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In essence: how to use essential oils in face and body care? Effective complexes of essential oils for the body: miracles of home cosmetology

Healthy elastic “silk skin” is the dream of every woman. With age, this wonderful gift of youth gradually fades away. To preserve it for many years, essential oils for the body provide invaluable help. They are the basic basis of aromacosmetics, the use of which has its own specific rules.

The effect of essential oils on the body

The culture of using essential oils has a long history, and today aromacosmetics is recognized as the most promising direction in cosmetology. Why do these amazingly scented liquids have a unique effect on the skin?

The answer is simple - they contain a huge range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements. Moreover, the molecules of these substances have very small sizes, which ensures excellent absorption by the skin. This makes them ideal ingredients in personal care products.

  • They perfectly heal, nourish and soften the skin.
  • The oxygen molecules contained in them penetrate the cell wall, participate in the transfer of nutrients to the starving cells of the body and ensure their proper absorption.
  • The presence of antioxidant properties in these incense prevents all pathological cellular processes.
  • The use of aromacosmetics allows you to slow down the process of fading of the hormonal status of the body, which largely determines the condition of the skin.

Essential oils for the skin of the body will reveal all their magnificent possibilities only with their skillful and regular use.

How to choose aromacosmetics for body care

The correct selection of aromatic oils largely guarantees an excellent result of their application.

The selection criteria are:

  • the type and condition of the skin, the problems to be eliminated;
  • the purpose of each oil component;
  • procedure in which you intend to use this oil arsenal.

Using essential oils in the bath for skin care

All the following information is provided for skin care at home.

Enjoying a fragrant bath

  1. In a bath filled with warm water, add a glass of kefir with aromatic additives: 2 drops of lemon oil, 4 rosemary and 6 drops of thyme.
  2. We take a bath for 20–25 minutes. Such a bath will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also give you great pleasure.
  3. It is perfectly acceptable to dream up using precious fragrant drops. For example, by mixing 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 drops of ginger and black pepper aroma oil in water, you will improve blood circulation and general well-being.

For oily and porous skin

The best essential oils for the body with oily and porous skin are lemon, lemon balm, rosemary, eucalyptus, bergamot, pine and juniper.

The diagram for the most effective combination of these components is as follows:

  1. mint - 3 drops, 2 drops of eucalyptus and lemon, or such a ratio - 2 drops of juniper and bergamot oil, and chamomile and lemon - 3 each.
  2. You should enjoy a bath with such ingredients for no more than 20–15 minutes.

Getting rid of cellulite

To part with the hated cellulite pits on the skin, citrus essential oils will be your reliable allies. For this:

  1. 2 - 3 drops of oil from these sunny fruits are dissolved in 200 g of milk and added to the bath.
  2. But it should be taken no more than 20 minutes.
  3. An important warning: you should not sunbathe after such a bath.

Massages and wraps

Essential oils for body massage will help you get rid of not only cellulite, but also annoying fat deposits. This procedure is doubly effective, since the healing effect of the massage itself is combined with the healing properties of the oil components.

Of course, it is better to carry out such procedures in massage rooms by the hands of experienced massage therapists. But even at home, by performing these procedures on yourself regularly and energetically, you can achieve noticeable results. When massaging the skin along the massage lines, you should not overdo it on the inner thighs. If you are predisposed to fragility of blood vessels, you can “decorate” yourself with bruises.

All essential oils for body massage can be applied to the skin only in diluted form. It is advisable to use ready-made aromatic mixtures. But if you wish, you can independently create a composition of useful and enchanting aromas. Each aroma product comes with instructions. After carefully studying it, you will gain information about the beneficial properties of a particular product and the most suitable base oil.

  • A honey massage of problem areas with citrus essential oils gives an excellent effect.
  • Popular today, it is very effective when combined with essential oils from grape seeds, citrus fruits and wheat germ.
  • Here is a very effective recipe for youth and beauty of your body: rub all problem areas with a mixture of sea salt, 3 drops of lemongrass and dill oils, 2 drops of black pepper oil and 1 drop of cinnamon. Perform massage movements from top to bottom. After 15 minutes, take a regular bath. Repeat the procedure every 2 days. There are 10 procedures in total.

Anti-cellulite wrap with essential oils

Now let’s take a step-by-step look at how to properly use essential oils on the body for anti-cellulite wraps:

  1. mix 1 tbsp. l. base oil (almond, olive) with 4 – 5 drops of citrus aroma oil;
  2. add this composition to blue clay (50 g) and “flavor” with 10 g of ground cinnamon;
  3. Using water, bring the mixture to the consistency of sour cream;
  4. apply it to problem areas, cover them with film and carefully wrap them in a warm blanket;
  5. we get “pleasure” for 40–50 minutes;
  6. wash off the mixture with warm water;
  7. apply anti-cellulite cream.

Such procedures take no more than an hour and should be performed once every 3 days. Course – 10 wraps. The effect of the procedures is achieved both through wrapping and thanks to the active components of oils that improve blood microcirculation.

Fighting stretch marks

Many unpleasant moments are caused to young mothers by the inheritance in the form of skin stretch marks left by a past pregnancy. Let us not reassure our readers in vain; the proposed recipe will not completely get rid of these scars, but will only make them less noticeable. A massage with rubbing in an oil mixture of base oil, as well as geranium and rosemary (2 drops each) and lavender and lemon (1 drop each) will significantly restore the smoothness and uniformity of the skin.

Body masks

Masks with essential oil for the body will also help take care of the health and beauty of your skin. They, like other procedures, will improve its appearance due to the deep impact of essential oils on cell membranes and activation of metabolic processes.

