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After piroplasmosis, the dog refuses meat food. Nutrition for a dog after poisoning, piroplasmosis, tick bite, childbirth, enteritis, for shiny coat, adult and lactating in the first days. What consequences can a pet experience after piroplasmosis?

Properly organized recovery period after suffering babesiosis (pyroplasmosis) - important stage, helping to avoid many complications. During treatment with special toxic drugs, the dog’s body is exposed to great harm, all organs are affected: kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart. The composition of the blood deteriorates, hemoglobin decreases, and the immune system is weakened.

A supportive, gentle diet will help the animal recover faster. It is important to avoid anemia, which can develop as a result of massive death of red blood cells.

Contrary to popular belief, during this period it is necessary to feed raw muscle meat and liver (chicken, beef, since the body requires iron, lean boiled meat should be included in the dog’s diet: turkey, chicken (if there is no allergy), rabbit, beef, lamb and porridge : rice, buckwheat.

Raw meat is a source of infection with helminths, which a weakened body clearly does not need. This type of meat contains an excess of proteins and animal fats, and raw liver contains a type of iron that is difficult for the dog’s body to digest.

In the future, if she feels well, stewed vegetables with half a teaspoon of olive, corn, linseed oil(both in porridge and in the form of soups): zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, boiled egg yolk, prebiotics for dogs, kefir, 1-2% fat. Soups on the second broth.

If the kidney is in order, you can introduce low-fat white sea fish. But be careful.

The ideal option is for the doctor, based on the results of blood and urine tests, to advise what substances the recovered animal needs first. But this is ideal. In most cases you have to act on your own.

Rule for everyone. Portions should be small. Even if you fed the dog twice a day, you will have to switch to at least 4 meals for a while. one meal heated to room temperature food. Everything is liquid, pureed or in very small pieces. At this time, it is necessary to take into account that the dog will also go to the toilet more often; it is harmful for the dog to endure for a long time without emptying the urine.

If the dog was on dry food, it is not recommended to suddenly change the type and brand of food.

On the Internet you can find advice to switch to a special medicinal food for kidney disease,

liver. But any transition is additional stress for the body and it is unknown what it will be like.

reaction. Therefore, take the usual dry food and pre-soak it in a warm

Piroplasmosis is a disease that occurs in dogs after a tick bite. Treatment and recovery after piroplasmosis in dogs is very difficult, especially if at the beginning the pathology did not manifest itself and was lost precious time. Thus, if the case is sufficiently advanced, then the most severe complication, which occurs quite often, is the death of the animal.

Most often, the dog’s renal system is initially affected, as the renal canals are blocked. However, it is also worth noting that in no case should it be left without treatment, since this state of affairs will clearly not lead to the pet’s recovery, but will only cause a lot of certain complications.

Complete recovery without medical care completely excluded.

What consequences can a pet experience after piroplasmosis?

As for the main complications of the disease, the most basic consequences of the pathology can be as follows:

  • the functioning of the central nervous system is significantly disrupted;
  • renal and hepatic;
  • deficiency of red blood cells, resulting in anemia;
  • cardiac pathologies.

Consequences of piroplasmosis after drug treatment

It is also very important to note that not only its poison influences the appearance of such a condition as in dogs and its consequences. Treatment with toxic drugs also carries its colossal negative impact. First of all, this is due to the fact that the body pet so weakened that toxic drugs can only aggravate the course of the disease and further weaken the immune system, from which only the dog will suffer.

Thus, as noted, the disease can recede as much as possible after drug treatment with the help of toxic drugs. However, after such treatment with tablets, the dog may encounter the following problems:

  • Complete or partial poisoning of nerve cells. Preventing infection is fraught with the fact that it is suffering nervous system, which in some cases is simply impossible to restore.
  • Blindness. This complication can also be caused by the action of toxic agents. The frequency of such a complication is so high that the problem of total blindness is faced a large number of animals that have successfully undergone rehabilitation and overcome their illness.

Prevention of piroplasmosis in domestic dogs also involves the use of toxic drugs, but the proportion of toxin in them is so low that the side effects of these drugs are minimized.

It is also worth noting that preventing pathology is almost impossible. This is due to the fact that the animal can get sick again after a bite. Immunity is practically not formed and after about four to six months the puppy may get sick again. The same applies chronic form diseases. It may worsen after exposure to any negative factors.

