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Hand washes hand - about family well-being. Coursework psychological factors of family well-being

A full-fledged psychologists call such a family in which both father and mother are present. Of course, there are many single mothers who are also excellent at raising children, and there are single fathers who are not inferior to them. Nevertheless, if one of the parents is missing, then the family is not considered complete or complete. Even if perfect cleanliness is maintained in the house, and children are brought up with love, psychologists still believe that for the most successful formation of a child's personality, it is better to have both parents.

However, a single parent family is always better for the child than two parents who constantly fight or one of the parents is drinking. There are other factors of well-being, much more important, which do not depend on the completeness of the family.

The basis of a happy family is love

Only those people who live in peace and harmony, love and respect each other can be called prosperous. Parents are attentive not only to the opinion of each other, but also to what the child says to them. In a prosperous family there is no such thing as the tyranny of older family members in relation to children.

For a family to be prosperous, spouses must love and respect each other, be able to listen and listen. Children in such a family trust their parents, they tell them about their problems, study well and achieve success in life, and do not realize complexes, trying to outdo the most promiscuous peers in bad habits.

Wealth must be material

Despite the fact that material support is not the main thing, it is still very important. If a child grows up in a family where parents do not have enough money for the most basic goods, he receives complexes for life. Poor nutrition affects health, and it may turn out that the child will have to deal with the consequences for a lifetime. The old worn clothes in which he has to walk often lead to ridicule from peers, which greatly affects self-esteem and slows down the process of integrating children into society.

Rich parents who constantly quarrel themselves and break down on the child, do not pay attention to him, do not make their family prosperous. Harmony is a very important factor.

Wealthy family

To summarize, a family can be called prosperous in which harmony, love and mutual understanding reign, all family members show respect for each other. They spend enough time together, and the older ones pay enough attention to the younger ones.

The increase in the role of psychological factors in marriage and family relations, while representing a positive phenomenon, has sharply increased the vulnerability and fragility of the relationship between modern men and women, largely causing both the catastrophic increase in divorces and the crisis of the institution of the family as a whole. (4)

An individual (regardless of gender), having entered into marriage, as a rule, adapts to the traditions and customs that regulate the balance of family and personal interests. The process of changing intra-family relations under the influence of the evolution of monogamy is manifested in a shift in emphasis towards personal interests, in an ever-increasing demand for the spiritual and intimate-personal qualities of a marriage partner. In this regard, many spouses found themselves in a dilemma: to intensify sexual-erotic relations in marriage or to resort to alternative channels of emotional and erotic communication. (20)

The problem of family stability, which has long attracted journalists and public figures, in recent years has increasingly become the subject of close attention of sociologists and psychologists. The tragedy of modern marriage is associated with a sharply increased number of factors that destabilize it. This is the destruction of the traditional patriarchal way of life, and blatant illiteracy in ensuring optimal family interaction, the economic insolvency of most men in the current conditions, the extremist emancipation of some women, and the legal simplicity of divorce. However, the most powerful factor of family destabilization, which has not only a personal (affecting the immediate participants in the situation), but also often a very tangible social resonance, is adultery. (5)

The socio-psychological model of family relations reflects the typology of families, the structure, forms, styles of education, as well as the problems of the modern family. (13)

Family relations are governed by the norms of morality and law. Their basis is marriage - a legitimate recognition of the relationship between a man and a woman, which is accompanied by the birth of children and responsibility for the physical and moral health of family members. Important conditions for the existence of a family are joint activities and a certain spatial localization - housing, house, property as the economic basis of its life, as well as a general cultural environment within the framework of the common culture of a certain people, concession, state. (7)

Factors affecting the well-being of married life

It is important to know what were the marital relations of the parents of the chosen one, what is the family way of life, the material level of the family, what negative phenomena are observed in the family and in the character of the parents. Sometimes insurmountable conflicts are inevitable where partners differ diametrically in their worldview. It also affects well-being:

Education. Higher education does not always increase the level of stability of family relationships. Even in a marriage concluded between two young people who graduated from higher educational institutions, conflicts can arise, which, if they are not resolved in a timely manner, will give rise to a divorce. However, the intellectual level and characters of the partners should not differ excessively. (14)

labor stability. People who frequently change jobs are characterized by instability, excessive dissatisfaction, and an inability to build long-term relationships.

Age determines the social maturity of partners, readiness to perform marital and parental duties. The most optimal age is considered to be 20-24 years. The most natural difference in the age of the spouses is 1-4 years. The stability of so-called unequal marriages largely depends not only on the nature of both partners, on their mutual feelings, but also on preparedness for age-related characteristics, on the ability to resist the "slander" of others, etc.

Dating duration. During the period of acquaintance, it is important to get to know each other well, not only in optimal conditions, but also in difficult situations, when the personal qualities and weaknesses of the partner’s character are clearly manifested. It is possible, as is customary now, to live together for some time in order to get comfortable, get used to each other's features. (19)

All these factors create the prerequisites for the emergence of marital compatibility and incompatibility. Psychological incompatibility is the inability to understand each other in critical situations. In marriage, each of the spouses can act as a "traumatic factor", for example, when one of the spouses is an obstacle in meeting the needs of the other. Psychological compatibility is defined as the mutual acceptance of partners in communication and joint activities, based on the optimal combination - similarity or complementarity of value orientations, personal and psychophysiological characteristics. (12)

Psychological compatibility of subjects is a multilevel and multidimensional phenomenon. In family interaction, it includes psychophysiological compatibility; personal compatibility, including cognitive (comprehension of ideas about oneself, other people and the world as a whole), emotional (experiencing what is happening in the external and internal world of a person), behavioral (external expression of ideas and experiences); compatibility of values, or spiritual compatibility. (15)

Thus, the harmony of family and marriage relations in terms of personal parameters is determined by several basic elements:

the emotional side of marital relations, the degree of affection;

the similarity of their ideas, visions of themselves, partners, the social world as a whole; (15)

the similarity of communication models preferred by each of the partners, behavioral features;

sexual and, more broadly, psychophysiological compatibility of partners;

general cultural level, the degree of mental and social maturity of partners, the coincidence of spouses' value systems. (12)

The value and psycho-physiological compatibility of people is of particular importance in family and marriage relations. All other types of compatibility or incompatibility are subject to dynamic changes and change quite easily in the process of mutual adaptation of family members or in the course of psychotherapy. Value and psychophysiological incompatibility is not amenable or with great difficulty can be corrected. (12)

Psychophysiological, and in particular sexual, incompatibility can lead to treason as well as to the breakdown of marriage. And the mismatch of values ​​in the interaction of people, especially in everyday contacts, leads to an almost irreversible destruction of communication and marital relationships. It is important here, on the one hand, how different the evaluation criteria of the spouses are, and on the other hand, how individual criteria correspond to generally recognized ones. (14)

A harmonious marriage presupposes the social maturity of the spouses, readiness for active participation in the life of society, the ability to financially provide for their family, duty and responsibility, self-control and flexibility. The most successful marriages are those people who value reliability, fidelity, love for the family and strong character in their partner. In the "ideal marriage" spouses most often have such personality traits as self-control, diligence, caring, selflessness and flexibility of behavior. (19)

We can talk about double harmony, when the values ​​of the spouses coincide with each other and with the generally accepted system of values; about the coincidence of views with the generally accepted value system of only one of the spouses; on the conformity of the value criteria of both partners with generally accepted values, while at the same time differentiating their points of view; about double differentiation, when value systems diverge, and the interests of both are not identified with generally recognized criteria.

In the absence of any of these groups of compatibility prerequisites, optimal adaptation does not occur or it occurs slowly, the harmony of the marital union is violated. (13)

The most common factors that determine success or failure in marriage are the personal qualities of the spouses and their ability to solve all kinds of problems, to be in harmony with each other. In the absence of these skills, conflict situations often arise as a result of incompatibility, any forces within one person or between spouses. It is important to take into account the individual psychological characteristics of each of the spouses. When studying the personality of spouses, the following properties deserve special attention: extraversion - introversion, dominance - subordination, rigidity - flexibility, optimism - pessimism, carelessness - responsibility, rationalism - romanticism, irascibility-lability, ability to social adaptation. (12)

There is no answer to the question of the influence of similarity - homogeneity or opposition and mutual complementarity - complementarity of personality traits on the harmony and success of marriage. In some cases, polarity has a positive effect on homogeny, in others, complementarity, and in some cases (usually related, for example, to such a dimension as dominance-submission), only one of the polar properties is more beneficial for both partners. The peculiarities of the character of the spouses are evidenced by their attitude to work, people around them, property, to themselves and relatives. (16)

Basic moral principles, interests, outlook, lifestyle, psychosocial maturity and scale of values ​​are important. These indicators reflect the fact that, in addition to the personal qualities of the spouses, marital interaction is associated with the expectations and experience of their previous life. In order to help spouses with marital problems, it is necessary to find out what some of their expectations are based on and what the real state of affairs in the family is. For this purpose, the marriage of their parents, brothers or sisters is usually considered; dynamics of the development of marital relations.

The concept of duplication of the properties of brothers and sisters suggests that a person seeks to realize his relationship to brothers and sisters in new social ties. More stable and successful marriages are observed in cases where relationships between partners are built on exactly this principle, taking into account gender. In this sense, marital relations can be fully complementary (the husband finds an older sister in his wife, and the wife finds an older brother) or partially complementary (both have older brothers or sisters).

The concept of duplication of parental properties suggests that a person learns to fulfill a male or female role to a large extent from his parents and unconsciously uses the model of parental attitude in his family. He learns the marital role by identifying himself with the parent of the same sex. Sometimes without noticing, he adopts a way of thinking, ideas and values, and most importantly - emotional reactions and internal states, unconsciously or consciously tries to become like a parent, therefore he approves of his standards of behavior and adapts to his assessments. The personality of the individual and the parent merge. This scheme also includes the role of a parent of the opposite sex: the forms of parental relationships become a standard. In marriage, both partners try to adjust their relationship to internal patterns - expectations. (10)

Politeness and delicacy in the family should rise to a higher sphere - psychological. It is very important to be able to understand how our behavior affects the psyche of another person, and try to make our actions have a positive impact on him.

It is also important to understand that sexual need can only be truly satisfied against the background of positive feelings and emotions, which are possible if emotional and psychological needs are satisfied (for love, for maintaining and maintaining self-esteem, psychological support, protection, mutual assistance and mutual understanding). ). The categories of stability-instability of marriage, its conflict-freeness depend on the satisfaction of the needs of the spouses, especially emotional and psychological. If the emotional and psychological needs of the individual are not satisfied in marriage, alienation increases, negative feelings and emotions accumulate, and adultery becomes more likely. Spouses do not understand each other, quarrel or simply go "to the side".

