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Wishes of family happiness in prose to a man. Wishes to a woman in prose. Two lovers - beautiful wishes in prose

Sometimes I seriously think about what would have happened to my life if I hadn't met you? Most likely, it would be ordinary, ordinary, boring and of the same type and, probably, would take place according to some kind of schedule. From morning to evening, for example, work, then going to the gym and short meetings with friends on the weekend. So it would be, if you weren't there. You are the light, warmth, all the bright colors that transform my life. You give me the opportunity to feel, receive emotions and live! After all, no matter how trite it may sound, you are life. There are so many good things in you, so much beauty and incredible. I am crazy in love with you. I love your every virtue and every flaw, I love your laughter and voice, I love how funny you are sometimes angry with me. With you, new, previously unknown facets opened up to me - all that palette of feelings that made my world special.

Only your appearance in my life could make it so amazing, bright and interesting. You are a boundless sea of ​​feelings, in which I want to constantly dive. You are the sweetest dream and my cherished dream, which was destined to come true. I love you, I live by you and enjoy you. You are my personal world, which I will protect and store, so as not to lose or destroy it.

My dear man, I love you very much. I cherish your every look and your smile, your gentle touch and your hugs, your sweet voice and your dreams. Sun, there is no one better than you, just know it.

I love you! You are the most huge and desired gift of fate. You are my soul mate, addition and continuation. All my tenderness, thoughts and desires are only about you! This infinitely great and sublime feeling makes me better. I really appreciate and love you!

My sun, my joy, my love, my joy, you are the whole world for me, you are my delight, you are my weakness, you are my tenderness, my sweetness. With you I feel happiness, in your arms I melt, in your eyes I see light and good hope. I love you and will love you until my last breath.

They say that angels live in heaven, but on earth there is my beautiful, kind, gentle, bright angel and it's you! I love you and admire your spontaneity, I cherish you and get inspired by your smile. Thank you for being you, thank you for making me a happy person.

I love you, my dear man, and my love for you cannot be measured by any kilometers, cannot be conveyed by any words, cannot be appeased by any winds of fate. I wish with all my heart that our love will live forever and be able to overcome any obstacles on the way to our happiness.

My dear man! I love you very much and I promise you to always be your support and support. All your words will be heard, all gestures will be understood. I'll even know what you're talking about. Let every new day with me bring you only joy. My love is growing every day and I can do everything for you, even get a star from the sky.

I love you with the purest, sincere, tender love, you are the person who replaces the air for me, who can tame my ardor and inspire my heart, with you the whole world is a wonderful picture, and my life is a happy story and I want us to never lose each other in this story.

My beloved person, every day I thank fate for bringing me together, you are my wings behind my back, my light in my soul and joy in my heart. I love you madly and cherish every cell of your body.

Wishes in prose, flowing like a calm river of narration, make you relax and immerse yourself in the wish, like in a fairy tale. As it should be, the fairy-tale hero will be promised a princess, half a kingdom and a good horse, faithful on the battlefields ...

I wish life to be a beautiful still life with champagne, fruits and sweets. Let everyday life not drag on dully, but run, seethe, foam, like sparkling wine on a holiday. Let everyday affairs be painted in juicy fruit colors, and life always presents only sweet gifts and surprises that taste like chocolates melting in your mouth.

The state of mind is like a weather forecast. Every day brings into the mood partly cloudy, then an Arctic cyclone. And everything is changing in the soul as rapidly as that of weather forecasters. I wish that the internal weather was always even and calm. Let thunderstorms, storms and cataclysms bypass the spiritual horizon. And only the spring sun rays, breaking through the rainbow, will illuminate and warm up the mood.

The colonization of Mars is not far off. Many daredevils are preparing to go on a distant alien expedition. Why, you ask? Of course, to meet adventure, happiness and a beautiful Martian! Although for these purposes it is not necessary to leave your home planet. I wish you all the best and earthly things. Incredible adventures, cloudless happiness and great pure love with a dugout of unearthly beauty and grace!

The wise Russian people say: don't have a hundred roubles, but have a hundred friends. And they say that happiness is not in money. It is impossible not to agree with this. No amount of money and riches can replace devoted, faithful and reliable friends who are near and in poverty and in prosperity. I wish that there is always a reliable, strong, friendly shoulder nearby that you can rely on. So let's raise our glasses to true friends, true values ​​and riches.

One old man liked to talk about his life, rich in events and changes. He said that he always wanted only one thing - to see happiness in his lifetime. He searched for it in cities and villages, on land and at sea, on wide tracts and narrow paths, but did not find it. Probably many roads led to happiness, but not a single old man went to the end. I wish you to choose the right path in life and walk it with dignity from beginning to end. And on the way, let happiness, love, true friends and just kind people meet!

