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Congratulations to a neighbor on the birth of her son. Congratulations to parents on their newborn. Congratulations on the Birth of a son from the bottom of my heart

The birth of a son is one of the most important events in life, which brings true happiness. On this significant day, mom and dad need to be showered with warm and sincere words and express their joy at the addition to the family.

Congratulations to a mother on the birth of her son should be special, because for a woman, the birth of a baby represents life in completely different colors and gives it new meaning.

Poetry, prose and other options

Congratulations to parents on the birth of their son should fully correspond to the importance of the event, because the little angel they hold in their arms with trepidation will change their lives beyond recognition.

Already now they proudly call themselves mom and dad and can’t get enough of it. With the birth of their son, a pleasant burden of responsibility fell on them for the child, who, as he grows up, will delight them and present pleasant surprises.

It is imperative to congratulate the young couple on the birth of their baby. You should not choose banal words in the style of “congratulations on the birth of your son,” because the situation requires a sincere expression of all positive emotions and joy about what happened. It is necessary to think through in advance all the details of the congratulatory speech on the birth of a son for mom and dad, first of all deciding on the form in which it will be presented.

Congratulating the birth of a son in prose is the easiest way, because this form is perfect for telling the new father and mother everything in your own words, coming from the depths of your soul. Of course, it is not recommended to say them impromptu; it is better to prepare prosaic congratulations on your newborn son in advance. To do this, you just need to listen to your own heart and put all the words together so that they not only sound beautiful, but also contain a positive message and good wishes.

A beautiful congratulation on the birth of a son in prose should not be devoid of originality. In this regard, in addition to traditional phrases like “congratulations on the birth of your son,” it is worth adding words of gratitude and a few funny jokes. If, when writing a congratulation on the birth of your son, you encounter difficulties, you can give preference to a ready-made version written by a professional.

Poems with the birth of a son will be primarily appreciated by a young mother, because most women adore poetry. In addition, this form sounds very solemn, which will emphasize the special importance of the event. A beautiful poem on the birth of your first child or second or third child will sound much better than congratulations on the birth of your son in prose, and you won’t have to write it yourself, because it won’t be difficult to memorize a ready-made verse.

There are situations when you do not have the opportunity to personally congratulate a woman on the birth of her son. For example, your good friend will soon give birth, and you are leaving on a long business trip. In such cases, SMS congratulations on the birth of a son will help out. They are good because they can be of very different content: from touching and sincere to cool and funny.

To each separately

Although a new addition to the family is a great happiness for both parents, each of them rejoices in their souls a little in their own way. The man begins to feel genuine pride in the fact that he is already a father, and the woman is delighted with motherhood, because it is not easy to bear and give birth to a strong and healthy boy. Taking this into account, you can prepare one general congratulations for the newborn and for each of the parents separately.

The main feature of congratulations on the birth of a son for a mother is sincerity. It doesn’t matter who you are to her - what matters is what words she hears from you and what she feels at that moment. You should admire the fact that this woman carried a sweet baby inside her for 9 months and endured terrible torment at the moment of his birth, and be happy for her, because now she is truly happy.

Congratulations to dad on the birth of his son should emphasize his new status. A man who has shown enviable patience and hid his feelings throughout his wife’s pregnancy will be pleased to hear truly kind and touching words from friends and relatives. Also, don’t forget about wishes for the birth of your son. They are very important.

At the same time, it should be noted that if you prepare congratulatory dates for the birth of a baby for each of the parents separately, then it is better to present the main speech as an original congratulation on the birth of a son, so as not to be repeated again. The following options exist:

  • A beautiful gift card with wishes, bought in a store or made with your own hands.
  • A congratulatory song that can be performed at a party in honor of the birth of a baby.
  • A congratulatory film consisting of video clips with young parents, photographs and pleasant words said on camera by you and other loved ones.
  • Cool congratulations on the birth of your son that will bring smiles to faces and lift your spirits.

One two Three…

When choosing congratulations on the birth of your son for relatives or friends, you must take into account whether this is the first child in the family, the second or the third. It is also possible that the parents are already raising a daughter, and a long-awaited son is born.

If you pay attention to such details, then your congratulations on the birth of your son - cool, funny, funny or, conversely, touching and sincere - will be as appropriate as possible for the occasion presented.