According to the degree of danger for family ties, conflicts can be: non-dangerous - they arise in the presence of objective difficulties, fatigue, irritability, a state of "nervous breakdown"; starting suddenly, the conflict can end quickly. Adultery and sexual life in marriage are especially dangerous, leading to divorce. (5)

Cheating reflects the contradictions between spouses, It is the result of a variety of psychological factors. Disappointment in married life, disharmony of sexual relations lead to treason.

The analysis shows that in intra-family conflict, both parties are most often to blame. (17)

In contrast to betrayal, infidelity, fidelity is a system of obligations to a marriage partner, which are regulated by moral norms and standards. This is a conviction in the value, significance of the obligations assumed. Often, fidelity is associated with devotion and is associated with the desire of partners to strengthen their own marriage and relationships.

Thus, a normally functioning family is a family that performs its functions responsibly and differentially, as a result of which the need for growth and change is satisfied both for the family as a whole and for each of its members. (19)

According to the point of view of Lederer and Jackson, a good marriage is one that is characterized by the following features: tolerance, respect for each other, honesty, desire to be together, similarity of interests and value orientations. A.N. Obozova believes that a stable marriage is determined by the coincidence of the interests and spiritual values ​​of the spouses and the contrast of their personal qualities. I would like to add that family stability is also facilitated by the ability of family members to negotiate on all aspects of living together.

Psychological compatibility as a factor in family well-being

1.2 Family well-being and factors that determine it

Conditions for creating a sustainable family union

The problem of family well-being occupies a central place in the consideration of marital relations. The main conditions for the well-being of the family in our minds are: mutual understanding between the spouses, a separate apartment, material well-being, children in the family and an interesting, well-paid job for the spouses. True, the order of values ​​for men and women is somewhat different. Practical men put a separate apartment and material well-being in the first and second places, after which they put mutual understanding between spouses, children and interesting work. Women gave priority to mutual understanding, children, and then to a separate apartment, material well-being and interesting work.

V. Matthews and K. Mikhanovich, as a result of studying a very wide range of realities of family life, found the ten most important differences between happy and unhappy family unions. It turned out that in unhappy families, spouses:

· Do not think alike on many issues and problems.

Poor understanding of the feelings of others.

· Saying words that irritate another.

Often feel unloved.

· Pay no attention to the other.

Feel dissatisfied need for trust.

Feel the need for someone they can trust.

Rarely compliment each other.

· Often forced to give in to the opinion of another.

· Want more love.

Dissatisfaction with marital relationships is based on two reasons: myths about an ideal marriage and the discrepancy between these myths and the realities of life. The following beliefs are widespread among American married couples:

· In a happy marriage, romantic love lasts forever.

· My partner must understand what I want and what I need without words.

· Good sex should be spontaneous and cause a storm of emotions.

· If my partner (partner) suits me, then this will help me cope with my feelings of inferiority.

· My partner will always be on my side in any dispute or conflict.

· If our sex life does not satisfy us, it proves that there is no strong love in the relationship.

In a good marriage, spouses never argue with each other.

· Marriage will greatly improve my life at no cost, expense or deprivation on my part.

As a result of incorrect thinking based on these myths, one of the spouses makes categorical demands on the other. Anxiety arises from the following thoughts:

He (a) should not do this, and it is terrible if he (a) continues to act in the same spirit,

I won't be able to handle this if things don't change

He/she is bad because he/she refuses to change. Usually such thinking is treated as an erroneous belief. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking only irritates the partner, who, most likely, will continue to do the same in the future.

A rationally thinking person recognizes the validity of his expectations and wishes in relation to his partner. But you should not elevate your desires to the rank of requirements, and turn your expectations into orders. Having put forward unlawful demands on a partner, later a person will certainly begin to experience irrational anger. When both partners in anger accuse each other of all sorts of sins, anxiety only intensifies and the vicious circle closes.

In happy marriages, spouses deliberately develop a philosophy of family relationships that allows them to coexist calmly with their partner, appreciate him, while expressing themselves and their own needs for personal growth.

From the point of view of American psychologists, a rather limited set of purely psychological conditions is necessary for the happiness of a family. This:

normal conflict-free communication;

Confidence and empathy (effective sympathy for another);

Understanding each other

a normal intimate life;

Having a home (where you can relax from the complexities of life);

From these studies, certain conditions for family happiness: the desire to eliminate possible contradictions, the ability to look at events and circumstances from the perspective of another, a high culture of communication, constant consideration of the views and opinions of another, tireless demonstration of love, true trust in each other, a high degree of mutual understanding, mutual admiration and mutual compliance.

The next important component of the quality of a marriage is its sustainability. Evaluation of sustainability, strength of marriage is one of the most important characteristics of family lifestyle. V.A. Sysenko for the first time shares the concepts of "marriage stability" and "marriage stability".

He considers the stability of marriage as "the stability of the system of interaction between spouses, the effectiveness and efficiency of their joint activities aimed at achieving both mutual and individual goals of the spouses.

A number of works were devoted to the problems of a young family,. They highlight the factors of instability of a young urban family: short duration of premarital acquaintance of spouses, early (up to 21 years) age of marriage, negative attitude towards a spouse, unsuccessful marriage of parents of one or both spouses, premarital pregnancy, different opinions of spouses on issues of life and leisure and etc. .

Factors of family well-being

Family well-being factors are divided into the following poles: external-internal, objective-subjective.

The external objective ones usually include the stability of the social system in which the family is included (the prerogative of the state), and the material conditions of its life.

Subjective external factors include factors of social control: legal and cultural norms, national and cultural traditions, expectations and requirements of a significant environment.

For a modern family, subjective internal sources of stability are predominant: interpersonal feelings of family members (love, responsibility, duty and respect).

Consider love as a factor in family well-being.

Love and family well-being

The theme of love excites mankind throughout its history. Love was both evil and good; and happiness and suffering; both sadness and joy. But it has never been something indifferent and unnecessary for people.

Researches of scientists have shown the non-identity of the love proper marital orientation of young people. So, according to V.T. Lisovsky, among the primary life plans of young people in 72.9 percent of the answers was “to meet a loved one (s)” and only in 38.9 percent - “to create a family”, boys and girls do not see a future life partner in every partner, it was confirmed and in the studies of S.I. Hunger. He found that among the possible motives for intimate premarital relationships, “love” motivation clearly prevails over “marriage”: for both men and women, mutual love came first, and pleasant pastime came second. On the third place for women - orientation towards marriage, for men - the desire for pleasure, and only then orientation towards marriage.

As you know, there can be love without marriage, and marriage without love. Between marriage and love there is neither a complete coincidence nor a complete difference, and for a long historical period they existed separately. In a large number of cases, love turns out to be a factor preventing the preservation of a family union. There are several reasons here:

· In the impatience of love, we are looking not for a spouse, but for a loved one.

· Under the romantic cover of love, we very often forget about family everyday life and everyday family affairs.

· Fetishization of love: in a passionate search for love, we take for love something that does not correspond to it at all.

Laws of compatibility

Compatibility is one of the most complex phenomena of socio-psychological science in general and family psychology in particular. Compatibility forms a hierarchy of levels, at the bottom of which is the psychophysiological compatibility of temperaments, the consistency of sensorimotor acts. The next level forms the consistency of functional-role expectations. The highest level of group compatibility includes value-oriented unity. It is an indicator of group cohesion, reflecting the level or degree of convergence of opinions, assessments, attitudes and positions of group members in relation to some objects. The family is a small group, and the laws of compatibility apply to it as well.

Husband and wife may expect very different things and imagine their married life differently. At the same time, the more these ideas do not coincide, the less stable the family is, the more dangerous situations arise in it. The system of our marriage and family ideas is very complex and the reasons for the discrepancy arise very often. There are two main reasons:

1. Our ideas about marriage and the family continue to become more and more refined, saturated with details, since the family is now less and less consistent with the pattern of role functioning that has developed over the centuries. The growth of material well-being allows us to look for more and more diverse models of family relationships.

2. The conflict of ideas of young spouses can become aggravated and aggravated due to very poor knowledge of each other's ideas. Firstly, because during the period of premarital courtship, they with enviable constancy prefer to discuss any topic other than family relationships. Secondly, with a very short premarital acquaintance, it is very problematic to find out each other's ideas.

Functional-role conflicts in family compatibility can manifest themselves in three areas of family relations.

The first sphere is leisure, free time spouses. The reason for the sharpness of relationships in this area of ​​family life is quite clear: the more we expect from our free time, the less our ideas about how it should be spent coincide.

The second sphere is economic and economic relations in family. Obsolete stereotypes of family affairs are constantly becoming a “bone of contention” between spouses.

Third sphere- intimate relationships. The same sex that gave rise to the myth of sexual harmony as the most important condition for a happy marriage.

Psychologists who study the laws of compatibility have come to the conclusion that the individual psychological and personal characteristics of spouses do not entirely determine the stability and compatibility of spouses. Still, ideas about the goals of the marriage union prevail here. As for the psychological characteristics of marriage partners, the most important are such features that determine the ability of partners to perceive and understand other people, predict their behavior, treat them attentively and kindly. It is worth noting that spouses always have real opportunities to increase the level of mutual compatibility through self-education, convergence of marriage and family ideas, and a high culture of relationships.

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Psychological compatibility as a factor in family well-being

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4. Psychological factors of the well-being of the modern family

Researchers of the modern family distinguish several factors of marital well-being:

Psychobiological compatibility is the main factor influencing well-being in the family. It includes mutual respect, mutual attraction, readiness of spouses for family life, duty and responsibility, self-control and flexibility, etc. In this regard, it should be noted that frequent divorces in modern families can be explained by the unwillingness of spouses to marry, the inability of men to bear responsibility for the family, because the age of marriage has become much younger, and the reasons for entering into marriage have changed;

· Education. Numerous studies show that higher education does not always improve the stability of family relationships. But most researchers are inclined to believe that the level of intelligence of partners should not differ significantly. Marriage can exist in a patriarchal or close to it form, if the husband has a higher education than the wife, but if the intelligence and education of the wife is higher than that of the husband, this is a problematic marriage;

· Labor stability. There is an opinion that people who often change jobs are distinguished by their inability to establish long-term relationships, which affects not only work, but also family relationships;

· Age. The most optimal period for marriage is considered to be the age of a girl - 20 years, boys - 24 years. Early marriage implies unpreparedness for married life, lack of life experience to create a family. A later marriage entails a longer process of adaptation of the spouses to each other, because. character and way of life are already more formed and stable;

duration of dating. A short period of courtship cannot show future spouses in different life situations. Therefore, with a short acquaintance, the spouses run the risk of recognizing each other, already being married, where all the personal qualities and weaknesses of the partners’ character that have not been seen until this moment are manifested.

