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Tingling in the lower abdomen on the left and right during early and late pregnancy: what is the reason, what to do? Causes of tingling during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's life gradually and inevitably changes. There is a preparation for the upcoming labor activity, both the body of the mother and the body of the child are changing. Such significant changes cannot go unnoticed both by external signs and by internal sensations. A woman should be ready for the appearance of new symptoms, be aware of their nature, in order to exclude an extra reason for concern and panic.

Natural physiological processes cause different sensations, including not always pleasant ones. One of them is tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. It can occur at any stage of pregnancy or accompany its entire period. At each stage of pregnancy, this symptom occurs for different reasons, and their ways of alleviating discomfort each time are different from each other.

Consider in order the three periods of pregnancy, that is, the three trimesters, and the peculiarities of the sensation of tingling in the abdomen in each of them. Let's look at ways to alleviate the symptom. An individual approach is very important due to the difference in terms, the characteristics of the body of each woman and in connection with the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy.

Stomach tingling - 1st trimester

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can first appear a few days after conception, that is, at a time when a woman is not yet aware of her interesting position. She takes pain, for example, for the symptoms of menstruation, so she is not particularly worried. A few weeks later, the breasts swell, fatigue, drowsiness appear, then nausea and nervousness, which indicate the onset of pregnancy. And the tingling in the lower abdomen is already beginning to seriously excite the woman, she does not find an answer to the question - why is this happening. And the answer is as follows: in the first trimester, the cervix becomes soft, the shape of the uterus changes - it stretches, rounds due to the fact that its vessels are filled with blood. The uterus becomes the center of all metamorphoses and new sensations associated with them. This usually happens at 6-8 weeks. Pain associated with these changes is observed in the lower abdomen, both on the right and on the left. They come not so much from the uterus as from the muscles that support it. If such light tingling lasts no more than an hour, then there is no reason for concern.

Note! Tingling within the normal range in its pulling nature and strength resembles pain during menstruation and appears only with sudden movements, with sneezing and coughing. You can get rid of it by changing the position of the body on the couch or by resorting to a slow walk in the fresh air.

A more effective way to eliminate discomfort is considered to be special exercises on a large ball, which are allowed at any stage of pregnancy if they are approved by a doctor.

Discomfort in the 2nd trimester

At the 4th month of pregnancy (that is, at the beginning of the II trimester), a more significant increase in the uterus leads to the fact that it begins to "reclaim" space from the stomach and intestines, and, as a result, interferes with their normal function - digestive disorders may appear accompanied by constipation or heartburn. It is these symptoms that lead to tingling in the abdomen, which is considered quite acceptable. The daily routine and diet will help to cope with unwanted sensations. Potatoes, legumes, nuts, any cabbage in any form, grapes, white bread, that is, everything that leads to increased gas formation, should be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman. Wholemeal bread, mild-tasting vitamin-containing fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish (mandatory), fermented milk products (to form beneficial intestinal microflora), dried fruit compotes (without sugar) - this is what a pregnant woman's diet should be.

Note! You can successfully stimulate the work of the intestines by resorting to calm walks, light physical exercises.

The pressure on the pelvic organs increases along with the weight of the baby, in connection with this, the likelihood of tingling in this area increases, and there are frequent urges to go to the toilet. Such physiological reasons should be corrected by the drinking regimen, especially if a woman observes puffiness in herself.

Fetal movement in the second trimester can also be mistaken for a slight tingling in the lower abdomen. But if you listen to your body at this moment, you can get real pleasure from the activity of your child.

Sensations in the abdomen in the 3rd trimester

The 7th, 8th month of pregnancy is the period of direct preparation of the female body for labor, which can also be accompanied by tingling in the lower abdomen. The impressive weight of the child puts more and more pressure on the internal organs. Starting from the 35th week, a short tingling sensation in the lower abdomen may indicate training contractions. A woman does not feel strong discomfort at such moments, but this should not lull her vigilance - her child, fully formed, is ready for birth. Drawing long and painful pains in the lower abdomen should be a signal of the onset of labor, and a woman in labor cannot remain without the supervision of specialists.

Note! Unobtrusive, short-lived and not severe pain that does not lead to a change in your general well-being is the norm, and is not a cause for concern. Let's call it a "useful" tingle.

And yet, there are some conditions that can be called "unhealthy", or rather "dangerous" tingling, because it can be dangerous for a pregnant woman. Its obvious signs may be prolonged pain, accompanied by bloody discharge. They may indicate a miscarriage that has begun. And after the 35th week, unexpected discharge mixed with blood indicates the likelihood of placental abruption. Immediate call for an ambulance and bed rest is what needs to be done immediately after the discovery of such symptoms.

