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What does a urine test say about your health? Interpretation of a general urine test

Determining the presence of protein in urine is an important method for diagnosing the condition of the body. Such tests may also be ordered during preventive examination, and in connection with patient complaints. A general urine test includes, among other things, qualitative and quantitative determination of protein.

Normal protein in urine

Let's say right away: normal There should be no protein in the urine. In such cases, abs is often written on test forms.

How can protein get into urine?

To better understand why protein should not appear in the urine and in what cases it may be present there, we need to say a few words about the work of the kidneys.

Filtration in the kidneys

These paired organs of the excretory system are responsible for the formation of urine - everyone knows this. But how is it formed? – Blood, flowing through the smallest capillaries in the kidney tissue (consists of nephrons), is filtered and formed primary urine.

This liquid contains not only “harmful”, “waste” substances, but also those compounds that the body needs, including some low-molecular protein fractions. The membrane filter of the glomerular capillaries is responsible for this.

Further, primary urine passes through a system of tubules, where a significant part of the liquid and some valuable substances, including proteins, are reabsorbed from it. This is how it appears secondary urine- the one that collects along the ureters in bladder and is brought out.

We see that if health is not impaired, protein from the blood simply does not enter the urine.

Collection and excretion of urine

Urine enters the bladder through the ureters and is discharged through the urethra. On this path, mucus may enter it, leukocytes, exfoliated epithelium. Such fractions also “saturate” the urine with protein. Its presence will reflect urinary tract involvement not related to the kidneys.

Causes of protein in urine

Kidney diseases

If any of the stages of urine formation or its removal from the body is disrupted, this can lead to the appearance of protein in the urine. This symptom called proteinuria.

Firstly, we may be talking about filtration disorders in the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, renal failure various kinds(decrease in the number of normally functioning nephrons), tumors, autoimmune diseases - can lead to the loss of protein from the blood and its excretion in the urine.

To more accurately determine what pathology is present in a person, you need to look at other indicators. For example, the presence of blood in the urine, the presence of leukocytes, the presence and types of renal epithelium, and so on.

Urinary tract diseases

We have already noted that protein can enter the urine even after it is formed in the kidneys. For example, if there is inflammation of the bladder, the lining epithelium in it will actively exfoliate. Urine is filled with leukocytes and mucus.

Physical activity, fever

But even in people whose kidney health does not suffer, it is possible temporary proteinuria.

High physical activity increases metabolism and may cause some protein to be filtered into the urine. There is also a known condition called orthostatic proteinuria, which is observed during prolonged walking or standing and disappears as soon as a person takes a horizontal position.

As a rule, these cases of the appearance of protein in the urine are simply not recorded. After all, a general analysis is taken in the morning, after a night's rest.

Protein in the urine sometimes appears during hypothermia or prolonged exposure to the sun. Some medications impair kidney function, causing temporary proteinuria.

With an illness that causes fever - chills, low-grade fever - proteinuria is possible. Most often, this symptom is observed in children, adolescents, and the elderly.

The difference between these types of proteinuria and those that mark kidney pathologies is that they are short-term. With the disappearance of the cause that caused such proteinuria ( physical activity, fever) – it disappears.

Quantity and quality of protein in urine

Before we start talking about proteinuria in different groups patients, we need to clarify what indicators we can find in urine protein tests.

First, its quantity is estimated. The values ​​could be:

  • Complete absence;
  • Traces - up to 0.033 g / l - may be a variant of the norm and are associated with the high sensitivity of devices that analyze the composition of urine;
  • Anything that exceeds this amount is a symptom of certain pathologies;

Secondly, the time at which protein appears in the urine can be assessed. In some conditions, proteinuria is constantly present, in others it appears and disappears. And it is very important to understand what causes such changes.

Thirdly, the types of protein themselves may differ. As a rule, this is albumin, a blood plasma protein. But proteins-antibodies, proteins of deteriorating tissues (muscles, blood cells), Tamm-Horsfall protein, which indicates the formation of kidney stones and so on.

For a more accurate understanding of the cause of proteinuria, it is necessary to evaluate all existing symptoms together, the number and high-quality composition proteins, carry out additional research, for example, blood biochemistry, Ultrasound kidneys and so on.

