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Why does a 7-year-old child get tired quickly. Increased fatigue in a child. Increased fatigue in a child, what to do? Lack of nutrition and sleep

In the frantic pace of modernity, we often do not pay attention to fatigue and lack of sleep, because at least when it's just us. But when we notice that our children, despite their young age, already have signs chronic fatigue This is at least a concern.

So what is the reason that the child began to get tired quickly?


Such discomfort can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, adynamism (inactivity).
  • Decreased performance: the child does not want to do homework, lessons and even games / hobbies.
  • Decreased concentration and attention span. You can observe that the child began to often forget what he was told at school or even by his peers. In general, the state is characterized as a state of distracted attention.
  • The appearance of irritable weakness. It manifests itself in response to any stimulus from the outside. Because of fatigue, any irritant from the outside, even if just a simple question from a parent or friend, is perceived as excessive, which entails a reaction of aggression and anger. It happens because of that that the resources of the body and in particular nervous system exhausted.
  • There may be delays in learning activities, developing new skills, etc.
  • Sleep disorders: insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings at night, prolonged daytime sleep, nightmares.
  • Decreased mood background or frequent drops, with a predominance of apathetic, tearful, irritable mood.
  • Due to rapid fatigue, the child may often experience colds, gastrointestinal disorders ( gastrointestinal tract) and even allergic reactions.
  • Frequent headaches, dizziness, pressure drops, abdominal pain, excessive sweating tachycardia or bradycardia.


First of all, the causes should be divided into psychological, social and physiological. In order not to immediately panic and not run to take a bunch of tests and run around the doctors, you should ask the child himself what is happening to him, is there an objective and apparent reason because he got tired so often.

Social causes

  1. A new social circle to which the child is not yet accustomed.
  2. New social status at school (for example, a beginner or an excellent student), status in the family (for example, an older brother / sister), etc.;
  3. Changes social status parents.
  4. Wrong model of raising a child (by type of hyper- or hypo-custody). Improper upbringing primarily affects the regimen and satisfaction of the child's needs. For example, in hypo-custody, the child is left to himself, does not observe the sleep-wake regime, spends almost all the time at the computer, which subsequently leads to increased fatigue.

Psychological reasons

  • Violations in the child's adaptation to school, stress, etc.
  • Chronic stress in the near future environment(family, school, friends).
  • Temperamental features (speed and strength of response of the nervous system).
  • Personal characteristics of the child, for example, hypersensitivity to all.
  • The presence of disorders such as ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder), neurosis, etc.
  • Unfavorable family relationships: incomplete families, alcoholism in the family, codependence.

Physiological causes of child fatigue

  • Diet.
  • High intracranial pressure.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Inadequate to the body physical activity. The child is either excessively overworked, or vice versa - he does not have enough of that physical activity given to him daily.
  • Various diseases: disorders thyroid gland, of cardio-vascular system, diabetes etc.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • The presence of mental disorders: clinical depression, organic damage to the brain or central nervous system.

How to help a child?

For starters, you should rule out possible physiological causes fatigue. Perhaps, first you need to take the child to a therapist and do a series of tests, for example, general analysis blood, a blood test for sugar, as well as an electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head (ultrasound of the vessels), an immunogram.

It also follows, firstly, normalize the daily routine of the child: he must get up and go to bed at the same time, it is necessary to do homework, engage in leisure activities at a certain time. Secondly, minimizing stress. Thirdly, it is important to balance the nutrition of your child, he needs more vitamins and minerals, as well as a lot of proteins and slow carbohydrates. Fourth, it is important to play sports and walk daily on fresh air. This will normalize blood pressure, increase blood flow to the brain, and promote the release of endorphins.

You can help your child by taking homeopathic or folk remedies. For example, ginseng root tincture, lemongrass drops, as well as vitamins such as magnesium, B vitamins, etc. are often used.

You may need to help your child change of scenery- take him somewhere for the weekend, or walk with him in another place, write him down in a new sports section or circle. Or, on the contrary, the child has too unstable and stressful living conditions, and he needs more peace, constancy. In this case, try to provide the child with more calm and static conditions for life: reduce all stressful influences, talk with the child about what worries him and how to help him with this.

Does your little student come home from school feeling lethargic and complaining of being tired?

If this happens more than once a month, you should pay attention to his health.

Many parents believe that the child simply does not want to go to school, so they come up with excuses about being tired.

