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The face is very itchy. Itching on the face with redness: an unpleasant phenomenon can be eliminated. Skin non-infectious diseases and conditions

How unpleasant it is when the face itches. First, itching occurs on a certain area of ​​​​the skin, and then spreads throughout the face. At the same time, from constant scratching of the skin, the face begins to burn terribly. And it is very difficult to restrain yourself from not scratching the problem area. Then the scabies intensifies, red spots appear, small reddish pimples and peeling. Why does itching occur and how to get rid of it?

What to do if the itch is completely tortured?

Itching causes terrible physical pain. In addition, it is very unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view. How to go out to people with an irritated and itchy face? If a child or adult scratches his face, traditional medicine will help fix the problem. Why does itching on the face occur? If the face is unpleasantly itchy, first of all it is necessary to identify the cause. Without eliminating the true cause of the itching, it is impossible to completely get rid of irritation.

It is not recommended to independently establish the cause of irritation. Only a professional dermatologist can objectively determine the factors that influenced skin changes after passing the appropriate tests. Thus, if your face itches, feel free to go to the clinic for an appointment with a doctor. However, if for some reason you are in no hurry to visit a dermatologist, you can relieve itching with folk remedies.

If your face is reddened and itches terribly, first of all you should adjust your lifestyle. An unbalanced diet, insomnia, stress are the most common causes of itching. Thus, if a child or adult scratches their face, the following measures must be taken:

  1. sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  2. include fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  3. take vitamins;
  4. undergo a medical examination 2 times a year. Additionally, be examined for the presence of allergies;
  5. do not get nervous over trifles. Try not to get annoyed by minor troubles, do not be nervous, keep yourself under control. If possible, get rid of the grievances that are the cause of your irritation;
  6. Give up decorative cosmetics in favor of masks prepared at home from natural products. Natural creams and scrubs will restore damaged skin areas, replenish them with vitamins and nutrients.

All these activities will help heal the body from the inside. As a result of these therapeutic and preventive measures, the condition of your skin should improve markedly. Also, if a child or an adult scratches his face, he can turn to folk cosmetics, which will help get rid of unpleasant itching for at least some period of time.

Getting rid of itching folk remedies

If the face is very itchy, itching and burning are unbearable, urgent action must be taken. Regardless of who scratches the face (child or adult), folk remedies will help reduce itching and irritation. If your face itches, you will need certain products that are available to absolutely everyone. They will help you soothe your skin and relieve irritation. Use only fresh products to which you do not have an allergic reaction. If you notice that your child or husband is scratching his face, then urgently run for these products to the market.

You can prepare an herbal decoction. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of dried herbs (chamomile, string, nettle leaves, parsley, yarrow, coltsfoot, oak bark). Pour the selected herb with 1 cup of boiled water, let it brew for 30 minutes. After this time, strain the decoction, soak a bandage in it and apply on the face for 30 minutes. Do this procedure every day.

If your face itches, you can also lubricate the flaky areas with sea buckthorn oil or aloe juice.

If you want to use aloe, cut off the bottom, succulent leaves of the plant and squeeze the juice out of them. Moisten a piece of gauze in squeezed aloe juice and apply small applications on problem areas for 1-1.5 hours. And if you fix the gauze pieces soaked in aloe juice with a band-aid, you can leave them for the whole night.

If a person scratches and scratches his face, then try potatoes, green onions, cucumber, cabbage compress as a healing agent. Grate raw potatoes and apply the resulting slurry to the skin. You can also make a mask out of potatoes. For this, 2 tbsp. l. puree without salt, mix with 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream or cream. Boil the onion head, cut into 2 parts and apply warm to the damaged areas. If not only your face, but also your neck itches, apply a fresh cucumber. Or chop fresh cabbage, boil it in milk for 15 minutes, then beat with a blender. Apply a compress to the skin for a while.

If irritation and itching cannot be removed with the help of folk remedies, do not despair, but go straight to the clinic. There, a dermatologist will examine you and determine the cause of the disease. The doctor will prescribe a treatment, following which you will improve your health, as well as the condition of the skin. Don't take this lightly. After all, if you start the disease at an early stage, it can move to another stage of development, while the consequences and treatment can become much more complicated.

