Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Not with ointment alone. Topical preparations have a number of advantages over other dosage forms.

Every person, regardless of gender, age or occupation, uses skin and body care products. The most common forms of cosmetics and medicines are ointments and creams. Let's see how they differ from each other.

Cream Feature

A cream is a purely cosmetic product for skin care with a creamy consistency. Usually opaque

The cream has a light texture. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue, while providing a deep level of hydration in the lower layers of the epidermis. This is due to the presence of water in the base.

When applied, the product does not create a film on the skin, as a result of which the epidermis constantly breathes. It also does not leave greasy stains, so you don’t have to worry about soiled clothes. Most creams have a light, pleasant scent that leaves little to no sillage.

Creams are used as an additional skin care product, as they have the following properties:

  • Relieve irritation
  • Have a calming effect on the skin
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis
  • Activates intracellular processes
  • Has a calming effect
  • Heals skin damage - abrasions, bruises, scratches
  • Anti-aging creams boost collagen production
  • Baby - moisturize and protect delicate skin

The highest quality creams are sold in glass jars. It is not advisable to purchase them in plastic containers, since some components contained in the composition may react with the material of the tube.

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Characteristics of the ointment

An ointment is a dosage form of a drug designed to act on a problem through the pores of the skin.

All ointments, as a rule, are based on fatty components. There is practically no water in the base. The main components of the ointment are lanolin, silicone or fats of animal and vegetable origin (mink, badger, almond oil, sea buckthorn).

From this it follows that ointment bases are divided into several types:

  • Lipophilic
  • hydrophilic
  • Lipophilic-hydrophilic

The task of the ointment is to create a film on the surface of the skin and provide a greenhouse effect.

Thanks to fats, the components penetrate through the pores into the depths of the tissues and have a therapeutic effect:

Due to the oily consistency, ointments can leave marks on clothes, so it is better to use them at home. Some remedies require a compress or bandage. Ointment is an exclusively medicinal product that can only be purchased at a pharmacy.

In the form of an ointment, there are all representatives of pharmacological groups:

  • Anesthetics
  • vitamins
  • Antibiotics
  • Antiseptics
  • Hormones

The therapeutic effect of the use of the ointment depends on many factors:

  • Storage conditions(temperature, humidity, etc.)
  • Component specifications, which are contained in
  • Concentration of active substances(with a higher percentage of active ingredients, the ointment is more effective)
  • Application method(for example, for warming, you can additionally apply a bandage or compress, which will enhance the greenhouse effect and the effect of the product)
  • Application area(drug molecules penetrate into soft tissues much faster than into bone and cartilage)
  • Duration of use(It takes time for the components to seep through the pores of the skin and get into the painful focus. That is, the ointment will not work the first time)
  • Skin condition and degree of disease for which the ointment is used (for example, an ointment for varicose veins can help at the initial stage of the appearance of the vascular network, but with a running version it will no longer save)

You probably came across such a case in a pharmacy when you came to buy a product, and they ask you what to sell you a cream or ointment. You probably don't know if they are the same or not. And if they are different, what is their difference? This is what I want to talk about in my article. Let's start with the fact that all external products (creams and ointments) contain a direct healing substance and a certain basis. Ointment and cream primarily differ in the following - for cream and ointment, the percentage of the medicinal substance may be the same, and the difference lies only in the basis of the external preparation.
Let's talk more about both tools.

It mainly uses a base of a very fatty nature. It has little or no water content. It contains substances such as fats, petroleum jelly or lanolin. The effect of the ointment is to create a greenhouse effect by creating a film on the skin. Because of this, the drug can penetrate deep into the tissues. And having passed the skin, even reach the bloodstream. Doctors call the effect of the ointment systemic.

The base of the cream resembles an emulsion. It is practically non-greasy and lighter. It does not create any film on the skin. And the healing substance does not penetrate inside for a long time, and even more so into your blood. So the cream works practically only on the surface of your skin. Therefore, its effect is called local or local. It also contains a large amount of water. And so creams are able to have a moisturizing and cooling effect. If you are smeared with cream, then there is a chance that it will appear on your clothes in the form of stains.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the cream is able to help your skin on the surface, and the ointment penetrates more deeply. That is, the cream is used mainly against burns and for moisturizing. The ointment can be used to relieve muscle pain.

