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Project "The Living Soul of Nature" Ecological education of preschool children in kindergarten and family. Ecological education of preschool children: theory and practice according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Each teacher, as a result of painstaking work, wants to instill in his wards the ability to see the beauty of nature, the understanding that everything in the world is interconnected and that a person is only a part of nature and cannot exist separately from it.

Despite this, sometimes the opposite picture is observed: the attitude towards nature is ordinary, and sometimes not only children, but also adults underestimate its role in life.

This problem is largely due to the fact that modern children, especially in megalopolises and cities, have little interest in the environment. If just a few decades ago, all the kids tried to spend as much time as possible on the street, in parks, near water bodies or forests, now the free time of the younger generation increasingly belongs to technology. Of course, even a child cannot imagine modern life without a computer and other gadgets. But this “communication” sometimes replaces the opportunity for children to take a walk in the yard, watch birds or animals, find a “four-legged friend” or feed a homeless kitten. After all, such simple little things teach children that others need to give love, attention and care.




“Everything in nature is important!”

(for children 6-7 years old)


  • children of preparatory school group No. 6,
  • parents,
  • music director Tsaava G.V.,
  • librarian of the Children's Library of the Northern District Polatovskaya Nina Ivanovna,
  • Chief Specialistdepartment of environmental education, biodiversity, monitoring and accounting of animals. Directorate of Natural Territories SAO, SVAO and Sokolniki GPBK "Mospriroda"Kuptsova Anastasia Vladimirovna,


  • Shiryaeva Irina Yuryevna, teacher of preschool education No. 5 GBOU School No. 709, Moscow, North-East Administrative District
  • Gerasimenko Julia Romanovna,teacher of preschool education No. 5 GBOU School No. 709, Moscow NEAD

Project type: cognitive-creative, group, medium-term.

Duration: 2 months (from 01/10/18 - 03/01/18)


The need for environmental education is dictated by life itself. There was a need to change the consciousness of man, to instill in him an ecological culture. This process is complex and lengthy, therefore, the education of ecological culture should begin from early childhood, when all the foundations of morality and the general culture of a person's personality are laid.

Raising in children the ability to understand and love the world around them and take care of it today is one of the important areas of pedagogical work. Respect for the natural environment in children from an early age is laid down in the family and continues to take shape in the preschool years in kindergarten.

The role of ecological education of preschoolers is to enrich the sensory manifestations of the child in relation to all living things that the child observes. The tasks of ecological education of preschoolers are to form ecological consciousness, which will allow preschoolers to develop environmentally correct behavior.

Good feelings and the ability to love and appreciate the world around us are formed in babies through interaction with nature from an early age. And the future behavior of a person depends on how this interaction will be in childhood. From an early age, the child needs to explain the laws of nature, and most importantly, the causes and consequences of the negative impact and impact on the environment.

Each teacher, as a result of painstaking work, wants to instill in his wards the ability to see the beauty of nature, the understanding that everything in the world is interconnected and that a person is only a part of nature and cannot exist separately from it.

Despite this, sometimes the opposite picture is observed: the attitude towards nature is ordinary, and sometimes not only children, but also adults underestimate its role in life.

This problem is largely due to the fact that modern children, especially in megalopolises and cities, have little interest in the environment. If just a few decades ago, all the kids tried to spend as much time as possible on the street, in parks, near water bodies or forests, now the free time of the younger generation increasingly belongs to technology. Of course, even a child cannot imagine modern life without a computer and other gadgets. But this “communication” sometimes replaces the opportunity for children to take a walk in the yard, watch birds or animals, find a “four-legged friend” or feed a homeless kitten. After all, such simple little things teach children that others need to give love, attention and care.

How to help children, especially preschoolers, change their behavior and form the simplest, but no less important and useful habits?

In preschool childhood, the leading activity is the game, it is in the form of a game that the child perceives and assimilates new information more easily. The learning process with elements of the game or in the form of a game is the most productive. Therefore, in our work on the formation of elementary environmental literacy, we use various games about nature. But in addition to playing, children like to reason and fantasize, and they always listen with interest to incredible stories about the adventures of their favorite heroes and sincerely worry.

Ecological fairy tales help to tell children about nature in a fascinating way. In our classes on the world around us, we decided to use these forms of work in order to tell the children of our group about the influence of man on the nature of his role, as well as the relationship of all animals and plants in nature. The topic, although it seems simple, but at the same time is quite voluminous. Children are well aware of what cannot be done in nature and what can be done, but it is quite difficult for them to imagine the mechanisms of interconnection.


The teacher told the children that all animals that live next to each other and with humans play an important role and invited them to figure out together why this is so. The children became interested, they had questions:

What do I know about how animals are related to each other?

What do I want to know about nature?

Where can I get such knowledge?

Thus, the idea arose to implement a project on environmental education, which was called “Everything in nature is important!”

Target: the formation and development of the ecological culture of older preschool children through the realization that the state of nature and the environment depends on the actions of everyone.



  • to expand children's ideas about natural phenomena, the rules of behavior in it, the flora and fauna, relationships in nature;
  • to teach children to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in interaction with the outside world in real life;
  • to acquaint children with changes in the life of animals at different times of the year;
  • reinforce the concept of "invisible threads of nature" by creating environmental stories and stories based on the studied laws of nature;
  • to acquaint children with ways to solve environmental problems, showing examples of their positive solution by creating environmental cartoons.


  • develop observation, attention and curiosity in children in the process of communicating with nature;
  • to develop in children the ability to invent and compose environmental stories and fairy tales, based on the knowledge gained;
  • develop the ability to establish a causal relationship between human actions and phenomena in the environment;
  • development of communication skills through communication with adults and peers, engaged in a common cause.


  • promote the development of aesthetic perception of nature and natural phenomena;
  • cultivate respect for the environment, good feelings towards all living things in all their manifestations;

Expected results

From the side of children:

  • the development of the cognitive interest of children, the expansion of their ideas about their native nature, about the relationship of all life on the planet;
  • the formation of elementary skills of careful and caring attitude to nature;
  • increasing the sense of personal responsibility among preschoolers for the state of nature of the immediate environment;
  • unity of the children's team, the manifestation of friendly feelings for each other;
  • enrichment of the active and passive vocabulary of children.

From the parents side:

  • parents are active and interested participants in the educational process, focused on developing the child's need for knowledge through joint project activities;
  • involvement in joint environmentally-oriented activities with children by compiling fairy tales about nature and its phenomena, in preparing a layout for animation;
  • application of recommendations and consultations of educators in the practice of raising children.

From the teachers side:

  • implementation of project activities;
  • improving professional competencies;
  • involvement of parents in the educational process.

Project implementation

The project is being implemented in three stages:

  1. Preparatory
  2. Basic
  3. Final

I. Preparatory stage

  • selection and analysis by teachers of relevant (methodological and scientific) literature;
  • determining the initial level of children's knowledge about the problem of the project;
  • identification of project participants;
  • setting goals, objectives and determining the timing, planning activities for the implementation of the project;
  • preparation of the necessary materials for the implementation of the project: a selection of illustrations of plants and animals that are found on the territory of our natural zone, encyclopedic and children's fiction about nature, etc.;
  • selection of animated films for viewing with children in kindergarten and at home;
  • enrichment of the subject-spatial developing environment in the group with various photographs with views of nature, natural phenomena, the introduction of new game attributes for children's games, in the theater corner of the group.

