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Flying during pregnancy at different stages. Can pregnant women fly on airplanes? Can pregnant women fly on an airplane?

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman. At this time, the expectant mother begins to have a completely different attitude towards the most seemingly ordinary things. This is why a huge number of questions arise. One of these was: is it possible to fly on an airplane during pregnancy? In fact, this is a rather delicate topic on which there can be no consensus, but let's try to figure it out.

So as not to torment you, we will say right away: pregnant women are allowed to fly. Moreover, today an airplane is the safest means of transportation for pregnant women when compared with a car, train or bus. But there are quite a lot of factors that need to be assessed and weighed before boarding.

Dangerous terms

First trimester

According to medical practice, the most dangerous period of pregnancy is the first trimester, i.e. the first three months from conception. At this time, the main formation of the child occurs. It is at this time that a woman should be as careful as possible: avoid stress, do not lift heavy objects, give up junk food, alcohol, cigarettes, pills, etc.

As for flying, it’s also worth holding off on that. The plane itself or the flight as such does not affect the course of pregnancy, but the preparation process and emotional and psychological state can cause unnecessary anxiety and fatigue, which is very undesirable in the early stages. In addition, during this period, a phenomenon such as toxicosis is often observed, which can simply overshadow the trip.

Third trimester

The third trimester is essentially a safe time for the baby, but not the safest for his mother. During this period, it is somewhat difficult for a woman to move and it is quite difficult to sit in one place for several hours. In addition, from 7 to 9 months the birth of a child is possible, and at this time the expectant mother should stay closer to home. There is an opinion that when the pressure drops, which is observed during the flight, the amniotic sac may burst prematurely, which can cause premature birth. Thus, the third trimester of pregnancy is an undesirable time not only for flying, but also for long trips in general.

As for the second trimester, this period is the most favorable time for traveling by plane. At this time, the child’s main organs are formed and there is no particular danger to his development. However, it is worth noting that if a woman does not feel very well and there are any concerns or contraindications from the doctor, then it is better to refrain from a future trip.

Safe period

Second trimester

To summarize, we can say that 80% of everything depends on your experience and psychology. If flying on an airplane is a familiar thing for you, takeoff and landing, possible turbulence does not cause panic, then you can fly almost until your due date. The remaining 20% ​​is the course of pregnancy. If there are any contraindications to the flight, it is better to abstain, regardless of the duration.


In the event of an abnormal pregnancy, doctors prohibit women from flying. Such cases include or may include:

  • multiple births;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • anemia;
  • varicose veins;
  • swelling;
  • pathology of the placenta.
  • bloody issues
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • anemnesis of premature birth

If you can fight varicose veins with the help of special socks, then jokes with pressure are very dangerous. In any case, you will need to consult with your supervising doctor to make a decision.

Airline rules for pregnant women

To fly on an airplane, the desire of a pregnant woman and permission from a doctor for this event are not enough. In this situation, permission from the airline for such a flight is also required. The fact is that most companies prohibit flying a pregnant woman after 36 weeks, because... there is a high probability of labor occurring. Some companies require a certificate from the supervising doctor, which indicates the period and permission to fly. There are also airlines that allow a woman to travel beyond 34 weeks only if accompanied by a doctor. Each airline has its own requirements and rules for transporting women in an “interesting situation”, which should be carefully read before the planned flight. Because if it turns out that for some reason you do not fit into the airline’s rules, you may simply not be allowed on board.

Fortunately, for pregnant women from Russia, there are airlines such as Aeroflot that do not have any restrictions. The airline’s only wish for expectant mothers, which they expressed on their website, is a doctor’s certificate with permission to fly if there are less than 4 weeks left before giving birth (8 weeks for multiple pregnancies) and within 7 days after delivery.

Even if labor begins on board, all flight attendants are trained in in-flight childbirth. But usually the crew contacts the receiving airport and calls an ambulance to the ramp, and the birth takes place in the nearest maternity hospital. But remember that abroad you will need to pay for the birth and most likely it will be a very large sum. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you purchase maternity insurance from large companies.

Rights of pregnant women at the airport and on board the aircraft

Pregnancy does not provide any special privileges when flying on an airplane. However, a pregnant woman has the right:

  1. Request to skip the line through all necessary events at the airport (check-in, passport and customs control, boarding and disembarking)
  2. You can also ask for a seat in the first cabin of the plane when checking in (but this is only if there are free seats)
  3. During the flight, you have every right to ask the flight attendant to bring you a glass of water out of turn. This is not written in your license, but it is unlikely that the flight attendant will refuse you. The main thing is not to be shy to press the call button for the flight attendant.