Where does it hurt?

Inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis, myositis, osteochondrosis, as well as injuries, including sports and domestic ones, such as sprains or bruises, are often accompanied by severe pain and swelling. Therefore, complex therapy, as a rule, includes external non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in various forms of release. Such drugs help to relieve pain, and also help relieve swelling and erythema by suppressing the formation of prostaglandins - substances that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process 1. Usually these are gels, ointments and creams, which differ from each other not only in the active substance, but also in the composition of the auxiliary components and the consistency of the base. Their use allows to ensure the maximum concentration of the drug in the area of ​​application 2 .

For the manufacture of ointments, chemically neutral, soft, fatty and dense substances that do not penetrate the skin well are used as the basis. Creams have an emulsion base, lighter in consistency than ointment. Due to this, they leave only a slight fatty mark on the skin. Gels - gelatinous dosage forms, are produced on hydrophilic, that is, water, bases 3.

To determine which ointment or gel is best for use in a particular case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the damage. For example, ointments are used for chronic processes or if there is dryness, scales or crusts on the affected area. The fatty base of the ointment softens the stratum corneum, increasing its permeability to the active substance 4 . However, they are difficult to apply daily, as they leave a greasy and sticky residue on the surface that does not dry out.

Cream Aertal ® is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on aceclofenac, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The concentration of the active substance in it is 1.5%, while it is in the cream in micronized form. The basis of the cream Aertal ® includes emulsion wax and liquid paraffin, as well as some other excipients.

Emulsion wax and liquid paraffin, which form the basis of Aertal® cream, are substances widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. They improve the consistency of the cream and facilitate the uniform absorption of the active substance. At the same time, emulsion wax moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but does not leave a greasy trace on it 5 . This property allows you to use anti-inflammatory creams based on it daily. In addition, the cream, unlike the gel, allows you to keep the active substance in the painful area for a longer time.

When using Aertal ® cream, aceclofenac practically does not enter the systemic circulation, and therefore the risk of systemic side effects, including those on the gastrointestinal tract, is minimized 6 .

Aertal ® cream should be applied to the painful area three times a day, with gentle massage movements. The dose of application is determined by the size of the affected area, while it should be borne in mind that 1.5-2 g of cream correspond to a strip of 5-7 cm.

1 Kukes V.G. Clinical pharmacology. 2006. Ss. 534–543.

2 Gavrilov A. S. Pharmaceutical technology. Manufacturing of drugs: textbook / A. S. Gavrilov. M.: GEOTAR - Media, 2010.

3 Krasnyuk I.I. Pharmaceutical technology: Technology of dosage forms: Textbook for students. avg. prof. education, institutions. - M.: "Academy", 2004.

4 Dermatovenereology: a textbook for medical schools / A. V. Samtsov, V. V. Barbinov.-St. Petersburg. : SpecLit, 2008.

5 Kunder E. V. Analgesic therapy of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints // International reviews: clinical practice and health. 2015. No. 1 (13). Ss. 56–63.

6 AERTAL® (AIRTAL®) instructions for use.

The pharmaceutical industry produces thousands of drugs in a wide variety of forms: ointments, creams, gels and pastes - it's not easy to understand all this. What is the difference between a cream and a gel and what is better to buy, ointment or paste? Let's try to figure this out.

Cream and ointment

Any skin care product consists of a base and an active or active substance. The difference between a cream and an ointment is precisely in the base, and the therapeutic active substance they usually have is the same.

Here are the main differences between cream and ointment:

  • The basis for ointments are various fat-like substances (lipids, waxes, petroleum jelly, lanolin), and any cream is an emulsion of water in oil or oil in water.
  • The consistency of the ointment is much denser, it is much fatter than the cream.
  • An ointment, unlike a cream, does not contain water at all.

The cream is much lighter and better absorbed by the skin.