II. main stage

The main stage involves direct study and awareness of the problem of the project, as well as practical research in a playful way, joint creative work of teachers, parents and pupils of the preparatory group to write an ecological fairy tale and create a cartoon.

Since preschoolers love to fantasize and compose, the teachers suggested that the children come up with a fairy tale about how and why all animals are interconnected. And then the children decided to bring the invented fairy tale to life and create a cartoon made with their own hands.

Participants in the activity

The work of teachers

Preparation of materials for the productive activities of children

children, educators

Drawing up and designing an announcement for parents about the project "Everything in nature is important!".


Involving parents in joint project activities with children and teachers.

children, educators

Organization of watching animated films with children in kindergarten and at home.

educators, parents

Enrichment of the children's home library with encyclopedic and artistic material


Work with children

Conducting conversationswatching multimedia presentations

  • "Birds and animals near us",
  • Why help animals?


  • "Nature around us"
  • "The Animals That Surround Us"


  • "Environmental Tales and Stories",
  • "What is a cartoon"
  • "What is a layout-decoration",
  • "How a cartoon is made"
  • "What are cartoons?",

Creating a cartoon

based on a fairy tale composed by Andrey G., a pupil of the preparatory group No. 6, “Saving the Forest”.

children, educators

Carrying out GCD:

Acquaintance with the environment:

  • What is the "invisible threads of nature"
  • "Nature is our wealth"
  • "The relationship of animals in nature",
  • "Nature and Man"
  • "Environmental tales of Natalia Ryzhova" - reading to children and analyzing situations in them,
  • "Writing an Ecological Story"
  • "Presentation of ecological fairy tales composed by children of the preparatory group",
  • "We study the camera and video camera."


  • "My behavior in nature",
  • Illustrations for the fairy tale of his own composition "Saving the Forest" (author Andrey G., pupil of the preparatory group No. 6 TO No. 5).


  • "Our fabulous nature",

Manual labor:

  • "Heroes of our fairy tale" - paper design,
  • “Create scenery” - children make scenery for a fairy tale: trees, animals, nature background.

Theatrical activities:

  • “We play the fairy tale“ Saving the Forest ”with the heroes of the fairy tale made by our own hands (flat image)

Reading fiction and special literature:

  • good tales,
  • "Ecological Tales of Natalia Ryzhova" (Methodological developments for the educational and methodological set "Young Ecologists of Moscow")

Environmental action:

"Feed the birds and animals in winter"

"Let's help the tree to winter."

children, educators

children, educators

Independent activity of children

  • viewing illustrative material, encyclopedias,
  • searching for information on the Internet with the help of parents,
  • independent visual and productive activities of children:
  • drawing,
  • making your own figures out of paper and cardboard,
  • photographing.
  • storytelling, fantasizing,
  • independent production of details for the scenery for the cartoon by children,
  • role-playing games with toys based on the ecological fairy tale of his own composition "Forest Rescue",
  • theatrical games.

preschool children

Interaction with parents

  • providing parents with assistance to children in finding information on the Internet, the selection of educational literature for children,
  • a joint walk in the park, bird and animal watching,
  • recording ecological fairy tales composed by children (helping a child), formatting them into a text document,
  • joint creative activity of children and parents of the preparatory group “Our fabulous nature” - creating a collage on the topic of ecology, using newspaper clippings, colored pencils (venue of the kindergarten group),
  • joint viewing of films and cartoons by children and family members, enrichment of the children's home library with books, albums, magazines about nature,

Advice for parents:

How does a fairy tale help in the upbringing of a child?


joint activities of children and parents

teacher and parents

Interaction with organizations

Excursion to the children's library of the Severny district with viewing of the multimedia presentation "The Earth is our common home"

Library of the Northern District

Meeting with the chief specialistDepartment of Environmental Education, Biodiversity, Monitoring and Accounting of Animals of the Directorates of Natural Territories of the SAO, SVAO and Sokolniki of the GPBK "Mospriroda" Kuptsova Anastasia Vladimirovna,

"Natural Connections"

GPBU "Mospriroda"

Assistance in providing equipment and materials

GBOU "School No. 709", Moscow

III. The final stage

  • Presentation of the project "Everything in nature is important!" for children of senior preschool age of preschool department No. 5 of GBOU School No. 709, parents and teachers with watching a cartoon based on the fairy tale "Saving the Forest";
  • Participation in the city competition "Young Ecologists of Moscow - 2018".


During the implementation of the project, the children gained knowledge about the beautiful places of the Severny Park, its inhabitants and flora in winter. We got acquainted with the history of the park, sights, natural features, realized the need to respect the nature of the park and take care of its inhabitants.

Project activity allows not only to support children's initiative, but also taught preschoolers to reflect their impressions in productive activities.

The project made it possible for parents and children to rethink their attitude towards the environment, taught the children to independently observe natural phenomena around and analyze them.

Coming to the kindergarten, the children began to share with friends and teachers their observations that sometimes people do the wrong thing: they throw garbage near the house, they scare the birds away from the feeders with loud screams or music. The guys condemned such behavior and talked about the ways of competent environmental behavior.

Parents realized that teaching a child through fairy tales is a very effective method. Some children and parents were fascinated by the process of writing their own fairy tales, and they wanted to continue writing them and even write a book of environmental stories, and try to make their own cartoon at home with the whole family.

Collective work on the project made it possible to rally and unite all its participants. The children felt that the future of their native park and even the district depends on the efforts of each.

Thus, we can conclude that this project was quite relevant and effective, and also had a practical focus.


  1. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activity of preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010
  2. Zhuravlev N.V. Project activities of older preschoolers. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
  3. Kovaleva G.A. Raising a Little Citizen...: A Practical Guide for Preschool Workers. – M.: ARKTI, 2013.
  4. Satueva LL Formation of ecological culture and aesthetic attitude of a person to nature through ecological education // Pedagogika vysshei shkoly. - 2016. - No. 1. - S. 27-30. - URL (date of access: 02/26/2018).
  5. Lykov I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. - M .: Karapuz-Didactics, 2006.
  6. Formation of the cognitive sphere in children 5-7 years old: developing game activities. Aut.-stat. F.H. Nikulina.- Teacher, 2013.


Fairy tale

forest rescue

pupil of the preparatory group No. 6

DO No. 5 GBOU School No. 709

In one forest there lived a woodpecker, whom everyone called Little Woodpecker.

He was a very kind and smart kid, but not all animals and birds wanted to be friends with him, and he was very offended by this. He was also afraid of predators, because they could eat him, because he is so small! Therefore, he wanted such animals not to be in his forest.

One day a woodpecker was walking through the forest and met his squirrel friends.

Woodpecker: "Hello, squirrels!"

Squirrels: Hello, Baby Woodpecker! We urgently need a new hollow, you can make it for

Us? How can you, the best!

Woodpecker: Of course I will! And at the same time we hire various tasty bugs there.

And he flew to the tree where all the squirrels settled. When the woodpecker was almost finishing making a hollow, his friend Stork flew by.

Stork: Hi buddy! What are you doing?

Woodpecker: Hello! I make hollows for squirrels.

And the Little Woodpecker flew after the Stork to ask how he was doing.

After seeing off the Stork, the Woodpecker flew back to the squirrel tree to complete his work. When the Little Woodpecker returned, he saw that there was a book in the hollow, it was unusual and shiny. The woodpecker took the book and read:

Woodpecker: Magic book. Wow! You need to see what it says.