The effect of the poison is very active, and the infection can spread very quickly throughout the body. Consequently, mortality due to pathology occurs very often.

This means that timely treatment is the key to ensuring that the pet can cope with the infection without any extraneous complications.

It is also very important to note that doctors have not yet created a universal one that provides the dog with adequate protection against this infection. This is especially true for children whose immunity is not yet fully developed. In the case of small dogs, mortality occurs in almost every case of parasite bite.

Bos, suffered from piroplasmosis last year

Hello, friends, at your request, I am telling you about the treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs, now this topic is relevant, as the weather has warmed up and ticks have become more active.

Let me make a reservation right away that I do not encourage you to self-medicate; if your dog grabs a tick and then gets sick with piroplasmosis, then of course it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Why then am I writing this article? To share my experience, perhaps my colleague will read it, perhaps it will help people who, for certain reasons, cannot provide veterinary care to their animals.

Also, in one of the treatment regimens for piroplasmosis in dogs, I use azidine, which has earned a bad reputation, although it works well, I want to say a few words in its defense.

I have already written several articles about mites (pyroplasmosis), describing the symptoms, so we will not dwell on them, but will get straight to the point.

Treatment regimen for piroplasmosis in dogs

First way. In mild cases, when the dog’s condition is satisfactory. There is slight weakness, decreased appetite, and an increase in temperature by a degree. In general, the animal’s condition can be described as if it was tired, or as they say, the dog was sad.

In such cases, I use dexamethasone at a dose of 2-4 mg (0.5-1 ml) depending on the size of the dog. For example, if a dog weighs 15 kg, then it needs to be administered 0.5 ml of dexamethasone subcutaneously. Dexamethasone helps reduce fever and also prevents the development of an allergy to azidine, which sometimes occurs.

In addition, dexamethasone has a number of positive effects, and it is not harmless, but in a small dose it side effects do not appear.

Then I inject catozal or its analogue, at a dose of 0.5-1 ml subcutaneously once a day, 2-3 days in a row. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and is a source of vitamin B 12.

The main drug for the fight against piroplasmosis is azidine. Usually the bottle contains 0.24 g of dry matter (there are 2.4 g packages, don’t get confused, there are sad examples).

If it is used according to the instructions, then the dog does often experience serious complications. Vomiting, drooling, chills and other signs of intoxication may appear. I use azidine in small doses, but more often than the manufacturer recommends.

I add 4 ml of water for injection to a 0.24 g bottle, so in 1 ml of solution we get 60 mg of dry substance, not active, namely dry, which is important.

Then I administer the resulting solution at the rate of 2 mg per kg of animal weight once every 12-24 hours. If the dog has positive dynamics, then the interval is 12 hours, in case of severe condition the interval is 24 hours. On average I do 2-4 such injections. For example, our virtual dog weighing 15 kg needs to be injected subcutaneously with 0.5 ml of the prepared solution, which will be 30 mg of the substance.

I have been using this dilution for more than 10 years, and so far there have been no complications with the drug. I had an allergic reaction several times, but this was before I started using dexamethasone in advance.

As a result, we inject the dog with the required amount of the drug, but fractionally, in small portions. In this way, it is possible to “gently” fight piroplasm; it does not die en masse, as happens with shock doses, and does not destroy red blood cells in large quantities.

It is also permissible to slightly overestimate the administered dose, so it is not necessary to know exact weight animal. It is difficult to weigh a dog in the field; sometimes you have to rely on your eye.

Yes, we may need to do more manipulations (injections), but we cause less harm to the body.

Second way. In severe form, when the dog completely refuses food; feels very thirsty or, on the contrary, refuses to drink; we observe an unsteady gait or the dog does not get up; the urine has become dark, possibly mixed with blood; vomiting, diarrhea or other signs of illness appeared.

In complicated cases, I follow the treatment regimen for piroplasmosis in dogs as described above, but I also add other drugs.

I connect and introduce solutions: sodium chloride, ringera, glucose 5%, reamberin. General daily dose solutions 20-50 ml per kg, except for Reamberin (I administer it 2-5 ml per kg per day).

The daily dose is divided into two administrations. Our 15 kg dog needs 150-400 ml at a time. Sometimes I use diuretics (furosemide) to increase diuresis in order to speed up the elimination of toxins.