Otherwise, there are no concessions for pregnant travelers. Therefore, you should rely solely on yourself, your companion and on human condescension, which, as practice shows, unfortunately, is extremely rare, especially in the first half of pregnancy is not so visible to others.

If you decide to fly in position, then you are already a great fellow. But it is still worth considering some recommendations, which we provide below:

  • be sure to purchase maternity insurance from large insurance companies (it costs 4-5 times more than regular insurance)
  • Before the flight, you should carefully discuss all questions that arise with your doctor;
  • For a flight, comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is best;
  • To prevent the occurrence of varicose veins during a flight, you should wear compression garments;
  • If there are strong pressure changes and dry air on board, we advise you to drink more liquid;
  • Under no circumstances should you be nervous or worry about trifles. Remember that an airplane is the safest transport!

Pregnancy imposes many restrictions on a woman’s usual life and changes the state of her body. Can flying and pregnancy be compatible? The answer is yes, but there are some circumstances in which flying is contraindicated.

Even healthy people can experience problems with their well-being during a flight. Flying during pregnancy can only be done if all safety rules and the time limits within which a woman can fly are observed.

Before the trip, a woman should undergo an examination by a gynecologist who maintains her chart and consult whether a pregnant woman can fly on an airplane.

Do I need a certificate?

Many airlines are loyal and do not require medical certificates at any time. These include Air France. Other carriers allow you to fly without a certificate until a certain time limit, which the company sets individually. They need to be clarified with managers or on the website. The table shows the rules of some airlines, indicating how long you can fly on an airplane:

Company Regulations
BRITISH AIRWAYS Without a medical certificate up to 28 weeks. From 29 weeks with a certificate and statement from the woman taking responsibility for the risks.
S7 At any time, a certificate is required
Utair Without a certificate it is prohibited. Until 36 weeks, it is needed from the observing gynecologist. From 37 weeks you are not allowed to fly.
Air Berlin
Air Astana
LUFTHANSA No restrictions up to 34 weeks. After which you need a certificate from a gynecologist from the airline’s medical center
KLM (Dutch airline) Up to 36 weeks without restrictions, after which it is prohibited
Alitalia Not required until 36 weeks, after which a certificate must be presented
Aeroflot A certificate is required at any time. The flight is prohibited if the birth occurs within a month from the date of the flight.
Transaero Flights are prohibited after 36 weeks for a single pregnancy and after 32 weeks for a multiple pregnancy. Upon boarding, you need an exchange card and a doctor’s certificate indicating the due date.

Note! A certificate from the supervising gynecologist should be obtained no earlier than a week before departure.

Possible threats and dangers of flying for pregnant women

Pregnancy and air travel can pose a threat to both the health of the baby and the woman. Under some circumstances, there may be a disruption in the development of the baby's fetus, as well as premature birth during the flight.

Acute hypoxia

The reduced concentration of oxygen at high altitude can be harmful to a pregnant woman suffering from grade 3 anemia. She does not have enough compensatory mechanisms to eliminate oxygen starvation of fetal tissues due to low hemoglobin.

Healthy women are not susceptible to hypoxia, since a decrease in O2 pressure causes reactions in the tissues that provide the fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen. Therefore, the statement that flying is harmful for all pregnant women due to lack of air is erroneous.

Poor circulation and blood stagnation

Pregnant women with a history of venous disease or severe or multiple risk factors for arterial or venous thrombosis should consult a doctor before flying. If the flight lasts more than 4 hours, it is better to abstain.

Women in this position who suffer from the following diseases associated with circulatory disorders should not fly:

  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • arterial thromboembolism. With caution in the condition that precedes it - angina pectoris, transient ischemic attack.
  1. Drinking drinks containing caffeine, including tea, is prohibited during flight. You should not drink carbonated water, only regular water. You should drink every half hour, in small sips of about 100 ml.
  2. Stretch your legs every half hour. Do exercises: circular movements of the feet, stretching, bending the knees. During the flight, it is recommended to stand up and walk around the cabin whenever possible.
  3. Use compression stockings and tights.