Step by step, this procedure is as follows:

  1. from the list of floral essential oils you choose the desired aroma;
  2. check whether it will cause you an allergy;
  3. enrich your usual cosmetic products with it (a few drops per 10–15 ml of base);
  4. Apply this cream or gel after taking a shower or bath.

By using essential oils on the skin of the body, women not only get rid of specific skin problems, but also receive pleasant sensations and regain tenderness and sensuality lost in everyday activities.

When it comes to essential oils, we most often associate them with aromatherapy, but in fact, their valuable properties can be safely used in caring for the skin of the face, body and, of course, hair. Natural essential oils contain compounds from various chemical families that give them unique analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and mucolytic properties. They have a very powerful effect, 50-100 times more concentrated than their parent plant, which is why they are sold in micro-doses - 10-25 ml bottles. Of course, they are worth including in your beauty routine: oils will enhance the effectiveness of your skin care products, as well as additionally saturate it with nutrients and have the effect required by their type.

The first rule in using essential oils for beauty is safety. The essential concentrate of a particular plant can cause allergies, so before using the oil, it should be tested for allergic reactions. Cold-pressed oils, such as citrus fruits, can lead to skin sensitization, that is, an increased reactive reaction to an irritant. Allergies can also occur if oils are improperly diluted or used in high, inappropriate doses. In its pure form, experts recommend using only tea tree oil (applied for inflammation, say) and lavender - and then only on adult mature skin. It’s best to be careful and listen to our advice on how to use natural essential oils in facial and body skin care.

  • Essential oils against wrinkles and for skin tone: 5 drops of frankincense, 3 drops of carrot seed oil, 2 drops of chamomile dissolve in 30-40 ml of primrose oil. Use 2 times a week. Apply to skin with massage movements after washing. Hold the mixture for about 5-10 minutes until the skin takes as much as it needs. Blot the rest with a napkin.
  • Essential oils against dryness and dull complexion: If your skin needs to be invigorated and moisturized, add 2-3 drops of cistus and sandalwood essential oils to your night skin cream or face mask. Cistus will work as an anti-inflammatory agent, and sandalwood will moisturize the skin and refresh the complexion.
  • Essential oils to moisturize your skin: Use ½ cup of a mixture of natural oils to base your product. This could be jojoba oil, olive oil, macadamia, sweet almond, rose or apricot/grape seed. Add 20-30 drops of essential oil to it to suit your skin type:
  1. For dry: jasmine, chamomile, rose and myrrh.
  2. For oily skin: bergamot, patchouli, orange and rosemary.
  3. For acne problems: cedar, tea tree, lemon and cistus.
  4. For all skin types: lavender, geranium, rose and ylang-ylang.
  5. For mature skin: carrot, rose, neroli and sage seeds.
  • Mix the oils and pour into a clean glass vessel. Apply to your skin when you feel it lacks moisture. If you take solid oils as a basis - coconut, cocoa or shea butter, cocoa, you will be able to moisturize the butter for the whole body. You can beat with a mixer or blender to obtain a homogeneous light mass.

Natural essential oils can and should even be added to your body care routine. Firstly, they have a healing effect on various diseases - from colds to coughs. Secondly, they will become a therapy for various problems with joints and muscles. Thirdly, they will improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Fourthly, they will relieve inflammation and eliminate pain from the abdominal area. Fifthly, they will relieve tension from the legs and prevent varicose veins. Sixthly, they will moisturize the skin, work as well as eliminate dryness. In short, you can use essential oils in 1001 cases: they have a quick effect, and most importantly, they are the most natural and safe product.

How to use: dissolve essential oils in an oil base, add to lotions and body creams. Use in everyday skin care after a shower, and also use them for massages - firming or anti-cellulite, for example.

  • Essential oils for relieving carpal tunnel syndrome: if you spend a lot of time at the computer, you probably know what carpal tunnel syndrome is, when your fingers go numb, cramps appear, etc. This is a neurological disease in which the nerve between the bones and tendon of the wrist is pinched. To relieve inflammation, massage with this mixture of oils: dissolve 15 drops of cypress, 6 drops of immortelle, 8 drops of chamomile in 30 ml of base oil. Tamanu oil is recommended. Massage your wrist and hand areas.
  • Essential oils against PMS: to eliminate abdominal pain, prepare the following mixture: mix 20 drops of sage with 10 drops of ginger, dissolve in jojoba oil. Apply the mixture to your stomach, especially the lower area where it hurts. Perform a light circular massage.
  • Essential oils against muscle pain, against varicose veins: if you are actively involved in running or other sports that involve a lot of movement, this oil mixture will relieve tension from your legs, have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen blood vessels, as well as improve blood flow. In addition, it will perfectly moisturize the skin and relax the muscles after a workout. Dissolve 13 drops of marjoram (the best for sore throat!), 10 drops of palmarosa, 3 drops of neroli in 30 ml of sweet almond oil. Additionally, to relieve pain faster, add 2 drops of an analgesic - wintergreen or neroli - to the mixture.

Essential oils for skin: what the expert says

Elena Klimchuk, cosmetologist at the Organic Beauty & SPA salon:

Aroma oils are actively used in cosmetology for the face, body and hair. They can be used in aroma lamps for aromatherapy, you can add a few drops to the bath, and also use them as compresses.

Essential oils can be mixed into skin and hair care products, or added to water to moisturize the skin. Oils are also used for oral administration.