The help of a doctor is also required if the pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by fever, urination disorder or problems with the stool. It is worth remembering that any non-standard situation can only get worse if uncontrolled excitement or panic is allowed. Stress cannot become an assistant, so you should not allow it to appear.

What causes discomfort in the lower abdomen?

Tingling in the lower abdomen is a problem most common among women. Similar symptoms can be observed at different periods of life: before menstruation, in the middle of the cycle or during pregnancy. Discomfort in the lower abdomen is most often associated with gynecological problems. True, in some cases it can also be a sign of problems with the urinary system or with the intestines. Let's try to tell in more detail about the causes of the problem.


It happens that a woman tingles in the lower abdomen before menstruation. This is a completely natural phenomenon caused by the process of menstruation. The problem may appear in the middle of the cycle. It's all about ovulation. An unfertilized mature egg is released from the ovary. The process is accompanied by a rupture of the follicle, which becomes the main cause of tingling in the lower abdomen.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

The most common cases of complaints of tingling in the lower abdomen are observed during pregnancy. Here it should be remembered that tingling may be its first sign. The uterus is modified, its walls begin to take an ovoid shape and stretch. Discomfort increases when the expectant mother strains her muscles: during laughter, sneezing, exertion. A slight tingling in the lower abdomen in this case is the norm. If this causes discomfort or pain intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body undergoes special changes. The hormonal background is changing. This entails problems with the work of the intestines. If the expectant mother tingles in the lower abdomen, perhaps she simply does not eat right. Avoid foods that cause flatulence. You also need to monitor the amount of fluid consumed. The fetus grows and develops, pressure on the bladder increases and, as a result, discomfort in the pelvic area. Restriction in drinking will also help to avoid unnecessary swelling. Thus, there is no need to sound the alarm for every light signal of the body. There are only a few cases when colic in the lower abdomen can threaten the health of the child, and you should go to the hospital: firstly, if the pain is intense or intensifies; secondly, if it appears often; thirdly, if the tingling in the lower abdomen is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of pathological secretions and other signs of disease.

Tingling, not related to gynecology

Tingling in the lower abdomen may not be associated with gynecology. For girls who are not going to become mothers in the near future, tingling may indicate a common cold. Short skirts, "sitting" on the ground, swimming in open water - all this can cause discomfort in the pelvic organs. The disease should not be left to chance - if you suspect that you have caught a cold, you should immediately take action. One of the most effective folk remedies is a woolen shawl on the stomach and decoctions of lingonberries, chamomile, bearberry. Colic can occur when the intestines do not work properly. Increase the amount of dairy products, watch your diet. For some time, you should limit yourself to the use of rich products, legumes. If the discomfort in the lower abdomen is of a short-term nature, does not repeat too often, then there is no need to sound the alarm. But if the tingling in the lower abdomen is intense, lasts more than a day or throughout the day, then you need to see a doctor to identify the causes, which can be many.

Painful sensations and tingling in the lower abdomen indicate that a serious pathology is developing in the body.

Similar symptoms occur in both women and men. Depending on which side - left or right - the tingling appears, you can determine the causes that create discomfort.

To make the correct diagnosis, you need to contact your therapist, who will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

How and why does the lower abdomen hurt?

Many years of practice in the treatment of various diseases convincingly proves that tingling in the lower abdomen is not always a signal of the development of some pathologies in the body.

In women, this is often associated with physiological processes. The monthly cycle of endometrial renewal is almost always accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

The physiology of the body in men is arranged differently. For them, even a slight tingling in any, right or left, side is a clear signal of the development of an infectious or inflammatory process. It follows that the response to these signals must be appropriate.

When a patient visits a doctor, he needs to clearly explain his condition and the peculiarities of the discomfort that has arisen. First of all, this applies to men.

Tingling in the lower abdomen can be felt on the left and right. If we talk about women, then gynecologists are able to determine the nature of the pathology in general terms without additional explanations.

Although in this case it is necessary to strictly adhere to certain terminology.

Experts distinguish the following types of pain:

  • aching and pulling;
  • especially sharp and cutting;
  • with intermittent tingling.

In order for the attending physician to receive sufficient information to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to correctly characterize your condition.

It often happens that the source of pain is difficult to determine. Tingling in the lower abdomen appears in the right, then in the left side.

It is impossible to determine the causes of wandering pains on your own at home, and it is even more unacceptable to prescribe treatment for yourself.

First of all, this rule applies to men.

Experts know that similar sensations occur with the following diseases:

  • problems in the genitourinary system;
  • problems with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system.

In women, diseases of the pelvic organs and the reproductive system as a whole are added to this list.