Differences in the physical properties of these funds determine their effect on the human body:

  • The ointment forms a film on the surface of the skin, which has a greenhouse effect. Due to this, the active substances of the ointment enter the bloodstream and systemically affect the body.
  • The medicinal substance of the cream has only a local effect.
  • In the vast majority of ointments are therapeutic agents, and creams are cosmetic.

You can also add that creams are much lighter, so they are absorbed faster. You can buy a cream in any cosmetic store, and an ointment - only in a pharmacy.

Gel and cream

The difference between cream and gel lies in the chemical composition of these products, which determines their properties:

  • A gel is a substance that is 80% water, while a cream is an emulsion of water and oil.
  • The gels have a high viscosity, do not contain fats and oils at all, therefore they do not leave greasy marks on the skin or clothes.
  • Cream is an opaque substance, while gels are highly transparent.
  • Most gels, unlike creams, have a pH close to that of the skin.
  • The cream is best applied to the skin in the evening, the gel can be used at any convenient time.

Water makes up to 80% of the gel composition

Cream and emulsion

The main difference between cream and emulsion is their consistency. In fact, an emulsion is a regular cream that has a liquid consistency. This designation can be called not too correct, because any cream is an emulsion.

Most cosmetic and medical creams are water-in-oil emulsions, which is why they have such a thick and oily texture. They easily penetrate the skin, but leave greasy marks on it. An emulsion is a solution of oil in water, which makes it light in texture. It contains very little lipids, so it doesn't feel greasy on the skin.

Pomegranate emulsion for stretch marks

Fluid and cream

A fluid is a cosmetic product that differs from a cream in a semi-liquid consistency and a minimum amount of oils and fats.

Of the entire line of cosmetics, fluids have the lightest texture and contain the least amount of oils. The size of dispersed fluid particles is much smaller than in a conventional cream.

The composition of the fluid includes substances that give this tool a gel structure, fluids are an excellent tool for moisturizing the skin.

Fluids have the least amount of oils in the composition and have the lightest texture

The fluids are great for oily and combination skin, while the cream is perfect for dry skin.

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The polymers that make up the fluid remove excess sebaceous secretions from the skin, giving it a natural matte finish.

Serum and cream

The main difference between serum and cream is not the base, but the active component.

A regular cream contains a small amount of the active substance, usually a few percent. The concentration of active substances in the composition of the serum is ten times higher than that of the cream. Usually these are vitamins (A, B and E), antioxidants, trace elements and various organic acids. Sometimes serums are also called concentrates.

Unlike cream, serums have a liquid consistency, which is lighter even than fluid. These are emulsions created on a fat or water basis.

Moisturizing anti-stretch mark body serum

Serums are especially popular among middle-aged and older people. Typically, these remedies are used to address a specific skin problem. Serum is perfect for tightening the skin, its rejuvenation.

The composition of serums includes special compounds that increase the permeability of the skin, facilitating the penetration of the main active substances into it. They are also called "substances-conductors". Serums are often applied "under the cream".

Another difference between cream and serum is the cost of the latter. This tool is definitely not cheap.

Pastes and ointments

Paste differs from ointment in that it contains a large amount of powdery substances. Due to this, the pastes have a thicker consistency. The amount of powdered substances in the paste is different, but it is always not lower than 25% and not higher than 65%. A typical example of this remedy is the familiar toothpaste, which contains a large amount of powder, which helps to remove plaque more effectively.

Due to the composition of the paste, their effect is more intense and long lasting. Pastes have drying and adsorbing properties, which allow them to be used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Many popular drugs that exist today are also available in different forms:

Bepanten - The drug is available in two forms: ointments and creams. Ointment and cream contain one active substance - dexpanthenol, in both forms its concentration is the same and is 5%. The main difference is the consistency of these medicinal products: the cream is lighter, and the ointment has a thick consistency and has a more intense effect. The composition of the ointment includes 50 g of almond oil and 250 mg of lanolin, these substances ideally moisturize the skin. The ointment also contains beeswax.