Causes of deterioration child health quite a bit of. How you feel can affect your well-being objective factors (bad ecology, decreased immunity, etc.), and subjective (unbalanced diet, wrong diet, strong training loads, low physical activity). And if with objective reasons it’s quite difficult to cope, then eliminating the subjective ones is within your power.

School overload

The modern education system strives to make every child a genius, constantly adding innovations to the school curriculum. Parents only exacerbate the situation with a few in the offspring's schedule. Excessive loads can lead to stress, neuroses, negatively affect the general mental and physical condition schoolboy.

Doctors have proven that there is a direct relationship between the number of chronic diseases acquired at school and intensity curriculum . Remember that the student’s regime must be properly organized, he must have free time. Let the child choose circles and sections for himself, so that they emotionally charge him.

Svetlana Podorozhnyak, psychologist: “Often, children get tired very quickly at school due to the fact that they were sent there too early. The child may not be ready to study even physiologically. You can check this by asking him to put dots in the boxes. Normally, a child puts down 70 points per minute. If the result is lower, then the bones of his hand are not yet ready for such a load. In addition, by the time he enters school, he must have 4 front teeth: 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom. Biological unpreparedness for school leads to difficult adaptation, when the student quickly gets tired and does not cope with the tasks. Then he might even start to hate school.”.

School illnesses

Quite often, children with admission to school appear: disruption of work digestive system(gastritis), vision problems (nearsightedness), and curvature of the spine (scoliosis).

Cause gastritis is unbalanced and irregular during the school year. Of course, you can control breakfast at home, but the diet of the day is almost impossible. Who prevents him from running for chips at a break instead of the “tasteless soup” offered at lunch? Therefore, it is important for parents convey to your tomboy , how important these “tasteless soup” or porridge are for his health and well-being. Limit your child's pocket money to a minimum, pay for lunch at school in advance, cook for dinner more vegetables, dairy products and less fatty and heavy foods.

Visual impairment leads to headaches, fatigue, decreased attention. It is necessary to reduce the load on the eye muscles due to harmful or computer games. Make sure that the child does his homework in a well-lit place, does not read while lying down and alternated visual loads with physical (to give rest to the eyes). Limit the time in front of the computer and TV to 30-60 minutes a day, feed your little student with carrots, fish, cottage cheese, cabbage, red berries, greens. Also, watch your posture during homework, because not correct position body too can reduce vision.

Scoliosis, which many children acquire at school, concerns not only aesthetic or psychological problem but also physical. Only the correct position of the body, in which the muscles tense optimally, contributes to normal operation internal organs . Therefore, it is so important to monitor the position in which the child is sitting, performing homework, or at the computer. Choose a suitable table and chair for him.

As for walking - tell the child in what position the body should be. Do it daily one exercise : lean the student against the wall, press the heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head against it at the same time. Do exercises to strengthen the back muscles - the body itself will tell the child how it is more convenient for him to hold on. If the child stoops, then the body will experience a lack of oxygen - hence the rapid fatigue, and a decrease in the speed of thinking.

Mommy - Inga tells: “My daughter absolutely does not want to study. He says that he is very tired, does not remember anything, is constantly sick. She became kind of lazy. I don't even know what to do with her. Maybe some vitamins to drink?

Mother Vera thinks so: “If the child gets tired, then you need to change the regimen and introduce the child to sports and frequent walks. Review the diet, maybe you overfeed your daughter or she lacks fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, there are no magical vitamins that could immediately improve the health and well-being of a child.


Strengthen immunity And . The lack of certain trace elements slows down brain activity, reduces attention and worsens grades at school. Replace sweets with fruits, provide your child with enough protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine (all this is in the fish). Make sure your child drinks at least 1.5 liters of water a day.

Remember that it is up to you how your child grows up. Give him as much time as possible, be interested in his problems and do not put off their solution “for later”. In a few years, the problem will only get worse, and it will be much more difficult to deal with it.

Watch the health of your student - then he will be vigorous and healthy, and good grades become his constant companions.

It is not uncommon to hear from parents that a child constantly complains of being tired. And parents shrug their hands: why? The child, in their opinion, does nothing anyway: he does not help his mother around the house, does not bother to conscientiously fulfill homework. Let's try to figure it out. Meanwhile, the reasons why does a child get tired quickly, can be very different.