According to medical statistics, tingling in the lower abdomen in women is largely associated with gynecology. These causes account for 60% to 70% of diseases.

The situation is much more difficult for men. With age, the reproductive system becomes a weak link in the body of a man.

At a certain stage, such a serious disease as prostatitis appears.

Very often, a person does not even suspect the presence of this pathology, explaining the problems that arise with a cold or overwork.

Gradually, the pain occurs on the left in the side, and gives to the groin, and to the rectum. As a result, you have to go to an appointment with a urologist.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Systematically occurring tingling in the lower abdomen on the left in men indicates that not everything is in order with the reproductive system.

Possible diseases include the following:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  • prostatic hyperplasia.

Tingling in the abdomen signals the development of prostatitis. So in everyday life is called inflammation of the prostate gland.

A few decades ago, this pathology was considered age-related, but today it affects men in the prime of life and desires.

Inflammation of the bladder, like the urethra, can occur for various reasons. These are serious diseases that need to be treated without delay.

Practice shows that postponing treatment will not work. Tingling in the abdomen only portends more acute pain and consequences.

It does not matter at all which side, left or right, pain is indicated. It is important to respond to these signals in a timely manner.

The correct response is to contact a urologist who will make an appropriate diagnosis. Often, to find out the cause, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive examination of the body.

Today, prostate adenoma has become known in a new way - prostatic hyperplasia. At this stage of the development of the disease, unpleasant tingling in the abdomen intensifies and turns into pulling pains.

For men, this is a serious condition, from which you can get out only after targeted treatment. It also happens that blood appears in the urine.

Along with this, painful sensations are fixed either in the left or in the right side and become intolerable.

Observations show that sometimes tingling in the lower abdomen appears at the stage of exacerbation of a chronic disease, so you need to respond to signals of this kind with all seriousness.

Violation of the digestive tract

There is a lot of talk about healthy eating these days. From the TV screens there are calls to use only those products that are good for the body.

At the same time, many of the women notice that after eating “properly” cooked foods, tingling appears in the stomach.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations appear in the abdomen on the left, sometimes on the right.

With a disease of the stomach or intestines, the first signs may be:

  • heartburn;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloating.

If you do not pay due attention to these and similar symptoms, then in a short time the disease can take an acute form.

The causes of diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, colitis are well known. As a rule, the development of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract begins with the use of low-quality products and alcohol abuse.

First of all, this applies to men. In rare cases, a proper reaction to tingling in the abdomen follows.

The most common approach in such situations is to take different pills. For pain in the left side, one is taken, for pain in the right, the other.

In this way, you can muffle the tingling in the lower abdomen for some time. Drugs bought at a pharmacy do not have a therapeutic effect - they only relieve pain.

Joint diseases

For many men and women, it comes as a revelation when they learn that tingling in the abdomen can result from musculoskeletal disorders.

The musculoskeletal system in general and the hip joints in particular are susceptible to various diseases.

It often happens that the resulting pathology in the spine causes tingling in the lower abdomen or subluxation of the left hip joint causes colic in the lower abdomen on the left.

This kind of discomfort in the lower abdomen is caused by the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • joint swelling;
  • scoliosis.

This list includes a dozen more pathologies.

Practice shows that even a slight violation of the articular joint can cause tingling in the abdomen.

As a rule, tingling occurs in the left side when the hip joint is damaged on the left, although there is no clear relationship here.

Deeply hidden injuries that develop and worsen over time can cause tingling in the lower abdomen from any side.

The causes of such wandering pains are revealed during a comprehensive examination of the body.

It is desirable for every adequate person to know at least in general terms about the characteristics of his body.

When tingling in the abdomen occurs in women, it may be a sign of approaching menstruation. Similar sensations in the right side or left lower abdomen in men do not mean anything.

The causes of tingling need to be determined. In such cases, you need to be aware that an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist to whom the patient is referred by the attending physician.

When visiting a doctor, it is very important to explain your condition to him and indicate the area in the lower abdomen in which tingling occurs.

To make a diagnosis, it is important to know where, in the right or left side, pain is felt. At the reception, you should tell in detail about your lifestyle, diet and habits, remember after what events tingling appeared in the stomach.

The most important thing is not to postpone the visit to the clinic when the tingling is indicated. A delay in visiting even for one day can cause serious consequences.

Mild tingling in the lower abdomen

Very many expectant mothers directly during pregnancy constantly complain of some small tingling in the lower abdomen. And of course, this cannot but worry them, therefore, in order not to aggravate the situation at all, we hasten to immediately explain what kind of tingling it is, what kind of condition it is and whether it is directly dangerous for the health of both the unborn baby and his mother.

