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Supplementation of pension after 60 years. Veteran of military service benefits in the Moscow region. Minimum number of IPCs

From this article you will learn:

    What are the main features of communicating with older people?

    How age-related changes influence communication with older people

    What are the basic rules for communicating with older people that will help you establish contact with them?

    What not to do when communicating with older people

    What are the features of communicating with older people with dementia?

Most people consider retirement as a kind of milestone, after which active life ends and a period of quiet decline begins. Old age is approaching, there are fewer and fewer opportunities, and a full life can only be remembered. This is far from true. Life after 60 years can be bright, full of communication, eventful. At this age, it becomes possible to devote more time to family, friends, interests and hobbies. The main thing is to want to lead active image life and don’t allow yourself to mope.

Is there life after 60 years

The modern world is focused on the younger generation. For years, established stereotypes have made people fear the approach of old age. Life after 60 seems to many more of a problem than joy. People are overcome by thoughts of impending poverty, loss external beauty, extinction of sexual desires. Scientists are also concerned about the perception of approaching old age.

Having devoted their research to the problems of aging, psychologists insist that life after 60 years can be full, active, and eventful. All nightmares about old age are far-fetched. There is no need to regret your irretrievably lost youth. Better accept yours real age, find a use for yourself and fill your life with interesting people, activities and a positive attitude.

Amazing news was announced to the world some time ago by the scientific community. Dutch scientists have deciphered the DNA of a woman who lived to be 115 years old. At the same time, it was preserved physical strength, and clarity of mind. Scientists have testified that shortly before her death the woman looked 50 years old. At the age of 113 she was tested for preservation mental abilities. The results corresponded to the level of a 65-year-old.

In the genome of the centenarian, scientists discovered unique changes that gave reason to assume that it was thanks to them that the woman’s body was protected from the aging process and all the transformations associated with it. Amsterdam biologists suggest that the longevity gene is hidden in such rearrangements.

This discovery could change people's understanding of life expectancy. Nature itself has prepared the human body for a full, long life after 60 years. Many scientists studying this issue are united by the opinion that the duration of human life should approach 130 years - exactly at given period human resources are calculated. It’s unfortunate that the reason for the changes in the long-lived woman’s body is still not clear. This may be influenced by nutrition, ecology, interest in life, etc. Scientists hope that answers to all questions will be found in the very near future.

What are the benefits of living after 60?

    Research by American scientists has shown that the human brain reaches full performance only in old age. Peak of intellectual activity falls on 50-70 years. People who lead a healthy lifestyle after 60 become wiser and more reasonable. Barbara Stouch's research led to this sensational conclusion.

    By this age, any person has many events that have happened behind him, which have formed a certain life experience. This makes it easier to navigate the variety of situations that arise, experience fewer illusions, better understand people and build relationships with them. Special wisdom gives a person the opportunity to find optimal solutions in difficult circumstances, adapt flexibly to changes and not so overreact to minor problems and disappointments. Life after 60 years is judicious and selective. A person himself builds his social circle, limiting it and allowing only those he wants to come to him.

    Life after 60 years is less subject to passions, because older people are more emotionally stable. According to University of California professor Dilip Jaist, the brain of a person who has decades of life behind him is less impulsive and more rational.

    Life after 60 can be full and business meetings. By this age, a person reaches the maximum level of development both in his career and in public life where they play important role, enjoying authority in such areas as politics, business, culture, etc.

    Life after 60 is more realistic. People evaluate their capabilities and strengths more strictly and rationally. With age, individuality and the ability to present oneself in the right light are honed. Knowing all his advantages and disadvantages, a person skillfully flaunts some things, and tries not to show others at all.

    Life after 60 years is considered as a period long-awaited stability. Almost everyone by this age has a family, children, and some already grandchildren, a certain social, professional and material standard of living. The period after 60 years is favorable for doing things for which there was not enough time, for new hobbies, communication and travel.

How is family life different after 60?

A loving couple can live happily ever after and die on the same day only in wonderful children's fairy tales. In reality, everything is completely different. Prosperous and long family life is possible only with the joint desire and creation of spouses.

The feelings of passion and love that dominate the relationship between people at the beginning of marriage, over the years spent together, are transformed into calmer, but deep and heartfelt tenderness and affection. Having withstood many tests, these feelings erase all small problems, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and understanding. Such an idyll is achieved if, in addition to love, spouses are connected by common interests and views, and not just family values. Eg, joint hobby, love of travel, scientific or social interest, etc. Life after 60 years clearly shows the sincerity of feelings between spouses.

