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Depressed teenager what to do. Causes of teen depression. Treatment of depression

Depression in teenagers is very common. This condition is due to the fact that people at this age often experience mood swings and suffer from increased sensitivity to ongoing events. In some cases, such changes can be harmful to the human body, so the term "teenage depression" is more medical than psychological.

To help a teenager cope with a depressive state, you need to know the causes of its occurrence. Teenage depression develops under the influence of the following factors:

  • disruption of the nervous system due to changes in hormonal levels;
  • psychological overstrain due to important events and changes in worldview;
  • problems in the family, especially if they are accompanied by child abuse;
  • positive and negative stresses associated with first sex or first love;
  • an increase in study loads, and, as a result, a deterioration in academic performance.

Regardless of the cause, teen depression can present in a variety of ways. Doctors recommend paying special attention to children registered with a psychiatrist and neurologist, as well as to disabled people and adolescents from dysfunctional families. If such a child is not helped to get out of depression, he may develop mental illness, antisocial behavior and suicide attempts. Despite this, even in completely healthy and well-off children, similar syndromes sometimes occur.


Teenage depression is in many ways similar to the usual depression or just a bad mood. The following signs will help to distinguish a pathological condition from a temporary phenomenon:

  1. Teenager absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate.
  2. Complete abstraction from the outside world.
  3. Lack of appetite. It can even extend to your favorite food.
  4. Aching pains in head, heart and stomach.
  5. Violation of memory and mental function.
  6. Constant desire to be alone.
  7. Violation of the sleep pattern: at night - wakefulness, during the day - drowsiness.
  8. Craving for alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
  9. Desire for promiscuity.
  10. Pronounced thoughts of suicide, expressed in creativity or simply in verbal form.

If some of the aforementioned symptoms are present, a specialist should be consulted. For effective treatment of depression in adolescents, the help of a doctor is simply necessary. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must conduct diagnostic measures to make sure the diagnosis is correct.


Teenage depression is a danger to the mental and physical health of a person. During the consultation with the doctor, it is necessary to give him all the information about the symptoms of the child's depressive state and other facts that may be associated with this syndrome. Particular attention should be paid to relatives who may have suffered from mental disorders.

After all the physiological factors influencing depression have been studied, it is necessary to be examined by a psychologist specializing in adolescent problems. During the diagnosis, psychological tests such as the Zung or Beck questionnaires can be used. Based on all the data, the doctor assesses the severity of the depressive state and prescribes treatment.

Treatment and prevention

This syndrome can be treated with the following means:

  1. Symptomatic drug treatment. It takes place with the use of vitamins, antidepressants, immunocorrectors and painkillers. In rare cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed.
  2. Psychotherapy. Conducting individual or group sessions with a psychologist using cognitive and behavioral techniques.

Antidepressants are often used during treatment, the main purpose of which is to eliminate the symptoms of depression. Such an appointment often frightens the parents of a teenager, as there is an opinion that antidepressants can be addictive and lead to other mental disorders.

Addiction really takes place, but only because a person after taking these drugs significantly improves mood and general well-being. At the same time, the body does not feel the need for the constant use of antidepressants.

Thus, psychological rather than physical dependence develops. As for side effects, modern drugs can avoid most of them. Despite this, only a doctor should prescribe such medications.

The most effective prevention of depression in adolescents is constant attention and respect for the child.

You should always listen to the person, avoid conflict situations and follow the speech. The more trusting the relationship of a teenager with family and friends, the milder the depression will be.

Adolescence is one of the most emotional years, when a student leaves childhood, but does not always know what it means to be an adult. It was at this time that he is subject to various influences, contradictions, often disappointed in life situations, friends, people. If things go badly at school, there is no support at home, then a teenager develops depression. What to do when it appears, how to recognize and carry out the necessary treatment in time, will be discussed in this article.

Depression: definitions

Depression - characterized by a breakdown, indifference to public life, refusal to perform important tasks, assignments. This is considered a disease that needs to be treated. Quite often, a person cannot get out of depression on his own, so he needs outside help.

Like any disease, depression has its own symptoms and causes. Adolescents, like adults, are prone to depression, which often becomes a factor in psychological disability or mortality. Therefore, it is so important to recognize this disease in order to help in time and return the joy of life to the student.