And he began to leaf through the magic book. And suddenly on one of the pages he read: "Any wish of yours will be fulfilled if you cast this spell."

Woodpecker: That's luck! I have long wished that there were no animals that I am afraid of and that

They can eat me. Or my friends! Let them disappear from our forest!

The woodpecker said his cherished wish and cast a spell, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. Then he put down the book and went to inform his friends - squirrels that their new home was ready.

Woodpecker: Squirrels, I made you a new hollow, as you asked! Jump there and get yourself

Live it!

Squirrels: Thank you, Baby Woodpecker!

Satisfied squirrels jumped to look at their new hollow. And the Little Woodpecker flew to his home. Flying through the forest, Baby Woodpecker noticed that he had changed a lot. Previously, in the forest, everyone was busy with their own affairs: the birds chirped songs, the animals worked. Now it has become very noisy. He couldn't understand what was the matter.

Woodpecker: What happened? Why are there so many mice and crows in the forest?! Where have all the birds gone?

And then the woodpecker thought: “Maybe this happened because of my desire and a magic book? We urgently need to return and cast another spell! »

Woodpecker: Squirrels, squirrels, you didn’t see a book in the hollow, it should still be written on it

"Magic Book"?

Squirrels: No, we didn't see anything like that.

Suspecting that something was wrong, the Little Woodpecker decided to fly for advice to the wise Owl, so that he would help to figure everything out. After all, the Wise Owl knew the answers to all questions.

Owl: Hello, Little Woodpecker, tell me, what did you come to me with?

The little woodpecker told Owl in detail about what had happened to him and about all the changes in the forest.

Woodpecker: Now I don't know where to look for this Magic Book, and how to get everything back.

Filin: Yes, it's very sad. You, woodpecker, forgot the main rule of nature: “There are NO EXTRA ANIMALS”, everything in nature is interconnected. After all, even small and insignificant insects or animals play a useful role in the life of the forest. There are neither completely useful nor completely harmful animals in the forest - they are all a part of it!

All predators at your request have disappeared. Therefore, mice have multiplied in the forest, they are now destroying our forest, eating all the trees and bushes. You need to urgently put everything in order.

Owl: This Magic book was brought to you by the Black Raven. And now she is in the Dark Forest at the very top of the Mighty Tree. The Black Raven wanted panic to rise throughout the forest, and the birds and animals would leave from there. And he became the leader.

You, Little Woodpecker, must hurry up and have time to pick up the Magic Book of our forest from the Black Crow before sunset. Fly rather into the dense forest and be careful!

The baby woodpecker quickly flew towards the dense forest, he realized what a mistake he had made, and was in a hurry to fix everything and return it back.

The woodpecker knew that the Black Raven was very cunning and would not just give him the book, so he decided to call his friends squirrels and Stork for help on the way.

Friends all together went to the dense forest. They were very scared in the Dark Forest, no one had been there before. It was dark in this forest, but the friends walked, carefully making their way to the Mighty Tree.

Raven: Well, why did you come to me, I did not invite guests here?

Stork: We need a Magic Book, without it the forest will die!

Squirrels: Give it back now, we know you stole it.

Raven: I will return the book if you solve the riddles of my mighty tree. And if not, blame yourself, you will not see books!


Animals: Forest!

The animals conferred and guessed the riddle, at the same moment the Black Raven disappeared, and the Baby Woodpecker and his friends took the book and flew back into the forest.

Woodpecker: Hurry guys! You need to hurry, because the sun is already quite low, there are more and more mice in the forest.

Stork: We need to have time to fix everything!

Having flown back to the forest, the woodpecker opened the Magic Book on the same page, made a new wish:

Woodpecker: Let everything be as before in our forest!

Baby Woodpecker recited the spell again, and at the same time, everything began to change in the forest. And gradually it became the way it should be.

At this time, the Wise Owl flew in. And the woodpecker decided that the book should be given to him:

Woodpecker: Wise Owl, I'm returning the Magic Book to you, here you go!

After that, everything fell into place in the forest. And Baby Woodpecker now understood that all animals, all birds and insects are needed by the forest and nature. Without any of them, everything can change and turn their measured life into a mess, which will lead to disaster.

PROJECT OBJECTIVES: PROJECT OBJECTIVES: - to expand children's knowledge about the interdependence of the natural world and human activities, both economic and environmental; - to form ideas about the feasibility of recycling household and household waste; - stimulate interest in research activities, improve the ability to operate with existing knowledge, generalize, draw conclusions; - to teach in the correct form to express one's attitude to the actions of children and adults from the standpoint of generally accepted norms and to adequately perceive the assessment of one's behavior; - develop imagination, the ability to realize their impressions in artistic and creative activities. THE PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: to form children's knowledge about various types of activities for the protection of nature.

1. A careful, responsible, emotionally friendly attitude to the natural world, to living beings, formed in children, in the process of communicating with them. 2. Formed skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity. 3. Responsible attitude of children to the environment and their health. 4. Joint activities of parents and children: participation in hiking, excursions, environmental events, subbotniks, business games, work in a creative workshop, will allow you to get to know each other and make friends. EXPECTED RESULTS:

Resource support for the project: MKDOU CRR-kindergarten 18 group 11 MKDOU TSRR-kindergarten 18 group 11 Selection of literature “Cognitive reading. Ecological trail Corner of nature Ecological library Methodological tools (card index of did. games, entertainment scenarios, GCD abstracts Selection of experiments and experiments Experiments.

The novelty of the project On the basis of practical activities, the pupils form "environmental thinking", they learn to reason, generalize, draw the simplest conclusions; The involvement of parents in the process of creating and implementing the project makes them equal subjects of educational activity, arouses interest in knowing themselves and children; An unusual theatrical performance dedicated to environmental protection using household waste as costumes.

Fair of parental ideas: -Parade of costumes from junk material. -Composing an ecological fairy tale on the problem and making a book. - Design of an ecological album: "We are friends of nature" - Organization of an exhibition of crafts "Waste into income!" - Creation of the ecological newspaper "Clean City".

Forms of project implementation: PROJECT "Garbage does not suit the Earth" Ecological GCD Holiday "Let's save the nature of the earth", entertainment Cognitive reading, KVN conversations with parents, a round table, a fair of parental ideas. Production of posters Experimental activities, excursions, observations Environmental actions Mobile, didactic, simulation games

PREPARATORY STAGE Collection and analysis of literature on the topic. Setting goals based on the interests and needs of children. Planning for future activities aimed at the implementation of the project. Providing a didactic complex for the implementation of the project. MAIN STAGE Approbation of the content of the long-term project "Garbage does not suit the Earth" Carrying out GCD, making posters, prohibition signs, compiling and designing the book "How We Saved Nature." Ecological KVN "Secrets of Nature", a holiday "Let's Save the Nature of the Earth", showing the fairy tale "Forest Trouble or What Not to Do in the Forest". Excursions, observations, actions, experiences. Creation of a slide program "The Complaint Book of Nature". Screening of the film "There were people here..." FINAL STAGE Exhibition of products of children's activities (drawings, crafts). A parade of costumes made from junk material. Making a methodical piggy bank (didactic games, ecological fairy tales) Presentation of the project.