When children grow up, begin to live independently, create their own families and leave parents' house, older people may experience worsening relationship problems, as this is a serious stage for them. The success of spouses in overcoming this moment of crisis depends on the resolution method difficult situations, level of mutual understanding and degree of cohesion. Harmony in relationships, respect increased over the years life together several times, are able to minimize and negate the consequences of any negative trends.

Known two ways out. The situation can be resolved:

    Constructively, focusing on the personal development of each spouse, the emergence of a new common interest and the area of ​​its implementation, the fulfillment of those desires for which there was not enough time due to caring for children.

    Unconstructive, fixated on difficulties, fear of loneliness, loss of meaning in life, feeling of uselessness, disappointment in family values, decreased vital activity, complete apathy and emerging health problems.

Is there an intimate life after 60 years?

There is an opinion in society that vibrant intimate relationships are characteristic only of young and middle-aged people. There are also many who believe that sex life after 60 years is optional and incorrect. Age is not the reason for completion intimate relationships. If a person has not lost physical ability, he should not forbid himself to live fully. Research by the American biologist and sexologist A.S. Kinsey confirms the presence of sexual interest and desire in older people. Just one quarter of 60-year-old couples are not intimate. Everyone else sexual contacts Yes, but perhaps not as often as before.

An analysis of the sexual activity of men over 60 years of age showed that 80% of them are capable of intimate intimacy. The figure is no worse for men who have reached 70 years of age - this is 70% of their number. After 80, this figure drops to 25%.

These statistics confirm that sexual activity does not directly depend on age and persists throughout life if a person monitors his health and does not bother his head with prejudices.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle after 60 years

Scientists believe that the ability to maintain an active and full life after 60 years depends only on ourselves. The genetic or hereditary factor has only about 30% of the influence, the remaining 70% is a person’s attitude towards his health and the body as a whole.

A healthy lifestyle after 60 years for women and men should include several aspects:

Health control

You shouldn’t wait until you notice a noticeable deterioration in your health to see a doctor. Visit your doctor regularly to monitor your condition. Pay attention to any unexpected problems. For example, your blood pressure has increased, it has become more difficult to breathe, you feel pain in your back or joints - all these are reasons to consult a specialist. The advantage of early diagnosis is to reduce and prevent the destructive effects of the disease on the body. Try to listen to how you feel.

You rarely meet a person who would be happy to go to doctors, and even more so would be calm about operations or a long course of treatment. But this is not a reason to trigger the course of the disease. Early diagnosis illness and timely treatment give a high chance of full recovery. Never think that everything will go away by itself, don’t hope for traditional methods, but just go to the professionals and strictly follow all the recommendations. And then life after 60 years will sparkle with new colors.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle after 60 years for men and women is unthinkable without following certain rules and exceptions bad habits and factors. This will avoid a significant number of diseases. Try to adhere to these principles at any age:

    Watch your weight, keep it normal. If you have a few extra pounds, try to carefully lose them and not gain them in the future.

    Lead an active lifestyle, try to move more. Daily exercise should become a habit. Find something to do yourself. This could be a walk with the dog, a trip to the cinema, a little work on the property, or a visit to a special fitness group for older people.

    If it is not possible to completely eliminate alcohol, then choose light drinks of good quality. It is better to give up cigarettes completely.

    Try not to get overtired. Lead a fairly active lifestyle after 60 years, but don’t strain yourself, don’t overwhelm yourself with work, do everything in a measured manner.

    Sleep is the best medicine. Give it enough time and avoid stressful situations. You shouldn't try to build your life after 60 in the same way as when you were 30 years old. Get more rest.

    Be careful about your diet. You should not overeat, eat fatty, fried, salty, sweet foods. Products must be natural and dietary.

    Remember to be careful. If possible, avoid injury, be prudent and correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities. Consider your age and take roads, crossings, ice, etc. seriously.

One more thing should be especially noted most important factor influencing life after 60 years is mood and state of mind. A pessimistic attitude causes loss of strength, depression and reduces the body's protective functions. The immune system weakens and the person gets sick easily. People who lead active lives are full internal energy. Good spirits and an optimistic attitude make a person strong and healthy. Don't be afraid of getting old. We do not know who is given how many years. Live to the fullest, enjoy every moment, look for the positive in everything and take maximum care of your health.

7 tips from psychologists on how to make life happy after 60

We would all like life to always make us happy and bring pleasure. Unfortunately, it is not. There are moments of grief, bitterness, melancholy and apathy that are quite difficult to bear. And every year there are more and more such moments in life, but do not become discouraged. To make life fulfilling after 60 years, the advice of psychologists is as follows:

1) Don't focus on illnesses!

