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A child eats river sand. What are the dangers of swallowing sand, earth, and stones? A child eats sand, what to do?

Parents often encounter a situation where a child eats soil, sand or chalk. What could cause such a strange habit and how to fight it? When a child eats chalk - everything is clear, doctors have long found out that there is a lack of calcium in the baby’s body and therefore he absorbs chalk, but in other cases it is extremely difficult to draw any definite conclusions .

Why does the child eat chalk?

A lack of calcium is fraught not only with disorders physical development, but also causes fatigue and greater susceptibility colds. If you notice your child has an addiction to chalk, you should buy special vitamins containing calcium and make up for the lack of a microelement so necessary for the baby’s body.

Some experts believe that eating sand is caused by a lack of silicon in the child’s body, and the tendency to “eat” earth is caused by iron deficiency, low hemoglobin content or vitamin deficiency.

However, to accurately determine the real reason unusual gastronomic preferences and finding out why the child eats soil and sand is possible only after all the necessary tests have been carried out.

And only on their basis will the doctor be able to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Watch the baby

Some doctors believe that the child eats exactly what is prohibited due to age characteristics– for the purpose of understanding the world around us. They say that with age, this bad habit will disappear on its own. Therefore, it is advised to simply closely monitor your child during walks.

While playing in the sandbox, some children are so keen on “making” pies, Easter cakes and other “sweets” that they mechanically pull them into their mouths.

Sometimes children pick up pebbles and also send them after the pies. This is where the mother should catch the child by the hand and not allow her to do this.

It’s good if the baby understands the explanations, but how? smaller child, the less likely it is that he will be able to understand your explanations.

You shouldn’t be afraid to scream either - this is the age when everything forbidden seems most desirable to a child! The stricter the ban for a child to eat chalk or sand, the higher his interest in the forbidden will be. The baby will be even more eager to try what he was forbidden to eat!

It is better to distract the baby by switching his attention to something else. In principle, your little one’s desire to taste everything should disappear over time.

Should you see a doctor?

If, despite all your efforts and tricks, the child continues to put into his mouth everything that comes to hand, then you should contact a qualified medical assistance! Timely intervention by an experienced specialist can help you wean your child from the addiction.

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I enjoyed reading this article, thank you for useful information. My sister's baby had a similar problem. It seems to me that you should go to a specialist only if absolutely necessary, he can recommend something effective that will wean you from such a habit. Or better yet, just talk to the child and explain that this is not possible. Children these days are precocious.

My sister smeared mustard on her baby’s fingers so that he would get out of the habit of putting his hands in his mouth, and, accordingly, what was in them. But it seems to me that this is unnecessarily cruel. In general, I think that you don’t need to do anything about this, just wait until the baby grows up and just watch him without ceasing.

Our little girl secretly carried crayons, we could not understand where they disappeared (at first we thought that we had lost them on a walk). And she hid in the bathroom and stuffed it into her mouth, and also wiped herself with someone’s T-shirt or shirt, so much and not noticeable. After a couple of times of eating, we understood everything from the T-shirt)))) Well, we compared these two facts. The little ones bought calcium at the pharmacy, and she switched to it with pleasure.

I enjoyed reading this article. What do these kids try) Not everything is useful, but chalk is cool, what is useful for a girl is useful for a baby))

Well, the body just demands it and eats it, by the way, many people eat chalk, I don’t, I never understood this, what’s delicious in it???? But I read and realized that the body lacks some minerals and that’s it)

when I was little, I also loved to eat chalk))) now I can’t imagine how I ate it, brrrr

When a child eats chalk, it is a lack of calcium in the body and I think that this is not so scary. but you need to go to the doctor with your child. But on the ground, I think that we need to keep an eye on the child, this should not be allowed.

I think that a child eats earth and sand in the process of learning about the world around him. If you start using chalk, it is better to grind dry eggshells without films in a mortar and give him the resulting powder.

If your child eats chalk, try feeding him cottage cheese, it is rich in calcium. The fact is that appetite is a kind of reflex to the substances the body lacks, although we should not forget about knowledge of the surrounding world. If you have an appetite this is already good, it is much worse when you don’t have it, this is

indicates some kind of disease. The only thing is that children need to be carefully monitored, since it is not recommended to shove all objects in their mouths.

What to do if a child eats soil

What could be the reasons?

Doctors note that it is important to monitor the child, since at an unconscious age there is a craving for harmful and dangerous things, including the earth. Scientists convince: once every six months a child should be given vitamin complexes with microelements, since only in this case there will be no craving for the earth. Otherwise, the baby will develop an attraction to consuming soil, which is dangerous for health in general and for organs in particular.

Eating soil is harmful, as there is a risk of violation digestive system and infection with worm eggs. If the situation persists, it is necessary to deal with bad habit. Give your baby a hard cookie or clean object to chew on. The most important thing is to occupy your child's mouth and distract him from a bad habit.