Pressure surges

Healthy people may experience a slight increase in pressure when climbing, landing, or entering turbulence. For pregnant women suffering from gestosis (deterioration of the functioning of blood vessels, kidneys, and brain), flying is dangerous. Swelling of the legs or other parts of the body may increase. Adverse reactions of the body with increased blood pressure in pregnant women are characterized by headache, fainting, clouding of consciousness, nausea and vomiting.

Premature birth

The risk group for premature birth includes women experiencing a painful condition due to pregnancy - gestosis or late toxicosis.

Women expecting 2 or more children are more susceptible to premature birth than others. Therefore, many airlines prohibit them from flying a month earlier than singleton mothers.

Flying is contraindicated for late-term pregnant women due to possible leakage of amniotic fluid or placental abruption. A history of a number of diseases associated with veins and blood vessels, anemia, and fetal hypoxia can also trigger childbirth during a flight.


At high altitudes, the atmospheric layer protects people less from radiation. Indeed, in the air on board an airplane it is possible to receive radiation exposure, but in small doses that do not pose a threat to the health of the mother and her fetus. The radiation dose is approximately three times lower than X-rays.

Important! Pregnant women with blood diseases are contraindicated from flying.

Flight rules

  1. Fly with an exchange card even if the airline does not require it. This is a document that contains a summary of the health of the mother and fetus with current diseases, treatment and other information.
  2. Choose an aisle seat, as window seats make it difficult to get out frequently to walk around the cabin.
  3. Get a pregnancy pillow that will take the pressure off your lower back.
  4. When purchasing a ticket, choose seats in the first row to stretch your legs forward to avoid swelling and blood stagnation.
  5. Do not wear jeans on a flight, as they will tighten your thighs and stomach. Give preference to natural fabrics and loose fit.
  6. If you experience severe fear, take a sedative that your doctor has approved.
  7. Drink water during the flight.
Advice! In the exchange card, indicate a couple of contacts of your closest relatives in case of unforeseen situations.

Flight at different times

How long can you fly on an airplane without harming the development of the fetus and the health of the mother? There are weeks in each trimester when flying does not pose a threat to pregnancy. There are also times when air travel poses dangers. Let's take a closer look.

In the first trimester

In the 1st and 2nd weeks, the flight does not pose a threat to the health of the woman and baby. From the third week, the formation of the internal organs of the fetus occurs. You should not fly during these two weeks. A cold or other illness can harm development and lead to miscarriage.

The most favorable weeks for flights in the first trimester are 7 and 8. In weeks 5-6, 8-9 and from 10 to 12, it is better to refrain from traveling.

In the second trimester

The second trimester is the most successful for flying. However, from 18 to 22 weeks you should be careful, as during this period there is a risk of late miscarriage.

Last months of pregnancy

If a woman is healthy, there are no contraindications or complications, she can fly any week during the last months of pregnancy. Keep in mind that most airlines require a doctor's certificate from the 28th week, and a number of companies prohibit flying in the last weeks before giving birth.

It is best to avoid flying during the last 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, even if the airline does not prohibit the flight. Shaking and stuffy dry air, unnecessary anxiety can worsen a woman’s condition and bring discomfort.

Until what time can you fly?

Most airlines restrict flights to pregnant women from 34-36 weeks with one fetus and from 32 weeks with two or more fetuses. If the airline does not prevent the flight at a later date, the woman signs a paper before departure about responsibility for possible risks, and also provides a certificate from the attending physician indicating the date of birth, state of health, gestational age, pathology.

What to do if a pregnant woman feels sick on a plane

Women in the early stages of pregnancy are prone to nausea and vomiting. Follow the recommendations to avoid an unpleasant situation and make you feel better during the flight:

  • a few days before the flight (1-2) follow a light diet;
  • on the day of departure you should not eat heavily;
  • Drink water throughout the day to avoid dehydration;
  • If the airline's regulations allow you to bring your own food on board, take something healthy. On board, ask the flight attendant to heat the dish in the microwave;
  • if you are prohibited from bringing home-made food, use the company menu; it usually has a dietary menu;
  • if you feel sick, you need to look straight ahead, focusing your gaze on one point. Breathe deeply. Take a sip of water and place a mint tablet or lozenge under your tongue, dissolving slowly;
  • try to distract yourself with a book or newspaper, soothing music, or try to relax and fall asleep. You should not take sleeping pills;
  • It is best to avoid drinks with caffeine, but for mild dizziness, one dose is allowed - a small cup of coffee or strong tea.

