Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Welcoming words to the hero of the day retirement woman. Funny congratulations to a woman on retirement

You're already retiring
But the enthusiasm and agility did not dry out.
Now you can be free
It's great to live and not grieve.

Rejoice in the sun and moon
And plant flowers in the spring
To love everyone and adore grandchildren,
And fly on the wings of joy!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
You deserve this vacation.
After all, behind so many years
What have you dedicated to your work?

And nothing to fear
And do not mope, and do not get sick.
In full, in a word, break away,
Not sitting on a bench.

My head was spinning at work
You survived everything, well done!
You worked not for a year, not even two,
And your vacation has finally come!

We wish you a big pension
So that everything comes true, what you can dream of!
To all the friendly team, with all my heart,
We will miss you very much!

You gave yourself to work
Sparing no time and effort.
But whether they wanted to or not,
Retirement age has arrived.

Well, we're a little jealous
You are now a free man.
There is more than one road ahead of you.
Time has stopped running.

You can sew, knit, go to theaters.
Rome, Paris and London to visit.
At the pier to see off the sunsets.
Make all dreams come true!

Now it's time to take a break
Health to you, kindness and happiness.
Still a long way to go
And the joy must not end.

If it's time for a woman to retire,
So the game is not over
The candles did not go out in silence,
Twilight did not thicken in the window.

The work experience has already been accumulated,
Forget about the labor strap.
Worked hard to gain experience
Now it's time to rest.

Freedom to retire
The door was opened for you.
work experience
You broke records.

Happy first day of freedom
I congratulate you
Life will now begin
You have another.

Every day is now yours
Becomes a day off
Every month of the year
Calm, vacation.

I wish you
enjoy life,
Let the pension become
Reason for happiness.

How many years of work have devoted!
You gave your all to her.
You did everything diligently and with dignity,
Without a doubt, we are satisfied with your work!

It's just a new hour
A new world will open up for you
Parks, squares, fitness, even running,
Life takes a new turn!

So rest, not knowing the problems
Knowing no worries.
And I want to travel
You around the world every year.

red flag pension
Waving to you at the window:
It's time to throw off the shackles
Freedom to drink wine!

Today you are a free bird,
You can choose for yourself:
Work hard or be lazy
Or soar in the clouds!

We wish not to let go
Love, dream and create
We wish you stay healthy
And live life to the fullest!

A little sad, but
You don't have to work anymore
No one will scold
That something is not working there.

The time has come to rest
Think of yourself beloved
Take a nap when you want
Get carried away with an interesting book.

Play to the fullest
So that you do not miss a single day,
After all, you are in the juice and not an old woman.
In short, with your pension!

Oh, how many discoveries are ahead of you,
Freedom, happiness, joy, miracles!
Congratulations today
From all of us. And how many new places

So that all dreams and aspirations fit in!
Live passionately, brightly and with soul.
So that the universe falls in love with you
And bestowed with unearthly power.

Forget about old age. Life is Beautiful!
There is no age, no, no!
Let your world be the same clear
And after five, and after ten years.

You worthily counted the glorious age in your works,
And now you are a free and happy person,
Live with pleasure, slowly, slowly,
Keep a cheerful form, laughing in spite of all the winds.

Who retires, just starts to live,
There is time to dream and build, and, of course, to love,
May many discoveries and accomplishments and victories await you,
And health to you, and happiness, and love for many years!

Oh, how careless in youth
Sometimes thrown in a hurry:
“When will that pension dawn?”
And the years - vzhik - and already the pier,

And behind all the hands,
And the boss's bass is far away
So, tea, not tea is poured into glasses
On your first day of retirement?

Let joy be a tincture
So blood will irritate
What will you admiringly oykat:
So many plans ahead

How many dreams come true!
Let the ardor of the heart grow
And old age is sinking like the Titanic,
In the seething sea of ​​new forces!

If time is shameless
Kneads someone like a bear
And on May the color is green
October brings copper

That you, whose eye is trained,
Gunpowder is dry, sparkling fuse,
Let him feed happiness with honey,
So that the ailment of the age does not know

In every climate beyond the window
So that spring rushes in the soul!
So legally retired -
Enjoy life to the fullest!

Your sweat and work has always been appreciated,
And the path was wide.
You have done a good job in life
Now you can rest.

Be happy in this new life
But don't forget the old days.
sensible advice, a warm word
Help former colleagues.

You are a model for us
As a service valiant example.
You tried for your country
So rest, pensioner!

Behind the shoulders of experience is already considerable,
Labor hard way traveled,
Retirement has come - it's time
Take a long break from work.

Let them call you a pensioner
Do not rush to be friends with the shop,
Realize what you dreamed of, boldly,
Write a new chapter in destiny.

A well-deserved rest is coming for you,
May retirement bring happiness and joy
Let travel await you now
And a lot of fun and bright moments!

We wish you more smiles
Swim to success through the waves of life,
Do not forget your friends and former colleagues,
Live in love and contentment all the time!

