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Happy one year anniversary from godparents

My boy is mischievous
My beloved, groovy,
I congratulate you
Happy your day today!

A year ago you appeared
You conquered everyone at once,
About myself for the whole world,
He said it very loudly!

Dear son, godson,
Happy first year to you,
Congratulations and wish
Always be healthy!

Be perky and obedient
Let your dreams come true
The cutest, the best,
You are the most amazing of all!

Happy birthday, dear godson,
You're already a year old
May you, dear, throughout life
Happiness leads by the hand.

You grow up healthy, strong,
May the days add strength
I wish that in the world
You were the happiest.

Congratulations to my beloved and dear godson. May your life always be happy, and may the angels always be by your side. I wish you never know harshness, sadness and loss. Let only goodness, love, compassion and joy become your constant companions. I wish you to grow up to be a very healthy, energetic and inquisitive child. Happy one year old, my beautiful baby!

Congratulations to you, my beloved and dear godson, on your first year. I wish you to grow up brave, dexterous, courageous, strong, cheerful, kind, mischievous, beautiful, smart, funny, successful, beloved boy. Bright joy and great happiness on your life path!

Godson, my dear boy,
It's your birthday!
The first year has flown by
You have already accomplished a lot:

Have you learned to walk
And talk a little
Find out mom and dad
And play with toys.

A world of discoveries lies ahead
Hurry up, baby, grow up,
We'll play with you,
Explore everything in the area!

The godson is one year old today.
Happy Birthday Baby.
You grow up to be a healthy guy
My sweetest strong guy.

Walk boldly along the paths,
Smile from ear to ear.
May my little boy
You will be lucky in life.

Happy birthday, godson,
Happy first year of life,
I wish you to grow
Cheerful, not capricious.

I wish you to be confident
You stood on your feet
Mom and dad are strong
He held hands.

So that you can walk together
Friendly family
Angela I'm following
I'll send for you.

The best guy on earth
Even if it’s still small,
First birthday party
I met you today.

This is just the beginning
Long journey
There's a lot more to it
There is a way to go.

What is empty talk?
The world is so wide!
I will be your support
My godfather son.

I will help with advice, deed -
Just ask
So look at life boldly,
Bon Voyage!

This wonderful baby makes so many people happy in his first year! Let our precious godson grow up to be a sweet, healthy and kind boy! And I wish my parents patience and wisdom in their upbringing!

My dear godson,
My dear baby!
Happy first year,
You are my dear!

Let there be a lot
Smiles, love,
It's a joy to all of us
You just grow!

Get stronger, smarter,
More beautiful
But not too much
Grow up quickly!

The first twelve months of a baby’s life pass in a blink of an eye for parents. The main holiday of the child is approaching - his birthday. Mom and dad are trying to organize a real celebration with a lot of guests and gifts. One of the guests is the godparents of the baby. Of course, they also want to please the birthday boy with surprises, toys or other gifts. There are many options for a year old, but you need to choose something that your godson or goddaughter will really like.

Traditional gifts from godparents for the one-year anniversary of a godson or goddaughter

Being godparents is a big responsibility, because adults take on certain obligations to the baby. In addition to participating in the child’s life, they also have a pleasant duty: to please the baby with gifts, surprises with or without a reason. One of the most important days in the life of a girl or boy is her birthday.

Today there is a large selection of children's products that are perfect as a gift for a child's first name day. The pleasant duty of godmothers and fathers is to present the baby with not just a surprise, but a necessary and traditional thing:

  • Jewelry. Many girls get their ears pierced at the age of one, so miniature earrings will be a wonderful gift, memorable and precious. You can also give a pendant with the image of the patron saint of the baby on a chain or without it;

    The pendant is bought in the church; it must be consecrated by the priest in order to serve as powerful protection for the baby from everything bad.