Protein in urine in children

Only in newborns in the first days of life is the presence of protein in the urine normal. Such proteinuria is associated with the “tuning” of the excretory system. If the child is more than one week old and protein is detected in the urine, this is a reason to start examining his kidneys.

We have already said that in case of a cold or ARVI, a general urine test can show proteinuria. In this case, it is important to repeat the studies to track the dynamics of changes. If, as you recover and the temperature normalizes, the amount of protein in the urine decreases to zero - good. If proteinuria remains, you should look for the cause in the condition of the kidneys and other body systems.

Protein in urine in pregnant women

Since pregnancy is a noticeable burden on the mother’s body, a small amount of protein may be detected in the urine. This is quite physiological.

But, at the same time, such a load can lead to kidney pathologies or manifest diseases that were hidden before conception. Therefore, any detection of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman (and women must undergo a general analysis at least once every two weeks) is a reason for detailed investigation.

Unfortunately, many doctors immediately interpret proteinuria during pregnancy as a pathology. And this is very frightening and upsetting for a woman. You need to understand that if your kidneys are not working well, other symptoms should appear:

  • Edema;
  • Increased pressure;
  • Lower back pain;

The combination of three symptoms: edema, hypertension and proteinuria is a sign of gestosis ( dangerous condition, which usually develops in the last trimester).

If there are only traces of protein in the urine, do an ultrasound of your kidneys, confirm their health, and then change those doctors who are scaring you in vain.


From all that has been said, it is clear that it is first necessary to establish the disease that led to the excretion of protein in the urine. He should be treated.

Unfortunately, if kidney pathology is present, treatment will only help maintain normal kidney function and reduce the severity of symptoms. It is practically impossible to completely restore health.

However, in many cases, for example, with acute cystitis, urethritis– there is hope for complete healing.

Protein in the urine is not an independent disease. This is a sign that helps diagnose various deviations of the body’s condition from the norm.

A general urine test can give the doctor a lot of information about a person's health. To understand this a little yourself, it’s worth reading this article.

A general urine test is a procedure whose importance is difficult to overestimate. A general urine test is a procedure by which a specialist can identify various pathologies in the human body, make a correct diagnosis, prescribe medications and start treatment on time. Also using general analysis the doctor can determine the quantity and rate of certain components in the material.

But here it is worth noting that the norm for the number of elements that can be detected during a urine test can be deciphered by doctors in English or Latin. To understand what this or that indicator means, it will be described further in the material. It is also worth noting that the interpretation of a urine test may differ in men or women, since they different norm in urine of certain elements.

Before decoding standard indicators, the doctor initially determines physical indicators, which includes the color, density of urine, its smell and others. This method of decoding may mean that the doctor will receive only general data about the condition of the patient’s body based on a urine test.

The first parameter is the normal color of urine. U healthy person The color of urine should be light and yellowish. Also, this parameter can be influenced not only by pathology in the body, but also by what products the person consumed before collecting the material. This will help you decipher and understand only general state patient.

Smell. The norm means that the smell of urine should not be strong. Those who suffer from diabetes may experience a sweetish odor. Acute - this indicator means that a person suffers from kidney disease or that inflammatory processes are occurring in the body.

Transparency. The norm for a healthy person means that urine should be clear. If there are any impurities in it, then this may indicate that there is an infection in the body. Also, the presence of a reddish tint indicates that this is a violation of the urine color norm, and therefore additional examinations should be carried out.

There are also other indicators that can be determined by chemical testing of urine in the laboratory. They will be described in more detail in the table.

