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World statistics of change. Do all men cheat on their wives? What is the difference between male infidelity and female infidelity?

A woman is the keeper of the home. Nature pushes her to start a family, have children and maintain order in the house. A man is a hunter, a breadwinner, a male. Therefore, he cheats on his woman more often than she cheats on him.

This is a common belief. It is also a delusion. In connection with freedom of morals in modern society. The wife also cheats on her husband quite often. What pushes her to cheat? Why do women cheat?

The sad statistics of infidelity

Approximately every third family experiences betrayal. Moreover, cheating on women is not uncommon: the statistics are not encouraging. About 75 percent of men cheated on their wives at least once. Women are practically not inferior to them. Approximately 60 percent of wives had affairs on the side.

Psychologists are sure that spouses begin to cheat in their sleep. Other partners persistently appear in their dreams. In reality, various factors can push someone to cheat. Lovers and mistresses are more often found at work or while on vacation.

The consequences of external communication may be different. Casual sex happens to both husband and wife. Both spouses are capable of falling in love with a new passion. But wives go to their lovers more often than husbands go to their mistresses. Every woman thinks about cheating at least once in her life. Men are more persistent in this regard. Approximately ten percent of men have never even thought about cheating.

It turns out that our polygamous husbands are able to remain faithful throughout their lives. And we, at least in our thoughts, are capable of treason.

Emotional dissatisfaction

The candy-bouquet period is far behind us. Life has become a series of responsibilities. Washing, cleaning, cooking, children. Some kind of vicious circle. And the loved one became stingy in expressing emotions. Often refuses household chores. Practically does not help in raising children. Affection, attention, support... All this somehow smoothed out. It became invisible.

Conversations with my husband boil down to discussing the next purchase or planning home renovations. Such relationships suit the woman less and less. She needs emotions. But she doesn’t receive them from her husband. There are two ways here: resign yourself and continue to live in a routine, or look for a partner on the side.

Noticing attention to her person, the woman is transformed. I like her again. She is desired. Romance and interest appear in her life again. And most importantly - emotions. A new relationship allows a woman to regain faith in herself. The genuine interest of men always transforms the fair sex.

What is the way out of this situation?

For men . Don’t forget that you love your wife, ten, fifteen, and twenty years from now. Don't skimp on affection. Give gifts. One interested look from you can make your wife put on an evening dress and have a candlelit dinner. Instead of evening gatherings in front of the TV, invite your spouse to the theater, cinema, or just for a walk.

For women . Remember that in the family you are the neck. Wherever the neck wants, the head will turn. I mean, your husband. Have occasional spontaneous romantic evenings. Have sex in the car. Invite your husband to take a bath with you. Go to the sea together. Just the two of us, no children. Discuss not only household chores, but also your feelings and emotions. Encourage your man to express his thoughts. It is in your, feminine power to revive dormant feelings. Why, when a person dies, does his wristwatch stop? His time on earth is over. Don't let your relationship stop. Give impetus for development, then time will continue for your family.

Sexual restlessness

In an era of free morals, a woman is not ready to simply satisfy a man. She wants to enjoy herself. What if this doesn't happen? The wife begins to accuse her husband (to herself, of course) of lack of sensitivity to her needs. And not every man recognizes this dissatisfaction.

Going to bed? It's coming. Shows emotion? Manifests. Having an orgasm? Seems Yes. He doesn’t even know that women can imitate. Well-established life, constant sex. What else is needed?

And the woman is silent. And at one point he solves the problem with a new partner.

How to find a way out?

For men . Be considerate of your partner. Experiment. It's easier for you to go for it. You are a man. A woman may be shy.

For women. Do not be silent. Talk about your desires, your problems. There is a loved one next to you. He will understand. Problems in sexual relationships need to be solved, not hushed up. And you cannot do without the help of your loved one.

Desire for revenge

Fortunately, there are few vengeful women. But they exist. Having learned about their husband's betrayal, they hide the resentment deep in their hearts. They continue to be nearby, sleep, raise children. And when an opportunity presents itself (the attention of a handsome man, a drink, company), the woman decides to cheat.

She is driven by unsatisfied resentment, a desire to rehabilitate herself in her own eyes, to restore her significance. After all, a husband’s betrayal is a blow to one’s pride and feelings.