  • children's Bible. The task of godparents is to help the child understand faith, explain moral principles and instruct the child in every possible way, in which this book will be an indispensable assistant. There are special editions for sale for children, which are written in a more understandable style and contain many colorful illustrations;
  • cloth. For the holiday, parents try to dress the little one solemnly. For a girl, they choose a dress, often it is fluffy, like a little princess. The boy is bought a suit or an original set. Godparents can present the outfit as a gift. The stores have special gift sets that include several wardrobe items;
  • silver spoon. Often it is given as a gift in a case, and an individual engraving with the child’s name and date of birth is also ordered;
  • set of dishes. It can be made of silver and include a plate, spoon, fork and cup. Separately, an engraving is applied with the name of the birthday person or some kind of design.

Gallery: options for gifts that can be given for a year

For a holiday, you can give a beautiful and original outfit as a gift. A silverware set may include not only a spoon and fork, but also a cup and plate There are many bright illustrations on the pages of the children's Bible. The pendant can be with the face of a patron saint or Guardian Angel Silver spoon with engraving - a traditional gift from godparents The earrings will be a wonderful gift for your goddaughter

Gift ideas for boys and girls

Gifts from godparents can be not only traditional. By one year old, yesterday’s baby already begins or can walk independently, learns more and more information, improves skills and learns something new. Therefore, when choosing a gift, you need to focus not only on the baby’s age, but also on his small, but still hobbies.

For the first birthday, universal gifts are suitable that both boys and girls will like.

Joy for children: toys

A child at any age will appreciate new fun, so when choosing to buy toys, adults will definitely not go wrong:

  • bathing accessories. We're not talking about ordinary rubber ducks and frogs. Today, manufacturers of children's products present entire water centers that are fixed in the bathroom. They may have slides along which water flows. The baby will definitely appreciate such entertainment;
  • Tolokar. This is a product in the form of a car or motorcycle that the baby can ride on, helping himself with his feet. It will not only provide a fun pastime, but will also serve as an excellent exercise machine for strengthening the muscles of the body;
  • electric car A rather expensive gift is a mini-copy of a car on a remote control, which is in the hands of adults. As the child grows up, he will be able to drive the vehicle himself without the help of mom and dad;
  • rocking chair There are many models of them, but children are most interested in those in the form of animals. Some toys are equipped with a comfortable seat-chair so that the baby does not fall while driving;
  • tent. At this age, children show interest in everything. They will probably or will appreciate it if they have their own house;
  • dry pool. It can be made in the form of an animal with developing elements or simply be a container where balls of different colors are placed. Playing it is not only interesting, but also useful. Neurologists and child psychologists explain that such a toy calms and relaxes children;
  • swing. We are not talking about electric models, but about adults, on which the baby will soar high above the ground. Portable ones can be installed not only outdoors, but also indoors.

Gallery: toys for a child's first birthday

Children will love the bright house-shaped tent For one-year-old children, buy a swing in which the baby can be fastened
Choose bright and interesting toys for bathing There are swimming pools on sale along with developmental mats: two in one
Tolokar comes not only in the form of transport, but also animals An electric car is suitable for a child from one to four years old For babies, models with a chair are more suitable so that the baby does not fall out

Video: ball pool review

Educational gifts: what is suitable for a one-year-old child

Every year, children show interest in drawing, try to sculpt something from plasticine, assemble pyramids or soft puzzles. The early development of a baby is very important at the growing stage. Dr. Komarovsky and many child psychologists draw the attention of parents that all educational activities at this age should be carried out only in a playful way. Therefore, godparents should buy various gifts that stimulate the creative and mental activity of a boy or girl, their fine motor skills:

  • development center. They come in the form of a table with a chair, a board, a portable surface with many different elements and sound. The baby will be able not only to play and listen to music, but also to study colors, objects, and train his fingers;
  • orthopedic mat. It is fun and interesting, but it also has a positive effect on the correct formation of the child’s foot;
  • Finger paint. Their special composition does not cause allergic reactions in the baby, and is also safe if accidentally swallowed;
  • educational boots for babies. These are not ordinary shoes for walking outside, but indoor ones. They are put on shoes to improve the motor activity of the hands. The baby will not only learn to put on shoes on his own, but will also try to fasten the Velcro or tie his laces himself;
  • pyramid, soft cubes, busy board, sorter. All this must be present in the children's room for training and development of memory, thinking, logic and motor skills;
  • constructor. For children of this age, choose a set with large parts;
  • soft book. They are on sale, and you can also order custom tailoring. On the pages the child will find many details, interesting elements and tasks.

