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Currant face mask: summer freshness for your skin. Blackcurrant face masks

Blackcurrant is a storehouse of the most useful vitamins and minerals. Its berries contain vitamins A, B, P, pectin acid, essential oil, phosphorus, iron and much more.

Currants are significantly superior to other berries in terms of the amount of vitamins and nutrients. That is why housewives are trying to make more preparations of this berry for the winter.

But besides all this, blackcurrant is also an excellent cosmetic product. For example, its leaves are famous for their whitening effect, branches of this plant can be steamed in a bath, as they open pores well, and whitening or anti-aging masks can be made from berries.

For some reason, many women have a somewhat distorted idea of ​​​​how a blackcurrant face mask is prepared. They believe that this is an extremely complex and time-consuming procedure.

However, this is not the case, the most effective remedy that can take good care of your skin is always at your fingertips.

Surely the advantages of natural remedies are obvious to everyone: they are affordable, effective and do not include chemistry incomprehensible to us. Of course, they cannot give you a 100% guarantee of results, but in return they offer natural cleansing and hydration of the skin.

How to prepare a blackcurrant face mask

Blackcurrant can be used for cosmetic purposes, both fresh and dried. If you want to make yourself masks all year round, then the berries can be frozen.

Black currant contains many vitamins that are necessary for the healthy existence of the skin. That is why masks using these berries are so highly valued. We present to your attention six currant face masks that can give your skin all the necessary nutrients and help you cope with many problems.

  • Blackcurrant Whitening Facial Mask

It will require the juice of green currant fruits. This juice must be mixed with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1 and beat with a blender. The result should be a homogeneous mixture that has a white color. Wash your face with this solution twice a day.

  • Anti-aging mask

Here you will also need the juice of green fruits, only this time it will need to be mixed with almond oil. This mixture should be well beaten and frozen. It is good to wipe your face with such ice cubes after a steam bath or compress.

  • Toning mask

Here we will mix ripe berries with honey. Berries first you will need to crush the berries and only then add honey to them. One glass of berries will account for tbsp. honey. For this case, linden honey is best suited.

You can apply this mixture to the skin for only 20 minutes, then it will need to be removed with warm water, and thick cream should be smeared on the face and left for about 10 minutes.

  • Currant vitamin mask

To make such a mask and 1 tsp. currant juice, all ingredients must be mixed. Then the container in which our mixture is located is placed in hot water for 4 minutes. Then we apply the mask for 25 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

  • Nourishing mask

This is the most common and simplest mask. Here you will just need to mix the grated berries with sour cream or kefir. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes. Before applying the mask, make sure that the skin is sufficiently hydrated.

  • Softening mask

This type of mask will help you normalize the regenerative functions that occur with the help of skin metabolic processes. To do this, pour 20 currant leaves ½ cup boiled hot water. The leaves need to be infused for 15 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. berry juice.

In addition, you can simply moisten gauze with an infusion in which the leaves are infused and apply to your face. This procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a week, the entire course involves 20 masks.

  • Blackcurrant toner for dry skin

For dry skin types, blackcurrant berry juice is well suited. It will be able to saturate our skin with vitamins and fill it with the necessary moisture.

For this tonic, you will need berry juice, mineral water and olive oil. Everything should be mixed in proportions 4:4:1, for convenience, you can use a teaspoon as a measuring tool. It must also be remembered that such a tonic will need to be shaken before use. You can also make ice cubes instead of tonic and wipe your face with them.

  • Tonic for aging skin

Here we need blackcurrant berry juice, it will need to be mixed with warm milk, the proportions should be 1:1. Add a little honey to the resulting mixture (0.5 tsp per 100 ml). If desired, you can add vitamin E or A, which are sold in oil solutions. You can add no more than 3 drops.

As for contraindications, there are practically none in the cosmetic industry, except for allergies. Contraindications are only when taken orally.

So, after we have examined in detail all the beneficial properties and possible use of blackcurrant for the face for cosmetic purposes, we can say with full confidence that this berry can replace the most expensive products, as it has a number of useful substances that our skin needs.

In mid-July, tasty and healthy currant berries ripen.Red, white, black currant, regardless of the variety and color - the richest pantry of vitamins and trace elements. Based on this wonderful berry, you can independently prepare effectivenatural face masks.

What are the benefits of currants for the face

Organic acids have an antibacterial effect, improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Vitamins deeply saturate the epidermis, enhance the regeneration process, improve the protective function of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles.

Potassium promotesmoisturizing sagging skinnourishes and tones dry skin.

Ascorbic acid has a persistentrejuvenating effect, soothes inflamed skin.

Alimentary fiber will give the skindelicate peach softness, silkiness, eliminate peeling and dryness.