Under no circumstances should you make a hobby out of your ailments. Avoid endless complaints about your health, don’t talk only about illnesses, don’t go to the clinic unnecessarily, just looking for people to talk to. This is how the psychological crisis of lack of attention and communication manifests itself. Switch to something useful, provide all possible help to your family or others. After all, everyone gets sick, and this should not become the meaning of your life after 60 years.

2) Be optimistic about your age!

Make life after 60 years bright, full of impressions and great mood is possible only if you are calm about changes in your appearance and are ready to adjust your life plans and make more realistic wishes. It will be much more comfortable for you to start this new stage not with memories and longing for the past, but with setting a real goal and developing a path to achieve it.

Let's take as an example a study by Yale University sociologist Becky Levy, which she conducted for 30 years, studying the approach of old age in 440 volunteers. Having selected the participants for the experiment, she divided them into two groups. The first group included those who accepted the coming changes absolutely calmly, considering it a natural life process. The second group consisted of participants who were afraid of the aging of their body.

The results obtained only confirmed the incredible power of optimism. Participants in the first group lived longer on average by 7-8 years. The life expectancy of those who also gave up bad habits, devoted time to sports and healthy eating, increased by more than 10 years. Optimistic people who accept their years as a wealth and not a burden are less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases and recover strength more easily and quickly.

3) Give up old ideas.

Often people limit themselves in everything under the influence of stereotypes. There is no point in such restraint; it only spoils life after 60 years. There is no need to become like an idle old wreck who constantly sits on a bench and discusses latest gossip. Allow yourself to look different - elegant, in demand and happy. In your new life after 60 years, remove negativity, even from your own statements. Instead of: “It’s too late for me to start something,” say: “I have the experience, wisdom and time to devote all this to a new hobby.” Or: “With the arrival of retirement, life ends,” replace it with: “With the arrival of retirement, I have much more time for my family and my interests.” Try to think positively and enjoy every moment of your life after 60 years.

4) Expand your horizons!

Stop living by stereotypes! Imagine what you would like to do. Make a “25 Wish List.” Think about what you didn't have time for? What haven't you gotten to? Perhaps you dreamed of spending more time on sewing, knitting, growing indoor flowers, arranging your home or garden, etc. Determine your priority direction and start mastering it! By keeping yourself busy with an interesting or favorite activity and positive emotions, you will spend your free time usefully and understand how fulfilling life can be after 60 years.

It is clear that it is quite difficult to immediately switch to a completely different rhythm. Start with small changes. Dedicate every day to something. For example, on Baking Day, prepare some pies and invite family or friends for tea. On Walking Day, go to the park or the Philharmonic. Such moments will fill your life with new desires and opportunities, communication and diversity. They will teach you to spend maximum time on yourself, and not on work or the money that paid for it.

5) Be an example!

Don't let depression into your life! Try to constantly strive for something. Remember that you are an example for your loved ones, do not allow yourself to become limp and turn into a sloppy person. Be sure that life after 60 is just as interesting and rich, and give this confidence to your friends and family. Striving to be an example - you will get used to new role and you will no longer be afraid of the future, regretting the past. If it’s difficult to cheer yourself up and put your thoughts in order on your own, then you don’t need to be shy about turning to a professional psychologist for help.

6) Don't interfere in other people's lives.

There are cases when people, having a sufficient amount of free time and doing nothing, look for something to do in arranging their children’s lives, actively interfering in their personal lives, giving advice and recommendations, which ultimately lead to discord. If you have something to professionally teach the younger generation to convey your undeniable experience, start a blog on the Internet. Publish useful life hacks, tips, subtleties and nuances of what you are first-class. In this you can find for yourself most interesting activity, passionate communication and useful development.

7) Communicate more!

Communication plays an important role in the lives of people of any age. It is very difficult for a person who was in a whirlpool of events to rebuild and begin to live differently after 60 years. Try to communicate more, don’t isolate yourself, make acquaintances, visit public places and interest clubs. General hobby It really brings people together and makes life brighter and more diverse.

8) Be confident!

Studies conducted by domestic and foreign psychologists on the adaptation of older people to life after 60 years have confirmed their opinion that those who have high self-esteem get used to the new rhythm most quickly and successfully. Faith in themselves and their strength helps them not to think about old age and death, but to live, filling each day with pleasant worries as much as possible. Try to love yourself even more. Don’t blame yourself if you’re too lazy to do something, please yourself with new things or desired acquisitions, communicate only with people you like, develop and fill your life with positivity.