Gallery: gifts for baby development

Educational books are sewn from materials of different textures for tactile perception by the child. An orthopedic mat will help in the correct formation of the arch of the feet Finger paints must be purchased without harmful substances in the composition
The development center can be accompanied by sound
Learning boots will help your little one develop fine motor skills. The development board includes many elements
Construction sets with large parts are suitable for children aged one year.

Surprises on the birthday of godchildren: memorable and original

  1. Author's toys. Such a gift is no longer suitable for games, but as a decoration for a nursery or as a memorable present. The doll is ordered individually: in style it can completely copy the child. The master will need a photo of the baby to find out the hair color, skin tone, and clothing style of his godson or goddaughter.

    A toy does not have to be a doll. This could be an animal, a pet with a metric. For example, give your godson a bunny or a bear embroidered with the baby's name, date of birth, time, weight and height.

  2. Letter pillow. This gift is also ordered individually. You can give several details that make up the child’s name or the first letter of the name in large size. At your request, the craftsman will sew special ties so that the pillows are fixed to the crib or the wall of the room.
  3. Unusual bedding. At one year old, children already show interest in the things that surround them. Therefore, a boy or girl will like a set with characters from their favorite fairy tales or cartoons.
  4. Kit for creating a hand and foot. You can make it in advance, decorate it beautifully and give ready-made casts as a gift, or present a set as a gift so that parents and their baby can make a souvenir themselves.
  5. A medal for a year. It may be made of precious metals. Godparents often order engraving with the child's name, date of birth and age. Such a gift should be given in a case.
  6. Photo shoot in a themed style. Guests give either a certificate for shooting, or invite a photographer to the holiday to take pictures during the celebration.
  7. Organization of candy bar. Such a surprise is ordered to confectioners in advance. The design may vary depending on the theme of the holiday.
  8. Blanket for the crib. Talk to your parents in a timely manner so that the product matches the color scheme of the child’s room. You can order personalized embroidery in bright colors. It will also serve as protection for the baby from the cold in the stroller during walks in the cold season.

What to give as a souvenir - photo gallery

Toys can come in different sizes and designs Pillows can be decorated with different details: for girls - a crown, for boys - a bow tie The bedding set can be supplemented with original bumpers for the crib. The casts can be framed and decorated with a wall in the nursery. Such a sweet table is filled with various desserts and drinks.
The blanket can be double-sided: plush on one side, cotton on the other

Video: what to give a child for 1 year

Relatives try to please the child on many occasions, but a birthday requires careful preparation and attention. You need to choose a surprise so that the baby not only likes it, but also brings benefits or remains as a keepsake as a souvenir and a sign of love and care from the godparents of mom and dad. On the shelves of children's goods stores there is a huge selection of educational, original and interesting toys and sets that your little ones will definitely like. Before buying a gift, consult with the toddler’s parents; perhaps some things have already been purchased.


If you find it difficult to choose words, you can use our help. exists to help people who have a burning desire to beautifully congratulate the birthday boy or girl, but who doubt their creative talent. Specifically in this section you will find happy birthday greetings to your goddaughter, 1 year old, among which you will only have to choose the one that is most suitable for your goddaughter.

Take advantage of the opportunity given to you right now, and you will be able to attend the holiday fully prepared! Vlio will help you not to lose face and please your little goddaughter!

Little, wonderful, sweet goddaughter,
May a star shine for you in the sky!
May it be a wonderful, very bright flash,
She lights up your life beautifully!

May you only be one year old today,
But I just want to wish you this
For a beautiful, bright, ringing laugh
Mom and Dad have fun inspiring!

Small hands, chubby legs,
You move them so funny along the path.
You just learned to take your first steps,
And you can't go anywhere without your mother's hand.

Today is your first birthday,
And you will receive congratulations from your godmother,
A gift, a hug and, of course, a kiss,
How can you not love such a beauty!