Available in the form of ointment and cream, it is used for skin inflammation and allergy manifestations. The main active substance of both ointment and cream is betamethasone. The various types of this remedy include gentamicin, which is effective for bacterial infections, clotrimazole, which copes well with fungal infections, and salicylic acid. The cream is more suitable for oily skin, and the ointment is more suitable for dry skin. .

Akriderm - ointment for external use

clotrimazole- It is used for fungal pathologies of the skin and has two forms: cream and ointment. The active substance is clotrimazole, both forms contain the same amount: 0.01 g per 1 g of the product. The ointment is thicker and more oily, more suitable for dry skin, it is better to apply cream on wet areas. .

Triderm- This is a very popular drug that is used to treat inflammatory and fungal diseases. Available in the form of ointment and cream. The composition of the active substances in both forms of the drug is the same, only the basis differs. The ointment penetrates deeper and faster, so it is used for severe forms of diseases. The cream contains alcohols, which are effective for weeping dermatitis, but they can cause allergies.

Any form of cosmetic and medicinal products has its own characteristics, which must be used wisely. Before purchasing this or that product, think about whether it is suitable for your skin, will the cream or emulsion be effective for solving your particular problem?

Often, when choosing a drug for external use, we are faced with various forms of this drug - cream, ointment, gel, lotion, liniment, suspension, emulsion, paste. What is the fundamental difference between them? Usually this question confuses us. In this material, we will try to give a brief description of each dosage form and recommendations for their use. This will help you get the most out of your money spent on your medicine.

Cream basically contains oils or water. Therefore, the cream is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin, but does not penetrate deep. The cream should be applied to the skin with "wet" lesions, that is, when there is any discharge on the surface. Usually, after a few minutes after application, the cream does not leave any traces and does not stain clothes. Therefore, the cream is recommended to be used in the morning or afternoon. After application, you can put on any clothes and do the planned things.

Ointment- a dosage form with a fatty base, which determines its main properties. The ointment has a more viscous concentration, is absorbed more slowly and lasts longer. Unlike a cream, an ointment penetrates deeper into the skin. Usually, the ointment is used for "dry" diseases and for seals (infiltration) of the skin. Ointments are applied under the bandage, which further increases the depth of penetration and the duration of the therapeutic effect. The fatty base of the ointment is usually not completely absorbed into the skin and can stain clothing. Therefore, ointments are usually recommended to be applied at night. And while you sleep, the active component of the drug performs its therapeutic purpose.

Gel is a viscous dosage form. The gel properties are more like a cream. The only difference is that the gel does not contain any fats or oils. The gel has a pH close to the pH of the skin, evenly distributes on the applied surface, is quickly absorbed, does not clog pores (unlike ointment). Some drugs in the form of a gel have a higher therapeutic activity than in the form of ointments or creams.

Lotion - liquid dosage form for external use in the form of a water-alcohol solution. Often used to treat the scalp, because the lotion easily reaches the skin and does not settle on the hair in large quantities. Also, lotions are often equipped with spray nozzles, which makes it easier to apply the drug to the skin.

Liniment - dosage form, which is an intermediate link between cream and ointment. The composition of the liniment includes fats and oils in various proportions. Depending on the predominant component, the liniment acquires the properties of an ointment or cream. A characteristic feature of the liniment is that it begins to melt at body temperature.

Suspension - liquid form, which is one or more solid medicinal substances dissolved in a liquid (water, glycerin, liquid oil, etc.). Usually, these drugs are absorbed at a moderate rate and may leave marks on the skin or clothing. Suspensions are used not only externally. They are also taken orally or injected.

Emulsion is a mixture of two liquid medicinal substances. One of them is the base (dispersed medium), the other is the dispersed phase. Typically, during storage, both substances separate in the vial and form two layers. Therefore, before use, the emulsion must be shaken and mixed. Usually emulsions are quickly absorbed and do not leave marks on the skin.

Pasta - it is an ointment of dense consistency, the content of powdery substances in which exceeds 20%. Therefore, it has the appearance of a slurry and affects the skin for a long time. Usually has a drying effect.

Choose a remedy based on the nature of the disease present and the characteristics of each dosage form. So you will achieve the maximum effect of the treatment in the shortest possible time.

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