There are many causes of itching and redness on the face. Treatment should begin with the diagnosis of possible provoking diseases and only under the supervision of a physician.

Often, persistent rashes appear on the skin of the face with peeling in a certain area. They are accompanied by itching and redness. Why is this happening? There are a number of diseases that are accompanied by symptoms of itching, redness, peeling. It can be dermatological skin diseases, for example, psoriasis, scabies, urticaria, eczema. Systemic itching appears due to the pathology of the internal organs. An itchy sensation on the skin of the face irritates, causes stress.

Causes of itching on the face in most cases occur due to dermatological skin diseases.

Atopic dermatitis

Chronic disease with an allergic factor. The appearance of atopic dermatitis has the following causes:

Most often, atopic dermatitis affects children as early as infancy. If the disease is not treated, then it becomes chronic.


Atopic dermatitis has several stages of development. The skin of the face becomes dry with peeling. The red spot is very itchy, burning. The itching becomes unbearable, the person begins to itch. Numerous scratches appear, into which microbes enter, abscesses develop.

Atopic dermatitis is localized on the cheeks, forehead, temporal region. May appear on the folds of the arms, legs. The disease is seasonal. In winter, it can progress, and in the warm season, remission occurs.


The main task of the treatment of atopic dermatitis is to eliminate itching of the skin, restore the skin structure. Carry out procedures to treat the disease that caused dermatitis.


A chronic non-communicable disease that affects the skin of the face and body. Why do psoriatic plaques appear on the skin? Psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease. The main causes of the manifestation of the disease are as follows:

  • heredity;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • pathological processes of the endocrine system;
  • weakened immunity;
  • severe stress.

Psoriasis is characterized by an undulating course. Under the influence of drugs, a long remission occurs. Negative external factors can cause relapse, exacerbation.


Plaque psoriasis is the most common. A red, inflamed spot appears on the skin of the face. It is raised above healthy skin and covered with gray, scaly, dry skin that can be easily removed.

The spot with peeling burns, severe itching appears, the person itches. The skin is injured and begins to bleed. Psoriatic plaques grow, merge with each other, forming a single affected surface.


Why you can not use cosmetics for psoriasis? Psoriatic inflammation of the skin of the face will heal much faster if they receive constant access to air and sun.

During the treatment of psoriasis, careful facial care is recommended. A must for sensitive skin. After washing, the face should be slightly wet, but do not wipe. In the cold season, moisturizers should be applied to the skin.

Comprehensive treatment includes physiotherapy, medications, diet. Assign funds intended for external use. Drugs that reduce the state of itching, inflammation.


Eczema is a non-contagious inflammatory disease. It can be acute or chronic. A feature of eczema is a variety of rashes on the skin. They cause itching, burning sensation. The rash turns red, a blister appears that itches. The combed area burns, an infection penetrates into it.


The disease can have internal and external causes. Microbial eczema appears at the site of external damage to the skin. The seborrheic form of the disease occurs in areas of the skin where the sebaceous glands are located.

Why do inflammation appear on the face? External adverse factors openly affect the skin of the face. People who constantly work outdoors are more likely to get eczema than others.

The cause of eczema may be a genetic predisposition. Disruptions in the endocrine system often cause skin lesions. If abrasions and wounds appear on the skin, then there is a high probability of these areas being affected by eczema.


Therapeutic procedures are aimed at identifying the causes of disorders in the work of internal organs, the endocrine system. Prescribe antihistamines, agents to reduce sensitivity to allergens, therapeutic ointments, compresses.

Allergic disease, which is characterized by a rapidly appearing rash. The rash on the face burns, itching appears, it itches badly. Pale with a pink tint, the blisters are similar in appearance to the rash that appears after a nettle burn.

Urticaria can manifest itself in an acute form, which lasts up to two weeks. The chronic form of the disease can last for several years.


The appearance of urticaria on the face has a variety of reasons. An allergic disease can be provoked by the following factors:

  • taking antibiotics, NSAIDs;
  • food allergens (fish, cow's milk, nuts, eggs, fruits);
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • insect bites.