One year old beautiful girl
I'm very proud of her
Because my godmother,
I belong to the little one,

Let her grow up happy
Always eats heartily
She will be your favorite girl,
Never gets sick

Grow up my baby
We'll go for a walk with you,
Every year it's your birthday,
Let's celebrate together!

Goddaughter is one year old today,
There are many guests in the house,
There's a cake waiting for my little one,
Lots of good news

They will bring dolls for the little one,
Teddy bears, balls, balloons,
Her closet will burst,
From outfits and updates,

May she grow up healthy
Let him never cry
Let him spoil our baby,
Definitely fate!

Little goddaughter on her birthday
I would like to wish you good health,
Parents rich and healthy,
And learn to shoot with your eyes.

The first birthday is happiness
For the parents of a cute little girl!
I want your princess to grow up
Sweet, smart, gentle and happy!

My goddaughter has the most beautiful eyes in the world,
Your curls are like those of a princess in a fairy tale,
Your lips are like a cute bow
And how much tenderness, love and affection you have.

Today we celebrate your first holiday,
Your birthday is the most beautiful,
Always be healthy and happy,
Just as cheerful, inquisitive, and sweet!

Goddaughter is one year old today,
There are many guests in the house,
There's a cake waiting for my little one,
Lots of good news

They will bring dolls for the little one,
Teddy bears, balls, balloons,
Her closet will burst,
From outfits and updates,

May she grow up healthy
Let him never cry
Let him spoil our baby,
Definitely fate!

Happy Birthday, dear goddaughter!
You are already very, very big with us,
You talk, even if it’s not clear,
But all the guests enjoy playing with you.

We wish you to grow up beautiful,
To be, of course, happy in your family,
Don’t be capricious, learn to eat porridge,
And always, of course, listen to mom and dad.

Being a godmother or godmother is wonderful and very honorable. However, choosing gifts for your goddaughter is not always easy. Especially if she is still a baby. After all, you want to present something that will please the girl and bring her benefit. Let's figure out together what to give to my goddaughter for her 1st birthday.

How to choose a gift?

Choosing a gift for such a little girl is quite simple. You can focus on one of the following categories:

  • toys;
  • development kits;
  • entertainment gifts (musical, for active leisure, etc.);
  • educational subjects;
  • things that make life easier.

Make sure that, regardless of the category, the gift is bright and attractive to the child. And, of course, completely safe.

What should you not give to your goddaughter?

Oddly enough, even for such a baby there is a list of unwanted gifts. True, it was formed based on security considerations, and not on the principle of “like it or not.” Little kids like almost everything.

It’s not worth giving for one year

  • toys of dubious quality (pronounced “Chinese”, for the production of which unknown materials and paints were used);
  • objects containing small parts (the baby can inhale or swallow them);
  • sweets (at this age, excessive indulgence in such products is fraught with the development of allergies and other health problems).
  • gold jewelry;
  • silver spoon;
  • cross or icon.

These are definitely great gifts. But they are either more appropriate for a christening, or are too incomprehensible for a child. A little girl will not be able to appreciate gold earrings. But the decision is yours. Maybe the child already has enough toys, educational games and other things that the baby needs. Then gifts for growing up are quite appropriate.

TOP 10 gifts for goddaughter for 1 year

  1. Children's play indoor tent-house
  2. Bright and comfortable high chair
  3. Educational game table
  4. Inflatable pool with balls
  5. Toy stroller
  6. jumping horse
  7. Toy-repeater
  8. talking book
  9. Elegant dress
  10. Set of nesting dolls

Toys for one year old

Choosing toys for a one-year-old girl is a pleasure. She is just beginning to get acquainted with the world around her, everything is interesting to her. The main thing is that the objects are as bright as possible. We offer several options for “toy” gifts that your goddaughter will definitely like.

