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What to do to please boys. How to please a boy in adolescence (at school, in a camp, in correspondence) and what to do if he does not like you? No bad habits

Like a guy, but don't know what to do in this situation? We will tell him how to hint at his sympathy, what should be your behavior, taking into account different moments how to attract attention and not alienate a man. In addition, you will learn what to do if he does not reciprocate, is much older than you, he has a girlfriend and under other circumstances.

Men, in most cases, do not understand hints. Therefore, it is most effective to inform him of sympathy in person. You need to wait for the right moment and mood, or do it through someone. A mutual acquaintance should "accidentally" blather to him. In this case, the girl will not have to blush, and if the sympathy is not mutual, you can always refer to the fact that the friend was mistaken.

If you don’t have the courage to directly tell a guy about your sympathy, flirting will do - flirting, compliments, shooting eyes, light, unobtrusive touches. Before that, in order not to be in a bad position, you need to. We told how to do it by postures, gestures, behavior and words.

In the presence of a guy you like, it is undesirable to talk about other men. A young man (hereinafter referred to as MCH) can take all hints for friendly communication, decide that the girl has another passion and give up trying to start a relationship.

Another way is a note with a declaration of sympathy (without a signature). It should not contain any high-flown speeches about eternal love write a concise text. It will be enough to drop "I'm crazy about you" or "And you're handsome." A note can be sent by one of the mutual acquaintances.

When meeting, you need to flirt with the guy and try to let him know that the mysterious stranger is you. Then go ahead - try . In order not to make ourselves look bad, we have prepared step by step plan actions.

How to behave according to the situation

It is necessary to proceed from whether the young man is free, whether he sympathizes with you or not.

What to do if a guy has a girlfriend

If it's a guy best friend, you need to think carefully about what is more expensive for you - a long-term friendship or a hypothetical relationship that may lead to nothing. Try to figure out what it is: just an ordinary sympathy or you fell in love for real. That's what everyone is serious about.

Decided not to beat the MCH? Then it is advisable to try to see the object of adoration less, not to dwell on this sympathy and lead an active life.

Try to focus on the guy's shortcomings, imagine that you have to put up with them every day.

In the event that you do not value friendship, try to become better than this girl. Study her faults, see if you have them, and if so, try to get rid of them. Here detailed instructions, what to do if . Here we figure out whether or not it is worth taking him away, how to do it humanly, how to win a man's heart.

What to do if he doesn't like you

If a guy doesn’t like you, and he doesn’t pay attention to you, you need to find out what hobbies the MCH has, what he does, how and with whom he spends his leisure time. At the first opportunity, you can try to keep him company (play together in his favorite computer game, go to a match to cheer for your favorite team, etc.).

The winning move is to get to know his friends and try to please them. If a guy hears in his circle of friends that you are very cool, the chances of mutual sympathy rise.

Also be sure to think. Maybe they're repulsed by your behavior appearance or habits. We talked about this topic in another article on the site.

What to do if he is much older

If the guy is 10 or more years older, then before confessing your sympathy, it is advisable to make sure that you have common interests and like the rhythm of life.

A girl should be prepared for the fact that an adult man may not be as romantic as her peers, prefer other entertainment, or be aimed at family and children.

Before confessing your feelings, you should try to spend time with him (at work, school or in common company) and show that you are not a child. Be smart, talk about adult topics, talk about serious things. Left alone, you can try to communicate your sympathy. It is desirable to do this directly (than older man- the more he appreciates directness and honesty in a girl).

If the guy is married, it is advisable to immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstarting a relationship with him. Attempts to destroy someone else's family are fraught with backfire. Lots of free around interesting men relationships with which will be filled with pleasant emotions.

If you still can't wait to let me know family guy about your sympathy, say it directly and look at the reaction. normal man will make it clear that he has a beloved woman. If the MCH reciprocates, it is worth seriously considering whether such a windy and unreliable copy is needed.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

How to attract attention and not alienate a man

When communicating with a guy you like, you need to:

  • make eye contact;
  • lightly play a joke (carefully so as not to offend);
  • listen carefully when he talks about himself;
  • unobtrusively touch it (shake off a speck of dust, straighten a tie, etc.);
  • laugh at his jokes;
  • smile;
  • compliment, praise.

During communication, avoid:

  • talking about ex-boyfriends;
  • dirty jokes;
  • indecent hints and suggestions;
  • caustic remarks;
  • bored, detached look;
  • complaints about life or gossip.