Dear visitors of the Aviawiki website! There are so many of your questions that, unfortunately, our specialists do not always have time to answer them all. Let us remind you that we answer questions absolutely free of charge and on a first-come, first-served basis. However, you have the opportunity to be guaranteed to receive a prompt response for a symbolic amount.

The health of the baby is the most important thing for expectant mothers. Therefore, they try to avoid any risk. One of the dangerous factors is traveling by plane. Not everyone knows how long pregnant women can fly on an airplane without harming the baby.

It is better to contact the carrier in advance to avoid unpleasant situations. For example, certain regulations are being clearly worked out. They indicate until what week pregnant women can use the services of carriers. And from what week will it be necessary to obtain a certificate from the attending physician before boarding.

Each airline issues its own set of rules regarding pregnant women.

Lufthansa is one of the popular companies that always tries to avoid unforeseen situations. Pregnant women can freely use the services of this company up to 8 weeks. Then you will have to spend time and effort to obtain a medical certificate. They are issued only on the territory of the medical center, which belongs to the company itself. There you can easily get an answer to the question until what month can pregnant women fly on an airplane.

British Airlines admits women up to 28 weeks of pregnancy. After this, again, you must obtain a separate doctor's permission. If the dates are later, travel will be denied.

Not such strict rules apply on ships belonging to ours. You can fly without problems until 36 weeks. Then you will need a certificate from your attending physician to obtain permission.

Delta Airlines– another American carrier. He allows pregnant women on board regardless of their due date.

The first trimester is the most risky in this regard.. Too active movements lead to labor starting prematurely. There is a high risk of miscarriage. The main systems at this time are not yet formed in the fetus. There is a high probability that the mother will become intoxicated. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion regarding this period: everyone recommends refraining from flying.

Before flying on an airplane, pregnant women should seek advice from their gynecologist.

There are other important nuances. They will answer how many weeks of travel will not harm your health.

  1. Second trimester most favorable for travel. This time is between 14-28 weeks. Mom's health is improving. The surrounding world does not pose such a great danger to the health of children. There are no contraindications to flying if the woman herself is absolutely healthy.
  2. Third trimester, again, carries quite a lot of risks. At this time, the likelihood of premature birth increases. And a large belly will not allow you to sit comfortably in a standard-sized chair.

It is better to go to a gynecologist and get advice from him before going on a trip. He will carefully look at the test results and study the medical record.

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most favorable for travel.

Features you should know about

It is necessary to obtain not only the certificate itself, but also to ensure that there is a stamp on it. It is in this press that they write about when the birth is expected to take place and how far along the woman is. It will also indicate that there are no contraindications to flights. Although this certificate is mandatory only for some companies that want to protect themselves from all possible risks.

There are several situations in which flying is strictly prohibited. Here are some of them:

  1. When the woman gave birth, but not even seven days passed after that.
  2. 36 weeks and later. In cases of multiple pregnancy, the ban is imposed already at 32 weeks. Whether pregnant women can fly on an airplane in the early stages is also determined individually.
  3. There is a threat of miscarriage, which doctors warn about separately. Or if complications occur, the pregnancy progresses with pathologies.

On special requirements from carriers

Most airlines do not have policies that prohibit pregnant women from flying. Everyone decides this issue based on their individual characteristics. The main thing is for passengers to find out the set of rules before purchasing tickets.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a pregnant woman’s body when making a flight.

For example, if women are less than 4 weeks away from giving birth, they may not be allowed to board an Aeroflot aircraft. Necessary get a so-called exchange card, and then provide it to the company’s employees. You must put your signature on an agreement stating that, in case of unforeseen circumstances, there are no claims against the carrier itself.

What other nuances should be taken into account?

There are a few tricks that will make the flight easier for everyone.

  1. It's better to choose, if there are appropriate financial opportunities. Conditions will be better here. There are fewer people and the chairs are much more comfortable. This also applies to those who decided to do this at 7 months of pregnancy.
  2. Recommended sit in the front row, if the usual numbering is not available in the cabin. It’s easier to relax in such places; you can simply stretch your legs.
  3. Recommend sit not by the window, but closer to the aisle. This is especially true for those who go to the toilet frequently.
  4. There's a lot more fresh air in the front row than in the latter.
  5. To fly you need to choose looser clothes. It is better to postpone tight dresses and tight trousers, squeezing belts until another time. Beauty should fade into the background, the most important thing now is convenience.
  6. It will be easier to sit if take a couple of pillows on the road, even ordinary inflatable ones. They are placed under the neck or lower back.
  7. One of the main recommendations is drink as much fluid as possible. The main thing is that it is ordinary water, without gas. Even juices and coffee are prohibited from drinking during the flight.
  8. You can take off your shoes and take slippers with you. Every hour and a half It is recommended to just walk around the salon, warm up a little.
  9. You should always have it with you insert with blood type, telephone numbers of loved ones and passport.