You are retired, which means
Life flows very differently.
No useless reports
Early fees for work

tiresome questions,
And there is no control from the bosses,
There are no endless tasks
Meetings, planning meetings, meetings,

And now you can boldly
Choose what you will do
How to get up, when to go to bed
Enough to mess around with grandchildren,

Live in pursuit of a dream
Be at peace with yourself
And in harmony with nature
Congratulations on your freedom!

Honorable woman, dear colleague,
You worked in the winter, you worked in the summer.
We waited for freedom and now the day off,
Your retirement is hard.
Beautiful, wonderful, smart and wise,
After all, everyday life without you will be just boring.
We wish you not to forget us in retirement,
At least once in a while, still come and visit.

Congratulations colleague dear,
You have worked for so many years, and now
Let me congratulate you without hiding
That your well-deserved rest, believe me
You need, your grandchildren have been waiting for you,
And you surrendered to the state with prosperity,
To rest. Don't be afraid, you're bored
You won't be sad. Enjoy to your heart's content!

It's time for you to retire
But it's very hard to agree with that.
You were young, after all, yesterday
And now you look like thirty.
Everything is in you: both mind and beauty,
Character, dignity in abundance,
Mockery is a nice trait.
Be young at any ten!

It's not scary that the years are rushing fast,
Silver leaving a trail
We wish you great happiness
Cheerfulness, health, long years!
I wish you happiness and warmth
Good and kind friends
Great hopes, drunken feasts,
Have a nice meeting and kind words!

You have something to teach.

And just take care of yourself.

You are a pride, an example for the younger generation.
With their work, pressure and luck,

For purity, openness and trust.

It will only be an occasion for a better threshold.

How happy we are that our colleague,
Found a well-deserved peace, comfort and silence.
Now teamwork is not his problem,
But only a task that suits him.
Thank you for the years we spent together
For achievements, for loyalty, for impulse.
Which you showed in the workplace,
Please accept an explosion of smiles from us.

How quickly time flies
You do not have time to look back, think, wake up.
So the time has come for our colleague to smile,
After all, we congratulate him with all our hearts.
In labor we spent years together,
We were happy, sad, flattered.
There are only a few colleagues like you in the world,
We will always be one whole particle.

You are still quite young at heart,
All the same posture and mannerisms.
That's why with a big stretch
We release you. to pensioners.
And we know that in the coming years
You will gain a new impetus for life
And visit us. Sometimes,
Not weighed down by the thought of work!

Time has gone by
Time has flown
Here it is imperceptible
The pension is ripe.

Nothing to be sad
Nothing to worry about
After all, yours gave
New roads!

Can travel
To children abroad
Start life over
Maybe fall in love!

Laugh, smile
Enjoy life
Well, after rest,
Come back again!

Congratulations on your retirement
Years rush like a bird, what is there to dissemble,
In silver all the hair, look a little tired
After all, a lot of work has been put into it.

You honestly deserve the long-awaited rest,
They invested their best years in retirement.
But he will return a hundredfold, a modest reward,
After all, now you do not need to work at all.

Every day working, year after year,
We greeted you in the morning
Still, human nature is strange
It's time for you to retire.

Congratulations from colleagues -
We are seeing you off today.
You live a hundred years
We wish you good health and strength!

Don't forget about us, come
We always need your advice.
Live, enjoy, love!
And be happy you are full!

You've been working hard, you've been trying hard
You have something to teach.
After all, the years flew by, and you did not give up,
Youth still beats in your chest.

I congratulate you on a well-deserved date,
When you are allowed to retire.
Leave the past, cool down, throw off a heavy burden,
And just take care of yourself.

Your life has flown by like a moment,
You are a pride, an example for the younger generation.
With their work, pressure and luck,
Many times they were able to dispel all doubts.

Thank you, we are grateful for everything
For purity, openness and trust.
May the rest you deserve
It will only be an occasion for a better anticipation.

Together we turned the carousel of days,
Resolved disputes and routine matters.
Now, the years have rushed by
And to you, colleague, the pension has come!

Don't forget us and we won't forget you
You did not work in a team in vain.
Breathe in the time of life to the fullest!
And there is no need to count the leaves of the calendar.

Today from the whole department
Accept congratulations!
Feel free to retire
And be determined!

Act cheerfully, energetically
And catch a happy chance!
We wish in personal life
And health and love!

Just think how much a woman's life changes with retirement. Workdays are replaced by pleasant chores and household chores. And let it always be a little sad to part with a friendly team and familiar surroundings. But it is the comic congratulations on retirement that will smooth out the moment of parting, remind you of new perspectives and allow you to look at everything that happens in a positive way. And tender, warm and sincere words from the lips of the boss (man) or colleagues, spoken from the heart, will be remembered for many more years.

Funny congratulations to a woman on retirement

Retirement age is not a problem at all,
However, there is still one dilemma.
Or take care of yourself, or arrange a life,
Someone will obviously devote himself to the kitchen.
After all, now you do not need to plow "for your uncle",
You can set up your own business by chance.
But first you gotta hit the jackpot
To enjoy life without worries.
This scenario needs to be
So that health was just awesome.

