy different colors. To get started, 7 shades of the rainbow, white and black, will suffice.
  • Don't buy all professional tools at once. To learn how to draw, all you need is a brush and available tools.

Draw in a good mood

  • If you don’t get straight lines right away, don’t be upset.
  • Any errors can be corrected with nail polish remover.
  • Use a palette to apply to the instrument.
  • You can paint not only with varnish, but also with acrylic paints.
  • Stickers, glitter, and various three-dimensional acrylic elements will help you decorate your manicure.

Beginners may not immediately get perfect drawings, but don’t stop, the skill will come with experience.

Scotch tape to the rescue

Scotch tape is a universal remedy that is found in every home. It is used to make stripes, patterns, or individual elements are cut out of it.

Using tape, you can create the following simple designs on your nails yourself:

  • geometric figures;
  • moon manicure;
  • French;
  • patterned manicure.

Moon manicure is considered the most popular; to perform it you will need the following materials:

  • varnish of two shades;
  • scotch;
  • fixing varnish.

Application process:

  1. Paint with the main color and wait for it to dry completely.
  2. Take a small piece of tape and cut out teeth or waves from one edge.
  3. We glue the tape onto the hole so that the teeth look down.
  4. We paint over the hole with the second shade, wait for it to dry completely and remove the adhesive tape.
  5. We cover with a transparent varnish. It will add shine and prolong the wear of the manicure.

Patterns on nails using dot technique

This technique allows you to get quite interesting drawings. You can make the pattern cheerful and bright, stylish and businesslike.

To master the technique you will need:

  • toothpicks;
  • varnishes of various shades;
  • hairpins;
  • optional dots - tools for drawing.

Process of drawing points:

  1. Apply the main shade to the nails. We choose the color as desired. For example, to get the resemblance of a watermelon slice, take the main color red and the secondary color black.
  2. After the layer has dried, carefully dip a toothpick into a different shade and make drops.
  3. The size of the dots depends on the device used to apply the pattern.
  4. After applying all the dots, you need to let the varnish dry thoroughly.

If desired, you can apply a layer of clear varnish.

Note! If you want a complex drawing using any technique to turn out perfect, practice drawing it on a sheet of white paper.

Decorating nails with a gradient

One of the easiest and simplest ways to apply a design on your nails with your own hands is a color transition. Gradient is a real find for lovers of unusual manicure. The simplicity of the technology makes it accessible to everyone. Many color combinations will allow you to choose shades for any occasion.

What is needed to perform a gradient:

  • top coat or clear varnish;
  • a piece of sponge or foam rubber.

Gradient on nails: step-by-step application instructions

Application process:

  1. We prepare the nails and polish the plate.
  2. Apply the first layer. Dip the sponge in the first shade and press it to the part of the nail near the cuticle. We dry.
  3. We also apply the second, darker shade to the sponge and then, slightly touching the first layer, cover the middle. Let it dry.
  4. We finish the color transition with the third layer.
  5. When everything has dried, coat it with finishing varnish.

The color boundaries are smooth, and the manicure will look impressive.

Draw with a needle

You can make actual patterns using a needle, applying the design to your nails with your own hands. The simplest ones can set the tone for a girl’s entire image.

Let's prepare the materials:

  • varnishes of various colors and shades;
  • base coat;
  • top or clear varnish;
  • needles.

Drawing with a needle on a dry first layer

For short lengths, patterns with a small number of elements are suitable. Long nails give free rein to imagination and allow you to apply any designs. For beginners, it is better to start with simple forms in the form of streaks, flowers, and dots. You can make patterns with a needle on one nail.

It is better to perform the first drawings on a plain background

You can draw with a needle in two techniques: dry and wet. The first is done after the base color of the varnish has dried. In the second, drops are applied immediately, without waiting for drying. The dry method is easier to perform.

The process of making a simple pattern using a needle:

  1. Apply the base coat. We dry.
  2. Apply the main shade of varnish. Let it dry.
  3. Make a stripe or add a drop of the second shade of varnish.
  4. Let's draw a pattern. We turn the strip into a twig by moving the needle left and right. Dots, using a needle, with light movements, into the flower.
  5. After drying, coat with top varnish.

Having thought through the design and choosing the necessary shades of varnish, you can learn to draw beautiful patterns using needles.

Drawing patterns with a brush

Once you learn the basics of drawing, you can create beautiful designs using a fine brush. To make the lines smooth, you need to apply the correct pressure on the brush. Using this technique you can draw both simple patterns and complex pictures.