Project results In the process of practical activities, the children realized that waste material can be used as a recyclable material, having become acquainted with the problems of environmental pollution, they began to take the initiative in solving problems of environmental protection. The level of constructive skills and abilities, creative imagination when working with waste material has increased. Children learned to express their assumptions about the causes of observed phenomena, to realize their individual creative abilities. Continuity has been established in working with the family to educate a positive attitude towards nature. Parents became interested in the problems of recycling waste material, took an active part in environmental campaigns, in competitions for crafts from waste material, and making costumes from waste material.

Environmental Education Project

Children of senior preschool age

"Clean World"


Teacher Sitdikova Albina Nailevna

G Kazan

Brief summary of the project:

Modern problems of the relationship between man and the environment can only be solved if people form an ecological worldview, starting from preschool age, improve their environmental awareness and familiarize themselves with ecological culture.

Helping children to see the originality and mystery of the life of planet earth has become the goal of this pedagogical work.

The Clean World project is a long-term project (designed for 1 year).

Depending on the age of the children, all topics become more complicated in content, tasks and methods of implementation (informational, effective-thinking, transformative). Particular attention is paid to the formation of a holistic view of nature and the place of man in it. Children form the first ideas about the relationships existing in nature and, on this basis, the beginnings of an ecological worldview and culture, a responsible attitude to the environment, to their health.

Mastering the ways of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the worldview of the child, his personal growth. A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschoolers, which takes place in the form of experimental actions.

When working with preschoolers, great importance is attached to the moral aspect: the development of ideas about the inherent value of nature, an emotionally positive attitude towards it, the development of the first skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior in nature in everyday life.

The participants of the project are children, preschool teachers, parents.

Relevance of the topic:

Nature is an amazing phenomenon, the educational impact of which on the spiritual world of a preschool child can hardly be overestimated. Nature is the source of the first concrete knowledge and joyful experiences, often remembered for a lifetime. The child's soul is revealed in communication with nature, interest in the world around is awakened, the ability to make discoveries and be surprised by them is formed.

It's no secret that preschool children are explorers by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered the most important features of children's behavior. Research, search activity is the natural state of the child, he is tuned in to the knowledge of the world, he wants to know it. To explore, to discover, to study means to take a step into the unknown and the unknown. It is exploratory behavior that creates the conditions for the child's mental development to initially unfold as a process of self-development.

Of particular importance for the development of the personality of a preschooler is the assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the ways of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the worldview of the child, his personal growth. A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschoolers, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden essential connections with natural phenomena.

Objective of the project:

To form in children environmental knowledge, respect for nature and everything around.

Project objectives:

· To form in children a careful, responsible, emotionally benevolent attitude towards the natural world, towards living beings, in the process of communicating with them.

· To form the skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity.

Develop children's imagination, speech, fantasy, thinking, the ability to analyze, compare and generalize.

· To protect and strengthen the health of children.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage - Preparatory

Stage - Main

Stage - Final

Preparatory stage

1. Collection and analysis of literature on this topic.

2. Determination of the goal, based on the interests and needs of children.

4. Planning for future activities aimed at the implementation of the project.

5. Providing a didactic complex for the implementation of the project.

main stage

2. Holding events in groups.

3. Interaction with parents aimed at getting to know the project activities.

The final stage

1. Mini-exhibition of products of children's activities.

2. Photomontage.

3. Summing up.

4. Presentation of the project.

Project participants:



Project implementation principles:

·  Principle of differentiation and individualization involves the creation of conditions for the full manifestation of the abilities of each child and timely educational work.

· The principle of natural conformity indicates that the educational process corresponds to both internal nature and external conditions.

· The principle of dialogic communication as an essential condition for the interaction of subjects, which reflects the close relationship between mutual and reciprocal openness, sincerity, mutual understanding of the educator and the child, and projects an attitude towards reasonable assimilation.

· The principle of accessibility provides for the implementation of environmental work, taking into account the characteristics of age, preparedness, as well as individual characteristics and mental development of children.

· The principle of consistency. Achieving the goal is ensured by solving a set of problems of a health-improving, educational and upbringing orientation with the appropriate content, which makes it possible to obtain a predictable result.

· Sequence principle is to gradually increase the requirements in the process of environmental activities.

Project implementation forms:

ü Ecological classes.

ü Observations and ecological excursions.

ü Informative reading.

ü "Lessons of Kindness"

ü Laboratory "Experiments" (experiments and experiments).

ü environmental action.

ü Mobile, didactic, simulation games, dramatizations of an ecological orientation

Resource support of the project:

1. Corner of ecology and experimentation in the group.

2. Methodological tools (card file of didactic games, class notes, entertainment scenarios, etc.).

3. Library of a young ecologist.

4. A selection of fiction "Informative reading".

5. A selection of experiences and experiments "Experiments".

Expected results:

1. A careful, responsible, emotionally friendly attitude to the natural world, to living beings, formed in children, in the process of communicating with them.

2. Formed skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity.

3. Responsible attitude of children to the environment and their health.

Chapter Main activities for the implementation of the project Group
Work with pupils Games - activities with children of a cognitive nature All
Conducting experiments and experiments in the laboratory "Experiments" Older
Reading fiction and educational literature All
Productive activities of children senior, preparatory
Dramatization and theatricalization on environmental topics Preparatory
Ecological, mobile, didactic, simulation games, travel games All
Conducting an environmental lesson "Earth is our common home" Older
Assistance in creating a library (selection of books and design of the library on the topic) senior, preparatory
Conducting walks, excursions to the Regional Ecological and Biological Center senior, preparatory
Working with parents Making photo albums (on the intended topic) All
Photo exhibition All
Organization of viewing thematic videos, slide films ("Flora and fauna") senior, preparatory
Methodological support A selection of observations in nature educators
A cycle of observations of the animal and plant world for preschool children educators
Environmental Fiction Selection educators
A selection of educational literature educators
Summaries of search and cognitive activities educators
Scenarios of leisure and entertainment of an ecological-cognitive nature educators
Consulting material on the topic educators
Advice material for parents on the topic educators

Synopsis of an environmental lesson in the preparatory group

Subject: "The earth is our common home"

Target: to contribute to the formation of children's ideas that the planet Earth is a huge ball (most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas, in addition to water there are continents - solid land, dry land where people live); generalization of knowledge that many living beings live on planet Earth, that they all need clean water, clean air, clean land; the formation of ideas that the planet Earth is now in danger; to cultivate love for nature, proper communication with it, the desire to study it.

Material: globe, illustrations, ball, drawing paper, colored pencil sets.

Preliminary work:

Examination of the globe, maps.

Reading cognitive literature (from the series "Environmental disasters").

Look at pictures and talk to children.

Lesson progress:

Globe work.

A globe is added to the group.

The teacher invites the children to consider the globe.

Educator. What an amazing planet Earth is! Seas and oceans splash on its surface, rivers and streams flow, wide plains spread, green forests rustle, high mountains rise. The earth is a huge ball. It rotates around its axis and at the same time around the Sun, the closest star to us.

Examination of the globe, answers to questions:

- What is the shape of the Earth?

What living beings inhabit the Earth?

What do all living beings on Earth need? (Heat, sun light, air and water.)

– What does a person need on Earth? (Fresh air, clean water, fertile soil, plants and animals.)

Why is the Earth called a common home?