All these factors determine psychological compatibility or incompatibility in the family. Psychological compatibility - "mutual acceptance of partners in communication and joint activities, based on the optimal combination - similarity or complementarity - value orientations, personal and psychophysiological characteristics" .

Psychological incompatibility is “the inability to understand each other in critical situations.”

Psychological compatibility / incompatibility is determined by the following criteria

· The emotional side of marital relations, the degree of affection;

· The similarity of the ideas of the spouses about themselves, about the partner, about the world as a whole;

Similarity of models of communication of partners and behavioral features;

· Sexual and psychophysiological compatibility of partners;

· The general cultural level, the degree of mental and social maturity of the spouses, the coincidence of value systems.

In the process of adaptation to each other, the listed criteria may change, with the exception of values ​​and psychophysiological characteristics. Therefore, these two criteria are of the greatest importance in assessing the psychological compatibility or incompatibility of partners.

A good family is the most important prerequisite for a fulfilling life for the vast majority of Russian women; a good family is the basis for a prosperous life for women. But what should a family be like for a woman to consider her family life happy?

Specialists from the Institute of Social and Psychological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted a survey of modern women about how they imagine a happy family. According to the results of the survey, a happy family in the understanding of Russian women is a family based on love. 87.3% of women who consider their family happy were sure that they had already met their true love. And it is no coincidence that 75.8% of women in this group are convinced that a love marriage is stronger than a marriage of convenience, while among those who no longer hope to create a happy family, only half of the respondents think so. Moreover, true love for Russian women is not so much a romantic feeling as it gives stability and reliability to life.

The next mandatory component of a happy family is children. Moreover, their number is not so important, but the very fact of their presence. 46.2% of all happy families had one minor child, 19.4% - two, 2.0% - three or more, in 6.0% of cases in these families there were both minors and already grown children, and in 13 3% are already adult children. At the same time, the share of childless happy families was only 13.1%, although the share of childless families in the total array of respondents was 34.6%. However, the inverse relationship does not work - having children in itself is not enough for women to consider their family happy. Only half of all women with children considered their family happy.

The third feature of families that women consider happy is an officially registered marriage. Among women who are officially married, 69.0% considered their family happy. At the same time, among those women who were in a civil marriage, only 40.2% were able to say this about their family, and the presence of a permanent partner was not considered at all by women as a family - only 5.3% of women from this group believed that they have a happy family. Almost 80% of them hoped that it was still in the future for them. The same hope was shared by almost 40% of women who were in a civil marriage.

As for the other characteristics of what a typical happy family should look like, the picture is far from romanticism. If the ideal man for a woman is, first of all, such a man who is able to provide protection from the outside world, then a happy family is a family in which a woman feels “behind her husband” as if not behind a “stone wall”, then at least behind some kind of back, and where the husband creates the basis for the material well-being of the family. In any case, in the families of 56.5% of women who believed that they managed to create a happy family, the well-being of the family was determined mainly by the earnings of the husband, which is much more than in other families. Given the psychological pressure under which Russian women live today, as well as the range and nature of the problems they face in their daily lives, this can hardly be surprising.

We add that if there is not enough money in the family, then earning money in happy families is also the destiny of a man rather than a woman. And although someone has to earn extra money in three-quarters of such families, 40.1% of men and only 16.0% of women are engaged in earning extra money (in 14.6% of cases, both have to do this). In all other families, women bear a noticeably greater burden in terms of earnings. Moreover, it was found that in families where the relationship between husband and wife is good, a low level of material well-being is more easily tolerated, and dissatisfaction with them is lower.

For modern women, equality of rights with a man is more important than headship in the family or the fact that it has more rights - 70.2% of women from happy families believed that they have equal rights with a man, and only 9.6% - that they have more rights ( 15.8% believed that men have more rights, while the rest found it difficult to answer this question

Among the causes of conflicts in families, women named the following (Table 1):

Table 1. Opinion of women about what leads to conflicts in the family, in %

What most often leads to conflicts in the family Married Divorced Civil marriage Single, but has a permanent partner
Differences in the upbringing and education of children 28,0 15,6 15,2 2,6
Character incompatibility 13,1 15,6 13,4 24,7
Financial difficulties 43,3 33,3 33,9 22,1
Relationship problems with husband's parents or husband with parents 17,9 8,9 21,4 2,6
Husband spends little time with family 15,8 7,4 16,1 5,2
Cheating, jealousy 4,3 11,1 8,0 7,8
Differences over what should be spent on the money in the first place 12,2 4,4 12,5 9,1
Problems in sexual relations with husband 3,7 4,4 6,3 1,3
Drunkenness, drug addiction 15,8 14,1 21,4 7,8
Disagreements about the choice of circle of communication 6,7 5,9 13,4 18,2
Differences in the intellectual and cultural level of spouses 3,3 3,7 2,7 2,6
Disagreements about the distribution of family responsibilities 19,7 9,6 17,0 9,1
Differences over the choice of ways to spend free time 10,6 2,2 8,9 14,3
One of the spouses is annoyed that the other has achieved more in life (for example, the wife earns much more than her husband) 2,0 1,5 4,5 1,3

Another quite pragmatic, most important component of a happy family life was normal living conditions for women. More than 60% of women from happy families (with 42.5% in the array as a whole) lived in separate apartments. At the same time, among the women who lived in dormitories and service apartments, the percentage of those who no longer hoped to have a happy family was noticeably higher than the average.

The study revealed the dependence of a woman's feeling of happiness in the family on the level of her education (Table 2):

Table 2. Share of women who consider their family life happy, depending on the level of education, in %

Evaluation of your family Education
lower secondary average secondary spec. unapproved higher higher academic degree
Already managed to create a happy family 24,3 9,2 44,9 34,5 49,4 38,0
I haven't achieved it yet, but I think I can do it 32,4 46,6 36,3 54,7 31,7 44,4
I would like to, but it is unlikely that I will be able to achieve this 32,4 20,1 15,4 5,8 17,3 11,1
10,8 4,1 3,5 5,0 1,6 5,6

One should hardly be surprised at the same time that the lowest proportion of women who consider their family happy is among general workers and auxiliary workers - 33.7%. At the same time, it is in this group that the highest percentage of women cite drunkenness and drug addiction in one of their relatives among the main problems of their own unsettled life.

As for official marriage, Russian women see its main function in the full-fledged upbringing of children. At the same time, women who have a happy family are noticeably more likely than others to say that it is official marriage that gives a woman confidence and creates the prerequisites for the full-fledged upbringing of children (Table 3.).

Table 3. Ideas about what marriage is for, in the composition of women who consider their family happy, in %

Attitude towards official marriage Evaluation of your family
Already have a happy family Not yet, but I can do it I can't seem to get it It wasn't in my life plans.
It is necessary for the proper upbringing of children. 34,8 23,9 28,4 22,0
He creates the material support of the family 9,1 9,4 11,4 6,0
A woman feels more confident in it 30,0 26,4 24,5 14,0
Official marriage is unimportant, the main thing is that there is a man nearby 15,1 19,0 19,7 28,0
For a modern woman, marriage is not important, she can achieve everything alone 8,0 17,0 13,1 26,0
Other 3,1 4,3 3,0 4,0

Thus, the family is a special, very significant and emotionally colored type of partnership, the purpose of which is the upbringing of children. At the same time, it is assumed that, due to the inherent value of the family, each side of this partnership must make certain sacrifices for the sake of its interests. At the same time, infidelity, attempts at betrayal are perceived very hard, not so much because of a love injury, but because of a violation of the basic principles of the existence of this partnership, as a sign of insecurity and betrayal.

And if the family type of partnership is really implemented in practice, then no disagreements on specific issues, including the distribution of family money, do harm to the woman and family, and the woman feels quite confident and protected. Moreover, even if a man cannot provide an acceptable standard of living for his family, but honestly tries to do it (works, tries to earn extra money, does not drink), then a woman, as a rule, is satisfied with her family life.

Thus, we found out which aspects of family life are most important for a modern Russian woman and what a successful marriage means to her.


Thus, having considered the main characteristics of the modern family, we can draw the following conclusions.

An analysis of the literature on the problem of family relations confirms the interest of researchers in the problems of the modern family. Most theoretical works and practical studies emphasize the changing nature of family relations depending on changes in society.

Speaking about the functional features of the modern family, it should be noted that the functions of the family have also changed recently due to changes in external circumstances affecting the family. Not only the internal content of functions changes, but also their number. For example, some researchers note the recent emergence of a psychotherapeutic function.

The study of leadership in the family allows us to conclude that each family is characterized by an individual distribution of roles and leadership.

Exploring prosperous and dysfunctional families, many authors note that well-being in the family depends primarily on the coincidence of the value orientations of the spouses and their psychophysiological compatibility. There is also a certain trend towards the growth of dysfunctional families.

Modern family research suggests that a woman's subjective feeling of satisfaction with a marriage consists of the following components:

· Love in the family, which should give strength and reliability of relationships;

· Presence of marriage registration as a factor of constancy;

The ability of a man to be the support and protection of the family;

· Man, as the creator of material well-being in the family;

Thus, despite the changes in traditions, forms and other signs of a modern family, women, speaking about family well-being, are more inclined to traditional forms of the family, believing that it is in them that they will feel happier and more satisfied with their marriage.


1. Aleshina Yu.E. Individual and family psychological counseling. - M., 1993. - 175 p.

2. Borisova O.N. New and traditional in the social regulation of marriage and family relations // Methodology of research in the management of social processes in the process of perestroika. - Kalinin, 1979. -p. 88-94

3. Golod S. Family stability: sociological and demographic aspects. – L., 1984.-325 p.

4. Dobrovich A., Yasitskaya O. Darlings scold ... - M .: Moskovsky Rabochiy, 1988. - 172 p.,

5. The woman of the new Russia. What is she? What does he live? What is it striving for? / Analytical report. - M .: Institute of Social and Psychological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, December 5, 2001

6. Kuznetsova L.N. Who is the head of the family now? // Reader on ethics and psychology of family life. - M., 1987. - p.143-151

7. Morozova M. Life is a theater or how to stand at the helm of a family boat // Article // Center for Psychological Support of Business and Family. - M, 2003

8. Psycho VL Soon after the wedding. - Krasnodar: Book publishing house, 1988. - 95 p.

9. Psychology of family relations with the basics of family counseling. Textbook / Ed. E.G. Silyaeva. - M.: ACADEM'A, 2002. - 192 p.