Here come the pension
Open up the gate.
We will come to visit
Good to eat and sweet to drink.
We wish you
Necessary to be for everyone everywhere,
To start to relax
And then dive into everything.
Just remember, just remember
Life in retirement is great.
Can you afford
Get enough sleep, go to the sea.
Walk around museums
Feed the pigeons in the park.
Love everyone, help everyone
Don't forget about yourself:
Sign up for procedures
And fitness for the figure.
Cosmetologist, make-up artist
You, too, have been waiting.
In general, you will start to light,
Don't forget to call us too.

Cool congratulations on retirement to a woman from relatives in prose

Dear Mom! Finally, you can take a break from reports and commissions, forget about getting up at 6 in the morning and the bad mood of your boss. Now you're retired and we all envy you a little. We envy the fact that new horizons are opening before you for self-realization and the realization of your dreams. We wish you strength and inspiration to turn your ideas into reality!

Darling! It seems to me that there was a mistake: such a young and beautiful woman cannot be a pensioner. But be that as it may, I sing of the opportunity, thanks to which you can now devote your whole self to ... me! To be honest, I have not received attention and care for many years, so now I am waiting for it with interest! Congratulations, dear, and I wish you to love me even stronger and stronger!

Beautiful congratulations on the retirement of a colleague

You decided to leave us
With a clearing, as expected.
We wish you ahead
We are the best.
And if we start shouting SOS,
Come save my friend.
We hope you don't deprive us
You gave away the vests
(I've said it all for a long time.)
You dragged everything on yourself
And we got a little...
So always, anytime
Our doors are open
You won't leave us in trouble
We firmly believe in this.

Well, now, beautiful girl,
You can enjoy life.
You don't have to get up in the morning.
Note that you will succeed in everything:
Going to the cinema is like going to work
Take care of children
Wash, cook and iron,
Bake pies, cook dinner.
When you get tired of plowing like that
Come and have a rest with us.

You decided to leave us
Everything changes in this world.
You just have to want
Tomorrow you will be in Cairo.
Well, let's go to work
And dream only of warm countries,
It all happened because
It's too early for us to retire.
We wish you ahead
To meet a lot of good people
And so that it blew into the sail through life,
Just a light tailwind.

Comic congratulations on retirement to a woman leader

You are all the same to us as a teacher,
Good mentor and leader.
You have become a talisman for the company.
We will not stop taking an example from you.
Your pension is well-deserved... Nevertheless,
Know that we won't be able to do without you for a long time.
We will invite you to visit us,
All in all, we will all miss you a lot.
We wish you there, in freedom,
Open your salon
(You can sort of deal with that.)
New trends, fashion trends,
Styles, hairstyles, top brands,
Cosmetics, creams and tattoos,
Spa treatments, fitness, massage.
All of this will be yours
We will become your clients instantly
We hope for discounts, and even very much,
From an ex-boss, by the way.

A lady boss like you
Try to find...
You leave, it's a pity -
You will be missed.
You scolded us sometimes
But this is so, a trifle.
We were ready to wear
You are even on hand.
You are a light stroke of the pen
You could give an award
For this, dear, from us
Bow to you to the ground.
We wish you happy days
And long life
We wish to raise grandchildren,
See white light.
Let them wait ahead
You are thousands of roads,
May health and good luck
Look at the threshold.
Let success wink at you
And get lucky in life
So that you can make a bird of happiness
Catch and feed.

Funny congratulations on retiring from work for a woman from relatives

Hooray, dear grandmother,
Now you are ours forever.
You don't have to go to work
And so, on the market sometimes.
We wish you health
Energy and long days
So that you can in the future
And our children to raise.

My beloved wife
Here it is, finally done.
I want to congratulate you
Listen, do me a favor.
I was afraid to dream
That you leave work
What are you going to bake pies for me
Not only on Saturdays.
I will not hide, I am very happy.
(Selfish, I know.)
I'm pensioning you now
I heartily congratulate you.

From the whole family at once
We want to say now:
Pension was invented by an angel,
Took care of us.
We know you won't leave us
You won't go to work
And quietly get up in the morning,
Bake us pies.
We wish you happiness
Look around, it's here
Can you communicate with your family?
And don't rush to eat.
We will arrange a holiday for you
Let's speak in unison:
Do you know how nice it is
To be at home with you.

Funny congratulations on retirement in prose

There has been a rumor that some women are afraid of the word "retirement". I know for a fact that this doesn't apply to you. You are charismatic and extravagant, cheerful and sharp-tongued. I wish you to find a worthy company as soon as possible so that it is not boring to travel. We hope to receive postcards from you from different countries at least a couple of times a month. Rest assured, mentally we are always with you. New achievements and a carefree life to you!

I want to upset you. The fact is that retirement is not a vacation, but just a change in the type of activity. So, according to the new routine, you are obliged to sleep until lunch, go to the spa at least once a week, regularly visit the manicure room and see with your own eyes all 7 wonders of the world. In order to bring all of the above to life, we wish you the eighth miracle - a pension on which all this can be afforded.