Essential oil is the soul of plants; the oil contains a high concentration of beneficial substances. Oils are good because they have a very good ability to penetrate the skin. These are powerful active agents. You need to be careful when using natural essences and be sure to conduct an allergy test: apply 1 drop of oil to the skin and after 12 hours assess the condition of the skin.

How to use essential oils according to skin type:

  • For lifting and anti-age therapy: rose, jasmine, verbena, cedar, verbena, rosemary, sage, sandalwood.
  • As an antiseptic, for the treatment of acne: lemon, chamomile, lemon balm, tea tree.
  • For dry and sensitive skin: neroli, rose.
  • For hair care: ylang-ylang, patchouli.

How do you use natural essential oils in skin care?

Most massage therapists prefer to use oil over other massage products.

The advantage of oil mixtures is that:

  • oils promote good gliding of hands over the surface of the body, which is important for the procedure. This protects the epidermis from damage during very intense therapeutic or anti-cellulite massages;
  • the correctly selected composition of the oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, introduces microelements and vitamins into the tissues and benefits the entire body;
  • oils make the body toned and elastic. Using them during the procedure will relieve cellulite, stretch marks, excess weight and sagging skin;
  • help cope with stress and bad mood. The use of oils during massage provides not only physical relaxation, but also emotional;
  • oils are beneficial for all skin types, especially for dry and aging skin.

Massage oil consists mainly of 2 parts: the base and the active part (essential oil). The active part can enhance the effect of the massage, but in some cases it is not used, carrying out the procedure only with the help of the first component.

Base oil or carrier oil helps your hands glide better over the surface of the body, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. All natural base oils are created from plants: fruits, seeds, seeds and other plant materials.

It is better to choose unrefined, cold-pressed carrier oil: it retains more nutrients. These include fatty acids, antioxidants, phospholipids, wax, pigments, and vitamins.

When choosing a base oil, what matters is the type of skin, the area of ​​the body part on which the massage will be performed, and what result needs to be achieved.

Based on consistency, the base comes in three types: liquid, viscous or solid. Solid, batters hold their shape when heated to +35°. These include palm, coconut, and shea butter. Almond, grape, and apricot oils have a viscous texture. Liquid base oils include olive and corn oils, sesame oils, sea buckthorn oils, soybean oils and others.

Essential oil is a special concentrated substance with a bright aroma, which is an extract from plants using high technology. Esters are very volatile, quickly dissolving in the air, leaving no greasy residue. In cosmetology, flavored oils need a fatty carrier: base vegetable oils, creams or lotions.

Due to their plant origin, esters contain vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and other beneficial substances. The effects of essential oils are varied and extensive: they warm, relax, soften, smooth, tone, relieve inflammation.

The use of ethers enhances the benefits of massage. A pleasant aroma allows you to create an atmosphere of relaxation and peace. Used for massage of the whole body and face.

Esters are not used in their pure form; they can cause burns. They must be dissolved in a small amount of base, which retains volatile essential oils.

Features of face and body oils

When choosing oil for massage, you should consider what part of the body it is used for.

Facial massage oil should consist only of natural and natural elements. Facial skin is delicate, so any chemicals are excluded. These oils often contain various vitamin and mineral components.

This is especially important when massaging dry or aging skin. Skin type determines which essential oil will be used as an additive to the base. For body massage, you can use the same oils as for the face.

In addition to them, the following oils are often used as a base:

The choice of essential oil as an additional remedy depends on the goals and type of massage. The skin of the body is not the same everywhere; it has its own differences and characteristics in different areas. For example, when massaging the back, any mixture of base and essential oils is used.

To massage the décolleté and chest area, it is recommended to use oils that have a rejuvenating and firming effect.

If this is a massage of the lower body, including the buttocks, thighs and legs, then the ideal choice would be a complex of base and essential oils with a tightening and firming effect. Such compositions will help restore elasticity to the skin, smooth out stretch marks and give it a healthy appearance.

Oils for relaxing massage

Massage oil for relaxation will not only help relieve muscle tension, but will relax the mind and senses, relieve tension and stress.

For a relaxing massage, the best base will be neutral oils that do not have a strong odor. These are apricot, peach or grape seed oils. The effect depends on the essential oil chosen for them.

For example, a massage will calm and lift your spirits if you choose a mixture with the addition of mint and lavender oils. With the use of aromatic citrus oils, the result will be a general tone of the body and a surge of strength. To relieve pain and signs of fatigue in the legs, you should choose mint, pine oil or jasmine essential oil.

The most common relaxant oils are

A large selection of essential oils for relaxation in pharmacies will allow you to do a gentle manual massage at home yourself.

Oils for anti-cellulite massage

During anti-cellulite procedures, the skin is heated, problem areas are rubbed and massaged, and blood circulation and metabolism are improved. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, elasticity and tone return. Anti-cellulite essential oils enhance these processes.

Basically, it is recommended to take as a basis:

Other vegetable oils are also suitable as a base: peach, olive, apricot, grape.

After determining the base oil, add 3 to 5 drops of the selected aroma oil. One teaspoon of base oil per one essential oil taken.

Citrus fruit oils, especially orange, grapefruit and lemon, have a strong anti-cellulite effect. Oils of fennel, bergamot, rosemary and juniper will help remove excess water and toxins from the body, normalize metabolism, and fight obesity and swelling.

Limetta, anise, jasmine, patchouli aroma oils will increase skin elasticity, restore elasticity and eliminate sagging and lethargy. Cinnamon oil improves blood flow, relieves swelling, stimulates metabolism, accelerating the process of fat burning in the body.