Painting with a brush on nails: drawing “Cute bows”

How to create a pattern with a brush:

  1. We prepare the nails, align the ends.
  2. Apply a base clear coat.
  3. After drying, coat with the main shade of varnish.
  4. Using a brush, carefully draw the selected pattern, starting from the tip.
  5. After all layers have dried, you need to apply a top coat.

Bright polka dot nails with painted bows look very cute. More strict would be to draw lines similar to the wings of a butterfly or a flower branch.

To prevent the drawing from smearing, let each layer dry thoroughly!

You can complement the design with small rhinestones or beads. You can paint all your nails, or focus on one.

Drawing with tulle

Organza, tulle, lace, with their help you can create very beautiful and romantic designs. This manicure is suitable for any occasion. Black on a white background is strict and stylish, and white on a transparent background is gentle and cute.

To make this pattern you will need:

  • tulle, lace;
  • varnishes;
  • top and base coat.

Technique for painting nails using lace with focus on one nail

How to:

  1. Cut a small piece from the tulle.
  2. Apply the base coat and the main shade of varnish.
  3. While the base layer is not dry, apply fabrics and press.
  4. When the layer has dried, carefully remove the tulle. This will create a beautiful lace pattern.
  5. To ensure that the manicure lasts a long time, we cover it with top varnish.

You can do all your nails in the same style, or use a different lace for each.

Acrylic paints will decorate your fingers

Acrylic paints allow you to create the simplest designs on your nails by mixing shades with your own hands. This type of painting dries quickly and looks more professional.

An example of a drawing using acrylic paints:

  • Treat the cuticles and give your nails the desired shape.
  • Apply base coat.
  • Apply a layer of varnish of the main color and let dry.
  • After practicing on a sheet of paper, we begin to paint our nails.

  • Apply the drawing gradually. For example, first the outline of a flower, and then drawing each element.
  • Apply a layer of sealing coating.

Carefully! Do not apply another color of acrylic paint until the first one is completely dry. This can lead to their merging and the formation of a blot.

Beginners can start with simple designs that include two to three shades.

Win-win options for the most beautiful patterns

Nails, with proper care, will become the face of every girl. What patterns will be appropriate in any situation and will add laconicism to the image?


The first pattern, which is very easy to make, is called “Zig-Zag”. It is made using tape on which teeth are cut. Patterned tape is applied to the nails, the number of stripes depends on the length of the nail plate. “Zig-zag” can also be done using a brush and acrylic paint.

Explosion of colors

The second, no less beautiful pattern is called “Explosion of Colors”. It is most often done with acrylic paint. For this purpose, colored stains are made. Each layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. The second, simpler method: apply the shade to the brush and, as it were, shake it onto the nail, forming colored blots.

Drawing technique “Explosion of colors” step by step


Marble nails are made using foil. This design is incredibly impressive. To do this, after applying the main layer of varnish, apply the transfer foil to the nail and press it using a brush. After tearing off the foil, you will get a beautiful marble-like manicure.

windy sunset

The drawing, with a beautiful name, “windy sunset”, is done with a wide brush. After applying the main shade, three or more colors other than the main one are dripped onto the palette and the brush is dipped into each shade in turn. The design is applied to the nail using transverse lines with a brush. For beauty, the top is coated with glossy varnish.

Drawing "Wind sunset"

The simplest designs can look amazing and stylish on your nails, even if they are made by yourself. It doesn’t matter whether a beginner or a professional performs the pattern, the main thing is to do it with soul. Having chosen the right shades and patterns for yourself, you can safely take up a brush and paint incredible pictures on a small canvas called nails.

Nail designs for beginners at home. Watch an interesting video:

Decor on nails: cute lace. Details in the video:

Video lessoneasy drawings on nails step by step at home:

When a regular manicure gets boring and you want some variety on your nails, almost every girl runs to a manicure salon. A professional master will easily create any fantasy design on the nail plates, not forgetting to take a fairly large amount when calculating. How to make your wishes come true without cost? We'll talk about this in the article: we'll tell you how easy it is to make a design on your nails at home. For beginners, the photos will explain step by step the principle of drawing in manicure.

Drawings with a needle

Every girl can create the simplest images on her nails: for this you need to acquire fine needle or a toothpick. Basically, you can draw floral compositions with a needle, however, if you approach the manicure design thoroughly, you can pick up many beautiful images.

The general nuances of the needle pattern technique are described below:

  1. Apply main decorative coating, wait until dry.
  2. Cover the nail plates with colorless varnish so that the base for working with the needle is thick: this will prevent injury to the nails from the sharp tip of the tool.
  3. Select contrasting varnish and apply drops to the intended places on the nail plates.
  4. Let the varnish dry for a few seconds, then begin to carefully trace the design.
  5. Wait complete hardening composition, then cover the nails with a colorless finishing coat.