10 striking examples that life after 60 is just beginning

Life can be fulfilling even after 60 years. This is confirmed by the examples of Vladimir Yakovlev, who published an amazing series of books dedicated to this issue. The opinion that all people retirement age the quality of life decreases, interests disappear, desires become grounded, and the like, completely destroy the examples in the next section. A person’s personal desire is the best motivation for active life and after 60 years.

1. Greta Pontarelli, 64 years old.

Greta started pole dancing only a couple of years ago. But already now she surprises viewers with her flexibility, complexity of numbers and originality of costumes. Things didn't start off too rosy when the terrible diagnosis“Osteoporosis is progressive and destroys bone tissue.” Greta understood the doctors’ recommendations that she needed to lift weights in her own way and decided to lift herself.

Thanks to many hours of daily training, the pain tormenting my back went away, my body became flexible and toned. Greta found a most interesting activity for herself that took over all her thoughts and free time. Inspired by her example a large number of people who decide after 60 years to lead an active lifestyle and not sit on a bench.

2. Duan Jinfu, 76 years old.

Half a century of work in the glass industry seriously undermined Duan's health, filling his lungs with glass dust and making his body completely inflexible and unruly. Duan had almost resigned himself to the fate of a sick old man when, while walking in the park, he accidentally found himself next to older people doing gymnastics. The plasticity of their bodies filled his mind with an uncontrollable desire to begin the exercises.

He was carried away Taoist practice, helping to restore flexibility to the body and prevent aging. Having joined the group he saw in the park, Duan achieved good success, began to improve his body’s health, began to communicate with new friends and lead a fully active lifestyle.

3. Ruth Flowers, 75 years old.

Ruth was always a music lover, loved a wide variety of music and even sang in the church choir. She lived a calm, measured life married woman for more than 40 years until her husband died and she became a widow. Heartbroken 68-year-old Ruth Flowers resigned herself to her fate and quietly faded away among the memories. One day, after a year, a woman tried to enter an entertainment club to celebrate her grandson’s birthday, but the guard standing at the entrance did not let her through, hinting at her advanced age. When she finally got to the party, Ruth was completely blown away by the music and colorful lights. She thought she could play for young people at events like this and pitched the idea to her grandson. He introduced her to a French producer, who taught Ruth and selected her style. This is how the DJ “Mami Rock” appeared. Before last days Ruth was surrounded by young people, admired and said: “ I don't have the slightest desire to retire. Well, of course, until I drop dead. I prefer to end my days noisily than to drag out a senile existence" Everyone is the architect of their own happiness, the main thing is to want and believe in themselves.

4. Yvonne Dowlen, 88 years old.

Skating is Yvonne's life's work. Already in old age, she was in a car accident, received a serious concussion and was ordered by doctors to put away her skates forever and forget about sports. However, the love for ice turned out to be stronger than the disease. Yvonne put her skates back on, started training, and even took part in competitions. Her words: "When I have Bad mood, I look at my peers with their oxygen pillows, put on my skates and smile.” This is an example of willpower, love and dedication to one's work.

The pair became famous on Pat's 80th birthday, when he completed 80 parachute jumps in more than six hours. But the couple’s favorite pastime remains traveling. They love to move from country to country, without stopping for a minute, and every time, plunging into new culture, replenish their spiritual world with ever greater values ​​and impressions. They are not attracted to well-known places. The couple enjoys exploring unexplored corners of different countries.

6. Fauja Singh, over 100 years old.

Fauja Singh is 104 years old. He was a runner in his youth, but life forced him to give up this hobby and concentrate on agriculture. Having experienced terrible pain from the loss of loved ones, Fauja decided that running was the best remedy for depression and old age. He took up the sport again. Now Fauja says he runs 20 miles easily, but the last six he runs and talks to God.

This is the oldest record holder of the London Marathon, completing it in 5.4 hours. His incredible sports spirit and good physical shape give him the opportunity to run in a London park at this age.

7. Monserat Mecho, 81 years old.

More than anything else, Monserat appreciates the feeling of happiness that he experiences when making a parachute jump. Having jumped for the first time at almost 50 years old, she was absolutely not afraid and even performed acrobatic movements. And even in old age he considers free falling to be happiness.

8. Alexander Rosenthal, 98 years old.

Alexander began skiing while still at school. Then, during the war, it was only thanks to skiing that he survived when he fell ill with typhus. Alexander Iosifovich came up with his own skiing system, skiing down the artificial slopes of Moscow three times a week. The very journey to the outskirts of the city on public transport is already a feat for an elderly person. But skiing is happiness for Alexander Rosenthal, who said: “The greatest pleasure is life itself. Skiing- this is the second.”

