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Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery. Is it possible for pregnant women to go to church, to the cemetery, to funerals and why not

Pregnancy is one of the most important events for every woman. Inside it, life was born and develops. This is the continuation of the human race. And a mother who is carrying a fetus needs to be extremely careful and attentive to everything. She needs to monitor her diet, health, emotions and experiences. Pregnant women believe in signs and try to clearly follow everything that folk wisdom advises. They do not cut their hair, fearing that this will somehow affect the unborn baby. They try to stay away from unpleasant people so that they do not jinx it. But what about visiting a pregnant cemetery, funerals and commemorations? We will understand and analyze.

Superstitions and prohibitions

The fact that a pregnant woman is forbidden to go to a cemetery and attend a funeral is considered by some to be a simple superstition and does not betray any significance to this. Others believe that there is no place among the dead. There are also people who argue that everything is possible during pregnancy, as long as the psyche allows. After all, everything connected with death is very hard to endure and causes experiences that are contraindicated for a woman in position. So why shouldn't pregnant women go to the cemetery?

There are many opinions, but not everyone knows the correct answer to this question. Clergymen, healers and specialists involved in magic answer this question in the same way. A pregnant woman has no place in a cemetery and funerals.

Opinions and arguments

To answer the question of why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery, let's reason. To begin with, we propose to discuss how ministers of the Church and traditional healers, magicians and wizards explain such a ban.

People say that he does not immediately leave his earthly body and place of residence. She has been with relatives for some time and, roughly speaking, is looking for a way to stay. Those who are fond of magic are sure that a soul that has flown out after death can move into a new body and continue its stay in the world of the living. She cannot complete her migration into a born person. But the developing life in the womb is what suits her. Thus, it can be assumed why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. Another (not his) soul can fly into the body of an unborn child.

As for visiting the cemetery, magicians also do not advise pregnant women to go there. The souls of the dead are buried there. So, again, some of them will want to move. The second reason is also related to witchcraft and answers the question of why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. A woman in a position is very sensitive to the evil eye, it is easy for her. The cemetery at all times was considered the most powerful place for magical rituals. This is where all the negativity comes in. And if each person is protected by a guardian angel, then the baby in the womb still has no protection from human malice.

Churchmen also respond negatively to the question of whether pregnant women can enter the cemetery. Their arguments are more plausible and understandable. The cemetery has a special atmosphere. Tears are shed here, people mourn for their departed loved ones. And extra negative emotions and experiences can have a bad effect on you.

Pregnancy and wake

It is better not to visit the cemetery of a pregnant woman. But to commemorate the deceased is a righteous deed. You should not even think about whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to a wake. It all depends on the woman herself, who carries a baby under her heart. If she can endure this atmosphere, then it is necessary. Of course, without drinking alcohol.

Short conclusions

From all that has been said, each person will draw his own conclusions. To believe or not in the signs associated with a funeral and a visit to a pregnant cemetery is a purely individual decision. One thing is clear: life and death have their own territory. Where the dead rest is no place for the living and the unborn. Even without believing in magic and sorcery, maybe it's not worth the risk? What if popular beliefs turn out to be the only true ones? Is it possible to expose your baby to danger even before birth?


Signs and superstitions have long been a part of our lives. Even the most educated people try to keep the covenants handed down to us by wise ancestors. With special trepidation, they treat signs that are associated with visiting a cemetery during pregnancy. The life that arises in the mother's womb, it would seem, is the opposite of death, these concepts are already incompatible by their nature. But is this really the case? Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? How will this affect the health of the child? Can a pregnant woman come to a funeral?

Myths, superstitions, omens

Around the topic of visiting the cemetery by pregnant women there are endless disputes. The signs say that a pregnant woman who decides to visit the cemetery should expect trouble:

  • the birth of a sick child;
  • miscarriage or early birth;
  • problems with bearing a baby.

These beliefs have a psychological and mystical justification.


For a pregnant woman to visit a cemetery, there must be very good reasons, most often it is the death of one of the relatives, close ones.

Pregnant women are emotionally unstable. This is due to the "work" of hormones in their body, excessive anxiety for their baby. Expectant mothers are ready to believe in any signs and protect the baby from negative influences. Excessive emotional experiences can "knock mommy" out of the rut. Emotional anxieties will entail health problems, and then the signs will “work”.


Supporters of this method believe that pregnant women should not visit the cemetery, since the child carried by the mother does not yet have a guardian angel (he appears only when the child is baptized). This means that the baby is not protected in any way from the negative energy of the “land of the dead”. An unborn baby can “catch” this energy, which will further affect his physical and psychological health.