If you add a few drops to a regular anti-cellulite cream and do a regular manual massage at home systematically, the result will be noticeable after two weeks.

At home, anti-cellulite massage is recommended to be done every day. The finished oil is applied to the problem area of ​​the body and rubbed into the skin with circular massage movements for about 10-15 minutes. Excess product is removed from the skin with a napkin. It is very good to do this massage at night.

It is not recommended to do anti-cellulite massage using oils during pregnancy.

There are a large number of recipes for oil mixtures. To prepare a universal remedy for combating cellulite, take 2 tbsp as a base. l. honey with the addition of any 4 essential oils, 3 drops each.

And the most effective composition is considered to be an oil composition of 8 drops of geranium, 10 drops each of grapefruit and bergamot, 3 drops of cinnamon, 4 drops of nutmeg per 5 tsp. base oil.

Oils for rejuvenating facial massage

Facial skin is more sensitive, delicate and more susceptible to aging than skin on other parts of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to its care. Facial skin massage using oils helps improve blood circulation, soothe skin tired during the day, slow down its aging and remove wrinkles.

Basically, massage procedures are carried out only with the use of base oil; essential oils are added if desired. According to the rules, the prepared oil is kept in a cool place, but before the procedure the mixture is warmed to room temperature. Before the massage, you should prepare your facial skin: steam it and clean it with a gel or scrub to remove impurities.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! For the best effect, it is recommended to do a course of massage, then give the skin a little rest. To maintain elasticity, carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

The simplest recipe for wrinkles is almond oil with honey. The composition is used to nourish the skin and reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! When adding oil to your foundation, you should keep your skin type in mind. To do this, it is better to consult with an experienced cosmetologist.

The following are considered universal oils:

  • flaxseed Cleanses, restores the lipid barrier, eliminates peeling, accelerates healing, reduces swelling and redness;
  • almond. Moisturizes, gives elasticity, removes wrinkles;
  • hazelnut oil: for everyday use, tightens pores and nourishes;
  • shea butter or shea butter. Solid in consistency, cleanses, softens and nourishes. Synthesizes collagen and restores skin tone, removes wrinkles;
  • olive for its high content of vitamins A and E.

For dry types, nourishing and moisturizing the skin is important. You should pay attention to cranberry ester, which contains a lot of fatty acids, wheat germ oil, which smoothes wrinkles, and macadamia oil, which relieves flaking.

For oily types, it is recommended to choose grape seed and sesame oils, which contain many antioxidants. They cleanse toxins and have a healing effect.

Sensitive and mature skin will be saved by avocado esters (for delicate skin around the eyes) and jojoba (restoring and healing effects). If the skin is dehydrated, aromatic oils from apricot kernels and coconut will help: moisturize and restore water balance. Sea buckthorn, palm, and castor oils are good for wrinkles.

Aroma oils that are often used in the fight against age-related skin changes include extracts from sandalwood, rose, sage, rosewood, and lavender.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, essential oils are added to improve the general condition of the facial skin: from puffiness (cinnamon), to tighten pores (lemon, lemon balm, mint, rose), to increase tone (myrtle), to add freshness (eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, grapefruit), to cleanse oilier skin (bergamot).

Oils with whitening effect

Essential oils are good for treating age spots on the skin. . Unlike many commercial beauty products that contain mercury or hydroquinone, oils are natural and environmentally friendly.

Essential oil is used in two ways:

  • mix it with a base foundation that suits your skin type;
  • add the product to water or skin care cream used for massage.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! When whitening your skin, you should not forget about the basic rules and contraindications for using essential oils. The best option is to consult a doctor who specializes in this field.

Whitening with essential oils is contraindicated in the following cases:

The esters of lemon, tea tree, sandalwood, rose oil and eucalyptus are especially popular for skin whitening.

Lemon oil. The very first remedy in the fight for fair skin. It contains two intense natural remedies to lighten the appearance of pigmentation. These are limonene and citric acid. Limonene helps even out skin tone and brighten skin. The second component is used as a natural peeling: exfoliates dead cells. Lemon oil-based whitening product is recommended to be used at night. You should not use it during the day or stay under the sun with it. To prepare it, you should take the base in the amount of 3 tbsp. spoons and add 3 drops of lemon oil to them.
Sandalwood oil. It has moisturizing and softening properties and is used in cosmetology to remove age spots. Brightens and protects it from aging. It is best to use at night: add 2-3 drops of sandalwood and almond oils and do a light massage. You don’t have to wash it off, the results of the procedure will appear faster and better.
Eucalyptus oil It has healing qualities: it treats sunburn, various inflammatory processes and other injuries. To whiten and get rid of stains, you need to mix it with jojoba oil in a ratio of 1:4 and apply to problem areas.

Therapeutic massage oils

Massage oil has healing properties, enhancing the effect of the procedure.

Having studied the medicinal characteristics of oils, choosing a suitable ester or composition from them will not be difficult:

Oils for erotic massage (stimulating)

Erotic massage can increase excitement or, on the contrary, relax and set the mood for romance. Like any other type of massage, this procedure involves rubbing and stroking parts of the body. To prepare a universal massage mixture, add 2 to 4 types of ether drop by drop to 10 ml of base with a neutral odor.

When choosing an aroma oil, it is important to take into account individual preferences in fragrances.

For the base, an oil with a softening effect is selected, making the touch pleasant during the massage. Olive, grape, apricot, and almond are suitable.

The second important ingredient is ether. During an erotic massage, they are used to create an intimate and sensual atmosphere and enhance tactile sensations. Essentials that increase sensuality and self-confidence, sexual desire and emotional openness include ginger, geranium, cinnamon, jasmine, patchouli, and bergamot.