Who is polluting our planet and how? (There are a lot of sick places on our planet. This happened because people built many factories, factories, electric and nuclear power plants. Air is polluted from these enterprises - it is polluted by smoke that goes into the sky from pipes, gases from cars. Waste from factories merge into rivers, seas. Many plants and animals die from this, people get sick. Nature perishes. Our planet needs help). – What can a person do to preserve the wealth of the Earth? (To help her, you need to learn to love nature, love it from childhood. Learn to understand how all living beings live: birds, bugs, animals. This is done by people who are called ecologists.)


The game "Catch the ball - name the word."

Children become in a circle. To whom the teacher throws the ball, he must name one of the riches of the Earth.

3. The game "How can we help our planet?".

Task: come up with environmental signs and draw them.

Viewing and discussion of drawings, summarizing.

Course progress.

1. Introductory conversation.

A very long time ago, the planet Earth looked completely different from what it is now, before, completely different trees grew on the planet, other animals lived. (Show children illustrations depicting ancient forests).

Questions for children: What animals do you know that do not live on Earth now? (Dinosaurs, mammoths). Why did they die out?

2. Reading the story "Sea cows"

Many years ago, a Russian ship was wrecked near distant, unknown islands in the Pacific Ocean. The sailors escaped, but they were threatened with starvation. And then they saw that huge sea animals, similar to large whales, were swimming in whole flocks off the coast. They were peaceful and so trusting that they allowed themselves to be touched. They ate algae, and the sailors called them sea cows. The meat of sea cows turned out to be tender and tasty, so the sailors did not die of hunger. From the wreckage of the broken ship, they were able to build a boat and sail home.

Having heard about amazing animals, other people began to sail to these islands and stock up on meat. But no one thought about the need to save sea cows, and in less than 30 years they were all killed. Scientists have long hoped that sea cows are still found somewhere, they were looking for them, but they never found them. Not a single sea cow is left on Earth.

3. Discussion to consolidate what was heard:

What amazing animals did the sailors meet?

How do you imagine sea cows?

4. Invite the children to draw sea cows the way they imagine them.

5. Explanations of the teacher:

More than a hundred species of different animals and birds were destroyed by people. Some were hunted too hard, others were not even left a piece of land (forests or steppes) where they could live, others were caught by predators brought by people.

Many plants have also disappeared. In the end, people understood: if you do not help nature, more and more plants and animals will die. To prevent this from happening, they compiled the Red Book. You already know about her. Let's remember what is written in it? Why is she red? Scientists have compiled the International Red Book. It is very large, because it contains endangered plants and animals of the entire planet Earth. Each state has its own Red Book, and it is even possible to create a Red Book for each region.

6. The teacher's story about the black stork.

This is the rarest bird. The black stork nests only on the territory of the Oksky Reserve, builds a nest on tall trees. It arrives from South Africa at the end of April. After arrival, storks repair their nests, cover them with moss and grass, and lay two to six eggs. Hunting for black storks is prohibited. There are very few of them left because of poachers.

The brown bear is also protected on the Russian plain, here it is in the illustration. Once upon a time there were many brown bears, but now there are no places left in the forests that people do not visit, and bears like to live in the wilderness where a person cannot go. What other animals are threatened with extinction? Why? How can you prevent their death?

7. Summing up.

Theme: "Water is life"

Target: to promote the accumulation in children of specific ideas about the properties, forms and types of water, to develop speech, thinking, curiosity. Cultivate an ecological culture. Develop the ability to draw conclusions, inferences. Cultivate accuracy at work.

Material: transparent plastic cups, containers of various shapes, flour, salt, sugar, ascorbic acid, milk, picture, paints, brush, cotton wool, handkerchief, funnel, vegetable oil, pipette, herbal infusion, mint oil, napkins, audio recording "Water", cocktail tubes, a jug of water.

Lesson progress:

Children freely sit around the table for experiments and research. Sounds like a babbling brook. The teacher reads the poem:

Have you heard of water?

They say it's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet

Like an icicle, it freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist,

Boiling on the stove

The steam of the kettle hisses.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare to tell you:

We cannot live without her.

N. Ryzhova

Educator: Guys, what is water for, who needs water? (children's answers). Do you want to know more about water? (children's answers). Then go to this table, where we are waiting for various items for the study of water.

Experiments with water.

What shape is the water? There is a cube and a ball on the table. The teacher asks what shape these objects are (children's answers). Does water have a shape? To do this, take a narrow jar and fill it with water. Pour this water into a wide jar. The form that water takes is constantly changing. Conclusion: water has no form and takes the form of the vessel in which it is located. Water is a liquid. Remember the puddles after the rain. On the pavement, they spread, collect in the pits, and they are not visible into the ground, only the ground is wet. And so water has no form. The teacher shows the children an algorithm that symbolizes that water has no form, and hangs it on a magnetic board.

What color is the water? Take two glasses - one with water and the other with milk. Take a picture and put it behind a glass of water. Can we see the picture? (children's answers) Now let's put a picture behind a glass of milk. What have we discovered? Conclusion: the pattern is visible through water, but not through milk. This means water is a clear liquid. Clear water can be made opaque. To do this, wet the brush and dip it into the paint. We add paint little by little, observing how the transparency of the water changes. We look through it at the picture. The picture is not visible. And so, we conclude that water is a transparent liquid, using an algorithm that symbolizes this property of water. And post it on the board.

Water is a solvent. Does water have a taste? Children taste the water and express their opinion. Then invite one child to stir sugar in water, another - salt, the third - ascorbic acid. After the substances have dissolved, offer to taste the water again. What changed? The water has a taste. The water became sweet, salty, sour. Conclusion: water has no taste. What happened to the substances we put in the water? (children's answers) And now let's try to dissolve flour and sunflower oil in water. Two children complete this task.


The teacher invites the children to return to the table to continue the study of water. Draws the attention of the children to the glass where the flour was dissolved. What do we see? (children's answers) The flour did not dissolve completely, and the sediment sank to the bottom of the glass. Also, the oil does not dissolve, it floats on the surface. Conclusion: not all substances can dissolve in water. Invite the children to determine if the water has a smell. (children's answers)

Then offer to stir herbal infusion and mint drops in water. And again offer to smell the water. The water has an odor. Dissolving in water, various substances change in water: color, taste, smell. Again we use algorithms symbolizing that water has no taste and smell, hanging them on the board.

Water filtration. Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka." What happened to Ivanushka? (Answers of children). Why couldn't you drink this water? That's right, because it's dirty. But there is such a situation that there is no clean water nearby, but it is vitally important to take a sip of at least a sip of water. There are different ways to purify water. With the simplest ways that you can come in handy in life, we will now get acquainted. To do this, take: a funnel, a handkerchief, cotton wool and water containers. Together with the children we find out how to make cleaning devices - filters. And so, if Alyonushka and Ivanushka knew that water could be purified by passing it through a scarf, then trouble could have been avoided.

The teacher offers the children a speech game "Water is ..."

Task: To develop the thinking of preschoolers, to activate their experience, knowledge, to teach them to consider the same object from different points of view.

Game progress: The facilitator invites the children to determine what role water plays in the life of animals, plants, people, etc.

Here's an example: For plants, water is...

“For people, water is…” answer options.

Summing up the lesson.

Theme: "Bark of trees"


1. Continue to cultivate love for trees, a careful and caring attitude towards them.

2. Clarify with the children the concept of "bark", for which it serves the tree.

3. Learn to recognize a tree by its appearance, its age (give the concept that even an old tree grows, young branches appear, the bark on them is young, thin, flexible, tender, unlike the bark of an old tree).