The ancestors believed that a pregnant woman, if she cannot refuse to go to the cemetery, should protect herself and her child as much as possible. A reliable way to protect against negative impacts is red clothes (if you don’t have one, you can tie a thread on your wrist or put a small red cloth in your pocket).

Expert opinion

The issue of visiting the cemetery by pregnant women is so relevant that psychologists, philosophers, and priests did not stand aside. Experts expressed their opinion based on scientific information, ethical and moral standards.

Death does not ask when to come to the house. The loss of a loved one can happen at any time. Should a future mother visit a cemetery to say goodbye to loved ones? Is it possible to go to the cemetery on holidays?

Word to psychologists

Practicing psychologists are in no hurry to believe in folk signs, so they do not impose a strict ban on visiting the cemetery by pregnant women. Exceptions are cases when:

  • the expectant mother reacts very emotionally to the burial places;
  • have problems with pregnancy;
  • pregnant woman is sick.

Psychologists advise not to go to the cemetery for a pregnant woman alone, it is better to take a friend, spouse or relative with you.

Philosophical point of view

The philosophical point of view on the problem has changed. Initially, philosophers believed that a pregnant woman had no place in a cemetery, because life was born in her, and such a rapprochement with death was unnatural.

The opinion changed after careful study of the works. Philosophers came to the conclusion that life and death are interconnected, each person goes through several stages of earthly life and is reborn, so there is nothing “criminal” in finding pregnant women in a cemetery.

Philosophers believe that a pregnant woman is simply obliged to visit the burial place if she has an irresistible desire to “talk” with a departed relative.

Priest's answer

The church has always stood up for the veneration of ancestors, so pregnant women were not forbidden to visit the cemetery. If the expectant mother has a desire, then she can visit the resting place of her ancestors.

In a situation where a visit to the cemetery is undesirable (feeling unwell, emotional instability), it is better to attend a service in the temple, talk with the priest.

Church ministers do not recommend pregnant women to visit the cemetery for Easter or Krasnaya Gorka, explaining this by a large crowd of people at the resting place at this time. To visit it is better to choose Radonitsa (Tuesday, 9th day after Easter).

To the question: “Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery on parental day?” - the priests unanimously answer: “It is possible.” Pregnant women are also allowed to visit the cemetery on Trinity, May 9.

"Yes or no"

The final decision to visit or not visit the resting places of the dead must be made by the woman herself. It is worth carefully considering the consequences, weighing the risks.

If the expectant mother feels well, does not suffer from constant mood swings, does not experience excessive emotional overload, then visiting cemeteries is not prohibited.

You may have to refuse to attend the funeral, since the very atmosphere of what is happening can unbalance, make you worry, which is very harmful for a pregnant woman.

And, of course, you do not need to visit the cemetery if you believe in signs and superstitions that do not bode well, you emotionally react to what is happening around you and do not have a strong desire to visit the burial sites.

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? The priest's answer is incredibly simple and concise - this is a purely personal choice of a woman. There are no church prohibitions. And there are tips. If the soul asks to visit the grave of a loved one, then this is simply necessary.

The question arises

Of course, over the long, mostly dense, centuries, given that consciousness lags behind matter in its development, an unprecedented number of signs, beliefs, and “scarecrows” have accumulated, especially relating to women expecting a child. In the end, increased care for pregnant women is understandable - they are afraid for them and worried about them. And there have always been plenty of beliefs in Rus'. The trip to the places of eternal rest is especially surrounded by conjectures and fears. In this regard, there is a reasonable answer to the question “is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery for seeing off”. The only obstacle to the hike can be the condition of the pregnant woman herself and the weather outside - it is not recommended to catch a cold and worry for reasons of the health of the pregnant woman. But only.

Church response

Considering the fact that the death of loved ones is stressful for any person (and pregnant women are generally at high risk), then, indeed, it is up to the women themselves to decide whether to send them off or not. Or their closest relatives, for whom the health of the expectant mother is most important. Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? There are no church prohibitions, there is human condemnation, which is especially aggravated at the time of death and the funeral process. It has always been like this, and there is a wonderful saying about the numerous "mouths" on which there is no way to throw a scarf. But it is impossible, in fact, in the 21st century to seriously admit the idea that a child will be born dead as a result of this campaign? Or that it is to this future baby that the soul of the deceased will “cling”? Thinking like that is bad for your health. If you believe all the signs, and the church considers them heresy, then the time of waiting for the birth of a child will turn not into 9 months of love and hope, but into a period of constant fear, which is destructive in itself. The Church always teaches that the Lord is especially merciful to those who honor the memory of the dead, do not forget about them. For many, visiting the graves has a pacifying effect, even blissful.