What should a woman do if she feels a slight tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy: sound the alarm and immediately consult a doctor or take independent measures to eliminate discomfort? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to such a question, since any expectant mother feels her responsibility to the baby, and therefore cannot remain calm, feeling a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy.

When does tingling occur?

Often, a woman begins to feel tingling in the abdomen literally in the very first days of pregnancy. Since there are no obvious signs of pregnancy yet, the woman does not even associate tingling in the abdomen with her possible onset. Mild discomfort, a feeling of pressure and tingling in the lower abdomen are caused by changes occurring in the uterus in the first weeks of pregnancy. This is absolutely natural, because the uterus during this period is actively changing its shape, its tissues are filled with blood vessels, and the muscles that support it are stretched. If the discomfort lasts no more than 60 minutes, subsides with a change in body position and does not interfere with the normal life of a woman, you should not worry and urgently run to the doctor. In addition, increased gas formation in the intestines can also cause pain in the abdomen. In this case, it is worth thinking about revising the diet.

In this case, the woman does not feel pain. uterine petrification In late pregnancy, abdominal tingling and pain may reflect training contractions. These feelings are usually accompanied

As a result of the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder, a similar condition also occurs. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend expectant mothers to observe the drinking regime in the third trimester, limiting fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day. In addition, you should empty your bladder on time. Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, coupled with tingling, usually indicate the onset of labor.

If they are accompanied by an unusual discharge, bloody, clear, brown, profuse mucous.

If they are accompanied by stool disorder, fever, pain when urinating.

Tingling can be caused by spinal problems, stress or herpes viruses such as Epstein-Barr…. I itch all over, no rashes, tingling all over my body, again attacks of VVD. In general, for starters, take a general blood test, detailed biochemistry.

There is no cough, when I cough on purpose, pain is not observed. Some of the symptoms you describe (particularly severe night sweats) are suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis. It doesn't hurt very much, sometimes. You can add your comments and feedback to this article, subject to the Discussion Rules.

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy Toward the end of pregnancy, in addition to the above conditions, tingling in the lower abdomen can be caused preparation of the body for the upcoming labor activity.

According to statistics, the ratio of men and women suffering from bowel cancer is approximately equal. The sooner such a disease is detected, the easier it will be to perform the operation and return the patient to normal life.

Intestinal diverticulitis

Stitching pains and tingling in the abdomen appear with a disease such as intestinal diverticulitis. Painful sensations are felt on the right. The symptoms of diverticulitis are very similar to those of acute appendicitis. However, it is characterized by frequent constipation and is located in the left abdomen.

Causes of diverticulitis:

All of the above cases require the immediate treatment of a pregnant woman for urgent medical care, as they can pose a danger to the health and life of the woman herself and the fetus.

In most cases, it is with the help of pain that our body manages to “get through” to us. Surprisingly, but true: when a person is healthy, he practically does not notice it. Therefore, such a unique and well-coordinated mechanism as our body is forced to signal the brain about malfunctions in its work with pain impulses. However, few people immediately perceive symptoms such as discomfort and tingling in the lower abdomen. And absolutely in vain. Even minor pain sensations can tell a lot to an experienced doctor.

Stitching pains can have different intensity and frequency. Therefore, medical professionals distinguish them on several grounds:

  • acute (sharp and strong);
  • dull (pressing);
  • bursting (expanding);
  • aching (pulling);
  • cutting (unbearable);
  • colicky (cramping);
  • pulsating (from mild to the most acute moment).

Causes of tingling in the lower abdomen in men

According to statistics, the strong half of humanity is much less likely to seek help from doctors, preferring to remain silent about tingling and pain to the last. However, timely prescribed treatment and subsequent preventive measures in most cases are able to raise a person to his feet in a fairly short time.

Neglect of men's health can lead to such an insidious disease as prostatitis. One of the first signs of a disorder of the genitourinary system is precisely the periodic tingling in the lower abdomen in men. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate examinations in a timely manner, which will help prevent further inflammatory processes in the prostate gland and urethra.

Otherwise, over time, the following symptoms appear:

  • fever;
  • pain in the lower back, pelvis, lower back and abdomen, scrotum;
  • frequent urination;
  • general weakness with soreness in the joints and muscles;
  • pain and burning during urination;
  • headache.

If the stomach tingles in women

The female body requires no less close attention than the male. In many cases, discomfort and tingling in the lower abdomen during certain periods of the monthly cycle simply indicate one or another of its phases. So a woman, thanks to her observations and feelings, can determine ovulation (the most favorable time for conception) and, with an accuracy of several days, predict the approach of menstruation.

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