Rose, jasmine and geranium are considered more feminine scents; for men, it is better to choose vetiver and ginger. In addition, cinnamon, ginger and cloves enhance massage sensations and blood circulation through a warming effect.

The most popular erotic oil is considered to be ylang-ylang: increases sexual desire and self-confidence, helps to reveal sensuality, better understand and feel your partner.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! It is necessary to remember safety precautions when working with essential oils. In no case should intimate parts be touched: it is dangerous to health due to the content of saturated aromatic oils in them.

Top 7 oils from cosmetic brands

Cosmetic oils can also be a good tool for massage. Having studied a large number of reviews from customers and the compositions of oils offered on the market, we identified 7 oils from cosmetic brands in different categories.

The best oil for facial massage


French product, has a restorative effect, costs from 489 rubles.

The oil is made by extraction from eight essential oils with the addition of rosehip and shea plant extracts. The product tones, restores water balance, and also has protective properties.

Essential oils are distilled pure essences extracted from the fruits, peels, twigs, leaves or flowers of plants. They are used in aromatherapy and promote emotional and physical relaxation. Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways: applied to the body in the form of an oil- or water-based liquid, inhaled through a diffuser, or diffused in a spray in combination with other substances. This article will discuss how to use essential oils.


Oil selection

    Evaluate the quality of oils before purchasing. Since you will be using the oil around the house and applying it to your skin, it is in your best interest to buy a quality oil. There are no specific standards for essential oils, so it is important to consider several factors when choosing.

    Consider the chemotype of the oil. Some manufacturers offer different versions of the same essential oil. Different types, or chemotypes, have different smells - this is influenced by climate, soil and plant growing conditions, as well as other factors. The advantage of choosing a specific chemotype is the ability to obtain different solutions depending on personal preferences.

    Pay attention to the packaging. Essential oils quickly lose their properties when exposed to light and heat. The oil should be packaged in a dark (usually brown) glass bottle and sealed tightly. Do not buy open oils or oils that have been exposed to light or heat. .

    Decide which method of application is right for you. Essential oils can be diluted in oil or water for use in a diffuser, or mixed with other substances (such as bath salts). Decide what you will do with the oil, and only then dilute it.

    If you want to apply the oil to your skin, you can dilute it in special oil or water. Almond, apricot, grape, jojoba and avocado oils are suitable for dissolving essential oils. These oils have a low odor, so they won't overpower the scent of essential oils. You can also dilute oils in water. Before you do this, decide how you will use the oils.

    Use undiluted essential oils. Some experts believe that undiluted oil should not be applied to the skin, as it can cause irritation and discomfort. However, research results indicate that such use is sometimes justified. For example, one study found that applying undiluted tea tree oil twice a day helped fight fungal nail infections. Before using oil in this manner, consult an experienced aromatherapist.

Use of essential oils as natural medicines

    Get rid of headaches with essential oils. Essential oils can combat minor headaches. Dilute the oil for use on a small area of ​​the body, then apply the mixture to the forehead, temples and back of the neck. Rub the oil into your skin using smooth circular movements while breathing deeply. The oils from the following plants work best for headaches:

    Treat acne with tea tree oil. Essential oils can clear up acne and are a great alternative to the harsh chemicals found in acne creams and medications. One study found that a five percent tea tree oil gel was as effective in fighting acne as benzoyl peroxide, which is often found in acne creams of varying strengths.

    • To make your own gel, add five drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Mix thoroughly and apply to acne with your fingers or a cotton swab. Store the mixture in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  1. Treat insomnia with lavender, chamomile and sage oils. The oils themselves won't save you from insomnia or its causes, but these relaxing oils will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep until morning. The best remedies for insomnia are lavender (relaxes), chamomile (is a natural sedative) and sage (has sleeping pills).

    • If you have a diffuser, turn it on before bed and add a couple drops of lavender, chamomile, or clary oil.
    • You can also add a few drops of oil to your bath or rub the solution into your legs and feet before bed.
    • Remember that some oils (such as rosemary, cypress, grapefruit, lemon and mint) can stimulate activity, so it is best not to use them in the evening.
  2. Fight stress with essential oils. Perhaps most often, oils are used for relaxation and calm. Essential oils have a positive effect on a person’s emotional state, since the receptors that perceive smell are associated with the human limbic system, that is, with the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions, memory and sexual arousal. The most effective oils are the following:

    • Lavender has a soothing, rich, sweet scent and is popular for its ability to relax the body on a physical and emotional level.
    • Frankincense oil has a warm and exotic scent that helps relieve stress.
    • Rose oil fights stress, as well as depression and sadness.
    • Chamomile oil, especially the Roman variety, helps combat stress caused by anxiety, as well as paranoia and feelings of hostility from others.
    • Vanilla oil is known for its medicinal properties. Many people find the smell of vanilla soothing, and some aromatherapists explain this by saying that the smell of vanilla is as close as possible to the smell of mother's milk. Vanilla brings serenity and promotes clear thinking.
  3. Beat snoring with thyme essential oil. This essential oil is effective in combating snoring. Make a concentrated solution of thyme oil (3-5 drops per teaspoon of regular oil) and rub it into the soles of both feet before bed. Cedar and marjoram oils also have a similar effect.

    Repel insects with lemon eucalyptus essential oil. Many commercial repellents contain harsh chemicals that have an unpleasant odor and cause skin irritation. A concentrated solution of lemon eucalyptus oil is an excellent alternative to these products, and the oil smells much nicer. You can mix essential oil with regular oil and apply directly to the skin, or pour the oil into a diffuser or aroma lamp and place it near an open window.