4. Fix the name of the profession of people involved in the study and care of the forest, birds, animals.

5. Clarify and expand knowledge about what wood is for and what is made from tree bark.

6. Learn to model a paper bark.

Preliminary work: 1. An excursion to the park, to the forest, examining the color of the bark of different trees, paying attention to the age of the tree, its species, and size. 2. Woodpecker watching. 3. A conversation about what is made from wood.

Material: pieces of tree bark (birch, spruce, linden, pine); resin pieces; poplar branches; sheet of paper, paint; dry tree diagram, painted birch leaves; samples of objects made from birch bark, from the bark of oak, linden.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, on the weekend I was in the forest and met a forester there. He gave me an envelope with a tuesque for you. Let's read the letter and find out what it says (reads a letter containing a riddle).

A friend, green and good, will help us in rain and heat,

He will give us dozens of hands and thousands of palms. (Tree.)

That's right, it's a tree (shows a poster). Do you think the tree is alive or not? Why? (It breathes, eats, grows, multiplies.) How does a tree breathe? That's right, leaves. The tree inhales the dirty air that plants, factories, cars emit, and gives oxygen - this is clean air necessary for people to live. But we forgot about one more gift from the forester. What is this? (Tuesok.) Let's open the box and see (shows bark samples, lays them out on the table). Children, what do you think? That's right, it's a bark. Why does a tree need bark? How do you think? (The bark protects the tree.) What can she protect him from? (From the sun, frost, wind, from the fact that the juice does not flow.) Do you think the bark only protects the tree trunk? (No, and branches.) Let's see what the bark is and what is under it. "Undress" a branch (carefully, holding with your hand, separates part of the skin). What is under it? (Wood.) What is the skin itself? (Thin, flexible, soft.) Yes, we easily separated it from the wood. Children, you said that the whole tree is covered with bark: both the trunk and the branches. Why do you want to say that there is a peel on the branches? (Because the bark is tough, thick, and the skin is thin, soft.) The peel is also a bark, only young. How do you think, how can you determine the age of a tree by bark? It is true that the older the tree, the thicker and harder the bark. Let's look at the pieces of bark on this trunk. Find the bark of a young tree. Explain why you think so. What is she?

Find the bark of an old tree. Explain why. Look and tell me what tree species this bark is from? (Birch, pine, linden.) Why do you think a person needs to know the age of a tree? (To cut down old trees for firewood, for building houses, for making furniture, paper.) And what kind of trees need to be cut down in the forest, except for the old ones? (Sick.) How to determine, find out that a tree is sick? (Leaves wither, bark cracks.) What makes trees sick? (Bad insects have settled.) Look at the back side of the bark, find out where the pests' moves are and show them to others. Who do you think treats trees? (Woodpecker.) The woodpecker's tongue is notched and sticky. When he makes a hole in the trunk with his nose, he sticks out his tongue, and insects accumulate on the tongue or stick to it, and the woodpecker pulls them out of the trunk. Who knows what the woodpecker is called? (Forest doctor.) What else makes trees sick? (Someone cut the bark, broke the branch etc.) Yes, children who do this do great harm to the trees. The tree is crying. In early spring, many people collect birch sap: they make an incision, and the sap drains, collect the right amount and leave. And the juice keeps flowing. After some time, a red stripe forms at this place. People say: "Birch cries bloody tears." But few people know that after sap intake, it is necessary to cover the wound on the trunk with clay or earth so that the tree does not hurt or die. Birch sap, guys, is very healthy, rich in vitamins. And in pine and spruce, the juice hardens in the air, and resin is obtained. Resin is used to make glue. Let's smell the pieces of bark. What does this smell remind us of? Who can identify pine bark by smell? How did you guess? (She smells like resin.)

A game is being played from the book by N. Pikuleva “The Word on the Palm”.

Educator: Now I will name the trees and shrubs, and you try to choose those that grow in our region. And if they grow, clap your hands, and if not, be silent. (Apple, pear, raspberry, mimosa, spruce, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, bird cherry, lemon, orange, linden, willow, baobab...) Well done! But this is only the beginning. Get ready, be careful. I will call even faster. (Plum, aspen, mountain ash, chestnut, coffee, oak, cypress, cherry plum, poplar, pine, viburnum...) Well, everyone did a good job. What do you think, children, our bark (shows) what tree was it taken from? From living or non-living? Of course, from a sawn one, which is cooked for firewood. There are special people who are engaged in the study and care of the forest, birds, animals and trees. Who knows what this profession is called? (Forester.) So he knows which tree needs to be removed and what tree can be made from. We told you that wood is used to build houses, to make furniture, paper. What can be made from the bark of a tree? Look at this exhibition, it will help you find answers. It is true that various art crafts, tueski are made from birch bark. In ancient times, when there was no paper yet, people wrote letters, letters on the reverse side of the birch bark, and such a letter was called "Birch bark". Bast shoes were woven from linden bark. Traffic jams

for a thermos are made from cork oak bark. And the bark of an ordinary oak is used as a medicine for the treatment of gums. The hemlock bark is used for tanning leather. Many of your mothers use cinnamon, which is the crushed bark of a tree that grows in Asia.

Educator. What do we hear? (Bird flurry.) Something happened in the forest. The birds are circling over the tree (shows a diagram of a dry tree). What do you think happened to this tree? (It died.) Why is it visible? (No bark, no leaves.) How can we help him? Let's dress him up first. How to make a bark that looks like a real one? (Crumple paper, color.) We will make linden bark.

Children make leaflets, the teacher glues them to the trunk.

Educator. So we "healed the tree." What else can we do to help him? Every good deed you name will turn into a green leaf of a tree. (Children call: water, wrap in snow in winter, sprinkle with earth; make birdhouses so that birds fly to collect bugs; cover the wounds with clay if it is a young tree; tie a stick to it so that the wind does not break ...)

caregiver(writes on a birch leaf made by a child, his name, glues a leaf to a tree). See how our tree came to life. Birds flew to him. Maybe they will build nests for themselves and hatch chicks. Hear how they sing. (Joyfully, cheerfully.) I gave you orders to learn something interesting about trees. Who knew what? (Children talk.) You can see how many interesting things we learned in the lesson. Trees are the decoration of our land. So let's take care of them! Tomorrow we will draw "protective" signs and hang them in the forest and park.

Topic: "Ecosystem "Sea"

Target: 1. Expand knowledge about the Sea ecosystem. 2. Clarify ideas about the importance of the sea in human life: health, aesthetic, economic, etc. 3. Learn to keep the environment clean.

Preliminary work: Observations of the aquarium, looking at pictures, photographs with the image marine life reading works of art.