Which exit?

For men . Never cheat on your loved one. For you, this could be an affair on the side. And for her - betrayal. If this happens, then do everything so that your wife doesn’t find out.

For women . Did you find out about the affair, but still live together? It means you love your man. Find the strength to forgive. Revenge is a low feeling. In forgiveness lies wisdom and love.

For both . If you can’t cope with the situation, but want to save your family, go to a psychotherapist.

Unfounded accusations

There are very jealous men. They literally see betrayal in every step of their woman. A trip to a restaurant or a get-together with a friend turns into a real nightmare. There seems to be no reason. And the wife tries to give all her free time to her husband. But no. Still jealous.

The unreasonable jealousy of some wives unsettles them. I'm tired of the constant nagging. She is tired of proving her loyalty. It's better to change it. Then there will be something to endure scenes of jealousy for.

A woman is not looking for a lover on purpose. It happened. A worthy man was nearby. He takes care of her for a long time. Why not justify your husband’s jealousy with him?!

How to find a way out?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to convince your partner not to be jealous. Jealousy is in a person's blood. Its main reason is lack of confidence in one’s own attractiveness, one’s own sexuality, one’s own strengths. If you cannot convince your husband of this yourself, then contact specialists. Explain to the man that you can no longer tolerate unreasonable scenes of jealousy.

Fell in love

No one is immune from this feeling. It can strike at any age. I know a woman who fell in love for the first time at fifty-five. She was married for more than thirty years. Not without changes. But she stayed with her husband for the sake of the children. Widowed. And a year later I found my soul mate. When a new feeling burst into life, she realized that she had not loved until now. There was affection, there was respect, there were children, but there was no real love.

Some women leave their family for new love. Some remain.

In such a situation, he probably isn’t. Every person experiences love in their own way. For some, their duty to family and society outweighs, while others go ahead.

Who cheats more in marriage: women or men? What do the statistics say about this?

It’s a paradox, but when asked on the Internet “Who cheats more – women or men, statistics”, the search produces radically opposite information. Women's sites stigmatize men, accusing them of some kind of pathological infidelity caused by supposedly masculine nature and a tendency towards polygamy. But men's sites unanimously agree that female infidelity is much more common than male infidelity. Who is right?

What impartial statistics say

Surprisingly, even among organizations providing statistics, the question “Who cheats more often – men or women?” there is also no consensus.

Thus, some resources refer to statistical data, according to which 76% of men have cheated on their other halves at least once. For women, this figure is only 26%. Of these 76% of “cheaters,” the number of men who constantly cheat on their wives is 60%, and among women this is 40%.

Other sites provide opposing data, in particular from British researchers. They surveyed 3,000 respondents and found that 45% of women and 36% of men cheated on their spouses.

Who provides more reliable information, and which survey results are more truthful? After all, the statistics of infidelity between men and women depends on many factors: the country and national mentality, society’s attitude towards marital fidelity, state policy aimed at promoting family values. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account studies that were conducted in the same country.

We will talk about our country - about Russia. Unfortunately, we cannot boast of the marital fidelity of our compatriots: in our country, about 75% of men and about 25% of women cheat on their other halves. The consequence of infidelity is often divorce, which puts Russia in negative leaders in the world ranking for the number of divorces.

Therefore, speaking about marital fidelity, how important is the exact answer to the question “Who cheats more - men or women, statistics”? It is probably much more important to understand why male and female infidelity occurs.

Reasons for male and female infidelity

When collecting data on the question “Who cheats more – women or men, statistics,” respondents were asked not only to confirm the fact of cheating and its frequency, but also to indicate the reason that prompted such a decision. It turned out that male and female infidelity have completely different natures.

Thus, almost all men who admitted to cheating on their wives at least once noted that they could not resist the physiological attraction. At the same time, most of them admitted that, despite the betrayal, they continue to love their legal spouses and are completely satisfied with their sex life in marriage.

With female infidelity, everything is much more complicated; its reason is not so banal and physiological. There are several reasons that led to female infidelity:

1. Sexy dissatisfaction married. This is a very important factor for women; they need to feel loved and desired. If a husband forgets about a woman’s sexual desires and needs, seeking only to obtain his own pleasure in bed, then this can become a serious reason for female infidelity.