Congratulatory lines in honor of the birth of your first child should be chosen very carefully, because you have to congratulate mom and dad who first tried on these roles. Try to keep your wishes funny, original, touching and truly kind. Under no circumstances choose a banal congratulation to your parents on the birth of their son, because it can only spoil the mood of the newly-minted mother and father.

Congratulations on the birth of your second son should be no less heartfelt. This event suggests that there are no longer 2 or 3 people in the family, but 4 - which means that family ties are really strong. Say that you are very happy about this event and share the happiness of the parents.

It will be great if congratulations on the birth of your second child contain sincere wishes and a few words to the baby’s older brother or sister, because this family member also has great joy - the birth of a younger brother.

There is an opinion that the first child is born for society, the second - for grandparents, and the third - God's gift to parents. In this regard, congratulations on the birth of your third son should in no case be routine or hastily chosen.

Yes, the baby will be the youngest in the family, but it is possible that he will become the favorite of dad or mom, and perhaps both of them at once. Your words, presented as congratulations on the birth of a son in your own words or a poem, must be endowed with some special joy, special respect and admiration, because not every family has three children.

Thus, a congratulatory speech dedicated to the birth of a baby should be selected as carefully as possible and fully correspond to the importance of the event. It doesn’t matter whether you choose poetry, prose, or send short congratulations on the birth of your son in the form of SMS to young parents. Author: Ekaterina Voskareva,

What are the three most important things, according to popular wisdom, every man should do in his life? You know? Exactly. He must build his own house in which his family will live, plant a tree that will symbolize the eternity of family relationships, and raise a son to continue his family. We can say that the same life priorities are characteristic of women. After all, in this traditionally male path, they act as support and support, not to mention direct participation in the birth of children.

And, you know what, the last point of life goals, when implemented, becomes the most joyful and significant event in the life of every person. The appearance of a child in a family is a new stage in the development of family relationships, new opportunities, new worries, new responsibility and completely new outlooks on life. Giving birth to a child, it’s as if parents are starting a new life, and with this already accomplished fact, you simply cannot help but congratulate them.

Congratulations to parents on the birth of their son should be short but succinct, touching but also happy, eloquent but at the same time friendly and simple. This way you can awaken the warmest feelings and the most sincere emotions in the souls of your parents. Moreover, today you don’t have to look for such words for a long time, because ready-made ones have long been collected in this section of our website. All that remains is to choose one of them!

We send our sincere greetings
To young parents!
Congratulations on your extraordinary
An event for the family -
Little boy!
May he be cheerful, healthy,
Cheerful and active
May you have more sweet dreams
Let's take a closer look.

There is no greater happiness in life than the birth of a son,
Let your future man grow up healthy and strong.
Let the child be a great guy, just like his father!
Well, he will be endowed with kindness like his mother!
Kindness and beauty and a brilliant mind.
And let your boy become a real man!

Son! Heir! Continuation
Dads, grandfathers and great-grandfathers!
The son is born! A sight for sore eyes,
Charming, fidgety!

We kiss mom from the bottom of our hearts,
We shake Dad's hand firmly!
Let your son grow up handsome!
Smart girl! Bogatyr!

We would like to congratulate the parents,
We will praise your family,
You have a baby boy -
Handsome, strong son.

We would like to wish you happiness,
And never have problems!
Let your dreams come true
And be with happiness!

With your little angel - with your baby,
Great happiness for visiting your home!
Let the children's laughter never stop now,
Your boy will be the happiest!

There are a little more pleasant worries:
First games, smiles, steps...
Let the boy grow strong and healthy
In joy, happiness and bright love!

You became the mother of a tiny son,
He is the most important man for you!
You caress him, stroke him gently
And you look at the new day with hope.

And you have become a serious dad!
The solemn moment has arrived!
How small and funny he is,
But the best and dearest!

Your son has bound you forever,
And no matter what the years bring,
From now on, whether you want it or not,
You are called “parents” with honor!

Your baby son
Just like an angel.
Let it grow to your joy,
And she doesn't cry at night.

Smart and beautiful
Caring and strong.
Only pleasant troubles for you
Every day, year after year!