10. Stepanov S. Responsible role.// School psychologist. - 2000. - No. 17

11. Fedotova N.F. The head of the family: motives for recognition // Questions of psychology. - 1983. - No. 5. - With. 87-94., p. 87-94

12. Schneider L.D. Psychology of family relations. Course of lectures - M .: April-press, 2000. - 512 p.

13. Eidemiller E.G., Yustitskis V.V. Psychology and psychotherapy of the family. 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: PETER, 1999. - 656 p.

Relationships and especially their impact on adolescents. At the same time, he highly appreciated the role of a teacher in working with a teenager, especially from disadvantaged families. Communicating with a teenager, the teacher must somehow correct the possible negative impact of the prevailing nature of relationships in families on boys and girls. But such a correction is impossible without knowledge of such a characteristic of these relations as their style. ...

The duration of the agreement; duties of the parties; the rights of the parties; joint action procedures; assessment of the effectiveness of the work performed. Chapter 2. Experimental work of a social educator with a "family at risk" 2.1. Methodology for studying the family of the "risk group" in the conditions of a comprehensive school The family of the risk group is characterized by the presence of a deviation from the norm, which does not allow ...

Families. 5. Change of value orientations in the family. II. In chapter 1, the following main characteristics of a modern family in a systemic crisis were identified: 1. Socio-economic: a) The structure of family income has changed. b) The structure of consumer spending has changed. 2. Socio-demographic: a) Reducing the birth rate. b) An increase in the number of incomplete families ...

It still remains a purely biological concept of a married couple cohabiting with their descendants and elderly representatives of the older generation. The family is one of the main objects of social work. The modern family is going through a difficult stage in evolution - the transition from the traditional model to the new one, and many scientists characterize the current family conditions as crisis, ...

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis - 480 rubles, shipping 10 minutes 24 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays

Taradanov Alexander Ardalionovich Family well-being in modern Russia: Genesis and practice: Dis. ... Dr. sociol. Sciences: 22.00.04: Yekaterinburg, 2004 302 p. RSL OD, 71:05-22/39


Chapter I

1.1 Theoretical foundations for setting and solving the problem of family well-being 25

1.2 The concept of "family well-being": essence, content, categorical structure 46

1.3 Method of analysis of relations of family well-being 66

1.4 Family well-being as a subject of sociological research 94


2.1 Social performance research: history and theory 113

2.2 Family well-being and standard of living 130

2.3 Social well-being of the Russian family 145

2.4 Micro ("group") indicators of well-being in the family 158

2.5 Macro (“institutional”) indicators of family well-being 170


3.2 Genesis of family well-being: conditions and factors 207

3.3 Socio-technological foundations of family welfare policy 220

Conclusion 242

Glossary of basic concepts and terms 248

References 251

Applications: 1. Questionnaire 281

Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topic. In socio-political and scientific discussions, specialized literature and public opinion, family well-being occupies one of the leading places in the rank of Russians' life values. But, on the other hand, family values ​​in modern Russia are undergoing profound changes, which by no means always contribute to the establishment of social harmony and stability in the family and society. As a result, in sociology, family problems today are mainly represented by the fact that it is bad in the family, why it is bad and how drunkenness, intra-family conflicts, divorces, domestic violence give rise to an increase in crime, drug addiction, social orphanhood, depopulation and demographic imbalance in society.

Well-known position: "a healthy family - a healthy society." However, as Hegel said, the known is not the known. Indeed, apart from general phrases and individual examples on this topic, there is no scientific evidence of this position in sociology. Therefore, the authorities and public organizations implementing family policy experience very serious difficulties in determining its specific, precisely defined goals and objectives, for the reason that they have practically no scientific data on the family presented in a positive perspective: what processes and how effectively create family well-being? This is first.

Secondly, in sociology there is no systematic theoretical development of the category of "family well-being" and the related concepts of "prosperous family", "well-being in the family", "well-being of the family", which leads to their uncritical (often even synonymous) application.

Thirdly, in Russian social studies there is a pronounced problem of increasing the “practicality” of the results of scientific (including sociological) research in the face of the need to justify

5 recommendations, regulations and management decisions in the social sphere in general and family policy in particular. Social practice requires from social science information adapted to management needs, the main requirements for which are the maximum of significant data in the minimum of their volume, since in the conditions of the “information explosion”, “direct” information in the form of simple survey results becomes “unprofitable”: loss of time and money to obtain and study it is not always paid off by the effectiveness of the results. Therefore, it is necessary to develop appropriate scientifically based social indices, indicators and indicators of family well-being that provide such information.

The acute need of society, social science and social management in theoretical analysis and an adequate methodology for the study of family well-being determine the relevance of the dissertation topic.

The degree of scientific development of the research topic. Attempts by philosophers, sociologists, demographers, historians, ethnographers and other social scientists to understand and explain the processes taking place in the modern family, and to develop the necessary recommendations to improve the situation of representation! a very significant amount of theoretical and empirical research. General theoretical approaches to solving the problems of the family and family well-being in society were developed by the classics of sociological thought E. Durkgem, M. Kovalevsky, O. Comte, K. Levin, K. Marx, M. Mead, T. Parsops, P. Sorokin; research was continued by modern domestic and Western scientists L. Antonov, V. Arkhangelsky, I. Bestuzhev-Lada, II. Burgucheva, K. Vasilyeva, S. Wolfson, S. Golod, L. Darsky, V. Elizarov, T. Dolgova, L. Kartseva, I. Klemantovich, V. Kovalev, L. Kogan, V. Kozlov, G. Kornilov, O. Kuchmaeva, V. Lisovsky, M. Matskovsky, G. Osipov, B. Pavlov, V. Plotnikov, B. Popov, E. Simonova, Yu. Travin, A. Kharchev, N. Yurkevich; and also B. Adame, K. Alley, P. Amato, W. Bengtson, L. Ganung, R.

Gartner, M. Coleman, її. Raavilainep, L. Pechkovsky, K. San Rogi, T. Tammenti, M. Tarkka, G. Elder and others. The family in modern theoretical developments is considered, as a rule, from three sides or one of them: as one of the main social institutions that performs a number of important functions; as a small social group consisting of close relatives and representing the "primary social unit"; as a sphere of personal life of an individual, in which his fundamental needs are satisfied. Researchers note the growing contradictions between the family and society, the family and the individual, the intense transformational processes taking place in the family, and their multiple social and antisocial consequences.

The foundations of the study of family structure, functional and dysfunctional aspects of family relations were laid by the classics of sociological thought E. Burgess, E. Durkheim, O. Comte, F. Le Play, J. Murdoch, R. Merton, W. Ogborn, T. Parsons, P. Sorokin, G. Spencer. Already O. Comte described the preservation of cultural heritage, the establishment of moral and emotional ties between people and the balance between the aspirations of different generations as the most important functions for society of the family. F. Le Play considered the function of socialization as the main one. E. Durkheim posed the problem of changing the functions of the family in the course of social evolution. G. Spencer laid down the tradition of dividing the functions of the family into public (general institutional) and individual-group functions. P. Sorokin and M. Rubinshtein formed and deeply substantiated the emerging social problems of modern society due to violations in the performance of the family's functions. R. Merton described and researched dysfunctional aspects of family relationships.

These studies were continued by L. Antonov, V. Belova, V. Borisov, V. Boyko, E. Vasilyeva, L. Vishnevsky, L. Volkov, I. Gerasimova, S. Golod, V. Golofast, I. Dementieva, V. Elizarov , L. Zhuravleva, V. Zatsepin, L. Kartseva, A. Kovaleva, V. Lukov, M. Pankratova, V. Perevedentsev, V. Popov, N.

7 Rimashevskaya, V. Ruzhzhe, 10. Semenov, G. Sverdlov, V. Sysenko, S. Tomilin,

V. Ryasentsev, B. Urlapis, E. Fotesva, V. Klyuchnikov, S. Laptenok, N.

Yurkevich, A. Kharchev, A. Khomenko, D. Chechot, L. Chuiko, Z. Yankova; and also K.

Bauman, M. Briitall-Peterson, R. Jackson, D. Dawson, J. Jacquard, P.

Zach, R. Kirkoff, S. Livingstone, T. Leeds, P. McCullough, W. Nelson, E.

Thomson, W. Targ, K. Trent, II. Tuzuki, K. Wep, T. Hanson, T. Hatta, E. Chains and

a lot others.

In the works of these researchers, the role of the family institution in the social structure of society, its functioning as an integral entity (element of the structure) was widely considered, and the sphere of problems of the family crisis was formed. Structural transformations in the family, various types of families according to their composition (full, incomplete, large families, small children, nuclear, multigenerational), the structure and functions of family groups, the hierarchy and subdivisions of functions performed by the family, relations between generations depending on the composition of the family, and many others were studied. questions.

Demographic problems in their connection with family and society relations are studied by D. Valenten, A. Vishnevsky, A. Volkov, K. Volkov, E. Zakharova, P. Zvidrinyp, I. Katkova, A. Kvasha, G. Kiseleva, G. Korostelev , A. Kuzmin, V. Meshcheryakov, V. Moiseiko, I. Mokerov, A. Petrakov, B. Sinelnikov, A. Sudoplatov, B. Khorev, L. Ezera; and also S. Albrecht, L. Henri, F. Arpes, M. Weiss, J. Vivere, II. De Voor, B. Cogswell, C. Lay, R. Flattery G, J. Mepkep, M. Miller, S. Pap, M. Sussman, N. Shosho, S. Frapkel, and others. Pronounced regularities in the decline in the birth rate and the absence of clear prospects and mechanisms for its increase in developed countries and Russia due to the deep crisis of the modern family have been found.

The problems of family policy and the functioning of the family institution are studied by T. Afanas'eva, K. Bazdyrev, E. Vorozheikin, I. Gerasimov, Yu. Giller, E. Gruzdeva, L. Gordon, S. Darmodekhii, A. Efimov, L. Zyabreva, O.

8 Isupova, M. Kalinin, G. Karelova, E. Klopov, V. Kozlov, N. Kolmogortseva,

V. Kornyak, N. Krasnova, M. Krupenko, L. Kuksa, V. Metelkin, V. Meshcheryakov,

T. Nikiforova, B. Pavlov, A. Sazonov, V. Tomin, A. Kharchev, Y. Shimin, N.

Yurkevich; and also K. Ballinger, M. Brooks, L. Johnson, P. Delfabbro, T.