During urticaria, multiple blisters appear on the skin of the face. The skin around them quickly turns red. The rash merges and becomes like a large blurred red spot. The skin is very itchy. The inflammation burns, as after a burn.


Treatment of urticaria begins with the appointment of antihistamines, drugs that reduce skin sensitivity to allergens. Diet therapy is mandatory.

During the severe chronic stage, hardware blood cleansing and a course of histoglobulin injections are prescribed. For external treatment, corticosteroid ointments are used. Additionally, comorbidities are treated.


Why do itchy spots, rashes with redness appear on the face? The skin burns, itches. To find out the reasons, you need to see a doctor. Often the disease is allergic in nature, but can also serve as problems in the digestive system. For the appointment of therapeutic drugs, it is necessary to conduct diagnostic studies.

Itchy sensations on the face are familiar to many firsthand. Often itching is accompanied by redness, rash, spots, peeling, which indicates a violation of the functions of the human body. A number of diseases manifest their symptoms by the appearance of acne on the cheeks, neck, forehead and around the eyes.

There are many reasons why the face itches. Diseases, external irritants, cosmetics can cause itching and redness. Manifesting acne and redness of the face are not always a signal of illness. To understand the problem, you should contact a highly qualified specialist, undergo an examination and get a conclusion.

Etiology of pruritus

Unpleasant itching on the face can manifest itself in various sensations:

  • tingling sensation;
  • burning skin;
  • irritation of the cheeks, eyes, forehead;
  • red patches of skin that are caused by hyperemia.

Scratching on the face not only causes physical discomfort, but also affects a person at the psychological level. Aesthetically red spots, peeling of the skin, acne do not lead to the delight of others and develop complexes.

The human skin has a reaction to all environmental factors:

  • the air we breathe;
  • water, the food we eat;
  • emotions that we experience daily;
  • the use of drugs;
  • past illnesses.

To get rid of itchy redness, you should find out the cause of their appearance. The dermatologist, after a complete examination, will make a conclusion and prescribe a competent treatment. Modern medicine has identified several factors affecting the disease:

  1. 1. Irritated facial skin with eczema indicates an allergic reaction, which can be:
  • nutritional nature: with the abuse of junk food or eating allergenic foods: citrus fruits, honey, nuts, chocolate;
  • contact direction: appears when using low-quality household chemicals, unsuitable cosmetics;
  • medicinal nature: reaction to taking certain medications;
  • cold or thermal direction: exposure to the skin of wind, frost, heat;
  • inhalation direction: reaction to inhalation of flowering pollen, house dust, pet hair.
  1. 2. The skin on the face itches and flakes due to dryness, which can be natural and acquired. Natural dryness appears after frequent use of alcohol products, soaps. Oily skin does not bring pleasant sensations, but it is not worth overdrying with these means so that skin pathologies appear.
  2. 3. Atmospheric phenomena greatly affect human skin. High humidity, unbearable heat can become a source of acne, which itch and cause inconvenience. Visiting baths and saunas, the skin on the face dries up, so you should use special creams to moisturize. There are times when frosty and windy weather affects the change in the skin of the face. Suffering from anemia, hypothyroidism, this phenomenon is common.
  3. 4. When exposed to a large amount of ultraviolet rays, the skin on the face itches. Therefore, in the light of the bright sun, protect the skin, wear hats, caps, panama hats that cover your face.
  4. 5. Skin diseases become one of the most unpleasant causes of itchy forehead, necks, eyes, cheeks. Seborrhea, psoriasis, rosacea require timely diagnosis and treatment.
  5. 6. Bad habits leave a mark on the face. People who smoke often notice an itchy symptom on their facial skin. Alcohol negatively affects not only the internal organs of the human body, it leads to the manifestation of eczema on the skin.
  6. 7. A rash that you want to scratch can be the cause of internal pathologies and infections: chicken pox, diabetes, measles.

The emotional state of a person can be read by looking at his face and eyes. If there are no stresses and conflicts in everyday life, the appearance will be without acne and redness. It is worth analyzing the lifestyle, everyday situations and understanding why the neck and cheeks are burning with red spots, and eczema in the forehead area is becoming more and more.

Redness classification

Two groups have redness with itchy sensations:

  • Physiological.
  • Pathological.