2. Fading feelings for her husband, the need for new love. A woman cannot live without loving. Therefore, if for some reason the husband has become unloved, then the woman will unconsciously begin to search for a new object of adoration.

3. Long-term separation. Living and loving from a distance is not easy. Not many people can cope with this test. And both men and women.

4. Lack of self-confidence which a woman satisfies with an “affair on the side”, the need for new emotions. Attention from sides outsiders men increases a woman’s self-esteem, allowing her to again experience those feelings that in marriage are often dulled by habit.

5. Desire for revenge for treason or some other offense. It’s stupid, of course, and completely pointless, but quite a lot of people resort to this method a large number of women.

When studying the question of who cheats more – a man or a woman, statistics provide the following data. Not every man is capable of cheating. Many men cheat on their wives only mentally or in correspondence on social networks, without daring to take such a step in reality. The reason is the reluctance to destroy the usual, established life. This is why, according to statistics, only 3% of men are able to leave their family and start a new family with their mistress.

But women, especially those who are self-sufficient, independent, standing firmly on their own two feet, are easier to decide on the novel on side . At the same time, women hide their infidelities better than men. The reason, most likely, is that in most cases, women who have lost interest in their spouses cheat on their husbands.

How to protect your family from adultery

The answer to this question is worthy of creating a separate article; it is too complex and voluminous a topic. But the main secrets of a happy marriage are not tricky.

To tie her husband to herself, a woman must remain interesting to her husband even after 10, 20 or 50 years of marriage. Look after yourself, engage in self-development, have your own hobbies, improve your culinary skills. But the most important thing is to love your husband, be attentive to him, take care of him, fulfill his sexual fantasies. And then you will always remain the most desirable woman for him, he will cherish and value your family.

Men should keep their wife's love for themselves , and consequently protecting yourself from female infidelity is even easier. Love and protect your woman, give her pleasant surprises, pay attention to her desires in bed.

Another important piece of advice that can be given to both spouses is to talk to each other more, discuss your problems and what worries you. Feel free to express your sexual desires and fantasies, this makes the relationship more trusting. Now, according to statistics, only 27

Statistics of adultery- a curious thing in many respects. Different studies show different numbers. Some claim that percentage of cheating reaches 40-50, in others, which changes only in 20 percent of married couples. The indicators vary no less consequences of infidelity... Comparing all these figures, it is easy to see that the location of the study, the age and gender of the respondents are largely responsible for such variations in percentages...

In the mid-90s, a great resonance was caused by the study of Robin Baker, who, based on genetic tests, stated that in London almost 11 percent of children born in marriage are not born from legal fathers . And although the methodology for selecting married couples who underwent genetic examinations was subsequently disputed, this figure impressed many. Moreover, if on its basis we evaluate the general statistics of betrayals, i.e. include those that did not lead to conception (after all, even if you do not use protection, a woman, on average, becomes pregnant after a hundred sexual acts)

One of the largest studies cheating statistics was carried out in the UK in 2005 by Populus. Using a special anonymous technique More than 2,000 married couples were surveyed . As a result - the overall “percentage of cheating” was - 16 percent for women and 21 percentage for men . Those. Only a fifth of Britons have cheated on their spouses at least once in their lives.

At the same time, the majority of respondents confidently stated that adultery destroys marriage. In this sense, the fact that divorce statistics in Great Britain have now reached the highest levels in history can also be interpreted in such a way that people are not ready to put up with infidelity, but prefer to separate in order to start a new family...

At the same time, assessing adultery/infidelity as the main danger to preserving a marriage, the British are trying to hide this betrayal with very varying degrees of success, and it turns out that place of residence is decisive here. Thus, the survey showed that only 20 percent of Londoners who cheated on their spouses were later exposed; while among residents of small towns and villages the percentage of those exposed reaches 70% .

Researchers explain this dispersion both by the lesser social connectedness of metropolitan residents (spouses may have non-overlapping circles of colleagues and acquaintances), and by the fact that in large cities people are more tolerant of adultery and talk less about it with each other...

The revealed statistics of betrayals showed another interesting pattern: only 37percent of women who cheated were then told that their husband found out about it . While for men, the detection rate reaches 50and more percent
On a tip:


For some, cheating is a betrayal, for others it seems like a petty affair and an easy hobby. However, one way or another it has a negative impact on the development of relationships. It remains to be seen who cheats more often, men or women?