Business class is the best choice for pregnant women

How harmful are flights for pregnant women?

To answer the question of whether it is harmful for pregnant women to fly on an airplane, you must understand for yourself how pregnancy proceeds. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Every woman who has already gone on vacation, for example, will answer this question differently. Some people have positive experiences, while others have only negative ones. And you don’t have to listen to every recommendation. The main specialist who is recommended to listen to is the attending physician himself.

There are only a few reasons why it is worth considering whether traveling by air is really necessary.

  1. If pregnancy is already underway 12 weeks. This is a dangerous period - any stress can interrupt the course of pregnancy. There is a very high chance of developing toxicosis.
  1. During the third trimester, from 27 weeks and later. In the second trimester, sudden changes are prohibited.

At this time, the entire female body is preparing for childbirth. It is difficult for the expectant mother to move due to a large belly, swelling and general fatigue. No one has proven that the danger is great at this time, but it would be a good idea to take care. Hypoxia often develops due to pressure changes. This means that the baby may not have enough oxygen.

Airplanes and pregnancy, pregnant women are not allowed to fly on airplanes for longer than 4 hours

  1. If you have some diagnoses from a gynecologist: anemia, pathology of the placenta, and so on.
  2. If a woman herself is very afraid of flying on airplanes. After all, any stress poses a danger to pregnant women. Panic can cause more damage to a baby's health than being in the air itself.

Be prepared for any consequences, including the most unpleasant ones. A first aid kit prepared in advance will help in this matter.

Most women today lead an active lifestyle, travel a lot, and go on business trips. The modern rhythm of life cannot be compared with how our grandmothers and even mothers lived. Trains and planes take us to different places on the planet in just a couple of hours, so nothing prevents us from traveling a lot and exploring the world. Flying on airplanes has become a simple and commonplace thing in recent decades; we easily take off and fly abroad on vacation or for work.

But what to do if pregnancy occurs? Will you have to completely change your lifestyle or can you travel at the same pace as before? Pregnancy is accompanied by many prejudices and beliefs. At every step we hear that you can’t cut your hair, buy clothes for your future baby, or paint your nails and hair. Moreover, flying on airplanes raises even more serious doubts, so let’s figure it out – can pregnant women fly or will they have to sit at home for the entire nine months?

General information about flying during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that not all airlines allow pregnant women on board, they have reasons for this, because cases of childbirth on an airplane are quite common. Companies have developed clear rules governing the stay of women at different stages of pregnancy on board; some of them refuse to transport women already at 3-4 weeks. The most liberal transportation rules apply to Russian Aeroflot. There are absolutely no restrictions for pregnant women, and flight attendants undergo special training to assist women giving birth. AirFrance also does not require any paperwork and allows pregnant women on flights without any restrictions, however, such cases are the exception to the rule rather than the rule.

Most often, even within the time limits allowed by the rules, a document from a doctor is required that a woman can fly. A flight for a pregnant woman is possible provided that a special commitment is signed before the flight, which states that the company is not responsible for the consequences that may arise after the flight for the woman or fetus.

Under what circumstances should pregnant women not fly on an airplane?

The decision about the possibility of flying should be made by a gynecologist, based on your state of health and possible contraindications. Only your doctor can determine whether you can fly or not. When visiting the consultation, you must take a certificate indicating the duration of pregnancy and the approximate date of birth. Ask to indicate in the document that the pregnant woman has no contraindications for flying. Most airlines require such certificates to allow pregnant women to board a flight. However, this applies to healthy pregnancies; in other cases, there are restrictions on flights. The World Health Organization does not recommend flying in the following cases:

  • The gestation period is from 36 weeks, and for multiple pregnancies - from 32 weeks.
  • Complicated course of pregnancy, including the threat of miscarriage or miscarriage, various pathologies, concomitant chronic diseases.
  • Within a week after giving birth.

The English Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists outlines absolute contraindications for flying:

  • Preeclampsia
  • Severe anemia

Relative contraindications include the risk of premature birth and placental abruption, as well as moderate anemia, spotting at any stage, multiple pregnancies over 24 weeks and abnormal fetal position in the third trimester.