Physiological redness disappears immediately after the disappearance of the irritant factor. The redness remains original and does not increase in size. After disappearance, the skin takes on a normal appearance. Redness does not require treatment, does not cause negative consequences. They are a completely normal physiological reaction to the impact of a negative factor. It is important to know that physiological redness is not accompanied by itching, rash, acne, eczema, dryness. There may be a burning sensation of the skin. This type of redness is characterized by the involvement of all the skin of the face: forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, ears.

Internal diseases, negative environmental factors, allergies, inflammation cause pathological redness. They are combined with peeling, drying, itching, rash in reddened areas. Pathological redness on the skin of the face remains for a long period of time, has clear boundaries, quickly spreads to large areas. Itchy areas do not disappear without therapeutic intervention.

At child itchy redness on the face may temporarily appear and disappear. The reasons for the appearance are the same as in an adult. Different types of dermatitis manifest themselves as a rash, redness. If red acne on the face does not disappear, you should contact a pediatric dermatologist for diagnosis.

Directions of therapy and prevention

Only after a complete examination by a specialist, you can proceed to the prescribed treatment. There are cases when it is worth getting rid of the disease in stationary conditions. Pathology in a complicated form is treated with medication, surgical intervention is rarely required. A mild form of the disease is treated by eliminating allergens, cosmetics, and external irritants. Often, diet therapy, physiotherapy and spa treatment do not leave a trace of itchy areas on the skin of the face.

To avoid the appearance of itchy redness, experts advise adhering to the basic rules of prevention:

  • daily sleep should last at least 8 hours;
  • all year round you need to take vitamins (summer, autumn - vegetables, fruits; winter spring - vitamin complexes);
  • monitor proper nutrition, the daily diet should be composed of vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, fish dishes;
  • good rest is the key to clean skin of the face;
  • constant yoga, gymnastics, relaxation exercises should be present in the life of every person, regardless of gender and age;
  • hiking in fresh air at any time of the year, in any weather;
  • applying cosmetics in rare cases, with their correct selection and use;
  • limited use of medications;
  • moderation during sunburn;
  • preservation of heat for the skin of the face in the cold season, severe frosts;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • drinking the right amount of water per day;
  • moisturizing the skin with special means.

Visit a dermatologist every six months for a consultation and evaluation of your facial skin. In case of peeling, itching, rashes, do not diagnose yourself, do not treat yourself with methods suggested by acquaintances, friends, relatives. This can only harm your face and lead to the spread of other ailments.

Burning occurs due to the fact that the receptors of the epidermis are irritated. In addition, it is worth noting that itching with severe burning is directly paroxysmal in nature.

If the patient has severe itching, and, of course, there is a burning sensation, then often these signs begin to actively increase at night, and in the daytime, on the contrary, weaken. At the same time, the person experiences signs of depression and irritability.

Classification and causes of itching and burning

You need to understand that itching is classified into two types:

  • pathological
  • and physiological.

So, at physiological itching a strong unbearable burning sensation on the skin occurs due to exposure to any adequate stimulus.

For example,

  • when bitten by any small insect,
  • skin contact with direct sunlight,
  • and also because of the long stay on the street in the cold season.

With physiological itching, burning can also be both generalized and local. Please note that in the first case, the entire surface of the body is affected, this can happen with a sunburn. In the second case, a burning sensation appears in the place where the stimulus was directly affected. For example, with an insect bite.

As soon as the main irritant ceases to affect the skin, burning and itching disappear on their own after a while.

Concerning pathological itching, then this sign, in contrast to the physiological one, occurs systematically. Therefore, you should not take such a burning sensation to chance, as this may signal a disease. For example:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Neuropsychiatric diseases.
  • Helminthiasis.
  • Allergic reaction to an irritant.

Burning on the face can also occur due to rosacea. This is already a chronic disease in which erythema and papules appear. A patient with such a disease has a constantly swollen and red face. Such an ailment may occur due to the presence of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract or a genetic predisposition.


First of all, you need to carefully monitor the skin. Do not wash your hair every day, as the scalp is severely injured. If a burning sensation occurs on the face, then it is necessary to carefully choose cosmetics.