Even someone who has never bought lottery tickets at least once in his life dreamed of winning the lottery, hitting the jackpot in a casino, finding a treasure or receiving a solid inheritance. Are you skeptical about this? All this is not so difficult to implement if you have capricious fortune on your side. We wish you to always be lucky: a trump card was randomly found in the sleeve, a lucky lottery ticket was found on the road, and the vicissitudes of fate would only be in suit! Success and good luck!

The more checkboxes in the resume columns, the easier it is to find a decent, well-paid job. And the more skills and abilities acquired, the easier it is to stay in the dizzying whirlpool of life. I would like to wish a rare, but very useful skill that is not available to every person. This ability is to look beyond the horizon, to foresee and calculate future events. Let this skill help you arrange business, personal life and career!

Life is the sea. Sometimes quiet and calm, and at other times stormy and frothy. Traveling the sea of ​​life depends on skillful navigation, reliable crew, and good weather. I wish that all these factors are always on your side. Be a skilled navigator, dodge storms and hardships, maneuver between sheer cliffs and underwater reefs and never run aground!

A person is judged not by age, but by the number of good deeds. After all, in the memory of people there are not words, but actions. Bad deeds destroy the soul and cut into faces with wrinkles, good deeds create a temple in the soul and add youth. I wish you to remain a youth at biological age, and by the number of good deeds to be known as an old man among people!

Love is a feeling that not only ennobles a person, but also destroys all visible and invisible obstacles in life. The lover is not afraid of anything. He will cross a deep ditch, climb a sheer cliff, pass through any walls. A wonderful feeling multiplies everything: courage, strength, courage. I wish you to be happy in love and destroy all the obstacles encountered on the path of life.

Adult life is different from a carefree childhood. When people grow up, they stop reading fairy tales and even more so stop believing in them. Marya the artisan turns into a wife and housewife, Ivan Tsarevich into a husband with ordinary human abilities, and the magical gray wolf becomes a simple Barbos, guarding the house from intruders. I wish that in life there will always be a little childhood and magic. Let miracles at least sometimes break into everyday life and dilute gray everyday life!

As they often say: life depends only on you. Study hard, study hard, work hard and you'll be fine. But, sometimes, this is not enough. For success, something else is needed, something ghostly and elusive. You can get a good education and a good job, but never find a place in the sun. Life is a series of accidents, happy and unhappy, on which a lot depends. I wish you more luck, let her smile as often as possible!

There is only one pleasant disease in life - love. Yes, yes: love is a real disease. It always starts suddenly. She even has constant symptoms: pallor, dizziness, insomnia, strange sensations in the abdominal cavity (better known as "butterflies in the stomach"). In the spring there is a sharp exacerbation. I wish to be always in love, to be chronically and incurably ill with this wonderful ancient feeling.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to wish you great and true luck. Let everything turn out the way it should, and maybe even better. Do not doubt yourself for a minute, do not forget for a second that you are a brave person who can do anything. Well, let luck just help you a little.

Good luck. May it be sure to attach itself to your hard efforts, confident steps, bold actions, and, as a result, may everything turn out the way you intended, and perhaps even better. I want to wish good luck to always be with you, because with it you feel more confident and happier. So, good luck in everything, everywhere and always!

I wish that luck pursues you today and gives you a sea of ​​chances and opportunities for the implementation of all your goals and plans! May this day be full of brilliant success! The main thing is to smile, be in a good mood and believe in yourself!

Good luck! May she always go with you and be a reliable companion. Believe in yourself and don't give up no matter what.

A short

We wish you good luck, success in the implementation of your plans, ease in achieving your goals.

With all my heart I wish you great luck. Let everything work out, let inspiration not leave you for a minute. And remember, fortune loves cheerful people, so smile, believe in yourself, and luck will certainly be on your side.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you good luck. May she not leave you for a minute, may luck help you achieve your goal. Most importantly, remember: you are a confident, courageous, active, interesting person. And luck in combination with your qualities is one hundred percent guarantee of great success! So, good luck and more optimism!

I wish you good luck, so that everything that even a little can cause you difficulties and sadness is afraid of you and bypasses you. To tightly squeeze luck in one hand, and success in the other.

Often in life the moment plays a role, on which everything will depend! Therefore, at this very moment, when nothing will depend on you, I wish you good luck! Break a leg!

From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you the kindest, most faithful, biggest, most real good luck. Not a moment of doubt, not a single moment of despondency, not a single catch, but only bold, confident steps towards your goal and, as a result, an indispensable victory.