Nice and funny son,
Cheerful, so dear.
He's like a sinless angel,
And peace comes from him,

And the light is a joy for parents,
Let them enjoy the baby.
To parents - patience, happiness,
Grow up happy baby!

An angel descended from heaven
Sleeping quietly in the crib,
Your wonderful son,
May God protect him.

May you grow up to your joy,
Gaining strength every day,
And may the world become more beautiful
Where can the three of you live happily?

Today you became dad and mom,
And this day became the most joyful for you,
After all, cute eyes are looking right at you,
And your son reaches out to you, as if in a fairy tale.

So let him be the happiest for you,
Healthy, and, of course, beautiful.
Will never cease to please parents,
And when he grows up, let him become rich immediately!

These parental disputes have been going on for centuries: from the first weeks of the happy news that a new addition is expected to the family, mom and dad begin to guess the sex of the baby. Dads end up insisting that they love the child simply for who he is. But in their hearts they quietly rejoice when they learn that a little hero, an heir and successor to the family, will be born. If you find out that your loved ones or friends have a son, urgently study our article! We have selected heartfelt lines of congratulations to parents on the birth of a boy.

Congratulations on the birth of a boy in prose

Dear parents of the most wonderful baby in the world! We thought for a long time about congratulations on the birth of our son, and realized that no words in the world could convey this endless joy. This is truly the happiest day of your life together. There is so much love concentrated in one tiny lump that it’s even hard to imagine! Let your son be strong, smart and strong. And you, parents, are inspired every day by his new achievements, because now your everyday life turns into a magical rainbow, painted in the brightest and richest colors. There are so many unforgettable memories and indescribable sensations ahead, you can’t even imagine yet! Just enjoy every second you spend with this baby. Congratulations!


The long-awaited addition to your family has arrived. Joy, happiness and great meaning came into life. Let your son be the happiest, healthiest and luckiest. All you have to do is spend all your energy on investing as much care, attention and selfless parental love into this little sweet happiness. Be happy!

We have all been waiting for this event for so long! It seems that even the sun froze for a second when your little happiness was born. Let this sweet angel grow up strong and healthy, happy and inquisitive! And you, parents, just be patient. Despite the sleepless nights, this little boy will give you millions of smiles, tons of joy and kilograms of love.


How long have we waited for this stork, who finally brought the most precious and priceless thing a person can have in this life - a little son. This is truly a magical and joyful event! Let your son be strong, healthy, energetic, smart, and most importantly, happy. May his life be light and bright. Congratulations!

Congratulations to mother on the birth of her son

Your son was born
You've been waiting for him for a long time,
You have become doubly happy
This happiness is forever

There will be a child nearby
To please, to love you,
It seems like night
Don't forget the sleepless ones with him,

Time will pass quickly,
And my son will grow up,
Many joyful discoveries
This little one is waiting for you!


Today, my dear, you became a mother.
You are very tired from your work today,
But for the sake of my dear, beautiful son
It’s not a pity to suffer a little.

I wish you strength and health,
And you will never know grief.
Let the son grow up to the joy of his mother, father,
Raise him with dignity!


Don't sleep at night and rock your little son,
And again, keep silent about joyful things.
You love the blood that you gave birth to,
You kept it under your heart for a long time,
Now here he lies, looking like his mother!
Oh Lord, how handsome your son is!
We wish your boyfriend to make you happy,
May he grow up obedient and loving to his mother!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of your son

You look at this newborn bundle, and your eyes fill with quiet tears of happiness. And at the same time, fears arise: will I be able to raise a worthy person, and will I be able to invest the best in him? You can do it! This is your calling - to be the best mother in the world. Your son will definitely embody the best traits of a real man: he will be smart, strong, courageous, and self-confident. But at the same time he will have a bright, kind soul. Congratulations on this joyful event! All the best is ahead for happy parents...

SMS congratulations on the birth of your son

Dad's assistant was born;
Mom's sun, grandmother's light!
A sweet boy has been born into your family.
I wish him luck and good luck.


Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Let the boy be happy with his health, mind,
Let him be like his dad in some ways
And he will grow up to be very successful later!


Congratulations on the appearance of mother's tenderness and father's hope, with your son! Let the baby be provided with as much goodness and light as you are experiencing now!