In severe cases, i.e. if rosacea has already arisen, then the treatment should be comprehensive.

Pharmacies sell special creams and masks for rosacea, they include chamomile, horse chestnut and yarrow. It is necessary to apply such funds 2 times a day, while not using brushes. It is best to apply remedies with your fingertips.

Update: October 2018

Often, itching is caused by individual intolerance to some substance that has got either on the skin or inside the body - through the mouth or by injection. It can occur with thermal, mechanical or electrical stimulation of skin receptors. The symptom also notifies of an excess in the blood and other substances, except for the histamine that appears with allergies. Some of these diseases can be life-threatening.

Where does itching come from?

An imperative desire to scratch a skin area occurs when blood with a high concentration of dissolved in it rushes to pain receptors (nociceptors), spread out in a network under a layer of epithelial cells:

  • histamine and/or histidine. These substances are produced in excess by immune cells when some - for each organism specific - foreign proteins enter the body;
  • bile acids produced in the liver. They enter the skin cells and cannot leave them during the development of such a condition as cholestasis - when bile cannot completely enter the duodenum, and is forced to stagnate in the cells of the liver and biliary tract;
  • serotonin - a substance formed from an amino acid, which, when released, leads to a significant reduction in smooth muscles located in blood vessels and internal organs. This is a neurotransmitter, that is, a chemical compound due to which a connection is made between nerve endings (a signal passes from nerve to nerve not as electricity, but as a bubble with a chemical substance, depending on the structure of which the activity of a neuron can be inhibited or activated). It is very similar in structure to the psychoactive hallucinogen LSD;
  • cytokines - molecules that make it possible to "communicate" immunity cells;
  • endorphins - natural pain-relieving molecules;
  • nitrogenous slags that accumulate in the blood in case of kidney disease;
  • some other bioactive substances: thyroid hormone calcitonin, pancreatic enzymes (trypsin, kallikrein), VIP neuropeptides and substance P.

Since the body of each person has its own characteristics, no direct relationship has been found between the concentration of the above substances and the severity of the need to produce mechanical stimulation. So, severe itching in one individual may accompany the initial stage of renal failure, while in another it will not appear even with the terminal stage of uremia.

Itching is “subject to” only the skin and those mucous membranes, the layer of epithelial cells in which is in contact with the external environment and is located near the skin: gums, tongue, genitals. The signal from the pain receptors located below them goes along the type C and A-delta nerve fibers, reaches the spinal cord and, together with its structures, is delivered to the brain, to its sensitive area.

Itching can be of a different nature: from a slight “tickle” to a pronounced, painful one. Its nature dictates to a person how to “process” its localization:

  • comb: this is more typical for skin pathologies such as neurodermatitis or eczema;
  • rub gently: characteristic of lichen planus;
  • cool (typical for acute urticaria).

However, based on these characteristics alone, the diagnosis is not made. In the matter of finding out the cause of itching of the skin of the body, the following are important:

  • its localization;
  • the condition of the skin in the place of such sensations;
  • conditions for the appearance and relief of itching;
  • additional symptoms.

Consider the combination of these factors to make it easier to be examined and choose exactly the specialist who can quickly alleviate your condition.

Types of itching

The prevalence of the symptom is the main criterion from which the diagnosis of the cause of pruritus begins. Based on this measure, pruritus (the so-called itch in medicine), can be:

  • Localized (a person can point to a specific place where itching is felt).
  • Generalized (in the whole body, not necessarily at the same time).

Generalized itching

Itching accompanied by changes in the skin

Such a symptom testifies in favor of pathologies that are within the competence of dermatologists. That is, local changes are accompanied by skin diseases that are less dangerous than systemic diseases.

Diseases accompanied by reddening of the skin

Itching and redness of the skin are more characteristic of inflammatory or allergic diseases. This:

  • contact dermatitis: irritation and itching are located in a place that has come into contact with the allergen. The boundaries of redness are clear. For diagnostics, you need to remember what new places you have been to, what new household chemicals you started using, what clothes or accessories you put on directly to the skin. So, redness in the armpits may be associated with wearing a new woolen sweater / dress or clothes that are familiar, but washed with a new powder. And itching of the skin of the hands - using a new cream or other chemical agent. A characteristic difference of this disease is the complete disappearance of symptoms at the end of the action of the allergen.
  • Atopic dermatitis- a disease that affects more often children, but can also occur in adults. Its causes are an allergen, most often taken through the mouth, with food. In children, redness is located mainly on the skin of the face (on the cheeks), the flexor surface of the knees and elbows. In adults: the face is excluded, the wrists, knees and elbows may blush - on their folds.