Christensen, K. Merrigai, M. Prior, L. Haas, J. Elliot, E. Jung and others.

Their research formed the basic principles and directions

family policy as a special section of social policy, developed

targeted approach technologies in the implementation of its activities,

The problems of various aspects of the family lifestyle were presented in their studies by V. Arkhangelsky, V. Baltsevich, I. Bestuzhev-Lada, L. Blyakhman, O. Bozhko, B. Govalo, V. Golofast, A. Gushchina, O. Kuchmaeva, A. Demidov, I. Dobrovolskaya, A. Zhvinklene, E. Zubkova, T. Kasumov, S. Klgashii, L. Kogan, T. Kokareva, N. Mansurov, G. Markova, A. Merenkov, Yu. Petrov, S. Popov, V. Prokofiev, V. Smolyaiskny, V. Firsova, S. Frolov, N. Shabalina, A. Efendiev, V. Yazykova; and also E. Wei-Yung Kwong, R. Johnson, R. Keith, K. Kelly, B. Marxey, K. Weston and others. In the process of these studies, among other things, "rules of the culture of family behavior" were developed, the observance of which contributes to the normalization of relations between family members.

The dependence of various aspects of family well-being on the standard of living is studied by V. Bigulov, V. Bobkov, II. Zvereva, I. Kozina, A. Kryshtapovsky, B. Kutelia, V. Medkop, A. Michurin, P. Mstislavsky, T. Protasepko, II. Rimashevskaya, I. Rodzinskaya, K. Shchadilova; and also E. Vendewater, D. Gao, M. Macleod, R. Mistry, S. Knock, S. Hess, A. Houston and others. In the works of researchers in this area, on the one hand, a serious dependence of the level of intermarital relations on the standard of living of the family is noted; on the other hand, this dependence is limited, the role of social and emotional factors grows as the standard of living rises.

9 Problems of psychological compatibility of spouses, interpersonal

relations and conflicts in the family attracted the scientific attention of such

famous foreign scientists such as M. Argyle, W. Bar, K. Bradbury, K. Vitek,

L. Kardec, D. Carnegie, C. Copello, M. Krishnan, A. Crowther, R. Lewis, S.

McHade, W. Nelson, J. Orford, I. Sun, A. Smith, G. Spagnier, M. Fin, W.

Friedrich, K. Starke, II. Hages, R. Heyman, and others. This side of the family

life is studied in particular detail by domestic researchers S. Agarkov,

I. Bestuzhev-Lada, N. Butorina, A. Vishnevsky, S. Golod, T. Gurko, IO.

Davydov, O. Krasnova, I. Kon, A. Libin, I. Malyarova, K. Nikitin, N.

Obozov, I. Rodzinskaya, A. Rubinov, V. Savin, V. Solodnikov, V. Sysenko, L.

Chuiko, K. Shchadilova and others. In the course of these studies in the literature

the idea was formed that conflict was inherent in

family life due to the almost inevitable differences in worldview

attitudes and value orientations of family members and spouses in the first

queue; the hierarchy of the causes of conflicts was investigated and formed

(low standard of living, drunkenness, infidelity, non-family interests,

parental intervention, etc.).

The problems of a single-parent family are studied by A. Volkov, T. Gurko, E. Zakharova, A. Kvasha, G. Kiseleva, G. Korostelev, O. Kuchmaeva, V. Meshcheryakov, V. Moiseenko, I. Mokerov, L. Rybtsova; and Alsoi Ch., Park K., et al.

The problems of compatibility of the social roles of a woman-mother, wife and worker are analyzed by A. Andreeikova, P. Achildieva, S. Barsukova, O. Bozhkov, V. Golofast, \1. Gruzdeva, R. Kuzmina, V. Patrushev, L. Rybtsova, T. Sidorova, E. Cherpekin; and also D. Berto, I. Beto-Vyam, L. Sanchez, L. Thompson and others. Research data revealed the extreme congestion of a family woman with various household problems, which in no way contributes to family well-being.

V. Alekseeva, G. Asoskov, I. Belousova, A. Kostin, N. Zorkova, V. Ivanova, T. Ishutina, B. Klimov, V. Kozlov, I. Kutareva, II . Minaeva, T.

10 I-Iasirova, B. Pavlov, II. Pavlova, 1-I. Piskunov, 11. Rybakov, I. Sapozhnikova,

M. Yudina and others. Despite the complexity of these relationships, research

it is noted that the social sphere of enterprises contributes to strengthening

families through solving social problems of employees and their families.

Social indicators and indicators of the state of the family are developed and studied by A. Arutyunov, G. Batygin, A. Shchelkin, I. Bestuzhev-Lada, V. Bigulov, V. Veretennikov, V. Zhukov, L. Zubova, V. Kishinets, V. Korchagin , A. Kryshtanovsky, L. Kuielsky, V. Levashov, V. Lokosov, V. Mayer, A. Michurin, I. Petrushina, S. Popov, T. Protasenko, V. Rutgaiser, E. Spivak, V. Tolmachev. A. Shmarov; as well as M. Illner, M. Foret and others. Various approaches to the formation of a system of such indicators and the indicators themselves and indicators of “family stability”, “marriage stability”, “marriage satisfaction”, “level of conflict”, “social well-being” and other aspects of family life are proposed.

The gender approach to the analysis of family problems is implemented by the authors S. Barsukova, O. Voronina, V. Gerchikov, E. Zdravomyslova, O. Krichevskaya, S. Moor, L. Rybtsova, O. Samartseva, G. Sillaste, I. Tartakovskaya, A. Temkina, G. Turetskaya, T. Fomina, A. Chirikova, G. Shafranov-Kutsev, E. Yarskaya-Smirnova; and also P. McKerry, S. McLepan, N. Maris, S. Okin, V. Reisman, P. Schwartz, M. Fin and others. Scientists in this area have proposed an original theoretical model for studying the relationship between the male and female "life worlds" (10. Habermas), based on the peculiarities of the manifestation of social and biological contradictions in male and female social communities and subcultures.

Questions of the attitude of young people to marriage, a young family, features and specific problems of the first years of married life are explored by V. Baltsevich, D. Baranova, S. Brov, 10. Vishnevsky, B. Govalo, I. Dementieva, V. Zakamaldina, N. Zorkova, I. Ignatova, S. Ikonnikova, M. Kalinin, A. Kovaleva, A. Kostin, V. Kuvaldina, V. Lisovsky, V. Lukov, V. Menshutin,

T. Nasyrova, D. Nemirovsky, G. Nikitina, V. Perevedentsev, B. Ruchkin, II. Rybakov, E Slastukhnpa, O. Frolov, V. Shapko and others. The "frivolous attitude" and poor preparedness of young people for marriage, leading to its dissolution after the first years of marriage in many couples for various reasons, were revealed.

Problems of the relationship between health and family well-being analyze 1-I. Afonina, I. Afsakhov, I. Gundarov, A. Ivanova, TO. Komarov, P. Ovinov, E. Pavlova, I. Sapozhnikova, M. Yudina; and also D. Dawson, J. Heyman, G. Acton and others. These studies highlight the positive impact of a healthy lifestyle on family relationships.

However, even with such extensive attention and the multiplicity of aspects of family research, family well-being as an established, definite, theoretically and empirically studied sphere of social relations is absent in sociology. Definitions and differentiation of the concepts of "family well-being", "family well-being", "well-being in the family", "prosperous family" are not found either in scientific publications, or in textbooks, or in dictionaries. Therefore, today in social theory and practice they are used uncritically, often as synonyms, which does not at all clarify the nature and essence of family relations.

The lack of coordination of theoretical positions on the problems of family well-being seriously hinders the development of private and related conceptual provisions and the implementation of practical measures. The theme of the family in modern social studies is represented either by general theoretical studies (“family and society”, “family and culture”, “family and gender”), or by new (or already familiar) facts.

12 family troubles. At the same time, social practice clearly

claims that the abundance of "negative" does not create positive attitudes

social behavior, but only provokes a new "negative". Absence in

sphere of family relations a convincing positive image in his

theoretical and practical representation inevitably generates

lagging behind and dependence of the sociology of the family and family policy on the elements

family troubles and does not make it possible to formulate

concept, strategy and tactics of effective preventive and positive

actions of society and the state in this direction. Therefore, the programs

and family policy measures implemented today at the federal,

regional and local levels, are either attempts

mitigation of individual (isolated) negative phenomena in

dysfunctional family, or directed at the abstract "family in general."

None of the programs has its provisions and priorities

family well-being as a clear, well-defined and achievable goal.

Meanwhile, it is social practice, above all, strongly

requires a scientific definition of the concept and the study of patterns

family well-being. This situation determined the scientific interests

The purpose of the work is to study the phenomenon of family well-being, theoretical formation and definition of the basic concepts and relationships that reveal it.

Research tasks to be solved to achieve its goal:

1. Develop the theoretical foundations for posing and solving the problem
family well-being.

    Define the concept of "family well-being" in the unity of its essence and content.

    Develop and substantiate the categorical structure of the author's concept of family well-being.

4. Make a critical analysis of the most common

methods of theoretical sociological research of family problems.

    Develop and implement in the process of research an adequate method of sociological analysis of family well-being.

    Justify and present family well-being as a subject of research in the unity of its theoretical and empirical phenomena.

    Develop and test indicators and indicators of family well-being.

    Investigate empirical indicators of family well-being and determine their optimal parameters.

9. Form the main provisions of the methodology for determining and
analysis of the social components of family well-being.

10. Develop and justify key actions
implementation of the family welfare program.

According to the author, the achievement of these goals and the solution of problems develops a new direction of theoretical and empirical research in sociology, contributes to an increase in the level of knowledge about the processes of family relations, which makes it possible to significantly strengthen the scientific basis for the development and planning of family policy measures.

The object of the study is the family as an element of the social structure of nature.

The subject of the study is family well-being as a specific form of elementary social connection, which is the satisfaction by the family (in the family) of the needs of the subjects of social action in the process of their genesis.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the works of famous domestic and foreign scientists (philosophers,

14 sociologists, political scientists, demophiles, historians, educators, social


The general theoretical provisions of the work are based on the following ideas and concepts: E. Durkheim (the theory of "social fact" underlying the definition of the phenomenon of "socially prosperous" or "real" family); M. Weber (the theory of "ideal types", which is the basis for the formation of the categorical structure of family well-being; and the theory of "social behavior", which allows to substantiate "prosperous family life" as a social phenomenon); K. Marx (the logic of analysis of the "capitalist mode of production", applied to adapt the genetic monographic approach to the formation of the author's version of family well-being); P. Sorokina (the concept of "family crisis", which made it possible to understand the contradictions of the "crisis", "transformational" and "family-centric" theoretical components of family well-being); modern Western (A. Carr-Saunders, P. Claude, W. Roberts, A. Sauvy, I. Ferenczi) and Russian (A. Kvasha) researchers (the theory of “demographic optimum”, which is the basis for the formation of the reproductive component of family well-being).