1. Lack of vitamins and nutrients. In this case, the child may be disturbed by headaches, sleep disturbances, he may suddenly become capricious, irritable, painful. Parents should provide their child proper nutrition: purchase necessary products, correct mode food intake. Be sure to consult your doctor and start taking vitamins!

2. Over-busy. The schedule of modern children is sometimes so overloaded that one involuntarily wonders: how can life exist in such a regime? small man? Even an adult would have a hard time here. Judge for yourself: a six-hour day at school, various electives, preparing lessons at home, attending sections or circles, helping your mother around the house, walking the dog. And this is not the whole list. Perhaps it is worth unloading the child, reviewing his schedule for every day?

Help the student plan his daily routine in such a way that there is time for games and entertainment, for preparing lessons. Children also need rest.

3. The presence of chronic diseases. If the child is worried about something, or he suffers from some kind of chronic illness, be sure to show it qualified specialist! The doctor will advise you and your child, you will know what you can and should count on, what you should refuse.

4. Excessive impressionability. If your kid is worried about every bad mark received at school, then this speaks not only of his desire to study well. Increased mental excitability may be associated with his self-doubt. An overload of the nervous system leads to rapid fatigue and inability to concentrate. In this case, it is better to show the child to a child psychologist.

By understanding the cause and eliminating it, you can return the joy to the baby. full life, in which there will be time for learning and rest.

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There is a three-ruble note, rooms of 10 squares, 14 and 19. And children 1 year old, 12 years old - girls, 14 years old boy. Now older children have a room, and parents with a baby in a large one. She planned to move the baby to the middle one at the age of 2, but unexpectedly her daughter said that she did not need her there. And I can’t figure out what to do with the baby now.
And how do your children live if you can’t get a room for each?


tatyana konyukhova

I read the topic "How did you know you were pregnant". I was surprised what happens when the first person who found out about this miracle was not the husband, and it became interesting, who was the first one you told about the pregnancy? If anything, it’s not relevant for me, I certainly don’t plan)), just wondering)


sveta de

The girls bought a tour to Cuba, fly 14 hours. The child flies naturally with us. Tell me, did anyone fly with a child of 1.9 years old? How did you endure the flight? Tell us how your children were entertained and what they ate.


elena nesterova

Hi all. I have not been able to introduce complementary foods since 6 months. Allergic. To this day, the child does not like anything that I offer. There were doctors both paid and free, so far zero sense. Previously, at least I tried something, now I don’t want anything at all, even an adult from a plate. What can you guys advise if anyone has had the same problem?


Svetlana Karetkina

I want to consult. My second mother-in-law is generally a nice woman, but she seems to have some kind of mental disorder. She has not worked for a long time, she once worked as a nurse in purulent surgery (her father-in-law earns more than enough), she sits at home all day and does cleanliness. their apartment shines from top to bottom, I have never seen such cleanliness in the operating room as in her bathroom, kitchen and toilet. she has special rags and detergents and disinfectants for everything, imported and expensive. All this would not care, but sometimes we are forced to visit them. It's like in the movies about the Ebola virus.

In the common corridor with the neighbors (there is also cleanliness and sterility, the neighbors are trained and change their shoes outside), they take off our shoes and undress us outerwear. Special plastic bags are issued for shoes. We are given slippers, which, after our departure, are treated with steam from the steamer and a special agent. our outer clothes are put into covers and put out on the balcony together with shoes. So far, nothing has bothered me. But further worse.

In the room next to the hallway, they give us home clothes in which to change clothes. Our jeans and blouses, in which we came, the girls' sundress dresses - everything is put away in bags. We put on everything clean, which, after our departure, everything is washed and processed with a steamer. My husband even changes his socks. Well, at least you can leave the underpants in which we came.

Then we all walk in single file to the bathroom. There are handwashing facilities. With a disinfectant, some special ones with which surgeons wash their hands before operations. Mine with means and with brushes. Then we wash up! My face, ears. Only after that, after wiping with clean towels, which are immediately thrown into the dirty basket after wiping, we substitute our cheeks for kisses.

The guest toilet is separate. You can’t go to the Svekrovsky either small or large. I once went at the dawn of our acquaintance a few years ago, so my mother-in-law spent the whole evening right in front of me scrubbing the entire toilet with bleach, I even washed the ceilings.