Combination of itching and rash

Disease Type of rash Localization, features
contact dermatitis Redness with a well-defined border, there may be bubbles at the top of the redness Anywhere. Can recall contact with clothing/accessory/chemical


If such blisters protruding above the cover appeared after mechanical friction of this area - dermographic urticaria

Reddenings that have a border, protrude above the level of the skin, tend to merge with each other, look like a trace from a nettle strike. Anywhere
bullous pemphigoid At first, redness rises above the skin, after which a bubble of tense properties appears in this place In places where there is friction with clothing or accessories (belt bag, watch)
Eczema At first, redness, swelling, which have a clear shape, then bubbles appear here, some of which open, crusts develop in their place. In one place, elements of several stages are observed at once (redness, vesicles, crusts) Symmetrical areas of the skin, more often on the limbs (especially on the upper ones), as well as on the face
Limited neurodermatitis Dry plaques, around which there may be red spots that do not have clear boundaries with healthy skin On the lateral surfaces of the neck, in the folds
Diffuse neurodermatitis In adults - dried spots on the skin, surrounded by a reddish halo, without a sharp transition to healthy skin Eyelids, feet, lips, hands. It may be all over the body.
Swelling and redness, swelling and peeling, there may be red rashes, vesicles or crusts on top In children - after the introduction of complementary foods - on the cheeks, collar zone, upper limbs
Small spots of various shapes protruding above the skin, shiny At the age of 2, they are located in the area of ​​the folds
T-cell lymphoma Red rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching, oval Places not exposed to sunlight
Lichen planus Violet, loose elements of a polygonal shape, with scales, rising above the healthy cover Flexor surface of the wrist
Folliculitis Bubbles and pustules Hips, back, chest
Psoriasis Silvery plaques, on top of which - peeling The extensor surface of the limbs, itching of the scalp and neck, palms and soles
Scabies Paired black dots visible Arms, armpits, abdomen, genitals

Combination of itching and skin peeling

Itching accompanies peeling of the skin in such cases:

  • The outcome of an allergic reaction, which manifested itself as urticaria. The allergy could be caused by:
    • products;
    • medicines;
    • animal saliva;
    • household and other chemicals;
    • insect bites;
    • cosmetics.
  • Eczema. At the same time, various types of vesicles and redness were noted at first. These elements are localized, as well as peeling after them, more often symmetrically on the arms or legs, as well as on the face.
  • Violation of the functioning of the ovaries, thyroid gland or. In this case, other symptoms will be noted. For example, insufficient thyroid function is characterized by weight gain, dryness and itching of the skin of the body, and in later stages, a slowdown in mental reactions. To change the work of the ovaries - cycle disorders, difficulty getting pregnant, and so on.
  • "Settlement" in the intestines of worms can also cause itchy flaking of the skin of the whole body.
  • If the face is predominantly flaky, it itches, itches, there is rapid eye fatigue, eyelash loss, frequent “sourness” of the eyes, the reason may be infection with an eyelash mite, Demodex.
  • Another cause of itching can be diabetes. In this case, there are no rashes, but there are general symptoms: hunger, thirst, frequent urination, easy attachment of pustular infection and poor wound healing.
  • The itching and flaking that appeared after the signs of SARS, which occurs in patches of symmetrical outlines, located more often on the trunk and thighs, may be signs of pink lichen. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a dermatologist.
  • Peeling and itching of the skin of the feet and palms may indicate a fungal infection.
  • and itchy scalp can be signs of:
    • diseases caused by the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale;
    • psoriasis, in which dandruff will be pronounced;
    • folliculitis;
    • buying bad shampoo.