We will look at ideas for nail designs created by girls at home. We hope the photos will inspire you for creativity when creating your own manicure fantasy.

A wonderful summer manicure with watermelons is suitable for vacation or walking. Follow the instructions to complete the drawing correctly:

  1. Apply coating to your nail pink or red. This will be the pulp of a sweet berry. The subsequent appearance of the manicure depends on what varnish you use: a matte finish would be ideal for this design.
  2. Apply to the free edge of the nail light green varnish. It is not necessary to use stripes for a classic French manicure - the watermelon rind can be drawn by hand.
  3. Wait until the layers completely dry, then separate them with white varnish: use a bottle with a special thin paint brush.
  4. Start striping the watermelon rind by applying longitudinal lines of dark green color. Give it a few seconds to dry, then carefully use a needle to make small zigzags along the edges of the stripes.
  5. Drop black polish onto a sheet of paper: dip the tip of the needle into black polish and apply seed dots in different places on the nail plate.
  6. After the watermelons have dried on the nails, cover the composition colorless varnish.

Black and white drawing

Another simple manicure, suitable for evening walks or a holiday. Executed neatly, black and white manicure looks feminine and elegant.

  1. Apply first white, then black coating to the nail plates. Try to get longitudinal stripes as evenly as possible.
  2. Place a drop of black polish on a piece of paper: dip the tip of the needle into the coloring compound and place dots on the white side of the nail in the intended order.
  3. Place a white drop of polish on a piece of paper and dipping tool there, draw branches on the black side.
  4. Apply colorless coating varnish.

Red and white manicure

This manicure is a little more difficult to do: the perfect look is ensured by smooth and neat drawing with a needle.

  1. Paint your nails with a bright red color.
  2. Secure the cover transparent layer to prevent nail injury from the needle.
  3. Decorate your chosen nails with beautiful white shapes. To do this, make 3-5 small drops white at the top or bottom of the nail plate.
  4. Start drawing lines with a needle. Their thickness and bend depend only on your imagination.

Manicure can be done in any color scheme. You will find more ideas on red and white combination

A chic manicure is created by mixing sea colors: white, blue, light blue. This composition will give your hands fresh look and visually rejuvenate them. Make a drawing following the recommendations:

  1. Apply as the main background bright blue coating. Wait until completely dry.
  2. Place a few large and small drops of dark blue polish on the side of your nail plate. Wait a couple of seconds, then in the center of each drop add white color.
  3. After a second, start moving the needle along the white and blue drops, mixing them together and creating a bizarre wave-like pattern.
  4. Cover the finished composition colorless varnish.

Drawings using painting varnish

To help home craftsmen, household varnishes have long been invented for creating simple designs on nails. Drawing varnishes differ from ordinary varnishes in a wide palette of colors and thin brush, allowing you to display the most unimaginable curls. Technology drawing is simple:

  1. Apply contrasting color base
  2. Dip the brush into paint varnish of any color and display drawings.

The simplest design option that can easily diversify a boring manicure. Arrange points in any order, mix colors: after finishing creative play with nails, fix the result with clear varnish.

If you know how to draw, then there is nothing easier than creating on your nails mini scene from your favorite cartoon or draw individual characters. In the photo, all the drawings are made using painting varnish. Please note that you will not be able to create a neat manicure with this varnish the first time: apply several training on a piece of paper to test your capabilities.

Drawings on nails using tape

Truly great and powerful material. With its help, chic geometric designs on nails are created that cannot be distinguished from professional ones.

To get a quality manicure, read the technique before you start applying interesting shapes to the nail plates:

  1. Cover nails with base polish. Wait for it to dry completely. It is better if you return to manicure a couple of hours after applying the base.
  2. Prepare the necessary stencils from strips of adhesive tape in advance: you don’t have anything to do with creating the design should not be distracting from the process.
  3. Paste the stencils in the places where the pattern is intended to be located.
  4. Paint areas free of adhesive tape. Take off the stencil after the varnish has completely dried, so as not to smudge the drawing.
  5. Cover your nails with a topcoat.

The manicure shown in the photo is one of the easiest options execution of a drawing with tape. Stock up on white, black and clear varnish for precise geometric designs:

  1. Cover your nails colorless varnish. Wait until the coating has completely hardened.
  2. Apply tape crosswise near the base. Apply white polish halfway up the nail. Wait for it to dry and remove the stencil.
  3. Apply a little tape like this below the first line. Livestock should not leave areas unpainted with white. Apply black polish.
  4. Cover the composition with clear varnish to remove blemishes and fixing the drawing.