Congratulations to your beloved in prose

My beloved, you are the most dear person for me, the closest and most reliable. Thank you for making my life better and more interesting. I wish you strength of mind, patience, good health and good luck. Let nothing be impossible for you, and let you overcome all the obstacles that arise easily and naturally.
My beloved man, my piece of happiness, I congratulate you on your birthday! You are my fabulous universe, you are my world, and thank you for that. I wish you to achieve everything you want, strive for success and never give up. You are courageous and strong, you will certainly succeed exactly as you yourself want, and I will support you in any endeavors. With you I am happier and I want our happiness to be higher than the sky.
My beloved man, dear and irreplaceable. It's your birthday today. Congratulations. Today many warm and sincere words will be said to you: wishes of health, success, love, happiness and wealth. And I won’t say anything like that, I’ll just say that you are my life, you are the sun that I reach for, like the first snowdrop that reaches for the first rays after winter. You are the air without which it is simply impossible to live. I love you!
I have been looking for my happiness for so long, chasing it and making mistakes again. And it quietly entered my life, and only then I realized - this is it. And even the rainbow seemed to me black and white compared to my happiness. You gave me this happiness. And his name is love. Happy birthday, my best and most beloved man in the world!
I am grateful to fate for giving you to me. Behind your broad and courageous back it is so nice to feel like an ordinary, weak woman, knowing full well that you are always there - you will help and protect. Thank you, dear, for your tenderness and strength. I wish you a happy birthday and this holiday is not only yours, but also mine. So happy birthday, Nas, dear.
My beloved, you are my happiness, I congratulate you on your birthday. I want to wish you as much patience as possible, because without it you can’t handle me. I also want to wish you an endless ocean of love that you can bestow on everyone around you. The main thing is that you are always healthy, and I will provide you with everything else.
My love! With you I want to dance in the rain and watch the sunset holding your hand, I'm ready to go even to the ends of the world! On your birthday, I am so sincerely happy to be with you and talk about how I love you, and also how much I want your life to be a series of only good events ... and very good ones! May you succeed in everything you have planned, may you never be visited by sadness or sadness! Smile and enjoy the sun in the sky, and let me be your personal sun!
One of the most important feelings in our life is love. And I am infinitely happy that next to me there is someone whom I love and who loves me. My dearest, I want to wish you a happy birthday! Let everything be realized, success achieved, strength not fade away, health only strengthened! And I will always give you my love and care. Let everything in your life be the way you want! Happy birthday!
My dear and beloved…! When I think about what you have become for me, I am filled with pride that you have always been a real man. From the first steps of our life together, you were not afraid to face difficulties, as a brave knight you accepted the challenge and achieved victories. We, your loved ones, felt your confidence, your strength and understood that next to you we would go from victory to victory. And that spirit of the Winner, which you always had, passed to us, and we were also recharged, nourished and imbued with it. You have already achieved a lot in this life, but there is no doubt that you will achieve even more. There have always been reliable and devoted friends around you, and there is no doubt that there will be even more of them. Life has never been an easy and joyful thing, but you have always maintained vivacity, optimism and cheerfulness, tried to convey and inspire these feelings to the people around you. Therefore, congratulations and wishes will be very short and simple: always remain the same as you were yesterday, today and be the same tomorrow!
My beloved, with great joy in my heart I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, your birthday! For me, this is the biggest holiday, because on this day you were born. I want you to know that only with you I became truly happy and felt like a real woman. Having met you, I found the meaning of my life, with you I am always like behind a stone wall. Beloved, I wish you great male victories, but at the same time not lose the ability to rejoice like a child in every coming day and laugh heartily. I wish that happy children's laughter always sounded in our house. Know that only when you are happy, I gain wings and with you. I love you madly and really want to have many, many more birthdays ahead of you, which we will celebrate with you.
Today I heartily congratulate my beloved on his birthday. On this day, I wish him a festive mood, happy smiles, sparkles in his eyes, fantastic gifts and more pleasant compliments. Fulfill your desires and always be on top. My dear, thank you for having me!
My beloved, precious, sweet, strong and dearest man in the world, I congratulate you on this day - your birthday. I am extremely grateful to your parents for exactly (say the age of the man) they gave birth to you and raised such a wonderful person, because without you my life would not be so happy. I remember the first day of our meeting with you and your declarations of love, I’m even afraid to imagine that our meeting could not happen, because you are the meaning of my life and I don’t need anyone except you. I am glad that one day we met, because I love you very much. I want to wish you heroic health, unearthly happiness, endless luck and love, which we have so much with you. Once again, I congratulate you on your birthday, may you remember this day forever as the most joyful and best in this life.

You are in love, which means you are bewitched by fate, the whole world flies over your head like a rainbow in love ...

Two lovers - beautiful wishes in prose

To a couple in love for Happiness!

  • We wish you Love of the seas and oceans of passion!

May it never end! Even if you knock on your house of quarrels and disagreements. Love each other, appreciate each other, do not lose each other! Love is something that is better than any gift!

  • In love on this day!