It is necessary to strive to ensure that communication is easy, pleasant and natural. Don't try to pretend to be someone else.

Girls, if you want to interest a guy, never see yourself as shown in this video. Don't be afraid, act and be real.

If you have something to tell, please share your experience in the comments, maybe it will help other girls.

How to please a boy at school who doesn’t like you in 1 day, I’ll consider it especially for readers of “Popular about Health”. One of the most interesting periods in the life of the guys are school years. This time will always be remembered with joy, because it is a period of carelessness.

For a girl, this is not only education, but also an opportunity to find friends, meet the first sympathy, and maybe even love for the rest of her life. There are situations when the first school love subsequently develops into family life. And the guy and the girl from the school bench begin to spend their lives together.

As you know, falling in love comes unexpectedly, without asking age, it can be at 11 or 12 years old, maybe even earlier or, conversely, later. Every girl wants to please a boy, especially the one she likes very much. They see each other daily, participate in school activities maybe go to school one way.

When else to meet, if not at school? School companies are the most cheerful and strong, you can have a good time together. First love is often experienced within the walls of the school, when young people first feel a sense of sympathy.

How to please a boy at school?

To please a guy at school, in the first place, of course, will be the appearance of the girl, it is she who is the main weapon of a woman, thanks to which he will pay attention to her. Many boys do not like defiant appearance, they like natural beauty, that is, it is worth applying a minimum of makeup.

In addition, the young man will pay attention to clothes, he likes dresses and skirts, but you need to make sure that they are not too short, because you need to please the boy, and not look defiant. You should communicate with him quite simply, without arrogance, remember that simplicity is power!

Communication should be natural, smile more often, be friendly and easy, stay in good mood, remember, that cheerful girl causes more sympathy than a frown. With a sociable girl I want to contact. A sincere smile will definitely make a guy pay attention to a pretty girl again.

You should not be intrusive and constantly get the boy your attention, you need a golden mean. Do not try to pursue him, as such behavior will definitely push him away from subsequent communication with you. If you study in parallel classes, then try to overlap more often, but do not overdo it.

Try to surprise him and always be different. For example, one day be dreamy, then thoughtful, then mischievous and fun. Do not think that if a girl is not the first beauty, then it is impossible for her to attract attention. young man. Often very beautiful girls high opinion about themselves and behave arrogantly, so that the guy does not even know how to approach them.

Remember that love is not for beauty, but for good character, this is truly the dignity of a girl. Do not ignore self-development. You must be interesting companion have charisma. Try to develop the intellect, always improve the personality. Working on yourself will definitely help to interest a guy. It is worth finding out what his favorite films are, what games, and so on, in order to be in the know and be able to keep the conversation going.

Enough strong energy is the color. Previously, lovers gave each other clothes of the same color, for example, scarves, shawls and even outerwear. You can also follow this example and give the boy you like some thing that you will also have. Try to build your communication in a competent way. If you have already begun to communicate, always praise the boy, show him that you admire him. But try to do it unobtrusively.

Patience is very important, and if you have not started talking yet, then be able to wait a bit, it takes some time for the guy to show interest in the girl. Be sure to believe in yourself, do not dwell on shortcomings. Always focus on your strengths. Many guys like confident girls.

Sometimes you have to take the initiative first if the girl is not shy, but it happens that the girl is not able to come up and talk to the guy first, she just has a fear of this action. In such a situation, you will have to wait for the first steps from the boy, but it is worth remembering that not every young man will also take the first steps, perhaps he will also be shy.

If you feel that you yourself cannot be the first to approach, and also that the boy does not dare to be the first to make contact, then you can find mutual friends and try to start communication through them. Perhaps they will invite you to a general meeting, where there will be a relaxed atmosphere and you will finally begin to communicate.

Often imagine how the guy you like invites you on a first date. Such dreams can become quite a reality, while it is worth making some efforts on your part, as well as being patient and waiting a bit. Imagine your first conversation often, literally, rehearse what you will talk about on a first date.

You can consult with older friends who have already experienced a similar experience. Surely they will help the young girl with their wise advice how to behave so that the boy pays attention.


Video "How to please a high school student at school?"

Very often, girls ask themselves the question: I like a guy, what should I do. Should he tell him or not? Each situation is different, but still, there are some general tips. Firstly, you don’t need to throw yourself on this guy’s neck, throw love letters and track down every step of your chosen one. Do not bombard your girlfriends with questions: “I like a boy, what should I do in this situation?” Otherwise, you can simply ruin everything. Girlfriends can just let it slip, and this will not play in your favor. You must act smarter.