A simple manicure that will take little time to complete. Cover your nail beds base color: After drying, use tape to create a triangle on the nail hole. Paint the stencil with a contrasting varnish and secure the composition.

Mother of pearl with purple triangles

A great everyday manicure can be created using as an example photo above. The combination of mother-of-pearl varnish with glossy purple triangles will emphasize the excellent taste of the wearer of the manicure and indicate the romance of nature. This kind of manicure recommended for everyday office work and evening walks.

Another manicure created using tape. Buy glitter polish to decorate the triangles.

Don't forget - any manicure with a pattern requires a final coat of colorless varnish.

Drawings with acrylic paints

Acrylic paints– a universal tool for painting on nails. It is used both in beauty salons by professional manicurists and by ordinary girls at home. Acrylic fits more comfortably on the nail plates, due to this performing compositions This composition is easier than painting varnish. Let's look at some great design ideas created by home craftswomen (more ideas on).

Gentle French

It's easy and simple to diversify the classic French manicure if you have a palette of acrylic paints in your cosmetic bag. Follow simple instructions to create the most delicate design with lace nails:

  1. Execute classic french manicure on six fingers, leaving two fingers on each hand for drawing the lace. In our case, these are the middle and index fingers of both hands.
  2. Cover loose nails base varnish. It's better if it's transparent.
  3. Paint on your nails curls tying them with delicate lace. Acrylic paint should be snow-white.
  4. Cover your nails with clear polish.

This manicure is perfect for a wedding celebration and, at the same time, looks great in everyday wear.

By the way, a magnificent selection of monograms, as well as templates for drawing, are waiting for you on this

Oriental motifs never will not go out of fashion. Drawing smooth, beautiful lines and curls with a thin brush with acrylic paint is not difficult, even if you have no drawing skills at all. Repeat the composition in the photo if you are going on vacation to exotic countries, or if you like bright and beautiful daily manicure.

Beautiful manicure with highlighted fingers, will make you turn around. The pleasant, non-intrusive color will become your favorite for a long time. Follow the instructions for creating the same or similar design on the nail plates.

  1. Paint your nails turquoise color. Cover the highlighted nail plates with a white base.
  2. With light sweeping movements to the side, create diamonds of yellow and orange colors on a white base.
  3. Frame them in a turquoise frame using the same technique as for drawing the shapes.
  4. Cover with colorless finishing coat.

A creative option with funny skulls, you can create with minimal drawing skills. Practice on paper before applying acrylic images to your nails.

Another holiday option is worth trying for lovers of a marine theme. Draw anchors, ship cables and other attributes of marine life, while not forgetting to draw everything in cheerful blue and white colors.

To draw beautiful compositions, buy tools that will help make your manicure more beautiful. Of course, you can do without them, using only a needle and tape, however, what development of creativity Can we talk about it if you don’t have a basic brush?

Read the information about what tools you need to use to create small masterpieces on nails:

  • Sponges
    Cosmetic sponges are useful for gradient manicure: they can be made in the form of thin brushes, or they can be regular, large voluminous sponges.
  • Brushes
    At your discretion, you can purchase brushes for nail art, presented in a large assortment in specialized stores. If you think the purchase is irrelevant, use old makeup brushes. An important condition is that the bristles of the brushes must be made of natural fiber.
  • Wooden stick
    Such a tool must have a beveled edge. It is suitable for gluing rhinestones and adjusting sparkles.
  • Dots
    Dots - a dotted brush that allows you to adjust the amount of paint applied to the nail plate. Using the tool, it is easy to mix different colors and apply dots, which are an integral part of many drawings.
  • Brush for drawing out small details.
    An excellent tool with a tapering tip and natural bristles. With this brush you can draw small details in drawings, write words and even make shadow transitions.
  • Tint brush
    A good tool with even bristles, allowing you to create high-quality transitions and halftones.
  • Strip brush
    The range of brushes includes tools of various sizes and bristle lengths. Its use is due to the need to create thin stripes in the design.


A short excursion into the world of painting materials will leave you no choice - we have no doubt that you will be eager to create wonderful fantasy designs on your nails. To create use:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Foil
  • Specialized kits for nail art
  • Gouache
  • Gel pens

Video material about the most the best materials for drawing will not leave you indifferent.

Of course, you can go to a salon and come out with an absolutely stunning design. However, what could be better than showing off to your friends your own manicure with a neat pattern on your nails? This is why we showed how to make nail art at home for beginners. The photo and step-by-step instructions should convince you to try your hand at developing your nail painting skills.