Who cheats more often, men or women - statistics

Lovelace, cable, horseman - whatever they call men who cheat on their partners. However, research shows the opposite. According to statistics, women cheat almost twice as often as men. Representatives of the Durex company came to this conclusion. They carried out a complete study of people over 20 years of age. As it turned out, male traitors made up about 30 percent of all respondents. While 40 percent of the population are women who have cheated on their partners.

Experts also asked about the reasons for this behavior. They found out that the fairer sex lacks affection and understanding. As a rule, most men cool down in a relationship after a short time. The reason for the betrayal of the strong half of humanity was sexual attraction to a beautiful girl. Many of them could not contain their ardor and succumbed to temptation.

Research has also been conducted on how many times men and women think about sex. As it turned out, representatives of the stronger sex think about him several times more often.

How often do wives cheat - statistics

A study was also presented among women. As it turned out, young girls are practically not prone to cheating, even those who have been married for several years. The main part of the survey is those representatives of the fairer sex who are over 30 years old. It is worth noting that those women who have a higher education and a solid job are more prone to cheating.

What was surprising to experts was that approximately 82 percent of women admitted that they cheated on their husbands with a good friend.

As a rule, at first for them the man was a friend and faithful assistant, only after which they had a sexual relationship. The study on marital fidelity took place in several countries. Among them were Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Statistics showed that 42 percent of all respondents cheated on their partner at least once. About 18 percent of the fairer sex did not limit themselves to one time, they have regular relationships outside the family.

Muslim women turned out to be the most decent; the number of cheaters was only 3 percent of the total number of respondents.

If you delve deeper into the statistics, you will notice another surprising feature. There is a certain period when a woman decides to cheat - this is the third, seventh and twentieth year of marriage.

How often do men cheat?

According to statistics, the percentage of men who cheat on their wives is decreasing every year. Of course, such a phenomenon cannot but rejoice. If a few years ago they occupied 70% of the total population, now this figure has decreased up to 40%. Of this amount about 7 percent men reported that the main reason for cheating was that their passion for their other half had faded. As for the frequency of infidelity, the indicators here are not clear. Many men cheat on their spouse several times a year, as they fall in love with a sexy beauty. However, several percent of the strong half of humanity have a permanent mistress on the side.

Which men cheat more often?

If you believe the statistics, then mostly men between the ages of 25 and 32 commit adultery. Basically, all of them have had a permanent partner for more than five years. As it turned out, the main reason for going outside was that their wives began to do more household chores, forgetting about their appearance and attention to their spouse.

Men who have a good position at work are generally more likely to cheat. This indicator is also influenced by a person’s temperament. It is worth noting that how The more sociable a man is, the higher the likelihood of his infidelity.

How to understand whether he is cheating or not?

There are several symptoms that may indicate adultery.

  1. Constant delays at work;
  2. A person gives different reasons for his absence from home;
  3. If a spouse hides his cell phone, puts it on silent mode and changes the password on a social network page, then this means that he is hiding something;
  4. Lack of interest in intimacy;
  5. Change in appearance for the better, sudden self-love;
  6. Mood changes;
  7. Spending long periods of time at the computer at night.

Of course, there are always exceptions. Perhaps the spouse is late at work and hides his page on a social network because he is discussing with his friend what to give his wife for the holiday.

Not the most pleasant statistics about who cheats more often, men or women, were given above. However, you should not take every fact personally. You should trust your choice and get rid of unnecessary doubts. 5

Video on the topic

The famous psychologist, Professor Laitman discusses who cheats on their significant other more often and why:

Cheating on the part of a loved one can greatly damage future relationships. In such a situation, the couple either decides to separate or continues to live together, having lost their previous trust. For what reason does a partner commit betrayal and will it be possible to save the relationship? Why do people cheat on each other? These questions concern everyone who is faced with this problem. There are statistics on adultery that can answer them.

60% of men prefer to date married women. Only 11% of spouses contact singles. Statistics on female infidelity show that 70% of women in Russia prefer to cheat with a married man. 44% of women had one permanent lover throughout their family life, while only 20% of men had one permanent lover.