Short congratulations on retirement to a woman

Congratulations on your retirement
I will send you SMS.
I wish you inspiration
Creative ideas, luck,
And also health,
To hear the sound of wheels
And see the sound of the surf
It's great to relax by the sea.

Addition to pension
I wish you:
lottery pack,
And for everyone to play.
To be able to rest
Travel to the Maldives
Relax there cool
In general, be happy.

What you will do is simply not clear.
Or is it better to go on vacation and back?
Think, if anything, keep it in mind
That the door is always open for you.
We envy, heartily congratulate,
And we wish you all the best in the world!

A woman who has devoted herself to work for years is very expensive attention. The brighter and more creative the congratulations from friends are beaten, the better it will be remembered. Cool humorous congratulations said at the table are good because you can show your imagination (also use pictures and colorful postcards). They can be costumed, with scenes from the life of the team or musical, and at the same time it is completely free. But the most important thing is that the jokes and jokes for a woman on the occasion of retirement should be sincere, kind and sincere. Parting is always difficult, and jokes and kind parting words at the time of parting are worth a lot. Do not forget about this when you choose congratulations to a woman on retirement.

Long live liberation
People from mournful labor!
May there always be a pension
Like a prize at the command of the Pike!
Don't be discouraged, stay alive
The Caribbean and Maldives are waiting for you!
And if they don't wait,
So they'll give you a pension!

You are smart, like a pioneer,
Energetic and slim
You are now retired
Let the country be jealous.
Having paid the debt of labor to the fatherland,
Accept congratulations.
And now for privacy
There will be fabulous days.

Wanted to live? Well, well, live!
Tired! Here it is peace!
Wanted to catch a buzz? Catch!
What is he, a buzz? Yes such!
You searched without imagining
What will you get from heaven ...
Released? Congratulations!
Get in line at the security!

Feeling new inside:
Yesterday I was a boy
And now here - on, smoke
Labor book.
The lights are burning out
Work experience.
Let's just say guys
Somehow strange even!
Only years do not curse
Be healthy and in shape:
Nicotine will kill the horse
Pension - feed!

What kind of pension is this?
What kind of terrible animal is this? -
Everyone is buzzing without stopping:
How can we be without you now?
You can't live without us!
However, as we are without you;
But you still go...
Well, good luck! Good time!

Today we lose a member
Our big circle!..
Change does not please us;
And it is not clear to us yet -
Who will replace you during a smooth
Times? Without you, we are like without hands:
Our glorious one is retiring,
Our old, our good friend!
Well, well, the races are over,
There is light at the end of the tunnel...
We congratulate you, colleague!
Health to you and long years!
Where we are no longer...

You are retired! And this
Must be celebrated!
congratulations advice
We want to give you.
Take a look in the fridge
Whatever you find, bring it here!
And then break the alarm clock
Shut up forever!

Don't think too much about retirement
There will come a day, you yourself will understand, probably
That the years are like bullets at the temple,
And every moment is precious to us.
Retire with your head up
You go and cheer up
Let the beautiful globe of the earth bloom,
Spring in the soul, and inspiration in the heart!
Let everything be as you dreamed in your youth:
Fishing, cottage, strawberry, girl, -
Another countdown, another wheel
To whom you are the groom, and to whom the grandfather!

Here is the pension, it happened
Sentence? Of course not!
Finally rated
All the merits of previous years.
Seeing you cordially,
We are full of heavy thoughts:
We are losing an employee
Golden hands, mind!
Your new challenges
Tours, beaches, hitchhiking,
A bed of overgrowth in the country,
Onions, parsley and dill!
Make jam for tea
Pamper little grandchildren...
We only wish you
Resting, do not get tired!

You know, pension is the same salary,
But from now on, you don’t have to work;
From now on there will be no reason to strain -
On the contrary, there will be time to meet
With friends, girlfriends, grandchildren. In general,
We went on vacation, so we live, and do not grumble:
After all, a better destiny cannot be imagined!
I would like to congratulate you on this event!

Do you remember the golden time when you were a pioneer?
The years flew by quickly, you are already a pensioner
Soon you will be at rest, you will play dominoes,
Maybe you’ll go fishing, you’ll drive moonshine ...
Or will you sleep off for all the past years,
What worked at the factory, or somewhere else? When?
It's good that this memory will not be moldy...
Allow me to congratulate you! Happy retirement!

Let time rush indefatigably!
But only by labor and honor!
We know what's in the powder flasks
Excellent gunpowder was and is!
Everything remains as it was:
In bags - tea, in a salt shaker - salt,
There is shampoo and soap in the bathroom,
In the kitchen - meat and beans.
In the first aid kit - iodine, needles in syringes,
Sheathed kitchen knives...
What is missing? Shelves only
To lay teeth on it!
We wish you, our friend of the heart,
Leave unnecessary things
To live happily, carelessly,
And your pension grew!