9. Nora Brier, 100 years old.

The world learned about Nora Brier when she celebrated her 100th birthday by flying a glider and performing a loop. One of Nora’s daughters is a pilot, and it was she who prepared such unusual gift for Mom. Nora was very happy with this surprise, as she was used to extreme sports. She celebrated her 80th birthday by flying to hot-air balloon, and on her 95th birthday she rode around on a three-wheeled Harley motorcycle.

10. Lloyd Kahn, 80 years old.

Lloyd became interested in skateboarding when he was already 65. He does not perform any tricks, does not skate like teenagers, but remains in excellent athletic shape. For him, skateboarding is not an extreme sport, but a way to enjoy riding along the long streets of a seaside town. Lloyd has his own publishing house, where he publishes books about ecology and runs a self-sufficient household, providing himself with everything he needs.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24/7 care elderly people professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 full and dietary meals a day.

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    Individual work psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, modeling.

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    Comfortable and safe conditions(well-appointed country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, elderly people will always be helped, no matter what problem worries them. Everyone in this house is family and friends. There is an atmosphere of love and friendship here.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law aimed at ensuring balance and long-term financial stability pension system.

The changes approved in accordance with the law fix the generally established retirement age at 65 years for men and 60 years for women. The increase in the retirement age will begin gradually from January 1, 2019 and will last for 10 years - until 2028.

At the first stage, the changes will affect men born in 1959 and women born in 1964, that is, those who will turn 60 and 55 years old in 2019, respectively. Subject to transitional provisions, they will be eligible to retire in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020 at ages 60.5 and 55.5.

Raising the retirement age does not affect current pensioners- recipients of insurance pensions and pensions state provision. They will continue to receive the required pension and social benefits in accordance with previously acquired rights and benefits. Moreover, an increase in the size of pensions is envisaged non-working pensioners due to annual indexation, significantly higher than inflation in accordance with Decree of the President of Russia of May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On national goals and strategic development objectives Russian Federation for the period until 2024." The average size indexation will be one thousand rubles per month, or 12 thousand rubles per year.

The right to early retirement remains for everyone to whom it was previously granted. Workers employed in hazardous and hazardous conditions labor, early exit remains completely unchanged. Same for pilots civil aviation, test pilots, people injured as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, drivers public transport, women with five children, visually impaired people, parents and guardians of disabled people, as well as other citizens.

Disability pensions are retained in full. Persons who have lost their ability to work are granted a pension regardless of age when the disability group is established.

In addition to maintaining the previous benefits for early retirement, new grounds for assigning a pension before reaching retirement age are being introduced. The right to retire two years earlier will be granted to women with 37 years of service and men with 42 years of service.

Women who have raised three or four children will be able to retire early by 3 and 4 years, respectively.

During the transition period to raise the retirement age, all federal benefits effective as of December 31, 2018. As before, women will be able to use them when they reach 55 years of age and men when they reach 60 years of age. Similarly, within the limits of the previous retirement age, the appointment remains funded pension and other types of pension savings payments.

Borders pre-retirement age increase from 2 to 5 years - during this period, new additional guarantees are provided that will protect the interests of citizens of pre-retirement age. As before, they will be able to retire 2 years earlier than the established retirement age in the absence of employment opportunities.

Most of us perceive 60 years of age as the milestone after which a full life ends. It seems that people who step over it lose intimacy and understanding with a loved one, motivation for development and joy from previous hobbies disappear, and besides, chronic diseases overcome. In general, life after 60 is steadily approaching its decline.

But this is not at all true! Life after 60 is qualitatively in no way inferior to life at 40 or 50 years old. Of course, no one questions the carefree delight and optimism of twenty-year-old young people who have grandiose plans for life, but one should not think that this all ends by the age of sixty.

Many Scientific research And opinion polls lead to unexpected conclusions, namely, people who have crossed the 60-year mark perceive the world more positive. At this age, a person’s life is stable and measured, he is self-confident, he has no fears for himself and his future. In addition, a person over 60 years of age is more stress-resistant and has excellent control. own emotions, which is undoubtedly an advantage over younger people.

Add to this the fact that people over 60 manage their time better, which means they have much more time to relax and do things that truly bring them pleasure. For example, this allows you to devote yourself to a hobby for which you previously did not have enough time, to fulfill a long-standing dream, and in general, to look more creatively at the opportunities that life gives.

Youth gives us enthusiasm and energy, which, it seems, will be enough for 100 years to come. However, over the years, the fuse gradually fades away. But is it worth worrying about? Now you don't have to sacrifice yourself to get up early in the morning and sit until midnight in the office. There comes a time in your life when you can feel the true taste of life by putting things off until later.