Lesson progress:

Educator: kids, do you like to travel? I invite you today to go on an exciting journey by ship. Where can you sail on a ship? (By water, river, sea.) Take your seats on the ship. What do I have in my hands? (Globe.) Look at the globe. If you do not twist it, then it seems what? (Colorful.) And if you spin it strongly, it becomes blue. Why? Who can answer this question? (Because there is more blue paint on the globe than green and brown.) What does blue paint mean? (The blue paint on the globe indicates the seas and oceans.) Are the seas and oceans the same color everywhere? Why? (Some are very deep, others are shallower.) The smaller, the lighter the color. That's right, but still the seas and oceans are very deep. Even the highest mountain would hide in their salty abyss. How were seas and oceans formed? Scientists suggest that after its origin, the Earth was shrouded in a dense veil of clouds. As the Earth cooled, showers fell on its surface, flooding depressions in the earth's crust with water. This is how the first oceans were formed. Who was at sea and saw it? Which sea? What is the water in the sea? (Salty.) Why? Is it good that we have the sea and why? (The sea gives us coolness, rest by the sea , cargo is transported by sea, etc.) Wide ocean. You can sail on it for weeks without seeing the shore. Wherever you look, hundreds of kilometers of water. (Looks through binoculars.) I see an island. The ship makes a stop. Where did the islands come from in the sea?

The teacher's story about the formation of coral, volcanic and other islands.

Educator: let's play on the island (mobile game "Carp and pike"). And now we'll have a drink, a bite to eat and we'll hit the road again. Can you drink sea water? (It is forbidden.) Why? (Because it is salty, tasteless, does not quench thirst.) The salty taste of sea water is given by various minerals that are brought into the seas by the rivers flowing into them. And where can you use salty sea water? (It is good for health, it is used to gargle a sore throat; various substances are extracted from sea water, from which medicines, fertilizers for plants, etc. are then made.) How do you imagine the seabed? (Flat, even, uneven, etc.) No, children, the bottom of the sea is not even, not flat, it is literally cut up by various hills, valleys, deep depressions and even high mountain ranges. How do we sink to the bottom of the sea? (You need to put on diving suits, sit on a submarine.) Who lives in the sea? (Whale, sperm whale, dolphins, sea ​​stars, sawfish, sharks, crabs, octopuses, jumping fish, flounder, seahorses, gurnard, etc. Showing multiple pictures.) We admired the seabed, got acquainted with marine life, and now we are returning to the ship. Look, there are waves on the sea. Where are they from? (Waves are lifted by the wind.) Right. The wind lifts the mass of water, forming a wave, and then the force of gravity lowers it down. The biggest wave (according to scientists) sometimes reaches 34 meters.

The game "The sea is worried" is being held.

The children take their places on the ship, and the teacher offers to play Guessing Game (asks questions).

1. Which fish has both eyes on the same side? (At the flounder.)

2. Who has a mouth on his belly? (At the shark.)

3. What dog does not bark? (Marine.)

4. Who has one leg to transport the house? (In shellfish.)

Educator: look, a bank, paper are floating. How did they get into the sea?

Children's answers. Educator summary:“People have long been accustomed to the existence of seas and oceans. Carry cargo by sea, get fish, algae. And too much garbage, poisonous waste, oil gets into the sea. Whales have become less common, fewer fish are caught in nets, and herds of dolphins are disappearing. And people decided that the sea must be protected. But how? (Children's answers.) Arrange marine reserves, "sea wipers" - garbage ships, oil skimmer ships, do not pollute the sea. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.”

Theme: "Winter Forest"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the forest as a community of plants and animals living in the same territory; about the multi-layered mixed forest; about the features of the life of the inhabitants of the forest in winter conditions. Exercise in the ability to distinguish the trees of our region by branches, bark, fruits; recognize animals by their appearance (image). Develop memory, speed of reaction, ingenuity, logical thinking. To cultivate cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals in the game. Cultivate love for nature.

Material: typesetting canvas "Forest - a multi-storey building", flannelograph, pictures depicting forest animals and birds, animal tracks; a set of branches and pieces of tree bark, spruce and pine cones; a picture depicting a winter forest for a poem by 3. Alexandrova "Winter Song"; emblems for team members; poster "Winter tree".

Lesson progress:

Exit of children (2 teams) to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons".

The teacher reads a poem by S. Yesenin:

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

A pine tied up

Bent over like an old lady

Leaned on a stick

And above the crown

The woodpecker hammers at the bitch.

Educator: The winter forest keeps many secrets and mysteries. Today we will try to unravel them and answer the questions that the winter forest offers us. The Bunny team and the Squirrel team will find out which of them knows more about the winter forest. Let's start by greeting the teams (music by E. Tilicheeva from the composition "Meetings in the Forest" sounds).


Bunny jumps,

Jumping white.

Bunny - jump, bunny - lope,

Cold hare, Cold white.

How can I be in winter

My tail freezes.


Oh how bored we are

Blizzards, cold,

And bitter frosts

Like forever.

Red-haired squirrels

They hide in a hollow.

Hurry up the sun

Clear rose.

Captains warm-up

Questions for team captains:

What forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees for the winter? (to the captain of the Bunnies team).

Why does a fox have a fluffy tail? (to the captain of the Belochki team).

Team warm-up

Questions to team members (in turn):

Environmental education project "Let's protect the nature!"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Timashevsky district of the Krasnodar Territory

"Kindergarten No. 14"

Educator of the first qualification category

Karnaukh Natalya Vitalievna


Project on environmental education in the senior "A" group

"Let's protect nature! »

"To protect nature means to protect the Motherland" (M. Prishvin)

Take care of the earth!
Take care of the earth. take care
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
Sunlight on the paths.
On the stones of a playing crab,
Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,
The hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the river calm,
A swallow flickering in life.
Take care of the earth! take care

(M. Dudin)

Project theme: "Let's protect nature!"

Project type: Information - research.

Project participants: children of the senior group, teachers of the group, parents.

Dates : in a week

The relevance of the project.

All our life is closely connected with the nature around us. We breathe air, we need water. Nature gives us food, clothing, shelter. We extract minerals from the earth, we grow crops in the fields. In the forest we harvest wood, mushrooms, berries. Nature gives us everything we need for life, so it must be protected.

Without air, neither people, nor animals, nor plants can live. Everyone needs clean air. But numerous factories and plants pollute it. Every day, thousands of tons of soot, ash and harmful gases are emitted into the atmosphere. Pollute the air and cars.

It is also impossible to live on earth without water. Water is needed not only for human needs. Without water, crops will not grow in the fields, plants and factories will not be able to work. Humans, animals and plants need clean water. And if rivers and lakes are polluted by emissions from various plants and factories, then the water becomes harmful. You can't drink it, you can't water the fields with it. Fish die in polluted water, plants die along the banks.

The forest is also of great importance in our life. The forest gives us the wood we need. Animals and birds live in the forests, mushrooms, nuts and berries grow. Forests decorate the earth and purify the air, so they must be treated with care, they must be protected.

The remarkable Russian writer M. Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the Sun with the great treasures of life. Not only that, in order to protect these treasures, they must be opened and shown. Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests and mountains - we will protect our forests and mountains. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

It is at preschool age that the child perceives the environment most emotionally, he is able to sympathize, empathize, sincerely surprised, on this basis it is possible and necessary to develop in children a love for nature, its inhabitants. Modern children grow up in a consumer society, most people do not even realize what harm to the environment each person individually causes.

One of the urgent problems of our time is the problem of human interaction with nature. It is well known that the state of the ecosystem has deteriorated significantly in recent years. This is facilitated by forest fires, logging, livestock grazing, air pollution, resource depletion, littering of forests, the extermination of medicinal plants, the destruction of bird nests, etc. In order for an ecosystem to be healthy and strong, it must be protected and protected. The problem lies in the lack of ecological culture and environmental consciousness among people, the lack of a system of direct communication with nature.

Objective of the project: to promote the manifestation of a conscious and moral attitude to nature in children of senior preschool age and their parents through direct communication with the ecosystem.