Causes of teen depression

A depressive state usually does not arise from scratch, it can have both objective and subjective factors. The main causes of depression in teenagers are:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body of children. During this period, they change quite physically, the ongoing chemical processes can cause mood swings, anxiety, and anxiety.
  2. Failures in school life. Failure, rejection by classmates, "attacks" by teachers, increase emotional instability, make a teenager unhappy.
  3. social status. If a child is not respected among peers, friends constantly make fun of him, do not value his opinions, then such an attitude suppresses the student, makes him lonely.
  4. Unhappy first love. Adolescents react very sharply to the feelings that have arisen, which most often remain unanswered, so children develop a critical attitude towards their appearance and body. They cease to respect themselves, they believe that there is nothing to love them for, as a result, such an attitude leads to despair and depression.
  5. High demands of parents. An overestimated bar, unbearable for a student, causes him a feeling of insecurity, fear of punishment for an unachieved result, fear of even greater demands.
  6. Family trouble. Relationships in the family play an important role in the emotional state of the child. The development of depression in adolescents may be associated with the indifferent attitude of parents who are not interested in the life of a student, do not support him, and are not happy with the achievements of the child.

Symptoms of depression

Any disease has its own signs by which it can be recognized. Depression is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • constant lethargy;
  • the appearance of various pains (headache, stomach, spinal);
  • persistent feeling of fatigue, loss of strength;
  • the student cannot concentrate on performing a certain task, becomes forgetful;
  • sadness, anxiety, excessive anxiety appear;
  • irresponsible or rebellious behavior - a teenager skips school, does not do homework, spends time on the street until late;
  • insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • a sharp decline in school performance;
  • avoidance of peers, ignoring various activities;
  • lack of motivation to perform any duties;
  • malnutrition - the student either refuses to eat or abuses it;
  • excessive agitation, frequent outbursts of anger, irritability;
  • obsession with the theme of death, the afterlife.

In general, signs of depression in adolescents cause changes in their behavior and mood. Schoolchildren become closed, most of the time they spend in their room, do not communicate with other people. They lose interest and motivation in previously favorite activities, become gloomy and hostile.

Age characteristics

Growing up, children change not only externally, but also internally, they look at the world differently, see and understand new relationships, relationships between people. Therefore, it is at this time that they are prone to a depressive state.

The most peak period for the onset of depression in adolescents is considered to be between the ages of 13 and 19 years. At this time, schoolchildren are subject to stress, they have unstable and heightened emotionality, the world around them is perceived through a magnifying glass, all problems seem insoluble.

Under the age of 15, severe and moderate forms of the disease are rare, but this does not mean that you do not need to pay attention to the child's depression, since a mild stage can quickly turn into a more severe one.

Children of 10-12 years old mainly show such symptoms as general deterioration in health, digestion and nutrition are disturbed. In addition, the behavior of schoolchildren changes, they become more withdrawn, lonely, may complain of boredom, lose interest in their previous activities.

Adolescents aged 12-14 hide their depression, but it manifests itself through mental and motor retardation. Children cannot clearly formulate their thoughts, difficulties arise in the communicative process. Symptoms of depression in adolescents also appear, such as poor academic performance, lack of discipline, anger, spending more time on the street. Schoolchildren are in constant tension and fear that they will be scolded, lectured and humiliated.

The most problematic depressive states occur at the age of 14 - 19 - the age when schoolchildren face difficulties in choosing a further path, passing exams. In addition, they tend to think about the meaning of life, which they still cannot understand and find, such thoughts become self-sufficient. During this period, such symptoms of depression in adolescents as insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability, fear of making decisions, anxiety, and others can be most acute.

Types of manifestations of depression

Depending on the behavioral characteristics, the symptoms manifested, the following conditions can be distinguished:

  • Zombie- a teenager's fixation on a certain occupation that does not carry any benefit, but is absolutely fruitless. A prime example is spending time on social media, constantly refreshing the page in anticipation of a new event. The child turns into a "zombie", feeding on meaningless information.
  • Mystery- the student does not show any signs of the disease, but it changes dramatically in a short period of time. Transformations can affect appearance, habits, worldview.
  • Victim- depression in children and adolescents often takes the form of a victim, when they, feeling their worthlessness or inferiority, easily succumb to the influence of a more successful, from their point of view, person, under whose influence the depressive state only intensifies.
  • Screen- schoolchildren hide true experiences, fears, pain behind visible success. This form of the disease can lead to the fact that the child will constantly strive for success, but this will not bring satisfaction.
  • Problem- Teenagers do not feel a taste for life, everything is boring and uninteresting to them, they can always be in. At the same time, they study well, do not lead an asocial lifestyle, however, such children do not have spiritual harmony.
  • Rebel- this type of depression speaks of its protracted form. The student does not value life, it irritates him, while he is practically not subject to suicidal behavior, because he loves his Ego too much and takes care of it.