We congratulate you on the birth of your son
And we wish him endless happiness,
And to you all health and just consciousness,
That sleepless nights don't last forever!


Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy!
The son is the support and pride of the parents,
Let him grow carefree and happily,
He will be a winner in everything in life!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the birth of your son! The birth of a child is the happiest event for a family! Let the baby grow up healthy and strong, to the joy of mom and dad!


We congratulate you, your son has been born!
Mom is beaming, dad is very happy!
Let him, wherever he finds himself,
Life would not have prepared any obstacles for him!


Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy,
May God bless him!
Let the heir grow up, not knowing troubles,
He will make all your dreams come true!

Short congratulations on the birth of your son

Hurray, the male part of your family has a new member! Still very small, touching, cheerful and always smiling. Let this roaring laughter never leave your home, and let the nights be calm. Happy newborn to you, parents!


So this incredibly desired and long-awaited event happened. We have no doubt that the baby will sleep well, mom will look perfect, and dad will be patient. Live in harmony and love, and this baby is the most important confirmation of your feelings. So let this little angel be the happiest, congratulations!

Congratulations to dad on the birth of his son

Today your son was born!
You have become the happiest in this world,
Relatives are in a hurry to come to you with congratulations,
You listen and smile wider.
You have become a father.
And with this new feeling
You are given the opportunity to live your whole life
And it is very important that with a gentle word
He didn’t forget to thank his wife.
Become their hope and support in this life,
Dedicate yourself entirely to their happiness,
Be worthy of the woman you
You spoke so many loving words!


Great news - you have become a dad!
Oh my God, how long have you been waiting for this!
And now, my son finally appeared,
Congratulations, you are now a father!
Raise him to be a good man,
His character was similar to that of his father.
And let him be kind, like dad,
And just as beautiful, and just as strong!


Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Be the best dad on Earth!
And may fate be favorable,
Giving health and leading to dreams!

And may your son always be obedient,
And let him conquer the world with courage,
So that among many in life, different destinies,
I just asked you for help!

Congratulations on the birth of your son in your own words

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on this happy day, because you were so looking forward to the birth of this wonderful boy. Now this is the pride of your life - your beloved, wonderful son. May he be brave, courageous, successful, and hardworking in the future. Well, now - a smiling, restless, funny, sweet toddler. And may his life path always be illuminated with a special light - the light of happiness!


Congratulations on the birth of your son! Let the baby have strength and health, and let the parents have patience and boundless love. This boy will now be your main ray of light, joy, pride and care all your life. Cherish, pity, love and support in any situation. He will definitely grow up happy!

Cool congratulations on the birth of a boy

A miracle lies in the crib,
The smartest kid
He starts screaming
When you're fast asleep

He demands attention
Confessions of relatives,
He is the head of the family,
After all, there are no more such

May the boy be happy
Healthy as a hero
May it give you courage,
Favorite ammonia!


Transport appeared in the house,
Real car
Driving a stroller with my son
Difficult craft

You mastered it easily
Go for a walk together
And parents more seriously,
You can't find it in the whole world,

Do you love the baby?
Your son will grow up big,
He will become one of the main
The strongest of men!


Be patient,
The son was born for a reason,
He will be naughty, but in moderation,
Indulge, but lightly

Will demand attention
Screaming, crying every day,
Without universal recognition
He will be too lazy to cry,

He'll tear the curtains off the cornices,
It will break everything around,
But I know you're happy
Your meek baby!

Touching congratulations on the birth of your son

He lies in the crib - small, touching, gentle, defenseless. He stretches his little hands, and so needs unselfish parental love... Time will pass, the baby will take his first steps, say his first word, and go to first grade. Every year he will be further and further from his parents, more and more mature and independent. And for you, he will still be the same little defenseless baby, whose heart beat in unison with his mother’s. Let your son's growing up be easy, let him be healthy and happy. Congratulations on the main event in your life!

Congratulations to a friend on the birth of her son

Accept, dear, now congratulations
Happy birthday to your birth.
More precisely, happy birthday to my son -
Dear, beloved baby, flower.

I wish you, girlfriend, patience,
In his upbringing there is strength and skill.
Be a wise and kind, caring mother.
For your son, be the best in everything, the very best!