  1. A rolling toy on a string. One-year-old children really like to carry some cute toy on wheels with them everywhere on a string. And if a car is more suitable for boys, then for a girl it is better to choose an object in the form of an animal, a musical instrument, or a telephone. Do you want your goddaughter to never part with the gift and use it constantly? Then this is what you need.
  2. A singing and dancing beast. Little children love music and dancing. A toy that sings and can be danced with will turn into a girl's real friend. It is best to choose a “buddy” for your goddaughter in the form of an animal. At this age, children begin to learn to love animals. However, the child will also like a toy in the form of some cartoon character. The main thing is that she sings louder and dances more actively!
  3. Children's maracas. This is both a musical instrument and such an interesting thing for a small child! In addition, maracas do not produce as loud sounds as some other musical instruments (for example, a drum). The parents of your goddaughter will be especially grateful to you for this.

At one year old, the girl is no longer interested in the toys that attracted her before (rattles and the like). Consider this when choosing a gift.

Educational toys

Educational toys are the most useful for a child. They allow you to develop any skills. But at the same time, start an exciting game. Below are just a few options for such toys.

  1. Sorter. Playing with such sets requires attention, concentration and perseverance from the child. Sorters develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations. The baby needs to connect the parts with special slots. But don’t think that the sorter is an ordinary box with holes and some boring details. These sets are very different. They are made in the form of houses, cars, animals. There's even a Noah's Ark sorter! These toys are usually made of plastic or wood. There are also fabric sorters.
  2. Educational shoes. Nice boots or sneakers will help a girl learn how to use Velcro and tie shoelaces. Agree, a very useful skill. In addition, these shoes are very comfortable. It can be worn like regular boots.
  3. Toy phone. Again, this is not just a bright object making sounds. This is a mom and dad thing. This means that the girl, imitating them, will train and develop her speech skills. Landline or mobile phone – in this case it doesn’t matter. This toy will also allow the girl to develop fine motor skills.

Try to select educational toys according to age. If you choose a subject designed for older children, your goddaughter may not understand it and abandon it.

Bath toys

What little girl doesn't love swimming? An ordinary hygiene procedure turns into a real adventure every time. Especially if the child has special toys for bathing. We bring to your attention several examples.

  1. Ducks. Of course, this is not the most original option. This is the most common bath toy. But if you give a girl glowing and “singing” ducks, then she will be very interested in spending time in their company. There are sets that include a net. They can catch swimming ducks.
  2. Toys with suction cups and sprinklers. They can be attached to the bathtub or wall. As a rule, they are supplemented with a “musical” function - they play funny melodies. And the ability to splash with their help makes bathing especially fun.
  3. Magic tap. It also needs to be attached to some horizontal surface using suction cups. The faucet is equipped with a block with a pump, due to which liquid circulates in it. The toy is complemented by three funny molds, which, under the influence of moving water, begin to spin and twirl.

Usually parents also buy bath toys for their child. Therefore, before buying a gift, find out what similar items the girl already has. Bath toys never get boring, but it's important to keep them different.

It’s not difficult to choose a gift for your goddaughter for her one-year anniversary. After all, manufacturers have taken care of a huge variety of toys for children of this age. We wish you that the girl will single out your gift from the total number of presents she received and never part with it!

At one year old, a child is not yet able to talk about his wishes, so one has to rely on the opinions of psychologists and teachers who advise the necessary availability of certain toys and household items based on the developmental characteristics of children. Godparents can give their godson or goddaughter something traditional and useful for their one-year anniversary.

Traditional gifts from godparents for first birthday

Godparents are people who help a child develop spiritually and instill in him true values. From this point of view, a good gift is considered:

  • a colorfully designed large-format children's Bible, which the godson will be interested in leafing through (developing fine motor skills) and looking at the pictures (sharpening visual perception);
  • personal icon;
  • pendant (cross, image of a saint) made of gold or silver;
  • children's prayer book.

A collection of prayers for children will be a good gift from godparents

Traditional gifts include elegant clothes and practical educational toys. You just need to remember that all this must be made from safe materials and be age appropriate. The child should be pleased now. Things for growth will not produce the desired effect. Girls can be presented with their first earrings if the parents are already ready for their baby’s ears to be pierced.