harsh reality

“Can pregnant women go to the cemetery?” - not a question at all. From an early age, a girl needs to instill this, and not be scared with fears. In our time, with so many local wars, characterized by particular cruelty, it is impossible not to see the dead. Ideally, of course, it is best to go to a comfortable "bear's corner" and not come into contact with reality for the entire period of pregnancy. It is not available to everyone. Most have to live in reality, just trying to see not only the bad. And then the question “is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery” becomes rhetorical. A woman feels strength, calmness and a desire to visit the grave - she will go. She doubts and weighs, seeks advice from everyone she gets, especially the Internet (and he will advise!) - it's better for her to stay at home. After all, even if a little, God forbid, he stumbles, the warning will prevail: “We told you!”


Guided by the fact that the church cares about us, and will not advise bad things, we can turn to it for a recommendation of a more specific nature. For example, is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery on Easter? And the priests will willingly and calmly tell you how and when it is better to make a trip. For example, they will explain that mass visits to burial sites on Easter days in Soviet times became a custom in connection with the authorities' ban on church holidays. That it is better for the expectant mother to postpone the trip on this day, and visit the grave on the day of Radonitsa - the date of special commemoration of the departed. It falls on Tuesday of St. Thomas' week - the second after Easter. The awareness that this holiday is very ancient also contributes to the campaign, and familiarization with the tradition is in itself blissful. And for pregnant women, it’s very good that the holiday falls on Tuesday - no pandemonium, no danger of an epidemic threat, no noise and drinks associated with the folk tradition of “mass” commemoration.

Numerous names of this day are pleasing to the ear: it is called Navi Day, Graves, Radavanitsy or Trizna. John Chrysostom, who lived in the 4th century, wrote about him for the first time. And already then he described the holiday as an ancient Christian tradition.

There are many memorial days in Orthodoxy

So visiting places of sorrow in this case can bring nothing but benefit and satisfaction. The Orthodox Church has several memorial days scattered throughout the year: these are Saturdays (3rd and 4th weeks) related to Great Lent. They are called Parental ecumenical Saturdays. The Orthodox Church honors the state holiday on May 9, it became a church holiday in memory of those who died tragically in 1941-1945. September 11 is also considered a memorial. On this day, it is customary to commemorate all the Orthodox who gave their lives for the Faith and the Fatherland. This holy holiday was established in 1769 by Catherine the Great. It is possible and necessary to remember parents and loved ones on Saturday before the Holy Trinity. There is one more Saturday - Dmitrievskaya parent, falling on October 26th. On this day, they pay tribute to all the dead Christians without exception. A trip to the cemetery on any of these memorial dates will not be fraught with anything for a pregnant woman, except for a pleasant walk in clean air.

What about parent's day?

All of the above can serve as a kind of answer to the question "is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery on their parents' day." If it means the first Sunday after the Easter week, known in Orthodoxy as the Red Hill holiday, then the answer will be rather negative. And that's why. The holiday itself, known since the time of Kievan Rus, combines several solemn moments - this is the first day after Great Lent and Easter. It accounts for both the full arrival of spring and the permission to perform the sacrament of marriage. Round dances and singing, expectations of a new life and a betrothed made this holiday, and they still do it, a truly beloved people both in tsarist, Soviet, and in today's Russia and the noisiest.

Red Hill - spring celebration

Proverbs that came from those times speak of the strength of a marriage entered into on this day. Old sayings also tell about the special disposition of the dead ancestors, that they, blessing the living, breathe warmth from the places of eternal refuge. That is why on this day doomsday is happening in the cemeteries of Russia and the entire CIS. On the main alley of the cemetery, people on this day walk in several rows, "in single file in the back of the head." Music is booming, dozens of beggars are standing around, people who are far from hygiene. Noise, din, garbage and unsanitary conditions. It is better to wait out this "rolling" day, because getting to the cemetery is a problem, especially by personal transport. The holiday, in general, is bright in itself, but it is better for pregnant women to stay at home. And not to ask the unnecessary question this Sunday: “is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery?”

Signs and independent conclusions

Signs, like many relatives, will still say that it is impossible. And it will take a lot. They enter into an argument among themselves - why exactly you can’t walk, what exactly you can’t look at. And each statement acquires camps of followers, between which fierce disputes arise. The way out is incredibly simple. Are you suffering from such a question? Visit a church instead of a cemetery, light a candle, order a service. Stay safe and in harmony with the world.

The final answer to the question “is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery” will be as follows. Strong, calm, balanced women can do everything: work, keep abreast of news, visit places of eternal sorrow. It is better for the pampered and dense to stay at home, getting acquainted online with the next recommendations of dubious seers and healers.