A child eats soil: what to do?

Trying to understand why a child eats dirt, watch him. From the outside, a person’s motives, as well as his train of thoughts, may become more understandable.

1. The baby is trying to learn the world. Under the influence of an immature age, a child is confident that he can do everything, as he recognizes the objects and things around him. With age, the habit may disappear on its own.

2. The child is passionate about playing in the sandbox, so he acts unconsciously when he puts pebbles, sand and earth into his mouth. You should not shout at him, as a strict approach will awaken the desire to taste the earth more often. If the child’s behavior does not improve over time, it is necessary to contact an experienced doctor. Timely medical intervention has never harmed anyone, especially children.

Probably all parents have encountered a problem: when starting out, children really love to play in the sandbox. But parents don’t really like it when their baby plays with sand. Firstly, literally after a few minutes, the clothes and shoes of both the child and the parents are covered with a characteristic gray coating. And secondly, the contents of the sandbox are often poured onto the head or into the mouth. And the last thing scares mothers, fathers and grandmothers the most.

It is difficult to fight sand eating - small man gets to know the world, including its taste. And it’s still difficult to explain to him why he shouldn’t put everything in his mouth. However, even one year old baby He already perfectly recognizes various shades of intonation and is able to associate his mother’s dissatisfaction with eating sand. Obedient child will almost immediately stop eating sand in front of adults, but be careful: he will shove a handful of sand into his mouth as soon as you turn your back.

The simplest, but not the best way out- go to the sandbox. However, this way you can form a dependence on the pacifier - and instead of one bad habit you get two. You can also avoid sandboxes. But then you will most likely still encounter this problem, only in a more late age. But if you are, for example, at the dacha, you should try to reduce the risk to the child’s health: do not go to public sandboxes, make your own on the site and when the child is not playing in it, cover it with thick cellophane, preventing cats and dogs from using the sand as a toilet . Unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved so easily in the city.

Some mothers decide to “let the child eat, then you’ll get bored” and do not prohibit eating sand, for example, as described above, on summer cottage. One of them went even further - a glass of sand was washed, fried in the oven on a baking sheet for an hour, poured into a plate, the contents of which were offered to the child with the comment: “It’s disgusting, but if you want, eat it!” More baby I didn’t put sand in my mouth. And before trying something unfamiliar, I asked: “Is this sand? Isn't it sand?

But the surest guarantee of success is constancy of purpose.. Time after time, when you see that the child intends to stuff sand into his mouth, divert his attention. Someday he'll get tired of it. The same method will help if a child eats sand out of protest.

Special situation– if a child eats sand even though he is already over. If at the same time he tries to chew clay and gnaw bricks, the baby most likely has either low hemoglobin or a lack of calcium. To find out exactly the cause, it is best to take an extensive blood test and show the results to your pediatrician.

And of course, all children who eat sand, communicate with pets, or just play a lot on the street are recommended to be tested for worm eggs by the age of two and, if necessary, undergo the course of treatment suggested by the pediatrician.

Iron deficiency anemia is more common in children in the first two years of life and adolescents during puberty. It is best to take medications prescribed by your doctor with pomegranate or apple juice- then they are well absorbed

Holding a piece of paper with the results of a blood test in your hands, you habitually look for the line with hemoglobin indicators. For some reason, they seem to be the most understandable: more than 120 units, which means you’re as healthy as an ox, less than 100 means you don’t have enough iron and you need to eat apples “baked with nails.”

Is it so? What do the numbers next to the word hemoglobin actually mean? “FACTS” addressed these questions to the head of the pediatric hematology department of the Center for Radiation Medicine, Elena Kuznetsova:

A condition in which there is a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells is called anemia. In this way the body signals something general illness, against the background of which anemia appeared. Therefore, you should not draw conclusions about your health based only on a general blood test. Moreover, hemoglobin levels may indicate not only a lack or excess of iron in the body. After all, in addition to the well-known iron deficiency anemia, there is also whole line other anemias that occur due to a lack of proteins and microelements. And with these diseases general analysis blood also shows low level hemoglobin. This means that you cannot start taking any medications without consulting a doctor.

What anemia affects the most people?

Iron deficiency is most common in children, adolescents and women. According to WHO experts, this disease affects 700-800 million people in the world, of which more than 500 million are children. Children most often get sick in the first two years of life and adolescents during puberty. These are periods rapid growth the body when the need for iron increases sharply.

If a blood test shows that a child under 5 years of age has a hemoglobin level below 110 grams per liter, then parents should definitely consult a doctor. For children over 5 years old, the lower limit of normal hemoglobin level is 120 grams per liter.

Anemia is the most common hematological pathology in children. The prerequisite for the development of the disease in small child His mother may have an iron deficiency. After all, the main supply of iron future baby receives through the placenta, and the baby - from mother's milk.