Let him grow up strong, obedient and brave,
A brave and very skillful man.
So that you are filled with pride for him,
May you never know sorrow or sadness!


Birthday today
Your son's.
I present congratulations
Not only for him:

In sickness or in health,
In trouble or success,
You will always be there -
Both in sorrow and in laughter!

You are a golden mother
In care, warmth
You raised him.
In love and kindness.

I wish your son
Stars of happy grace.
Let whatever he wants come true
You just have to dream.

Health does not fail
He will find his love,
Let luck come
And he won't leave again!


Happy birthday to your son!
I want to wish you on your celebration,
So that your cherished dreams come true,
So that your heart is filled with joy!
Let him grow up to be a brave boy,
But at the same time he listens to his mother.
And let in the whirlwind of life events
He will make many discoveries,
He will be a smart, exemplary guy
And, of course, he will grow up healthy!

Congratulations on the birth of a boy in verse

From distant lands, like an angel
The white stork has arrived.
Now you have a son,
There are a lot of things to do.
Romper and vests,
Diapers are in a prominent place...
Diapers are dear to you,
Like a crown for any bride.
There is nothing more expensive than this baby.
The soul is filled with happiness.
With love, but more strictly,
Raise your baby.
He is the future man
Guardian of home and country,
The Gods gave a son:
There is an heir, a successor.
He is the parents' amusement,
Women and grandfather are just a treasure,
There is crying in the house, but more laughter,
He changed the family way of life.
Take care of your little son,
Help along the way
So that the future man
I was able to go through life with dignity.


Happiness when children appear
Joy for every family and relatives.
Happiness when on a huge planet
They are starting a new branch.
Children will fulfill all your dreams,
Will radically change your life path,
All your efforts need to be tripled
So that descendants do not go astray.
Every baby is a reward in heaven,
Every child is God's creation.
A newborn is a great joy,
Joy of the Earth, and tenderness for relatives.


When this cry was heard,
Eyes opened for the first time.
Suddenly, the image of an angel appeared,
And a tear flowed from my eyes.
At that moment they became parents
Two kind, strong people.
And only then did they find out
What does happiness mean forever?
Let your worries be a joy
Let love live in the eyes
Let the sweetness be felt in the bitter,
Success accompanies in business.
Today we wish them
Always protect your family.
After all, that's why we give birth,
So as never to be separated.

Congratulations on your baby
Mom, dad, all relatives,
Friendly, nice, lively.
Happiness has chosen your home.
Everyone has more worries,
They are only a joy to you.
May the boy always grow
In peace, affection and love.


The birth of a child is a miracle!
A great gift for those who love from God.
May your happiness be endless.
And let along the new path of life
For the three of you, love will shine light
And your path will be joyful and easy
And so that with every sunrise
You were happy about your child.
May your wonderful creation
With every minute there is strength
May in a good, rainbow, endless world
He will always be guarded by an angel.
We congratulate you on the good news,
With an event so important, bright, loud.
From now on you have become parents
Much happiness in the blue diaper!


The baby in the family was born to you,
You've been waiting for him for so long,
The boy will love to eat porridge,
Unites the family against enemies,
Your child was created for happiness,
We love him from the cradle,
Even though his voice is so thin,
He has become dear to you forever,
A little more and there will be a baby,
Call you dad and mom,
He will know that crying is bad,
What's better than having fun playing?
Steps, smile, first tooth,
All this is yet to come
You will have to solve a Rubik's cube,
Learn the first verse with the boy,
All those pleasant moments
What you will have to experience
On photo or film,
You should have time to take pictures
Good health to the baby,
May your boy be happy
Eats less candy
More fruits and delicious cereals!


You've been preparing for so long
For the arrival of the baby,
And preparations in the house,
There was just no end
Lots of new rattles
And a whole bunch of diapers,
Lots of plush toys
Posted here and here
They brought a crib for my son,
And the stroller is the best
There's no reason to worry
Success awaits the young man in everything,
Finally he appeared
Your hero of the occasion,
Dressed up in blue
Happiness in the house is endless,
Looks so much like mom and dad
Although very tiny,
He won't cry much
The son will be happy with everything
Let him always grow healthy,
Strong, smart, groovy,
Happiness to the renewed family,
Always be close to him!