Father-in-law is used to all this. husband too. She says that before she was not so crazy, although she always adored cleanliness, but this intensifies with age (she is 62 years old). The girls seem to be fine too. giggle. And all this infuriates me to the point of impossibility. I try to send mine to visit without me, my husband and two younger ones (the eldest from a previous marriage, her mother-in-law is also not eager to see her once again). But it doesn't always work. We have not met at all in neutral territory for the last three years, the mother-in-law does not like to leave the house without a spacesuit. Cafes and restaurants are generally horror and death from infections in agony. She cooks everything only with super-thermal treatment, everything is boiled and steamed to kill the whole infection, God forbid, fresh fruits and vegetables, never! In short, it is very difficult to eat. But my father-in-law and my husband wink at me and persuade me not to offend the hostess, and they force the girls.

Once I foolishly decided to go on a trip with my father-in-law, I had never been abroad, and then they offered me to the UAE. It was horror, everything was processed sterile wipes with an antiseptic, even the dishes from which we ate, and she wiped the girls every five minutes, the middle one (the youngest was not there yet) had an allergy to the antiseptic, in general, I try not to remember this trip.

And that's what I'm writing for. I learned that the last few times when the girls stayed overnight with their mother-in-laws on the weekend, the mother-in-law of the girls again treated the girls with a disinfectant solution, from which the middle one again had red spots on her face, neck and along the hairline (she didn’t wash their head with this solution or something I know?!), all things smell like hell of bleach, especially the shoes inside. I can not take it anymore. She's gone crazy, I think. I can’t stop girls from going there, I can only leave the eldest at home, and then there won’t be any scandal. And if I don’t give the younger ones, then there will be an apocalypse. But every time she wipes them with this infernal shit! I tried to give my lotions with me so that she would wipe her skin with them, but she says that it all does not work from a street infection, and you can even bring tetanus and anthrax from the street. What to do, tell me, I'm already tired and I feel sorry for the girls. I already took a certificate from a dermatologist, they wrote - eczema of some unspecified genesis code 10, exclude detergents containing such and such substances (and there is a list chemical names), but the mother-in-law said that the eczema of the youngest is not from them, but this is because I did not observe hygiene during pregnancy ((((


Dear friends, hello. in full swing academic year, but instead of new knowledge and joyful discoveries, the student is haunted by indifference, fatigue, apathy. What happens to him? Doesn't he want to study? In fact, your baby is just tired. It is impossible to ignore such a condition, otherwise it can lead to psychological, as well as physical illness. So why does a child get tired after school, and most importantly, how can he be helped? Let's try to understand this issue.

Remember your school years... Why did you get tired behind the walls of the school? I want to highlight a few main reasons:

Now many parents want to raise a "genius" from their child, loading him to the maximum. New lessons are being introduced, textbooks are being replaced by computers, and the number of physical education lessons is being reduced. Yet again whole line circles and sections. Instead of walking, the child often sits on the bed with a tablet or laptop. This is what your child is suffering from.

What should parents do?

First of all, you should determine the cause of the child's fatigue. I also recommend going medical examination to exclude pathologies and.

Pay attention to what your baby eats. Perhaps he does not eat in the cafeteria, buying useless snacks. Ask for your class teacher watch what the student eats .

At home, try to give him more fruits, vegetables, fish, talk to him about the dangers and benefits certain products. Also talk to your doctor about taking a multivitamin.

Computer lifestyle is a problem of the younger generation. You need to try to interest the child active species sports, walking, other cognitive activities.

Be your own role model: go to fitness, swimming pool, theaters, cinemas, museums together. All these pastimes improve your relationship with your child and also charge you with positive and good mood.

Also try to make sure that the student himself chooses what he would like to do. Classes "from under the stick" will definitely not be able to bring a positive result.

Distribute the student's extracurricular time. Think about whether your child is too loaded? A bunch of clubs after class and lack of time for rest can only hurt .

  • Remember about the obligatory walk in the fresh air, which should last at least 1 hour;
  • Control the right good nutrition child;
  • Do not overload your child with additional sections;
  • Limit time in front of the computer or tablet;
  • Find out if you have problems with peers or teachers to rule out psycho-emotional overload.

Remember Dear Parents that often complaints of fatigue are not the next whims of the child. You should carefully, with understanding, treat his problems and find out the reason for their appearance.

Any school life little man should be filled with new discoveries , achievements, full development, communication and, of course, joy, and not feelings of fatigue, and it is in your power to make this life beautiful.

I recommend every parent to visit Website child psychologist . Free consultations, seminars, trainings, books are small part what is on this site. Here, every mom and dad will find the perfect approach to raising happy kids.

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