The health of older children directly depends on a balanced diet. The child must eat meat and dairy products(proteins enter the body with them), vegetables and fruits, which are rich in microelements. But baked goods, sweets, flour products in children's diet should be as small as possible.

The main cause of iron deficiency anemia in adults is most often blood loss during various diseases internal organs(stomach, intestines, in women - menstrual blood loss). In addition, anemia can occur in pregnant women during lactation, when the body's need for iron increases significantly.

How is this disease treated?

Treatment of anemia is simple, but long-term. The doctor prescribes iron supplements to the patient, which, by the way, are best taken with apple or pomegranate juice: then the medicine is well absorbed by the body. And a full-fledged, balanced diet.

The first symptoms of anemia in children, which should alert parents:

pale skin;

decreased appetite;

anxiety, sleep disturbance, increased fatigue;

dry, brittle hair;

thinning and brittle nails;

perversion of appetite: the child can eat earth, sand, chalk, clay.

And in adults, these signs are accompanied by several more:

constant severe weakness and fatigue, severe tolerance physical activity, a feeling as if the muscles were losing strength;

colds are not left alone for a long time;

it is impossible to stay in closed spaces for a long time and public transport;

smell oil paint, nail polish remover or kerosene seems to be the best scent.

Often parents are faced with a problem when their baby tries sand from the sandbox or takes a palmful of earth and puts it in his mouth. Why do children eat inedible things? Unfortunately, not every adult tries to understand the essence of the situation, find out the reasons and draw conclusions. In medicine, the desire to eat inedible objects is called geophagy. This behavior is considered normal when the child is 1.5-2 years old.

For a 1.5-2 year old child to taste the soil and sand - normal phenomenon

Why do children eat sand and soil?

What to do if a child eats sand or feasts on soil? What should the parents' reaction be? First, find out the reason for eating such substances. If your child has done this for the first time, then it’s too early to panic - kids are extremely inquisitive, so they study new subjects.

IN similar situation It is recommended that mom or dad calmly explain to the baby that there is no need to do this. You should not frighten him with the end of the walk, since in this way the baby shows a normal desire to understand the world around him. Experts are confident that this phenomenon will pass as they grow older.

Psychological reasons

Psychologists are of the opinion that eating sand is a consequence of certain psychological factors. This is what children who experience a lack of attention from their parents do. It is quite normal that as soon as a mother catches her child eating sand, she will immediately rush to save him. Similarly, children express their protest against the prohibitions of adults.

What to do to prevent this behavior in your baby? First, reconsider your time together while walking. Play more with your child, spend less time telephone conversations and communicating with other mothers on the playground.

Find something to keep your baby occupied so that he doesn’t have the desire to put foreign objects in his mouth.

Lack of useful minerals and substances in the body

Pediatricians say that the reason strange behavior crumbs is a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. Thus, on an instinctive level, children make up for their deficiency.

If a baby eats sand, most likely there is not enough silicon in his body. An insufficient amount of this mineral can further provoke joint disease and even anemia. When the little one has eaten enough soil, this indicates a low hemoglobin content, iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency. In such a situation, you need to do the following:

  • undergo examination;
  • get tested;
  • find out how well the baby absorbs calcium;
  • consult your pediatrician.

What are the dangers of swallowing sand, earth, and stones?

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A big threat is posed by debris: small pieces of glass, cigarette butts, small pebbles, hard paper, etc., which infest a sandbox or flowerbed. Eating sand is sometimes dangerous: the baby can choke or damage the mucous membrane of the mouth and teeth.

What to do if your baby eats sand or inhales it?

What to do if a child eats sand? Parents should not panic. The baby needs to rinse his mouth and give him something to drink. clean water. Instantly buy anthelmintic drugs or Activated carbon no need. When a child ate sand, swallowing it in large quantities, you need to watch him for a couple of days. Most likely, the inedible substance will be released in full naturally.

If the baby has inhaled grains of sand in large quantities, then they need to be removed from the respiratory tract. The baby is placed on the adult's hand, head down, and lightly tapped on the back with the palm. After this, the baby should be given something to drink. It is necessary to consult a specialist when, after inhaling sand, a long cough, attacks of suffocation, vomiting, etc. continue.

If after eating the “delicacy” the baby’s condition worsens, you should consult a pediatrician

How to wean a child from eating inedible things?

Most often, eating inedible things does not become a systematic activity, but as soon as your baby eats sand again, try to distract him. Show him new toy, a cat running past, a plane in the sky. If you notice that such a child’s reaction was the result of your inattention to him, then show more care, put aside your worries, talk to the child, play games together.

You can satisfy your baby’s interest in bulk materials more safe methods– scatter on the table at home different types cereals and pasta. Play with these items, put them in piles, sort them, put them in jars or plates. Surely the child will appreciate this activity.

Concern should be expressed when a child eats inedible things, including sand, for an extended period of time. You need to contact specialists when this continues at a more conscious age, if your child is 3-5 years old.

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