An important role for the theoretical understanding of the processes under study was played by the concept of the family as an "institutional community" and "main function" in the unity of internal and external relations, proposed by A. Kharchev, and the concept of family self-preservation developed by A. Kuzmin allows a deeper understanding of the essence of this unity.

The general methodological provisions of the dissertation are based on the logic of ascent from the abstract to the concrete developed in the philosophical theory of Hegel and the principle of the unity of the historical and the logical. As the main methodical method of theoretical deployment of the phenomenon of family well-being is the use of the genetic (M. Kovalevsky) approach in its monophatic (F. Le Play)

15th variant, which made it possible to consistently present the genesis of the family

well-being as a general social process in the unity of its historical and logical, institutional (macro) and individual-group (micro-sociological) components. This approach is based on an algorithm (sequence of research methods and operations) created and applied by V. Plotnikov when he developed the concept of elementary social connection in the process of philosophical analysis of a socio-biological problem.

To develop an empirical research methodology and an experimental set of sociological indicators of family well-being, the approaches and results obtained by B. Pavlov (the concept of the "full family" and its indicators), V. Shapko, 10. Vishnevsky (studies of the problems of a young family and the attitude of young people to family life). Separate aspects of the problem for a more adequate and familiar representation and perception are described using the methods of systemic, complex, structural-functional and socio-cultural analysis, the theory of needs, the theory of conflicts.

The empirical basis of the dissertation is the research data of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as the results of the research conducted by the author and 1993-2003. on the territories and in the administrative-territorial formations that are part of the modern Ural Federal District (in more than 30 A "GOs of five federal subjects of the Russian Federation: Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districts). Purpose The study also determined the choice of an adequate method for collecting empirical data.Since family well-being is presented in the sociological literature extremely rarely and fragmentarily, and families of different levels and content of well-being with their main characteristics as empirical material are not available at all, the main task of empirical research was to detect such families in practice. and their sociological characteristics

based on the development and analysis of relevant indicators. In accordance with these guidelines, using a single methodology, the author conducted two mass surveys (N=6553 in 1993-1996 and N=6229 in 1999) on a regionalized random sample; the total number of respondents was N=12782.

The socio-demographic composition of the sampling sets of both surveys differs slightly, but the difference in living standards is very significant: the second survey was conducted a year after the August 1998 crisis: the corresponding indicator of the subsistence level of the family fell by more than two times.

All surveys were conducted on the orders of local authorities, which indicates that they are interested in researching and solving problems of family well-being.

The main results of the study, obtained personally by the author, and their scientific novelty are reflected in the following provisions of the dissertation:

The theoretical basis for posing and solving the problem of family well-being is a monistic approach to the analysis of the family, the implementation of the principle of historical and logical unity on the material under study in the process of finding the initial category of ascent from the abstract to the concrete in the author's concept.

The concept of family well-being is formulated, defined and introduced into scientific circulation as a specific form of elementary social connection (essence), which is the satisfaction of the needs of subjects of social action in the family, the effective performance by the family of its functions (content).

The categorical structure of the author's
concept of family well-being. It is also based on
concepts defined and introduced into the scientific circulation of the sociology of the family:
"prosperous family" as an institutionally defined phenomenon
family well-being; "well-being of the family" as a social group

the phenomenon of family well-being; "welfare in the family"

individually determined phenomenon of family well-being.

The grounds for the fundamental differences between the "crisis", "transformational" and "family-centric" points of view on family well-being are revealed. The theoretical basis for these discrepancies is the accentuation of any of the approaches in the absence of a recognized concept of their unity; empirical - a wide range of real contradictions between the subjects of social action regarding the satisfaction of their needs by the family (in the family).

The author's approach to the use of the genetic method in its monographic version in relation to the problem of family well-being has been developed and demonstrated its heuristic potential. This approach is an algorithm for discovering the initial relationship of a social phenomenon in the unity of its historical and logical genesis.

The study proposes a theoretical solution to the problem of coordinating the macro and micro sociological levels in the sociology of the family. This decision is based on the representation of the family as an elementary social community, from which all other elements of the social structure are derived in the process of its genesis.

The essence, content and semantic meaning of the concept of "real family" used by Hegel are determined. A categorical analysis shows that this is a family that, in the course of performing its functions, simultaneously satisfies the needs of all the main “social agents” (P. Bourdieu) or “subjects of social action”. In the dissertation, therefore, it is defined as a "socially prosperous family" (SBS).

“Theoretical representation and empirical content of the concept of “the level of family well-being of society” has been developed. Theoretically, this level is reflected by some integral index, which can be calculated on the basis of well-being-ill-being indicators from

18 ratio of the shares of prosperous and dysfunctional families; like how

the share of socially prosperous (“real”) families in their total


An experimental system of empirical sociological indicators, indicators and indices of the level of family well-being has been developed, tested and methodically formalized. The analysis shows that four groups of sociological indicators are necessary and sufficient for assessing the state of the family: socio-institutional (marriage-“divorce”, birth rate, reproductive attitudes), material and household (income, housing, attributes of civilization, quality of the budget), social well-being or "existential" (nutrition, health, mood), social-group or "phenomenological" (sexual and "spiritual" compatibility, "fathers and sons", "family harmony"). Based on the study of these indicators for various categories of families, an index of the quality of family life is calculated. The initial element of family well-being is the corresponding “better” socio-cultural attitudes received in the parental family and adjusted by the social environment.

» The boundaries and the degree of influence on the family well-being of the society of various (material, social, psychological, spiritual and emotional) parameters of family life were identified and sociologically marked. As a result of the calculation of the relevant indicators, it was revealed to what extent the level of family well-being depends on the type of activity, gender and age of the spouses, family living conditions, which makes it possible to form the prerequisites for setting the scientific (calculated) basis for planning social policy measures to increase the level of family well-being.

« A theoretical substantiation and development of the fundamental provisions of the social technology of targeted stimulation of the birth rate and socialization in socially prosperous families, as well as the main

elements of management decisions that allow

planning family policy activities with a relatively confident receipt of predictable positive results in the field of procreation and socialization. This is, first of all, the discovery of socially prosperous families as a result of an appropriate sociological study and the determination of the forms, directions and sizes of stimulation of the birth rate in them.

The main provisions for defense:

    Satisfaction of the needs of the subjects of social action occurs in the form of the family fulfilling its functions, and their socially effective fulfillment is family well-being. The elements of the social structure of society, theoretically and empirically defined in their relations, connections and patterns, act as such subjects: they include social communities, social institutions, social groups, individuals in the process of social behavior.

    The proposed definition of family well-being made it possible to understand the essence and content, to define and introduce into scientific circulation the concepts of “prosperous family”, “family well-being” and “well-being in the family”. An analysis of the functions of the family based on the above approach made it possible to speak about family well-being, both for individual subjects of social action and for society as a whole. Thus, a “prosperous family” is defined as such when it performs functions that satisfy the needs of some social institution; it is a "positive" idea of ​​the family of an institutionally limited subject, an institutionally defined phenomenon of family well-being. This means that this concept has different content for different institutions.

20 "Well-being of the family" is the satisfaction of the needs of the family

subjects (through subjects) of social action and represents

is a concept that characterizes the effectiveness of the execution of these

subjects of their functions in relation to the family. Accordingly, with

positions of different families, this concept also has a different content.

The concept of "well-being in the family" is a characteristic of the individual's satisfaction with his family life, an individually defined phenomenon of family well-being, satisfaction of the needs of the individual by the family (in the family). From the standpoint of different individuals, this concept also has a different content.

3. The main reason for the difficulties of theoretical interpretation
the above complex of concepts in the sphere of family well-being and their
absence in the scientific literature is a wide range of real
contradictions between the subjects of social action about
satisfaction of their needs by the family (in the family). Since these
needs are often multidirectional, they are included in
contradiction to each other. This inconsistency is the essence
disagreements of "crisis", "transformational" and "family-centric"
points of view on family well-being.

4. Classical examples of the application of the genetic method (K. Marx,
M. Kovalevsky) demonstrate convincing heuristic possibilities
scientific approach to the consideration of the origin of all diversity
"social facts" from historically formed initial elements
society. The "monographic" version of this method allows
to form a theoretical basis for a monistic solution to the problem
harmonization of macro and microsociological levels of knowledge in
family research. This concept is based on the concept of family
unique social community, the only one of the subjects of the social
action that satisfies the fundamental need of society for its
reproduction, that is, ensuring its "social existence".

5. Theoretical analysis of the family as a unique social

generality in terms of the ratio of the signs of its “well-being-bad luck” made it possible to single out the “real” family (Hegel) in its content as an unambiguously defined initial element of society. This is a family that simultaneously provides satisfaction: an individual family member with his family life (“well-being in the family”, good relations between family members); families as a social group (“well-being of the family”, the presence of both spouses and children in it); society in the form of a positive assessment by public opinion (“a prosperous family”, which is socially approved signs of family life). The final result is the satisfaction of the basic needs of society in its reproduction ("family well-being" of society, the optimal level of fertility and socialization). Such a (“real”) family is an elementary social community, a social phenomenon, the further decomposition of which into its components is the cessation of the existence of the very quality of the social.

6. Development of the concept of "socially prosperous family", in which
family well-being is practically realized in all its components,
allowed to make a logical deployment of the categorical sphere
family well-being-troubles through the definition and formation
its clearly labeled structures and levels. This area is
is some four-level structure, consisting of
eight types of families. On the opposite side of the socially prosperous
family "pole" (the lowest level) is the "crisis" family,
which does not have well-being either in public, or in family, or in
individual. This means that it simultaneously: a) does not provide
socially necessary level of population reproduction
(birth rate); b) the completeness of the family is not ensured (only one spouse with
children or even none, and children grow up with other relatives); c) in
there is no “cord” in the family (relations between family members are predominantly

22 conflict). The other six categories of families make up two

intermediate levels: "problematic", in which two parameters

"unfavorable" and one "prosperous"; and "transitional"

characterized by "well-being" in two dimensions and

"bad luck" one by one.