All this, of course, allows us to perceive the 60-year mark more positively. And if you still don’t feel this, it’s only because too many prejudices associated with your age have taken root in your head. We will talk about them in this article.

10 things you need to stop doing after 60

1. Diet

Have you turned 60 and are still searching the Internet for a suitable diet to lose a few pounds? Leave this idea aside. First of all, you must understand that at your age, diets simply do not work!

After 50 years, the body of men and women experiences a decrease in hormone production, which inevitably leads to weight gain. But if you have been eating right before and have not allowed yourself to gain weight, this failure will not cause you unnecessary trouble. At most, you will gain 5–7 extra pounds, which is considered normal for people over 60.

If you have eaten incorrectly before, allowed yourself fast food and abused sweets, there is no doubt that diets did not help you much before. So is it worth torturing your body now? Attempts to deny yourself your favorite foods and go hungry do not lead to positive results, and in long term Moreover, they will play a cruel joke on you and add ten extra kilograms!

Don't forget about peace of mind. Unsuccessful attempts to lose weight with the help of diets will deteriorate your mood, which will invariably affect your well-being and quality of life.

2. Cover gray hair

Noticing gray strands, women, and sometimes men, begin to think about how to hide this a clear sign approaching old age. But this is self-deception! Attempts to hide gray hair look ridiculous, because age makes itself felt with many other signs, including wrinkles and changes in skin color.

But the point is not even that painting over gray hair will not allow you to hide your age. The whole point is that you just can’t come to terms with the changes in own appearance, don’t love yourself for who you are here and now. And this is a sign of disharmony, which prevents you from liberating yourself and getting true pleasure from life.

That’s why don’t deny yourself the pleasure of dyeing your hair when you want to change your appearance and change your image, but you definitely shouldn’t hide your gray hair on purpose and worry about the appearance of new gray locks.

3. Postponing important things until later

We have already mentioned that after 50 years there comes a period when you have time and opportunities to fulfill your old dream and do what you are really interested in. Now is the time when you can implement your plans. So, don’t put it off until later!

Perhaps you have dreamed of visiting one of the distant countries? Maybe you have always wanted to become a farmer, learn foreign language or build a dacha? Perhaps you have dreamed of enrolling in a dance course or traveling around the world on a bicycle?

Now that your children have grown up and you have a stable job, there is every reason to devote your life to your loved ones and do what you really have always gravitated towards.

And even if you have a job and you cannot devote the entire day to yourself, be sure to carve out 1-2 hours exclusively for own hobby. Have no doubt, your life will only become brighter and happier from this.

4. Be ashamed of your mistakes

There is a prejudice inside many of us that a person at 60 years old is ashamed to show his ignorance, it is inconvenient to ask advice from others, and even more so to make mistakes that others may notice. But in fact, these are nothing more than prejudices.

A person cannot know absolutely everything, and therefore it is completely normal to be shy about some questions in areas in which you have absolutely no understanding. Even if you are asking advice from someone much younger than you. Moreover, the fact that you ask questions when mastering a computer, newfangled gadgets or a modern car indicates that you want to keep up with the times and constantly develop. And this cannot evoke any other emotions other than admiration!

Moreover, when you are over 60, you can safely tell others about the mistakes, mistakes and misconceptions that you encountered when you were young. There is nothing wrong with this, because only after going through these obstacles did you become who you are now. Is this worth being ashamed of? Tell this with a smile, because the ability to self-irony is an important quality for a liberated person free from prejudice.

The appearance of grandchildren - golden time for grandparents. I want to be closer to my own children, spend more time with them, show them the world around them in the brightest colors and give them a happy childhood. Next to your grandchildren, you yourself become much younger.

All this is true, but with one caveat. You shouldn’t “dedicate” your life to your grandchildren. You should have time to look after your baby and play with him, but at the same time you should not forget own desires and aspirations. A happy family- this is the family in which you are supported in realizing your aspirations.

Finally, practice shows that grandparents who from time to time help their children look after their grandchildren, but at the same time are busy with their own development, ultimately receive more gratitude than those who give their grandchildren all of themselves and all their time.

6. Repeat what you have learned

By the age of 60, you have already accumulated enough experience and knowledge to perform your usual work “automatically.” But there is not much reason for pride here. The fact is that neural connections in the brain do not restore themselves - the brain needs constant stimulation, and for this you need to set new tasks for it as often as possible.