Your honor - a sad pension,
For whom is the final, and for whom is the initial,
Death you are in white slippers, wait, do not call.
If diseases come, you crush them!
Your honor, the pension has been calculated,
Who varies, and you brought up.
You plunge into business completely with your head,
You will spend money with a nice wife.
Your honor, old-age pension,
For someone kind, but for someone simply.
You catch luck with joy in your net,
You will be lucky in retirement in happiness and love.

Here comes the celebration
You can not work and live carelessly,
How wonderful, here it is - it's here,
The state will pay money like that!
And of course it is, honestly and deservedly,
Yes, a lot has been invested in the homeland of labor,
But now you don't have to worry
After all, the income will always be stable in the future.
Only now the trouble still seems to increase,
One can only dream of free time.
Little grandchildren will not let you grow old,
They need to be pampered and taken for a walk!

All your life you boldly moved forward,
They worked hard despite the obstacles.
And now it's time for the reward -
Well-deserved rest!
May your pension be
So that you are richer than everyone in the district!
To rest every year in the south,
Let not in Sochi, but at least in Hawaii!
Well, old man? Freedom!
Let the forest go to work!
Aida, let's go fishing -
Let's catch, look, a mermaid!
Don't drift, life is still beautiful
We'll be walking around a lot more!
Retirement is like a holiday!
With what, brother, I congratulate you!

Everyone has a moment in life
When it makes no sense to go to work,
When you are retired, cheerful and cheerful
In an abandoned dacha you paint a fence ...
When you collect a car in the garage,
In the forest curly mushrooms and raspberries,
You play chess with your neighbor for days,
You come home from fishing with perches.
Make a snowman with the kids
For planting, you prepare seedlings for a long time,
Reading on a bench in Prostor Park
And in the heart is the same childish enthusiasm!
And let work and labor be in the past,
But at home there is always kindness and comfort!
Relatives and friends, all children
You are retired! Shout Hurray!

You worked, you were not lazy
For a very long time, many years.
As if on rails, life rolled,
And the green light was on!

But not only work
Alive and happy man
There are a lot of activities
In our ultra-modern age!

You became a pensioner -
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Rest to the fullest
Don't rush to work.

We wish you all the best
Happiness, great joy.
Be loved and beautiful
And, as before, young!

It's time to rest
Dip your feet in the sea
Plant beds in the dacha,
Organize the closets.
Give time to grandchildren
And go to the cinema myself
Help a neighbor on business
Sit in the gazebo for half a day.
I want to live happily
Happy retirement!

Dear, from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your well-deserved rest. Let your retirement become a time that will be devoted to getting new vivid emotions and impressions. Travel, communicate with friends, live an active and eventful life. Be healthy and loved by your loved ones.

The time has come to think about your beloved,
After all, time is now full.
With your inexhaustible energy
Accomplish all that to which the soul lies for a long time.

A little mourn about the days gone by
And jump into a new pool with your head -
Go to the theater and travel a lot
Let the life of a dream light up again.

I wish you not to mope and be healthy,
After all, a new horizon is in front of you.
You were an exemplary employee
You will be a military pensioner.

Let the champagne flow like a stream
We are supposed to congratulate you.
Let everything be nothing to you
After all, life is just beginning.

Going to a well-deserved rest
So down with lack of sleep and worries!
You will find entertainment
After all, you don't have to go to work.

You can sleep more in the morning
Do not rush anywhere, do not rush,
And go for a walk in the forest
And enjoy nature.

So enjoy your rest
Try to think more about yourself.
Be healthy, love, flourish,
Travel, read, enjoy.

You are going to retire
Here you will live well!
You don't get up at 7 in the morning
Don't run to work.

You can visit your grandchildren
In general, do not sit still -
Take off on a trip
Rest abroad.

Ride on a trolleybus
And take a walk in the park.
Buy different tasty treats
Make a cool manicure.

In the shop soon
Take a hundred lines
Choose the trinkets you want
And go to the movies with a friend.

In general, there is plenty of time
But remember one thing:
To always be beautiful
We need to live with optimism!

If it's time for a woman to retire,
So the game is not over
The candles did not go out in silence,
Twilight did not thicken in the window ...

It's just a new hour
A new world will open up for you
Parks, squares, fitness, even running,
Life takes a new turn!

Rejoice in the sun and moon
And plant flowers in the spring
To love everyone and adore grandchildren,
And fly on the wings of joy!

A little sad, but
You don't have to work anymore
No one will scold
That something is not working there.

The time has come to rest
Think of yourself beloved
Take a nap when you want
Get carried away with an interesting book.

All the best to you
With all our hearts we wish
And with the fact that the pension came,
We congratulate you today!

You know that pension is a resort,
Which is to be enjoyed
Go to exhibitions, and indeed, to the people,
Create, love, grow and develop.

We wish you one hundred percent rest,
Make time for your loved one.
Working always, it's easy to stretch your legs,
The time has come to live for yourself.

Of course, it will not be easy for us without you,
Such specialists - in the afternoon with fire ...
But we'll try our best
And if not, we will find you and return you.

All in all, we wish you good health.
And only positive thinking.
Believe me, retirement is not old age.
Rather, these are new achievements.