Most domestic doctors do not recommend that women fly on an airplane in the first trimester - this is the most crucial time, when all the organs and systems of the baby are formed, and the risk of miscarriage is greatest. To eliminate potential danger, we recommend that you refrain from flying during this period.

In what cases are pregnant women allowed to fly on an airplane?

If you feel well and the pregnancy is proceeding without any problems, then you can fly on an airplane, the main thing is to approach the matter wisely and exercise some caution. Recent studies show that during an uncomplicated pregnancy, the best time to fly is the second trimester. The most dangerous first trimester is already over, and childbirth is still far away - it’s time to relax, gain strength and impressions. All the important organs of the child are formed at this time, and the woman feels mobile and light. In addition, the risk of complications in the second trimester is minimal.

Before planning a flight, consider your age, health, stamina and well-being. You cannot predict how the body will react to the flight or whether it will be able to adapt to a new country and unusual climate. Avoid traveling to exotic countries, because in addition to a sharp change in climate, you may find unsanitary conditions, local bacteria and infections there, and vaccination is contraindicated for pregnant women. Before your trip, make sure to purchase good insurance that covers treatment for complications during pregnancy. If done wisely, traveling by plane in the second trimester will bring joy and good mood, so feel free to go on vacation.

Disadvantages of flying by plane

Most doctors recommend refraining from flying during pregnancy, although they will not express categorical objections. If you have no individual contraindications, and your tests and well-being are like those of an astronaut, then no one will forbid you. But why then do doctors have an ambivalent attitude towards flying and refrain from giving a clear answer as to whether pregnant women can fly? There are some factors that could theoretically provoke termination of pregnancy; they must be taken into account before making your own decision:

  1. Pressure drops. During a flight, especially during landing and takeoff, severe pressure changes are considered common, and doctors cannot clearly predict how a pregnant woman will tolerate this. Many doctors believe that a sharp change in atmospheric pressure can cause premature birth, but there is no scientific evidence for this yet. The risk of premature birth can be detected by ultrasound along the length of the cervix, and if there is such a predisposition, then flying should definitely be excluded.
  2. Lack of oxygen. During the flight, the oxygen concentration in the cabin decreases, so there is an opinion that during a long flight, oxygen starvation of the fetus may occur. The Swiss scientist R. Huch studied the influence of relative on the body of pregnant women. The research results showed that there were no deviations either in the composition of the woman’s blood or in the reactions of the fetus, so there is no need to worry. However, if a pregnant woman suffers from anemia, then flying on an airplane is undesirable, and severe anemia is a clear contraindication to flying.
  3. Blood stagnation. During long flights, thrombosis is the most serious consequence of flying for pregnant women. Doctors note that the risk of developing deep venous thrombosis in pregnant women increases fivefold, and sitting for a long time in an airplane seat without moving does not improve the situation. To reduce the risk, it is recommended to wear compression stockings on the plane, drink water frequently, avoid caffeine, and periodically walk around the cabin (about 10 minutes for every hour of flight).
  4. Radiation. On earth, we annually receive a dose of radioactive radiation equal to two x-rays - this is completely safe, because we are protected by a thick layer of the atmosphere. However, at altitude the level of cosmic radioactive radiation increases because there is less atmospheric protection. More than 20 years ago, the US Federal Aviation Administration recognized that aircraft pilots had the same level of exposure per year as employees of enterprises with increased radiation hazards. At the same time, studies prove that rare flights are safe for the fetus. During a flight lasting more than 7 hours, passengers are exposed to 2.5 times less radiation than during a chest x-ray.
  5. Nervousness and stress. Sometimes a woman’s health may worsen due to nervousness. When you are nervous, the tone of the uterus may increase or a severe headache may occur (pregnant women often write about this on forums), so many doctors say that you should not travel in the early stages.

Recommendations for pregnant women who need to fly

So, the decision has been made, the tour is booked. Now let's talk about how to properly organize a flight so that it is pleasant and safe for mother and baby:

When deciding on a trip, first of all consult your doctor. Women all over the world successfully fly by plane at different stages of pregnancy, but the flight must be approached individually - everyone’s health is different and pregnancy also progresses differently. If your pregnancy is proceeding without complications and you are past the first trimester, your doctor will most likely be positive about the possibility of flying. And if you have certain contraindications or concomitant chronic diseases, he will advise how to avoid problems or recommend another way to travel.