This is quite easy to do. If you are used to driving or going to work along a certain route, change it and let your brain find a new optimal path. If you've been swimming breaststroke all your life, master a new style swimming.

In fact, it is not so important what exactly you puzzle your brain with, it is important that new tasks are set before it, which it will successfully cope with. In this regard, learn something new that you have never done before. Remember, after 60, keeping your brain active is just as important as staying physically active.

7. Worry about what others think

By the age of 60, it's time to stop paying attention to what they say behind your back. You have already lived long enough to understand that all this gossip and gossip only affects those who pay attention to them. You have already formed your own vision of the world, your own views on fashion and hobbies, and therefore worrying about whispers behind your back, and even more so worrying about the fact that your behavior will be condemned, is at least stupid.

After sixty years, a special time comes - a time of emancipation, when it should become completely unimportant to you what people say. Do you want to wear a mini skirt? Do you want to go to a nightclub and have a blast like you did in your youth? Or maybe you are still embarrassed to remind someone about this promise or unreturned money? Allow yourself everything you really want and talk openly about what really worries you! Believe me, understanding this makes life a lot easier.

When you were 20 years old, it seemed to you that after 50, life ends. But here you are sixty, and you are still fresh, cheerful and full of the craziest ideas! So is it worth being sad about the years when you were young? Even if you have a little more today, even if senile wrinkles have already appeared on your face, this is not at all a reason to complain about fate.

You have many happy and incredible years ahead of you. interesting life, which you have the right to dispose of as you wish. Moreover, if you look into it, a much higher quality, more conscious, and therefore happier life awaits you! You have become bolder, more experienced, more relaxed, you have something to be proud of and you still have many unrealized ideas ahead. So tell the world: “I’m still wow!” And boldly step forward, without sadness or regret.

Do you think it’s impossible to meet your soulmate after sixty? Completely in vain! Now you have become more experienced, including in communicating with the opposite sex. You cannot be embarrassed as you once were at 16 years old, and at the same time you have become more courageous to meet the woman or impressive man you like.

In addition, after 60 years, you are no longer looking for a life partner with an eye on children. You have become self-sufficient, you know exactly what your soulmate should be like in everyday life and in intimate life. All this greatly simplifies the search. And you don’t need to think that by the age of fifty, everyone had been “dismantled” a long time ago best women and men. Brad Pitt turned 55 and recently got divorced again. Here you are, believe, and do not despair if you have not yet met a person close in spirit. Somewhere he is also looking for you!

10. Tell yourself: “This is impossible!”

Some people, having reached the age of sixty, give up, believing that if they did not achieve something in their youth, then at the age of 60 there is no point in dreaming about it. Break this stereotype!

Try to think in terms of the impossible. All successful people They achieved their goal precisely because they did not doubt their success, no matter how incredible the goal set for them may seem. So why should you be afraid to fulfill your desires?

Perseverance and hard work help you reach any heights, regardless of age and position. If you lacked the determination to take this step when you were young, take it now! In the end, you have absolutely nothing to lose and a lot to gain!

Vladimir Yakovlev wrote the book “The Age of Happiness,” in which he talked about older people and how to live better after fifty than before. You can watch the interview with Vladimir Yakovlev in this video.

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In Russia, pensioners of different categories have the right to receive social assistance. And it's not just pension payments. It's about about various discounts, benefits, subsidies. Benefits are different, some of them come into effect only upon receipt of an application to government agencies, and some can only be learned from local administrative authorities.

Therefore, citizens who have reached the age of 60 should be interested in what benefits are available to pensioners so as not to miss the opportunity to take advantage of them. Let's look at the list of social benefits in 2019 for retired citizens.

It is extremely important for pensioners to remember that pension benefits and social security benefits are never subject to personal income tax.

Also, tax is not deducted from the services listed below, provided that their annual amount does not exceed 4,000 rubles. This:

  • payment for resort and sanatorium vouchers;
  • expenses for health restoration;
  • help from the company former employee(payment for medicines, financial assistance, gifts).

The right to discounts is given upon payment:

  1. Property tax.
    Pensioners do not need to pay tax when purchasing premises (apartment, garage, house, etc.). You should go to the tax office with your passport and pension certificate, informing about the need to return the funds deducted from the pensioner as property taxes.
  2. .
    This deduction is accepted regional authorities. You can find out from representatives of the tax service whether it is paid and find out in what amount. Typically the size transport tax for pensioners will depend on technical characteristics machines and their quantities. This benefit can be obtained when submitting an application to government agencies.
  3. Land tax.
    This tax category is set by the local official administration. You can view the list of persons who are granted privileges when purchasing land in tax service. If pensioners are not included in this list, then the land contribution will have to be paid in full.