Interpretation of a general urine test

Index Decoding
Glucose (glu) Glu should normally be absent altogether in human collections. If glu appears even in small quantities, then this is a sign of diabetes. glu in a urine test can only be detected by testing the material in a laboratory. When there is a lot of glu in the material, this may also indicate pancreatitis.
Ketones (ket) Ket should normally be absent from the body. This is an indicator of acetone in urine. When a small amount of ket is detected, this will make it possible to assume the development of diabetes. This indicator is especially important for those who are fasting and on various diets. Typically, ket in urine can be in the range of 20-30 milligrams per day. Such an analysis should be performed when collecting the daily norm of urine. In a general analysis, such bodies should not be detected at all.
Density (neg) Neg should be normal (1015). When neg is increased, the amount of neg may indicate that a person is developing diabetes. If the density neg is lower this indicator, then this amount of neg may indicate that the tubules for urine emission are affected. Usually neg depends on the amount of liquid drunk, and therefore different periods it may be different. This will require additional diagnostics. This indicator is not key to making a diagnosis.
Red blood cells (ery) Ery in the material should also not be present in a healthy person. When this indicator is within 17 ks, this will require the doctor mandatory repeat testing to determine whether KS 17 was accurately detected in the body or whether this is an error, since KS 17 cannot be present in such quantities in urine. No more than 3-4 ery are allowed in the field of view of the microscope, and therefore 17 ks is considered to be an overestimated number of bodies. Therefore, in order to double-check 17 ks ery and diagnose hematuria, it is worth conducting additional urine tests. 17 ks is an unacceptable dose of bodies in urine even in a sick person. Such an amount of 17 ks can become a sign of a serious illness in the body.
Bilirubin (bil) In a healthy person, bil in urea should be practically absent. The same applies to blo or nit. If their amount in the urine is even insignificant, this may be a sign of cirrhosis. blo should also be completely absent from urine analysis.
Nitrites (vc) Vc or cre can be present in urea only in the very minimum quantity. Usually this is 0.001 per 1 milliliter of urine. When the number of these bodies is increased, this will become a sign inflammatory processes in organism. It may also indicate an increased possibility of infection of the urinary tract.

Knowing these points, you will also be able to control urine tests when taking them.

Interpretation of a general urine test

The results of a urine test performed on modern medical analyzers are impossible to understand without special knowledge: just English letters without explanation. Below is a breakdown of those very “incomprehensible letters”, as well as the norms of one or another indicator.

BLd - red blood cells,
Bil - bilirubin,
Uro - urea,
KET ketones,
PRO protein,
NIT - nitrites (in the usual meaning - bacteriuria),
GLU - glucose,
pH - acidity,
S.G - density,
LEU - leukocytes,
UBG - urobilinogen.

Red blood cells
- There should be no red blood cells in the urine. If present, repeat analysis and observation are required. Women's urine may contain blood that got there during the menstrual period, which gives the presence of red blood cells in the urine. No more than 1-2 red blood cells per field of view are allowed. An increase in the number of red blood cells in the urine is called hematuria. Its causes are as follows: bleeding into the urinary tract, tumors, kidney and ureteral stones, inflammatory

-Bilirubin is normally practically absent in urine. Identified in parenchymal liver lesions ( viral hepatitis), mechanical (subhepatic) jaundice, cirrhosis, cholestasis. In hemolytic jaundice, the urine usually does not contain bilirubin. It should be noted that only direct (bound) bilirubin is excreted in the urine.

-presence of ketone bodies in urine (acetone) - normally absent; if ketone bodies are detected, diabetes mellitus, fasting, lack of carbohydrates, hyperinsulism can be assumed. Occurs when the body’s fat reserves are intensively consumed. Attention to those who are losing weight and hungry! - can lead to hyperglycemic coma. In fact, 20-50 mg of ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid) are excreted in the urine per day, but they are not detected in single portions. Therefore, it is believed that normally there should be no ketone bodies in a general urine test.

-the presence of protein in the urine (normally there is no protein) is a sign of kidney pathology; protein enters the urine during pyelonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and renal amyloidosis. Protein in the urine can appear from the urinary tract and genital organs during inflammation, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, prostate adenoma - in these cases it is usually no more than 1 g/l. If a woman's urine during pregnancy contains protein, this may be a sign of pregnancy nephropathy. Normally, the protein content in urine is so low that it can only be determined by ultrasensitive methods. Sometimes traces of protein are detected, however, this is a borderline condition and requires detailed study. The fact is that traces of protein are acceptable, but only in single analyses.