This day is the happiest of many days in the world! We are glad to know such wonderful people like you. We are glad that this day brought us together again. We wish you, sincerely - sincerely, from all our fiery hearts - the fire of eternal love! Eternal love is an irreplaceable gift. Take care of him so that he does not lose, under any circumstances, his eternity!

  • Your love is strong!

Fifteen minutes ago, the hands on the clock trembled. This is not magic, this is not hallucination! It is the power of your love that has shown how strong it is. If there was ordinary love, the hands of the clock would enjoy the fact that they do not need to move. And here is a miracle! Don't watch time, don't worry about how fast it goes by! Lovers are the only couple of people on earth who can never think about time!

  • We wish you drop by drop - Everything!

I want to wish you a little .... A drop of real faith, a drop of real love, a drop of real hope….. Why - a drop? Because the word "real" makes this drop the size of infinity! I wish you never lose a drop of this infinity!

  • Appreciate and keep...

How good it is that in the stream of these raging - raging lives you managed to meet each other! Not everyone is blessed with such happiness. This luck is not given to everyone. Appreciate and keep what the mood of lucky chance gave you!

  • Moon and Sun in love!

Imagine that the sun is you and the moon is your relationship. Represented? We wish you to always have a lunar-solar mood, lunar-solar optimism, lunar-solar nights! All the best to you, my lunisolar ones!

  • Key to fate

You have a lot to wish for! In order not to repeat myself, I want to wish you to find the key to eternal happiness, and keep it in your hearts filled with love to the very brim!

  • Long Years of Love

Longevity I wish your love, you - a couple in love! Such longevity, which according to turn into eternity.

  • Let there be Love!

May happiness never leave you! May luck and mutual understanding also always be with you. The main thing is that all good things are not lost, splashed, and do not stop! May Love be with you!

  • For a couple in love, everything is beautiful

I am very glad that I know such an unusually beautiful couple! Only you, my dear and only, deserve the best in the world. And take all the best! As long as there is love between you, all the most beautiful things belong exclusively to you!

  • Beautiful wishes for two lovers

Dear ours! Our wonderful! We are very glad that you met. And we don’t even want to think that this could not have happened! You were created for each other by all the destinies of the world! Be proud of this circumstance!

  • Lovers: boyfriend and girlfriend

You are still so young….. Your love is younger than you. Take care of your little miracle. Keep it like a future baby, or baby. Let the feelings go hand in hand with you. May you never feel the slightest taste of parting! It is not for you. For you - only love, only happiness and joy.

  • Two lovers

For a long time you went to each other. There have been many obstacles in the way of your life. But you overcame them to be the happiest and most in love! And stay like that, without turning off the road of your destinies, no matter what difficulties or difficulties you overcome! Be the happiest!

  • Happiness, happiness, happiness!

Dear and beloved! Happiness, happiness, happiness! As many as there are planets and unknown worlds in the sky!

  • Believe in your Happiness!

I congratulate you on the occasion of the meeting! Live together as long as the planets. Let good people, pleasant events, romantic atmospheres adorn your life .... Believe in happiness so that it believes in you.

  • Cloud wishes for lovers

Dear and beloved! You are two light clouds. These clouds are inseparable. We wish you to sail together through the sky of life, and not pay any attention to the difficulties! Remember that your Love will conquer them!

  • You are made for each other!

You are very suitable for each other! You yourself know this, but we want to remind you once again about it. We have never met a more beautiful couple than you. We are sincere about this! We want to wish, bypassing platitudes, billions of bouquets of happiness! In these bouquets, all your desires will be filled with smiles, fulfillment of desires, passion, mutual understanding, understanding, compromises, positive and optimism! And may none of the bouquets ever wither!

  • All life miracles!

What do you wish for all the beautiful wishes to come true? I wish you all the miracles of life that can only happen to truly lovers! Let miracles fall on you like a pleasant and unexpected rain!

  • You are near, you are in love

We are glad to have you by our side! We want to gather more and more often, so as not to quarrel ever. You are angels who live on earth. And we want to always be your friends. And we personally want to wish you peace, because everyday life can push you to conflicts. We wish you all the magical and wonderful! Never leave each other, because fate itself united your hearts!

  • Appreciate every day...

Appreciate every day that God has given you! May there not be a drop of bitterness in your lives, which have merged into one. May your life be filled with only sweetness. We love you very much!

  • It's nice to admire you!

It's nice to see a beautiful couple! You are a couple that impresses not only with its beauty, but also with its special harmony! Thank you so much for showing up! Thank you for showing up with us! Be happy longer than ever. Love - the same! And infect with your smiles all those with whom life will connect you!

All the best and fabulous to you! Let your feelings become even more beautiful, more romantic, stronger .... May your love please and warm your feelings with its sincerity.

Beautiful wishes for two lovers -

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