Does a pregnant woman have the right to deny herself travel by plane? Can this affect the baby's health? What are the precautions and rules for traveling on airplanes for expectant mothers? Let's try to figure it out.

Are pregnant women allowed on the plane? Do they need a certificate?

  • Pregnancy is a crucial period in the life of an expectant mother. All women undergo significant changes in their bodies.
  • Hormonal changes and literally weekly changes in the female body are associated with the smooth functioning of all organs for bearing the baby and a successful birth at the appointed time.
  • Can air travel somehow affect the well-being of the expectant mother and her baby? Indeed, often during pregnancy a woman has to choose between all types of travel, often giving preference to air travel.
Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman’s life

Traveling on airplanes is not always comfortable for some categories of people of different ages. It is even more difficult to imagine how the body of a woman in an “interesting position” will react to movement in the air.

IMPORTANT: Pregnant women can fly on airplanes if the pregnancy scenario is normal, they are in good health and the doctor’s permission is given on the eve of the upcoming flight.

According to the rules of many airlines, pregnant women are allowed on board the plane if they have a medical certificate about the health of the expectant mother at the moment and the stage of pregnancy.

  • Rules often stipulate periods during which pregnant women may not be allowed on a plane when checking in without the appropriate document.
  • And if you do not fit into the permitted time frame for the flight and do not have medical confirmation, you may not be allowed to board the flight.
  • Therefore, before the flight, you should find out in advance from the air carriers selling tickets whether a medical document is needed for pregnant women to fly and for what period.

Each airline has its own requirements and rules. Usually, a doctor's certificate about the woman's condition is required, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, which is prescribed by a doctor no later than 7 days before the flight.

On airline websites you can find examples of medical documents that a pregnant woman should take with her.

IMPORTANT: You should be aware that for women with twin or multiple pregnancies, there are stricter rules and requirements when flying. Expectant mothers expecting the birth of more than one child are more susceptible to various risk factors when traveling on airplanes.

Rules for pregnant women on an airplane

To feel comfortable during the flight, you should follow some recommendations.

  • Before the flight, analyze your condition. If you are experiencing anxiety and fear, it is a good idea to consult your gynecologist before the flight for advice. Prescribing homeopathic medicines will help reduce a stressful situation and, most importantly, taking such medicines will not affect the health of the expectant mother and her baby.
  • If you are so far pregnant that your belly is already visible, be prepared that upon registration you may be required to provide a medical certificate about the duration of your pregnancy and its progress. Therefore, find out in advance what medical document should be provided to the carrier company and complete it on the eve of the flight.

  • It is advisable for the expectant mother to fly accompanied by a loved one. A pregnant woman will feel calmer during the flight, and in case of unforeseen complications, she will be able to rely on her accompanying person.
  • When purchasing a ticket, choose a comfortable and spacious seat, preferably close to the toilet. Choose seats in Comfort or Business Class with increased space between seats.
  • When you board the plane, take warm clothes and a comfortable pillow to support your cervical spine. It is advisable to have a small pillow for the lower back. This will reduce the load on your back and make it less tired from sitting.
  • Take a bottle of thermal water to the salon to spray your face.
  • To be safe from viral infection, do not forget to bring a safety mask.

  • During the flight, you should periodically bend and straighten your knees to avoid swelling of the legs. If possible, walk around the aircraft cabin. For the flight, wear comfortable shoes that can be easily removed to rest your feet.
  • Don't forget about compression garments. Before your flight, put on suitable stockings, knee socks, and tights with the required degree of compression. This will help reduce the risk of blood clots and prevent leg swelling during travel.
  • On the road, choose clothes that make you comfortable. It should be made of natural fabrics and not restrict movement.
  • Try to drink non-carbonated mineral water during the flight, this way you will protect yourself from dehydration.
  • The seat belt should be fastened under the stomach at the level of the hips, and not in the center of the stomach. In case of an air pocket, you can protect your stomach from accidental injuries.
  • You should not travel by plane often. Pregnant women are recommended to adapt for at least a week to a new place after the flight.
  • If you feel the slightest deterioration on the plane, you should seek help from a flight attendant. Don’t be shy, they won’t leave you in trouble and will always help you.

Is it dangerous for pregnant women to fly on an airplane?