Your new journey begins today.
The whole world will now lie at your feet.
After all, our life does not end with a pension -
She puts us on a new turn.

Oh, how many discoveries are ahead of you,
Freedom, happiness, joy, miracles!
Congratulations today
From all of us. And how many new places

So that all dreams and aspirations fit in!
Live passionately, brightly and with soul.
So that the universe falls in love with you
And bestowed with unearthly power.

Forget about old age. Life is Beautiful!
There is no age, no, no!
Let your world be the same clear
And after five, and after ten years.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
You deserve this vacation.
After all, behind so many years
What have you dedicated to your work?

Now it's time to take a break
Health to you, kindness and happiness.
Still a long way to go
And the joy must not end.

In any team, sooner or later, there comes a moment when congratulations on the retirement of a female colleague in prose may come in handy. Very imperceptibly in the routine of everyday work, a venerable retirement age creeps up on one of the employees. This means that soon this person will leave the team to give way to a young specialist and will enjoy retirement.

How to see a female colleague retire

Retirement is one of the most important events for every person. Someone is looking forward to this moment, knowing what they will do in their free time. Some future pensioners are very worried about leaving work, this moment is especially difficult for men.

It is important to think about how exactly you will see off a woman in retirement. Often, the future pensioner takes on the organization of the event. But you must admit, at a holiday in honor of yourself, you want to relax, and not run around, worrying about whether everything is on the table, removing dirty dishes and bringing an additive. Therefore, it is good if someone from the team takes over the organization of farewell to retirement.

Seeing off retirement is rarely limited to a buffet in the office. Most often they arrange a banquet in a cafe or restaurant. Not bad if there is an opportunity to celebrate on a boat or in nature. Everything depends on the team. Having chosen the place of seeing off for retirement, it is worth deciding on the program of the event.

It is desirable that there was an animator. However, it is not necessary to turn the farewell to retirement into a bad wedding, where the toastmaster does not allow you to eat or talk normally, endlessly holding contests. Perhaps in retirement it will be possible to come to grips with cooking, we tell you, pickled oyster mushrooms, a very tasty cooking recipe.

What to gift

In any case, the gift should be memorable. Even if you are going to donate money, be sure to attach a letter or something like that to it. It is advisable to consult with the hero of the occasion about the gift, all of a sudden she has an unfulfilled dream.

Gift ideas: a warm blanket, a cozy shawl, a spa or sightseeing tour, a yoga or spa membership, a pottery or horseback riding certificate. You can come up with a lot of good gifts for a female colleague. The main thing is to take into account the interests and character traits of a person who has worked alongside you for many years. How to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms and potatoes: a recipe with a photo in the oven.

And, of course, we need congratulations on the retirement of a woman colleague in prose:

  • Our dear colleague, the longest vacation of your life begins today. Finally, you can give yourself completely to your hobby, devote more time to your grandchildren and just stop rushing. Now you can enjoy your morning coffee every morning, and not drink it in one gulp. Let calm bright days begin in your life, and the most interesting events will happen to you in retirement.
  • Looking at the hero of the occasion, it is difficult to imagine that behind her fragile shoulders there is such a long working path. I would like to wish you to remain in the same excellent shape for many years to come, to amaze everyone with your clear eyes and perky smile. Happiness and goodness to you for many years!
  • Congratulations on the retirement of a woman colleague in prose are also cool, but the celebration itself implies some kind of respect for a mature person, but not “giggles”, even in the best sense of the word.

It doesn’t matter what congratulations on the retirement of a female colleague in prose you will pronounce, what gifts you will give, the main thing is not to forget your retired colleague. Great ways to pickle brisket at home with garlic.

Congratulate her on her birthday and other holidays, if possible, invite her to corporate events. Do everything so that the "young pensioner" does not feel abandoned and forgotten by her team, to whom the best years of her life were given.

Congratulations on your retirement in prose

Retirement is not a reason to be upset and relax, ceasing to move forward. It's time to start traveling and discover new facets in the familiar world. Congratulations on an exciting milestone in your life! Take care of yourself!

Congratulation on retirement in prose

So you have been brought into the ranks of the army of pensioners! We will not shout hurray, but there is something to rejoice at. Now you will have more time to do what you love. You have many hobbies, so go for it. And let the alarm clock, as before, wakes you up for charging! * * *

Such is the law of time. He himself knows the pension fund, whom it is time to send to the reserve. You don't miss us much. We wish you new interests, find yourself an occupation that will allow you to reveal all your talents and skills from an unexpected side.

Sincere congratulations in prose on retirement

You are still full of energy and ready to move forward. So don't stop! Let the pension be appointed, but the soul wants to continue its development for the benefit of itself and others. We believe in you! Congratulations on a new milestone in destiny. * * * You deserved a rest, and the state fully appreciated your work. Retirement is a reason for congratulations, but not for sadness and longing. You now have more time for your favorite things, you have the opportunity to get enough sleep and plan your day according to your own schedule. Dare! It's too early for scrap, but it's time to live for yourself! * * *

Congratulations on your retirement! Give preference to your favorite activities, find new talents in yourself. So that every day is interesting and not like the previous one.