    Treat ear pain with essential oils. Topical application of certain oils can help get rid of ear infections and reduce pain. The oil should not be applied into the auricle, but along the neck and behind the sore ear.

    Use peppermint essential oil as a remedy for dizziness. Essential oils can relieve vestibular vertigo. Peppermint oil is one of the most effective essential oils for dizziness. It is often used to treat vertigo and nausea because it contains menthol, esters and menthone, substances that give mint its cooling and invigorating properties. If you feel dizzy, apply a few drops of peppermint oil to a cotton pad or tissue and breathe in. The following plant oils also help relieve dizziness:

    • Cypress
    • Basil
    • Sage
    • Lavender
    • Ginger
    • Rosemary
    • Mandarin
  4. Treat sunburn with oils. Some essential oils have been used in the treatment of burns for thousands of years due to their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. The oils most suitable for these purposes are lavender, immortelle, rose and Australian blue oil (this is a mixture of several essential oils). It is best to mix the oil with aloe vera gel (1 drop of oil per teaspoon of gel) and apply to the burn.

    • You can make a burn spray by mixing the following:
      • 1 cup + 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice
      • Quarter cup coconut oil
      • 1 teaspoon vitamin E
      • 8 drops lavender essential oil
      • 8 drops tea tree essential oil
      • 8 drops Roman chamomile essential oil
    • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well.
  5. Treat minor wounds with essential oils. Lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint and some other oils are suitable for treating minor cuts, burns and insect bites as they act as antibiotics. Clean the wound first (it shouldn't bleed). Then apply a small amount of 2-3% essential oil solution (2-3 drops per teaspoon).

    • Apply the oil 2-5 times a day until the wound heals. After applying the oils, you can also apply a cold compress to stop bleeding, relieve swelling, and allow the oils to be absorbed.
  6. For indigestion, use peppermint oil. You've probably already heard that peppermint oil is used to treat indigestion. This oil also fights nausea and digestive problems. Dilute the oil as for a large area of ​​the body (3-5 drops per teaspoon) and rub it into the stomach - this will relieve pain.

  7. Treat nasal congestion with eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil helps relieve symptoms associated with a sore nose. This oil opens congested sinuses and cools the nasal passages. Many people use eucalyptus oil to treat colds and nasal congestion caused by allergies.

    • Mix eucalyptus oil with regular oil (3-5 drops per teaspoon). Apply a small amount of the solution under your nose and rub a little more into your chest.
    • If your nose is very stuffy, add a couple of drops to your humidifier and aroma lamp.

Body oil is a real treasure trove of useful substances for the beauty and youth of your skin. Natural base and essential oils for the body, and even butter are real gifts of nature, priceless and unique gifts that can and should be used even at home to improve your appearance and soul. They must be used on time, accurately and according to the instructions, and carefully selected according to needs.

With the help of vegetable fats, one can rejuvenate the appearance, strengthen nails, improve hair health, lose weight, restore elasticity - a variety of spa treatments.

This list can be made endless; there is no point in continuing it. However, such substances in the wrong hands can turn into a catalyst for the aging process and even into real poison. We will focus on each specific product, we will try to explain which oil to choose for you and what it will help with, how to create compositions with your own hands, and how to use them. With this information, body oil will become one of your favorite skin care products, the benefits of which will be obvious.

Essential oils: general rules

Essential oil is an oily substance that has a characteristic odor, hue, and properties. They are obtained in different ways from different parts of plants. For example, orange oil (from the peel of the fruit), neroli oil (from the flowers), and petitgrain oil (from the leaves) are extracted from the orange tree. They are also obtained from seeds, bark, roots, trunk, resin.

In spas, cosmetology, weight loss and aromatherapy, those obtained by cold pressing are most valued. The quality is influenced by the area where it grows, the quality of the raw materials, the processing method, and the properties of the plant itself. The price of essential oils varies depending on the value and cost of production.

Such substances are very active in various products. If used incorrectly at home, they cause burns, allergies, and painful manifestations. To avoid this, please note that:

  1. Under no circumstances should they be smeared in their pure form - only with a fatty base or in small quantities with other ingredients of the care composition. In this case, you need to slightly warm up the fatty base (base oil), then add the required amount of ether to it and stir. If there are several bases in the recipe, mix them separately, then combine them with essential ones.
  2. Essential oils for the body should not be applied to mucous membranes.
  3. Keep away from children. Vials at home should be stored in original containers in a dark, not hot place.
  4. Before applying, do an allergy test. To cinnamon, for example, an allergic reaction occurs very often.
  5. Do not reheat them (add them to the base slightly warmed in a water bath).
  6. Never eat them for weight loss.
  7. If you don't like the smell, you shouldn't use the substance in spa treatments.
  8. Learn which oil is right for you and which is not. Determine the result you need to achieve and only then use it.
  9. Follow the proportions and never add more than specified. If you can do this with the base, then with the ethereal ones you are at great risk.
  10. Use only natural, high-quality products that have a pleasant smell.

If you want to use the maximum properties of essential oils, choose exactly the one that your skin needs. Typically the specifications are indicated on the packaging. But it’s better not to experiment and choose a ready-made recipe for a spa mixture and buy what you need to make it yourself.

Please note that any spa treatments (including basic ones) with prolonged, intensive use dry out and can even provoke irreversible processes that inhibit the production of natural collagen.