In case of complications bacterial infection I add antibiotics, usually ceftriaxone at a dose of 20-50 mg per kg per day, it can be administered either intravenously or intramuscularly. I don't use antibiotics unless necessary.

In mild forms of the disease, treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs takes 2-3 days; in complicated forms, it takes 5-7 days.

After recovery

Friends, if a dog starts running and jumping after treatment, this does not mean that it has recovered. Piroplasmosis is very insidious, it affects almost all organs and tissues in the body, so its consequences can manifest themselves for a long time.

After the acute phase has been overcome, when the dog supposedly feels as good as it was before the illness, you need to follow a diet for several weeks and limit physical activity. Monitor her like a sick child, protect her from overheating and hypothermia.

Piroplasmosis weakens the body, including the immune system, so the dog can catch viral infection, which happens often.

Except good care And proper feeding, you can give your dog B vitamins, B6, B12 and B9 are especially important ( folic acid). The listed vitamins are necessary for the restoration of red blood cells that were destroyed during illness.

In practice, I do not use hepatoprotectors, drugs for restoring intestinal microflora, antivirals and other miracle drugs; in 99% of cases these are drugs with unproven effectiveness, in other words, dummies.

Of course, each doctor uses his own method for treating piroplasmosis in dogs, and my regimen can be supplemented or changed. I wrote an article with the goal of sharing my experience, especially with the use of azidine, which has unfairly earned a bad reputation among my colleagues and dog lovers.

Friends, if it’s not difficult, write in the comments how you save your dogs from tick attacks and if a disease occurs, what medications you use for treatment. And finally, I want to recommend you an interesting channel of my friends, I think you will like it :)

The risk of contracting the disease piroplasmosis - babesiosis in dogs remains throughout the entire season of above-zero temperatures. Failure to provide timely medical care a four-legged friend diagnosed with piroplasmosis, with high probability will lead to fatal outcome (98 %).

Any dog ​​breeder should have information regarding the disease piroplasmosis in dogs: symptoms and treatment, in this case it will be possible to diagnose the disease as quickly as possible and provide necessary help animal.

According to statistics, incubation period piroplasmosis in dogs can be very fast (2 - 3 days) or last for 2 - 3 weeks. It directly depends on the condition immune system four-legged friend.

It is imperative to study the symptoms of piroplasmosis in dogs, since the disease is often detected by early stage Without sufficient knowledge, it can be very difficult. The owner should pay attention to poor appetite, progressive lethargy of your pet. A sick dog may even refuse to stand on its paws.

Piroplasmosis is indicated by: an increase in the dog’s body temperature by 2 - 4 ° C,
staining of urine in a dark brown color, pale, jaundiced mucous membranes, increased heart rate, breathing, diarrhea, vomiting.

Diagnosis of piroplasmosis

The diagnosis is made based on the results of comprehensive examinations. Reasons for contacting a specialist may be: detection of ticks on the pet’s body, changes in behavior, or the dog’s health condition. The veterinarian will perform a clinical examination, measure the animal’s temperature, and give a referral for necessary tests(urine, blood).

Treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs

Effective treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs includes several stages.

Etiotropic therapy

Carrying out etiotropic therapy involves the use of drugs (Azidin, Pirostop, Imidocarb, Berenil, Veriben, etc.) that ensure the destruction of the pathogen.

Symptomatic therapy

As part of symptomatic therapy, the sick animal is prescribed drugs to support the affected body systems: hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Heptral), cardioprotectors (Metamax, Mildronate), multivitamin complexes (Multivit, Hepavikel).

Forced diuresis

Blood purification

Treatment at home

You can cure your four-legged friend at home if you make a diagnosis: pulmonary piroplasmosis or moderate severity. If it is difficult to transport the dog to the clinic veterinarian An intravenous catheter "Venflon" can be placed. This will allow the owner to administer the prescribed drugs intravenously to the dog for a week. When the animal’s condition has stabilized, it is recommended to take a course of oral hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Hepatovet).

Application is not recommended folk remedies, methods for treating the disease in acute form.

When the dog's condition improves, the doctor may allow the use of herbal infusions to stabilize the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

A dog that has undergone treatment for piroplasmosis needs regular medical examinations, carrying out the necessary tests. This allows you to evaluate the functioning of the animal’s liver, kidneys, and heart in order to prevent possible complications.