Good congratulations on retirement in prose

So the long-awaited day has come, the day when you can leave your favorite job and devote time to your family. We wish your life to be easy and carefree. The heart was never naughty, it was strong and worked clearly and harmoniously. What would your family be friendly and harmonious. * * * We congratulate you on a well-deserved rest, we wish you optimism and enthusiasm. Let your children and grandchildren be proud of you and take an example of diligence and determination! * * *

We sincerely congratulate you on your retirement. We wish you to always remain as sincere and responsive, honest and purposeful, cheerful and good-natured as you were during your working days!

Sincere congratulations on retirement in prose

Retirement is not a reason to give up, pass on experience to new generations and never stop there. Good health, perseverance and patience! * * *

We wish you to spread your shoulders wide and breathe in the air of freedom! Retirement will open up new horizons for you, use them to do things that you didn’t have time for before!

Read more: congratulations on retirement

Congratulations to a woman on retirement, cool. Congratulations on retirement for a woman in verse and prose

Just think how much a woman's life changes with retirement. Workdays are replaced by pleasant chores and household chores. And let it always be a little sad to part with a friendly team and familiar surroundings. But it is the comic congratulations on retirement that will smooth out the moment of parting, remind you of new perspectives and allow you to look at everything that happens in a positive way. And tender, warm and sincere words from the lips of the boss (man) or colleagues, spoken from the heart, will be remembered for many more years.

Retirement age is not a problem at all, but there is still one dilemma. Or take care of yourself, or arrange a life, Someone will obviously devote himself to the kitchen. After all, now you don’t need to plow “for your uncle”, You can also set up your business by chance. But first you need to win the jackpot, To enjoy life without worries. This scenario needs to be

So that health was just awesome.

So the pension has come, Open the gate. We will come to visit, Tasty to eat and sweet to drink. We wish you to be necessary for everyone everywhere, To begin with, relax, And then dive into everything. Only in this way, remember right away, Retirement life is wonderful. Can you afford, Sleep, rush to the sea. Go to museums, feed pigeons in the park. Love everyone, help everyone, Don't forget about yourself: Sign up for procedures And fitness for a figure. Beautician, make-up artist You are also tired of waiting. In general, you will start to light,

Don't forget to call us too.

Cool congratulations on retirement to a woman from relatives in prose

Dear Mom! Finally, you can take a break from reports and commissions, forget about getting up at 6 in the morning and the bad mood of your boss. Now you're retired and we all envy you a little. We envy the fact that new horizons are opening before you for self-realization and the realization of your dreams. We wish you strength and inspiration to turn your ideas into reality!

Darling! It seems to me that there was a mistake: such a young and beautiful woman cannot be a pensioner. But be that as it may, I sing of the opportunity, thanks to which you can now devote your whole self ... to me! To be honest, I have not received attention and care for many years, so now I am waiting for it with interest! Congratulations, dear, and I wish you to love me even stronger and stronger!

Beautiful congratulations on the retirement of a colleague

You decided to leave us, With a clearing, as expected. We wish you the very best in the future. And if we start screaming SOS, Come save, friend. We hope you will not deprive us of the Lifebuoy. You have already distributed the vests (I told you everything a long time ago). You dragged everything on yourself, And we didn’t delve into it a little ... So always, at any moment Our doors are open You won’t leave us in trouble,

We firmly believe in this.

Well, now, beautiful girl, You can enjoy life. You don't have to get up in the morning. Note that you will have time for everything: Going to the cinema is like going to work, Take care of children, Wash, cook and iron, Bake pies, cook dinner. When you get tired of plowing like that

Come and have a rest with us.

You decided to leave us, Everything changes in this world. You only have to want to, Tomorrow you will be in Cairo. Well, we have to go to work And dream only of warm countries, It all happened because It's too early for us to retire. We wish you to meet a lot of good people ahead, And so that the sail blows through life,

Just a light tailwind.

Comic congratulations on retirement to a woman leader

For all of us, you are like a teacher, a kind mentor and leader. You have become a talisman for the company. We will not stop taking an example from you. Your pension is well-deserved... Nevertheless, know that we won't be able to do without you for a long time. We will invite you to visit us, In general, we will all miss you very much. We wish you there, at liberty, to open your Salon (You can sort of deal with this). New trends, fashion trends, Styles, hairstyles, top brands, Cosmetics, creams and tattoos, Spa treatments, fitness, massage. You will certainly have all this. We will instantly become your clients. We hope for discounts, and even very much,

From an ex-boss, by the way.

Try to find a lady boss like you... You are leaving, it's a pity - you will be missed. You scolded us sometimes, But it's so, a trifle. We were ready to carry you even in our arms. With a light stroke of a pen You could give an award, For this, dear, from us Bow to you to the ground. We wish you happy days And long life, We wish you to raise grandchildren, To see the white light. Let thousands of roads await you ahead, Let health and good luck, Look at the threshold. Let success wink at you, And get lucky in life, So that you can be a bird of happiness

Catch and feed.