So you like a guy what to do:

You can ask this guy for help. It doesn't matter if you really need it or not, the main thing is to make him feel useful and smart. Of course, the question should not be a trifle, since the guy will then simply ignore your request. For example, if he understands computers, ask for help installing some program. Maybe ask a guy physical help. In general, here you simply need to turn on your imagination. But remember, when you turn to the chosen one for help, behave confidently, without knees. This can only make the guy laugh.

Alternatively, you can make friends with this guy. You can learn something new about him, visit with him in a common company. If his friends like you, he will definitely be interested in you. After all, if fans curl around you, he will think that there is clearly something in you.

If you like a guy, what do you do to get him interested? To do this, you should learn about his hobbies. You can ask his friends about it, or you can ask about his interests yourself. The main thing is to do it carefully and unobtrusively. For example, ask what kind of music he listens to. Perhaps your tastes will converge. If you have never listened to it before, then correct this mistake.

Ask yourself less: “I like him, what should I do?”, otherwise you will simply start to get more nervous, and as a result your behavior will become unnatural. Remember that this can turn the guy away.

You should smile more, always return his smiles. Then you will seem like a sweet, charming and cheerful girl, and it is precisely such girls that attract guys. Even if you are not in the mood, you should not show it to anyone.

Remember that the more you versatile personality the more likely you are to like a guy. If you play sports, cook delicious food, understand car brands, then your chances will double.

Do not forget that guys pay attention, first of all, to the appearance of the girl. Therefore, you should always take care of yourself. In any situation, you must look great. But don't do too much and put on provocative clothes, otherwise the young man may decide that you are an easily accessible girl. Then the attitude towards you will not be what you desired. You should dress in a way that emphasizes your figure. If you frankly demonstrate your body, then most likely interest in your person will disappear. Also remember that guys don't look at your chest or legs in the first place, but at the curve of your lower back. Develop a walking style inverted abdomen and straight back. You can accessorize your look.

Most importantly, remember that the more you love yourself and like yourself, the more the guy will be interested in you. If you think that you are an uninteresting person, then to the question “I like a guy, what should I do?” There is only one answer - love yourself! Communicate with purposeful people, have different hobbies, learn everything new. When you love yourself, then others will love you, and it will not be a problem for you to please any guy.

Part 1

let him notice you
  1. Surprise him. If you want a special guy to notice you, you have to do something out of the ordinary. It's not easy, but it's worth it. You need to work on your appearance, work on a smile, be friendly and always be yourself - it won't be long before he wants to get to know you.

    • Surprise him with your outfits. If you are a girl, put on Nice dress flowery when it's hot outside, or that cute black sweater when it's cold. Wear clothes that bring out your best features. Ask your girlfriends for advice on what suits you, or ask your mom. Your goal is to get him to notice how well you dress every time he sees you. Don't wear uncomfortable clothes. You must look cute. However, please note that in many schools there are requirements for the uniform - it must be secular in nature and comply with generally accepted norms business style.
    • Be neat and keep hygiene. Take a shower at least once a day. If you, for example, train with a school team or work out after school, take a shower whenever possible. Wash your face morning and evening; you don't want pimples to cover your beautiful face. Also, don't forget to brush your teeth! Bad breath can actually put off not only him, but your high school friends as well.
    • Smile. Smile when you talk to him or when he is around. So he will understand what makes you happy. Take a look at him during the lesson; if he looks at you, smile and hold your gaze for as long as possible without blinking. Show him what you think of him, and then look away as if nothing happened. Remember the measure - it's worth doing this only a couple of times a day, no more.
  2. Know the measure in makeup. Makeup is not necessary, besides, most guys prefer natural beauty. When nevertheless there is a need to make up, remember the measure, otherwise he will not like it.

    • Use minimal amount cosmetics. Makeup should highlight the best features, not hide them. Learn how to do natural makeup. He's more likely to play a prank on you than flirt if you overdo it with makeup! If there's an event coming up at school, all you need is some lip balm, Foundation and ink.
    • Experiment with your hair. Be yourself, do what you like, not him. Think about cutting your bangs, straightening or curling your hair, in a word, choose a hairstyle that suits you. Alternatively, from time to time just do new hairstyle or makeup.
  3. Start a conversation. Be casual, but be yourself. If you can't, imagine that someone else is in his place - someone you are NOT crazy about. This will release the pressure that makes the conversation awkward.