Nitrites (bacteriuria)
- bacteria in urine are normally absent or detected in small quantity. In a healthy person, the urine in the kidneys and bladder is sterile. When urinating, microbes from the lower part of the urethra enter it, but their number is not more than 10,000 per ml. Therefore, it is believed that bacteria are normally absent in a general urine test. A large number of bacteria may indicate infection urinary tract. The presence of bacteria indicates infection genitourinary system, cystitis, nephritis.

-normally should be absent; if glucose is present in the urine, manifestations can be suspected diabetes mellitus, receiving large quantity carbohydrates from food, acute pancreatitis.

- the kidneys maintain a blood pH of 5.0-6.0 - a slightly acidic reaction. At a pH greater than 7, hyperkalemia and functional deviation can be assumed thyroid gland, infection of the urinary system, with a pH less than 5 - hypokalemia, diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, kidney failure.

- with a density of more than 1030, one can assume the presence of glucose (diabetes mellitus), protein (glomerulonephritis), with a density of less than 1010 - renal failure, damage to the renal tubules. Since the density of urine depends on the amount of water drunk, this indicator has no significant value in diagnosis.

-an increased content of leukocytes in the urine is called leukocyturia, also an indicator of nephritis and urethritis. This condition is observed in various inflammatory diseases urinary system. Too pronounced leukocyturia, when the number of these cells exceeds 60 in the field of view, is called pyuria. Almost all kidney diseases and urinary system increase the content of leukocytes in the urine.

-normal urine contains traces of urobilinogen. Its level increases sharply with hemolytic jaundice (intravascular destruction of red blood cells), as well as with toxic and inflammatory lesions of the liver, intestinal diseases(enteritis, constipation). With subhepatic (obstructive) jaundice, when there is complete blockage of the bile duct, there is no urobilinogen in the urine. Urobilinogen is formed from direct bilirubin excreted in bile in small intestine. Therefore, the complete absence of urobilinogen serves reliable sign stopping the flow of bile into the intestines.

Below is also a table of normal urine test values:

Urine indicators
Amount of urine for analysisDoesn't matter
Urine colorStraw yellow
Urine clarityTransparent
Urine smellBlurred, non-specific
Urine reaction or pHAcidic, pH less than 7
Specific gravity of urine1.018 or more in the morning portion
Protein in urineAbsent
Ketone bodies in urineNone
Bilirubin in urineAbsent
Urobilinogen in urine5-10 mg/l
Hemoglobin in urineAbsent
Red blood cells in urine
0-3 in the field of view for women

0-1 in sight for men

Leukocytes in urine
0–6 in the field of view for women 0–3 in the field of view for
Epithelial cells in urine

Besides the above...
1.   Diuresis - the volume of urine formed over a certain period of time (daily or minute diuresis).
The amount of urine for a general urinalysis (usually 150–200 ml) does not allow any conclusions to be made about disturbances in daily diuresis. The amount of urine in a general urinalysis only affects the ability to determine the specific gravity of urine (relative density).
For example, to determine the specific gravity of urine using a urometer, at least 100 ml of urine is required. When determining specific gravity using test strips, you can get by with a smaller amount of urine, but not less than 15 ml.

2.   The color of urine normally ranges from light yellow to deep yellow. The color of urine depends on the content of pigments in it: urochrome, uroerythrin. The intensity of the color of urine depends on the amount of urine excreted and its specific gravity. Urine saturated yellow color usually concentrated, released in small quantities and has a high specific gravity. Very light urine is slightly concentrated, has a low specific gravity and is excreted in large quantities. Also, the color of urine can range from green-yellow to beer-colored due to the presence of bile pigments, the color of “meat slop” - from the presence of impurities of blood, hemoglobin. The color of urine changes due to taking certain medications: red when taking rifampicin, pyramidon; dark brown or black due to naphthol intake.