Funny congratulations on retiring from work for a woman from relatives

Hooray, beloved granny, Now you are ours forever. You don't need to go to work, And so, to the market sometimes. We wish you health, energy and long days, so that you can in the future

And our children to raise.

My beloved wife, Here, finally, it happened. I want to congratulate you, Listen, do me a favor. I was also afraid to dream That you would leave work, That you would bake pies for me Not only on Saturdays. I will not hide, I am very happy. (Selfish, I know.) I'm pensioning you now

I heartily congratulate you.

From the whole family at once We want to say now: Angel came up with the pension, He took care of us. We know that you won’t leave us in the future, You won’t go to work, And you’ll get up quietly in the morning, bake pies for us. We wish you happiness, Look around, it's here, Can you communicate with your family And don't rush to eat. We will arrange a holiday for you, We will begin to speak in unison: You know how nice it is

To be at home with you.

Funny congratulations on retirement in prose

There has been a rumor that some women are afraid of the word "retirement". I know for a fact that this doesn't apply to you. You are charismatic and extravagant, cheerful and sharp-tongued. I wish you to find a worthy company as soon as possible so that it is not boring to travel. We hope to receive postcards from you from different countries at least a couple of times a month. Rest assured, mentally we are always with you. New achievements and a carefree life to you!

I want to upset you. The fact is that retirement is not a vacation, but just a change in the type of activity. So, according to the new routine, you are obliged to sleep until lunch, go to the spa at least once a week, regularly visit the manicure room and see with your own eyes all 7 wonders of the world. In order to bring all of the above to life, we wish you the eighth miracle - a pension on which all this can be afforded.

Short congratulations on retirement to a woman

I will congratulate you on your pension, I will send you SMS. I wish you inspiration, creative ideas, luck, and also health, to hear the sound of wheels and see the sound of the surf,

It's great to relax by the sea.

I wish you an increase to your pension: Lottery pack, And so that everyone plays. To be able to go on vacation Go to the Maldives, Relax there cool,

In general, be happy.

What you will do is simply not clear. Or is it better to go on vacation and back? Think, if anything, keep in mind that the door is always open for you. We envy, heartily congratulate,

And we wish you all the best in the world!

A woman who has devoted herself to work for years is very expensive attention. The brighter and more creative the congratulations from friends are beaten, the better it will be remembered. Cool humorous congratulations said at the table are good because you can show your imagination (also use pictures and colorful postcards). They can be costumed, with scenes from the life of the team or musical, and at the same time it is completely free. But the most important thing is that the jokes and jokes for a woman on the occasion of retirement should be sincere, kind and sincere. Parting is always difficult, and jokes and kind parting words at the time of parting are worth a lot. Do not forget about this when you choose congratulations to a woman on retirement.

congratulations on your retirement

Best congratulations > Important events > with pension

Behind the back of a person who was about to retire, many years of working life and a colossal life. But the time has come, and colleagues are going to spend it on a well-deserved rest. Not everyone can easily accept the idea that tomorrow they will not need to rush to work. The main thing that you can occupy yourself with will be raising grandchildren or your own cat, and all communication will come down to discussing the latest news in the company of neighbors - peers on a bench near your entrance. But still, for many, only positive emotions are associated with retirement. They perceive it as a new stage of life, the time to implement new plans and ideas! You can finally go to friends or relatives who live far away and whom you have not seen for so long.

Congratulations on retirement in verse, prose, SMS

You don’t need to congratulate on retirement, they really won’t understand

How long have I been at work? No, it's like yesterday... But here's the pension basement, And I didn't call her. Talk to me, friend, Talk about something, Well, what if we don't understand each other?

So give me money

Forget about the gray days of work! And wake up at 7:00 every morning! Today, at a wonderful time of the year, You go out on your well-deserved rest! So let your retirement days be decorated with Health, joy, happiness and good luck! Be active and brave in everything!

Prosperity will enter your home!

Dear Friend! Your workdays are left behind, and ahead of you is just a solid beautiful holiday! May all sorrows and difficulties remain where you left, and only luck and happiness meet on your path.

Today I can tell you that people are still right when they compare a person's age with the seasons! Only they messed up a little - summer should be associated with retirement! After all, in the summer all people have a rest, so the pension is a well-deserved rest for many years of work! For your summer! Let it be sunny!

Let's celebrate the holiday, forgetting about sadness and about the past years. Let there be only joy ahead, the opportunity to breathe deeply and embark on "everything hard"! May each new day give hope and make you wait for the next one! And let illnesses, resentments and misfortunes run away, freeing the wide road to your "golden age"!

Many say that a pension is an indicator of old age. But it's not. After all, only when you retire do you realize that you have begun to live. Now you don’t have an evil boss who doesn’t let you rest even on weekends. Now you can completely surrender to your favorite business (fishing, traveling, etc.). Many possibilities open up. Until this moment, life goes vertically, all efforts are aimed at growth upwards. Now life will expand. No need to rush anywhere, no one is afraid. In general, accept my warmest congratulations on entering this new quality of life.

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