Do you know a beautiful congratulation on the birth of a boy? If yes, then share with our readers in the comments below the article!

If you are looking for a place to celebrate such a significant event as the birth of a son, then welcome to our catalog: you will find a cafe for a birthday in Kyiv with detailed descriptions, photos and guest reviews.

Like a tiny flower
Your child, your son.
He snorts quietly to himself,
He moves his hand lightly,

Only you don't sleep over him
And you sit quietly,
You pray to God lovingly...
Let him hear you.

It's like the whole world sparkled
In the glorious, gentle rays,
Your son was born on this day -
Sleeping quietly in your arms!
Let it grow strong, let it grow playful,
And healthy and happy!

This day has become the best for you -
Your son was born.
We wish him to be healthy
And live happily for many years.

Such a wonderful holiday - the birth of a son!
Of course, there are days and nights ahead without sleep,
But these changes should not scare you,
After all, for this reason, it’s not scary to change your life.
I wish you, parents, care and patience.
Let children's laughter and babble give you inspiration!

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Let it be twenty-odd years later
This smart, handsome man
He will conquer the world with his wisdom.

Congratulations on the birth of your son
And we wish your family happiness.
So that she grows stronger year after year
And I didn’t know adversity and bad weather.

What you expected happened
A huge miracle happened in the family:
You have become the boy's parents!
May he be the most successful in the world!

Hello, congratulations on the birth of your son!
Great happiness to you and the child,
Let the baby be happy with every moment,
And the world smiles at the miracle in the diaper!

Please accept my congratulations
With such a miracle - the birth of a son!
Let him grow healthy and strong
And let it bloom from your love,
And let him sleep sweetly at night
To the delight of your neighbors and you!

I congratulate you on the birth of your son,
It contains all your pride, love, tenderness, strength,
Let your dear son grow up smart,
And may God always protect him!

Congratulations on the birth of your son
We are all in a hurry to see you today,
He will be able to glorify your family,
Achieve great success
He will grow up smart and honest,
Will be able to achieve everything
We wish - may the heavenly angel
Keeps him in this life!

Your son is happiness and joy,
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
This moment must be remembered forever, -
Time flies by very quickly:
Nowadays - rompers, then - panties,
Well, there it’s not far from the trousers,
We firmly believe: our little son will grow up -
He will become a real man!

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
After all, you now have an heir!
He may be a baby, but still a man!
To you, parents, glory and honor!

Now you have a child -
The long-awaited baby son.
Hello, bright world of diapers,
Rattles and cars!
We wish you patience,
New joyful chores,
And let everyone be surprised
Your hero is growing!

The birth of a baby is a gift of life!
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
We wish our son to be smart, strong,
Grow healthy and talented!
Let mom and dad rejoice in their son,
And help in life's journey,
And most importantly, we wish to become a Man!
May there be happiness
Definitely ahead!

It's not easy to raise a boy -
The first son and the first grandson.
You will hit yourself with a bump more than once,
We wish you to master science:
How to eat, how to walk, how to play,
And in general, how to understand it.
The toast did not happen by itself:
A man was born!
Let's raise a toast to him,
May his life be bright!

Let your son not look important
Become famous among people
And the fact that all stingy fellow citizens
He will overshadow you with his generosity.
Let him be agile in his work,
But he’s also invited to the wedding.
In snacks, wines, in conversation
Let him also be tempted.
And be an example of him in dancing,
But the main thing - keep in mind -
So that he has time to be there first,
Where a person got into trouble.
Let him be as fast as a bird.
With the gaze of a mountain eagle,
With a mustache like lush wheat,
So that one day you get lost in them
The goat or little goat could.
Let him give his mind to his friends,
And your inspiration,
Let him protect friendship like a vase,
And don't let him break it!

There will be your little son,
Cute, with a fashionable haircut!
Let him be cheerful, brave,
Smart, kind and skillful!
Let the sorrows pass,
Hobbies will be a joy!
Let him be athletic
Visits the stadium!

Boy, heir! Dad's reward!
It’s just a joy for grandparents!
To my tender mother - a son - a gift!
Let every moment of the family be bright!
Cooing together at the cradle,
You managed to think through the baby’s life!
Let him, in a family where everyone is happy for him,
There will be love, understanding and harmony!