    • Talk about friends in your class, something unusual that happened to you, or an activity you both are going to attend. If you find it difficult to carry on a conversation, ask as many questions as you can.
    • Make eye contact with him. The eyes are the mirror of your soul and certainly one of the most attractive parts of your body. Make sure he sees them! If you fix your eyes on him, he will think he has your full attention. Do not stare at him all the time, otherwise he will decide that something is wrong with you. Look into his eyes when you talk to him; no need to look at his legs - that's what insecure people do.
    • Laugh at his jokes. This applies even to unfunny jokes. This will make him feel appreciated. I must say that you should not force yourself to laugh - it will sound fake. If the joke concerns you, come up with a funny response. This is a kind of flirting.
  4. Tease him. Don't make fun of him, but joke. Have fun, and if you want to flirt a little, offer him a hand wrestling match. So you can hold his hand.

    Get close to him

    Do your "homework"

    1. Find out as much as you can about him. Talk to him about his interests, his family, musical tastes, and so on. Find out if your interests match.

      • Don't forget to listen! Remember the detail he mentioned in the conversation to prove that you are a good listener. (Don't overdo it or he'll think you're after him.)
      • Try to find out what you have in common. Do you play guitar or do you like the same bands? Offer to play together! Are you both into sports? Play a friendly match.
    2. Support him. This may take a little practice. Find out what he likes to do and support him in it.

      • Does he play sports? Attend competitions in which he takes part and cheer for him. Ask him when the next match is and wish him luck if you can't make it. See if he's trying to find you in the stands.
      • Inspire him when he is sad. Everyone has bad moments in life, so cheer him up. Surround him with your care, and he will answer you the same.
      • Do not discuss the attractiveness of other guys with him. Otherwise, he will decide that you like the other guy, not him. If you like several boys at the same time, decide for yourself which one you want to continue the relationship with and date only him. If your chosen one finds out that you like two guys, he will not feel special.
    3. Get busy together. If there is a subject for which you excellent grades, and it is given to him with difficulty, offer him help. If it's the other way around, ask him for help. So you can spend more time alone and improve your relationship.

      • You probably know this, but still you should not count on productive work during such classes. Your attention will be directed to something else, and that's okay! Just prepare for the test in a day or two. Some work still needs to be done. If you invite a guy to work out together, but at the same time only do what to chat, it will look strange.

    Feel the ground

    1. Check it out. There are several different ways find out if a guy likes you. Here are some tricks to find out without impersonating or asking him.

      • Ask him to carry your backpack. Tell him: “Sasha, I have such a heavy backpack. You are so strong, can you help carry it? If he says yes, he most likely likes you, and he likes that you consider him strong.
      • If you want to say something to one of your friends while he's here, tell him to close his ears or step back a bit. This way, he will want to hear your conversation even more, and you will understand that he cares.
    2. Make sure the horizon is clear. Make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend. Find out if any of your friends don't like him. After all, you don’t want to quarrel with your girlfriends, otherwise you can scare off your girlfriends and miss the guy.

      • If one of your girlfriends likes him, you should discuss who "gets" him. If you don't come to a fair decision (like who liked him first, who he chooses himself, and so on), you have to move on.
      • If you decide to give in to his girlfriend, and everything works out for them, do not hold a grudge against her. Keep making friends. Be happy for them and understand that in the future you will have many more guys.
    3. Do not give up. If you can't build a relationship with this guy, don't be discouraged. Keep your confidence and love yourself.

      • Often, once a guy finds out that a girl likes him, he begins to look at her differently. Even if he doesn't reciprocate, he may start subconsciously thinking about the things he likes about you and why you can be a great girl.
      • Shy boys don't always dare to tell other people about their feelings or don't know how to do it. If you like a shy boy and he doesn't seem interested, he may just be nervous and don't know what to do. If he is shy, try to make him feel comfortable around you. Spend time in places where he is most comfortable.

    Summing up

    1. Find balance in your life. Difficult to study in high school but you are starting to learn how to balance all the work and emotions in your life. Do not take on too much, otherwise you will not have free time for him.

      • If he feels that he is not keeping up with you, he will become nervous and may decide that you are not his berry. If you are socially active, invite him to walk with you and your friends. This will give him a chance to be with you outside of school and in your natural environment. He must not think that you can never be found. If you bring him to your company, make sure he feels comfortable.
      • Do not forget about your obligations, otherwise you may seem like a loser to him. Surround yourself interesting activities and friends, whether he likes you or not. If he likes you, your life will only get better. If he doesn't like you, there's enough worries and fun in your life without him!
    2. Be yourself. It means to feel comfortable in your own body, do what you want, and say what you see fit. People who don't love and respect you for who you are are not worth your effort.