An empirical study revealed the share of socially well-off families 10.7 percent of the sample (N=6553) of the survey conducted in the early years of market reforms (1993-96), and 6.9 percent of. sample population (N=6229) of a survey conducted one year after the 1998 crisis; that is, this crisis reduced the level of family well-being by 1.5 times, while the standard of living fell (according to various sources) by more than three times.

7. The results obtained made it possible to conclude that it is expedient to define the concept of family policy as a coordinated activity of the family, government institutions and society to increase the level of family well-being. A special object of such a policy is a socially prosperous ("real") family, and the subject and main content is the comprehensive (material, social, ideological) stimulation of increasing the proportion of such families in society.

Theoretical and practical significance of the work consists in posing and solving the problem of family well-being, which is important for social science and practice. In the course of a theoretical study, a new approach to the analysis of family functioning processes was formulated, which is a monistic understanding of the basis of these processes, which makes it possible to represent the family in the unity of macro and micro sociological knowledge. In the course of applied research, the phenomenon of a multilevel structure of family well-being-disadvantage was discovered and characterized in terms of the main social parameters, the conditions and factors for the growth of family well-being in society and their hierarchy were determined. This made it possible to outline promising theoretical and

23 methodological areas of research in the sociology of the family and

offer a rationale for the principal measures for practical

implementation of programs to improve family well-being.

The practical significance of the work lies also in the fact that the developed methodology allows obtaining innovative sociological information about the processes of family well-being-troubles in society and changes in its levels in the course of appropriate monitoring studies.

The results of the study are used in the subprogram "Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency for 2003-2006" of the project "Social work with minors from single-parent families" within the framework of the federal target program "Children of Russia".

In the program of training specialists in the specialty "Social
work” at the Department of Sociology of ChelGU a special course “Family
well-being as a social problem”; by specialty

"State and municipal management" at the department of municipal economics ChelGU reads a special course "Social technologies in the municipality."

The results obtained in the study can also be used:

Regional and municipal services for the implementation
family policy to develop and adjust appropriate

Charitable organizations and foundations to stimulate
birth rate in prosperous families;

When conducting sociological studies of the standard of living and
social well-being of the population;

24 - when reading training courses and special courses "Sociology of the family",

"Social technologies", "Family science", "Social indicators",

"Methods of sociological analysis".

Approbation of the research results. The results of the study are quite fully reflected in the author's publications, including five monographs (three in co-authorship), textbooks, more than 30 articles (five of them in peer-reviewed journals) and abstracts with a total volume of more than 47 p.p.

The main provisions and results of the study were reported and published in the proceedings of international conferences: "Family Policy: Demographic Crisis and Public Security" (Magnitogorsk, 2004); "Management of social, economic and political processes in the Russian regions" (Yekaterinburg, 2004); A also all-Russian scientific-practical conferences: "Russia on the way of reforms: mechanisms of integration of modern society" (Chelyabinsk, 1999); "The demographic crisis in Russia as a complex problem: Causes and solutions" (Magnitogorsk, 2003); "Management of social processes in the regions" (Yekaterinburg, 2002; 2003); "Actual Problems of the Family in Modern Russia" (Penza, 2002); "Sociology in the Russian provinces: trends, development prospects" (Yekaterinburg, 2002); "The spiritual world of modern man: contradictions, problems, searches and solutions" (Chelyabinsk, 2004); “Regional statistics. Experience, problems and development prospects” (Chelyabinsk, 2003).

Dissertation structure. The dissertation is presented on 302 pages; consists of introduction, 3 chapters (12 paragraphs, 18 tables), conclusion, glossary of basic terms, bibliography of 403 titles, appendices.

Theoretical foundations for setting and solving the problem of family well-being

In the course of research into the problems of the modern family and discussions about finding the most effective ways to overcome family distress and its negative social consequences, the theoretical positions of scientists have quite definitely taken shape in three directions: "crisis" (or "sociocentric"), "progressive" (or "transformational" ) and “family-centric” (or “subject-family”).

The basis of the crisis paradigm is the undeniable reduction in the performance of the family's institutional functions. The prerequisites for a crisis vision of the prospects for family relations were already laid in the views of F. Le Play, who was one of the first (if not the first) to see in the development of bourgeois forms of management a threat to the economic basis of family solidarity, which he saw as a single, indivisible, inherited and family property multiplied by the joint work of family members. Capitalism first of all undermines the economic function of the family, as a result of which, after the disintegration of family property, there is a weakening of the functions of social control, the basis of which is the economic power of the head of the family as the owner of this property [cit. according to: 181, p. 60].

In theoretical terms, F. Le Play opposed the use of the historical method in the study of the family in favor of the monographic one. According to the sociologist, the historical approach carries the ideas of change, suggesting the inevitable crisis of the family as the basis of society when its historical forms change, while the monographic method works to strengthen family well-being through the study and improvement of its components: primary social relations, family property, family budget .

G. Spencer in the second half of the 19th century also spoke with great concern about the clearly emerging trends in the disintegration of the family, which had gone "already too far." True, he believed that on the basis of the development of equality and voluntariness of relations between the sexes, one can now “expect movement in the opposite direction” towards the restoration and even strengthening of the integration of parents and children, but, apparently, his expectations were not justified.

Based on the observations and statistics of the contemporary era of rapid development of industrial production, M. Rubinshtein and P. Sorokin in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century formulated a full-scale picture of a deep family crisis, from which a steady decline in the family well-being of all subjects of social action occurs. M. Rubinshtein notes that "now no one can deny that we are going through a difficult period in the development of the family, which has brought us closer to the danger of its almost complete destruction." According to P. Sorokin, “in the modern family, indeed, there is some kind of turning point that threatens to sweep away its main features”; the totality of "mute" figures "indicates that the modern family is going through a deep crisis"; the family "loses one by one of its functions and turns from a solid ingot into an increasingly thinner, smaller and falling apart family temple" .

The main characteristic of this crisis is the disintegration of the family as a stable foundation of society and the state, the loss of the function of the “primary social relationship” by the family due to the crisis state of the “union of husband and wife, parents and children” [ibid., p. 67]. Evidence of the collapse of this union is the following conclusions of P. Sorokin from contemporary statistics: “1) an ever faster growing percentage of divorces ..., 2) a decrease in the number of marriages ..., 3) an increase in extramarital unions ..., 4 ) the growth of prostitution..., 5) the fall in the birth rate” [ibid.].

One of the striking characteristics of family trouble is the developing contradiction between the institutions of the family and the state. P. Sorokin notes that “if earlier the family was the only or main educator, school and guardian, now this role of the family should disappear .... the state is gradually taking away its educational, teaching and guardian functions from the family and taking them into its own. hands. ... And this means ... nothing more than a further disintegration of the family as a union of parents and children and depriving it of the functions that it has until now performed.

The authors fix inter-institutional contradictions arising from the different needs of different institutions that require the family to meet their own needs. M. Rubinshtein states: “We have to reckon with anti-family propaganda as an important factor. ... The school blames the family, the family discredits the school and teachers by all means available to it, public opinion condemns both of them together and is itself condemned by them.

The main reason for the ongoing negative changes, researchers call the process of formation of an industrial society, in which "the family breaks up as a master's whole." . Capitalist industrial development has brought into the sphere of family life perhaps the most terrifying devastation and destruction, destroying "one important family pillar after another", eliminating "almost any opportunity to help this disaster under the given conditions." The development of production and the growth in the diversity of the mass of commodities, with the simultaneous increase in the population's ability to consume it, "increased the need for enjoyment." The atmosphere of personal success, "the need to feel intensely oneself ... drives the individual onto the path of selfishness and extreme individualism." The feminist movement spawned by these changes advocates the slogan "children without a husband", which is an extreme expression of the crisis that the family is going through.

The growth of social differentiation and the establishment of the morality of the “golden calf” lead to the fact that “the naked struggle for existence is the first and ... most formidable destroyer of family contentment and happiness, and most importantly, harmony between spouses. All this places an indescribable negative burden on the shoulders of children. Avoidance of children “is a common phenomenon both at the bottom and at the top of the people: at the bottom they are afraid of ruin and poverty, at the top they fear that concern for children will swallow up personal life: Both here and there, the desire either not to have children at all, or limit their number. “Living in difficult material conditions, people are often forced to look at emerging children as "extra mouths"; competition is already beginning to break into the interior of the family and violate its integrity and unity” [ibid.].

The destruction of the family as a labor productive organization leads to the fact that “in such a family, the functions of labor and education and training no longer coincide, and perhaps even do not touch” [ibid., p. 58, 60], which means the destruction of the process of family socialization.

At the same time, scientists are well aware that the crisis is of an objective nature, and is not an accidental consequence of the ill-considered actions of society or a particular government. P. Sorokin notes that "not this or that agitation, but the whole way of modern life leads to the disintegration of the family, and stopping the latter ... is an obviously impossible task." Moreover, the already replacing the capitalist socialist culture with its universal altruistic component in “the beginning of the single combat of the family and society, the interests of the first and second” leads to the fact that “the organization of the modern family will be broken: public interests on the one hand, and the interests of the individual - on the other hand, they will win ... ". Socialist altruism requires more "space than the narrow boundaries of familial altruism."

P. Sorokin's forecasts were also confirmed by the social transformations of the Soviet era, which further exacerbated the crisis in the Russian family. E. Chokic, describing this period, notes that “during the two post-revolutionary decades, the transformation of society led to an aggravation of the processes of destabilization of the institutions of marriage and the family. ... Tendencies towards an increase in divorces and short-term cohabitations, a reduction in the size and number of children in a family have intensified. “Prolonged and large-scale military operations”, repressions, undernourishment, deterioration in health could not but cause corresponding negative consequences that gave rise to “increased state political intervention in all areas of family life”. Family policy was clearly repressive, “not based on the interests of the family

"-. inclusive of the obligation to fulfill it clearly

certain social functions”: the obligations enshrined in the law to educate and take care of children.

Such a policy also did not bring the desired results: the family, as best it could, resisted the attitudes imposed on it, despite the massive ideological and psychological influence in all directions. In the authoritative collective work of Soviet social scientists, devoted to questions of relations between the family and society, it is noted that “it is difficult to re-educate spouses with already established views. It is much easier to educate adolescents in such a way that they build their future family life in accordance with the norms of communist morality.