Vitamin A quickly revives tired skin.

Vitamin H will give a blush to the cheeks and return the skin to a fresh, well-groomed appearance.

Summer currant masks- an indispensable natural remedy in home cosmetology. The main thing is to know the basic principles and rules for home currant procedures.

For making currant masksUse both fresh and frozen berries. For dry skin, give preference to masks fromblack currant. For oily, problematic skinwhite and red varieties are perfect.

Apply to the skin only freshly prepared composition. Be sure to test the mask on your wrist before starting the procedure.

A selection of folk recipes for homemade masks based on currants, we also recommend reading the article: .

12 useful tips for facial care, vitamin currant masks

  1. . To nourish dry skin, whip up a generous handful of ripe blackcurrants. For oily skin, aromatic red berry puree is perfect.
  2. Purifying mask. Pour a piece of rye bread with warm milk. Add a tablespoon of currant puree. Stir until smooth.
  3. Moisturizing maskRejuvenate tired skin. Combine and beat 50 grams of blackcurrant, a large spoonful of homemade sour cream or curdled milk, half a dessert spoon of natural liquid honey. It is recommended to wash off this mask with cold boiled water.
  4. Nutritious currant composition. Crush a handful of ripe berries with a wooden spoon. Add fatty cottage cheese, egg yolk and a coffee spoon of olive oil.
  5. Rejuvenating currant mousse for sagging skin. Beat with a mixer fragrant black berries with fat sour cream. Pour in a tablespoon of cosmetic peach oil.
  6. Toning currant mask. Great remedy for flaky skin. Use fresh blackcurrant juice. Combine equal amounts of warm milk and currant juice. Add a spoonful of bee honey and some oat bran. Mix until a medium thick paste.
  7. Cleansing scrub mask for oily skin. Mix well a large spoonful of fragrant redcurrant puree with corn or oatmeal. Put the resulting mass on the face in a dense layer.
  8. Mask for mature skin with a tightening effect. Dilute a tablespoon of cosmetic clay with warm currant juice. Let the mixture stand. Wash off the mask with cool mineral water.
  9. Softening mask for sensitive thin skin. Pour 50 grams of low-fat kefir or yogurt into tender currant puree. Shake thoroughly and apply the fragrant nourishing mixture on the face.
  10. Whitening mask. Effectively removes skin pigmentation. Prepare fresh juice from white or red berries. Soak a washcloth liberally in it and apply a compress.
  11. Refreshing red currant mask. The skin looks rested, more even and smooth.
  12. Vitamin cocktail for oily skin. Mix redcurrant juice and mineral water. Add a coffee spoon of honey. Soak a linen napkin in the resulting composition and apply to the face.

Currant masks are a generous gift of nature for the beauty and youth of our skin!

Summer is in full swing, a beautiful berry, currant, has ripened in the gardens. With a set of useful substances, it successfully competes with citrus fruits, strawberries, and apples. Therefore, it must be used not only for culinary, but also for cosmetic purposes.

The effect of currant on the skin of the face

The berry contains vitamins A, C, P, E, natural minerals, pectins, essential oils, etc.

Its composition determines how it affects the skin:

Vitamin A has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, rejuvenating effect, evens out complexion, and accelerates the process of skin regeneration.

Vitamin C soothes irritated skin and promotes collagen production.

Vitamin P improves color, gives the skin a fresh look.

Vitamin E has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes wrinkles, improves color, promotes cell regeneration.

Potassium moisturizes and cares for the skin.

Organic acids relieve irritation, have an antibacterial effect, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Pectin improves the digestibility of all components.

Thus, the berry is indispensable for cosmetic procedures taking place at home. The effect on the skin can exceed costly salon sessions.

The use of currant masks for the face

Currant masks are suitable for ladies of all ages. They will help young girls with acne, tighten mature skin, remove wrinkles and spider veins, even out complexion, make skin radiant and smooth.

It must be remembered that when applying the mask, an allergic reaction may occur, so first you need to apply a small amount of the prepared composition on the inside of the wrist and leave for 15-20 minutes. If there are no discomfort, then everything is in order.

The process of applying the mask is as follows:

1. Wash my face or wipe it with lotion.

2. We put on a protective apron so as not to stain clothes.

3. Apply the mask carefully, avoiding the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips.

4. Leave for 7-10 minutes.

5. Wash off with water.

6. Apply your favorite cream to your face.

Despite its simplicity, regular use of the mask for 2 months will transform and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

Apply the mask along the massage lines, with light circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

Masks are made from berry juice and in combination with other ingredients.

Blackcurrant face masks

The berry is applicable for dry, oily and combination skin.