Privileges for persons over 60 years of age

It is advisable to separately outline the benefits that pensioners are entitled to upon reaching their goal. This narrow category of persons:

  1. The pension increases by 2 times.
  2. Social services and medical services are provided free of charge. This applies to public nursing homes and public health care.
  3. The state provides temporary housing to a pensioner if for some reason he finds himself without living space.
  4. Temporary/permanent social assistance is provided in medical, legal and psychological areas. Free provision of products is also implied.

Attention! Citizens who have reached old age and lived to be 80 years old also receive the right to state paid assistance, the amount of which is established in the regions.

Benefits for major repairs

Based on the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 169), each apartment owner is obliged to pay a certain amount monthly for home repairs. The provisions of this law provide for the return of 50% of the payment to individuals and those who are older. Citizens over the age of 80 are completely exempt from the mandatory payment for home repairs.

Medical benefits

To support the health of pensioners in 2019, the state provides the following privileges:

  1. Social medical care is now provided by state medical institutions. You can obtain information about the amount of such assistance from your local social security authorities.
  2. Benefits to receive free treatment And medical care provided for people with disabilities. The list of such drugs contains 360 items.
  3. Regional programs allow individuals with disabilities and veterans who participated in hostilities to travel to health resorts free of charge.
  4. Upon reaching 60 years of age, pensioners are entitled to receive a free flu vaccine.
  5. Citizens aged 60 years and older are allowed to undergo a free medical examination once every 36 months. Disabled persons and persons from the “” category are entitled to medical examination annually.
  6. Residents Far North At retirement age, you are given the right to a refund of funds spent on travel to the sanatorium.

Attention! Based on the provisions of the Tax Code (Article 219), individuals of retirement age are given the opportunity to return some of the money paid to the state in the form of taxes when purchasing medications.

To implement this tax deduction a pensioner will need from the Russian Pension Fund:

  • write an application for a deduction;
  • provide prescriptions prepared in accordance with Form 107/у;
  • submit bills and receipts for payment for prescription drugs;
  • present a certificate indicating the amount of the pension benefit.

Benefits for labor veterans

Labor veterans are provided with a number of benefits established at the federal level and a number of preferential discounts of local importance.

The list of benefits offered by the state apparatus includes:

  • opportunity free travel on public transport;
  • the opportunity to travel by train and water transport, using such a benefit as a 50% discount on payment;
  • 50% discount on housing costs (together with family members);
  • 50% discount on utility bills (in the absence of centralized heating, discount on fuel purchases);
  • labor veterans who continue to work are given the opportunity to take leave at their own expense;
  • free dental services are provided in government institutions;
  • free services are offered in public medical institutions.


The state provides a large list of benefits for military pensioners who have reached 60 years of age. It includes:

  • preferential medical and social services;
  • the opportunity to purchase living space out of turn;
  • various tax breaks;
  • free use of transport and other discounts.

In addition to the usual benefits, for military personnel of retirement age it is possible to accrue civil pension in addition to military retirement benefits starting at age 60.

Social protection services at a narrow territorial level

Benefits for pensioners after 60 years of age are planned in each region, so they differ from each other. You can check them at your local social security office.

Privileges for working pensioners

A working pensioner, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, has the right:

  • When submitting an application, immediately take advantage of the free vacation period;
  • receive advanced training at the employment center and register to look for a job;
  • if you want to quit your job - the opportunity to leave workplace without processing.

Benefits for the poor

The low-income category includes single Russians who have labor pension in old age less than normal living wage. Help for citizens in need involves compensation for payments for housing and communal services and treatment () oral cavity at a preferential discount.

Benefits for utilities

Along with the relaxation of payments for housing and communal services, regional social protection programs for pensioners may include an article on providing monetary assistance for gasification of residential premises. As a rule, such assistance amounts to 50% of the total costs.

Current questions and answers

Question. In what cases can a pensioner receive help at home?
Answer. Reason for receiving targeted assistance there may be a fire, disaster, robbery, loss of a relative, flood.

Question. Which pensioners are entitled to a preferential payment aimed at compensating for the costs of gasification of a private home?
Answer. This payment is provided if:

  • the gasified house is the pensioner’s only home;
  • citizen receives insurance benefit due to age or disability, but is not engaged in work.

Question. What travel benefits can elderly individuals take advantage of today?
Explanation. Travel privileges are provided to all citizens of retirement age. Main types of transport benefits:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • when purchasing tickets for railway and land transport - 50% discount;
  • state compensation for travel expenses to the place of treatment.

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