Depression in boys and girls: gender differences

Teenagers who are in a depressed state, unable to withstand it, often try to find some way out that will help ease the suffering and drown out the pain. At the same time, the answer to the question of how to get out of depression is seen by an adolescent boy in rebellious and antisocial behavior, and for a girl - in isolation in oneself or in causing even more suffering.

Boys most often associate with bad company, try all kinds of drugs, alcohol, closing in this way not only from personal problems, but also from the world as a whole, from its injustice and misunderstanding. In this state, the child feels absolutely happy. There are no responsibilities, no teachers, no overprotective parents.

Depression in adolescent girls has slightly different manifestations. She withdraws into herself, closes herself from external influences in her inner world, becomes unsociable, withdrawn, lonely. Often this behavior is associated with low self-esteem, when a girl does not know what to respect herself for, what is her attractiveness, while she tries to drown out the pain through promiscuity. Most often, such an underestimation of oneself as a person, one's capabilities comes from the family, when the child was little told about how wonderful and good she is. Indeed, in relation to a girl there is not much love, it will not spoil her, will not make her a hypocrite.

However, such exits from this state only worsen the situation: after the end of the drug or sexual intercourse, the pain becomes even stronger, self-esteem drops to zero. Therefore, it is important to start fighting depression in adolescents in time to avoid voluntary death.

Treatment for depression

If the above symptoms are found, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he determines the competent treatment, which can be medication or be of an advisory nature.

Of the medicines, various sedatives are usually prescribed, which do not have a detrimental effect on the child's body as a whole, do not lead to drowsiness and renunciation. Any drugs must be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription in order to avoid various unpleasant consequences.

However, most often it is enough to conduct a course of psychological counseling, where the treatment of depression in adolescents is carried out by searching for the causes of the disease, learning to recognize negative thoughts and the ability to cope with them. Such consultations are held both individually with the child and with the whole family, if the causes of the disease are difficult relationships with relatives.

Parental help for a teenager

The main role in the prevention of depression in children is assigned to their parents, whose behavior and attitude will help either not to know this disease at all, or to easily cope with it. To protect a teenager from a depressive state, parents need to choose the following parenting tactics:

  • It is not recommended to constantly punish or humiliate a child, otherwise he will grow up insecure, squeezed, and will consider himself useless.
  • You should not overprotect children, make decisions for them, which provokes teenage depression, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the inability to make choices, to be independent.
  • You can’t pinch a child, limit his freedom, he must feel his independence, but at the same time know that his parents are always there.
  • To give the opportunity to choose a creative circle, a sports section, friends, you should not impose your unfulfilled dreams on a teenager.
  • It is necessary to talk with the child, it is best to do this through joint activities. Here it is recommended to choose something that both a teenager and parents like to do: it can be family skiing, ice skating, creating interesting crafts, reading books and much more.
  • If a child shares his difficulties, it is important to listen to him, in no case should you make fun of a problem, even a trifling one. It is better to discuss everything and find a solution.
  • Constant moralizing can also cause depression in adolescents, so it is recommended to teach by deeds, not words, you must be an example for your child.

Signs of suicidal behavior

Teenage depression can take a rather dangerous form - a voluntary departure from life. All the problems that arise in schoolchildren are considered insoluble and insurmountable, causing unbearable pain. Among them are the most popular: school failure, unrequited love, problems in the family, constant failure in various matters. Adolescents, unable to withstand such emotional stress, take an extreme step - suicide, which solves all difficult issues at once.

The main signs of such behavior are the following:

  • lack of faith in a good and joyful future, the child loses all hope;
  • indifference to oneself, depression in adolescence manifests itself through phrases such as "no one needs me, no one cares about me";
  • the student ceases to do what he loves, loses interest in learning;
  • often starts talking about death or even threatens to kill himself.