To prepare a mask consisting only of blackcurrant, you need to collect ripe fruits, wash them and mash them into a puree. This can be done with a blender or a spoon. In order to make the mask thicker, add 1-1.5 teaspoons of oatmeal or wheat flour to the berry.

This mask is used for oily skin, it perfectly dries acne, relieves inflammation on the skin. It is used to whiten age spots.

With sour cream or cottage cheese

Take equal amounts of blackcurrant, sour cream (can be replaced with olive oil), beat with a blender until gruel.

This composition nourishes, moisturizes the skin of the face, applicable to dry and combination skin.

With honey

For combination skin, a mask in combination of berries and honey in equal amounts is suitable. It prevents the formation of early wrinkles, nourishes and evens out the skin.

With white clay

To obtain a lifting effect, currants are combined with white clay to a thick slurry and applied to the face for 5-7 minutes.

With black bread

To cleanse the skin, rye bread is soaked in milk, then berry juice is added to the mixture.

Masks with multiple components

For deep cleansing skin make a mask of the following components:

2 part blackcurrant juice.

1 part oatmeal.

The mask is applied to the face with massage movements.

For getting anti-inflammatory result The composition of the mask will be as follows:

1 st. a spoonful of blackcurrant juice.

1 st. a spoonful of cottage cheese.

¼ tsp lemon juice.

¼ teaspoon fir oil.

The mixture must be warmed up and applied warmly to the face. The exposure time is 20 minutes.

To moisturize and nourish the skin you can apply the following composition:

Aloe leaf - squeeze the juice, you can pre-hold it in the freezer.

2 parts honey.

1 part blackcurrant juice.

Also good nourishing mask is the following composition:

Vitamin E - 1 capsule.

Blackcurrant puree 2 tbsp. spoons.

Shea butter - 2 drops.

Sour cream (milk, kefir) - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Blackcurrant can be added to any face mask, but you should take into account its coloring effect and do not apply to the skin for more than 10 minutes.

Red currant face masks

Red currants have four times less vitamin C, so they do not have such a strong calming effect as black currants. But the content of vitamin A in it is higher. It is responsible for the processes of aging, cell regeneration, so red currant masks are very useful.

You can use red currants, like black ones, in the form of a monomask, making a puree out of it. An option is to use freshly squeezed currant juice diluted 1/1 with water. This solution is wetted with gauze and applied to the face for 15 minutes. This mask tightens pores, reduces oily sheen.

Multi-component maxi have a great effect, the ingredients of which complement and enhance the effect of each other.

With kefir

The composition of the mask: 1 part of pureed berries, 2 parts of yogurt. It is applied to the face for 12-15 minutes. The mask nourishes well, refreshes the skin, evens out the complexion.

With cottage cheese and honey

The composition of the mask: 1 part cottage cheese, 1 part honey, 2 parts pureed berries. The mask moisturizes the face, its regular use guarantees a lasting rejuvenating effect.

with clay

The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and applied to the face for 20 minutes. This mask deeply cleanses the skin, dries acne and relieves irritation.

With milk

To achieve a whitening effect, berry juice and milk are mixed in equal amounts. A towel is dipped into the liquid and applied to the face for 20 minutes. Further, without washing off, a cream is applied to the skin.

Ice cubes with mineral water

To give the skin freshness, youth, smoothing and whitening the skin of the face, a mixture is made of red currant juice, mineral water in equal amounts, with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. The mixture is packaged in ice molds and frozen.

In the morning, in addition to the usual washing, the face is wiped with an ice cube.

Multi-component compositions of currant face masks

For nourishing and moisturizing the skin make a mixture of the following components:

1 part currant juice.

1 teaspoon olive oil.

1 yolk.

1 part curd.

Apply the mask immediately after mixing the components.

To eliminate oily sheen, narrowing the pores, regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, the following mask is applied:

1 egg white.

A piece of raw potato, grated. The juice must be squeezed out, only gruel is used.

Even after the first application of the mask, the skin on the face becomes smooth and even.

The next mask will do young girls to give a radiant complexion:

1 part red currant juice.

1 part fat cottage cheese.

1 part milk.

1 part honey.

To achieve the most beneficial effect from the use of masks, you need to follow these tips:

Blackcurrant face masks are more suitable for dry skin, for oily and combination skin it is better to make redcurrant face masks.

You can not increase the exposure time of the mask because of its strong coloring effect.

It is necessary to use the mask immediately after mixing the ingredients, keep, even in the refrigerator, no more than 1-2 hours.

A mask consisting of mixing the juices of black and red currants together has a strong effect. It well whitens and refreshes the skin.

A mask of berries is applied no more than once every 5-7 days, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

After applying the masks, the skin must be moisturized with your favorite face cream.

The effect of the mask will be enhanced if applied after taking a bath or going to the bath.