Among the gifts that go into the closet for long-term storage are a silver spoon (with or without an engraving of the baby's name) and a silver box for storing the first tooth that fell out or the first hair that was cut. The child will understand the meaning of such souvenirs only years later, but they will be valuable as a memory.

Godmother is an honorary title that must be lived up to.

Useful gifts for one year

There is still no clear gender division of children in terms of choosing gifts. Mostly everything that can be given is presented to both the godson and the goddaughter. With some exceptions. For example, a boy should not buy a doll or toy dishes, and not all girls are interested in cars and pistols.

What kind of toys can you give to your godson and goddaughter?

A one-year-old girl should have a doll, but it must be large (about forty centimeters), wearing colorful clothes and having a human appearance - clear and bright facial features. A toy stroller would be a good addition to it. Also, future housewives will be attracted by a set of dishes - bowls, cups of different colors, sizes and volumes. It’s good if kitchen items have lids; little ones like to open and close pots.

Boys will be interested in a big truck, especially if it has a lot of moving parts and music.

For educational games, give animal figurines of different sizes, made from different materials.

Good gifts for children of both sexes would also be:

  • interactive animals, dolls, fairy tale characters;
  • mechanical wind-up toys;
  • sorters;
  • finger puppets;
  • plush animals;

    You can give a large soft toy as a miniature sofa for your baby.

  • cubes, blocks for construction (different in color and size);
  • lacing;
  • musical instruments (drum, whistle, pipe, synthesizer);
  • nesting dolls.

What toys should be given to a one year old - photo gallery

Every girl needs a Sorter doll - a good gift for a child’s development
A teddy bear is a classic gift for a one-year-old baby. Not only girls, but also boys can play with dishes. The car is the favorite toy of most boys.
Educational cubes will be interesting for one-year-old children A simple lacing in the shape of cheese is suitable for children from one year old Babies love loud sounds, so they will be delighted with musical instruments

Educational toys for children from one year old - video

Presents for creative development

At one year old, a child already needs his own living space. For kids, you can choose educational tables or tent houses as a gift. Depending on the content and color scheme, they are divided into girls’ and boys’.

There are many options for developing the creative abilities of the little birthday boy:

  • Finger paint;
  • wax pencils;
  • water coloring (those where the picture appears when a wet brush is passed over it);
  • bathroom paints;
  • water painting mat.

No one has canceled the famous saying: a book is the best gift. Large and small, colorful, with poems, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, theater books, musical, interactive - all of them will certainly delight the godson.

DIY educational book - video

Active gifts for boys and girls

At one year old, the child has already begun to walk or is just preparing to take his first steps. He will benefit from household items that stimulate physical activity. These include:

  • rocking chair;
  • swing;
  • gurney;
  • Tolokar.

The latter is also interesting because at first, with its help, the baby learns to walk, pushing the toy in front of him, and then rides on it, pushing off the ground with his feet.

An inflatable pool with balls will be a useful gift for the development of one-year-old children. But it requires a lot of space, so pay attention to the dimensions.

The sizes of the dry pool can be different and suitable for different rooms

Not all children love to swim. Bright toys will help brighten up children's time in the bath and teach them to be clean.

Memorable and original gifts for one year old

Nowadays there is something to capture the imagination of other people:

  • an album-diary, where parents will celebrate the children’s achievements, describe interesting stories about them, paste in photographs;
  • photo session (with puppies, kittens, in a petting zoo or just on the street or in the studio);
  • a cast of the birthday boy’s arms and legs;
  • musical slide show of photographs of the child’s first year of life;
  • a lamp with a photo of the baby;
  • wine with a long shelf life, which you will drink together on his (her) coming of age

If you decide to approach the choice of a gift creatively, but for a number of reasons you cannot make it yourself (excessive busyness, lack of skills), seek help from specialists. But make sure that the person can cope with the task so that the result does not disappoint either you or the recipient.

By making memorable gifts, you preserve the memories of your godson's first birthday

Modern stores offer a large selection of gifts from budget to expensive, but the best gift for a child is your love. Try to pay him more attention, be present in his life more often, help him grow up healthy and happy, because this is the role of godparents.

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