If a teenager shows at least one of the above signs, then this should not be ignored, it is necessary to talk with the child or go with him for a consultation with a psychologist.

Underestimation and overestimation of the situation

A depressive state is not always easy and simple to recognize, but there is no need to go to extremes, which consist in underestimating or, conversely, in overestimating what is happening.

All adolescents are subject to psychological stress, this is a normal process that has the same symptoms as depression. However, it is shorter, the child does not close in himself, he easily makes contact. In this case, it is not necessary to overestimate the situation and take the student to the doctor, a confidential conversation at home is enough. Here, parents can tell about themselves, how they experienced certain problems at this age.

At the same time, children who really need help are left without attention, parents let the problem take its course, and signs of depression in adolescents are not noticed. Here there is an underestimation of the situation, the child is left alone with his problems, which is fraught with either suicide.

Therefore, it is important to correctly recognize the first and second, provide them with support and, if necessary, treatment.

Thus, a depressive state is quite common among adolescents, which is explained by their internal and external changes, when children are not ready to accept the new rules that adult life dictates, they cannot understand the established relationships between people, and find their place in society. The development of depression in adolescents is dangerous for their mental health and life, since untimely assistance, parental or medical, can provoke suicide as the only way out of this situation.

Signs of depression in adolescents often appear during puberty, that is, at about 12-15 years of age. Not every adult can cope with the intense rhythm of life and daily stressful situations, not to mention the fragile child psyche.

Stress conditions in children are less than in adults, but their influence affects the nervous system. Periods of teenage depression are associated with hormonal processes and with the knowledge of the world around us.

The main cause of depression in adolescents is the rapid hormonal changes in the body, combined with the inability of the unformed psyche to adequately respond to stress and criticism.

Why do teenagers get depressed? The provoking factors are:

  1. Replacing a child's view of the world with immersion in adult life with all its difficulties and shortcomings.
  2. Youthful maximalism (in adolescence, any minor problem turns into a global catastrophe, which is associated with an exacerbation of selfishness).
  3. An unfavorable situation in the family (in this case, children react sharply to difficult relationships between parents, frequent quarrels, divorce, insufficient financial situation).
  4. The scourge of modernity is Internet addiction (the child is immersed in the virtual world, and the real one plunges him into a state of oppression).
  5. Bullying by classmates, ridicule, loneliness, which often cause depression at school age.
  6. The need to move the family to another city or country (the teenager is forced to break established ties with friends, neighbors, classmates, and build new social circles in a new place).
  7. Adolescents at risk who are subjected to strong family pressure (the child is criticized related to school or other activities).

Sometimes depression occurs against the background of general well-being (excessive guardianship in the family). In this case, the psyche is relaxed and unable to withstand even minimal stress.

There is also a heredity factor that increases the likelihood of developing teenage problems and aggravates their manifestations. It should be remembered that a gloomy mood in a child never appears without a reason. And do not write off everything for a difficult age. There is a cause at the root of every problem, and the whole family should deal with these problems.

How to understand what is happening with the child?

You should know what signs of depression a teenager has.

We list:

  1. decreased interest in daily activities and even hobbies;
  2. poor school performance, possible absenteeism;
  3. insomnia;
  4. apathy, irritability, depression;
  5. violation or complete lack of appetite;
  6. withdrawal from society (anhedonia);
  7. poor concentration, difficulty making decisions;
  8. unmotivated outbursts of aggression, agitation, tearfulness;
  9. suicidal thoughts and even attempts to die.

There are also physical symptoms of a mental disorder (frequent migraines, muscle weakness, skin rashes, itching, stool disorders, stomach and heart pain).

There is a certain classification of depressive states. Depending on the types of depression, the symptoms also differ:

  1. Reactive.
  2. Melancholy.
  3. Anxious depression.
  4. Dysthymia.
  5. Bipolar disorder.

The most common type of depression is reactive (between the ages of 12 and 17). It develops as a result of the divorce of parents or the death of loved ones.

Melancholic depression is characterized by manifestations of depression, melancholy. At the same time, sleep disturbance, inhibition of reactions are noted, there are thoughts of suicide.

If a depressed teenager shows signs of anxiety, panic, confusion, fear of death, then this indicates anxiety depression.