Regular use of currant masks for the face will make the skin soft, velvety, the main thing is not to miss the moment while it is possible to apply masks from fresh berries. Frozen foods are already losing some of the nutrients.

Homemade cosmetics made from berries have a lot of advantages - they do an excellent job of eliminating skin imperfections, completely natural and affordable to each.

Blackcurrant face masks are made from both frozen and fresh berries.

But, before carrying out the procedure, be sure to no contraindications and be sure to learn the rules for preparing the remedy.

Composition and benefits

What is useful blackcurrant for facial skin?

These berries are just treasure trove of useful items, due to the content of which a beneficial effect is exerted on the entire body, and in particular on the dermis of the face.

They help improve the color and structure of the skin, increase elasticity, stop inflammation, restore dermis tone and firmness. Blackcurrant contains:

  • vitamin C- it contributes to the speedy restoration of damaged areas of the dermis, promotes the activation of the regeneration process and is a natural antioxidant;
  • omega 6- inhibits the production of melanin by the body, which is responsible for, respectively, the skin will become lighter;
  • potassium- necessary for sufficient hydration of the dermis;
  • flavonoids, essential oils and phenolic compounds- relieve, stop the processes of wilting and aging;
  • vitamins E, PP, group B- stop aging, nourish and smooth the dermis;
  • organic acids- destroy harmful bacteria and cleanse the dermis;
  • minerals- nourish and protect the skin from the harmful effects of the external environment.

Thanks to such an extensive chemical composition, blackcurrant berries are highly valued as the main ingredient in homemade masks.

Regular procedures help to improve the appearance and condition of the skin, and its healing.


To get the most out of your procedures, simple rules to follow:

  1. Berries are needed only fresh, without signs of rot or damage.
  2. Before use, the currants are washed thoroughly.
  3. Prepared fruits are crushed to a puree state with a blender or fork.
  4. Before applying the mask, test it on your wrist - if irritation appears, this product will have to be discarded.

There are separate recipes for masks designed for different skin types.

For oily. Berry puree is mixed with kefir in equal proportions, applied to the skin and left for 10-12 minutes.

For dry. Olive oil, berries and (a teaspoon each) are mixed and smeared on the face. Wash off this mask with herbal infusion of chamomile and.

If the face appeared signs of aging, then a mask of blackcurrant (2 parts) and fresh honey (1 part) will help to cope with them.

To whiten your face fast and get rid of bright pigmentation, you should prepare a whitening mask from juice, which is squeezed out of unripe, green currant fruits and table vinegar. These ingredients are mixed and whipped until smooth. The resulting composition is recommended to wipe the dermis of the face daily.

Nutritious the mask consists of squeezed berry juice (spoon) and yeast (15 grams).

The ingredients are mixed, heated in a water bath and smeared on the face for 8-11 minutes.

Saturate the skin with beneficial elements, a simple recipe will help get rid of acne and other rashes - berry puree is mixed with blue clay, and the mixture is applied to the face and left to solidify.

For acne a mask of berries and rye bread crumb, previously soaked in milk, will help. This mixture can be used every other day.

The applied masks can be washed off with ordinary running water or herbal infusions, but you should not use soap. After the procedure, a cream suitable for the skin type is applied to the skin.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Application efficiency

Regular application masks from blackcurrant fruits will make the dermis silky, smooth, tender and moisturized. Thanks to the procedures, you can get rid of excessive dryness and peeling, from acne and blackheads. Berries will help eliminate many of the shortcomings of the dermis:

  • whiten, reduce the intensity of color pigmentation;
  • destroy harmful and irritating bacteria;
  • remove signs of aging, including smooth out small wrinkles, and make large ones less deep;
  • heal cracks caused by various reasons;
  • rejuvenate tighten.

To get the desired result it is important to strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients in a mask and in no case exceed the time of its exposure to the skin, since blackcurrant can color the skin on the face.

Maximum result will be obtained if the mask is applied to a face previously cleansed of cosmetics and impurities.

Contraindications and frequency of use

Black currants contain a lot of organic acids, which, with prolonged and frequent exposure to the dermis, can cause skin irritations and allergies.

Besides, you can’t apply masks from these berries after recent cosmetic or surgical operations on the face and in the presence of:

  • weeping sores;
  • identified allergy to any of the ingredients;
  • large birthmarks;
  • open wounds;
  • excessive amount of inflammation;
  • circulatory disorders.

An increase in the frequency of application of the agent or the time spent on the skin is fraught with getting negative effect.

Blackcurrant face masks are a great skincare beauty treatment that is easy to make at home.

There are so many recipes that it is not difficult to choose the right one.

Recipe nourishing mask for the blackcurrant face in this video:

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