      • Don't try to be someone else. He will like you just the way you are. Surely you have something in common. And if not, it's not worth your attention - move on.
    3. Show interest. If you think he likes you, try to be a little more open with him. Let him know that you are interested in him, but don't act desperate. If you are not sure how he feels, be careful - things may not turn out the way you wanted!

      • Ask him: “Would you like to go out with me sometimes?” If he answers yes, you have done your job. Smile and tell him you have to go. Then leave without looking back. Now everything is in his hands.
      • Suggest going to the movies or school game together. A movie invitation will look a bit like a date, but you can ask your friends over. An invitation to a school game doesn't have to be a "date." You can just spend time together.
    4. Adviсe
      • Give him compliments. Be nice to him so you can win his trust. Perhaps he will trust you enough to tell you his secret.
      • While talking to him, don't praise yourself too much, ask him what he likes and find out what you have in common.
      • Do what you think is right. If you don't like flirting, don't flirt. This will help you not to be so nervous.
      • Everything has its time. First, get to know him better, show your interest, and only then take the first step.
      • If he does or says something strange, ignore it. If you see him trying to be funny, just smile.
      • SMS messages should be light and short. When you text him, send him another SMS only after his answer. Try to be funny, don't text him every day unless he texts you first!
      • Try to fit into his life. If he signed up for a circle, sign up for it too; if he plays football, go to his game and cheer for him!
      • Don't forget to take his number and give him yours (no SMS!).
      • If you see him in the hallway, just wave and smile at him - maybe he will answer you.
      • Smile as often as possible! Boys love natural smiles. So you will always look calm and happy.
      • Don't push him away when he's sad, try to cheer him up.
      • Don't be with him every second of your time. Otherwise, it is likely that he will find you annoying. Give him some space. Not all guys like to receive messages around the clock.


      • Don't change yourself for anyone. Don't let the guy step over you. You didn't need it before - you don't need it now! If he's a bully, don't try to impress him.
      • Don't worry if he doesn't like you. To the most beautiful supermodels and the most smart girls hearts have been broken in the world more than once. He doesn't sign your warrant.
      • Don't get too attached to him and don't fixate on him alone or he'll think you're weird. Remember, there are a lot of guys around!
      • Don't ask a boy out on a date because it's "cool" or because "everyone does it"; only do this if you really like the person.
      • Do not trust youth magazines. They usually contain general tips. If you feel like something doesn't suit you, it probably is.
      • You should not pretend that you are interested in literally everything that he likes, otherwise he will push you away.
      • If you notice him with another girl, do not be jealous - it will only upset you. If you are not dating yet, you should not attach any importance to this, let alone mention it in a conversation with him.
      • It didn’t work out with him - he will come out with another. Don't let anyone decide if you are good enough.
      • Don't flirt with someone to make them jealous. He will decide that he does not like you.

Every girl wants to please a boy and make an unforgettable impression on him. Being very young and inexperienced, the girl cannot know all the intricacies of this matter. She tries her best to look good, be interesting and attractive.

If you decide to impress a boy and like him, the most important thing is to be yourself. There is no need to invent a certain image and behavior for yourself. Everything should be natural. Each person has their pros and cons, so isn't it better to demonstrate something good, but over negative qualities work?

So, a few tips on how to like a boy at school:

  • You need to take care of your appearance. Neat appearance: nice hairstyle modest, but stylish clothes. Do not wear and show off your best outfits. It is important to combine clothes correctly: remember that clothes should have a maximum of three colors. Clothing should not be too revealing, there should be a measure in everything. The main thing is neatness and a sense of taste. If your peers have already begun to make up and dress inappropriately for their age, you do not need to take an example from them. Modesty, lightness - have always been valued the most.
  • Be nice, friendly and kind. Boys don't like being rude. The girl should radiate tenderness and light. If your classmates think that the ability to swear, smoke, look sexy, make up is best method like a boy, they are wrong. A girl is a flower, so she should be treated with due respect. And respect is caused by decent, well-mannered girls.
  • Take an interest in what your chosen one likes (hobbies, hobbies), what circles he goes to, what he enjoys, what kind of music he listens to. Join his interests in order to show off your knowledge and skills, and thereby make a proper impression on him.
  • Sometimes you can turn to the boy for advice and help, but do not bother him.
  • Talk to him more, joke, be natural.
  • You don't have to show too much that you like him. At school, many envious people can throw unsuccessful, offensive jokes in your direction, so approach this skillfully.
  • Give compliments, show support, be a friend you can trust.
  • Try to be polite with others, as your behavior is watched from the outside.
  • Sometimes you can plan some situation where you can be together: sit next to you at school, go home, watch together at recess, and so on.
  • Take your time, give him time to consider you and sort out his sympathies.