Dysthymia is a sluggish depression that has blurred symptoms and can even last for several years. Due to the disease, problems in social adaptation are possible, the behavior of a teenager is difficult to correct with medication.

Frequent changes in the child's behavior from depression to aggression may indicate bipolar disorder, that is, manic-depressive psychosis.

Treatment of the disorder

Depressive states in a child should never be left to chance. Lost time can lead to flare-ups, making adolescent depression more difficult to treat.

A milder degree of behavioral disturbance is corrected with the help of psychotherapy, and with good family relationships, parents or close relatives will cope with the task.

More severe psychological deviations with manifestations of suicidal thoughts require complex treatment, which includes a course of drug therapy in combination with psychotherapeutic correction.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

To prevent teen depression from aggravating to bipolar disorder or suicide, it is recommended to consult a specialist at the first changes in behavior. For this purpose, a full-time unit has been introduced into the teaching staff of schools - a school psychologist.

His responsibilities include counseling conversations with adolescents, timely detection of signs of depression and elements of family psychotherapy. Therapy with a psychologist helps the child deal with their own feelings and with the perception of the world around them.

The help of a psychologist is not limited to conversations. First of all, some examinations are prescribed - tests, neurological examination, psychological tests, examination by a pediatrician.

After clarifying the characteristics, the pediatrician and the psychologist jointly make a diagnosis and make a common decision on what to prescribe.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is carried out both individually and as part of a group (group therapy).

Medical therapy

Drug treatment of depression in adolescents is prescribed to relieve symptoms and correct the psychological state. The drug course includes the following types of drugs:

  • vitamins;
  • antidepressants;
  • immunocorrectors;
  • stimulants;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • painkillers.

The appointment of antidepressants often scares relatives, since these drugs act directly on the psyche of a teenager. Medicines of this group contribute to the normalization of the production of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine. Reduced levels of hormones such as norepinephrine and serotonin in the body provoke depressive states.

Also, antidepressants can cause a certain type of addiction, which develops as a result of the normalization of the mental state. Therefore, the teenager has an opinion that without medicines he will not cope with the situation. If the doctor prescribes antidepressants to the patient, he must warn the parents and the teenager himself about this factor.

What can parents do

Relationships in the family are decisive in the formation and development of the psyche of a teenager. What to do if the child's mood changes dramatically, he began to study worse, and conflicts appeared at school?

In addition to the decision to seek help from a specialist, parents should take an active part in correcting the teenager's behavior. Psychologists give parents the following advice:

  • help your child build self-esteem by developing the ability to make their own decisions;
  • talk with a teenager on topics that are important to him: be interested in his hobbies, everyday life;
  • limit criticism, excessive patronage;
  • gradually, without pressure and pressure, build trusting relationships;
  • conflict situations in the family should be minimized;
  • when discussing a particular problem, offer a solution based on their own experience.

It is also important for parents to find as many points of contact with the child as possible. After all, a teenager during the day is surrounded by classmates, friends in the yard, and sees his parents only in the evening. In such a situation, the environment of a teenager should not push the family back. But at the same time, this does not mean that you need to limit communication with friends.

You can organize joint leisure activities - outdoor recreation, sports. It is recommended to involve the child in pastime in various sections (chess, dancing, drawing). Such types of art therapy are recognized by official medicine, they help to form the psyche and correct its violations.

Prevention of depression in adolescents

Teenage depressive states are quite common, so preventive measures should be used in the educational process of almost every child. Sincere and friendly relationships in the family are rarely combined with severe manifestations of depression in a teenager.

Parents should carefully monitor the mood of the child. In case of sudden changes, the help of a psychologist may be required. In this case, you should also not send the child for treatment to the doctor forcibly and at the same time force him to drink pills in handfuls. During therapy, a teenager should feel the support of loved ones, so it would be better for the whole family to use the services of a family psychologist to go through therapy together.

The intense rhythm of life, the high demands of reality, the strict standards of social conformity, the incessant flow of diverse information have become commonplace for many contemporaries. However, the existing way of things in society is an intense, continuous, long-term stress factor for the human body, accumulating its negative impact on the psyche.