3.  Transparency of urine. Normally, freshly released urine is clear. There are the following gradations for determining the transparency of urine: complete, incomplete, cloudy. Turbidity may be due to the presence of red blood cells, leukocytes, epithelium, bacteria, fat droplets, and salt precipitation. In cases where the urine is cloudy, you should find out whether it is immediately cloudy, or whether this cloudiness occurs some time after standing.
The cloudiness of urine observed immediately after urination depends on the presence of pathological elements in it: leukocytes (pus), bacteria or phosphates. In the first case, as sometimes with bacteriuria, the turbidity does not go away either after heating or after thoroughly filtering the urine. Turbidity caused by the presence of phosphates disappears with the addition of acetic acid. Urine can be cloudy-milky in color with chyluria, which in some cases is observed in older people.
The turbidity that forms when urine stands is most often dependent on urates and clears up when heated. With a significant content of urates, the latter sometimes precipitate, colored yellowish-brown or pink.

4.  The smell of urine. Fresh urine has no unpleasant odor. The diagnostic value of urine odor is very insignificant.
An ammonia odor in fresh urine is observed with cystitis, due to fermentation.
With gangrenous processes in the urinary tract, in particular in the bladder, urine becomes putrid smell.
The fecal odor of urine may suggest the possibility of a vesico-rectal fistula.
Smell of unripe apples or fruits observed in diabetes due to the presence of acetone in the urine.
Urine acquires a sharply foul odor when eating horseradish or garlic.

5.  Specific gravity of urine in a healthy person, it can fluctuate over a fairly wide range throughout the day, which is associated with periodic food intake and loss of fluid through sweat and exhaled air. Normally, the specific gravity of urine is 1012-1025. The specific gravity of urine depends on the amount of substances dissolved in it: urea, uric acid, creatinine, salts. A decrease in the specific gravity of urine (hyposthenuria) to 1005-1010 indicates a decrease in the concentration ability of the kidneys, polyuria, and heavy drinking. Repeated specific gravity readings below 1.017-1.018 (less than 1.012-1.015, and especially less than 1.010) in one-time tests should alert you to pyelonephritis. If this is combined with persistent nocturia, then the likelihood chronic pyelonephritis increases. The most reliable is the Zimnitsky test, which reveals the variation in the specific gravity of urine during the day (8 servings). An increase in specific gravity (hypersthenuria) of more than 1030 is observed with oliguria, in patients with glomerulonephritis, and with cardiovascular failure. With polyuria, a high specific gravity is characteristic of diabetes mellitus (with massive glucosuria, the specific gravity can reach 1040-1050).

6.  Epithelial cells in urine. Epithelial cells are almost always found in urinary sediment. Normally, in a general urine test there are no more than 10 epithelial cells in the field of view.

7.  Cylinders - normally absent. The casts that are found in the urine are protein cellular formations of tubular origin, shaped like cylinders. There are hyaline, granular, waxy, epithelial, erythrocyte, pigment, and leukocyte casts. The appearance of a large number of different cylinders (cylindruria) is observed with organic kidney damage (nephritis, nephrosis), with infectious diseases, congestive kidney, with acidosis. Cylindruria is a symptom of kidney damage, so it is always accompanied by the presence of protein and renal epithelium in the urine. Type of special cylinders diagnostic value does not have.

8.  Salts in urine. Unorganized urine sediment consists of salts precipitated in the form of crystals and an amorphous mass. They precipitate at high concentrations depending on the reaction of the urine. In acidic urine there are crystals of uric acid and oxalate of lime - oxalaturia. Unorganized sediment has no special diagnostic value. You can indirectly judge the tendency to urolithiasis.

9.  Urine for fungi of the genus "Candida". After thorough toileting of the genitals, it is collected in a sterile container. Fungi are common inhabitants of the vagina and can enter the bladder. Their detection does not necessarily serve as an indication for antifungal therapy.