How to please a boy at 12

How to please a boy if you are 12? By this age, enough tastes and interests are formed to surprise a guy. But if he does not notice you, it is better to use some new methods. Try to work on your appearance. Consult with your mother, with your friends, look interesting images in the Internet. But don't try to look older. Dress stylishly, but not vulgarly.

Try to find out what the guy you like is into. Join his interests. Remember that guys appreciate those girls who can be trusted and relied on. They love those who are not afraid of any obstacles, who love all sorts of boyish things. Try to do some kind of sport - it always arouses interest and respect.

How to please a boy if he is older

Often girls like guys who are much older than them. Girls, by nature, develop much faster than boys, so sometimes it’s not at all interesting with peers.
So how do you like a boy at school if he is older than you? The mistake many girls make is that they try to give themselves age and look older. This method does not command much respect. Try to be natural. The most important thing is to be interesting: read a lot, develop yourself, have a lot of hobbies. It should be fun to talk with you on various topics.

Use more humor in your speech, all sorts of funny words and phrases that will cheer you up and enrich the conversation. Humor, smile, lightness, sincerity - that's what he likes! Don't be smart. Boredom causes boredom and apathy, and your task is to show interest.

Theater, cinema, KVN, sports, books, games - a lot of areas for development. Be interesting and busy. Eliminate ostentatious joy, pretense, stupidity and naivety from your behavior. The most important thing is seriousness, respect and ease.

Ways to please a boy at school in 1 day

Every girl wonders how to please a boy in one day and what to do to please the boy you like? This question cannot be answered in the affirmative, it all depends on you and on the person who likes you.

Try to impress him: put on something nice, do your hair. An attractive appearance has always worked wonders. People around you are used to seeing you in one image, so try to change it, become brighter and more beautiful. This a win-win in order for a boy to like it in 1 day.

If you do not know how to please a boy at school, try to show off your abilities in sports, or at some event. You can try to hint to him about your sympathies, such determination will allow you to become closer.

How to please a boy if he doesn't like you

Often sympathy and feelings are not mutual, what to do in this case? How can a boy like you if he doesn't like you? As such, there is no way to make a guy fall in love with you. You won’t be forcibly nice, and if he doesn’t like you, you shouldn’t try hard to please a person, this only causes remoteness and irony.
The only way is to be yourself.

Try to take care of yourself, your appearance and behavior. You must have more hobbies and hobbies: sports, dancing, music (learn how to play the guitar), painting.

Girls who are full of interests and hobbies are always interesting for guys. Don't forget, hobbies like sports and music can help you grow your fan base. Usually, after such an internal and external "renewal", the guy who did not like you begins to show increased interest and bite his elbows. Therefore - act!

How to please a guy

Many girls make daily efforts to somehow interest a guy and please him. Often not all tips and methods help to do this. What to do in this case?

Try to get the guy interested. It can be an entertaining conversation, a joint walk through various fascinating places.

If the guy doesn't yet know about your feelings, try approaching the relationship from a friendly perspective. Do not rush things. He should take a closer look at you and decide on his sympathies. Your the main task- express yourself as a girl with better side. Be sincere, smiling and interesting.

Do not forget, something more can grow out of friendly sympathies. The main thing is patience and the application of maximum efforts. Always be beautiful, well-groomed, kind to others.

How to like a pen pal

Correspondence is a great opportunity to start a conversation, get to know each other, and thereby interest a guy. Your task is to make the correspondence as entertaining and interesting as possible. Look at the guy's profile: his hobbies, the music he listens to, what jokes he laughs at.

It is known that a personal page helps any person to express himself and can easily tell about what he is like. You can talk to your pen pal about his favorite music. Find common topics, but before that, be sure to study the special material so as not to look stupid, but thereby show that you understand this topic.

What to do if you are a complete girl

Many girls are terribly complex because of their appearance and believe that fullness can scare a guy away. What to do and how to please a guy if you are full? First take care of yourself, your appearance. Pick up stylish hairstyle, Do It light makeup, which can add to your appearance of attractiveness and charm. Fullness should not prevent you from looking good.

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