The brain of many adults has adapted to the effects of certain stressors and is able to provide adequate protection for the body, using various mechanisms of "defensive" reactions. However, the completely unformed, immature, immature psyche of children and adolescents often becomes defenseless against many stress factors. In addition, the addition of hormonal chaos during puberty does not have the best effect on the emotional sphere of a teenager, often resulting in a variety of borderline neurotic reactions or transforming into mental pathologies, often manifesting itself in the form of depression.

In the puberty period, a large-scale reassessment and replacement of ideals takes place: a teenager ceases to idealize his ancestors, strives to distance himself from his parents, but in most cases he is not psychologically ready to commit such a symbolic “murder” of former idols. The true physiological “imbalance” of the emotional background is manifested in a constant change of mood: bouts of tearfulness, periods of blues, moments of oppressive melancholy, which are replaced by a phase of psychomotor arousal and euphoric glee.

In adolescence, even minor difficulties are perceived as insurmountable problems, bringing unbearable pain. The death of parents, a dysfunctional atmosphere in the family, a break in relations with the “first love”, poor school performance, social isolation, failures in undertakings cause a strong negative emotional reaction in children, forming depression and often pushing them to an act of despair - suicide attempts.

According to numerous sources of statistical data, depression in adolescents of varying severity is observed in 60-80% of adolescents, and in most cases, melancholic states lasting more than two weeks require professional medical care. In childhood and adolescence, the problem of suicidal behavior has become the subject of close attention of scientists around the world. According to the American Psychiatric Association, it is suicide that is the main cause of death among children and young people: every year more than 500,000 members of the younger generation make suicide attempts, of which 5,000 cases turn into a fatal outcome.

Puberty disorder carries a high risk of developing depression during adulthood. Studies conducted at the Maudsley Hospital have shown that the consequences of depression in an adult individual are often long-term problems with adaptation in society, persistent difficulties in personal relationships, and an increased risk of suicidal behavior (in more than 44% of sample participants).

Depression in children and adolescents: causes

Numerous factors influencing the formation of depression have been established and confirmed. In most clinically recorded cases, the disorder that occurs between the ages of 12 and 25 is hereditary (genetic predisposition to pathologies of the mental sphere). Depression in children and adolescents is much more often observed in cases where one or both parents in the family suffer from this disease in a severe form and periodically undergo psychotherapeutic treatment.

The second most important factor that provokes depression in adolescents is an unfavorable atmosphere in the family. Growing up in an incomplete family, drinking parents, the lack of a unified strategy for raising heirs, frequent quarrels and showdowns between relatives, excessive, unfair demands on a child have a huge negative impact on the child's psyche.

The impetus for the development of a disorder in a teenager is a variety of factors, which are based on the influence of the environment with flaws in the child's personal identification (inadequate or incorrect self-image). Misunderstanding of loved ones, insufficient school performance, low social status of the family, lack of authority among peers, distorted sexual orientation, inability to achieve visible heights in sports are strong arguments for the consciousness to respond to what is happening with depression.

Juvenile age- the crisis period of psychological maturation, coinciding with large-scale hormonal changes during puberty. Hormonal changes cause a malfunction in the work of neurotransmitters that control the emotional sphere, and the resulting deficiency of certain chemicals triggers the mechanisms for the development of depression. In puberty, the teenage complex is clearly manifested:

  • adolescents are hypersensitive to outsiders' assessment of their appearance and abilities,
  • their behavior combines extreme arrogance and ultimatum judgments,
  • emotional sensitivity and attentiveness coexist with callousness and callousness,
  • shyness and modesty alternate with swagger and vulgarity,
  • the desire to be recognized by society is adjacent to demonstrative independence and love of freedom,
  • non-acceptance of generally accepted norms and rules, the denial of authorities keeps pace with the creation and deification of idols.

An important factor in the formation of the disorder is the instability and conflict of self-assessments, which have a rigid (inflexible), highly fluctuating, disorganizing character. A low level of self-esteem, the formation of self-importance under the influence of external assessments, the negative color of a retrospective, actual and predictive view of one's personality is an ideal platform for mental pathologies.