The current situation shows us basically the same general crisis tendencies in the family. The rise in divorce rates with the increase in the proportion of single citizens, the decline in the birth rate and the discussion of the possibilities and problems of human cloning are well known and generally recognized, and most of all among wealthy groups of the population. Family well-being seems to be more and more problematic, and the socially negative consequences of the processes of weakening the institution of the family are growing. Depopulation, alcoholism, abandoned children, social orphanhood, vagrancy, rupture of family ties, loss of moral values, pragmatism and philistinism, lack of spirituality with the cult of sex, violence in the family and outside it, social pessimism, child and teenage crime and drug addiction are already quite typical facts. our reality.

Social Performance Research: History and Theory

Building a system of indicators and indicators of the development and functioning of the social sphere (or social indicators), “which will allow us to judge with scientific validity about the real nature and content of its changes and develop practical recommendations for adjusting its development in accordance with the main tasks and goals of society” 237, with . 436] is noted as one of the main tasks of sociological science. The urgency of this problem! The “State Research Institute for Family and Education” is also approved in the research subprogram “Family: Prospects for Development” developed by this institute.

Social indicators of the state of the family and the level of family relations were formed as the results of research were accumulated and the research area and characteristics of various aspects of family functioning were expanded. I. Bestuzhev-Lada noted that in the course of theoretical developments a certain certainty was achieved in understanding the nature and structure of such a complex idealized object as a social indicator. In particular, it was found that such indicators are concepts (categories) that reflect the dimensions and quantitative ratios of well-defined social phenomena and processes.

The literature distinguishes between volumetric (VSP) and qualitative (QSP) indicators. NSP characterize the size of the phenomenon in the form of the number of units of the studied populations or the total values ​​of varying characteristics (for example, the total number of married men, or minor children living without one of the parents, etc.). KSP characterize the levels and quantitative ratios of phenomena and processes in the form of the total value of the attribute per one or more units of the population (for example, the ratio of income per family member to average per capita income, etc.).

The indicator serves as a special tool for measuring social phenomena and processes. It consists of two parts: indicatum (denoted) and indicator (denoting). . “An indicator is characterized as an observable variable that is needed to evaluate some other (usually not observable) variable ... A social indicator is, of course, an indicator related to a certain sociological context.” The main advantage of the indicator lies in the direct perception by the operator of complex information without intermediate transformations.

A variable is defined as some value that can change, taking on different values ​​in the process of this change. S. Popov, who was among the first Soviet researchers who analyzed this issue, noted that the social indicator, according to the majority of Western researchers, is a set of statistical data selected and organized in such a way as to describe social conditions and trends.

Indices in the literature are defined as “relative values ​​that quantitatively characterize the summary dynamics of a heterogeneous population ... The population is heterogeneous to a given attribute if the final value of this attribute in the entire population cannot be calculated by direct, direct summation of its values ​​for individual units ... Four elements of any index are: a) an indexed value (indices of chains, natural volume of production); b) type (form) of the index (aggregate or average); c) index weights (simple or weighted); d) terms of calculation (basic indices - with a constant base that does not change over time, and chain indices - with a base that changes over time) ”1/14, v. K), p. 541].

In sociology, the active introduction of social indication and indexation developed in the course of developing the problems of indicators of the standard of living and quality of life. It is generally accepted that the standard of living reflects the degree of development and satisfaction of personal needs of people. The first expression - the degree of development - testifies to group or individual ambitions (claims). The second expression - the degree of their satisfaction - speaks of the efforts that the social subject (society, group or individual) makes in order to satisfy their ambitions.

It is often noted that some of the indicators rather play the role of the root cause, while others are content with the function of the effect. For example, the size of income determines the structure of consumption. By not only consumption, but also the quality of housing. It is known that the rich around the world live in more prestigious (and quality) areas and houses than the poor.

There is also the concept of a "decent standard of living" - an analogue of the subsistence minimum, adopted as a boundary separating the relatively poor from other categories of the population. This level is established both in a directive way, as a standard, and sociologically, by asking people's opinion about this level. For example, London Television conducts polls to find out what social benefits the British consider important for themselves and what they are deprived of. What people cannot do without in a civilized society is the level of a decent life. The phrase “what you can’t do without” describes the basic needs of a person.

With the growing role of environmental and humanistic values ​​in the world, the standard of living has increasingly come to be regarded as a component of a more comprehensive indicator called the quality of life, which is “a concept that singles out and characterizes, by comparing with the level, or standard, of life, the qualitative side of satisfying material and cultural the needs of the people. In modern sociology, it is customary to designate with its help those aspects of social and individual life that are not amenable to purely quantitative characteristics and measurements. The most important indicators that form the quality of life index are determined by “standard of living, family life, friends, work, housing, neighborhood, health, education” .

Since the beginning of the 70s of the XX century, in Western sociology, and since the beginning of the 90s in Russia, empirical studies have been carried out, in which the measurement of the quality of life is based on the opinions of respondents about their satisfaction with their lives. Satisfaction with such areas of life as marriage, family life, health, neighbors, friends, work, housing conditions, level of education, savings, etc. is assessed. Most often this is done on a scale with five to seven divisions, ranging from “completely dissatisfied” to “ absolutely satisfied."

G. Batygin and A. Shchelkin were among the first in Soviet social science who began to analyze the problem of social indicators. In their well-known article, they described the reasons for the intensive development of this particular direction in Western sociology: 1) the inability of traditional statistics to provide adequate information for management decisions in an increasingly complex and accelerating reality; 2) the need to mitigate some internal contradictions in society; 3) the need to humanize social life and 4) the need to remove the negative consequences of technical and economic progress. One of the main ideas put forward here was the idea of ​​"perceived quality of life" on the basis of "subjective measurements".

On the other hand, the researchers noted

1) the dissatisfaction of Western society with the fact that “excessive” negative information about him has gone,

2) that too much social information bothers society and

3) that the means of detecting and measuring social problems can easily turn into mechanisms of apologetics and manipulation of the consciousness of the masses.

The first attempts of Soviet sociology to apply the results of public opinion polls and analysis of public opinion to the calculation of social indicators were not accepted by the then existing official ideological doctrine. Criticizing these attempts, M. Rutkevich noted: “Kelle and Kovalzop introduce ... the moment “people's public opinion as a source of their individual development”. However, this proposal is in conflict with the most important position of historical materialism that the correlation between the objective and the subjective passes through the historical process as a whole, including the development of the individual. The authors ... Contradict themselves, considering ... activity ... not from society to the individual, but from the individual to society.

As an alternative to the Western approach and based on the real need for practice in Soviet social science, the development of the concept of "way of life" began. It was noted that the way of life has two components: quantitative and qualitative, while the quantitative one is of the same order with the concept of "standard of living" - but not through the level of consumption, as in the West, but through "the formation and satisfaction of the reasonable needs of the Soviet person", and the qualitative one is of the same order with "quality of life" - but not through a set of Western freedoms, but through the development of communist values. “We are talking about identifying types of lifestyle in terms of the measure (degree) of compliance of the method, forms and types of activity with the norms, principles and values ​​... of society. This approach allows us to consider within the framework of a lifestyle ... its various types. ... We are talking about identifying the place that is really occupied in the life of a person (group) by work, social activities, family and domestic relations, the use of free time ...”, notes G. Zborovsky. . The first attempts of domestic sociologists to model a way of life date back to 1972-1974. They ended with the construction of systems, including 200-300 indicators. Then their number was brought up to 700-900 - but all the same, more and more new needs in the social dimension were opened up. Sociologists in Czechoslovakia have created a system of 2,500 indicators.

Index of family well-being in society (society)

Analysis of the social parameters of family well-being-disadvantage in the literature rightly begins with indicators of the standard of living. As already shown in 2.2 of this work, at this period of our reality, the standard of living is a very significant element of family well-being, but some factors of social family well-being, on the contrary, reduce the standard of living. For example, the index of family harmony (SL) at some interval increases with the growth of per capita income: one percent of the increase in SL "costs" in the Chelyabinsk region an average of 47 rubles for husbands and 78 rubles for wives according to September 1999 data. Similarly, a family with three or more children has a per capita income of 372 rubles, which is less than in a family with two children by (530-372=) 158 rubles; and than in a family with one child - by (645-372 =) 273 rubles. She also has 8.2 m/sq. m of living space per family member, which is less than in a family with two children, by (9.8-8.2 =) 1.6 m/sq. and than in a family with one child - by (10.4-8.2 =) 2.2 m / sq.

In our case, the ideal state of the object of study is social family well-being, therefore, indexes of indicators reflecting the characteristics of a socially prosperous family (SBS) will be taken as "1.0". Accordingly, the indexes of indicators of the family of the general sample and different types of families in terms of their well-being-disadvantage will be compared with them.

The difference in these values ​​of the SBS indices and other types of families, which was called the “Influence Index” in the study, shows the degree and direction (positive “IGS-I-” or negative “IOV-”) of the influence of one or another, expressed in the indicator, of social attitudes on family well-being, for which the scale of the corresponding indicator has a dimension from "+1" to "-1". The higher the value of the indicator (index) of the SBS in comparison with the corresponding index, for example, the "average" family, the higher the degree of positive impact of the indicator on family well-being. The “influence index” with a sign (-) (“minus”) will indicate the degree of negative impact of this factor on family well-being: the closer the negative value of the index is to “minus 1” (i.e., the smaller the SBS parameters in comparison with similar parameters of the "average" family), the greater the degree of negative influence of this attitude, which worsens family well-being. The influence index is calculated as follows. For example, the budget quality index (QI) on average for the sample was 0.095, for the SBS sample - 0.121. At the first stage, an intermediate index is calculated: the CB value for the total sample is divided by the same one for the SBS sample. The value of the intermediate index "0.785" is a share of the SBS index taken as "1.0".

The second stage calculates the “influence index” itself (IPI+ or IOV-), which is the difference (difference) between the intermediate SBS indices and the total sample.

1,0-0,785 = +0,215

The resulting positive value of +0.215 of the influence index indicates that this level of the state of the family budget is a factor that positively (IPV+) affects the growth of family well-being. A negative value of this index (IOV-) would mean that such a level of the state of the family budget reduces the level of family well-being

Of course, all these indicators of the standard of living (SL) are closely interconnected and tied to per capita income. And ceteris paribus, priority should be given to him. But a variety of social, economic, political and other factors always intervene in a specific historical and life situation (tax system, national characteristics, public opinion, political situation, relations at work, etc.), and the peculiarities of this very situation can adjust priorities and incentive mechanisms.

Data tab. 6 indicate that at the present stage of functioning of the average Ural family, the growth of any indicator of its standard of living contributes to the growth of family well-being, since the values ​​of the influence index (MB) for all indicators are positive (the fact that this is completely ambiguous for various indicators, various categories of the Ural family and various levels of her life, shown by us earlier)

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