The statistics of infidelity in Russia are disappointing: our country ranks among the first in the world in the number of divorces that occurred due to infidelity in a relationship. Statistics say that 75% of men and 25% of women “go to the left”. There is also data obtained through interviews and surveys that more deeply reveal the reasons for female and male infidelity.

Reasons for cheating in marriage

  1. Sexual dissatisfaction. 9% of husbands and 13% of wives cheat. Here we are talking not about quantity, but about the quality of sex. One or both spouses are dissatisfied with the frequency of sexual contacts, the lack of necessary variety, and the fading of passion.
  2. The pursuit of new vivid sensations and emotions. 14% men and 8% women. If the relationship is dominated by indifference, coldness, and the usual strong emotions are no longer enough, then some want to find new energy and stormy impressions on the side.
  3. The emergence of a new love object. Occurred in 7% of men and 20% of women. At some point, one of the spouses may suddenly fall in love, sometimes such love turns out to be serious and lasts for a long time, but most often it is a fleeting feeling, because of which the spouses are not ready to destroy the family.
  4. Lack of self-confidence. 10% husbands and 7% wives. For men, the motive is the desire to prove their worth to themselves and others, to assert themselves. Girls also increase their self-esteem when they see attention from other partners. This uncertainty can be innate, or appear as a result of some life circumstances, for example, a person may feel a lack of attention from a spouse.
  5. Long-term separation. 12% men 10% women. These are forced departures and business trips. Situations in which spouses separate for a long time especially provoke betrayal. The more regular such separations are, the more difficult it is to remain faithful to each other. Of course, it all depends on the people themselves; for some to succumb to temptation, it is enough that their loved one is not around for several days, while others remain faithful for years.
  6. Cheating due to boredom, routine. 4% husbands and 6% wives. By starting a new relationship on the side, a man tries to somehow diversify his life and get away from the usual problems that he is tired of in the family. A wife may get tired of her husband not paying attention to her. They decide to change in order to break out of the daily routine of living together.
  7. Unplanned betrayal. 13% husbands and 6% wives. Events such as parties, corporate events and other holidays, unfortunately, create favorable circumstances for various intrigues on the side. Fueled by alcohol, some partners abdicate all obligations and are quite ready to cheat. Later, remembering what happened, they do not understand how they could have done this, and they experience great shame. Such betrayals are most often one-time.
  8. Treason as revenge. 11% women and 1% men. Cheating on your wife happens much more often here. This is a situation when a woman finds out about her husband’s infidelity and, out of resentment, decides to retaliate.

Partners for betrayal

Statistics on infidelity among men and women say that husbands most often limit themselves exclusively to sexual contacts, while wives are interested in the psychological side of the relationship. They need more attention from their lover: cares, looks after, gives pleasant emotions that they lack in their existing marriage. Despite the fact that society as a whole frowns upon adultery, the majority do not consider it a reason for divorce - this is 51% of respondents. Statistics on cheating in marriage say that about 70% of men and 25% of women have cheated on their spouses at least once in their lives.

  1. Most spouses find objects to cheat on at work. This most often turns out to be not a one-time phenomenon, but occurs systematically. 30% of men and women find lovers at work.
  2. 34% of women cheat on vacation, while men are ready to cheat only in 20% of cases. This is a serious argument for why you should always go to resorts together.
  3. In addition, many find objects for betrayal in their immediate vicinity. About 4% of men and 10% of women cheat with neighbors.

Places for cheating

Russian statistics are surprising: about 50% of infidelity (especially in winter) occurs in the home of one of the spouses. Various picnics in nature or at the dacha are also especially popular - 30% of cases. 20% of people are cautious and cheat in their friends’ apartments or hotel rooms.

Cheating occurs not only in official marriages, but also in civil ones and among couples who are simply in a relationship. Moreover, their duration does not matter. Each couple approaches this differently: some do not attach much importance to outside relationships, some even welcome it, believing that in this way they will have less chance of getting tired of each other. However, for most people, betrayal causes great resentment and disappointment.

There is also an interesting statistic that says that in 2016 and 2017, the most changing zodiac signs for men were Cancers and Aries: in 36 and 37 percent of cases, respectively. On the women's side: Sagittarius and also Aries, in approximately the same percentage.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date. However, each situation is individual.

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