Depression in teenagers: symptoms

Often, the symptoms of depression in adolescents are manifested by changes in behavior and frequent mood swings. A child suffering from a disorder avoids social contacts, breaks off relationships with friends, prefers to be alone. The following are the leading symptoms of depression in teens:

  • Frequent pain syndromes: headache, discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • Difficulty concentrating, distraction, forgetfulness, excessive distractibility;
  • Inability to independently develop the right decision;
  • Irresponsible attitude to their duties;
  • Decreased appetite or excessive need for food;
  • Scandalous, rebellious demeanor;
  • Feeling of oppressive melancholy;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • Feeling of hopelessness and hopelessness of the future;
  • Insomnia, interrupted sleep, daytime sleepiness;
  • Sudden loss of interest;
  • The use of alcoholic beverages, drugs;
  • Irritability, aggressiveness;
  • Having obsessive thoughts about death.

The diagnosis of adolescent depression is made on the basis of interviews conducted by a psychiatrist with the child and his environment, taking into account the results of psychological tests specially adapted for childhood. The stage and severity of the disorder, the presence of a risk of suicidal actions and, accordingly, the construction of a treatment regimen is determined after a detailed study of the clinical picture of the disease.

Teenage depression: treatment

To date, many methods have been developed and successfully used to treat depression in adolescents, including the appointment of pharmacological drugs and psychotherapy sessions.

When the depressive disorder is mild, not aggravated by suicidal thoughts and socially dangerous behavior, cognitive behavioral therapy is the first choice of treatment methods. An illness that has a real reason for its formation - an obvious unfavorable situation in the family, is successfully overcome after family psychotherapy sessions. The work of a professional psychologist with children with low self-esteem, indecisive, suspicious and timid adolescents is aimed primarily at the formation of adequate self-acceptance, new personal standards, an active life position and a sense of self-worth.

In cases where an adolescent has an acute or protracted course of depression, it becomes necessary to use a drug or combined treatment regimen, often carried out in an inpatient setting. Prescribing antidepressants, neuroleptics, and anxiolytics to children and adolescents is a serious and responsible task, since some drugs of these classes can provoke the onset or intensification of symptoms of other mental disorders. For example: trade names of SSRIs with active ingredient Fluoxetine are preferred in depressive states that occur with motor retardation and increased drowsiness, while they exacerbate symptoms in patients with psychomotor agitation, insomnia or panic anxiety, often causing manic manifestations. If you follow all the letters of the law, then there is a license for the use of antidepressants in the age category up to 15 years only for Amitriptylinum. However, in practice, other more modern "sparing" psychotropic drugs are used in an effective therapeutic dosage, which have a minimum of side effects.

In order for a teenager to feel the effective benefits of prescribed drugs, he must not only strictly comply with all medical prescriptions, but also become an active participant in the process of overcoming depression.

Each age has its own problems, and the happy time of youth is no exception. How to recognize signs of depression in a teenager and prevent a suicide attempt, read this article.

According to statistics, more than 700 teenagers commit suicide every year in Russia, and more than a thousand try to die.

It is important for parents, teachers and all those who work with students to be able to recognize the signs of depression, which is often the cause of suicidal ideation.


Sometimes it seems that youth is the best and happiest time in life. So what is depression in teenagers? What problems can they have, you ask, if you don’t need to earn money, your parents are responsible for you, you are young, healthy and still ahead?

The following can poison life:

  • loneliness, lack of friends, love and understanding from parents;
  • psychological violence in the family, constant humiliation, accusations and threats, rejection of success and infringement of the personality rights of a teenager;
  • traumatic events such as death of loved ones, divorce of parents, physical abuse;
  • low self-esteem, the cause of which is dislike for one's own body, lack of success in studies and personal life;
  • a critical look at one's own future;
  • hormonal changes.

The cause of depression can be both a biological predisposition and mental problems: a depressive or manic personality type, anxiety disorders.

Signs of Depression in Teenagers

Most often, the presence of mental ill-being is evidenced by the same physical manifestations as in a normal illness:

  1. Lack of appetite. If a teenager eats little, he is not necessarily sick. Fear should cause a sharp and prolonged decrease in the amount of food eaten, a lack of interest in favorite dishes.
  2. General lethargy, loss of energy. The teenager does not want to do things that he usually took up with enthusiasm: he does not pay attention to hobbies, does not communicate with friends.
  3. Insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness.
  4. Headache, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, weakened immunity.