If itching is accompanied by burning

Burning and itching most often occur at the site of inflammation of the skin. This may be a reaction to mechanical irritation when shaving, using a depilator or waxing. Poorly healing inflammation is also possible in diabetes mellitus, which burns due to the pH of the tissues that has changed as a result of this metabolic disease. Burning and itching may be accompanied by diseases of the veins of the lower extremities - then the skin may be swollen, slightly cyanotic, but without any visible rash.

A combination of these two symptoms can develop in a person when a rash appears (see the corresponding section) - as an individual reaction to eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria or other dermatitis.

Other symptoms that may indicate the cause of itching

The symptom may also indicate systemic diseases:

  • with cholestasis, in addition to itching, there is also yellowness, if not of the entire skin, then of the whites of the eyes. Itching often appears in places that rub against clothes, intensifies at night;
  • the smell of urine from the body, dry skin sprinkled with white "powder" and its itching, a change in the amount or color of urine indicates kidney failure;
  • itching of the skin after taking a warm bath / shower is characteristic of erythremia - a pathology when the number of red blood cells is much higher than normal.

However, if the skin itches for some time after bathing (shower, bath) only during the heating season, it is possible that the skin reacts this way to "technical" hot water in the tap, which contains various harmful impurities. If itching is felt after swimming and in the summer, the reason may be that the water is very hard, with a high content of chlorine.

Itching without other symptoms

When itching appears, and the skin does not show any dryness, no “powder”, no spots, or any change in its color, these can be:

  • disease of the hematopoietic system especially Hodgkin's disease. You need a consultation with a therapist who will feel the lymph nodes of a person, prescribe and decipher a hemogram and other blood tests and refer you to a hematologist or oncologist;
  • senile itching, which appears after 60 years of age for an unknown reason. But, even if you fit into this category, you need to exclude more serious diseases;
  • mental or neurological diseases, the symptoms of which you may not notice in yourself;
  • intestinal population of helminths, which can be ruled out by a stool test for their eggs, as well as blood tests for antibodies to worms. Assigning such a diagnosis is the lot of an infectious disease specialist (he can be found in the clinic in the office with the abbreviation "KIZ").

In any case, you may not notice the symptoms that a qualified doctor will pay attention to, so if itching occurs, contact him.


Treatment of itchy skin is prescribed after an examination, the purpose of which is to identify the cause of this condition. The main analyzes that will help clarify the ethology will be:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • blood glucose;
  • skin scraping for the definition of fungi;
  • liver and kidney tests (by blood);
  • fecal occult blood test
  • determination of helminth eggs in the feces.

While the tests are being performed, to alleviate the symptoms of itching - if there are no signs of kidney or liver failure, which the doctor should tell you - antihistamines are prescribed: "Edem", "Fenistil", "Diazolin", which do not cause drowsiness or drugs are more powerful, but with this effect ("Suprastin", "Tavegil").

With a localized focus, an antiallergic ointment for skin itching can be used, for example, Sinaflan, Akriderm, Apulein, hydrocortisone ointment, or other corticosteroid agents. Other local preparations of non-hormonal origin are sometimes prescribed - Prograf or Elidel.

If itching is caused by cholestasis, bile acid absorbable drugs are used successfully. When the cause of the symptom lies in a blood disease, specific agents are used - inhibitors of monoclonal antibodies. Psoriasis is treated by combining local and systemic drugs that normalize the division of skin cells.

In the case of extremely pronounced itching, weak opiates are prescribed, and the treatment is supplemented with hirudotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation of the skin, and.

Thus, the causes of itching of the scalp and body are diverse. Most often, these are various allergic reactions both to a substance that has entered the body and to a substance that has touched the skin. But there can also be life-threatening diseases of the kidneys, liver, or even blood diseases. To clarify the cause and choose a treatment, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

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Breastfeeding is a very important period in the life of mother and baby. This is the time of the highest...
Fetal movement during pregnancy: terms and norm
As expectant mothers admit, especially those awaiting the birth of their first child, for the first time ...
How to return a Gemini man after a breakup How to understand that a Gemini husband wants to return
Being with him is very interesting, but there are times when you don't know how to behave with him....
How to solve puzzles with letters and pictures: rules, tips, recommendations Rebus mask
As you know, a person is not born, they become one, and the foundations for this are laid back in ...