To avoid this, apply pure fatty formulations only to skin moistened with water or herbal decoction. This also applies to the skin on the abdomen and thighs for stretch marks, for tightening the abdomen and buttocks.

Top 20 base oils: cosmetic properties and features

Vegetable base fats have a milder therapeutic effect. They promote the penetration of essential oils and activation of their biological capabilities. They can also be used independently in spa care techniques. Bases come in solid (coconut, shea, cocoa butter; cocoa and shea butter are often used, including for thickening homemade lip balms and rough areas, creams) and liquid form. They range in color from transparent to brown or green.

Many people advise using a clean base as a daily caring nourishing cream for the body or face. To do this, do not take a dense product (not shea, cocoa, flax, palm, olive or sunflower, but peach, almond). We recommend that you smear it in this way only periodically.

Let's say you can carry out restorative and maintenance therapy for 2 weeks, then take a break for 2 months. In this case, you need to make sure that the product is suitable for you.

In addition to our characteristics, keep an eye on the reaction. If you do not feel the slightest discomfort during or after the procedure, and your skin has changed after a week of use, then you are doing everything right.

First of all, determine which base oil may be suitable for you:

Name Cosmetological properties Peculiarities
Apricot kernels (apricot) Useful for any type. Especially for dry and sensitive. Multivitamin. Softens, rejuvenates, restores elasticity. Suitable even for newborns.

Can be applied to eyelids and around lips. Prevents stretch marks on the stomach and thighs.

Peach pits (peach) For any type. Peach is especially good for those who are aging and damaged, with stretch marks on the abdomen. Peach seed oil is a multivitamin. Softens, nourishes, regenerates. Peach is suitable for people of all ages with loss of elasticity and dryness. Normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Peach oil is light and loose.
Grape seed For all types. Grape seed normalizes secretion and nourishes. Powerful antioxidant. Does not clog pores, does not leave a film. Grapeseed oil is ideal for dry and brittle hair and thinning dermis.
Olive Multivitamin. Useful for dehydrated, aging dermis and hair. Strengthens the immune system, increases elasticity. The main benefit is that it is an antioxidant. Doesn't cope well with the transportation function. May clog pores.
Sea buckthorn Cleanses, heals. Recommended for acne and dermatitis. Brightens. For thin skin, nourishes rough areas. Sea buckthorn body oil tends to stain the skin.
Almond Whitens, rejuvenates, cleanses, nourishes well. Against hair loss. Strengthens nails well. For a variety of problems, especially against wrinkles and rashes.
Linen Relieves swelling, acne, rejuvenates, deeply nourishes. Can be applied to the stomach for body contouring. It nourishes and smoothes hair very well, removes dandruff. It contains a lot of vitamin F.
Jojoba Jojoba softens, increases elasticity, and relieves irritation. For any type, especially after damage from wind and sun, jojoba oil is perfect. One of the first for youth - jojoba stimulates the production of collagen, therefore it is used for tightening the abdomen, firming the hips and arms. Jojoba is excellent for colored hair, weakened, porous and anti-dandruff. Ideal for strengthening eyelashes - jojoba is mixed with EO and you get an excellent care product. Attention: jojoba is not mixed with other base oils.
Sesame Sesame oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral. Sesame moisturizes, nourishes, relieves inflammation. Ideal for oily and combination skin. Sesame oil prevents the production of melanin (do not use if you want to tan).
Coconut Antibacterial, moisturizes and nourishes. Beneficial for dry skin, suitable for acne, skin infections, wrinkles and aging. Cools and soothes inflammation and sunburn.
Sunflower Sunflower oil nourishes, softens, regenerates. Sunflower oil is suitable for oily skin (for the first stage of care). For damaged fine hair. Sunflower oil has a dense structure. Sunflower oil contains 12 times more vitamin E than olive oil.
Argan Argan oil is suitable for all types. Anti-inflammatory, tonic body oil, healing. Argan oil is very nourishing. Argan is most suitable for problem skin. Argan oil is the most expensive and valuable. For cosmetic purposes, take only a product made from unroasted argan seeds. This oil has no aroma and retains the necessary properties.
Macadamia Rejuvenates, relieves inflammation, anti-burn. Very high penetration ability, but it is a strong allergen.
Wheat germ Immunomodulatory, regenerating. Useful for all types, helps with herpes, acne, very effective against wrinkles, for elasticity. It contains more vitamin E than others - it is a powerful antioxidant (used with vitamin A)
Rosehip Restores, relieves inflammation, nourishes, moisturizes. Strengthens the immune system. Great for stretch marks. For any dermis, especially chapped, aging, dehydrated.
Avocado Nourishes, moisturizes, softens. Ideal for very dry flaky surfaces. Absorbs very well. Can be applied to the most delicate areas.

Cannot be stored in the refrigerator.

Castor Nourishes, softens, stimulates hair growth. Relieves minor inflammation. Hypoallergenic, the best in hair and eyelash care
Palm Palm oil renews and protects the skin. Serves for rejuvenation. Palm oil is a powerful antioxidant. Palm evens color, protects from ultraviolet radiation. Palm oil is resistant to oxidation, quite inexpensive.
Shi Shea butter (or shea butter) protects, restores. Shea is suitable for normal to dehydrated dermis. Can be stored for no longer than 2 years. Melted shea butter has a slight nutty aroma, making it suitable for thickening unscented products. Shea is a strong UV barrier. Shea should not be stored in the refrigerator.
Cocoa Cocoa butter is suitable for dry and chapped surfaces. Ideal emollient body oil, moisturizes, nourishes, saturates. Cocoa is characteristically uniquely pleasantly fragrant. Cocoa is not for fatty types. Excellent in the care of coarsened areas of the elbows, knees, hands. In this case, cocoa butter can be used in its pure form, grinding thoroughly. Cocoa activates barrier properties, therefore it gives a positive effect when used on lips and eyelashes.