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    1) anti-locking system, prevents wheelspin and skidding during braking, which significantly improves vehicle handling and increases its safety; ...
  • ABS-36 in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    - see ABS...
    linear polymer of styrene, [-CH2-CH(C6H5)-]n; transparent glassy substance, molecular weight 30-500 thousand, density 1.06 g/cm3 (20 | C), temperature ...
  • ISOTOPE METHODS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    methods in geology, methods for studying geology. processes based on the study of the content and ratios of radioactive, radiogenic and stable isotopes of individual chemicals. ...
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    unit of electrical voltage, electrical potential difference, electromotive force (emf); included in the International System of Units. Named after the Italian scientist...
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    This is the ratio of the amount of electricity present on any conducting body to the potential of this body, provided that all conducting bodies, ...
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    I is located between 48°W1" and 51°16"N. w. and between 33°50" and 39°50" E. d.; it is elongated with...
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    loach, r. and the guard of the Irkutsk province. and the county to the southeast. parts of the Sayan Mountains, as they are called. Gurba-Daban ridge. Char has abs. ...
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    Altai mountain region, department of His Majesty's cabinet, in the 600th century. from lips horizontal, left bank of the floating river Tomi, uh...
  • KOPAL - COUNTY. G. in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Kopalsky district, Semirechensk region, in 638 century. to the south of the city of Semipalatinsk, on the plateau, at the foot of the Kopal chain of the Semirechensky Alatau, ...
  • IRKUTSK PROVINCE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I b25_320-0.jpg - in the East. Siberia, between 51° and 62° 30" N and 96° and 107° E (from ...
  • OR R. SEMIRECHINSKAYA REGION. in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a river in the Semirechinsk region, merges from 2 rivers: Tekes and Kunges, flowing within the Chinese Empire. Of these, the main source...
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    mountain range in Central Asia, between parallels 44 and 43° N. sh., within the Semirechensk region. from V.S.V. to W.S.W., …
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    a large land located in the extreme NE of America, on its Atlantic side. Having an elongated shape from N to S and reaching...
    THE THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS (Nernst's theorem), states that entropy is physical. system tends to a finite limit, independent of pressure, density or ...
  • TEMPERATURE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TEMPERATURE (from Latin temperature - proper mixing, normal state), physical. a quantity characterizing the thermodynamic state. equilibrium of the system. T. all parts are insulated. ...
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    GEOCHRONOLOGY (from geo... and chronology) (geological chronology), the doctrine of chronological. sequence of formation and age of the forge. rocks that make up the earth...
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    ? E. theory is a very bold attempt to consider an atom of any substance as an aggregate of the same number of positive and negative atoms...

If you have diabetes, the most important thing you can do to stay healthy is control it. "ABC"

  • "A" stands for “A1C”() - A1C is a blood test that shows your average blood sugar levels over the past few months.
  • "B" stands for blood pressure - If you have diabetes, your blood pressure is just as important as controlling your blood sugar. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease and kidney disease.
  • "C" stands for cholesterol - High cholesterol is another risk factor for heart attack, stroke and other serious problems.

Why are ABCs so important?

Compared to people who don't have diabetes, people with diabetes are 2 to 3 times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Patients with diabetes also have more high risk heart attack in at a young age. In addition, people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from kidney disease. By controlling ABC, you can greatly reduce the risk of concomitant diseases and their severity.

Isn't controlling my blood sugar the most important thing?

But at the same time, blood sugar just one of many factors, which you should pay attention to.

High blood pressure and high level Cholesterol levels are themselves significant risk factors for cardiovascular accidents, and in the presence of diabetes mellitus, their harmful effects are greatly enhanced.

What should my ABC level be?

The level you should aim for will depend on how severe your diabetes is, how old you are, and what other health problems you have. Ask your doctor what level you should reach.

Most people with diabetes should try to achieve the following goals:

  • A1C level below 7%
  • Blood pressure below 130/85, or even lower in some cases
  • LDL cholesterol below 1.8 mmol/L (LDL is a type of cholesterol, often called “bad cholesterol”)

How can I control ABC?

  • Medicines. Most people with diabetes should take medications every day to control blood sugar. Also, many people with diabetes need medications to treat high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Lifestyle changes. what and how much you eat, what your level of physical activity is, whether you are overweight, all this affects your health right now and in the future. There are several things that can help you keep your ABCs under control or reduce your health risks:
  • Eat healthy foods. You need to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, unprocessed grains, and low-fat foods. Limit the amount of meat, fried and fatty foods in your diet.
  • Be active. Walking, gardening or other physical activity at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and cancer.
  • Lose weight. Being overweight increases your risk of developing many health problems.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol can increase blood sugar and blood pressure.

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