1. To form elementary ecological knowledge about nature in children.

2. Introduce the rules of behavior in nature.

3. To cultivate an ecological culture, respect for nature in children and adults.

4. Learn to analyze, draw conclusions, see the beauty of Russian nature.

5. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in nature, observation, creative imagination.

Predicted result: the formation of a spiritual, ecological, moral and personal attitude to reality, the idea that the preservation of nature is a duty of man.

Project stages.


what happens if one species of insects disappears in nature, (plants or animals?)

Why might this happen?

How will this affect us?

How to prevent this?

Reading children's literature, ecological fairy tales and watching the presentation "What will happen if insects disappear"

Forms of children's activities

Examination of illustrations on the topic "Ecological chain";

Learning poems about the inhabitants of the forest, about nature;

Guessing riddles about animals and plants;

Listen to audio recordings with animal voices and nature sounds.

Listening to the music "Flight of the Bumblebee", "Waltz of the Butterflies", "Polka";

Coloring pictures on the theme "Nature Protection"

Didactic ecological games "Collect an insect", "The fourth extra", "One is a lot", "Call it affectionately", etc.

Watching a cartoon, presentation

Stage 2 - organizational - practical

The content of the work on environmental education

educational activities;

targeted walk along the ecological path of the kindergarten;

observation of flora and fauna;

for the work of adults;

labor activity in a corner of nature, on the site and in the garden;

teacher's stories about animals, plants, inanimate nature, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, etc.

Methods and techniques of working with children on environmental education

conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics;

didactic games;

reading literature;

viewing demo material;

memorization of poems, proverbs, sayings, etc.;

design of the wall newspaper "Take care of nature!"

Improving the subject-developing environment in the group (ecological corner).

Replenishment of the ecological corner with didactic and visual material.

Conducting GCD with children to develop ideas about the forest.

Speech development:

View illustrations on the topic: "In the forest",

"Orders of the forest", "Matches are not a toy"

Conversations about the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, in nature.

Writing riddles, stories and fairy tales about the forest;

Watching the cartoon "The Boy and the Earth"

Watching the presentation "What happens if insects disappear?"

Research activity on the walk.

1. Take a magnifying glass and examine the ant.

Generalization: Ants live in an anthill as one big and friendly family. There are as many ants in one anthill as there are people in a big city. The ant queen rules in the anthill. In her youth, she had small wings, and she loved to frolic and fly. But, then, having become a respectable mother of a large ant family, the ant gnaws off her wings and has been living in an anthill ever since. She lays eggs, from which larvae will later appear. Worker ants will take care of the larvae: feed and care for them. Ants, having been born, do not grow. What were born, such and useful. The ant has a thickened abdomen, chest, head, three pairs of small legs. Ants have strong jaws. Like all insects, ants have antennae - antennas, with the help of which the ant receives information about smell, taste and reports it to its fellows.

Ants can walk on smooth or sloping surfaces. After all, on each paw the ant has two claws, between them there is a pad that secretes a sticky liquid, which allows the ant not to fall.

Ants most of all like to regale themselves with a span - this is the name of the substance secreted by aphids. Ants also eat other insects, especially grasshoppers. There is even a saying about this: "The best gift for an ant is a grasshopper's leg." They also eat mushrooms, juice and seeds of plants.

2. Fill the path with sugar, see how the ants will collect it.

Result: At first, the ants will just fuss and randomly run in different directions. Then they will calm down and you will see one or more long chains of ants moving towards the treat and back.

Explanation: Ants perceive a complex system of information using special chemicals - pheromones, secreted by their bodies. As soon as one ant finds food, in our case sugar, it begins to leave a pheromone trail behind it, along which other ants follow it. The more ants follow the trail, the stronger the signal becomes. It is interesting to observe how the ants exactly repeat the footprint of the very first ant, even if he chooses a long path, for example, crawls around a pebble. Searching for food is just one of the many functions of pheromones. Pheromones convey complex chemical information. If you scare an ant, it will immediately give other ants a signal warning of danger. At the same time, the ants that are close will run away at this signal, and the soldier ants that are further away, on the contrary, will prepare for an attack.


Acquaintance with the sounds in nature, listening to audio recordings with the sounds of nature, excursions along the ecological path. Purpose: to teach children to identify sounds in nature, to consolidate the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions about objects of nature.

Visual activity.

Program tasks: continue to form in children an idea of ​​wildlife; clarify knowledge about nature conservation; to introduce proverbs, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs about nature; cultivate love for nature; Cultivate the habit of maintaining correct posture in all activities.

Ruslana A.

Zhenya K.

Olesya A.

Memorizing a poem (excerpt)

T. Koval "About the hedgehog"

We found a hedgehog in the garden
And they brought it home.
He was hiding from the rain
Under the old alder.

At first the hedgehog was afraid of us
And sat under the table
But only in the house the light went out,
Our hedgehog got bolder.

All night he stomped and rustled,
Puffed like a locomotive
And in the morning our prickly guest
Made us laugh to tears.

To himself under the table he dragged
Three pears, ten apples,
Newspaper, handkerchief
And even daddy's slippers.

The sun is laughing outside the window
The rain doesn't cry anymore
We regret only one thing -
It's time to say goodbye, hedgehog.

We'll take you on the road
We are apples and pears
And if you want, take slippers,
If so, you need it.


Reading the work of O.M. Maslennikova “Why the hedgehog does not meet spring”, (“Environmental projects in kindergarten” by O.M. Maslennikova, A.A. Filippenko, p. 219)Tatyana Yakovleva "The Tale of the Trash"

Game activity

Didactic games:

1. "Compare". Purpose: each child talks about his tree, and compares it with another.

2. "What is superfluous." Purpose: children must identify an extra object (oak, aspen, maple, spruce, chamomile).

3. "Name the fruit." Purpose: children must correctly indicate the fruit of this plant.

4. "Identify a tree by a leaf." Purpose: children must name a tree on a piece of paper.

5. "Say it differently." Purpose: name the leaves differently (maple leaf, etc.)

6. "Find your tree." Purpose: to learn to find a tree by description.

Games: Dunno Rules, Ecological Police, What do we need for a hike? ”, “Rules of conduct in the forest”, “Good - bad”, “Alive - inanimate”, “Who lives where”, “Find out what kind of animal”, “From what tree leaf”, “Children from a branch”, “Name herbs”, “When does it happen? ”, “Place an animal”, “What would it be ...”, “Whose, whose, whose? ”,“ We ​​teach to classify ”,“ I know 5 names ... ”,“ The world and man ”,“ The meaning of plants ”,“ What is nature ”,“ Ecological chains ”;

Stage 3 is the final one.

Development and creation of the wall newspaper "Protect the nature".

During the implementation of the project, I came to the conclusion that such activities, games, productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. The project expanded children's ideas about insects, animals, forests, trees that are next to us. He taught me to see them as living creatures that need care and protection. Preschoolers learned that many trees not only make our lives beautiful, but also help us to be healthy. Game techniques allow the teacher to interest children in such, perhaps not quite a "children's topic." Preschool age is such a "fertile ground" that any thrown "good seed" will surely give good sprouts.

The project can be used in any older group of kindergarten, in leisure activities.

I really hope that the ongoing work will help children experience love and affection for their home, family, city, region; feel pride and respect for nature, take care of it.

Photo report.


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