Prevention of piroplasmosis

In order to minimize the likelihood of contracting a four-legged friend with piroplasmosis, the owner will need to resort to prevention of this disease. The use of sprays, drops against ticks, fleas, and wearing specialized collars by pets has proven itself to be effective.

Vaccination of pets gives good results. The veterinarian can prescribe Pirodog and Nobivak vaccines for dogs, containing piroplasma antigens and ensuring the production protective immunity in animals. Before vaccination, the veterinarian prescribes anthelmintics. wide range Actions: Drontal for dogs or Milbemax for dogs - the price of which is quite affordable.

Recovery period

After treatment it is very important to ensure fast recovery dog's body. An owner who is faced with the problem of piroplasmosis in dogs must know what to feed their pet. It will be necessary to adjust the dog’s diet by introducing easily digestible, healthy, balanced food into the menu with minimum quantity fat

The priority is frequent, divided feeding of the pet. After 4 days, you can gradually restore your usual feeding regimen.

Babesiosis is dangerous due to complications that cause great damage to the pet’s body. Therefore, rehabilitation of a dog after piroplasmosis includes taking medications, reducing physical activity, dieting.


Massive death of red blood cells leads to the development of anemia. It manifests itself as pale gums, fatigue, and refusal to walk. After assessing the results of the blood test, the veterinarian prescribes treatment. It consists of taking medications with iron and potassium and following a diet.

IN severe cases requires blood transfusion and bone marrow transplantation.

Kidney failure

The breakdown products of red blood cells form blood clots and clog the renal tubules. Symptoms of the disease - frequent urge to the toilet, urinary incontinence, thirst from dehydration, general lethargy of the pet. A urine test for acidity, protein and sugar, and an ultrasound of the excretory system will help determine the pathology. During treatment, the veterinarian needs to restore urinary function, acid-base and electrolyte balance.

Toxic hepatitis

Respiratory and heart rhythm disturbances

Oxygen starvation of tissues causes the respiratory and of cardio-vascular system work at an accelerated pace. The dog breathes noisily, refuses food and walks, and faints. In this case, the dog must be taken for a cardiac examination. In case of serious condition, the pet is left for treatment in the clinic. Mild arrhythmia can be eliminated at home by reducing physical activity and correcting nutrition.

Drug treatment

Restoring a dog’s health after piroplasmosis is carried out in a complex way. Severe stages of anemia, intoxication, dehydration, arrhythmia are eliminated with the help of droppers. The dog is left at the clinic so that it is under 24-hour supervision by specialists.

The rehabilitation period continues with the use of medications to restore the functions of weakened organs.

Your veterinarian may prescribe such medications.


The drug Prednisolone suppresses seizures, eliminates allergic reactions. He blocks white movement blood cells to the area of ​​inflammation, which improves general state body. For the first dose, the dosage is calculated based on the dog’s weight. Further, during the recovery process, the dose is reduced. Contraindications to taking the medicine are kidney failure, ulcers and gastrointestinal problems.

Folic acid

The drug helps the blood recover, as folic acid is involved in the production of red blood cells. The dosage of tablets is calculated after decoding clinical tests. Normally, a dog should have 8-15 mcg of the substance per 1 kg of weight. Contraindication is increased sensitivity to the element.

Remember, prolonged uncontrolled use of the medication leads to a decrease in the concentration of the vitamin cyanocobalamin.

Essentiale forte

The drug helps the liver cope with toxins, restores organ cells, and stabilizes bile levels. It is taken over a long course: from two weeks to several months. The medicine is given before each meal. Dogs of large and medium breeds swallow one capsule each. For small decorative dogs, it is allowed to open the shell and divide the jelly-like contents into 2-3 parts.

Nutrition rules

The dog’s diet after treatment for piroplasmosis is prepared by a veterinarian. It takes into account which organs have suffered the most damage and what your overall health is. You need to feed your pet in small portions 4-5 times a day. Food should be easily digestible, warm, pureed to a puree consistency, and water should be clean and fresh.

For anemia, dogs include steamed offal on their menu. If liver function is weakened, you should prepare lean meats, porridge from ground cereals, and expose vegetables to heat treatment. At renal failure The diet is based on soups and porridges cooked in the second broth. It is forbidden to use products that cause fermentation, constipation, or diarrhea.

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