  • Strong moisturizing oils in spa therapy are coconut, olive, argan (valuable argan will quickly heal all cracks and peeling caused by dryness), sunflower, grape seed, peach, apricot, cocoa butter, rosehip, avocado.
  • To protect delicate areas and treat chapped areas: shea and other butters, jojoba, palm, tea tree (melalieuca), argan.
  • To lose weight in the abdomen and thighs, choose sunflower, stone fruit (peach, apricot), palm and others that have a high level of conductivity.
  • You can add a DIY mixture of half a glass of base, a few drops of essential oils for weight loss and an emulsifier - cream, honey, green tea or salt - to your weight loss bath.
  • But an abdominal massage for weight loss will have a greater effect using an oil massage mixture made from a large amount of base and warming ether.

Recipes for hair, nails and skin

Various vegetable fats are used for saunas, baths and baths, massages, compresses and other spa treatments, as well as for do-it-yourself enrichment of homemade and purchased (only natural) cosmetics of various kinds. This way you can tidy up your nails, hair, and skin of the whole body, including the face.

Separately separate the butter. It can be used along with herbal:

  • Butter contains many essential vitamins: A, K, E, D, PP, group B.
  • It has amazing nutritional properties: creamy oil copes with flaking and dryness faster than others.
  • Easily connects to other components.

Butter is indicated for flaky, dehydrated, fading dermis that has lost its elasticity. If you have dry hair, distribute the heated butter over the entire length and leave for 30 minutes. After the procedure, use the acidified composition.

A mixture of butter and yolk is applied to the face (for very dehydrated dermis). With regular use (once a week as part of a caring mask - for example, a potato mask), you will return youth and velvetyness to your face and décolleté with your own hands.

Butter, of course, is contraindicated for oily types, clogged pores and purulent rashes.

For hair

Hair recipes are usually based on the properties of essential oils: cinnamon, rosemary, fir, cloves, lemon balm and others.

  1. To accelerate the growth of dry hair: mix half a glass of almonds or olives with 4 drops of jasmine essential oil and a drop of cinnamon.
  2. Add 2 drops (no more) of cinnamon or peppermint oil to the olive oil.
  3. For normal hair growth: for every 2 large spoons of base (select from the table), add 3 drops of rosemary.
  4. To strengthen and grow all types: add a drop of cloves and pine, 2 drops of cinnamon and rosemary to 50 ml of base (sesame, almond, olive).
  5. Citrus EOs are suitable for any type. Add 4-5 drops to the oil base composition for dry ones. If you have mixed or oily hair, combine 2 drops each of lemon and cinnamon and mix with sesame base. Sesame oil has a positive effect on oily skin, and therefore on oily hair. Sesame normalizes the production of sebaceous glands.

If you have oily hair, add a drop of essential oil (rose, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, mint, lavender, eucalyptus) to a single dose of balm or conditioner. In your case, the tool must be used for length, but not for roots.

Apply such masks to wet hair for 20-60 minutes, wrap with a film. And they remove it with shampoo and water acidified with lemon juice or vinegar. For hair, the optimal dosage is 6 drops for every 4 tablespoons of warm base. We do the procedure once a week, after a month - once every 2 weeks.

For nails

  1. Composition for strengthening nails and softening cuticles: mix jojoba (this is a natural wax, excellent for polishing nails and filling pores), almond or palm and grape seed (or other stone type) in equal parts, add a drop of citrus fruit for each small spoon of fatty base .
  2. Massage your fingers using a mixture of ylang-ylang oil (3 drops) and 2 tablespoons of wheat germ or almonds. If your hands are often exposed to the sun, massage them with palm oil. For a supportive effect, use peach.
  3. Mix olive, almond and grape seed (5 ml each), add lavender and melalieuca essential oils (3 drops each). Then administer the contents of the vitamin E capsule in oil.

We carry out such procedures every time before a manicure.

Any moisturizing and nourishing fatty base (jojoba, olive, avocado), including even butter or animal fat, with the addition of essential oils for warming and regeneration: cinnamon, lemon balm, mint, rose, ylang-ylang, all citrus fruits is suitable for marigolds , cedar, tea tree. Proportions: per 10 ml of base up to 4 drops of essential oil.

For the skin of the whole body, you can create massage mixtures, mixtures for wraps and compresses, masks and scrubs with your own hands. They can also be an ingredient in a recipe with homemade products: honey, eggs, oatmeal, berries and fruits.

For elasticity, silkiness, youth, weight loss, tightening, health and strengthening, use the following oils: ylang-ylang, lavender, orange, bergamot, geranium (if you need a relaxing body oil, then these 5 are record holders in this regard); melalieuca, lemon, anise, grapefruit, geranium, cinnamon, bergamot, nutmeg, guarana (these are suitable for weight loss, including for losing weight and returning the body elasticity and tightening after childbirth), cloves, jasmine, ginger, juniper, nutmeg, rose , chamomile, sandalwood, sage.

Choose a base that suits your skin type (from the table). Please adhere to the proportions: for every 15 ml of base, add no more than 7 drops of essential oils.

Don't miss the opportunity to pamper yourself at home with natural aromatic oils with truly magical properties. But you shouldn’t abuse them either: combine different methods and techniques, and also love yourself - and you won’t be able to find any flaws in your appearance.

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