Blue balls and ribbons in the house,
After all, you gave birth to a little boy.
We wish him and you a lot of happiness
And a raging fountain of joy.
May he grow up to be a handsome, kind boy
And made my friends and mom and dad happy,
And he amused them with every word,
And he behaved only the way he should.

Congratulations on your baby
A toddler, a strong one,
The stork brought you happiness
Mommy - a bouquet of roses,
Let him grow up healthy
Chubby, cheerful,
Eats and sleeps a lot
And he screams just a little bit,
Happy Birthday to your son -
And please accept congratulations from us!

Your flag is embroidered on the diaper,
Pampers are your best friends,
The voice in the cradle is ringing,
The rattles are ringing!
May he have life
Happiness, health, success,
Let people surround you with goodness,
He will be the happiest of all!

The long-awaited day has come for everyone who was excitedly and impatiently awaiting the birth of a charming baby. Relatives of all ranks, work colleagues, friends and good acquaintances rush to congratulate the happy mother and father on the birth of their heir.

Not every person is able to come up with a beautiful and coherent congratulation, and even in poetic form, but I want it to sound impressive and original to those around me. It is here that you will definitely choose a poetic congratulation suitable for such an event, composed in a humorous or solemn form.

Video congratulations on the birth of a boy.

Congratulations on your son! Let this little ray of your love become a real sun. May his appearance fill the world of your family with warmth and light. We wish him to be bright in everything and delight you with his health, successes and achievements!

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy! We wish that the baby grows up to be a real man, like his father. Let him grow up healthy, strong, active, successful and smart. And to parents - happiness and patience!

Your son is born, congratulations!
Wishing you continuation of the family line!
And of course, with great joy,
There will be a lot of strength, health, and happiness!
Well, let the boy grow up big,
Let him be a light for everyone,
Let him invite everyone on the journey with him!
And adversity, all the bad weather,
Let them go around his chest!

The son was born - this is no reward,
And you don’t need more to be happy!
If only he were healthy, strong,
Always smiling, always beautiful.

We wish you and the baby happiness,
And let them bypass bad weather,
We wish you smiles and happy days,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Congratulations on this magical day
Congratulations to the two of you on a big event,
I don’t know any happier news
After all, a son was born into your family.
Every day let it make you more and more happy
Mom and dad are a little hero,
After all, there are no children more valuable in the world,
Even if it is difficult for us at times,
There will be sleepless nights ahead,
And vaccinations, and going to the doctor,
But the baby will be very happy -
That's what I want to wish you!

I hasten to congratulate you on your new addition,
You gave birth to a son, triple cheers for you!
I strive to wish you patience,
More good luck and kindness!

And the baby, of course, is happy,
I want him to grow up without noticing troubles,
Let sadness and all bad weather pass him by,
Let only green light shine on the road!

A hero was born to you,
As a dad - strong as a rock.
Well, his heart is all like his mother,
And for that, kudos to her.

Let him grow healthy
Doesn't know grief.
May he be lucky in everything
Surprises you all!

There are toys waiting, and books on the shelves:
Your baby was born and is growing,
He will be a savvy boy
Let him rush forward everywhere!

We hasten to congratulate you on this day,
And, of course, we want to wish
So that your boy rules the world,
So that one day he could become a minister!

A person will have a creative path,
If he suddenly wishes for himself,
Let him collect a library
And read all the books on Earth!

Let him not hide secrets from you,
Let it grow by the day and by the hour!
Let him discover new planets,
And he will give one of them to you!

We wish the baby health,
Long years and great joy,
Happiness and success in adult life,
And always be with your family everywhere!

Your baby has come into the world.
We want many years
He didn't know any troubles
Was happy and healthy
Both beautiful and cheerful!
So that both in kindergarten and at school
He made some friends
For mischief and for undertakings!
Grow up, baby, quickly!
I need to wish my mother
Find more strength
To raise a child.
Well, congratulations to dad
He wishes that the bag
I could earn money!

There is no phenomenon more bewitching, beautiful and amazing than the birth of a new, still tiny, little man. With which we congratulate you. Let this product of crazy and sincere love become the meaning of your life. Let your nights be calm, your days be active, your health in full swing, and life give you only pleasant gifts.

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