Drawing on nails is an extremely exciting process. However, in order to achieve a high level of skill, a girl should be prepared for the fact that she will have to constantly experiment, mastering new drawing techniques and materials that can be used to create them. And over time, each of you will be able to become a real master who, in creating a design, will focus exclusively on your own creativity and imagination. And our nail designs for beginners will help you achieve those same results. For greater convenience, we will also provide you with step-by-step diagrams for their implementation.

Schemes of drawings with a needle

Beginners can draw on the nail using such improvised means as a needle, nail polish brush, tape or toothpick. You can also experiment with acrylic paints and a brush. Let's start with the first option - easy drawings with a needle.

To do such a manicure, you will need several varnishes of various shades and a regular needle. Please note that when choosing a color, you should take, if not contrasting, then the most different shades. Otherwise, the patterns on the nails will merge.

  1. Cover your nails with a clear polish to protect them from possible damage from the needle.
  2. After it dries completely, apply a varnish of the chosen shade, which will serve as a base and set the overall tone for the manicure.
  3. Depending on which image you have chosen, place several dots or draw lines on the still wet varnish.
  4. Using a needle, make a pattern by carefully mixing varnishes together or, conversely, by drawing clear lines.
  5. After complete drying, cover the finished manicure with a base.

Using varnishes

Simple designs on nails for beginners can also be done with varnish, choosing, in addition to the base, a special product with a thin brush. True, this option has a significant drawback - a beginner may encounter some problems directly in the process of painting on nails.

After all, most products have a fairly long brush, which is not very convenient to work with without at least some skills. And in order not to constantly harm your nails with acetone, repeatedly washing off the designs and applying them again, it is better to practice on an artificial nail or even a piece of paper.

The step-by-step instructions for painting nails with this polish are extremely simple and unpretentious. You will simply need to dip the brush into a bottle of nail polish of the chosen color and apply the desired pattern. Don't forget to apply a base coat in a contrasting shade first.

The easiest way to use this method is to make drawings in the form of flowers, hearts or lines.

Tape drawings

Scotch tape is another universal tool that we use everywhere in the household. So it is not surprising that over time our women have found use for it in creating designs.

When starting to do a manicure using tape, prepare polishes of two different shades and a clear coat. Nail designs for beginners are performed step by step using the following technology:

  1. The first step is to apply the base coat.
  2. After it has completely dried, a stencil of the desired shape, cut from tape, is glued.
  3. Next, apply a varnish of a different shade and wait for it to dry completely.
  4. Finally, apply a transparent base.

What’s interesting is that girls prefer to do manicures in the “geometry” style this way. But for French in all its interpretations, this method may well be useful.

Painting with acrylic paints

Another popular method used to create simple but extremely beautiful patterns is painting with acrylic paints. This method of creating nail designs for beginners is no more difficult than painting with varnish. And for some it’s even easier and more convenient. And to make sure of this, we offer you schemes for creating a pattern with acrylic.

Manicure “Twigs”. Can be done with both yellow and green paints. Do it step by step in the following order:

  1. Apply any varnish, the desired “delicate” color.
  2. From the bottom to the top corner, paint two curved stripes (branches) with rich yellow acrylic paint.
  3. Use the same color to paint small leaves on each branch.
  4. Paint the middle of each leaf with a lighter shade of paint.
  5. Apply clear polish to seal the design on your nails.

"Floral" manicure:

  1. Cover the nail with a base shade (pearl color will be very useful).
  2. Using pink acrylic paint, paint the petals using the dot method, as shown in the figure.
  3. Using green paint you need to make leaves and small branches.
  4. Add a little white to the pink petals to add dimension to the design.
  5. Apply clear coat.

When creating drawings with acrylic paints, it is very important to use a transparent coating, which will not only level the surface, but also consolidate the result. Painting without a fixative will be very short-lived, since acrylic paints tend to be washed off with warm water.

Nail masterpieces of 2014

When creating nail designs for beginners, it is important to be guided not only by your preferences, but also by the advice of stylists. After all, your title of beginner does not mean that your manicure should not correspond to fashion trends in nail design in 2014. Moreover, new trends are very easy to implement.

So, a fashionable and simple design for 2014:

  1. Abstraction and geometry. Drawings can be made using tape, varnish and paints. Particular attention should be paid to dots and drops located in any order.
  2. Romantic mood. If we talk about simple patterns, then in this case we can talk about hearts of all colors and sizes.
  3. Marble nail art 2014. This simple design is made by mixing two shades of polish directly on the nail using a toothpick.

To top it off, I would like to say about another fashionable trend in fashionable nail art - making designs on one nail, for example, on the ring finger. This trendy solution for 2014 will appeal to beginners, as they will not have to bother themselves with drawing the planned patterns ten times.

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