The behavior of a teenager also speaks of depression. You need to start worrying if the child:

  • often cries, sad from day to day;
  • talks about his uselessness, that everything is stupid and useless;
  • suffers from excessive feelings of guilt, takes any failure to heart;
  • does not want to leave the house and communicate;
  • irritable, angry and hostile for no apparent reason, feels hatred for the well-being of others;
  • cannot concentrate, studies worse than usual;
  • shows interest in tragic and gloomy plots, paintings, music.

It is difficult for a depressed teenager to make decisions. At the age of 16, a person is determined with his specialty, prepares for admission. A depressed teenager does not show interest in his future, he is indifferent or extremely negative towards all proposals.

Symptoms of Suicidal Behavior

A teenager who wants to commit suicide behaves differently. He can either desperately strive for contact, complain loudly and seek sympathy, or go deep into himself, languidly, monosyllabically answer in a low voice.

Alarm calls in such states are:

  1. Desire to self-harm: desire to hit oneself, scratching and wounding, irresponsible attitude to medications, increased interest in their effects and the consequences of an overdose.
  2. Talk about the afterlife, the burden of life. A teenager directly or indirectly says that death is a blessing, getting rid of problems and endless suffering.
  3. Lack of interest in their own successes, their belittling.
  4. Devaluation of previously significant things. A teenager stops asking for money, gives away expensive things, ignores favorite activities, is indifferent to his appearance.
  5. Abuse of alcohol and other relaxing substances.
  6. Increased interest in dangerous places. A teenager risks his life, indifferent to the consequences.

When to see a specialist

It is worth asking a doctor for help if you notice that your child has:

  • prolonged bad mood, apathy, sadness or intense anger;
  • persistent physical discomfort;
  • suicidal thoughts or motives appeared in creativity;
  • desire to hurt yourself;
  • antisocial behaviour.

It is important to understand that even a demonstrative expression of a desire to commit suicide can have sad consequences.

If a child draws attention to himself and jokes about his own death, this is not an indicator of his spoiledness and idleness, this is a wake-up call that he is tormented by strong inner feelings.

Treating depression in children

In order to save a teenager from depression, parents need to accept that the child has problems and take them seriously. From the height of their own experience, it may seem to them that all these experiences are due to nonsense or, even worse, because of a bad character.

Teenagers are already prone to blaming and humiliating themselves. Parents should explain to the child that they love him anyway and he is not to blame for anything.

There are a variety of treatments that go well together:

  1. Seeing a Family or Child Therapist. The specialist will help identify the causes of depression, strengthen the teenager's self-esteem, help him begin to openly express his feelings, develop the ability to solve problems, and interact with society. Contacting a psychotherapist will prevent problems that a child may have in adulthood.
  2. Phytotherapy. Soothing herbs can help treat mild symptoms and relieve tension.
  3. Improving family relationships. Parents should listen to the child more, spend time with him. You can find a common hobby, make joint forays into nature. Activity, sun and fresh air can also help to cope with emotional decline.
  4. Children's psychiatrist, if he deems it necessary, he can prescribe antidepressants to the child.

Prevention of teenage apathy

A lot of problems at school and with peers in adolescents appear due to unfavorable relationships with parents. Your child will be much happier if you follow a few rules:

  1. You must have a trusting relationship. A teenager may hide his frustration if he does not want to disappoint or frighten his parents. It is necessary to explain to him that his internal state is much more important than external well-being.
  2. It is important to build a teenager's self-esteem: do not criticize his personal qualities and appearance, praise not only for success, but also for trying to do something.
  3. You can't put high expectations on your child., he may not be able to bear such responsibility. This is a separate person with his own destiny, and no matter how much you want him to win all the prizes, you cannot demand this.
  4. Take an interest in a child's life but don't try to control everything. In order for him to make independent decisions, he should already have freedom in choosing clothes, friends and hobbies already in childhood.
  5. Lead by personal example how to solve problems. Children learn from their parents, so if you demand courage and openness, but you yourself are indecisive and withdrawn, the child will behave like you, but at the same time will engage in self-flagellation for not meeting your expectations.
  6. love baby the way he is.

Teenage depression is a common illness. It is especially painful, since the child does not yet have the strength and skills to cope with life's difficulties.

Sometimes a depressive state looks like whims and spoiledness, but you can’t be deceived by this, no matter how much you want to write everything off as a bad character. In such situations, the child needs your maximum attention and participation, even if you turn to a specialist.

Video: How to understand what is happening

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