Our people have long believed in omens. And, if enough of them have been invented regarding ordinary life, then, regarding a pregnant woman, for sure - a dime a dozen. Recently I learned that a pregnant woman should not go to the cemetery. Of course, you need to figure it out, at least to calm the soul, because "gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from a book." And here's what we found out.

1.Pregnancy and the cemetery from the point of view of philosophy. Pregnancy is always associated with the beginning of a new life. And the cemetery, on the contrary, is considered a kind of sign of the end of life. The opposite of these concepts gives rise to doubts about attending a funeral during pregnancy. The life cycle constantly alternates between birth and death, there is no way to change this, and a woman carrying a new life somehow does not look at all in a cemetery where the life of other people ends.

2. The opinion of the church on whether pregnant women can go to the cemetery and funerals. The ministers of the church believe that visiting the cemetery and remembering the dead is our duty in life. And everyone can and should do this, even pregnant women. They believe that the Lord God sends his blessing to those people who do not forget their dead relatives, their ancestors. But we must remember that this must be done from a pure heart, not under duress. When a pregnant woman feels unwell, you should not go to the cemetery, it is better to postpone the trip for another day.

3. The opinion of psychologists, why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. Such superstition as pregnancy, cemetery and funeral can still be explained in scientific language. Doctors remind that any negative emotions negatively affect the well-being of a woman and her unborn baby. At a funeral, internal tension is especially increased, which is not the best way to affect health, because it has long been proven that stress is the cause of many ailments and diseases. It is especially necessary to take care of the nerves in the early stages of pregnancy. But in life there may be various situations when you need to go to a funeral. Then try to communicate less with those who are grieving, control yourself, try to calm yourself in any way, and most importantly, think about your unborn baby.

If you have a desire to visit the grave of deceased relatives or friends, but this does not cause you fear or negative emotions, doctors will not be able to object to your impulses. But always remember, your attitude to everything that happens should not affect the health and development of the child!

4.What do they say on the forums about whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to go to the cemetery? Many forums for expectant mothers are full of similar questions. Opinions vary. Some advise pregnant women not to “contact” with the dead, they are afraid that the baby does not yet have a guardian angel in the womb, and therefore he is defenseless against “dark forces”. Others argue that it is better for pregnant women to simply not look at this whole ceremony, or you can mentally say goodbye, put candles for him in the church. But it all depends on the degree severity of grief and your attitude to the event.

Some pregnant women do not even think not to visit the grave of a loved one. On the contrary, it gives them peace of mind, and not a stressful and depressive state.

But, if you go to crowded places, think about the "earthly" - various kinds of infections and viruses. Do not forget that you can lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment. This harmless remedy is effective in the prevention of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, which can be much more dangerous for a baby than psychological stress.

Pregnant women tend to be cautious, because they have responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the baby. They often doubt whether what the expectant mother does will harm the baby. And then well-wishers now and then give a cloud of advice - do not raise your hands up, do not cut your hair, do not knit, do not go to the cemetery if you want to give birth to a healthy child.

Let's find out if it is possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery, and what is fraught with young ladies in an interesting position visiting the graves of the dead or participating in a funeral procession.

What will grandmothers say?

The reason to visit the cemetery, being pregnant, may arise unexpectedly - people, alas, are mortal, and no one is safe from the sudden death of a close relative or friend. Also, the expectant mother may have a desire to visit the graves of loved ones on the days of commemoration of the dead, and just like that, on any other day, to visit the deceased mother, for example, or, say, a close friend on the day when the soul longs for communication with the one who left this world man.

And, undoubtedly, such a desire will be met with hostility by the older generation - our grandmothers categorically forbid pregnant women to go to the cemetery. Moreover, this prohibition also applies to women who have already given birth and who continue to breastfeed their child.

The appearance of a woman in an interesting position in the cemetery of the grandmother will not approve

There is an opinion that unborn children do not have their own Guardian Angel, therefore, contact with the world of the dead when going to a cemetery for a baby in the womb is undesirable, since the new life is not yet able to resist the dark forces. Some representatives of the older generation explain this prohibition by the fact that the child may be born pale if the pregnant woman looks at the deceased. And the baby, whose nursing mother came to the cemetery, can get sick.

Grandmothers advise: if a pregnant or nursing woman nevertheless came to the cemetery, to protect the baby, she needs to put on something red or put a piece of red fabric in her pocket. Another effective way to ward off evil spirits from the baby in the womb is to tie a red thread around your wrist.