  • Good health, absence of complications and various pathologies during pregnancy are the main criteria for air travel.
  • Caution should be exercised when traveling by air during the first and third trimester of pregnancy. The most favorable period for this type of movement is the second trimester.
  • But there are a number of medical complications that prohibit air travel for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy.

Contraindications for which pregnant women should not fly

  • anemia
  • pregnancy through artificial insemination
  • multiple pregnancy
  • placental abnormalities
  • preeclampsia
  • thrombophlebitis
  • hypertonicity of the uterus
  • toxicosis associated with frequent vomiting
  • late complicated toxicosis
  • chronic heart and lung diseases
  • inflammatory processes of the paranasal cavities, chronic rhinitis and ear diseases
  • allergic manifestations
  • colds
  • high blood pressure
  • swelling

Is it possible for pregnant women to fly on an airplane in the early stages, in the first trimester?

  • Many women experience discomfort at different stages of pregnancy. Women feel this especially in the first weeks of an “interesting situation.”
  • Ailments in the form of fatigue, irritability, tearfulness, nausea, etc. experience almost all pregnant women. Therefore, air travel can provoke and intensify these symptoms.
  • Doctors do not recommend pregnant women to fly by plane in the early stages of pregnancy. The first trimester is often accompanied by increased uterine tone, and therefore increases the risk of miscarriage.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus can be caused by a pressure difference during takeoff and landing of an airplane; this factor should be taken into account by pregnant women who have already encountered such a complication.

Can pregnant women fly in the second trimester?

The second trimester of pregnancy is the best period for flying
  • The second trimester of pregnancy (14-27 weeks) is considered the most favorable period for flying. During this period, the woman gets used to her state of pregnancy.
  • The abdomen has not yet reached a large size; by this time, as a rule, the initial toxicosis in the form of nausea and vomiting, weakness and unstable mood has passed.
  • Therefore, traveling on an airplane is much better tolerated at this stage of pregnancy. Expectant mothers tolerate short flights of 3-4 hours relatively well at this stage.

IMPORTANT: A pregnant woman should take care of documents on the eve of the flight: a doctor’s certificate, an insurance policy and the telephone number of the local maternity hospital and ambulance.

Is it possible for pregnant women to travel by plane in the later stages?

  • Air travel in the last weeks of pregnancy is not advisable and should be avoided if possible.
  • This period is often accompanied by swelling, high blood pressure, and excessive fatigue. Late toxicosis may also occur in the third trimester.
  • Therefore, doctors recommend refraining from flying during this period. In addition, noise, shaking, stuffy and dry air in the aircraft cabin, excess excitement and tension can bring additional discomfort and adversely affect your well-being.
  • At 30-33 weeks of pregnancy, most airlines refuse to fly pregnant women, as there is a risk of premature birth and complications during the birth of the child and the health of the mother.

Until what month, until how many weeks of pregnancy can you fly by plane?

  • If you decide to travel by air, try to check with your chosen airline in advance about the flight rules for pregnant women.
  • Typically, air carriers can refuse to fly a pregnant woman whose gestational age exceeds 34 weeks for a single pregnancy and 32 weeks for a multiple pregnancy.
  • If a woman is in the last 4 weeks before giving birth, most airlines require written permission from a doctor to fly with confirmation that the pregnancy is proceeding without complications or pathologies. The gestational age and approximate date of birth are indicated.
  • Any non-compliance with the standards for processing medical documents may serve as a reason for refusal of air travel.

What to do if a pregnant woman feels sick on a plane?

And often vomiting often accompanies a pregnant woman, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. It is possible that on an airplane, attacks of nausea can cause great discomfort to the expectant mother.

  • You should not have a heavy breakfast or lunch before your flight. The day before your trip, you should go on a light diet.
  • If airline rules allow, take your usual home-cooked food with you on the road. During the flight, ask the flight attendant to heat your lunch in the microwave. Otherwise, use the diet menu, which, as a rule, all airlines have on board their aircraft.
  • At the first signs of discomfort, try to focus your gaze in a straight line at one point. At the same time, breathe deeply through your mouth.

  • A small cup of coffee will help relieve mild dizziness. But remember that only one dose of caffeine is acceptable in your situation, as it can severely dehydrate the body.
  • It is best to tune in to good thoughts, calm down and not indulge in anxiety. Flip through a magazine, listen to calm music, or best of all, relax and try to doze off. Just do not take sleeping pills during the flight. This can negatively affect your well-being and the health of your baby.

Pregnant women about the plane: reviews

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