If a woman in position really wants to come to the cemetery, then grandmothers are advised to wear red

The ban on pregnant women going to the cemetery originates in ancient times and its explanation, apparently, has been lost for centuries, since there are no other answers to the question “Why can’t a pregnant woman go to the cemetery?” our grandmothers, even those born and raised in the villages, cannot give.

Esoteric point of view

Let us turn to the point of view of magicians and sorcerers. They believe that pregnant women have nothing to do in the cemetery if there is no reliable protector next to them who knows how to curb otherworldly forces, since a visit to the world of the dead can harm both the woman and the fetus.

The expectant mother should know the rules of conduct at the cemetery: to be dressed in a long skirt, not to wear heels, not to cross graves, not to step on wreaths, not to pick up anything from the ground, and, most importantly, not to eat anything.

Esotericists believe that visiting a cemetery for pregnant women is prohibited on any day: for the sake of a funeral, for a memorial, on holy holidays, etc.

They explain this prohibition as follows: a woman carrying a child has two energy fields - her own, weakened, and the future baby, not yet formed.

A weakened energy is easily vulnerable, and a visit to a cemetery full of the bad energy of the world of the dead, as well as sorcerers and energy vampires, can cause detrimental consequences for both the mother and the child in the form of misfortunes, illnesses, and even the interruption of the emerging life.

Esotericists believe that a visit to the cemetery can end sadly for the expectant mother and baby.

Magicians intimidate pregnant women with the fact that the soul of the deceased, if it has not yet found a final refuge, can “sit down” with a child and feed on children's energy. This can be reflected in the form of congenital diseases, such as tumors, which will deplete the baby's body when he is born.

Such a scenario is also possible, when the soul of the deceased takes the soul of the child with it. In this case, the consequences for the course of pregnancy will be the saddest.

Magicians forbid women in a position to attend a church if it is located on the territory of a cemetery, and are advised to choose another temple during pregnancy. Moreover, pregnant women, in their opinion, should not even approach the cemetery fence, because dead energy fills not only the graves, but everything around them.

The opinion of the Orthodox Church

The clergy believe that it is possible and even necessary to go to the cemetery during pregnancy, and all the arguments about the absence of a Guardian Angel in the womb of a child and the “settlement” of the souls of the dead in the mother’s womb are regarded as nothing more than superstition.

Priests in pregnancy see no reason for refusing to go to the cemetery

At the cemetery, we pray for the dead, commemorate them, thereby showing that the human soul is immortal, and the memory of those who have left us is still alive in us. The Church believes that the more we pray for the dead, the easier it is for them in the next world, so going to the cemetery and church is definitely worth it, regardless of whether the woman is pregnant or not. Especially if she herself feels the need to visit the cemetery, no need to pay attention to superstitious speculation.

Gynecologists do not prohibit going to the cemetery during pregnancy, but warn mothers about the possible consequences of participating in funerals or visiting graves.

Doctors recommend visiting the cemetery at a time when there are no large crowds of people, since the risk of catching an acute respiratory disease for a pregnant woman is much higher than meeting the soul of the deceased, and the consequences of the disease, especially in the early stages, can be sad.

Doctors do not see crime in visiting a cemetery by a woman at any stage of pregnancy

Also, doctors do not recommend taking part in the funeral procession. During the funeral, a tense atmosphere is created in the cemetery, when close relatives cry, and everyone present is nervous. It is quite natural that the state of stress in which the expectant mother will be at the funeral can provoke uterine tone, affect the health of the child, and even cause contractions if the gestational age is long.

In many ways, visiting a cemetery during pregnancy depends on the perception of this place by a woman. If she, by default, is afraid of cemeteries, then it is better not to appear there in an interesting position. When the sight of graves and crosses does not evoke negative emotions in a pregnant woman, and sometimes it pacifies, medical workers have no “contraindications” to visiting a cemetery.

Psychologists and doctors advise pregnant women to go to the cemetery when they feel good. In a depressed state, it is better to stay at home and spend the deceased with a funeral meal.

However, if you really want to see a relative or friend on their last journey, it is better to do this than to reproach yourself for indecision for the rest of your life.

Pregnancy does not interfere with honoring the memory of the dead

You can visit the graves of long-dead ancestors and acquaintances on any other day, having already become a mother. And if the desire to visit the cemetery during pregnancy is very great, it is better to choose a day for this when there are fewer people, because always and everywhere there are evil tongues that will definitely note the interesting position of a woman and predict darkness of troubles for her and her child, based on long-forgotten superstitions. So you can go to the cemetery during pregnancy, but you definitely shouldn’t be nervous, especially because of other people’s speculation.

Video about whether you can go to the cemetery?

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